Newspaper Page Text
v - ** m -
CLEVELAND, Ohio. Cleveland
held on to first plane Saturday br
winning from Washington 5 to 4 in
the most exciting and enthusiastic
game of the season. Cleveland's 6 er
rors allowed Washington to take a
four run !o;ul. Then the Napß bunch
ed five hits and scored thrpc runs
off Hughes ill the fourth. Johnson
went in with only one out and stop
ped the scoring until the seventh,
when Cleveland tied the score. The
game was won in the eighth on Sto
vall's single. Johnson's error and
Perring’s single.
Score by innings: R. H. E.
Cleveland . . .ftftft 300 llx—s 32 6
Washington . . .002 200 000—4 9 2
Liebhardt, Joss and Clarke;
Hughe*, Johnson and Street. Time
2:06. Sheridan and Egan.
Tigers 3; Athletics 2.
DETROIT, Mich.—Only one man
passed first base on Donovan until
the ninth and seven batters were
struck out by him In the first three
innings, six of them consecutively.
Detroit bunched hits twice on Plank
for runs and lost two other chances
by reckless base running.
Box score:
Ab. H. Po. A E.
Mclntyre, If 4 1 1 0 0
Bush, ss. .'.... 4 1 4 4 0
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Light weight materials strictly for summer
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Handsomely tailored by UNION MEN.
/j trial order will make you a permanent cus
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Crawford, cf 4 3 2 0 0
Cobb, rs . 4 2 1 0 0
Rossman, 1b 3 0 7 0 0
Schaefer, 3b 3 3 1 1 0
l Schmidt, c. 3 0 9 1 0
Downs, 2b .31130
Donovan, p. ..... 3 1 1 1 0
Totals. . . . „ .31 12 27 10 0
Ab. H. Po. A. Tv
Nichols, ss 4 0 5 l 0
Strunk, cf 3 1 1 Ift
Baker, 3b. ...... 4 1 1 4 0
Murphy, rr 4 1 10 0
Oldring. If 4 1 110
Davis, lb 4 1 10 0 0
Barr, 2b 2 0 0 3 0
Powers, c 3 0 4 3 0
Plank,, p 3 1110
•Coonibß 1 1 0 0 0
••Seybold .1 0 0 0 0
Totals. ..... .33 7 24 14 0
•Balled for Barr in ninth.
••Batted for Powers in ninth.
Two-base hits —Donovan, Oldring.
Stolen bases —Bush, Cobb, Schßcfer.
Double plays—Oldring to Nichols;
Strunk to Nichols.
Base on bails —Off Donovan 2.
Si ruck out —Donovan 8, Plank 3.
Left on bases —Detroit 4, Philadel
phia 6.
Umpires—Evans and Hurst.
Score by innings: R. H. E.
Detroit . . . .100 000 2ftx—,'! 12 0
Philadelphia. . .000 000 002—2 7 0
Donovan and Schmidt; Plank and
Powers. Time, 1:40. Evans and
Sox Blanked Yankees.
CHICAGO —Chicago snut out New
York here Saturday 12 to 0. A total
of 13 bases on balls, a couple of wild
pitches, the hitting of two Chicago
ans by pitched balls, coupled wWh
U. OE W. VA.
610 J
sity of Penniylvania football team
encountered all kinds of trouble In the
first game of its schedule
feating West Virginia by the score
of six to nothing. It was not until
the last five minutes of the game that
the Quakers scored at all, while West
Virginia made several flrßt downs and
once took the ball away from Penn
sylvania when the latter was on the
point of scoring. It was only by
means of two cleverly worked for
ward passes that Pennsylvania was
able to score.
The line-up:
Penn. Position. W. Va.
Braddock, Miller Hutchinson
Left End.
Gaston Bachman
Left Tackle.
Dietrich nil worth
Left Guard.
Marks Pierce;
. Center.
Pike Hawley j
Right Guard.
Burn* Mclntyre i
Right Tackle.
Scarlett. Young I
Right End.
Keinath Shelton
Quarter Back.
Townsend Young. Favorite He.s*
Left Half Baek.
Manler, Mclntyre Meblnger
Right Half Back.
Hollenback Dlffendale
Full Baek.
Touchdown, Manler.
Goal from touchdown, Scarlett.
Referee, A. H. Sharpe (Yale).
Umpire, W. H. Edwards (Prince
Field Judge, W. H. Corbin (Yale).
Length of halves, 15 minute*.
“You are not very enthusiastic
about the election.
“Nope." answered Farmer Corntoa
sei. "The nearest I kin ever git to
enthusiasm In any election la to per
suade myself to cheer up an' hope fur
the best."—Chicago News.
opportune bitting and a tow sacri
fices, was acountahle tor the visitor!.
Smith, who pitched most of the game
for Chicago, had little difficulty
holding his opponents safe. Ball
twisted bis ankle in the seventh and
retired from the game.
Score by innings: ft. H. JS.
Chicago . . .or/! 102 10x—12 8 0
New York . . .000 000 000— 0 8 1
Altrock, Smith and Hchreck; Chea
hro, Billiard and Sweeney and iilair.
Time, 2:07. Connolly,
Red Sox Defeated Browns.
ST. I,OCfB, Mo —Boston defeated
St. Louis again Saturday, Arellanos
abutting out locals. Ser.»a''oral fle'd*
Ing tided In the result. Boston scored
twice in the second on three hits and
an error by Wallace Only three as
sists were recorded by the visitors.
Score by innings: 11.H.E
St. I/Ouls . . .000 000 000 0 8 1
Boston . , . .020 000 000—2 5 0
Waddell and Speneer; Areilanea
and Crlger. Tim', 1:41. O'Bitughlin
and Kerin.
We’ll all be there Like Du ok*—By Tad.
NEW YORK,—Steadied by Mathew
son's strong right arm the New York
team Saturday atoned In part for Fri
day's double-headed defeat by landing
a double-headed victory from Clnotn
natl, the score# being G to 2 and 3
to 1. The 32,000 spectators who had
followed the play* with great enthu
siasm left the field at the close con
vinced that New York can get the
pennant, for the complete reversal of
Itb unattractive form of Friday seem
ed to indicate that Manager Mc.Grnw
was right when he expressed the opin
ion Saturday that the setback result
ing from putting iu the box the new
invoice of pitchers would be easily
But Chicago’s duplication of her
double victory at Brooklyn means
that New York will have to put up
high grade baseball In the remaining
eleven games it has to play. Chicago
has but six games more to play be
fore the end of the season.
Mathewson’s pitching wbh the feat
ure of the first game. In the second
game Tenney lined out a home-run.
Box score :•
New York.
AB. H. PO A K.
Tenney, lb.. .. .. .-4 2 10 0 0
Merkle. lb 1 0 2 1 0
Herzog, 3b 5 I 3 2 0
Bresnahan, c . . . .4 I 4 0 0
Needham, c 0 0 1 0 0
Uonllp, rs 4 o 1 o 0
Seymour, cf 4 I 1 0 0
Devlin. Kb 4 I 1 3 1
McCormick. If 3 I 2 0 0
Brldwell, ss 3 3 2 4 0
Matliewson, . .p 4 0 0 5 0
Totals 30 10 27 15 1
AB. 11. PO. A.K
Daviess, rs 4 2 1 0 0
Egan, 2b 4 o 1 2 0
Ix)b n rt, as -4 2 3 o 1
Rescher, ir 4 o 3 o o
I HobliUel. It 4 1 G 0 1
| Mowrey, 3b 3 0 2 1 0
Paskert, cf 3 1 4 0 0
Schlel, c ...... ...3 0 4 2 0
Ewing, |> 3 0 0 1 0
Total* 32 « 24 8 2
Two-base hits: Hoblltzel, Paskert,
Three-base hits. Tmnoy.
Home run Bayl«»*.
Double plays' Mathewaon to Her
zog to Tenney.
Struck out by Ewing 2, Mathew
*on 4.
Base on ball*, off Ewing 2.
Wild pitch. Ewing.
passed ball: Hchlvl.
Left on bases. Cincinnati 3; New
1 York *.
Time: 1:41.
Umpire*: Klein and John«ton«.
First Game.
Score by Inning*: R H H
Cincinnati, . . 'iftft 010 010 2 8 3
I New York. . . .001 001 10* C 12 1
lflwtng and flohlel; M.ithewaon and
Needham and Breßimban. Time. 1.46.
Umpires, Klem nnd ,lohn*tone.
Box score:
New York.
. AB. H. PO. A. JL
Tenney, lb 3 1 12 0 0
Herzog, 2b 3 I 3 5 I
Bresnahan, c 4 1 0 1 0
Dunlin, rs 3 1 0 0 0
Seymour, cf 3 1 1 0 1
Devlin, 3b 4 l 0 3 1
McCormick, If 4 1 0 0 I
Brldwell, ss 3 2 2 4 0
Ames, p 3 0 0 2 0
Totals SO * 37 16 4
AB. H. PO A M.
Bayless, rs 3 0 2 1 0
Huggins, 2b 3 1 4 3 0
Lobert, se. 4 l 1 4 2 .
Rescher, If ~--3 0 I 0 0
Hoblltzel, lb 4 o 10 1 0
Mowrey, 3b 4 0 0 2 0
Paskert, cf 2 I 2 1 0
McLean, c ...... ..4 0 3 1 0
Dubec, p 3 0 1 3 0
Toni* ■" : i M M ■'
J 0
Two base hits: Devlin, Brldwell.
Home run: Tenney.
Double plays: Paskert to Lobert to
Mowrey to McLean lo Huggins; Bay
less to Huggins; Lobert to Hoggin*
to Hoblltzel; Brldwell to Herzog to
Struck out, by Dubec 3; by Amos
Base on balls: Dubec 2; Ames 3.
Passed Imlls: McLean.
Left on bases: Cincinnati 7; New
York 7.
Time: I:4K.
Umpire*: Johnstone and Klein.
Second Game.
fleoro by Innings: K H K
Cincinnati. . . .000 000 ool—l 4 I
New York. . . ,002 000 01* 3 10 3
Dubec and McLean; Anms and
Bresnahan. Time, 1.45. Umpires,
Klein and Johnstone.
Chlcano Took Both.
BROOKLYN, N. Y. Every one of
the twelve thousand persons who wit
nessed the two games played Satur
day between the Chicago and Brook
lyn teams was Impressed wllh the
clean-cut work of the world's Cham
pion*. Reulbach pitched the first
game with Kllng behind the bat.
Chance rent the same battery back
to work out the second game. Reul
bach did not seem to be a hit tired
He played his position bo effectively
in the second gsme that a 3 to 0
shutout resulted
I Superb baseball In every detail was
played by the visitors and the only
i one to make a mlsplay was Reulbach,
ill the second contest. He received
i errorless support by all hi* club
First Gama.
Score by Innings U H F.
Chicago. , . , .fifth ftlft 121 a lft ft
Brooklyn. . , .OftO ftbO hftft h 6 k
Reulbach and Kllng; Wilhelm and
I Dunn. Time, I.4ft, Owen* and Kin*
i lie.
Second Game,
Score by Innings: It H B
I Chicago. . . . .ftftl fifth 020 I ■> 1
Brooklyn. . . .000 hftft fifth ft 3 2
Reulbach and Kllng, Pastorlus and
i Dunn Time, I 12. Umpires, Kinslle
| and Owens
Phillis* Broke Even.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa Philadelphia
broke even wllh fR Ignil* Saturdav.
The first game went 14 Inning*. Bt.
Herald to Issue Sporting Edition
Giving Scores in Big Leagues
Perhaps never before in the history of baseball has there been a
situation like the present In the two big leagues. In both the leeders
are separated by only a few point*, and It In likely that It will take
the final gamee to decide the pennant races. The season will end In
about two weeks and In the meantime the greatest Interest Is being
manifested locally. In order to satisfy this demand The Hsrald will be
gin Monday to l»«ue a Baseball and Sporting Extra. The scores by In
nings of the game* In both big leagues, raoe result* and all other news
received by The Herald's leased wire of the Hearat Newa Service and
the Associated Preis will be given In concise form.
The extra will be issued every day aa long aa the interest warrant*
and will be on the street* before 7 o’clock each evening.
Football Results.
At Providence, R. I.
Brown 34, New Hampshire ft.
At Carlisle
Carlisle Indians 10, Villa Nova 0.
At Worcester, Mass.
Holy Cross 6, Norwich ft.
At Easton, Pn
LaFayette College 10, Mtymnlng
Seminary 0.
At Philadelphia—■
Pennsylvania 6, West Virginia ft.
At Charlottesville, \’ft.—
Li tin won on Hlmw’s double, an out
anil a fumble by Grant. The second
game was called at the end of five
Innings on account of darkness.
First Game.
Score by Innings: Tl H E
HI. Louis.2oo Hftft 000 ftftft 01—3 12 4
Phlladel .000 10ft 100 000 oft—2 8 7
Higgins and Bliss, Spark* and
Jaeklllsch. Time, 2.33. Umpire, lllg
Stcond Game,
Score by Innings: R H E
HI. Louis ftftft 00 —ft 3 2
Philadelphia 10ft Oft—l 7 ft
Lush and Moran; Covaleskl and
Dnoln. Time, 4k minutes. Umpire,
Piratss Blanked Dove*.
BOSTON. Pittsburg defeated Bos
ton Saturday In a well played game,
If, to 0. Willis pitched w good game,
allowing but. six seattered hits The
visitors bunched lilts off Mattern In
three Innings Dali lens fielding and
Wagner's hitting were the feature*.
Score by Innings: R H K
Pittsburg. . . .20ft 001 020 5 9 1
Boston Uftfi ftftft ftftft ft 6 ft
Willis and Gibson; I.lndaman, Mat
tern and Uowerrmin. Time, 1.30. Urn
plre O'Day,
Shovels, Spades, Hoes,
Rakes and Wheelbarrowß
to dean up your yard.
908 Broad Street.
* •
* ♦
National League.
iVon l/jst. P. CL
New York, 1)0 52 .484
Chicago 92 54 .832
Pittsburg 92 55 .828
Philadelphia 77 Hr. .542
Cincinnati 70 78 .542
Boston ..81 84 .421
Brooklyn 48 88 .333
St. Ismltt 48 97 .331
American League.
Won. Boat. P. Ct
Cleveland ..84 82 .575
Detroit 82 81 .573
Chicago ..82 82 .569
Boston 70 73 .490
Philadelphia 65 7H .461
Washington fit 78 .439
New York 48 93 .333
- ■ ii p i * i——
Virginia 11, William and Mary 0.
At Lincoln, Neb.—
Ooriishuckerg 29. Peru Norman
school 0.
At Lewlsburg, Pa.—
Bin knell college 33 > Huarjuehanoa
University 0.
At State College. Pa.—
Pennsylvania State college 34
Drove city 0. *
At Syracuse—
Svraeu e 12, Hamilton 0
Wednesday, Matinee
and Night.
Scats Ready Tomorrow.
Matinee, 25c to »t.oo. Prices at
Night, 25c to *1.60
I am prepared to supply the
wants of my customers and frlsnda.
Fall samples now ready to select
from. Please call and let mg book
your order.