The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, November 23, 1924, Image 1

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Have you something for sale? Augusta Herald Want Ads sell EVERYTHING. VOLUME XXXI, No. 328 TOYLAND AND DOLLVILLE Now In full swing! Scores of youngsters, with their mothers and dads are coming to Toyland every day! Stocks are now wonderfully complete, and wise par ents are making their selections now, and not risk ing disappointment later. Toyland invites you Monday! —-White's Second Floor “Augusta’s Hosiery Head quarters" CHILDREN’S HOSE PHOENIX SPORT SOX—In three-quarter length, Eng lish ribbed-to-the-toe style, with novelty colored wide cuff tops. Blactf, cordovan, camel and buck. Sizes 7 to 10, at 7E p PHOENIX SPORT SOX—In three-quarter length, wide ribbed, with deep cuff tops. White, cordovan, camel and gray. Sizes 6 to 9%, CO at pair ODC Special Purchase 720 Pr* Chil dren’s Sport Hose 50c Pr. (Regular 65c value) Children’s % length, ribbed to the sport hose. With fancy col ored tops. Black, cor dovan, buck and grey. Sizes 7% to 9%. —White’s Main Floor NOVELTY KID GLOVES —Attractively Priced— Jouvin and Chanut Real French Kid Gloves— The new short cuff stylo so much used now, in suede and glace, with con trasting embroidery and trimmed cuffs. Black, brown, beaver, grey and mode. Price range— TO $7.50 Special, Real Kid Gloves— With the narrow perforat ed cuffs. Black, brown, beaver, tan, and mode with self and contrasting Paris point back. Regu- Aft AQ lar $3.50 value.... 3&<43 —White’s Main Floor Plenty New Undermuslins —Just Unpacked— GOWNS—In soft cot ton crepe, trimmed In pastel shades. Others In novelty crepes, and flesh and white nain sook. Lace trimmed and sleeve- «< aq less. Special 3 I >33 TEDDIES—Very pretty nainsook teddies, lace and embroidery trim med. Shoulder strap A | QQ style 3 I >O3 FOR MONDAY HANDSOME WRAPS fe£S*a/v r. • I THE AUGUSTA HERALD DAILY, sc; SUNDAY, sc. LEASED WIRE SERVICE. White’s 50th Annual Thanksgiving Sales THANKSGIVING SPECIALS . —in— Sheets and Cases 60th Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Table and Bed Linens, Towels, eta, now in progress. See list of items and prices in today’s Chronicle. <2x9o-in. Hemmed Sheets, $1.39 QQ. value at uUw 81x90-ln. Hemmed Sheets, $1.59 A 4 IQ values Vl l I 3 72x90-ln. Hemmed Dallas SheetsA4 1C $2.25 values. 3*<*3 42x36-tn. Hemmed Sar anac Cases, 59c JQ_ values, at pair Tub 45x36-ln. Hemmed Acorn rQ_ 69c values pr. 33C —White's Main Floor ANNUAL THANKSGIVING SALES Lovely Draperies —will make your home charming for Thanksgiving. Choose from our large and well selected stock at "lowest-ln-the-city Prices.” PAWfL CRTAINS. These beautiful filet panel curtains in at tractive allover designs with fringe. 2% yards long, in ecru. Aft AQ each $4.43 WHITE FILET CUR TAINS These pretty curtains with scalloped edges. In 3 yard length pair $3.50 AND $4.00 EMBROIDERED MAR QUISETTE CUR TAINS Dainty blue embroider ed curtains, with ruf fles, 2’A yards long, in white only, . $3.95 DRAPERY GAUZE 36-lnch. artificial silk draper gauze. In white, ecru and QQa gold. Yard .... Oul» Beautiful New Silk Gowns $6.49 In all the popular shades, trimmed with the soft cream lace, so popular. Excellent values for Xmas gifts. SILK TEDDIES —Dainty garments In soft pastel shades. Excellent quality, well cut and AQ AQ well made* Special at 30. , tu —White’s Second Floor s^|Q.7s Values to $70.00 A special grouping of distinctive Coats placed on sale Monday at the one price. Rich Materials, Rich Furs, Rich Linings, wide double stoles of Furs—deep collar and cuffs hem bandings of deep fur. Grey, Kid Fox, Cranber ry, Oxblood, Black, Pen ny, Navy are the colors. All sizes. About 49 coats to select from each an exclusive wrap. —White’s Second Floor SHEETS 81x90 Hemmed Pen nant Sheets et •TC $1.98 values. slilw 81x90-in. Hemmed Pepperell Sheets, $2.00 values, $1.75 Utica (1 QQ $2.35 values 0 ■ <3O CASES 42xJ!6-in. Hemmed Excblslor Cases, QQ_ 790 values pair 03U 42x36-ln. H. S. Empire Cases, $1.50 A 4 Aft value, at pair 3 I «UU UPHOLSTERY TAPESTRY. This wonderful tapes try, in imitation needle point weave, with artis tic patterns and color ings, for furniture up rtS *3.49 DRAPERY CRE TONNES Beautiful cretonne for door and window drap ery. The patterns and colorings are especially good, for drapery cush ions, pillows, fancy bags and box covers. nC, Yard HOC DRAPERY NETS. Pretty drapery nets, 40 inches wide, in cream and ecru. Conventional all-over patterns for doors and win- QQ dows. Yard ... —White’s Third Floor THE ONE PAPER IN MOST HOMES—THE ONLY PAPER IN MANY HOMES. AUGUSTA GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1924 Only 2, More Shopping Day. Bolore Xma. ! JOIN THE HOUSEHOLD CLUB NOW —And Make Your Home Charming for Thanksgiving— 1st —You can buy practically EVERY THING for the home thru the Club. 2nd—Prices are the same as for cash, and Club Plan purchasers can therefore take advantage of ail special sales. 3rd —You make only a nominal Initial pay ment and secure immediate posses sion. In the case of Xmas merchan dise the purchase will be held for lat er delivery, if you so desire. Make your Club Purchases this week of Annual Thanksgiving Sales. THANKS GIVING SALE OF DINNERWEAR New dinner sets in 42, 50 and 100 piece combinations. These are dainty, desirable and offer artd unusual opportunity to buy at a saving. Make your selection on Monday fortune on Thanksgiving Day. A(| \ —42 Pc. Sets Dinnsdwars, 1 I Four dainty border decora- M —\ tlons in good quality ■ i American Porcelain. Value ) $9.98 a set. $m r\ s»\ —SO Po Sets Dinnerware RH \ hkl Four ot the very new ■ est decorations to choose i } from. Good quality =1 WW l American Porcelain. J $22.60 value. (Also a Complete Stock In Open Stock Dinnerware—Fill In your needs of the Thanksgiving Dinner) HAND DECORATED NIPPON CHINA Holiday Shipments Just Received. Choose Gifts Now. At A 4 qq— Marmalade Jars, Mayonnaise Sets, 3 I <O3 Whipped Cream Sets, Cream and Sugar, Syrup Stands, Nappier, Spoon Holders, eta $1.50 value. At A 4 Ast —Bowls, Mustard Pots, Syrup 3 I iUU Stands, Bon Bon Dishes,' Cream and Sugar, Condiment Seta, Whipped Creams, etc. Value $1.35. At CQ» —C?up and Saucer, Puff Box, Hair Re- OjC ceiVef, Cream and Sugar, Mustard Pots, Plate, Bon Bon, etc. 76c values. At ftr_ —Hand decorated Nlppons, Fancy Chl- OuC na, Bon Bons, Mustard Pots, Cream Pitchers, Cup and Saucer, Hair Receiver, Puff Box. 60c values. Serving Traya—Mahogany finish, glass cov ered, Size 12xl8-in. Oblong shape, end handles. Regular value $2.25 Sale price $1.29 A Long-Planned Holiday Event ! Boudoir and Livingroom Pillows Taffeta Silk Pillows— Thlrred, piped and embellish ad with dainty motifs and clusters of bright fruit. Five designs In pastel and bright shades. PlUows of an ir $5 grade POifO A NEW SHIPMENT OF CHOICEST WINTER HATS At sls These particularly smart and distinctive models were selected with a great deal of care that the headstze and shape might be correct and becoming to the woman who still enjoys long hair. In fine silk Faille, In the most beautiful shades of copen, old rose, wood, fuschla, etc. With applied flowers, and rouches of rich fur. Exclusive models, and so very, very, new. * a • At $5.95 New Satin and Metallic HaU In shades of navy, wood, silver and gold. Plain and brocaded materials, turban, poke and medium brim shapes. —White’s Second Floor I \At Two Attractive Price* : *2 25. and *3=2l Fifteen charming styles In these beauttful new pillows. Just the thing for Xmas giving or to adorn one's own llvlngroom or boudoir. Beautifully made, of fine quality silks and velvets, the prices are surprisingly lowl Chiffon Velvet Pillows— Five designs In a range of delightful colors. With Kapok stuffed In ner pillows. $5 ee ir values at vdilu —Art Dept. 2nd Floor 4th—The balance is paid weeMy, semi monthly, or monthly. 6th—Payments are extended over the course of ten months or more. 6th—You can be assured that all Club Plan arrangements are strictly confidential 7th—You, as a member of White's House hold Club, have the privilege of mak ing selections from the largest and most complete stock of home furnish ings in Augusta. $m jIQ \ —IOO Pc. Sets Dinnerware [s! ,11(1 I Pink rose spray decora | Wfe ’ tlon In soft dainty col li <1 R ‘ ( orlngs, gold traced. JL w \ American Porcelain. 1 Value $22.60. FA . —IOO Pc. Beta Dinnerware Beautiful "I.ove Nost” W decoration. In excellent f |a| ( quality American Por- Qaf w 1 colain. Regular value J $36.00 set. Genuine Mahogany Trays New Goods, Just received, Oval and Square shapes. —Tapestry lined glass covered $6.00 —Tapestry lined, glass covered $8.90 —Mahogany lined, glass covered .....$4.00 —Mahogany lined $12.65 —MaJiogany lined .$13.50 —Englaved, Glass lined $16.50 Console Bets—Blue and Green glass, 3 piece sets, -epft finish colored glass. Regular value $3.75, sale, set $2.59 Cut Glass Vases—Beautiful now patterns, gen uine deep cut glass vases, several sizes. Reg ular values up to $6.50, sale each $3.98 Water Bets —Beautiful pineapple cut, pitcher and six table tumblers. 7 piece set. Special ly priced .....$2.19 Velour Pillows— With tapestry centers. Piper or trimmed with gold braid. In bike, rose, mulberry, burgundy and black. $3.98 so -7C values vtifd FURS For Thanksgiving Festivities ! -e-At the Football Game, as a part of ths after noon of evening costume, furs lend the finishing touch of luxurious warmth and becoming loveli ness. New Shipments Offer Exceptional Values STONE MAHTEN PIECES $29.75 up BAUM MAKTKN PIECES $54.50 up BLACK FOX SCARFS $29.75 up LIGHT FOX SCARFS .<. $59.50 up AT«|-c—ERMfNETTE COATB, a new'shipment ivd of beautiful white Krmlnette Coats of excellent quality. Beautifully lined with brocaded crepe. Especially priced. BUY NOW FOR XMAS GIFTS—You will do wise ly and well to buy now for Xmas. Stocks are complete and you have splendid choice, and at a wjde range of low prices. —White’s Second Floor 18 CENTS A WEEK. (ASSOCIATED PRESS.) WHITE’S Dependable V —= Luggage —For the Trip Over Thanksgiving- Travel with luggage that you can be proud of! Nothing so helps with that important "first Im pression" us correct and suitable luggage. FITTED BAGS— The very newest thing In fitted bags, fine quality, perfect ly appointed and convenient— “ $42,50 KIT BAGS A won dorfu value In bngs made on genuine En ££*... $32.50 NOTE: Luggage can be purchased thru Our easy payment Household Club, at same as cash prices, and with 10 months or even more to pay. —White’s Second Floor TOILETRIES Requisites of the toilet that you’ll need for the week-end Thanksgiving trip. Supply your needs at these money saving prices. Melba ‘‘Love-Me’’ sr. Face Powder .. IOC DJer Kiss Face rft_ Powder 3UC Java Rice qq_ Powder OuC Pebeco Tooth QQ** Paste 33 C Pepsodent QQ _ Paste !... 00G Squlbb's Tooth 4r_ Paste 43C Forhan's Tooth sr _ Pasto 40 C Colgate’s Tooth QC,* Kolynos’ Tooth ftr_ Paste toC Packer’s Tar rft_ Shampoo OUC Mulslflod QQ Cocoanut 0011. 3JC Cook Your Thanksgiving Dinner —in a— DUPLEX FIRELESS STOVE The turkey will be done to a beautiful light brown. Juicy and delicious. Vegetables, breads, cakes, and other desserts will also be cooked to perfection! Yet, you can have the entire morn ing to enjoy with the family, for a meal cooked In the Duplex requires no watching. • $32 $34 $42 Sold thru our easy payment Household Club at Same as Cash Prices. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Clean fast cooking pll cook stoves are found In the new perfection. An oil etove that will boil, broil, bake and fry and anything any stove will do. Two Burner New Perfection OH Cook Stove $17.00 Three Burner New Perfection Oil Cook Store $22.00 Four Burner New Perfection Oil Cook Stove $28.00 —White’s Third Floor ATLANTA. OA. Nov. **, 1924. GOOD NEWS CHILDREN! We’re making fast time now. and we're delighted, for J. B. White A Co. say that the children In Augusta can hardly wait for our arrival, and to make even better time, they are sending automobiles here to Atlanta to bring our party on thru ths country. as fast as we can come! It Is now a certainty that w# will reach Augusta on Thanksgiving afternoon, but Just what route ws will take Into the city has not yet been decided upon. As soon as WE know, we will let YOU we want you to be out all along the way to say "Hello" to our pfrty. Sant* Claus wants a sight of your happy little faces and bright eyes, and to shake hands with you every one. Be sure to he out to see us as we pass, then join our party and come on down to J. B. White St Co., where we’re going to hold a re ception In frgnt of the store. There’ll surely be a wonderful time, and souvenirs for all. Remember, Thursday, Thanksgiving afternoon. Is the time. Meet me. Your good friend, SANTA CLAUS. 1 P. S. Can you tell me who la the Governor of Georgia! For the first correct«answer to this question from a boy or girt un der 10 years, I have directed my representatives in White’s Toyland A Dollvllle to give a Game of "rive Pine,” or a Game of “Snapa” Holiday Orders Now Being Taken ! —Engraved Greeting Cards —Engraved Stationery —Monogrammed Playing Cards Two complete linos to select from, in engraved stat ionery and cards. Also monogrammed playing cards. Order now for Christmas, —White’s Msln Floor —Gladstone Bags —Underarm Bags —Oxford Bags All sizes and leathers. SUIT CASES— And Week End Cases, JJ gg UP HAT BOXES Unusual Values at $5.59 Palmolive Q Q _ Shampoo 33C Wildroot Hair Tonic DUC Plnaud’s Eau do Quinine Hair si as Tonic 3l<Uf Plnaud’s Lilac Q7_ Vegetal 01 C Monnon's Vilet jq_ Talc I3C Nail IQ. Brushes I UU Prophylactic qq Tooth Brushes 33C Hind's Honey and Al mond Cream QQ. (Largo Size).. OdC Ashes of Hoses Rouge. S£T. 89c —White’s Main Floor SPORTS £ H ON E 2036 AND S A Y ! SEND ME THE HERALD Monday Specials in SILKS AND VELVETS (Use Butterick Patterns) 39-in. Solid Colored Canton Crepa—l2 Evonlng Aft QQ shades. $3.60 value 39-in. Batin Back Canton Crepes— -39-in. Satin Back Crepo 36-in. Silk Messalines— -36-in. All Silk Taffetas, $1.98 values gg 36-In. Fina Costume Velvta, Leading shades, Aft QQ $3.50 value 34 <O3 39-in. Bolid Colored Chiffon Velvets, Evening and street shades. 10 shades, aa </m $6.50 value 34 43 39-In. Brocade Chiffon Velvet 8 shades, AQ QQ $8.98 value 3Di3O 36-in. Large Wale Corduroy, 1$ manted shades. AI ar mercerized v 1.40 39-in. Silk and Cotton Canton— as rn $2.25 value $ I .39 —Whlte’e Main Floor —Monday Special*- New Wool Goods 42-in. Striped Flannels—For one piece dresses. Novelty stripes. $2.25 si Qr value, at yard .... $ I iOu 54-in. Check Velour Suiting, Black and white, blue and white, red and black, $3.50 £s\“ $2.49 54-ln. Novelty French Plaid Buiting Broken plaids. Blue and green grounds. $4.50 value, at *A qq yard d4idO 54-in. Fancy Plaid Homeapun £52.25, $2.49, $2.98 54-in. Novalty Golf Buiting Fringed, with fancy bor ders, waa $7.50, AQ qq 54-in. Boucla Cloth— For Jackets and coats. $3.98 value, at Aft qq yard 94.30 54-ln. Tubular Jersey— Tan. red, tiger Illy, Jade, reseda, rose, navy, gray, $2.50 value, at • a« qq yard 31.30 —White's Main Floor