The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 06, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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CTiIUAI, (VlHnoii u. THE GOVERNQR GIVES NO WORD Atlanta, o*.—"w»n, Governor, am you going to run fur th# smuts or not?' Chtrrlly inquired the reporter! tint nu*nmg when they ant Into the sane tum-eunrturum at the rapltol. Governor tMnton mad* no verbal re eponee. but beckoned the reporter* to the window of lue office, ami pointed upwitrd. The boy* all knew what he meant. The fiaa on the root of the oapliol la floating at hall mast In token of the eorrow of Georgia'* people over the death of Senator A. 1). Macon, and will continue *o. utter the beautiful custom, until thirty day* have elapsed since the deuth. The same delicacy, apparently, which caused the governor to refuae stead fastly all consideration of appointing a auccesaor until after the runcral rttee were all enued, I* actuating the gover nor now In relerence to the announce ment of hie own intention*, whatever they may be, in connection with the aenatorshtp. While not meunlng In the least to criticise any of those who were in haste to enter the race, the governor ha* felt. It Is said by hi* (Vienna, that It would be peculiarly inappropriate lor him, be cause of Id* otrtcat poston. to do any thng In the premier* hastily. If the governor ha* yet decided wheth er he will or will' not later become n candidate for the senate, he ha* not *o fur as can be learned confided that de cision to anybody. JEFFERY MOTOR CARS Reliable Auto Co. INDUSTRIAL WORKERS AND MILITANTS ARE SCORED Washington.—The Industrial Workers of the World and the militant suffraget tes should be classed with “other fewms of lawlessness." according to a state ment of Senator Sherman In the snats today. However, he said he favored the woman suffrage constitutional amend ment. FALSE MOBILIZATION ALARM HURRIES ’EM UP Belfort, France. —A number of re servists in this region received a false alarm of mobilization and came hurrying into the city today to the great surprise of the military author ities. Inquiries showed that a bundle of urgent mobilization summonses, which was being sent through the mail had broken and the summonses getting mixed with the other letters had been delivered to the reservists. All Winter ITnderwear, Sweaters, Gloves, etc., 20 per cent off. F. G. Mer lin*. —p ‘ THE POPE NOT ILL. Rome.—Erroneous reports were cur current in Rome today that the Pope was ill and had tainted shortly after rising. The condition of his holiness was absolutely normal. Delicious Chocolate covered Nuts. 60c, at Sheron’s. $1,000,000 LIABILITIES. Chicago.—Liabilities of more than sl,- 000,000 are said to be involved In the receivership established here today for Moulton &- Rickets, dealers In paintings, etchings, and art objects. Suits and Over Coats, heavy and medium weight, one-third to one-half off. It will pay you to look at these nice garments. F. G. Mertins. German Hat Co. 660 BROAD STREET. Men’s and Ladies’ Hats Cleaned and Blocked. We have the cele brated DRY STEAM CLEANER, the only one In the city. Old hats made new. Most rea sonable charges. Parcel Post charges paid on out of-town orders. THE CAROLINA The Carolina Pat tern is truly a masterpiece i n flatware produc tion. A bold out line, relieved by graceful decora tion, has produced a design of lasting charm. in Sterling Silver Inlaid and Special Quality Plate. Wm. Schweiaert & Co. The Jewelers. Repairing Carefully and Skillfully Done TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SPETH’S FAMOUS BLUE PENCIL SALE Coma and l«y in your supply You will ever regret it if you fail to profit by this remarkable price cutting event. Prices apply for Tomorrow Only. / r -J— --■_zz^—z: . - » A" ''A " V a- -4. -A >■ - - -f -•=. M — L - - ■ —a *— « ■ —s . r ■ / -,-f- -• , m ZZ ~ ' —-A A— W— - ~ I '■ . !i I il ' - .. 'Hill I IT;.| i TTT 111 11 ■■- , Pocket Knives ROGERS & VAN CLEFF INCLUDED 5c Knives at 3 ' 10c Knives at 0C 25c Knives at 15'U 50c Knives at 33 c 75c Knives at 45- SI.OO Knives at 05C $1.50 Knives at.. 97^ $2.00 Knives at.. .. $1 37 $3.00 Knives at $197 Bicycle Sundries $5.00 Tires $4 25 $4.50 Tires $3 75 $3.50 Tires $2 50 $2.50 Tires $1 25 $4.00 Saddles $297 $2.50 Saddles $1 50 SI.OO Saddles 50 n 60c Foot Pump 27'i 25c Hand Pump 15*- 6c Graphite 3 ( - 6c Oil 3° 10c Oil 7‘- 25c Oil 17C Attention Boys— Baseball Supplies $1.25 League Baseball 97^ SI.OO League Baseball 89 f -25c Junior League.. . 17 f; 10c Balls 7C 5c Balls 3^ SI.OO Baseball Bats 79'- 60c Baseball Bass --37^ 25c Baseball Bats 19' ; Shears and Scissors $1.50 values at.. .. $1 00 SI.OO values at.. .. 67' : 75c values at 53° 50c values at 35^- 25c values at 15« COOK STOVES Our Most Popular Sellers Regular No. 7, Value $lO, at $6-75 Regular No. 8, $12.50 Value, at $9.25 Regular No. 0, SIB.OO Value, at $13.75 LOUIS P. SPETH, Broad St. int HUUUbIA HtKALI). AUGUSTA, GA. Everr Article in Stock Reduced to Below Cost BRASS WARE FIRE SETS $35.00 values .. .. $17.45 $30.00 values .. .. $14.80 $25.00 values .. ..$12.39 $26.00 values .. ..$12.97 $28.00 values .. ..$13.97 VASES $2.00 values 98^ SI.OO values 49^ 75c values 33< SCREENS $35.00 values .. .. $17.45 $30.00 values .. .. $14.80 $20.00 values $9.97 $16.00 values $7.97 ANDIRONS $35.00 values .. ..$17.45 $20.00 values $9.95 $16.00 values $7.95 $15.00 values .. .. ..$7.39 $12.00 values $5.97 SIO.OO values $4.97 $5.50 values $2.69 COAL SCUTTLES SIO.OO values .. ~...54.97 JARDINIERES $ll.OO values $5.45 SB.OO values $3.97 $6.00 values $2.97 $5.00 values $2.48 FENDERS $35.00 values .... $17.45 $30.00 values .. ..$14.80 $25.00 values .... $12.39 $26.00 values .. .. $12.97 $28.00 values .. . .$13.97 $20.00 values . $9.97 $15.00 values $7.39 CUSPIDORS $12.00 values $5.97 sß.tXj values $3.97 $6.00 values $2.97 SPECIAL .One old fashioned fire bellows, $7.75f1? Cn value at, .. * Free Souvenirs Distributed Even/ Fif teen Minutes Saturday v 0 w— ——— - 1 11 ' v LAUNDRY SUPPLIES 10c Clothes Pins, dozen $6.00 Laundry Stove $5.25 $5.00 Laundry Stove $4.25 12 gallon Wn-li Pots $2.00 15 gallon JWash Pots $2.5C $1.75 ( hareoal Pots $1.25 10c Smooth Irons .. . .27£ $3.00 Wash Rowels . $2.25 90c Tubs 73* 80c Tubs 63^ Bicycles for Men. Boys and Girls New $20.00 Juvenile Wheels.. *l2 75 New $25.00 Men’s Wheels. sl6 25 Heaters $2.00 Hot Stuff j ||Q $5.00 No. 60 9C Chromo .. .. .. . $6.00 No. 70 i/I Chromo .. ~T v $7.00 No. 80 9E Chromo $75.00 Monitor i/|Q 7R Radiator $70.00 Monitor C 4 \7E Radiator vP4t. I J $65.00 Jewel Self $42.50 $50.00 Jewel Self COQ OK Feeder yLJ.LJ $16.00 Hot Blast jg 25 sl2 00 Open CC 7K Franklin ...*PU. I J $6.00 Cast Iron O 7K Heater J FIVE