The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, February 14, 1909, Image 7
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14. Wants Herald Want, Ads. Record For January, 2,445 Wants. Sunday’s Herald Carried 175 Wants. If You Want Any thing These Days, Read and Use Herald Wants. Now Is Your Time To Get a Bargain. We have some Broad Street property, centrally located, that rents for $52. a month and can be bought for $4,500.00. Beasley & Moon Real Estate Agents, No. 831 Broad Street, "?hone 205. FOR SALE—ReaI Estate. CHARLES 3. MATHENY, Dyer Bldg., Room 330. ’Phones 1302 and 1862. VACANT LOTS AND IMPROVED property in all sections of '.he city, Monte Sano, Summerville and North Augusta. If you want a home, see me. If an investment, I have it. If an established business, try me. Put your money to work. / ' Corner lot, 2103 Ellis street. Good 4-room house. Can sell on small cash payment, balance monthly plan Price $1,100.00. Splendid building lot oh 1400 block Broad street. Price $2,000.00. Vacant lot, 40x100, on Walton Wav $375.00. 1933 Watk!:> reet, well built 5- room house a. u hall, lot 42x160. A bargain at $1,150.00. 4-room house, 614 Moore Ave., lot 40x130, now renting for $6.00 ’ per month. Can be made to pay more, at small expense; will sell at the low price of $560,00. A 4-room house on a 50 foot lot, on 4ve. A., near Platz for $700.00 A splendid little cottage, new, in North Augusta on West Ave., four rooms, lot 60x200. Cheap at sl, 800 00. I have a nice 5-room cottage— bath and all conveniences—can sell on easy terms. Corner lot. See me about particulars. 1945 Watkins street, 5-rooms and hath; lot 42x160; well built house; nicely furnished. Price $1,600.00. 910 Center street, 10-room, 2-story* residence; large lot; house built of best material. Cheap at $2,500.00. Good paying business—wheelwright, blacksmith, etc., for sale at a bar gain. Several Broad street places re cently listed with me for sale. If interested I will furnish particulars. Residence on lower Broad for sale. Let me know what it is you desire | and I can supply you. CHAS. B. MATHENY, Real Estate. Dyer Bldg. Hollywood Plantation. 97 ACRES GOOD FARM OR TRUCK * land, well watered, 11-room house, i atables, etc., for sale. Plenty shade; ! 10 acres asparagus, profitable; South era railway station, half mile; 25 '■ miles east of Aiken; good winter home ' for Northern family, fine climate for bronchial troubles; telephone. Mrs. Angelica Reed, Elko, S. C. F2lp j In The Herald Pay lc a Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE—ReaI Estate FOR SALE AT BELVEDERE "THE j Beautiful," large home site lots for j a song. High, dry and healthful. ; Away from flood, away from fever— |en the trolley, on tlie Boulevard- Sand on the Boom! Only 5 cents fare | from Augusta Monument (with cars | every half hour). Will sell these 1 Beautiful Building Lots to good white ; settlers only, for SSO. $/5‘ and SIOO. j Terms easy. Titles good as a govern. Iment bond. Lots 40x150 feet. Young man listen: Before there i 3 a grey streak in your hair, these same lots will be worth THOUSANDS OF Dollars. BUY’ NOW—Fine fruit and poultry farms at. “St. Anthony’s Heights,” on the Boulevard, two milas out from Belvedere. Write and get choice selection tc ! day. JAMES E. KERR, ! Box 243, Aiken, S. C. f2op FOR SALE: WHERE IS BELVE dere? Just a 5-cent jump from the monument, on the healthiest site in the Southland. The ride is as good as a. meal. I.ots 40x150—550, $75 and SIOO. Let’s build you a home. James I E. Kerr. Box 243, Aiken, S. C. j3l-f7-14p j FOR SALE—BETTER A HOE-CAKE and health than a million and mis I ery. Buy a lot at Belvedere “The j Beautiful,” on the Hill of Health— i SSO, $75 and SIOO. James E. Kerr, Box 243, Aiken, S. C. j3l-f7-14p j FOR SALE; WHERE IS BELVE dere, “The Beautiful?” On a level j with the top of Hampton Terrace, North Augusta. One thousand dol lars backs this statement. Who'll j take me up. Lots, SSO, $75 and SIOO, | while they last. James E. Kerr, Box i 243, Aiken, S. C. FOR SALE: WHERE IS BELVE i dere? Just where Atlanta was when 'your Grandpa played marbles. Lots j SSO, $75 and SIOO. To white people i only. James E. Kerr, Box 243, Aiken S. C. J3l-f7-14p for SALE: ALMOST NEW REST dence near Station 26 Atlanticville, | Sullivan's Island. Completely fur ! nished. Henry Schachte & Sons, Inc., Charleston, S. C. Flip FOR SALE, EXCHANGE OR RENT, the little farm, 10 acres on old Sa j vannah road, 10 miles from city. ; Good land; 6-room dwelling; two 3- i room laborer’s houses; barn, stables, | etc. Sale price $3,700. This price has | been reduced from $4,200 for imme diate sale. Buildings worth more than price asked. Will exchange for a desirable city residence. Apply to h. C. Middleton, Real Estate, 135 Jackson street. Fstf FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc. IF YOU DON’T BUY YOUR HORSES and mules from us, we both lose money. Augusta Stock Yards. ROOFING AND DIAMONDS. IF YOU WANT A DIAMOND, YOU see the jeweler. If you want a roof you see the roofer—that’s me. D. Slusky. J24tf ROOFING. IS IT TAR PAPER? I HAVE IT. Is It composition roofing? 1 have it. Is it metal roofing? I have it. D Slusky. j24tf ONE ONE-HORSE SPRING DELIV ery wagon; one two-horse spring delivery wagon; one two-horse farm wagon; two horses. Apply Augus ta Lumber Co. FI 5c FOR BALL —Miscellaneous METAL ROOFINGS. CARLOADS OF TIN AND TIN SHlN gles arriving. See me before buy ing. D. Slusky. , j24tl POULTRY: AUCTION SALE OF fine birds every Wednesday and Friday afternoon at our farm Inva lid eggs strictly fresh 50c per dozen. Eggs for hatching all breeds, catalo gue for stamp. White Rats 50c per pair. “Get the fad and see them grow.’ 1 Belvedere Poultry Farm, Augusta, Ga. 'Phone 1184. AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White’s garage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. ts FOR SALE: THE PARTICULAR. book you are looking for and any thing that is a book. Dellquest's Bookship, 215 Seventh St. PIANO WITH INTERIOR - PLAYER or self-playing attachment, in per fect condition, handsome mahogany case, with $150.00 worth of music rolls of the best selections; ali as good as new. This outfit would cost SBOO.OO in any music store, will sell for $375.00 cash. Can he seen and tested. It’s a great bargain. An swer Player Piano, care The Herald. Fotf Tires I CARRY A FULL LINE OF BABY carriages, automobiles and tricycle tires always on hand and experienced men to put them on for you. Give me your order. Jno. F. Brickie, 223 Campbell street. F7c Horse Shoeing IF YOU WANT YOUR HORSES shod by an expert and one who gives his personal attention to all horseshoeing and clipping, do not for get the old reliable, L. M. Hutto, 722 Ellis SL F7c FOR RENT—ReaI Estate COTTAGE’: FOR KENT FOR THE tourist season, a furnished cottage in North Augusta, one block from Hamoton Terrace. Two baths, elec trie lights, furnace heat and open fire places. F.verything modern. Ap ply B. C., Wall, 917 Brottf St. ’Phoue 659. Residence 'phone 1457. DBtf RESIDENCE: FOR RENT, 880 BAY street, a cotiage of 4 rooms and i bath $12.50 per month. Apply 466 I Broad street. F2oc DWELLING;: FOR RENT. ONE | modern five room dwelling at 1224 j Woodlawn avenue, rent for $16.00 per month. Apply Alfred T. Dams. Real | Estate Agent. Fl4c HOUSE: FOR RENT. FROM MAR, Ist. 7 rooms and bath. 1620 Wal ton Way. Apply on premises. Fl9p FOR RENT—Rooms ROOMS: 3 ROOMS FOR RENT. suitable for light housekeeping; every convenience. Apply 1114 Broad, or 'phone 1752. Flop ROOM: TO RENT, NICE FRONT room for one or two gentlemen, privilege hot and cold bath. Ad dress or call 951 Ellis. Flsc ROOMS: FOR RENT, THREE OON necting rooms on Greene street, suitable for light housekeeping. Ap ply L. R., care Herald. F2oc ROOMS: THREE CONNECTING, unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, for rent, on 600 block Telfair street. For Informa tion, Address B. D. J., caro Herald. Flip ROOM: LARGE LIGHT AIRY ROOM every convenience furnished, suit able for married couple or two gen tlemen. Moderate price. Apply to 1287% Broad street. Fl 6» “WANTED HELP~_Maie WANTED: RAILWAY MAIL clerks. Salary SBOO to $1,400. No ‘lay-offs.’ Examination in Augusta, Ga., May 15th. Common education sufficient. Candidates prepared free. Write immediately for full particu lars. Franklin Institute, Rochester. N. Y., Mop Young Men for Railway Mail Service EXAM. IN AUGUSTA, MAY 15, IN temling applicants should begin preparation at once. Sample ques tions and “How Government Posi tions are Secured,” sent free. Inter- State Schools, CGO lowa Ave., Cedar Rapids, lowa. Flsc 'WANTED: A STEADY MAN to take care of furnace also slop boy. References required. Apply Lamar Hospital. Fl 4 WANTED: M A N UFA C T IT R E R wants competent male stenograph er; reply with reference, stating salary expected. Address M. C. R. caro Herald. Fl4c SOLICITORS f WANTED IO So’llCF tors, men, sober and industrious, good proposition to the right men; call for M. V. Hamilton, Dicks House, 609 Broad, 11 to 2 and day. Flsp MKN W AXTED QUICKLY~BY ItlG Chicago Mail Order house to dis tribute catalogues, advertise. $25 00 weekly; SBO,OO expense allowance. Manager, Dept. 30, 385 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Fl4e START A DYEING, CLEANING and pressing establishment, no cap ital needed, we teach you by mail. Particulars free. Ben Vonde Co., Dept,. 27, Staunton, Va. Fl4p WANTED FOR y. K. ARMY: ABLE bodied, unmarried men, of good character and temperate habits, be tween 18 and 35 years of age. Good pay. steady employment and chance to see the world. For information apply to Recruiting Offiqer, Miller- Walker Bldg., Augusta, or 23% White hall St., Atlanta, or 411 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. J 3 RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANT ed, SBOO first year, promotion to SI,BOO. Examination in Augusta May 15. Common school education suf ficient with our coaching. We guar antee where others promise. Full particulars free. Ask for booklet O. I. Washington Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. Fl4p WANTED: MEN, MUST BE WlLL ing to learn and capable of acting as our representative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 876 Marden Bldg., Washington, D. C. Fl4p WANTS®: THREE MACHINISTS: 5 salesladies, an A 1 steward, for large hotel; 2 experienced dry goods salesmen; 1 shipping clerk, to leave the city. Apply Southern Employ ment Agency, 312 Leonard Building. Fl4p WANTED HELP Male and Female. FOUR MEN AND Font LADY so licitors. Apply any time Monday before noon, Tuesday at, 705 Camp bell street. Fl4p Locks and Keys IF YOUR LOCKS NEED REPAIR ing or a keey to be filed give me y.iur order and I will give It prompt attention. Jno. F. Brickie, 223 Camp bell street. J3ic Shoes IF YOU WANT A GOOD SHOE OO to J. P. Saxon. No shoddy goods sold. J3lc Shoes $1.50 WILL BUY THE BEST OLD Lady Comfort for the money at J. P. Saxon. ’3lc THE AUGUSTA HERALD Wants WANTED—Salesmen. SALESMAN: -YOLK TERRITORY^ experience unnecessary; SIOO.OO monthly and expenses or commission Crescent Cigar Company, Chicago. Fl4e SALESMAN: EXPERIENCED IN any line to sell general trade in Georgia. An unexcelled specialty proposition. Commissions with $35 weekly advance for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Fl4p SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL TO grocers, druggists and confection ers; SIOO.OO per month and expenses California Cider & Extract Co., St. Louis, Mo. Flip WANTED: SALESMEN OF A lilt.- ity and neat appearance to call op all merchants in their territory: ele gatit. side line, convenient to earrv, good commissions: prompt remit tance, Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. d 13 sun ts WANTED: TRAVELING SALES man to sell fßncy fruit elders; $l6O per month and expenses. Red Cross Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. ■WANTED—Agent AGENTS: $36 A WEEK. EXPENSES paid', no experience required: Photo Pillow Tops 30c; enlarged portraits, frames, lowest prices; free samples, Catalogue. Dept. 20, Ritter Art Stu dio, Chicago, 111. Fl4c AGENTS: LACE CURT AIN S AX! > laers. New agents, Indies or gen tlemen, make wonderful success, $lO to S2O daily. You can't lose out through our new plan. Address Peebles Merchandise Co., Columbus, Ohio. Fl4c SIOO TO $125 A MONTH FOR bustling traveling cigar salesman. Experience unnecessary. Snccoss assured to workers. National Cigar Sales Co., Toledo, O. Flip WANTED—ReaI Estate WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WITH sums aggregating about $31,000, which they desire to invest in paying real estate of several kinds, and if you will send us a list of what you have to sell, it may suit some of them. Just mall it, to us and you will hear from us in a short, while. We do no renting, but, devote our en tire efforts to selling, and If your property is worth the priee you will get quick results by sending us your list and prices. Many buyers come to us because they know we do noth ing but sell and give prompt atten tion to that branch of the business. In fact, other real estate agents seek our assistance for the same reason, very often. We are going to double our efforts from now on of which you can have the advantage, If you will give us the opportunity tp serve you. References cheerfully furnished. BOYKIN & CO., 312 Dyer Building—Phone 1034. Fll-14c WANTED- Rooms _ ROOMS: THREE OR FOUR ROOMS or small flat, centrally located, wanted by couple, no children, for light housekeeping. Address R. F. G., care Herald. FI 4c WANTED —Miscellaneous BOOKS; wanted TO BUY FOR cash old books, Southern magazines and autograph letters of famous peo ple. Address H. W. Cadby, care Ho tel “Bon Air,” Augusta, Ga. F24p HOUSE: WANTED TO RENTA small 4 or 5 room house or one tin furnished room; must be near Me- Kinne street, or on car line. Apply 1297 Broad street. File HORSE AND BUGGY:, HORSE must be gentle for family use; state price, condition and where can be seen. Address H. & 8., care Herald. F 14]) TO - BUY ONE LIGHT ONE-HORSE wagon without top. Address Box 75, North Augusta, S. C. Fl4c Lost and Found. LOST: PIECE" CARVED MAHOGA ny off sofa front, on Marbury bo tween Greene and Gwinnett, street. Return to Drug Store, Greene and Marbury street and get. reward. Flap LOST EYEGLASSES: LOST I,AS t Thursday morning one pair gold frame eyeglasses. Reward If return ed to 447 Greene street. Fl4p EGGS: RHODE ISLAND 8358, eggs per setting of 18, at $1.50. Apply W. W. Tanner, 15 Ellis street, Fl4p FOR SALE’ STOVE MANHOLE UM, lot 34 feet, 6 by 32 feet, 4 four sections for $31.00. Cost $60.00. Ap ply to 319 Broad street. Fl4|i COTTON 'SEED: IMPROVED KINO and Toole Cotton Seed, 80 cents bushel. In 20 bushel lots 75 cents per bushel. Address Farmer, eare Herald. Flip Oysters FRESH SHIPMENT OF NORFOLK Oysters received daily. Marks Gro cery Co., 1023 Broad St. Phone 1095. FI 6o Shoes A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF the latest style Oxfords at J. P. Saxon's. Augusta Cut Rate Drug Co. 593 BROAD. “ASPIRIN" 5-GRAIN CAPSULES, 10c dozen. Shoes A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF the latest stylo Oxfords at J. I'. Saxon's. A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Augusta Cut Rate Drug Cc. 593 BROAD. “ASPIRIN" 5-GRAIN CAPSULES, 10c 1 dozen. Oysters FRESH SHIPMENT OF NORFOLK Oysters received daily. Marks Gro cery Co., 1023 Broad St. Phone 1093. non Shoes A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF the latest style Oxfords at J. 1\ Saxon’s. Chas. M. Sacre, Watch- 1 maker 662 BROAD, AT PEERLESS THE atre, or 207 Broad (residence). Phono 2229, residence, any time day or night; 25 years experience in Au gusta. All kinds repairing. Join my Watch Clubs, SI.OO week. Ml4c Augusta Cut Rate Drug Co. 693 BROAD. “ASPIRIN" 5-GRAIN CAPSULES, 10c dozen. We are selling the leading doctors and a lot of drug stores. So we must surely have the price and the goods to offer. Oysters FRESH SHIPMENT OF NORFOLK Oysters received daily. Marks Gro cery Co., 1023 Broad St. Phone 1095. FI 6c Shoes. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF the latest style Oxfords at J. P. Saxon’s. Augusta Cut Rate Drug Co. 593 BROAD. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, costs wholesale 16 2-3 c package; we are selling it for 12 1 -2c. What do you think of that for cut prices? Oysters FRESH SHIPMENT OF NORFOLK Oysters received daily. Marks Gro cory Co., 1023 Broad St. Phone 1095. Fine Free Rent. NO RENT; NO HIGH SALARIED men; cheapest place in town to liny Shoes. J. P. Saxon, 1455 Broad street. J24c. Shoes IF you WANT A GOOD SHOE GO to J. P. Saxon. No shoddy goods sold. Augusta Cut Rate Drug Co. 593 BROAD. THEY SELL HERRING’S CATARRH Cure In Atlanta for 02e bottle. We sell it for 30c. How Is this for a rut on SI.OO standard goods, and wo can sell you all you want of it. Free Ren*. NO RENT; NO HIGH SALARIED men; cheapest place in town to buy Shoes. J. P. Saxon, 1455 Broad street. J24c. Ureka Lime FOR BRICK WORK AND PLASTER- Ing. Whitest, purest, strongest. Get, our booklet on Whitewashing. Augusta Builders Supply Co. FI 4c IF YOU USE MERRY WTDOW Flour once you’ll have no other. Fl4c Shoes. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF the latest style Oxfords at J. P. Saxon’s. Antique Furniture SIDEBOARDS, BUREAU, CHEST OF drawers, mirror, tea and card tables, workstand, fiddle-back chairs, Sheffield trays, door knockers, etc. M. L. Watson, 413 Jackson street. Flic Good Furniture WATSON FURNITURE CO., HIGH grado furniture and ali furnishings for the house, from the parlor to the kitchen, all on easy payments or for cash. 1224 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Fl4c Tires I CARRY A FULL LINE OF BABY carriages, automobiles and tricycle tires always on hand and experienced men to put them on for you. Uivo me your order. Jno. F. Brickie, 223 Campbell street. FI 4c ASK YOUR GROCER FOR MERRY Widow Flour. FI 4c Trunk Hospital OUR TRUNK DOCTORS (AND they are good ones) can put your old, disabled trunk, case and grip In first ciass condition -a new slat, lock, clamp, etc., and it’s In condition for years of service. Cost Is small. Trunk sent for and delivered free of cost. Or we will take your old trunk as part, payment for a nice, new one. Telephone us, 593, or give us a call at our well-stocked, spacious store, ssl Broad. Wrong side of street. M. M. Cleckley, Prop. ts Augusta Cut Rate Drug Co. 593 BROAD WE KEEP OPEN EVERY NIGHT till 12:30 o’clock. 8, H. H., B. B. 8., Wine of Cardut. Poruna. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription, Kodol, all SI.OO standard goods, for 75c bottle. Motorcycles Repairing CALI. ON ME FOR ALL MOTOR cycle parts and supplies. Repair ing a specialty. E. W Watson, 218 Mclntosh St. Fl4p Bicycle Repairing THE OLD RELIABLE REPAIRMAN at the same old stand. Do noth Ing but reliable repairing Wheels send for and delivered. E. W. Wat son. 218 Mclntosh St. phone No. j 1711. Fl4p| Fresh Vegetables IF YOU WANT FRESH VEGE-1 tables, L. A. Grimaud, 210 Gumming St., lias nothing but fresh goods In groceries, etc., as well ns fresh vege tables. All orders given prompt at-1 tention. A trial order is all we ask. j FlEc ! Shoes TRY J. P. SAXON'S LINE OF $4.00 shoes for 53.50. Fish, Oysters RECEIVING DAILY SHIPMENTS j of Norfolk and Savannah oysters; j fresh fish, fruit ami vegetables. Your orders will be appreciated and promptly handled. O. D. Florence,. agent for Chick Spring Water, 'Phono ! 1007. 466 Broad St. Ureka Lime FOR BRICK WORK AND ing. Whitest, purest, strongest. Got out booklet on Whitewashing. Augusta Builders Supply Co. Fl3c Shoes. YOU SAVE MONEY BY BUYING shoes at J. P. Saxon. Notice I HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY of the Merry Widow brand of self rising flour, which 1 will recommend to be ono of the best and most eco nomical flour lo be obtained on ac count of being ready for use and al ways uniform. My warehouse for dis tribution of this flour is located on R. It. track. R. J. Bates, Distributor. Flic Miss Janie E. Hall, R. N. MASSEUSE, 107 McINTOSH ST.. Practice limited to women. Facial massage. Augusta, Ga., ’Phono No. 1046 MlOc Typewriter Bargains SOME SPLENDID SECOND-HAND machines at very low prices whllo ; thoy Inst. L. J. Henry, Remington Dealer. Fl3c ASK your GROCER FOR MERRY Widow Flour. File Barber Shop LET US DO YOUR WORK. EVEllY thlng neat, and clean. Shave 10c. The Union Barber Shop, Rizer & Ash more, Props., No. 614 Campbell St. Fl7p Barber Shop. THE ROYAL. AITOUSTA'H POPULAR BARBER shop; experienced barbers; service strictly Arsl-elans, established nine (years; strictly sanitary; hot and cold baths, shave 10c. .1. L. Edwards, Prop., 209 Washington St. f27c Business Opportunity FOR SALE OR LEASE; 100 ACRES of Brick clay. The clay has been thoroughly tested. Land on Both sides of R. R. Near Station. Plenty of wood. Address G. W. Reid, Dyson, S. C. Flsp “Bargain Lumber Sale” ALTi LUMBER AT STANDARD LTTM her Co.’s plant, Exposition Ave., consisting of about 200,000 feet fram ing, nil sizes, and about 150.000 foot flooring, celling and weather boarding must be sold Immediately, as we mils', vacate the premlsos. Can make prompt delivery In city and >mmer villc. Call 'phono 1344 or E. J O'Connor, 865 Broad St. ts Shoes TRY J. P. SAXON’S LINE OF $4.00 shoes for *3.50. FEED YOUR DAIRY CATTLE ON our Alfalfa Dairy Feed. It con tains 19.2 protein as compared with 15.0 on pure wheal fine feed. It Is a largo producer of milk and butter, besides it saves half of your hay or hull bills. Directions for feeding In each bag. Smith Brothers. riSo Night School OSBORNE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, only $6.00 per month, for either bookkeeping, shorthand, arithmetic, pcmimaiiHlilp, grammar and spelling. Call or 'phone at once. M6p Hats Cleaned (have YOUR HATS CLEANED AND reshaped by an export batter. Pan amas a specialty. Clothes cleaned and I pressed by experienced workmen. I Vienna Hat Factory, 315 Mclntosh j St. Phone 744. Mch6p ROOFING! ROOFING!! ROOFING! I! THAT'S MY SPECIALTY, AND HAS been for more than a quarter of a I century. I can furnish anything In fireproof roofing and In any quantity. “Nuff Sed." D. Slusky. J24tf E. M. Deas WILL HAVE FOR SATURDAY AND Sunday very tine veal, beef, pork and lamb. All pork and beef sau sage, also chickens, turkeys. Fl 4: Cut Flowers CARNATION ROBES, LILY OF-THE Valley, Hyacinth, narcissus, daf fodlls, cut asparagus ferns and all pot plants. All orders gives prompt attention. Central Garden, 1040 Brea st., J. Rival, Prop., Miss Annie Dow, Mgr. 'Phone No. 2122. Fi4c j - , YOU C/xN SAVE FOUR DOLLARS per month on each animal feeding your horses or mules on our Alfalfa Horse Feed. It goes farther than corn or oats, besides saving half your hay bill. Feed on it thirty days and your stock will look better and be worth more money. Smith Brothers. nßc ASK YOUR GROCER FOR MERRY Widow Flour. Fl4c SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14. Wants Money Maker Cotton ALEXANDER SEED COMPANY 911 Broad St. Augusta. Ga. PARTICULAR PLANTERS WILL advise you to buy your Seeds from Alexander's. Why? Because Alexan der's Seeds are tested and are sure to grow and are sure to produce ex nelly what you bought them -or. It costs good dollars to be abso lntely sure that our .stocks are right, but we shall continue to spend those dollars and consider them well spent so long ns both our customers, and our own success depends on the seeds being fresh and true to name. Pardon us, but. If you don't care whether the' need you plant grows or not, we don't care to supply you, but If you do care, so do we. Our in terests are mutual, Alexander's Money Maker Cotton. Time now to plant Gannas, Tubo roses. Gladiolus, and Dahlias, our a» sort meat is complete. Cabbage plant*, the hardy kind, 25 cents per 100. Fresh every day; special prices in quantities. MONEY MAKER COTTON. ALEXANDER SEED COMPANY, 911 Broadway, Augusta, Ga Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUBEA. "DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents. Phone 112. altt Shoes. YOU SAVE MONEY BY BUYING shoes at J. p. Saxon. Remington Typewriters. A FEW 191)8 MODEL MACHINES, Rome slightly used. Special prices’ to close out. L. J. Henry, Reming ton Dealer. Fl3o ~ '«■■■»"«» Shoes. A FULL LINE OF OLD LODIBB’ comfort. J. P. Saxon, 1465 and 1457 Broad St. For Shavers. WE OFFER FOR THIS WEEK \ specially attractive line of supplies for both big and little Sharers. See our windows. i PARR'B PHARMACY, 516 Broad St. 'Phone 369 Southern Queen Grates POSSESS AN INDIVIDUALITY IN domestic circles. See our grates be fore buying. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 643 Broad St. 'Phone 321. Fl3c Shoes A FULL LINE OF OLD LADIES’ comfort. J. P. Saxon, 1456 and 1467 Broad St. Antique Furniture BED: FOR SALE ONE OLD TEAS ler, post mahogany bed, over 100 years old In best of condition. Ap ply 527 Broad street. Fl4o Shoes A FULL LINE OF OLD LADIES' comfort. J. P. Saxon, 1455 and 1487 Broad St. Chas. L. Macmurphy CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PER sonal supervision given to all work. Phone 1646 for estimate, or call at residence, 443 Calhoun St. (25p Shoes YOU SAVE MONEY BY BUYING Shoos at J. P. Saxon s Antique Furniture HIGH POST BED, CARVED PTNE apple lop, Chippendale clawfoot sideboard, card sewing tables, wardrobe, book cases, fenders, and Irons, candlesticks, upholstering a specialty, 312 Seventh. Phont 2219, F. Kenyon. f2oo Shoes IF YOU WANT A GOOD SHOE GO to j. P. Saxon. No shoddy goods sold. Good Cheap Typewriters MACHINES OF DIFFERENT maki s, taken In exchange for Rem ingtons, at $22.60 to $45.00. L. J, Henry, Remington Dealer. Fl3o Shoes. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SHOE OO to J. P. Saxon. No shoddy goods sold. Indian Motorcycles I AM AGENT FOR INDIAN MOTOR cycles, Rambler Bicycles. I carry a full stock of all parts to do mo torcycle repairing. W 11. Holmes, 308 Campbell 9t. M6o STOVE WOOD, 90 CENTS A LOAD; oak and pine, mixed, good dry wood delivered promptly. 'Phone 2.175. Glvs us your order. F24p Hhoes A FULL LINE OF OLD LADIES’ Comforts. .1. P. Saxon, 1455 and 1457 Broad street. FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES on our Alfalfa Horse Feed. Corn contains 10.3 protein, oats 11.8; our Alfalfa Horse Feed contains 13.7. It Is cheaper than corn or oats and a great deal better; besides It saves half of your Irtv l\ll. Directions for feeding in each bag. Smith Broth ers. nBo Shoes TRY ,T. P. SAXON LINE OF $4.00 shoes for $3.50. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA, 6A.