Newspaper Page Text
Trunks Within Trunks
See Our
The Elephant ednnot carry his Trunk any easier than ours can
be carried, though heavily and strongly built. Our Trunks are de
signed for convenient and rough handling. Give us a call.
Augusta Trunk factory.
55! Broad. M. M. Cleckley, Prop. Wrong Side of Street.
The banquet to be tendered by the
Y. M. C. A. Friday evening to the
successful participants in the recent
contest for new members and the
new members secured, promises to be
a most enjoyable occasion.
The banquet is advertised to com
mence at 7:30 sharp. During the
course of the evening solos by Miss
LPofiuisiam and Pat.
t These two, like oil and water, mix
poorly. This does not imply fat men and
women never got enthusiastic. They do
down deep inside. But what does it
amount to? Their fat doesn't get excit
ed. They can’t transmute their enthu
siasm into energetic action, so they
might as well keep calm.
Thus it is that fat people generate
much steam for life's work, only to find
the load too much for the horsepower,
and as a result thousands of both sexes
get just so far and no further. “Much
they care,'* says the uninitiated slim
one. But they do care. They care keenly
for financial. mental, social, business,
fall hunting, straight-front and comfort
reasons, and that is why Marmola
Prescription Tablets have been so
heartily welcomed by the overweignt
classes. The reason is not far to seek.
Marmola Prescription Tablets take off
about a pound a day, in most cases,
without interfering in any way with the
taker’s table tendencies or his love of
e,\se. To some, possibly, their absolute
economy appeals. Thus one large case
costing seventy-five cents at any drug
store or of the makers, Th? Marmola
Company, Detroit, Mich., direct, is said
in itself alone to contain enough tablets
to malcc a decided change in any one.
Put these are merely surface reasons.
Marmola. checks the formation of fat by
curing the fat-forming tendency. The
fat just slips away, as it were, without
a sign of a wrinkle. Thus the work
these tablets do is not injurious. It is
natural. That is the real reason these
tablets are so much appreciated. They
are safe.
4% h%
The Planters
0 1
Loan And Savings
Bank ,
705 Broad Street.
The Oldest Savings
Bank In The
In successful operation 38
years and growing more popu
lar with the people and strong
er in their confidence each
In selecting a bank for youi
Savings Account do not fail to
investigate the facilities anc
strength of this bank.
Resources Over
Safe as “Safest.”
The same careful attention
to small accounts as to the
larger ones.
Deposits may be made b.
L. C. HAYNE, President.
CHAS. C. HOWARD, Cashier.
Wm. Schweigert & Co., Jewelers.
We Defy
tion on
Kate Mu 1 key and Mr. D. G. Halford,
accompanied by Miss Vivan, will be
rendered; the popular “Amphion
Quartet” will sing several of their
delightful numbers, and brief talks
by several members will be made.
Mrs, William A. Lyon entertained a
few friends in a very delightful man
ner yesterday afternoon at her home
on Reynolds street, guests being in
vited to meet her sister-in-law, Mrs.
McDill, of Abbeville, S. C. Thorough
informality marked the the occasion
and added greatly to the enjoyment
of the delightfully congenial groups
of friends present.
—Mr. Leonard Phinizy has returned
from Atlanta.
The following are some of the lat
est arrivals at the Park-in-the-Pines
at Aiken:
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Medburg, Cal.;
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Metyna, Ronkon
koma, N. Y.; Mr. Nicholas Metyna,
Ronkonkoma, N. Y.; Miss Angella
Buen, Ronkonkoma, N. Y.; H. P.
Spaulding, Boston, Mass.; S. Knhn,
Cincinnati, O.; D. Q. Swantz, St.
Louis, Mo.; Mrs. J. E. Crossley,
East Orange, N. J.; Miss C. Crossley,
Bast Orange, N. J.; Miss C. V. Ped
dle, East Orange, N. J.; Mr. J. W.
Crossley, East Orange, N. J.; Mr. and
H. P. Comstock, Providence. R. I.;
Nathan Klee, Chicago, 111.; Miss Rosa
Klee, Chicago, 111.; Miss Julia Klee,
Chicago, 111.
OR.. ..
It is all right to be able to say
that formerly you spent money like
It is much better, however, to
be able, Right now, to grasp any
opportunity that presents itself.
Ready money is needed to do this
and to have cash means that you
must start a saving account.
Irish-American Bank,
“The Bank For
Your Savings’ ’
Is Centrally Located,
Treats you right,
Caters to the People,
Solicits your business.
A Sensation
The Reminder Watch
No More Forgotten Appoint
No More Missing the Train.
No More Neglected Technical
No More Doubtful* Time, Esti
No More Letting Time "Slip
No More Absent-Mindedness.
RINGS any time desired. Set
by third hand . Inside ease
serves as bell. Handsome
Gun Metal Case. Good Time
keeper. TRY ONE.
Mr. John D. Rockefeller has found
in the simple life the existence that
makes the most tremendously strong
appeal to him.
Columns have been written about
his devotion to golf, and how he
spends many long hours on the Coun
try Club links, but his keener inter
ests seem to be centred at present
in the long automobile rides that
take him far into the country.
Ba'h has boe n the Mecca of many
motoring parties this winter, for the
road is in excellent condition and
there is much of interest to be found
in the little village that was once
the popular summer resort of all the
welathy planters of Burke and Rich
mond counties; and many of these
travelers on the road to and from
Bath constantly meet Mr. Rockefeller
whose preference for that particular
route is almost daily expressed.
We have been repeatedly told, by
those who have studied him, that in
the present phase of the great finan
cier’s life he would bo known as a
humanist, and it is indeed in this
guise that, we of Augusta are seeing
him, for Us is in his sympathy with
little everyday matters that count for
so much in the quiet life that he
seems to concern himself, looking
carefully Into what makes for the
weal or woe of the men and women
he meets on these daily drives, mak
ing sunshine for the children by giv
ing them long rides in his wonderful
car, and asking many keen but kind
,ly questions about everything that
he sees. Accounts of the Ante-Bel
hint life at Bath delighted him, and
he would know all about, what, the
summer colony does there now. He
inquired into the powers of all the
pretty springs at the place, and mar
velled at the beauty of the ancient
trees, some of them so giant like in
their hundred-year-old strength. The
prize chickens on one place won his
interest, and nothing would do hut
that, he must help the children feed
them. And then the interest In each
child individually! Looking upon it
all. and knowing for what the man
stood for in the world, the spectator
could only silently wonder and ad
mire and in turn question what was
in very truth this magic in the air of
It is safe to predict for Bath a fu
ture more glorious than its past, for
any number of persons who have paid
brief and casual visits to Bath this
year have expressed their desire to
secure cottages there for the summer
or for next winter.
It is all, however, a part of the
tremendous wave of preference shown
for each and every portion of Rich
mond County which is now gaining
recognition, the world over, as the
healthiest and the most attractive
place for rest and recreation in thg
whole of this great Western hem
Here is just a little more of the
every-day philosophy sent us by one
contributor and valued by so many:
You can climb to the top of the loft
iest hill,
If you try.
You can make yourself whatsoever
you will.
If you try.
A Faith you must have, rooted deep
in your soul.
A purpose unshaken, a firm self-con
Strive on without ceasing; you’ll
reach to the goal,
If you try.
You can be some good to yourself
and your kind,
If you work.
A name and a place in the world you
can find,
If you work.
Wherever you turn, there is plenty
to do.
The harvest is great, hut the reapers
are few.
You’ll find opportunities waiting for
If you work.
You can reach any standard at which
you may aim,
If you win.
You can find the right, road to the
Temple of Fame,
If you will.
It lies through Endeavor by day and
by night,
Through Patience that, never aban
dons a fight;
By infinite toil you can climb to the
If you will.
You must meet all reverses and never
give in.
If you win.
You must, spend the time planning
how to begin,
If you win.
But take off your coat and go Into the
And stay by your task; there Is no
other way,
Would you like to be fat and plump
and strong and hearty? Here is -i
chance so do it without risking the
loss of a single penny.
Green & Horsey, our well known
druggists have a new treatment call
ed Samose, which they are spiling on
approval, that is said to be a true
flesh-forming food. It Is In tablet
form, retailing at 50c a box.
If it does not increase the weight,
fill out the thin, scrawny form and re
store health and strength, there will
be no charge whatever for Samose.
Go to Green & Horsey today and get
a treatment ftf Samose with their
promise to refund the money if It
does not do all that, it claims.
Before commencing the use of Sa
mose have yourself correctly weigh
ed and note the gain from week to
Green and Horsey’s faith In Sa
mose is shown by their offer to re
fund the money if it does not In
crease flesh and restore good health.
They really give you a free
trial of the preparation, for un
less it does increase the weight it
will not cost a cent.
Sent postpaid on receipt of price.
1 he Sale Ss\ Andrews’ Ready To Wear Department* Continues.
The interest aroused by such phenomenal offerings continues unabated. Such styles at such low prices have never been heard of. And
Just at the dawn of the Season.
Spring Suits
$25.00 New Suits, $19.75
$27.50 New Suits $22.98
$30.00 New Suits, $24.50
$32.50 New Suits, $27.50
$35.00 New Suits, $29.50
$40.00 New Suits, $35.00
$45.00 to SGO New Suits $37.50
Agents for
Ladies’ Home
Journal Patterns
You must wait for no future, but la
bor today.
If you win.
You will find that the time of mis
fortune is swift.
If you drift.
Don’t expect other people to give you
a lift,
If you drift, *.
The adage is old, that the world gives
its call
To the man (hat keeps striving,
whatever befail
You will find that a wreck is the end
of it all,
If you drift.
You will learn that the palsy of life
is delay,
If you wait.
That fortune will beckon and then
flee away,
If you wait.
For this is the mystical edict of fate;
But once opportunity knocks at your
And after that call ’tis forever too
If you wait.
It is a tremendous thing for Au
gusta that at last we have a Young
Woman’s Christian Association, and
have it in a location that makes it
easily accessible to all business wo
men on Broad street. -
Perfect marvels have been accom
plished in those large airy rooms
splendidly ventilated that they seem
to refute the charge of being crowd
ed in by the high brick walls of a
city block. Later, it may be neces
sary to divide the rooms into smaller
apartments, but as they are now, they
are most attractive in their gener
ous spaciousness and in the liberal
allowance of windows opening wide
ly on the north or on the south.
On the first, floor above the street,
are the dining rooms and the big rest
room or living room. The latter
apartment overlooks Broad street,
and is a pleasant resort not only for
those who will have rooms in the
house but for all who coiye thete for
lunch or for a few moment's rest
from shopping or while waiting for
a train. There are comfortable
chairs, to be supplemented later by
a lounge or two, there is a gener
ously equipped writing desk, a table
loaded with the new magazines, and
there are many attractive pictures
and fragrant flowers and growing
plants to give the place a homo-like
.Tust across the hall are the two
long dining rooms furnished in mis
sion oak after the most approved de
signs and very attractive with the
dainty table appointments, snowy
muslin curtains and many flowers.
Here a substantial luncheon will be
daintily served every day. Invitations
to which are extended not only to all
t.tu> women who find It possible to
come that way, but to all the men
who would like to secure a substantial
mid-day meal at prices much more
reasonable than those prevailing at
the hotels or cases. The menus are
planned by a committee of ladles, and
they are as well-cooked, nutritious
and palatable as they are varied from
day to day.
To the rear are the well-kept pan
tries and the great sunny kitchen
opening on a wide roof space that
there Is some talk of turning hito a
garden that will prove a welcome
place for relation on warm summer
On the floor above are rooms that
will be rented for most reasonable
prices to young women wage-earners
who have no homes of their own in
the city. These have been comfort
ably and artistically furnished each
by a separate \committee.
From one end of the place to an
other order and sweetness and charm
pervade. An ideal home this will
prove, we hope, for the worker who
come here, and for those who wish
to find only for one night, breaking
their journey, a safe and comfortable
and cheap lodging.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver, of Bal
tlrnore, Md., were among the many
arrivals at the Hampton Terrace
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hill, of Massa
chusetts, are among the arrivals at
the Hampton Terrace.
Mrs. A. M. Kingsley, of New York
City Is at the Hampton Terrace.
Madame Parent and daughter, of
Ottawa, Canada, are among the
■iuests at the Hampton Terrace,
Silk Cost*limes
$20.00 Black Silk Dresses $15.00
$25.00 Black Silk Drosses $17.50
$30.00 Black Silk Drosses $25.00
$27.50 Striped Messalinoi
Dresses $22.93
$30.00 Striped Taffeta
Drosses $25.00
$25.00 Light Blue Silk
Dresses $10.98
Andrews Bros. Co.
862 Broad - Phone 1183
Mr. T. B. View, of Ottawa, Canada,
is at the Hampton Terrace.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ensign, of
Connecticut are at the Hampton Ter
Sir George Drummond, one of the
most, influential men in the Dominion
of Canada arrived at the Hampton
Terrace Wednesday in ills private
car. He was accompanied by Lady
Drummond and several attendants.
He is one of the highest officials of
the Canadian Pacific railroad. Ho Is
in Augusta for rest.
Sir George Drummond is a native
Canadian, but he was knighted by
King Edward on account of his abil
ity. He is one of the foremost, poli
ticians in Canada. He will be at the
Hampton Terrace for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Miner of
Boston are at the Bon Air to spend
the balance of the winter season.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Rieli and their
son, William L, Jr., of New York, are
among the well known recent arri
vals at the Bon Air.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hnrris of
Springfield, Ohio, are here for the
opening of the spring season. They
have one of the new 1909 model
Packard touring cars, and spend
many pleasant hours motoring over
Richmond county roads.
ALBION, MICH., Feb. 16, 1909.--
People in Albion are elated to an
unusual extent because of the many
and remarkable cures which have
lately been made by Mi-o-na,
which has a world wide reputation
for the cure of ail stomach dis
orders. Everybody is endorsing MI o
na as a remedy of real merit. Hero
is what some respected residents
Mrs. E. O. Cass says: "Ml-o-na
cured me of stomach trouble that had
bothered me a long time.”
Ed. Cooley says: "Mi-o-na cured
me of distress In my bowels and
stomach in a short time."
J. Nuseur says: “I only had to
use one box of Mi-o-na before tho
much needed relief was given me.”
Mrs. Emma Overy says- "For
months I had dyspepsia, had stom
ach distress, pains and nausea. Noth
ing I used relieved or cured till I
used Mi-o-na.”
Every Day in the Week The
Cash Grocery Store Offers Bargains
And not only every day in the week will you find the lowest prices
on the best qualities, but every article in the store (not merely a few
leaders) is marked at price that means a tremendous saving to house
Genuine old fashioned Dark Mountain Buckwheat 4c
Pure, fresh Graham Flour, 60c regular value 47c
17c Regal Hams, sugar-cured 13 C
Old Virginia Breakfast Roe 17c
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith, Mrs.
11. O. Blgney and Miss Florenc**
Smith, all of Chicago, make up a
congenial party that will lie here un
til spring merges into summer.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. White of At
lantic City are here on their first
visit. Mr. White owns the Traymore
hotel at the famous Atlantic City, and
is prominent in the hotel fraternity,
lie will be hero until the season
Mr. and Mrs. George 1,. Dtckerman
of New Haven are at the lion Air.
Mr. Dtckerman is a prominent attor
ney and plays golf.
Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Diaz of Hack
ensack are at the Bon Air, having
stopped over on their return from a
pleasure lour Ihrougli Culm and Mex
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Lyon and
Mr. Sydney M. Lyon of Bridgeport.
Conn., are at the Bon Air hotel for
the remainder of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Miller and Miss
Sarah Miller of Stanford Conn., are
among the late arrivals at, the Don
Air hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Shephardson of
Watorbury, Conn,, are registered qt
the Bon All*. They are regular visit
ors, and will probably be here the
rcs'f of tin* son son.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hail of
W. H. Mott says: "Often I lmd
doctored for months without help. 1
used Mi-o-na and since using it three
years ago I have been free from the
distressing malady.
Mrs. I). Sharpe says: "I doctor
ed and used remedies for a long lime
for gastritis, pains in sl/unach, diz
ziness and dizzy headache and pains
over my side and loins. Mi-o-nn
cured me, and to Its I give the credit."
Mi-o-na Is sold in every town In
America, and by all leading druggists
for 50 centH a large box, and they
think so well of It that they will give
yofir money back if it doesn’t cure.
Mi-o-na purifies the stomach and bow
els; it relieves at once sour stomach,
belching, heaviness and shortness of
breath. It makes mealtime a Joy
time. Prepared by Booth’s Mlo-ni,
Buffalo, N. Y.
tlootb’s Laxative Pills are the kind
you have been looking for. Best for
liver and bowels. 25 cents at. all
leading druggists.
Separate Skirts
$ 4.00 Panama Skirts, ...$1.59
$ (>.50 Panama Skirts ...$4.29
$ 6.98 Voile Skirts $4.69
$ S.9S Panama. Skirts ...$5.48
$12.50 Panama Skirts ...$6.98
$12.50 Voile Skirts $7.89
$12.50 Silk Skirts .. ..-..57.89
Agents for
“La Chic’’ Corsets
and Sahlin Waists
Brookline, Mass., arrived at the Boa
Air Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Platt of Scran
ton, I’ll., are at the Bon Air for the
balance of the winter ■Henson. Mr.
Platt plays golf, and says the Country
club links are among the finest he
ever saw.
Attractive Real
Estate Offers
By people now own
ing desirable proper
ty, but who wish to
turn the money over
in a hurry.
Several city and su
burban homes of this
character, and all
offered at such especi
ally attractive figures,
that they’ll soon be
snapped up.
v Don’t procrastinate
about this! If you
want to save your
money by investing it
in property that will
increase in value, net
ting you a nice profit
in six months or a
year, investigate these
offers at onec.
Some opportunities
come but once.
John W. Dickey
Bank Building