Newspaper Page Text
We have just received from New York a handsome
line of new Hand Bags. See them. Prices lowest
in city.
Mourning Bags A Specialty.
Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases etc.
Leather Goods. Every requisite for the Traveler.
851 Broad. Wrong side of St. M. M. Cleckley, Prop.
851 Broad—Wrong Side of St. M M Cleckley, Prop.
GLIBNTfVTLLE. OK. - Mlhb Jim Banter
ling vinltad r*latlr*« at Haydan.
Mx C. E. Oro»w, of Hasan, visited
Mia* 7«ab*lla Wolfe, after a very
New 1- Room
Home on
Monte Sano
at a Bargain
High up, almost on the
very top of the hill —right
on the car line, offering
every inducement to the
man who wants his own
Perfectly new, and
built for owner to live in
—hut owner now finds it
impossible to use it as a
home, and not. desixdng to
rent it, will sell at a bar
Electric lights, gas,
modern plumbing, per
fectly equipped in every
way, ready for imme
diate use.
John W. Dickey
Irish American Bank Bldg.
We will sell for a few days a
limited number of suits, closing
out our winter stock, for thirty
Fit, workmanship and quality
of goods guaranteed to be the
equal of any of our higher priced
This sale will only last a short
while and will be strictly for
vtalt to Mins Maude Grow,
ban returnnd to her home In Jackson
ville, Fla.
Mrs. .1. T. Durrenco, of Tlson, vleited
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Joyner visited In
Hfivunnuh last Hnnduy.
Miss Pearl Kennedy, of Kennedy, vis
ited relatives here.
Ml*, and Mrs. Charles Leggett visited
rnUHvet at lteldsvllle.
Mrs. S. r>. Burrency, of Douglas, vis
ited relatives here.
Mr. T. M fle.Kt visited his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Scott, at Hagan,
Miss Humlngtnn, of Donald, was In
the city Wednesday.
Mrs. It. C. Dubberly visited relatives
at Maeterllng.
Tlev. K. 1,. Bt.. Claire, of Kdlson, spent
the past week here visiting his many
Miss Jim Fosterling visited relatlvos
at Hagan.
Dwellings: No. 14115 ltrond street, 6
mms, *25.00. Stores: No. 1110 Broad
t.treet ut reduced price for balance of
year, and store 9KB ltrond street.
Hear of No. 870 Hmad street, and two
lolls above. Farm at Albion Station,
12 miles from Augusta, on line of
Central of Georgia railroad; 2,001)
acres; 700 acres cleared; *OOO an
nually. Farm at Davidson’s Crossing
on Georgia railroad, abodt two and a
halt miles from Augusta, about 225
acres; SOSO annually. Apply
Deveny Bldg.
LEEBVIL.LB, 8. C Mr*. W. Auk.
Finally 1b tho delegate from the Luther
Chapel congregation to tho interdenom-
Inetton Sunday school convention, which
meet* at Orangeburg next week.
Rev. nnd Mrs. S. C. Bullentlne spent
Thursday with Dr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Tlrn
mnrman, of BRtaehurjf.
Mrs. J. W. Bouknight entertained the
ladles’ Sewing Circl* yesterday. Tooth
some refreshments were eerved. Mrs.
Fred HhcnJy won he prtae in spelling.
They will give a Valentine party next
Monday night at the home of Mr». J.
W. Klnard.
Mrs. J. J. Long spent Inst Saturday
night with her brother. Rev. S. C.
Mr.. James Moffett, of Fruit Hill, Is
visiting relatives In Lsesvllle this week.
Tho little daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
\V. A. Drafts Is quite ill with pneu
COLUMBIA, S. C.—Mrs. E. M.
j Whaley was the gracious hostess of
the Columbia Bridge Players’ Card
club Wednesday afternoon when
Mesdames FKzhugh McMaster, Ham
j lln Briggs, Neyward Clarkson, George
I Dial, Henry Fair, William Roberts,
| James H. Fowleg, M. S. Whaley, Jo
| seph Lawrence, D. S. Pope and Miss
| Florlde Cunningham were among the
guests. After the given number of
rubbers had been scored a dainty
supper was served and by each guest
•present the afternoon will be remem
bered with pleasure.
Evening Euchre Club.
One of the happy afTairs of the past
week was the card party given Wed
nesday evening by Dr. and Mrs. K. L.
i Wingfield in honor of the Evening
| Euchre club which Includes among
Its members Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Wing
field, ])r. and Mrs. P V. Mikell, Dr.
and Mrs, VVlillam Weston, Dr. and
Mrs. Fred Williams, Mr. and Mrs.
Josephr M. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Ber
rien Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Wash III;-
ton Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William Til
liott, Mr. and Mrs. Derrill Taber, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Cantey, Mr. and Mrs.
A. It. Meyward, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. E.
N. Chisolm, Mr. Stevens Lucas and
Dr. F. A. Coward. This is one of
the most thoroughly congenial card
clubs In Columbia and the meeting
this week was one of the most de
lightful of the winter season.
Book Club.
Thursday morning the Book cltu*
was entertained most charmingly at
the home of Mrs. Charles Morris, on
Senate street. There was Informal
program, after which a dainty lunch
eon was served. This club counts
among Its members a number of the
most congenial young marired women
of Columbia and the weekly meet
ings of the club are always enjoyed.
Dance at Ridgewood.
There has been no more enjoyable
dance given this winter than that
given at Ridgewood Thursday even
ing byl the Eight O’clock club. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Owens, whose guest
Miss Nutting,’ of Atlanta, was the
guest of honor, were the chaperones
of the evening and there wore about
twenty-five couples counted among
the guests. Affairs at the Country
club are always delightful and this
will be remembered as one of the
hapiest events of the past. week.
East End Card Club.
Mrs. Carol Jones was the graclops
hostess of tho East End Card club
Wednesday afternoon when Mesdames
Robert Moorman, Nelson Frierson,
Washington Clark. Joseph M. Bell,
E L. Wingfield, John Melton, Ber
rien Brooks, J. M. Cantey, George Mc-
Dowell, Robert Earle, A. E. Legare.
Douglas, Lewis Haskell, William Nor
ton, of Toledo, O.; Hagood Sams, R.
J. Blalock, E. N. Cbtsoim, William
Elliott, Clarence Waring, Ernest Gary,
JOHNSTON, 8. C. —Mrs. M. It. Norris
hns returned from a visit to relatives
In Aiken.
Mr. Htllery Orant has returned to
Blackville after a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Lott. *
Miss E. 8. Ivey Is at home from a
visit to relatives In Florida.
Misses tVlnona Lewis and Lueile Mob
ley entertained the Y. U. M. A. on
Tuesday at tl#f*home of Miss Mobley.
Mlssto«* thoughts nnd suggestions was
tho general topic of rhe conversation.
Mrs. James A. White entertained on
Friday with a 6 o'clock tea In honor of
Miss Mary T. Nance, of Cross Hill.
Miss I,nolle Mobley will visit her sis
ter, Mrs. Orlando Sheppard. In Atlanta
the coming week.
Mrs. Chns T. Page Is an expected vis
itor from Atlnnta this week.
HKFHZIRAH, Go.—Miss Ruth Frost (
has returned from a pleasant visit in
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Dyo nnd children,
of ltlythe, wore Ruests of Mr. and Mrs.
8. N. Averette Friday evening.
Mr. Carrol Rhodes, of Louleville, vis
ited his mother, Mrs. Paulino Rhodes,
last Sunday.
Miss Willie Rnston, of Stelllavllle, af
ter a pleasant visit to Miss Lillto Smith,
returned home Monday.
Mrs. William Crook, of Louisville,
spent a few days In tho village this
ELKO, S, C.—Mr. and Mrs. N Al
ford of Batesburg have returned home
after a short visit to Mr. P. Bates
and family.
Mr. C. A. Mima Is again on the
road to recovery after a serious Ill
ness. His many friends are glad to
see him out again.
Mrs. Dora Little of Atlanta, and
Miss Uszle le>aneau of Charleston
have returned home after a visit to
their father, Mr. B. O. Stansel.
Rev. Joe Peacock stopped over in
our town a short tinie Saturday on
his 'ivay to Mt Calvary church.
Mr. and Mrs. Squire Usserv are on
a visit to their son In Eastman. Ga.
Mrs. Victor Kearse of Allendale
paid a short visit to her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Everett, this wek.
Mrs. J. A. Mims and children, little
i Miss Verlee and Master Cecil, who
are visiting Mrs. J. J. Mims, will re
, turn to their home in Augusta Mon
Mrs. George Lott and children and
Christopher Atkinson, Misses Mar
garet Waring, of Charleston; Easton,
Virginia Singleton, of Acton; Fitzger
ald, of Lynchburg, were among the
guests. Miss Waring -was the for
tunate winner of the first prize, an
evquigite centerpiece, and the conso
lation, a pretty fern, was happily won
by Mrs. E. N. Chisolm. This is one
of the most charming clubs of Colum
bia and the meeting Wednesday was
one of the most interesting of the
Bridge Players.
Mesdames Charles Barron, Ernest
Gary, Henry Elilott, Frank Huber
Glbbes, Willie Jones, Charles Lips
comb, Robert McDowell, William S.
Nelson, E. M. Whaley, Albert Ney
ward, Jr., Charles Morris and Miss
Lila Talley are the congenial mem
bers of the Bridge Players’ Card club
which was graciously entertained this
week by Mrs. Charles Barron at her
hospitable home on Pickens street
As the season advances increased In
terest is taken in keeping the indi
vidual scores as a pennant is to be
awarded at the end of a given num
ber of games.
Mutual Improvement Bridge Club.
One of the enjoyable card parties
of the week was that given Friday
afternoon by Mrs. George Moseley,
in honor of the Mutual Improvement
Bridge club, which includes as its
members Mesdames E. M. Wright,
John T. Sloan, Edwin G. Seibels, F.
S. Earle, George Moseley, George
Waring and Miss Armstead. After
the games delicious refreshments
were served in the reception rooms.
Valentine Party.
There were many who enjoyed the
Valentine party given Friday even
ing at the home of Dr. W. S. Lind
say, on College street, under the aus
pices of the Young People’s Baptist
Union. In every way the affair was
a success and is counted among the
pleasant social affairs of the week.
William Capers Chapter.
At the home of Mrs. Robert Moor
man an unusually Interesting meet
ing of the William Capers Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, was held Friday afternoon. Af
ter the regular program of the after
noon an ltneresting address on Gen
eral Washington was delivered by
Dr. Henry Alexander White, who is a
delightful speaker. Altogether it was
a most enjoyable meting which will
he remembered with lasting pleasure
by each one of the guests present.
Music Club.
Monday afternoon the Music club
will meet at the home of Mrs. Chris
tie Benent at 4:30 o’clock. The pro
gram of the afternoon will be made
of selections from Mendelssohn’s
works and each members is to take
part in adding to the afternoon’s en
Mrs. W. J. Watchers’ function on Wed
nesday was a most uelightful occasion.
Those present were Mesdames J. A.
Tillman, Ben Cogburn, Edgefield; James
W. White, Misses Uniona Lewis, Myrtle
Smith and Miss Leila Matthews, of
A spend-the-day party was enjoyed at
Mrs. Y. M. Mays' on Tuesday, when a
delicious diner was enjoyed.
Mrs. Wm. Toney complimented a few
friends on Wednesday with a six o'clock
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lott visited at
Dornville last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mnrsh visited Au
gusta Thursday.
Mr. Luke Rushton and Mr. Ira Car
son were Batesburg vistors in town last
Mr. Barney Frost, of Grovetown, is
in the village.
Mr. Frank Farmer, of Louinville, spent
Sundu;, here.
Mr. J. D. Rockefeller and party wer»
in the village Thursday.
Mrs. Freeman will present an inter
esting program at the B-sharp Club os
next Saturday.
Fire destroyed a tenant house Tues
day on the place of Mr. Brook Fuibanks
near here. It was occupied by thirty
ner’oes, who lost a year's supply of
lard, meat, etc.
Miss Janie Stringfellow are expected
home next week from Florida.
Mrs. Jack Morris, our supervisor,
stopped over in our town a few hours
Thursday on the way to his home in
Mr. R. Stringfellow is havirig quite
an improvement made on his dwell
ing, which will add greatly to the
looks of our town.
LTNCOLNTON, Ga.—Mrs. G. B. Per
ryman and children, of Bordeaux, S. U,
visited relauves at Lincotnton this
Messrs. C. 1.. Groves and Julian May
have Just returned from a trip to Flo
rida. Cuba and other southern points
of Interest.
Miss Mabel Groves has returned after
sai oral weeks visit to relatives In Co
| tumbia county.
Mr. J. M. Keese. near Lineolnton, died
i it his home Wednesday evening after
. .1 short illness.
Want-advertlse it—that “opportun
ity” you are able to offer to somsone
with a little money to invest.
Clcmson College Social News
D. W. Barrow, J. Harper, J. M. Bur
gess and Dr. M. R. Powers attended
the convention of the Live Stock As
sociation In Columbia this week and took
part in the proceedings. Prof. Burgess
is secretary and treasurer of the nsso
The election of Mr. B. H. Raw!, known
to his intimate Clemson friends as
“Jake,” to the vacancy on the board
of trustees was gratifying to his many
friends at this place. He was very pop
ular while at Clemson, both as a stu
dent and as an Instructor, and is re
garded as one of the most loyal of
Clemson’s long list of devoted alumni.
In addition to his energy and devotion,
he will bring to the service of the col
lege the benefit of wide experience for
one so young. He has traveled over
much of the country since his connect
tlon with the department of agriculture
at Washington, and has learned much
of the agricultural conaitions of the
The Shungopavi-Youna Company gave
a splendid exhibition of magic and
jugglery Saturday night. Youna is an
American, but does the juggling ac
cording to *he Japanese style. Shungo
pavi Is an American Indian of the Moki
tribe, and his part was to do tricks with
cards and to relate the manners and
customs of his race. The entertainment
was very much enjoy ;a by every one
Miss M. Caroline Robinson, of Char*
leston, who has been the guest of Prof,
and Mrs. A. B. Bryan for the past
month, has gone to Augusta to visit
friends. While here she was the re
Mrs. J. R. Myers and daughter,
Pa.; William Bagnell, St. Louis; Miss
G. B. Whitcomb, New York; Mrs. E. L.
Kirkland, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Crane, New York City; W\ S. Pope
and wife, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Medberry, New York City;
W. H. Reynolds, Columbia, S. C.; Miss
Davis, North Cardinal Joseph E. Bray
and wife, New York; H. A. King, New
York; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Freedman,
New York; W r m. S. Townsend, Balti
more, Md.; Miss A. A. Richards, Miss
Scontess, Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs.
D. K. E. Fisher, Miss Mary McDonald,
Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Alexan
der Mann, Boston, Mass.; R. C. Harnett,
New York; S. Rothenburg, Meridian,
Magnolia Inn.
Miss M. A. Delpit, France; Mr. W. A.
Kelly, Philadelphia; Mr. H. A. Jack
son and Miss D. Jackson. Rutherford,
N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tappan, New
York; Mrs. C. J. Morse, sister and child,
Boston, Mass.; Mrs. C. W. Waldon and
two children, Lyon, N. Y.; Miss M. A.
Moran, Lyon, N. J.; Mr. Robert W r .
WADLEY, Ga. —The younger soci
ety set were entertained at a Val
entine party by Misses Loucile and
Ellie Morten Peterson on Friday eve
Mrs. E. E. Bethea gave a “spend
the day party" to a few of her friends
on last Friday. Those wh/i enjoyed
her delightful hospitality were: Mrs.
R. A. Hatcher, Mrs. A. F. Ware, Mrs.
C. E. Rentz, Mrs. Jas. N. Roberson,
Mrs. M. A. Evans and Mrs. S. H. Wil
Mrs. W. B. Holmes is visiting rel
atives and friends In Jacksonville,
Miss Lizzie Bedingfield has been
the guest of Mrs. Frank Pritchard in
Macon for the past few weeks.
Miss Lillian Orr of Davisboro was
the attractive guest of Miss Volta
Calwell last week. Miss Orr was
shown many pleasant attentions dur
ing her stay here.
Mrs. E. E. Peterson and Miss Paul
ine Peterson left on Thursday for a
month's visit in Lake City, Fla.
Dr. C. E. Rentz made a professional
visit to Swainsboro this week.
Emolyn, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Evans, is recovering
from a recent severe illness.
The Robley male quartet of the
Alkahest lyceum course charmed a
large and attentive audience at the
auu.torium on last Friday evening,
which was the last attraction for this
Mr. Mark Parker, who is attending
school at Dahlonega, Is at home on
a visit.
Mrs. Roger Kennedy of Savannah
L>i2iVRING.—Mr. Wilson T. Sullivan
spent a part of this week In Augusta.
Mr. B. R. Printup, of this place, took
in the dance given by the Clinch Ri
fles on Wednesday night.
Miss Lena Prescott, a popular lady
from Wrens, Is visiting Miss Howard.
The ladies* prayer meeting met with
Mrs. Dr. P. A. Rogers at their pretty
home. Hillside.” Mrs. William Howard
lea the meeting. A great number of
people were present. The next meet
ing will be next Thursday and will be
held at the home of Mrs. J. P. Harris.
A remarkable offer bj one of the
leading ear specialists In ihls country
who will send two montits' medicine
free to prove his ability ti> cure Deaf
ness, Head Noises and Catarrh. Ad
dress Dr. G. M. Branaman, «50S Wal
nut St., Kansas City, Mo.
cipient of numerou* pleasant social
Miss Julia Taylor, of Greenville, who
has been visiting Mrs. S. M. Martin, is
now the guest of Mrs. P. H. Mell.
The work of the Y. M. C. A. at Clem
son Is progressing unusually well. Clem
son will undoubtedly hold her place at
the head of the list of American col
leges in the per cent, of students en
gaged in Bible study. Secretary Novel
Provost is an Indefatigable worker and
manages to get his officers and com
mitteemen thoroughly interested. Mr.
Provost recently visited Erskine col
lege and addressed the association at
that place.
The German club held its midwinter
german in the agricultural hall on Fri
day evening. The uance was pro
nounced one of the best ever held at
Clemson. Comstock’s orchestra, of
Greenville, furnished excellent music for
the occasion. The officers of the club
are: Strieker Coles, president; J. H.
Lesesne, vice-president; Woodward Al
len, secretary and treasurer; committees,
on Invitation, B. E. "Wolf, E. M. Boykin
and L. W\ Sumner; on refreshments,
E. H. Pinckney, B. D. Boykin and R.
H. "Walker; on entertainmeitT. Strieker
Coles, J. H. Lesesne and "Woodward Al
len; on music, W. A. Tlobinson, A. Mc-
Pavid and J. L. Hill; floor, L. S.
Stokes, R. S. Wolf and J. L. Team.
Patronesses. Mesdames P. H. Mell, D.
W. Daniel, R. E. Lee, R. N. Brackett,
B. IT. Johnstone, J. P. Lewis, T. G.
Poats. A. B. Gardner, J. C. Minus. F. H.
H. Calhoun. W. M. Riggs. J. N. Har
per. C. M. Furman. A. B. Bryan, A. M.
Rediern and D. N. Barrow.
Cleveland, New York; Mr. and Mrs. I.
S. Lord, Rutherford, N. Y.; Mrs. W.
P. David, Bridgeport, *Pa.; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Kimble, Zanesville, Ohio; Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Phelps, Springfield,
Ohio; Mrs. W. N. Thompson and Mrs.
A. R. Camp, Chicago, 111.
Palmetto Inn.
Mrs. Archibald Campbell, Petersburg,
Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Clement R. Wain
wright, Philadelphia; Miss L. W. Fin
ley, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. W. W.
Finley, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Edward
I. Price and Master Harry Price, Syra
cuse, N. Y.
York House.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Whitney Gan
son, Newport, R. I.; Mr. James La
Velle and Miss Blanche LaVelle, New
York; Miss Sophie McCombs, Pittsburg,
Pa.; Miss M. W. Gaines and M. P.
Gaines, Huntington, L. 1.; Miss Lonnie
A. Baldwin, Aspen Wall, Va.; Miss
Muby Holliway, Newberry, S. C.; Miss E.
B. Martin, Charlotte, N. C.; Miss Hilt
tie A. Roland. Laurens, S. C.; Mrs.
Howard H. Morse, Tarrytown, N. Y.;
Mr. ana Mrs. J. C. Gundt, Washington,
D. C.
is spending some time with Miss Es
tell Hauser.
Dr. A. A. Chance is suffering from
an attack of nervous prostration.
His many friends wish for him a
speedy recovery.
Miss Warren Battle is in Valdosta
at the bedside of her sister, who is
very ill with rheumatism. Her place
in the school is being ably filled Tty
Miss Annie Battle.
Mrs. W. P. Gary of Macon is a vis
itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Gary, Sr.
Mr. W. A. Smith of Augusta spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Amory Smith.
Miss Julia Murphey of Bartow has
returned to her home after a visit
to Mrs. J. A. Peacock.
Walk To Your Meals
Like A Man
Eat What You Will and Learn to
Enjoy Food and to Digest It.
Make up your mind after reading
this that you will let the next meal
hold no terrors for you.
You can enjoy it You can digest
it. All that is needed is to give na
ture the juices she lacks, to give the
stomach a chance to remove the ter
rible irritating acids, alkalies and
gases which turn food and nourish
ment Into gas and decomposition.
When a system is run down and
depleted it needs building up Ashes
j won’t rekindle a fire and wrong diges
tive fluids will not take proper juices
from food no matter how good the
food is.
Is this common sense? Men spend
years and even life experimenting on
the human system, what it lacks in
disease and what it needs in perfec
tion. Tills knowledge is known to
every physician or should be. Stuart’s
Dyspepsia Tablets are compressed
natural vegetable and fruit essences
which when mixed with the saliva of
the mouth go Into the stomach capa
ble or digesting a full meal and they
digest it to the uttermost shred. Then
such a meal does a man good and it
gives to him the means to overcome
stomach troubles. Forty thousand
physicians use these tablets and
charge you for writing a testimonial
ot their merit which they call a
' prescription. Any druggist in \merica
or Canada will sell you a box for 50c.
Think of it. Every druggist carries
them. Here's common sense again.
Don't this tell you there is merit? Go
to your druggist today, buy a paekage
i and walk up to your meals knowing
! that they wil not cause you pain.
Send us your name and address and
we will send you a trial package by
I mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.,
j 150 Stuart Blag., Marshall, Mich.
Cut Price
One Stamp with 10 cts.
Seeded Raisins, 3 pkgs
for 25c
Peanut Butter, lb .. 11c
Kippered Herring,
2 for 25c
Evaporated Peaches,
lb 8c
Canned Shrimp, can. 10c
3 cans A. & P. Milk .25c
2 jars A. & P. Jams, ,25c
Table Syrup, can .. .. 8c
60 Stamps with
1 can A. & P. Baking
Powder ..50c
20 Stamps with
1 Bottle Extracts .. . 25c
10 Stamps with
1 can Spices 10c
10 Stamps with
1 lb. Java Coffee .. ~ .25c
5 Stamps with
1 box shaker Salt .. . 10c
5 Stamps with
1 Box Figs .. ....... 10c
5 Stamps with
2 Boxes Tooth Picks .10c
5 Stamps with
1 Box Stuffed Olives, 10c
5 Stamps with
1 pkg Head Rice .. . .10c
5 Stamps with
1 pkg Oatmeai 10c
5 Stamps with
2 cans Stove Polish . . 10c