Newspaper Page Text
Trained Nurse Says Best Tonic
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey
If you wl»h to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health,
take I»nffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions. It tines and strengthens the heart action
and purities the entire system. It 's recognized as a family medicine everywhere.
If you cannot purchase Gully's Pure Malt Whiskey near your home we will have shipped you In a plain
case, express prepaid, as follows: Less than six bottles, $1 per bottle, six bottles, $6.50. One case, 12 bottles
Itemlt to Huffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y., by express oi der, postofftce money order, or certi
fied check. Upon receipt of order goods will be shipped Immediately jjecording to directions.
References : Any Rochester Hunk or Trust Co., Dun's or Brads treat’s Agency.
During* Sunday Afternoons
in March Orchestra Will
Play at the Grand.
, y I
It has been definitely arranged to
have a series of sacred concerts at
the Grand on the afternoons of Hun
d»\s In March.
At first there was some question ns
to whether or not Augusta people
wanted this very striking Innovation,
and a great many were approached
on the subject, with the result thill
not only Ihc public ut large bill many
of the ministers of our churches und
others In authority have 'expressed
their entire approval of »n imjlcr
taking that means much Innocent cn
joy men [ fur hundreds who might
otherwise be spending their Hunilsy
afternoons In anything but profltati! >
pastimes It means also that a fresh
Impetus will be given the Interest nl
ready aroused In the Spring Music
(estival, since these Sunday programs
will be composed only of the verv
best material, tin- highest order of j
sacred music.
Naturally, no admission will be;
charged, but subscriptions will lie so ,
llelted. tn order that the very heavy I
expenses may lie adequately met.
The orchestra of thirty-six or seven
pieces will be led by Honor Atidone
gul. who has rare ability as a con
ductor, and it will consist of the An
dnegul orchestra, the Hampton Ter
race orchestra and the Hon Air or
Chestrn For each program a small
group of distinguished submits have j
been selected, some of them being
Augvistans, and others being artists
from u distance.
MA(X)N, Ga Htv*ri»l (loum mgra
gmnhliM'* aml loAft r» havo boon arrant
od 114> Macon within the past few days
by both the polio** and the county of
fleer a. aml three Mind t Igors have boon
Vlnchrd This Is reforming to some ex
tent in that length of time and all the
questionable places In the city arc
keeping low and under cover.
The wholesale arrests did not follow
•ny special attack made by the preach
•r% but seemed to be a spontaneous
movement that was not brought about
b.v any spec!he reason.
vhi x— -|jm jllli
EHld*Bl Service Irasomablr Ratea
Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman.
Editor Herald:
It was with profoundest pleasure,
that 1 noticed In ray evening papoi
that our Ministerial association was*
In correspondence with Dr. Wilbur
Chapman with a view of bringing hint
to our city, the first part of next year,
to hold evangelical services. It was
my very good fortime to he perml
led to sit at the feet of lilts truly won
derful man, this past summer a year
ago, at CMmitauqua, N. V., during a
special series of sermons delivered by
him under the auspices of the Chau
tauqua association thnt year. Within
the Inst twmty years I have been
fortunate enough to hear some of *h-■
world's tn-st evangelists, including
Varley 11. Fay, Mills, Moody and others
hut r unhesitatingly say that Dr.
Chapman’s method of presenting the
truth, reinforced by a most striking
personality, not only convinced me
of his deep spirituality, but simply
charmed mo with his manner of
handling his subjects and Impressed
me more deeply than any man, 1
think 1 ever heard. As every one
knows none but the very finest at
taluable talent oil nil subjects, art |
music, scientific travel, with all the
various deportments of educational
and religious development are em
ployed by the Chautauqua association,
where about twenty-five thousand cul
tivated people assemble each season
to be Instructed, and the managers,
are only too glad to get Dr. Chap- I
man to lead the religious department
where he speaks dally to audiences
running literally into thousai ds.
I congratulate Augusta on her good
fortune In securing even hts promise
to come If possible. May God speed j
the day. S. 1,. OSBORNE. j
Special to The Herald,
ATLANTA Ga An attempt at a
wholesale Jail delivery was discov
ered at DeKalh county jail by Sher
iff Morris, just in time to prevent all
tin' prisoners from twining their lib
er! y.
I-on Bell, a negro held for shoot
ing Mrs Sootl and her son while they
"ere delivering milk In Edgewood,
had secured saws and was zlowly
sawing his way out.
\\7AI KING up and down
stairs is hard work for a
woman. It requires seventeen
times more labor than walking
the same distance on a level.
A W all Set Extension to your
Hell 1 elephone, located on die
other floor in your home, will
save your wife useless steps,
Call Contract Department
Mrs. Annie Whitman, of
Anniston, Alabama, Who
as a Trained Nurse Has a
Very Large Practice,
( Says That Duffy’s Pure
Malt Whiskey Is the
Best Tonic She Has Ever
Used and Strongly Rec
ommends It to Her Pa
On July 4th, 1908, Mm. Whitman
wrote: "1 certainly think Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey Is the best tonic
for my patients tn fact, the bes'
Malt Whiskey with which I ever had
experience, and whenever I can make
use of It among my patient* I will
do so. I am a nurse and have a
large practice here In Anniston.”
Leading doctors agree that Duffy’s
Pure Malt Whiskey- has no equal as
a destroyer of poisonous germs In
tne body. It is Indorsed by clergy
men of every faith, nurses and doc
tors of all schools, as a positive cure
for dyspepsia, Indigestion, nervous
prostration, all diseases of the throat
and lungs; every form of stomach
trouble; malaria, chills, fever and all
run-down, weakened, diseased condi
tions of the body, brain and muscle.
It is a heart tonic, blood purifier and
promoter of health and long life.
Every testimonial la guaranteed
genuine and is published In good faith
and with full consent.
Postmaster Vaughn ls'ftf rect-ljjt of
a letter from aHmlster tn Alabama,
In which the wrm-r nsks that the
postmaster render whatever assist
ance possible In locating the daughter
of one William Napier, who was re
cently drowned. It runs as fallows,
and explains Itself:
"Vernon, Ala., Feb. 10, 1909.
‘ Postmaster, Augusta, Ga.
“Dear Sir; Can you tell me of
the whereabouts of a lady whose
maiden name was Miss Mattie Na
pier, the daughter of Mr, William
Napier? My reason for wanting to
know of her Is because her father,
Mr. W. J. Napier, has been living
with me and on yesterday he was
throw from a buggy and was drown
ed .
"I am anxious for her and her
brother to know it.
“1 am unable to find out whom she
married, as 1 can find only one let
ter he received front her and only her
given name was signed to the let
ter. Mr. Napier has told me her
name but I can not remombor It now.
So if you are a new man In that
place, please make diligent search
for her nnd write me or have her to
write, If you find her. And oblige,
(Signed) “REV. M. D. McGEB.”
"P. S.—Mr. Napier was a one-armed
man. His left arm being off above
the elbow.”
March 25,
ATLANTA, (la. —At a meeting held
In MR Austell building Saturday even
ing, the ttth Inst., the board of direc
tors decided to accept the Invitation
of Athens, Ga., to hold the fifteenth
annual convention of the Georgia di
vision of the Travelers’ Protective as
sociation In that city and named
March 25, 26 and 27 as the dates.
The convention will be railed to
order at 11 o’clock a. m. on the
26th|of March by President Cary J.
King, of Horae, Ga.
More than two hundred delegates
and visitors will bo In attenance at
the convention.
Special to The Herald.
SAVANNAH. Ga Senator Talln
ferro’s Intent bill for the Inspection
■of naval store* by the Pnlted States
government has been received In Sa
vannah and has excited keen Inter
est among the naval stores exporters
I factors and others.
The new bill Is more acceptable
! to Savannah interests than the meas
ure which it succeeds. The former
bill contained features that were so
objectionable that It could never have
passed. The fate of the new hill Is
, problematical. Its provisions arc for
the most part of such a nature that
It Is now believed It will cause any
great contest, l>ut there Is one pro
vision which t« not really understood
That provides that when a retailer Is
found handling naval stores he can
show a certificate from the man or
firm who furnished It to him to show
that it was pure when he got It.
The opinion In'! Savannah Is thai
this bill puts too much power In the
hands of the retaier It is not ex
pected that anythin will come of the
new bill until afteAihe eitra session
of congress. H
l I 1
Will Be Held
26 and 27. Two
Delegates Are
In Half a Generation there
Will Be Little Left of the
Great Southern Forests.
“What has been the effect of the
tremendous consumption o£ timber
upon our forests?” This question is
often asked by people in various sec
tions of the country, and often the
information of the average man <yi
the subject Is not definite enough to
enable him to make a clear and satis
factory answer. R. 8. Kellogg, as
sistant forester, engaged upon statis
tics In the United States Forest Ser
vice, In giving a concise answer to
the import ant question says:
"Now our annual requirements ex
ceed forty billion feet of timber, one
hundred million cross-ties, four mil
lion cords of pulp wood, besides great
quantities of other forms of forest
products, such as firewood, posts
poles, mine timbers, etc. The per
capita consumption of lumber in the
United States was 215 board feet in
1850; now It is 470 board feet.
“One forest region after another
has been attacked. With the excep
tion of Maine, the New England
states are cutting mostly second or
third growth timber. The box fac
tories there take white pine sapling?
down to six inches In diameter. The
so-called "inexhaustible" white pine
forests of Michigan are gone, and
millions of acres of cut-over and
burned-over land have gone upon the
delinquent tax list. Michigan sup
plied 23 per cent of the lumber pro
duction of the United States In 1884),
and less than 5 per cent, of it in
“The value of the lumber produc
tion In Michigan since 1849 has been
51) per cent, greater than the output
of gold in California, and It has all
taken place without a thought for the
future. The cream of our hardwoods
is gone, and it is becoming more and
more difficult to get in sufficient
quantity the high grades of oak, yel
low poplar, ash and hickory that our
great manufacturing industries re
quire. The South's once- great sup
ply of yellow pine is rapidly giving
way before axe and saw, fire and tor
nado. Half a generation more will,
in. most places, see little but rent
nants left of the Southern forests, and
in that time the Pacific coast supplies
will be heavily drawn upon.
“Ours is primarily a wood-using civ
ilization. Despite the introduction of
substitutes for wood in the form of
stone, cement, concrete, and steel,
Consumption of limber has constantly
increased from the earliest days tip
to the present time. The prices of
forest products have riSen more rapid
ly than those of other commodities.
According to the reports of the Bu
reau of Labor, the quoted prices of
the leading kinds of lumber on the
New York market have risen twice
as much in Ihe last ten years as ths
average 'lncrease in all commodities.
This indicates that the supply of tim
ber is not keeping pace with the de
Bad Breath And
Sour Stomach
Stopped At Once With Pure Willow
Charcoal, the Greatest Gas
Absorber Known.
There is no necessity to suffer the
humiliation, chagrin and discomfort
of bad breath, biliousness, sour stom
ach, gastritis, sluggish liver, etc.,
when a little lozenge of charcoal will
cleanse the stomach and make it pure
and sweet.
Do not drug yourself when a simple
little natural charcoal made from fra
grant willow branches, sweetened
with honey, will add tone to your
stomach, liver nnd Intestines, rapidly
absorb gases and stop foul odors of
all kinds.
Charcoal will absorb one hundred
times Its own volume In gas. A box
full of charcoal placed In a bed room
will keep the air of such a room pure
and sweet.
A little charcoal lozenge dissolved
on the tongue after meals will also
keep the stomach fresh and clean.
Charcoal is justly called the scrub
bing brush for the stomach. The old
monks of medieval times cured had
cases of stomach trouble, cast out
devils from the system of man b.*
feeding such a man charcoal.
Scientific men of today believe in
the groat strength of charcoal for the
cure of human ills. Too much of It
cannot harm one. The system craves
tt just like an animal needs and
craves salt every so often. Charcoal
goes into the stomach gently and Is
welcome, ft settles down through the
action of the stomach, and filters
through all the food, absorbing gas.
aiding digestion and giving tone to
the Juices, so that when the food goes
Into the intestines, and there meets
other digestive fluids, the charcoal
holds the impurities and thus keeps
them from the blood.
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are
made from pure willow They are
prepared fragrant by the use of
honey and sweetened so they please
the taste and are easily dissolved.
Thev hwo an enormous sale, thus
stamping them with the approval of
the public. Every druggist sells
them. 25 cents per box. Go to your
druggist today and buy a box; then
after your next meal take two or
three of them and judge for yourself
of their merit.
Several taken at bed time will
prove to you in the morning that they
have been at work all night, for your
bad breath will not be so bad after
Send us your name and address
and wo will send you a trial package
by mail free. Address F. V Stuart
Co., 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Over Two Hundred Dollars
Has Already Been Sub
scribed For Washington
The committees from the Richmond
Hussars and Chamber of Commerce
started to work Friday afternoon and
over SIOO was secured. The commit
tees canvassed Saturday afternoon.
The committees are composed of the
following: Messrs. J. Coleman Demp
sey, Walter Mangum, Mat O'Connor,
Will Flythe and W. K. Young, from
the Hussars, and Messrs. E. S. John
son, T. I. Hickman and Rufus H.
Brown, from the Chamber of Com
The money already secured is only
a starter and the men feel sure of
getting the required amount from i
their many friends, who wish to see j
Augusta represented at the inaugural
tion. The business men realize that
the troop will be a big advertisement
for the city. The eyes of.the thou-;
sands of visitors will be searching
the line of parade for the men from
the city where Judge Taft spent his
last winter as a private citizen.
The Hussars only lack a few of
having sixty men. Several of the
old members of the troop have put in
their applications and when they are
accepted the troop will be filled. The
equipment is in fine shape and the
men will make an exceptionally fine
The list of the contributions to
date follows:
H. J. Porter & Co $25.00
Cash 25.00
Cash io.OO
Cash ; 2.50
Chas. S. Bohler 5.00
.W. D'A. Walker 5.00
H. E. Cabaniss 5.00
Cash 25.00
Cash 2.50
Cash 2.50
Hemstreet 3.00
Augusta. Hdw. Co 5.00
Bussey & Carswell 5.00
Wm. Schweigert & Co 5.00
Alexander Drug Co 2.00
E. C. Denton (personal) .. .. 10.00
M. H. H. Duvall 1.00
I. Rubensteln 1.00
W. Edw. Platt 5.00
Wm. F. Bowe 5.001
E. A. DeMore 2.00 j
Sancken's Grocery 3.00
A. B. Saxon & Bro . 5.00
H. E. Fourcher 2.00
N. Hlldebrandt 2.00
P. F. Sheron & Co 2.50
Castlebery & Wilcox 2.00
L. A. Gardelle 1.00
Theodore Baik 1.00
Burdell Cooper 3.00
Burum Co 25.00
Arrington Bros. & Co 10.00
Total .$210.00
Will Sign Protocol Sunday
Adjusting Matters Be
tween the Two Countries.
CARACAS, Via Willemstad, Cura
cao.—A protocol. In the settlement of
matters between the United States
and Venezuela will be signed Sunday.
The Venezuelan cabinet Friday ap
proved the proposal to the effect for
settlements directly between the Uni
ted States and Venezuela, thus re
moving the last obstacle to the sign
ing of the protocol.
A demurrer in me case of the Ken
tucky Fuel Co. vs. P. J. Rice was argued
before Judge Eve Saturday morning.
Judge Eve has not announced hts de
Saves Time and Money
===== A ■
$2.00 Down and $2.00 a Month.
The Gas Light Co. of Augusta
Professor Battle, who is training the
music festival chorus, announces that a
full rehearsal will be held at the Tub
man auditorium Monday night, as d
urges that a large attendance be pp>-
The chorus will be made up of about
200 voices. The average attendance at
rehearsals held up-to-date has bee\i
about 150, which is altogether grati
fying to the committee.
The keenest interest has been man
ifested by those who are to sing in .lie
chorus, anil the rehearsals have brought
out a spirit of enthusiasm and a dispo
sition to apply themselves well that
augurs favorably for the success of
this feature of the music festival.
Professor Battle has invited all offi
cers of the Music Festival Association
to be present, and they have all ex
pressed their intention to attend.
Rehearsals of the full chorus will
continue ns before, that is, twice a
week, on Mondays and Thursdays.
No Waiting Necessary!!!
Goods bought of me will be delivered day of sale. I have
just doubled my delivering capacity and will add other wagons or
see that goods "bought of me are promptly delivered. The bicycle
boys are a great feature, too, by which I accommodate you, in case
you want it at once just call 1212 or 2112.
I tell none but the best and at prices as cheap as good goods
can be sold at. Every article is sold on its own merits and with
my personal guarantee.
I shall continue to handle Handco Pig Hams, Handco Flour,
Pasqua Coffee, Acworth Butter, and other famous brands of high
class goods that can be obtained nowhere else.
The Great
v She stands alone in her magnificent power of reading the
future of human kind. Born with a double veil. Educated in
occult mysteries and Hindoo philosophy in Egypt and India. 1
I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make no
charge if I fail to tell you whether your husband, wife or sweet
heart is true or false; tell how to win the love of the one you
most desire, even though miles away; how to succeed in busi
ness, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice.
A true cliarvovant is born—not made. Madam Eldon is not
a clairvoyant from choice, but because fate has so decreed it.
Her ancestors were powerful mediums and have for ages handed
down their wonderfu. power of gift from generation to genera
tion. So she has received the rich inheritance together with
combined knowledge and priceless experience of generations. No
matter what your present trouble may be or your past experi
ence has been you will save time and avoid disappointment by
at once consulting her.
Here For One
Week Only
504 Broat St.
1 g.,
Joe Jackson, a negro, was the first
man to be arrested in Richmond coun
ty for selling near beer without the
tax imposed by the legislature. Jack
son runs a near-beer saloon on the
corner of Campbell and Gwinnette
streets. He was arrested early Sat
urday night by Detectives Williams
and Bartley. He will have a prelim
inary hearing before Judge Picquet.
He is also charged with a violation
of the prohibition law.
Messrs. Cris Rooney and Mike
Kennedy were reported by the same
officers for selling near-beer with
out a license.
Mildred E. Marston, certified pupil
of B. J. Lang and Arthur Foate of
Boston. For terms, &c., apply or
write to Studio Room, No. 10, Ki:»t
Building. FT4p