Newspaper Page Text
“Little Jessie James” and Paul Whiteman’s
Band at Imperial Today, Matinee and Night
The Season’s Greatest Musical Hit to Appear Today
Matinee and Night at the Imperial
The attraction at the Imperial to
day, matinee and night, will be L.
Lawrence Weber’s sensational suc
cess, “Little Jessie James” coming
direct from its run of one solid
year in New York and six months
at the Garrick theatre in Chicago
and was the record breaker for the
season in both cities. "Little Jessie
James" was the first musical com
edy to score a tremendous hit in
New York without the name of a
star in the cast to help carry it
over seen in a number of years and
this is the highest recommendation
that Harry Archer, who wrote the
Mail Orders Now Received for “The Seventh
Heaven” Coming to Imperial Next Week
Famous Golden Play to be Offered Here For Three Days
Commencing Thursday With Matinee Thursday
and Saturday.
Augusta will have a hteatrlcal per
formance of metropolitan import
ance on Thursday, Friday and Sat
firday of next week when John
lolden’s lastest dramatic sensation,
"Seventh Heaven,” will open an en
gagement at the Imperial.
Mr. Strong, who wrote “Seventh
Heaven,” also is the author of
“Three Wise Foils." The play was
originally presented at the Booth
theater, New York, two years ago,
and held its place as the outstand
ing dramatic hit of two New York
seasons, finally quitting Broadway
with a record of 754 consecutive
Matinee and Night
The Greatest Musical
Comedy of all times.
A Paul Whiteman Band
—and —
The Most Versatile Cho
rus Ever Seen Here
Matinee .... 50c, SI.OO and $1.50
Nite 50c, SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50
11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
and 9:QO
Thi* picture i* just packed with
it_auto thrills, love thrills and
real fighting thrills! And you’ll
see a hero you’ll all admire.
Only Reginald Denny could por
tray this dashing, romantic
—Also —
Tuxedo Comedy
Don’t Be Crowded Out
During its run of two solid years at the
Booth Theatre, New York, “7th Heaven’
played to the absolute capacity of that
THREE DAYS, M-.-, 97
Commencing Thursday
Usual Excellent Golden Cast
niGH TS—50c to $2.50. MATINEES—SOc to $1.50
music, and Harlan Thompson, the
book, could possibly receive. The
critic unanimously proclaimed it
“the smartest musical play that the
metropolis has seen in quite a long
time.” The keynote of "Little Jessie
James” is speed. There is not a
dull moment in the two and a half
hours of the performance, the ex
tremely funny siituations keep the
audience in one continual roar of
laughter. One of the several song
hits, “I Love You.” is now being
sung in thirty-two different lan
presentations. Great as has been
the success his other plays, Mr.
Golden feels that their records
eventually will be second to the
achievements of "Seventh Heaven.”
The action of “Seventh Heaven”
takes placb in Paris, Mr. Strong
using the events of the French mob
ilization in 1914 and the Armistice
Dhy celebration in 1918 as a back
ground for his story, but the theme
itself, that of human courage, arises
above locale and language. This
year the play will be presented in
at least two languages otlir thaen
English. Tho Moscow Art theater,
seen in America a year ago, will
play it in Russia and Andre Chariot
will present it in Paris. Recently
an Italian translation was made for
Mascagni, the Italian composer, who
is now studying it as the basis for
an opera. Outside America the play
.also will he presented in London,
and Australia. Mr. Golden himself
will present it in London at the
Shaftesbury theater, in October,
wiht Charles Dillingham, the New
York managr, Sid Grauman, the
Los Angeles theatre magnate, and
the London producing firm of Gros
srnith & Malone for his associates.
Its first Australian performance
will take place at His Majesty’s
Tuesday, Nov. 25th |§||
The Musical Event KjSgL
of Years Sew
Choir j§J
The most wonderful sing- Ejraij
ing organization in Amer- jgJMj
ica today. jaßSi
Seat Sale Today fjfr’jt
PRICE 50c to $2.50
12:00, 1:50, 3:40, 5:30, 7:20
and 9:10.
mtstmto m
CL Qaramouni tylctum
‘‘MOSQUITO” Inkwell Comedy.
theater, Sydney, in November, un
der the Williamson management.
The company vmich will play
“Seventh Heaven” here is an ex
cellent one, including among its
players Remy Carpen. ouglas Mnc-
Pherson, John W. Ransone, Mat
Briggs, John Mac Sweeney, Mona
Morgan, Gale Gordon, James New
combe, Ruth Morris, Neil O’Malley,
Homer Hunt, Robert Bannett, Har
riet Gray and Lionel Joseph.
The world's longest tunnel—-a
bore 18 miles long through the rock
of the Catskill Mountains in New
ork state—was made entirely by
electric power.
Seat Sale for “The Russian Symphonic Choir”
Opens Today at the Imperial
World’s Ci-eatect Singing Organization to Give Recital
Tuesday Evening.
When the Russian Symphonic
Choir, under the leadership of
Basile Kibalchich, gave two con
certs in New York City last spring,
the critic of the New York Journal
singled out for particular mention
the "Credo” by Gretchanioff as
follows: “One of the most thrill
ing experiences we have had in the
concert room this season Was the
performance of a ‘Credo’ byGretch
aninoff, the words intoned with a
resonant intensity by Miss Ivanova,
a young mezzo of the choir, against
a background by the otherm sing
ers.” It is very seldom, indeed,
that a critic is thrilled. It is, in
fact, the duty of a critic to react
dispassionately tq the impressions
in the concert room, so that he may
give an unbiased review. And when
Kibalchich Russian Symphonic Choir, the world’s greatest
singing organization, who will appear in one recital at
the Imperial Tuesday evening. Seat sale today.
;•">/ r :: , • :^i
<■' ■ ■■■• : :: •y.y
” «,
.TnS/-W’Vr“•- .T ’.'AUBiL.*—- - - .... i.-, i i i '
John Mac Sweeney and Remy Carpen in “7th Heaven”,
coming to Imperial Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
next week with matinee Thursday and Saturday.
j Dainty and 'Petite
: ICRCCQftrt
W JOT Jfflß
’jr- » J -™s *
Letters to Santa Claus
Dear Old Santa: It has been
quite a while since I wrote to you,
just about twelve months, but at
least I haven't forgotten a good
Santa like you. I want you to bring
me a automobile, a wagon, a truck,
lots of fireworks and fruits and
candies, a tricycle and cap pistol—
So by by, I’aul Brogdon, Warren
ville, S. C.
a critic listens on an average to six
or eight concerts a day, as is the
case in' New York City, it is a great
tribute to the artistic merits of a
concert, when a critic records a
The concerts Of the Russian
Symphonic Choir abound in such
thrills. The “Credo” with its re
ligious intensity is one. The "Lord,
Have Mercy” with its remarkable
pianissimo, which becomes a mu
sical whisper is another htrill. The
"Volga Boatman’s Song” with its
folk pathos is a thrill. And so on
throughout the entire program, as
local music lovers will have an op
portunity to hear witness when this
Russian Choir makes its local ap
pearance here at the Imperial Tues
day evening.
Dear Santa: I just read your
message and I am so glad that
I haven’t very much longer to
wait before I’ll see you. 1 am
very anxious to see you so I
can tell you just what I want
you to bring me. I have been
to J. B. White’s and visited Toy
land and ho has everything I
The answer to your question
is: that the Washington Monu
ment is 555 ft. 5 1-8 in. high.
Good bye.—Your little friend,
Aubrey North, 824 Eleventh St.
Dear Santa Claus: I know what
three countries are known ns the
Brtish Isles Scotland. England, and
Ireland. I have seen all the dandy
toys you left at White’s. Please
bring me a cow hoy suit. I am al
most six years old and go to the
Monto Snno school. I am in the
first grade. Your little friend,
William Marks Hutson, 2270
Wrlghtsboro Rond.
Dear Santa: I am a little boy
eight years old I am in the third
grade at school. I want you to
bring me a bicycle or a writing
desk and some fruit and I will be
a good little boy until I hear from
you. In answer to your question
in Sundays Herald as to who was
tho first American who went to
the North Pole I would say Perry.
Alvin McCullough, Edgefield, S. C.
Dear Santa Claus: How Is my
dear old friend feeling. Hope you
are fine. Santa Claus I want you
to bring me a doll baby. Rocking
chair, some sparkers, candies and
fruits also a little small Santa
Claus. I will try to answer your
question the three countries that
make the "British Isles” are Eng
land, Scotland and Wales. I will
close your little friend, Julia Eli
zabeth Kelly, 620 Chafee Ave. Age
6 years.
Dear Santa: I hope you and Mrs.
Claus arc feeling well, I rend your
letter in the Augusta Herald and
I think you aro the nicest man I
know. I want an air rifle, a wrist
watch, and a good kodak. The Bri
tish Isles are as follows: England,
Ireland, Scotland nnd Wales. Yours
truly, August D. Watkins. 1419
MsDowell St. P. S. I wish you the
best of luck.
Dear Santa: I have just read
the paper nnd I see that you are
going to give a prize to tho one that
writes three of tho British Isles.
Hero are mine: England, Ireland
and Scotland. I hope nothing hap
pens to prevent you coming on
the twenty-fifth of December. Love
front, Josephino Watkins. I’. S.
Please send me a wrist watch for
Dear Santa: I was giad so hear
form you. Please bring me nn
electric train, air rifle, tool box and
a pair of boxing gloves. My an
swer for today's question. Eng
land, Ireland and Scotland. Lots
of love, Alex R. Kelly, Jr., 7 years
of age. 1325 Milledge Road.
My Dear Santy Clause: Tho
three countries are known as the
British Isles aro Ireland, England,
Scotland. Your little friend. Re
becca McCann, 1276 Druid Park
Dear Santa Clause: I have just
finished reading your letter and
my; how naughty that little boy
was, to say that he didn't believe In
tho funniest jolliest man in the
world. I couldnt say that If I
wanted to. I havent been to
Whites yet hut I intend la* go. The
three countries that make up the
British Isles are Scotland, Eng
land and Ireland. Please bring mo
a Raincoat cap, rubbers and um
brella. I am your little friends,
Hazel Mitchell. I’. S. Please dont
forget my little brother “B.”, He
wants a bicycle. 451 West Ave.
Dear Santa Claus: I have just
read your letter and I liked the
story of the little boy who did’nt
believe In Santa Claus: I have
been to Toyland and Dollville at
Whites and I have decided that I
want a pair of skates, pencil box,
and lots of games. The answer to
your question. What three coun
tries are known as the "British
Isles?” They are England, Scot
land nnd Ireland. Your friend. Eli
zabeth Barrett, 318 3rd St.
Dear Santa: I have Just read
your question In the Herald, nnd I
will try to answer it. The three
countries that make tho British
Isles nre French, Sudan and Bel
gean Congo. I am ten years of age
and in the fifth grado at school.
For Christmas I want a suit of
clothes, a tent, watch, nnd a wagon.
Your friend, Gadson A. Bennett, 521
Moore Ave.
To Santa Claus, care of ,T. B.
White & Co. Dear Santa Claus:
I hope you nre feleing well. I want
a bicycle for Christmas nnd a
stocking full of fruits nnd candles.
I hope I will the prize for answer
ing the question'in Tuesday's ller
eid. Tho three British countries
are London, Glasgow, nnd Birming
ham. Yours truly, Alice How, 2518
MucDowell St.
Dear Santa Clnlis: I have just
read your letter and hope King
Georgo has a good message for you
from President Coolldge. I saw a
two wheel bicycle nnd tool box at
J. B. White's. 1 want you to bring
me. The three countries known ns
the ‘'British Isles" nre, England,
Scotland, nnd Wales. Your friend,
Thomas Brady, 258 1-2 Greene St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am so glad
you have came to the South again,
I am a little hoy 7 years of age
and I want you to bring me a little
red blfcycle, a blue drum, a lit
tle toy automobile, some fireworks,
some fruit nnd nuts, a dancing Snm,
a suit of clothep, n hat, a pair of
shoes, a cowboy suit, a gun, a ball
and a long train that runs around
a track, some story books, some
pencils nnd some tablets and a horn.
I will look for my letter in the
Augusta Hornld —Yours as ever,
William Harmon Simpkins.
My dear Santa Claus: I am n lit
tle girl 5 years of age. I go to
the First Ward school. I nm In the
primer. I am a good little girl. I
want you to bring me a doll, a car
riage, some fruit, come nuts and a
tricycle, a doll hotise nnd a suite;
of furniture and I want a stove
and some sparklers and a dress and
a pair of shoes, and any other
things you ihink nice for a good
little girl about five year old, from
a good little girl—Katie May Simp
Dear Santa Claus: T nm a little
girl seven yeurs old, I nm in the
first grade and I go to Sunday
school. I want you to bring me a
mama doll nnd a pair of bed room
slippers nnd some fruit nnd some
toys.—From your little friend,
Pratt Wallace, 1709 Walker St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl almost 0 years old. I go to
school every day. I have been lo
J. B. White's nnd nm proud of tho
toys you left there.
I want you to bring me a bnby
doll, doll enrriage, doll bed, rain
Coat, umbrella nnd a pair of rub
bers, nlso fruit, nuts and candy.
Don’t forget little Mary Ellen, she
wants a baby doll, doll carriage,
doll bed, rooking chair, and also
a tea set. —Yours truly, Evelyn
Odom, 83 3Phllllpn St.
Deur old Santa Claus: England
Ireland and Wales are the three
countries that are known as the
British Isles. Please bring me a
cannon nnd train for Christmas.—
Your little friend, Taylor Sanders.
Dear Santa Claus: I am writing
you a little note to tell you that
I want some games, and story
hooks. Septa Claus the countries of
the British Isles are: England,
Scotland and Wales, I hope these
answers are correct—Yours, Camil
la Gray, 322 Wnlker St.
P. S. I hope you will not forget me
Dear Simla Claus: I am a little
girl six years old and bo to school
every day. I want you to bring ini*
a big doll carriage nnd bed, a tea
set, a horn, and lots of fruits. Don’t
forget my little four year old sis
ter. —From your little friend. Marie
Hadden, 1484 Sllcox St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a sweet
little Irl, four years old. I want you
to bring me a negro doll a little bed.
a little rabbit, a doll carriage, a
vase and shovel. I also want you
to bring mo lots of fruits. Hood
bye to you and Mrs. Santa. —Your
little girl, Eunice Mac Hadden, 1484
Sllcox street.
Dear Santa Claus: T wunt a
bicycle and a steam engin i and
some fire works nnd a wa’ch. My
little slslter wants a doll and a
doll bed and some fruit. I believe
the first Americait that went to
the North l’ole was I’eary.
The name of the Queen Is Helena
Taullne Marie Wolhelmlna and her
daughter £ Princess Marla—Hots
of love, Ralph Carter Scott.
Dear Santa Claus: T have lust
read your letter and was glad to
hear from you. I have been to ,T.
B._ White’s toyland and hnve seen
tour display of toys. X would like
for you to bring me a two-wheel
bicycle nnd a cowboy suit. The an
swer to your question Is: Ireland.
Scotland and England are ft o three
countries called the Ilrltlsh Isl
Will look for your letter tomorrow.
—Your little friend, Clarence Dark
er, 1381 Meyer street.
Dear Santa: I am a little girl R
years old. I am In the second grade
at school. My teachers name Is
Miss Littlejohn. I want you to bring
me a bicycle, a doll bed and trunk.
Don’t forget my two brothers. They
want a cowboy suit, apiece, fire
works and fruits. Also remember
mamma and daddy, bring them
something nice The answer to your
question Is: The three countries
known as the British Isle are Eng
land, Scotland and Ireland. Bring
my pet dog a pair of harness.—
Your little friend, Mary Jessie
Mosely, 1738 Twelfth St.
Dear Santa Claus: I have just
read your letter and was glad to
hear from you. I was also glad you
told who didn’t believe the Prince
of Wales, about the boy who didn’t
believe In Santa Claus. 1 have been
to J. B. White’s Toyland nnd de
cided I want a bicycle nnd cowboy
suit. The answei to your i/uestlon
Is: Englnnd, Scotland, Wales or
known ns the three countries of
British Isles. Will look for your let
ter tomorrow. —Walter Butler. 815
Twelfth St.
0 m ■in.,—
Dear Santa Clous: I have lust
read your letter nnd was glad to
hear from you, and enjoyed your
story very much.
I have been to .1. B. White’s and
have seen your display of toys. I
want you to bring tnc n doll, a doll
dining room suite, a pair of beds
and a lots of fruits.
The answer to your question Is:
The three countries knowns as
British Isles, are Great Britain, Ire
land and there are nearly 5,00
smaller Islands known as the United
Kingdom. Will look for Jnur letter
tomorrow. —Your little friend, Ruby
Davidson, 1848 Walker SL
the two big dirigibles have
been delayed. However, the race will in all probability take
place sometime quite soon, and Santa promised the President
to wire Mrs. Santa Claus and the Elves at my North Pole
Workshop, to ho on the lookout for those big balloons. Mrs.
Santa will surely have some nice warm tea for the army of
ficers who will make the trip, and I know it will he a wonder
ful experience for them. Think of flying to the North Pole In
comfort nnd ease, wouldn't Peary have envied them!
Well, I leave Washington tbnight for tho South, and feel
’that I am at last well on my way to Augusta, Ga. I want the
children there to watch for mo around Thanksgiving Day, and
to write to me NOW. Tell me children just what you want
me to bring you from my TOYLANI) & DOLLVILLE nt
White’s. You cun have so much fun deciding, if mother will
take you there. Ask her to go with you MONDAY!
TVill lot you hear from mo tomorrow, from my next stop.
.■ With lots of love, ..'a,
P. S. Can you tell me who are to be the next President
and Vico President of tho U. S.?
To tho first boy or girl under 10 years who sends In a neat,
and correct answer to this question J. 11. White & Co. have a
“Comlcnl History of America", or a big, beautiful Rubber Ball.
Dear Santa: I am trying to an
swer your question. Tho answer Is:
England, Ireland, Scotland, And I
hope 1 will win the game.—Love
from Josephinn Wheeler, 423 Mil
ledge Rd.
Dear Santa: I nm a little girl
Just four yearH old, but my mam
ma says I nm her little lady. I
liAvo a little sister baby, and two
brothers who ure 7 and 9 years
■old. I wunt you to please bring me
a mamma doll nnd a carriage to
ride her In, some big nice marbols
and n ball. My little sister wants
a doll. —From your little friend,
Theo Scott.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl nine years old. I am in the
fifth grade at aehool. I go to Sun
day school. I want you to bring me
a pair of skates nnd spnrkels nnd
want you to bring me a doll and
bed and some fruit nnd don’t forget
mama nnd daddy.—From your little
friend, Melissa Clair Wallace, 1709
Walker St.
Dear Old Santa Claus: Do please
send me n tent for us to play in,
an automobile to carry my sisters
to ride. I want lots of fire crackers,
a whole lot of roman candles, just
heaps of fruit for there are vjittle
children nnd many grown folks nt
our house. Please don’t disappoint
me, for I am a cry baby boy and
cry ho loud I know you will hear
me.—Hugh Scott.
Dear Santa Claus: l atn a little
girl of nine years old nnd am in
the fifth grade and nm very smart
in my lessons. I want to answer
the question you have in Tues
day’s Herald. The answer to the
question Is the three countries
known as British Isles nre: Eng
land, Wales nnd Scotland,
P. 8. I want you to bring me a
doll nnd carriage nnd some fruit
nnd other things. Goodby for this
time—Your friends, Helpn Atkins,
302 West Ave., North Augusta, 8. C.
—Denr Santa Claus: I have just
rend your letter nnd was very glad
to henr from you.
I want a doll an/I earrlnge, n tea
set, nnd lots of fruit and nuts. Tho
answer to your question: The
countries known ns teh British
Isles; are England, Ireland, Scot
land and Wales. Will look for your
letter tomorrow.—Your little friend,
Bernice Moyer, 82J Thirteenth St.
Dear Santa Claus: I saw vour
question In Tuesday’s Tlernld "What
three countries are known ns the
British Isles?” The answer Is: Eng
land. Scotland, nnd Ireland, aro
known ns the British Isles. Please
bring me a Reading Standard
Bicycle, a violin nnd some fruit. —
Always your friend. L. Burnelle
Taylor, Jr., 1467 Glover street.
Dear Eanta Claus: T nm a little
hoy of seven years nnd I write to
yet you know what I want you to
bring me for Christmas. I wnnt
a wagon, ft cannon, pair of skates,
a dollars worth of devil on the
walk—Doris Faughnan, 266 Greene
Dear Santa: I have Just read your
letter that was in the paper. I have
also seen the toys at J. B. White
& Co I will look for your letter
tomorrow. I like to have forgotten
to answer your fjiiPHtlon of wnnt
three countries are called the Bru
sh Isles. Thev are. England. Scot
land and Wales. There Is nlso an
other Island not far off called Ire
I hope you have a fine time with
King George tomorrow.
I mUHt clone an I must go lo bed.
—Tour true friend, Ethel Dixon.
P. 8. Please bring me a wrlut
watch for Christman.
Deareat Sana: A* I hnve aeon
your question In the paper, I will
try my luck to ace If I can answer
Just three countries that *nrc
known as the ‘British Isles’ are:
England, Scotland and Wales. My
nge Is nine. Please bring me lota
of fruit and other things.—Sincerely
yours, Ruby Rhodes.
Dear Santa Claus: In nnswerlng
your question: Whnt three coun
tries are known as the British
Isles? The answer Is: The British
Isles consist of flreat Britain and
Ireland and nearly 5,000 smaller
Islands near by. They ate often
called the United Klgdom. Croat
Britain Includes England, Kcotland,
and Wales. The three main o/hin
trles are England, Scotland and
Ireland. —Sincerely yours, William
8. Greiner, 724 Eleventh Bt.
Dear Santa Claus: I am seven
years old and In the secona grade
at Davidson school. I want you to
bring me a doll carrlnge and a
doll carriage and a doll. The three
countries In the British Isles. The
largest Is England, Ireland, the
second In size, Scotland Is the smal
lest In size.—Respectfully yours,
Pauline Anderson, 948 Fenwick, St.
Dear Santa Claus: Christmas Is
getting close and I have oeven lit
tle sisters and brothers outside of
myself and they have all thought
of writing you a little letter of what
they wanted. I thought It would be
best for you to back your sleigh up
to our front door and unload. I
know then me would all be satis
Nov. 22, 1924.
Santa had a personal
and private chat with
President Coolidge today,
instead of the formal con
ference expected. The
President says that be
cause of the business of
the recent elections, that
arrangements for the race
to tho North Pole between
fled—Miss Jennie How, 2518 Mc-
Dowell St.
Dear Snnta Claus: I am a little
girl 10 years old and in the six
grade. I was looking In the papea
nnd I saw your question and the*
thee countries known as the Brit
ish Isles, are England, Scotland
and Ireland. So I will say good
by. I live at 1525 Wrlghtsboro road.
truly, Frances Scott.
Dear Santa Claus: I have Just
read your letter and was glad to
henr from you, but sorry to hear
that the wind blew you off of your
I have been a good ltttTe boy. I
mean I go to Sunday school every
Sunday. I have been to J. B. White's
and saw your display of toys. I
want what you think is best. The
answer to your question Is: Ire
land, Scotland, England, Wales.
Will look for your letter tomorrow.
—Your little friend. Tessler An
drews, 1590 1-2 Hicks street.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl 10 year old. I want you to bring
me a sleepy doll and pair of bed
room slippers and a hath robe and
some fruit and don't forget my little
brother—From your little friend,
Willie Mae Maddox, 1709 Walker
Dear Santa Claus: I nm a little
hoy 8 years old and I am trying to
answer your quesflon in the paper,
the three countries of the British
Isles nre England, Scotland and Ire
land.—Yours truly, Louise Beard.
1731 Hicks street.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl 5 years old and go to school.
I am trying to be a good girl, I
want you to bring me a doll and
bed and just lots of nice things.
The answer to your question Is:
Tho names of the three countries,
are England, Ireland and Scotland.
They are called <be British Isles.—
Your little friend, Frances Pool,
1922 Greene street.
Dear Santa Claus: The answer to
the puzzlo In The Hersld Is, The
British Isles consist of England,
Scotland and Ireland. I am In the
fifth grade at school and would
like for you to bring me a little
rocking chair. I will look for yoi:t •
letter tomorrow. —Your little friend.
Myrtle Scoggins, 1919 Division St.
Dear Santa Claus: I want you to
bring me a drum, cowboy suit, horn
lots of candy and nuts. Your an
swer for today la going to be a
long one, thus: The British Isles
consists of Great Britain and Ire
land, and nearly 6,000 smaller
Islands near by. Great Britain In
cludes the Kingdom of England, the
Kingdom of Scotland, and the prin
cipal city of Wales. Ireland Includes
the Irish Free State In the central
and southern parts of the Island and
the government of Northern Ire
land In the northern part. I km a
little hoy 10 years old nnd In the
sixth grade—Lovingly yours, Ray
mond Hchnckelford, 2252 Wrlghts
boro Road.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
girl nine years of age. I go to John
Milledge school, my name is Eleanor
Roberts, I will tell you while I am
writing this lefter what I want for
Christmas, I want a doll and a
vanity box and a pair of kid gloves
and a box of handkerchiefs and a
bottle of perfume. My little brother
wants a drum and a pistol and a
horn and some fruit. My smaller
brother Just four years of ago
wants an Indian suit and a drum
and a horn and some fruit.—l will
close with much love to you and
Mrs. Santa Claus, Sincerely yours,
Eleanor Roberts, 516 Moore Ave.
Is Held at Mt. Buelah School
Near Aiken
AIKEN, 8. C.—Hon. J. H. ?ope,
state superintendent of education,
was the leading speaker at the
educational rally held at the Mt.
Beulah school Thursday night. Mr.
I’ope was a prlmo mover In the
matter of consolidation of nine
schools of the district, and asso
ciated with him were County Super- '
Intendent Selgler, Miss Mattie
Thomas, Improvement organizer,
and a number of the trustees. The
school consolidation plan as fost
ered contemplate the forming of
one splendid high school to cost
$40,000 which promises to be the
Inrgest rural school In western
Carolina. It Is planned to have
eight teachers with 11 grades and
domestic science and home econo
mics courses. The schools desired
In the consolidation are: Mount
Beulah, Wolf Pit, Edlsto River,
Spring Branch, White Pond. Oak
Wood, Hickory Grove and Windsor.
At the big gathering on Thursday
there were a number of pupils
from the various schools who sang
rally songs and gave Individual
school yells In favor of the big
consolidation. The meeting was an
explanatory one for the patrons and
residents of the section and the
plan of consolidating the nine
schools met with the favor of the
leading citizens of the section.
Following the speaking a Mg
barbecue was enjoyed by the gath
ering, and a box party for the young
folks given Friday night.