The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 06, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR Columbia Baseball Pilot Limbering Up His Men Columbia, 6. C.— Douglas Hnrblson, manager of ihr- Columbia baseball club, worked nut yesterday on tho now lot. lie man murlhliil ami secntniwinled by several youngster* from tho dty. The Comer pilot llrnln-rod up 11 lit11«* and thru too a trot back to town. , Manager llartilnson aabl bo ex pected several of hi* bsttniw men to IF KIDNEYS ARE WEAK FRY BUCHU Mixed With Juniper Is Old Folks' Recipe For Flushing Kidneys—Stops Backache and Uric Acid. When you w«ko up with backache rind dull mlaory In tho khlnoy region. It aonorally monn* your ktdnoy* are weak When your kidney* not slug- Irtab and glog you must relieve them, j like you relieve your bowel*, remov ing nil the body'* lirlnou* wn*te. el*e 5011 have hiteknehe, *lck headache, dizzy spells; your atomach Hour*, tongue In coated, and when the weath er 1* had you have rheumatic twin ge*, channels often get sore, water weald* and you are obliged to *eek relief two or three ttmea during the night. To relieve thl* dl*tre**lng condi tion al once get from your pharmadat a 14-o*. bottle of Htimrt's Buchu and Juniper Compound. Take n table- M|><ionful lu .a glaa* of water after Incut*. Slop eating *weet* or «ugar. In a fetv day* your kidney* will then ad fine and natural. A well known authority says thin I* the bent treat ment. Ktuart's Buchu and Juniper Com pound act* dlreqtly on the urine through the kidney*. It keep* tho Wood healthy. It atrengthen* the neck of the bladder. It regulate* tho kid ney* and doc* awu.v with baeknrbe and all disagreeable aymptoma. If dlscour aged with other medicine*, buy a 14- oz. bottle of your druggist today. 2443 That’s The Number “Fellows” when you want a Shirt, Collar, Tie, a Suit of Un derwear, or anything a man needs. Our Special Delivery Boy Will deliver them anywhere at once Just -ing 2443 If In need of an umbrella, raincoat, etc. If It's cold and you need a heavy suit of underwear Just phono 2443. Your New Spring Suit Bettor phono 2443 and have our salesman call and show you our nohhv line of Woe lens. You won't have to buy—Juat take a look. "THE LITTLE STORE AROUND THE CORNER.’* Geo. H. Baldowski, Jr. PIIONK 2443 Reduce Your Grocery Bill We will save you a little on every article in tlit' Grocery line. ( SATURDAY’S SPECIALS: Fresh Country Eggs, everyone guaranteed, per dozen .. . 25c Bull Head Catsup, per bottle 8c Bull Head Pure Apple Jelly, glass Sc' Boy Brand Pickles, sweet and sour .. ..Sr Royal Salad Dressing, per bottle Sc Durkee Sauce Wlva Syrup Sc WOVERINE TEA COMPANY H. E. Phillips, Mgr. 1288 Broad St. bream In during the dsy. Joe Holland of Kdgefleld, outfielder with tin- * 'fin to bin tilth, Is expected today. Holland, who Is * former *tar football and baseball player at Clem* son, cornea to the Comer* with seve ral year* o£ experience and I* being counted as a mainstay with the Huh, BIG DOMES BY BALL MOGULS | Final Disposition Evers Case, j Ownership of Cubs. Ban Johnson Wants War to Knife. New Yock.r- Behind the cloak of welcome being extenled today to the returned world touring (Hants and 1 White Sox more aerlou* metiers hav- ] Ing to do with plan* for wot against the new Federal League occupied the attention of men high In the council* of organised baseball. At the National League meeting fi nal dcNpoMitlon of the Evers case wM expected to lie announced. The re port that Charles I*. Taft, who pur cliaxed the holdings of Chas. W. .V.ur phy In the Chicago Cubs, was expect ed to arrive in town luring the day to treat with wotild-be purchaser*, added Interest to what action the Na tional league director* would tgkc with reference to the future owner ship of the Chicago club. The vacan cy <m the directorate caused by the retirement of Murphy was another matter for consideration. The Na tional Commission. It I* said, ha* taken over the management of the fight against Federal League Invasion j an I today the supreme court of or ganized baseball was to confer with officials of the minor league organiza tions. ' The stand taken by Ban Johnson of war to the finish, against the Fed eral League indicated today that the head of the American league intend ed to call National League club own ers and officials to account for dick ering with the so-called outlaws over players who It Is allege 1 have violat ed contracts or Ignored accepted terms. The meeting yesterday of William F. Baker of the Philadelphia Club and James Gaffney of the Bos ton Club with President Gilmore for this purpose was denounced by John son. Speaker With Red Sox. Boston. —An inflation that “Tris" Speaker, center fielder of the Boston American League team is not inclined to accept an offer to Join the Federal league is contained In a wireless message which he sent to this city before the Lusitania docked In Now York today. The message, sent in re sponse to a query whether he would sign with Boston this season. “Expect to be with Red Sox.” To Manage Roanoke. Roanoke, Va. -O. O. Mills, of the Vicksburg Club of the Cotton States States League, has been signed to manage the Hoanoke team In the Vir ginia League. Me iyi an outfielder and comes tothe Virginia League with three pennants to hi* credit. Ordered to Report. Macon, Oa.—Manager On. Stal lings has ordered players Sweeney, Perdue and Whaling oj the Boston Nationals to report 'here from prac tice Monday. Resinol for unsightly skin eruptions PIMPLES, bUtkheadi, ruhn, ring worm and, worit of all, that red, itching, acaly torment,eczema, van ish when yoa me Retinol Ointrneut and Retinol Soap. Eves though your thin it •o uiM.ghtly with eruption that you thun your friend* and your friendi thun you, Retinol it almost lure to mike it clear and hetlthi. quickly, eatily and at trill ing coat. Ran no! Ointment and Retinol Soap have been preicribtd lor nineteen years (or jutt tuch tkin troublaa at yourt. Whatever druat are told yoa tan get Retinol Ointment and Reunot Soap. For trial free, writ* to Dept. 49-S, Heamol, Baltimore, ,Vld. Avoid aubetitutaa. they are NUT "jiui aaguod " Uneeda Biscuit Nourishment—fine fla vor—purity—crispness —wholesomeness. All for 5 cents, in the moisture-proof package. filing# Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender— with a delightful flavor —appropriate forlutich con, tea and dinner. 10 cents. Graham Crackers A food for every day. Crisp, tasty and strengthening. Fresh baited and fresh de livered. 10 cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name THINK TOMB OF OSIRIS FOUND London.—-Prof. K. Navtlle, In a let ter published In The Times today on excavations of tho Egypt exploration fund ,at Abydos, expressed the belief that they have found "what Greek au thors called the Tomb of Osiris, where the head of the god Is supposed to be preserved." The excavations began at the door which l'rof. Petrie discovered two years ago. The doorway. Prof. Nav llle thinks, was the entrance to a passage leading to a subterranean chapel under The Temple,of Seti 1. Time of the Pyramids. "We should never have expected wlmt we found," he continues. "Be tween the doorway and the temple is a complete sanctuary, evidently of tho time of the Pyramids, very much ruin ed but built with huge materials. It is rectangular. The inclosure wall is 12 feet thick and consists of two dif ferent casings, the outer one of rough limestone and the inner one of large blocks of hard red sandstone. Tho length of the Inside is .40 metres. Tho Inclosed space Is divided into three naves parallel to tho long side. The division is made by huge pillars of Asuan granite." Cloted by Blocks. The middle nave, Prof. Navllle says, led to the end of the wall and here was found a small door closed by blocks of stone. "When .we had removed them." Prof. Neville says, "we crept Into a large hall, very similar to that at the en trance. having the same width ws the temple. 20 metres, and a length of about five metres. Its slanting roof was made of large blocks. Of this half was In a perfect state of preser vation. On one side and on part of the celling are engraved or painted funerary scenes of the time of Sell I. It is unite empty "What shows that It was the burial place of Osiris are the texts on the walls, the end of the book which may be called the book of the underworld. It Is not Impossible that we may still find some concealed chamber or some hidden passage leading to a well, though this Is not very probable." Another -of Counsel For Harry Thaw is Disbarred N»w York. —Clifford AV Hnrtrldge, counsel for Harry K. Tniivv at his first trial for the killing of Stanford White, wus disbarred from tho practice of taw today by the appellate division of the supreme court. The court found that Hartrtdge had squandered 139,000 to Induce women witnesses who migl« have testified against Thaw to leave tl e cits'. Uani?l O’Reilly, another of the Thaw lawyers, died not long ago after serv ing a term for receiving stolen prop - v " THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. BLEASE HONORS A REQUISITION Frank Cain, White, Charged With Burglary, Brought Back to Augusta From Barnwell, S. C. Has Refused to Honor Requisitions in the Past. (Vj'n . ior Cola Mlessc ha* honored a requisition from HU-hmond county In the cam of Frank Cain, a white man who In charged with burglary. Cain's cage waa called recently irt the session of the superior court but he was nut-present and a bench war rant was Issued lor him. W. G. Ford waa hi* bondsman. The Hlchmond county officer* dis covered that- he wan in Barnwell coun ty, South Carolina, and requested Gov ernor Please to honor requisition pa pers, which he did. County Police man Albert Clark hag brought him hack. It will be recalled that Governor pleae* ha* persistently refused In former requisition eases to honor the papers from Georgia and In that man ner M. C. Dowling, who was vice president of the defunct Citizens Trust Cbmpany, Indicted on 14 counts by the grand Jury for embezzlement, has es caped facing trial. FOR CHARITY LICENSES SEE DEPUTY CLERK The charity committee of city coun cil has passed on all applications for charity licenses. Some were declined but a large number were granted. Those who have applied for charity licenses may see Deputy Clerk of Council Louis Hayre who. If the li censes have been granted, will Issue them and if they have been declined will Inform them of the action of the committee. MOORE, MRS.'MARY—The widow of the late Mr. Zachary Moore, died last night at her residence, In Hcarboro, tia., In the 74th year of her age. The funeral services wall be frr>m the Scarborough Baptist church tomorrow morning at 10:40 o’clock. The interment will be there. ' Pop's an Amateur. New York.—Adrian C. "Pop" An son, famous twenty years ago as man ager of the Chicago National League club, has been re-instated as an ama teur by the United States Oolf As sociation. About a year ago the vet eran diamond star became n golf player and It has become his favorite pastimee. However, having been a professional ball player he was not eligible to compete as an amateur golfer and it was necessary for him to be reinstated as such before he coul l compete in the regular competi tions. The Mothers’ Favorite. A cough medicine for children should he harmless. It should l>e pleasant to take. It should he effectual. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is all of this and is the mothers' favorite every where. For sale by all dealers. Many Recoveries Prom Lung Trouble A Aiedtclne for Thro t and Lung Trou ble* which has been thoroughly tested for many years, and which has been In strumental In restoring complete health to a large number of sufferers, should Ik* thoroughly Investigated by everyone. no undue claims are made for It, nor any guarantee that its use will re store health, Kckman’s Alterative has been given the full credit in saving lives In many cases. Head this case:— Wilmington, Del. “Gentlemen. In January, 1908. I was taken with hemorrhages of the lungs. M\ physicians, one of the leading prac titioners of Wilmington, Del., said that it was lung trouble. 1 took eggs and milk In quantities, but I got very weak Mr. C. A. Llpplnoott, of Lippinoott & t*o., Department Store, 306 and 314 Mar ket street, Wilmington, Del., recom mended t . me Eckman's Alterative that had done great good, and upop his sug gestion 1 began taking it at once. This was about June, 1908- I continued I faithfully, using no other remedy, and I finally noticed the clearing of the lungs. \ I now have no trouble with my lungs. ' 1 firmly 1 etieve Eckman's Alterative ! saved my life.’’ (Affidavit) JAP. SQUIRES tAbove abbreviated; more on request.) Eckman's Alterative has been proven i by many years’ test to be mose effioacl- I mis for severe Throat and Lung AfPec i tlons. Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma. Stubborn Colds and in upbuilding tho system. Contains no narcotics, poisons or ha bit-forming drugs. Sold by lead ing druggists. Write the Eokman Lab oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet telling of recoveries and additional evi dence. E*S¥ TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR WITHOUT GREASY DRUGS— LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY. When the hair turns gray, streaked with gray, white or faded, get from any reliable pharmacy a 7-oz. bottle of "Q-Ban.” (in retiring rub Q-Ban on your hair and scalp, like a shampoo. By scorning all the gray disappears, the hair is beautifully darkened and an other application or two of Q-Ban your aair becomes fluffy, glossy, luxuriant ! ami radiant with hair health. Dan druff is gone and the hair lias stopped I falling. Q-Ban promotes the growth of I thin or brittle hair. Tour hair Is your (charm. An application or two of j Q-Ban will enhance its beauty a thousandfold. Q-Ban Is not sticky or messy—harmless hut delightful to use and sure to beautifully darken gray hair it does this so evenly and nat urally no one can tell. It is an old. thoroughly tested preparation. You can’t make a mistake in using Q-Ban. j as it does the hair and scalp good at lany time. Frost* Pharmacy, 502 Broad street. Augusta, On sell 7-ox. bottle of Q-Ban for only 50c. Out-of-town peo "d by mail. Call or write. DEATHS Indict Cashier and Pres’t Failed Memphis Bank Anderson Changed With Lar ceny and Swearing to False Statements Mamphla, Tenn.—Claudo Anderson, cashier of the Mercantile Bank which recently closed Its doom, waa Indict ed on five count* here. Twelve ad ditional Indictment* were returned ugftlnst C. Hunter Raise, president of tho hank, now In Jail on an Imlict mout charging larceny, embezzlement and fraudulent breach of trust. The indictment* again*! Anderson charged fraudulent breach of trust, larreny, receiving funds In an Insol tent Institution, making a false state ment to the superintendent of banks and swearing to a false statement. The new Indictments returned against Raine charge him with Issu ing a false hank statement and re ceiving funds in an Insolvent Institu tion. Anderson was arrested and pending trial was released on SIO,OOO bond. A SIMPLE WAY TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent Falling Hair and End Itching Scalp. There Is on# sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve It, men you de stroy It entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need) apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and'Tub It in gftitly with the finger tips. By morning, most If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve, and entirely destroy, every sin gle sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, nnd look and feel a hundred times better. If you value your hair, you should get rid of dandruff at once, for nothing de stroys the hair so quickly. It not only starves the hair and makes It fall out, hut It makes it stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and lifeless, and everybody notices it. NORTHWARD HO! TRAVEL VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIPR CARRIER OF THE SOUTH 2:55 P. Ad. WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM, COMPARTMENT AND OPEN SECTION SLEEPING CARS. Coaches. Baggage Car. Dining Car. For information and Pullman reservations, communicate with — MAGRUDER DENT, District Passenger Agent, F. L. JENKINS, District Passenger Agent, Telephone 947. 729 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Millmr’s Wholesale and Retail Gut Price Grocery 1121, 1123, 1125 BROAD Augusta’s only Cut Price Store of its kind. And we are glad to state that .we still continue the low prices on all kinds of Stock Feeds, Poultry Foods and all kinds of Farmers’ Supplies. There is more pleasure in saving a dollar than in making one. Special attention to all -Mail Orders. Telephone 3126 and save money. Special while it lasts, the best Hay on the market, per bale ... 75$ Note here a few of our Cut Prices: The Best Self-Rislng Flour on the market, per sack ... .75C The best Patent Plain Flour, per sack 75C A good Plain Flour, per sack 65C While they last, fresh. Country Eggs, per dozen 30C The Best Jap Rice on the market our price, per lb 5C The best Stock Feed on the mar met. Alfalfa and Molasses Feed, regular $1.90 per sack, our price $1 65 Best Self-Rising Flour, regular 90c quality, our price ...75C Or per barrel $5 50 Plain Flour, quality guaranteed our price 65C Or per barrel $4 75 Country Meal, per bushel. cut pries ~ >. .. . , .. 95C Best Irish Potatoes, per peck, cut price .. .. 29C First-Class Tub Butter, per lb. cut price .. .. 25C WE DELIVER AND SHIP GOODS EVERYWHERE FREE MAKES YOUR BACKACHE VANISH, DRIVES ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS AWAY New Discovery Eases Stiff, Sore, Swollen Joints and Muscles Relieving Backache and Bladder Disorders After Few Doses are Taken. No matter how badly you suffer, how- chronic your case may be. or what ha* failed to cure you, your pain* will leave, your *cl,e* vanish and the torturous, killing backache or rheuma tism will bother you no more. Thl* I* what Croxone, the new sci entific discovery, does tar sufferer* of such troubte*. It cure* these disease* because It reaches the cause and re move* It. II soaks right Into the wall* nnd linings of the kidneys and clean* out the stopped-up, Inactive organs like water does a sponge—neutralizes, and dissolve every particle of uric add* and makes the kidney* sift from the blood all the waste matter and poisons that lodge In the Joints and muscle* to ■cratch nnd Irritate and cause rheuma tism. It soothes and heals the delicate PLAYWRIGHT’ 3 REWARD IS SHOWN IN ALIMONY SUIT New York. —Rewards for a successful playwright were revealed In court here today by Geo. Broadhurst, whose wife Is suing him for separation. Mr. Broad hurst said that his annual Income from his plays during the past two years had averaged 1102,000. During the last seven years he had earned $242,000. He was I I Southeastern Lihiited Lv. Augusta Sou. Ry 2:35 p.m. Lv. Augusta ... ” ....3:0.3 p.m. Lv. Aiken ” 3:.30 p.m. Ar. Washington. ” ... ,B:o(Ta.m. Ar. Baltimore Penn R. R. 10:05 a.m. Ar. West Philadelphia " 12:23 p.m. Ar. New York ” 2.31 p.m. De Luxe Steel Equipment Best Compound Lard, cut price .. .. 10^ Best Dill Pickles, regular 20c kind, per dozen, cut price Best Salt Water Pickles, large size, per dozen, cut price 12V4C All bottle goods, regular 10c size, cut price .. .. 8C 3-lb. can Tomatoes, best hand packed quality.. 3 cans 25 c 2-lb. can Tomatoes, best hand packed quality 2 cans for ISC Reliable Tomatoes, best hand packed quality, per can . .5C 3 cans Peaches, best hand packed Quality 3 for 25° 2 cans Peaches, best hand packed quality 2 for 15C Best canned Blackberries, at 2 cans 150 Best Pink Alaska Salmon, regu lar 10c size, cut price ... 8C Best Tub Mackerel, regular 10c size 6 for 25C Nice Mackerel and White Fish, per kit 49C COOK-McKIE SHOE COMPANY Phone 484 970 Broad Street ® FRIDAY. MARCH 5. lining* of the hlMitihr and lenvs* t*% kidneys In a clean, strong, healthy con dition. so they can filter the bio d and keep you well. If you suffer with barkach?— hav* pains In the neck or side—nervous nr dizzy spells- a few dose* of (Voxnn* will relieve the congestion nnd you »l I he surprised how quickly all kidney bladder and rheumatic troubles will dis appear. Croxone I* different from sll other MmMn ii i* not ilk,- anything <-!*• or, earth ever used for'the purpose. M start* tu work the minute you tuke and relieve* your suffering the very flr*t time you use It. It Is so prepared that It I* practically Impossible to lake It Into the human system without results. You can secure an original package of Croxone at trifling cos- from any first das* druggist. All druggists re au thorized to personally return the pur chase -price if Croxone should fall In a suigle case. ordered to allow his wife SIO,OOO a jeer pending trial of her suit, CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT Cures Runninq of the Nose. Cold, chilly feelings, sniffling, sore throat, lung troubles, oppressive feellnt In the chest. Try Cheney's Expector ant next time. You need a remedy for colds. 25c at drug stores. Men’s Union Made Low •Shoes At a price to suit all. 3:05 P. M. Smooth Road Red Best fresh Roasted Coffee, regu lar 25c quality, cut price YJViC A good 25c ground coffee, per can, cut price .. 15C Best Jersey Cream Cheese, per pound, cut price .. .. • 20 r Best. Side Meat, Tennessee salted per pound, cut price .. 12% c Best Round Plate Meat, Tennes see salted, per pound, cut price .. VF' Best Georgia Cane Syrup, pei gallon, cut price .. 45C Best Cuban Molasses, per gallon, cut price .. .. 35C A good Molasses, per gallon, cut _ price 25*^ Fresh Pork Sausage, cut price, per pound .. . 12‘iC Fresh Smoked Sausage, cut price, per pound 12%c lest Country Hogshead Cheese, cut price, per found . 15 c Best Country Butter, cut price, per pound 29^ Best Soap for the Laundry, 7 bars for .. .. 25C