The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 27, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 22
PAGE SIX WANTS Get Busy With Your Ad. Beading. Its the Way., to Wisdom. The merchant who Is "hurled" In the caret* of new stock* and new un dertaking* should share hla time with that which make* the oth<'r thing* feasible—hU advertising campaign. No store over prospered that fallej to secure the Interest and patilloagii of the "bargain hunter*.'' If you have, during this summer, formed but one new habit-—the habit at reading and answering ad* —Hi. rummer will have been we'l spent If, during the autumn, you form the habit of ADVERTISING, as well. It will mean that YOUK SHIP IS COMING IN! If there is rorne'hlng you want something n little out of the ordinary —INQUIRE Or THE PUBLIC, through a want ad The work seeker who answers the "Help Wanted ada la really "lowkitig for work ’ Hut If be alao advertl» . (in hla own account bis chances will be doubled perhaps trebled Wllh the lever of Publicity you ntav j "lift" your store to "bigger ihlags" | Ol courae the lever muat be big enough and of proved quality Their , are OTHER KINDS of 'lever*' to in had WANTED HELP Male WANTED RAILWAY MAIL CLI.RKS post office clerktt, cur lers #1,100.00 yearly. Kganilnullons here November !Btb Preparation free. Franklin Ip i tltute. Httcltm’st- N. Y Oct »»p wanted KNIIALMKK AND FUN eral dllector. Good place for right man Address The Hobo Undertak ing Co.', Union 8. C. WANTED HELP Female NURSE A NURSE AND HOUSE; girl wanted at wire. Apply 1287t$ Ilroad street. 1,27 D SALESLADIES: FIVE HALBBLA dies wanted at one*; none but ex pcrlf-nred ones need apply, t 11. | Schneider s. 1108 Ilroad street. H27c Ladies we will maki you a present of $26.00, give you a splendid lady's suit evety to da)H and good pay. *** manage out busy ties It your seel lon. Old. reliable firm J E Mcltrady & Co., 812 W Van Ibiren St., Chicago. *27" NURSE servant to nurse and sleep on place. Good wages Must come recommended. Apply 1127 Greene St. S27p NURSE. EXPERIENCED NUItSK minted; one who will sleep on premises, must bring rerommanda iipn answer by letter. Mrs. L. <l. Doughty. No. 1012 Greene HI a2»c WANTED: KOII U. H ARMY Able lx ailed, unmarried men bo tween ages of IK and 36, rllliens of tinned Stales, of good character mid temperate habits, who can read and write English. Knr Inform , tlon apply to Recruiting Offlt er Mil lar Walker Hulldlng. Augusta. Ga. or 2$ 1-2 Whitehall St , Allwnla, (i t . or *ll Cherry St., Macon Ga WANTED SITUATION Male. BUTLER: SITUATION WANTED •a butler or driver. Phillip Jackson. 1262 Twiggs St. B!Tx WANTED Salesmen. TWO TRAVELING SALESMEN wanted 228.00 week aalaty. 2*6 week espouses, and 10 pel cent com nalaaton on sale*. la>» Angeles Ulder Co., Atlnnta, Ga a27p tuTIiESMAN WANTED TO HELL to grocers, druggists and contec tinners: 1100.00 per month and ex (wnses.’ California Cider A Extract Co., St. Mo. »27p AGENTS 2 f. A WEEK. EXPENSES paid, no ex|H>rlenre required, photo pillow tops 30c; enlarged portraits, frames lowest prices; free samples Catalogue Dept. 20, Hitter Art Studio. Chicago, HI. S27c UR Y (AN AND TAFT CAMPAIGN plctiigos; agents are tuaklng 220 per day. A big hit. write for free samples People's Portrait and Frame Co-, Chicago. 827 c riRHT-CLASS BOOKMAN TO SELL Encyclopedia Rrltannlca Heavy adverltalng for closlna sale, coupons and leads furnished, extra commits •lons, expenses paid J W Harnett, Mgr. No. *6 Pertn Bldg. Cincinnati. O 82704 c SALESMAN WANTED: TO TAKE order* in Georgia direct to the con sumer for one of the oldest fatuous wholesale liquor houses In the Blue Grass Regions of Kentucky Address R 8 Strader a Son. Mall Order Iw partment. Lexington, Ky. U27c Wood Wood AVOOD FOR BALE GAK AND pine, cut In lengths to suit cus tomer*: oak $5.00 per cord, 22 0 l>er half cord, pine 2* 12 per cord, 22 26 per half cord Delivered to any part of thr city from Ivery Wiaxd Yard Phone 7**. corner Mark* and H. R Axe, W. C. IVERY . *290 Mineral Water DRINK STOKES MINERAL WATER —Bndoreed bx phystclaha o( thu city. 'Phone order* dI6 and deliv ered promptly In any part ot the el'y YES; There Are Some Things in Which a Want Ad. Cannot Help You—But Not Many of Them. In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge WANTED —Agents j OUR JAPANESE POLIHHINO cloth sells everywhere; lb.uOO sold ' last momh. Agents' sample 10 cant*. ;ei|s for 26c. Catalogue, free. Robtn .on Mlg. Co., 99 Lincoln Ave., Chl j cago. *27p 'AGENTS WANTED FOUR OCR new 25c Darning Machine; Just j out. Weaves new heel and toe In sock In five minutes. One agent sold :sM In one day. Send 15c for sam ple or 21-25 for dozen. R W. Hut ton Co.. Walnut Bt., Philadelphia, Pa. »2?p WANTED: TRAVELING SALEH man; $35.00 per week and expenses; give references Red Cross Vinegar Company, Bt. Louis, Mo. sunss2otf WANTED Miscellaneous. WANTED TO HUY RICHMOND Academy books and other school books In use, Dellqiiest's "New and Old Bookshop,” 216 Seventh Bt. HAY PRESSES, FIVE DIFFERENT styles of our own make, both belt and horse power. Spike tooth har rows, mowers, rakes, hay loaders, manure spreaders, huHk ami ear corn grinders, pea threashers, etc Repair lug farm Implements of nil descrip tions a specialty. Coma and aee us. Wirt a a Hernlen. J2htf WANTED—Board BOARD: YOUNG LADY DESIRES room with board In a private fam ily Centrally located. Address E. II B . csre Herald. S27p WANTED—Boarders. I (’AN ACCOMMODATE TWO OR three young men with room and board Table boarders also accom modated. Central location. No. Bid Reynolds St. s29p FOR BALE Poultry ani Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tou.ose Geese, Muscovey Duckl; Barred P’vtnouth Rocks; all farm raised, he*:thy and from first clsa* stock. Prices reasonable Address Rowdre Phlnlzy, Jrovotown, Ga. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS \ FEW NICE young cockrels for sale. From the original famous Cook strain. Howdr* Phlnlzy, FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON T BUY YOUR HORSES and mutes from us, we both lose money Augusta Stock Yarda. RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifers and bull ralvea. They are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation. Juat the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm For prices and estimates, write llowdr* Phtntsy, Grovetown, Ga MORSE MORSE, BUGGY ami MAR ness for sale. Horse gentle; suit able for lady to drive Owner moving Into city. Apply or address M., care Hildebrand!, corner Kills and Wash Ington Sts. s3oc FOR SALE Real Estate- FIVE NEW THREE ROOM COT (ages, waterworks attached, on Walker street near McKlnnle. Apply 520 McKlnnle street. Phone 1030 s27p DWELLING NO. 416 CAI HOUN Htreot 6 rooms, bath, large yard, stable; will mak,. ueci nsnry repairs. Jno R While, Agt. 'Phone 1173 or 2385. s29p FARM FOR SALE 26 ACRES good farm or garden land, one mile Grarewood, Richmond county. All other Information, call or write 424 Trifair street, Augusta. S2Bo COTTAGE A STYLISH 6 ROOM cottage ill North Augusta for (Sic at a sacrifice For particulars appk P O. Box 717 City. sl»;f PLANTATION OF GOO ACRES OF land In Warren county; desirable Apply to Clarence K Clark s2filf LOST AND FOUND WATCII: UXST. SATURDAY MORN tng one ladle* 0 site gold watch and fob between 16th atreet bridge and C A W C. crossing on Greene St Handsome reward if returned to and Bor s office, Georgia Railroad, or No 61# Wright* Avenue. *2sp STRAY Kl>, 8 UTTER: STRAYED from 610 Greene at reel, black and white eetter bitch Reward for In formation or return to R. I Itrancli *2Ttf E M Deas. MEATS HAS A KINK SELECT atock of homo raised beef, veal, pork, extra One lamb, spring lamb, etc K M Deas, 313 Jackaon street. Rhone US S27c Shoes AU. MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES nt c<at. J P Saxon, Hoi Broad Ellis St. »270 Groceries W T ROWELL DEALER IN FANCY groeertes, alao make a a pec laity of chicken* and fre*h country butter and < gg> Special attention given to all order* Your patronage aollcltrd Ere* deliver) 705 t'auipbell atree; Phone No 151* ss7c Shoe Repairing niiiNt; me toi’R old worn opt aboea, 1 can make them look like new onea for you on abort notice and guarantee all work N Itlbler. 617 Kilt* St BJ7c ALEXANDER SEED COMPANY, 911 Broadway. Dutch Bulbs are now ready. Hyacinths, single and double, all colors, 60 cents per dozen; $3.60 per 100. Tulip*, single and' double, mixed colors, 20 vnts per dozen; 21-25 per 100. Narcissus, Jonquils, Crocus —greatest - variety In town. Chinese Sacred Lillies. Roman Hyacinths, Calls Lillies. Freeslas. They beautify the home so. ABOUT YOUR LAWN. It will look lesß like we have had a flood If you sow It with ALEXANDER'S EVERGREEN LAWN GRASS. One pound sufficient for 300 square feet, 30 cents; four pounds, 21 .00; bushel 115 pounds) J 3 50. When you want correct Heads the correct place to get them Is the ALEXANDER SEED CO. Careful salesmen, 911 Broadway, Augusta, On. FOR RENT —Real Estate. RESIDENCE A NICE RES! dence at 618 Centre street with five rooms and bath. Price 210.6 f» per month. Apply Jno. J. Evans. s29p FOR RENT: in NORTH AUGUSTA, lovely 6-room cottage on West, ave nue, near Hampton Terrace; electric lights; modern conveniences. Apply J. R. Anglin, first house above sani torlum. 827 c lEN't'E MY RESIDENCE, eight rooms, suitable for two fam ilies, In good order, also dwelling of live rooms, will sell doube tenement, 445 and 447 Watkins St. I). Graham, 446 Walker St. S22tf DWELLING: SIX ROOM DWELLING, 1226 Ellis St., for rent; modern con veniences. Apply M. J. Toohey, 130 Jackson St. *ntf OFFICE CORNER OF ALLEY REAR of Georgia Railroad Bank, from October Ist Rent 2200. Apply Geor gla Railroad Bank. sl2tf HOUSE: an elegant new hous c In North Augusta. West ave nue, near Hamilton Terrce. two baths and all modern Improvements. Bee It and you will rent It. Apply B. C. Wall. 917 Broad St. SlOtf ONE FLAT ON 1300 BLOCK OF Ellis street, new and with all mod (rn conveniences, six rooms and hath. Apply E. B. McLendon, 1028 Ilroad St . s2'lc ONE FLAT ON 1200 BLOCK OF Droud street, seven rooms, new and up to date. Applx E. 11. McLendon, 1028 Broad St. 5290 HOUSE: A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 122 Ilroad atreet. for sale; lot 45x120. house of 5 rooms, large porch, hack and front; cement sidewalk, gas; u now house. Price, 23.360 cash. Ap ply on premise*. s27c FOR RENT- Rooms. ROOMS: THREE CHOICE ROOMS for rent for light housekeeping. Bath, water same place. Private fam ily. 2*6 Telfair Olp ROOMS: AFTER OCTOBER IST., three rooms and bath, centrally lo cated. on Greene street. The rooms are furnished and are steam heated. Young men preferred Address 8 La Roy. care The Herald o2c FLAT A FLAT OK 4 ROOMS with privilege of bath at 442 Fen xvlek St Apply 622 Center Si. 813 if ROOMS: ONE 01l TWO NICELY furnished rooms, pleasantly located, for rent: close to business section. References exchanged. Address P. X, this office, S29p ROOMS: FIVE UNFURNISHED rooms, with privilege of bath, for rent. Will rent separately or to gether. Apply 416 Bay SI. S27p ROOM NICELY FURNISHED ■ room, price seven dollars. 1910 Telfair. 529,x V FLAT OF THREE l NKI RMSH ed rooms. No children. Apply to '23 tlreene Bt. »27c ROOMS TWO FURNISHED ROOMS first floor, use of bath, private fanl llv. Apply 918 Reynolds street. s2Bp WANTED Rooms ROOMS THREE ROOMS WANTED at once. 8. 8. 8 , care The Herald, or 301 Centre street. *27p For Sale or Rent. COTTAGE--ON MONTE BANO FOR sale or rent; a six-room cottage with owt boil*. nnd ample stable room AU modern convenience* Phone 2SI Apply 509 Broad street. s}9p Shoes all mf.n and women s shoes at coat. J. P Saxon, H 65 Broad street. a27c Cant ion IXI NOT BE DECEIVED BT BEING told that It la “lust a* good aa Mitchell's." because there la none In the electric line that la a* good a* Mitchell All kind electrical new and repair work H. R Mitchell. 617 Broad St. 927 p College Osborne's Business FALL TERM NOW OPEN, EASY monthly rate* for either book keeping or shorthand cour*-. Pay or night session. Phone t,71. 037; THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS FOR SALE—Miscellaneous SIDEBOARD: ONE SIDEBOARD, practically new, also one gas range. Can be seen at L. Sylvester & Sons. 838 Broad St. S27c A BARGAIN IN 6 H.-P. _ GASOLINE engine In perfect condition sot $200.00. H. E. Fourcher, 572 Broad St. 827 c AUTOMOBILE: GOOD A 8 NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be eeen at White'* garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NBWB-1 papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf ; FOR 8 ALE: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, delivered, for $1.50. Rustic swings $3.00 and Rocking Chairs SL6O each. Some fine Colum bian Wyandottes, S. L. Wyandottes, Light Brahmas and White Rocks at spaclai close out prices. Eggs to/ hatching, all Breeds. Belvldere Poul try Farm, Phone 1)84, Augusta, Ga. FIXTLRES: A COMPLETB BST OF drug store fixtures for sale at your cwn price. Apply 1286 Broad St. s27p A BARGAIN IN 6 H P. GASOLINE engine In perfect condition for $200.00. H. E. Fourcher, 672 Broad St. 827 c HTOVE: COOK STOVE FOR SALE with hot water coll; good as new; a bargain. Aply 1216 Fifteenth St. S2fip SURRY: ONE NICE CANOPY TOP surry for sale cheap for cash. Come early Monday morning. Apply R. R. Batty, 629 Ellis St. S27c A BARGAIN IN 6 H-P. GASOLINE engine In perfect condition for $200.00. H. E. Fourcher, 572 Broad St. s27c WAGON: A LIGHT, STRONG wagon, go-cart, bedstead and spring and refrigerator for sale at a bargain. Aply Fred Lacktnan, Monte Sano. S29c PHOTO: ONE AUTOMATIC PHOTO button machine, has cleared SSO per day In Augusta, and will do same again. Price to quick buyer SIOO. Ap ply B. R. Mitchell, 647 Broad St. S27p MACHINE: ONE FLOSS CANDY machine; Is capable of clearing $250 during Georgia and Carolina State Fair. Original cost $225; price to quick buyer SIOO. Apply B. R. Mitchell. 647 Broad St. S27p FIXTURES: ELECTRIC AND GAS fixture* as factory coat. See us be fore buying as we can have them made to order at the factory and save you 4b per cent on them put up. B. R Mitchell, 647 Broad St. S27p WE HAVE FOR 8 ALE A TWO horse all steel hay baler, in splen did condition; sold for no fault, but t..e owner wants to buy a belt power press. Come and see us. Wlrtz & Hernlen. jogtf FOR SALE— BY RECEIVER OF manufacturing concern. several time clocks, assorted sizes, standard make Snap for quick action. Men tion size wanted. Address H. H, care Herald. S27c A BARGAIN IN 6 H-P. GASOLINE engine In perfect condition for $200.00. H. E. Fourcher, 572 Broad St. a27c STOVE: DETROIT JEWEL GAS stove. 16-Inch oven. In good condi tion; has been in use one year. A;s ply at No. 439 Walker street before Oct. Ist. s27p BUGGY ONi TOP BUGQY in first clhss condition and will sell cheap. Call phone 6903 J. s29c GAS STOVE: AN 12-INCH OVEN gas stove. In good condition, for sale at a bargain. Apply at 313 Greene street. s27p FERNS: A FEW FERNS" AND BE gonlas—s4B Reynolds street. s27p CONTRACT A 11.000 CONTRACT with the Standard Trust Co., for sale. Apply 726 Moore avenue. a27p RANGE KINK WOOD AND COAL range, with hot water back and pi ping In perfect condition; also white iron bed at a bargain. Apply to 307 Campbell street. a29p FOR SALE BED-ROOM SPIT. IRON bed. mattress, springs and dining room table. McArthur's Music House. s27p A NO. 1 GILLETTE SAI'ETA rau r slightly used, cost $5 00, will sell for half price. Including case. Sou Johu R. Sanders, at Herald office. 8110 c Notice 1 WISH TO NOTIFY MY CUSTOM ers and friends that 1 am now locat ed at 605 Kill*, where I can give them the be»t of work in tailoring and guar antee satisfaction. G. M. Alston. 605 Ellta st. s37c Shoes FIRST CLASS SHOES AT DAM AGED price*. J. P. Saxon. 1465 Broad Bt, •27c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN S SHOES at coat. J. P. Saxon, M 65 Broad street. s27c Gas Lamp* I HAVE PLENTY OF SOLAR OAB Lamp* In atock. W H Holmes. 308 Campbell St. *>7c A Trial WUI Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 619 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge, i Four Post Cards. 60c, alOtf Japalac IS WHAT YOU WANT FOR THAT old furniture. All colors. Tessier’s ■ Pharmacy, 1266 Broad. 03c j Notiec | WE HAVE ENTIRELY RECOVERED ! from the flood and still doing bust-j ness at the same old stand, 647 Broad 1 St. We are able to supply your j i wants Immediately with a full stock ! of new goods. B. R. Mitchell, 6471 Broad St. S27p i Moving Pictures SACRE, 662 BROAD, OPENS SOON, better than ever. Wait for me. s27p Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. s27c i Notice FURNITURE REPAIRING AND upholstering, matting laid, taken I tip and reversed, carpet renovating j and hand cleaned and floor window shades reversed on rolle-g and cleaned furniture packed, Joe Gun by, 613 JSUia St. 5270 i Alacazir A MCE DINNER TODAY—IN j fact, every day. No fee cream un til further notice. Ice cream soda and soft drinks and cigars. Jim Sel kirk, 512 9th St. s29p Guns I EMPLOY NOTHING BUT Ex perts to do my gun work, so when your gun needs working on, bring It to me, I guarantee all work. Jno. F. Brickie, 223 Campbell St. s27c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOFS at cost. J. P Saxon, 1465 Broad street, 8 27 c Wanted LADIES TO READ THIS AD. AND then phone their wants to us. We will send lor your prescriptions, fill them and deliver them to you with out extra charge. Parr’s Pharmacy. Phone 369. Gas Lamps I HAVE PLENTY OF SOLAR GAS Lamps In stock. W. H. Holmes, 308 Campbell St. s27c Shoes FIRST-CLASS SHOES AT DAMAGED prices. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad St s27c Motorcycle. r HAVE IN STOCK ALL PARTS TO do repair work on motorcycles. If your motor needs any repairs or sun dries call on E. W. Watson, 218 Mc- Intosh St. Phone No. 1711. S27c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1463 BrOad street. s27c DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. li. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. s27c Cheap Lumber A LARGE Lor Ok FLOORING, CEIL ing and weather boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from l-in boards to Bxlo frameing. All this stock must be disposed of in next 30 days. Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave. and 15th St., or E. J. O'Connor, 865 Broad St. ts I Sell, Buy or Exchange How about that real estate you have been trying to sell? I can find a purchaser; my services are at your disposal. Property, In the City or Country Perhaps y ou are looking for a horn*, a farm, or an Investment proposition If you wish to buy—tell me what you want and where yon want It and I will furnish It Ghas. B. Matheny, Room 330, Py«r Bldg. ' WHAT IS YOUR MONEY DOING? We have investments that will pay from 15 to 18% and is rapidly increasing in value. We also have residence property in all parts of the city and Summer ville. If you want any thing in Farming Lands it will pay you to see us before purchasing. Beasley & Kaon Real Estate Agents Phone 205. 661 Broad. Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND feter that Randall’s Chill and Fe ver tonic fails to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fail. No cure no pay- Phone 2214—Randall’s Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city. olOe Commercial School. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS; shorthand, typewriting, practical bookkeeping, arithmetic and spelling, taught by Margaret Funk, assisted by one of the most competent bookkeep ers in Augusta. For further inform ation call on Margaret Funk, Com mercial School, Harlson Bldg. ol7c Tessiers Pharmacy KRESO DISINFECTANT. THE best there is. Any quantity. Tes sier’s pharmacy, 1366 Broad St. ts Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put in first-efftss or der, your . runkr that were damaged by the water. Telephone them 593, they will send for your trunks, ex amine them and let you know cost be fore doing the work, If you prefer a nice new trunk, they will take the old one as part payment. Give them a call at Sel Broad, Wrong Side of Street. ts Business Opportunity ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A WAY to moke money If so, drop us a card; we will put you next. Box 4x, Albany, Ga. S27p Plasterine Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the building and stays gut forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga. Jl4tf Bicycle Repairing. WHEN YOm BICYCLE NEEDS RE palring call on me. I have a fine stock of all parts and sundries to do this kind of work. Wheels sent for and delivered on short notice. E. W. Watson, 218 Mclntosh St. Phone No. 1711. 8279 WARNING Every day come one finds his safe locked and we have to open it. Save yourself this expense and let us clean and oil up locks and combinations before it gets corroded. Phone 563. H. E.Fcurcher Shoe Repairing. STOP AM) CONSIDER AND GET up your winter shoes and bring them to 1005 Ellis street, where you can have the best of skill work done I by hand, also save money by getting 1 up your children s school shoes. W 1 Golden, 1005 Ellis street. s27c To Piano Owners. WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, (uned and cleaned for $5.00 Th» special price of tuing I* $2 50 Ct'l up Robt. J. Watson. No. 666 Broad street. Phone 1717. Have your glano examined ill work strictly tlr< class. oct2lo Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: 1 DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such a* cement walks reinforced work. 1 have the latest Improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work far big or ders Estimates and specification* furnished. A. H McDaniel, Augus ta. Oa. 3*7xl SUNDAY, SEPT. 27. WANTS HIGH WATER Got into lots of cash reg isters. We have cleanet about 50, let us have yours as we make a specialty ol this work. Phone 563. H. E. Fourcher I s27i Sand Sand Sand WAGON LOAD OR CAR LOAD Geo. S. Murphey. Phone 1513. o2| Fruits and Vegetables. IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUI fresh fruit and vegetables, I hav4 them in large quantities; 1 also give you something free with every cash purchase. Phone orders given prompt attention. Call phone 69. Max Mo gulescue, 548 Broad street. 527« Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL high-class furniture. Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of stair, bank, and office fixtures and all classes of fine carpenter work. 'Phone No. 714. o6a Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2t! Windsor Soring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 60 cents. Phone 112. Alts Flood Shingles NO. 2, $2.00; NO. 1, $3.00; F. O. B. our yard; fifty cents additional for handling. Industrial Lumber Co, North Augusta. Sl3tf Watch and Clock Repairing C. BRUNSTERMANN, aT 212 MoTN tosh street, opposite Leonard Bldg., repairs the most complicated watches nnd clocks; all work guaranteed perfect ly satisfactory. Horse Shoeing HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED me on horse shoeing. I have one of the best equipped horse shoeing shops in Augusta, and always carry a full line of shoes—forty-eight kegs. Also use a great many hand-made shoes. I fit all the shoes myself and see that they are put on properly. 1 solicit your patronage, or a part of it. at least Three of the best shoerk In town. I can shoe forty-five head, four shoes each, per day. Shoes one dollar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing. Horse clipping. Clipper blades sharpened. L. M. Hutto, 722 Ellis street. S27c Fine Groceries WHEN YOU WANT . THE BEST groceries that the market can af ford, call on W. R. Jones & Co., and you will get the best of groceries for the best prices. All orders given prompt attention. Phone 1160. W. R. Jones & Co.. 1250 Broad St. S27e Notice. TO BICYCLE RIDERS: WHILE the streets are in bad condition, you had better buy bells and lamps and save yourself from an accident. I have a full stock of lamps, bells and carbide. E. VV. Watson, 218 Mclntosh St. Phone 1711. S27c Furnaces. REPAIRED AND CLEANED WITH guarantee to be In perfect condition when complete. All first class and well experienced help used for such work. Call phone 493 or address Robt. A. Mack, 913 Ellis St. 025 c Brignten Up. VARNISH STAINS, IH4 AT WILL make water soaked furniture look like new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 645 F.roaJ St. 'Phone 321. o3c Woodlawn Home For Sale I HAVE ONE OF THE PRETTIEST homes In Woodlawn for sale, two stories, artistic design. 7 rooms, bath and reception hall: woodwork natural pine, oil finish; double parlor: large lot, 100x150, on corner; under large old oak trees, good lawn, well-kept hedge around plaee. Short distance from Woodlawn school, on same high ridge, $3,850. Apply to H. C. Middle ton, Real Estate, 135 Jackson street (Dyer Bldg ). s24tf Machines Renaired ALL MAKES OF MACHINES RE paired by an expert adjuster. if your machine *a» under water better have It looked after at once. .Singer Sewing Machine Co, No. 946 Broad street. o3c wood, mow awn stma felting. Parking I •cingjjf XOMAAJLD UiUSCO. At UU ts A. US. FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCE Phone 1067. 446 Broad St.