Newspaper Page Text
SAVANNAH, CJa. —Upon whether or
not the city council taken favorable
action upon a petition from the Sa
van nab baseball club at the next meet
ing depends Ihe playing of the gain*)
In Savannah this summer. The pe
tition Is signed by President .1 F. Sul
livan, and asks for the use of BoltOP
•treat park for the season again.
It Is set forth In the petition that
If the city cannot grant Ihe use of
the park the game will fall through
this year as no other grounds can
be secured. The matter was referred
to the committee of the whole and
will be reported on at the next meet
ing. It Is probable that the commit
tee will report favorably as some al
dermen have expressed themselves as
favoring sueh action and opening the
streets through the park after the
season closes If they arc ojvned at
Several Prominent Gentle
men Mentioned us Officers
The young men who are Interested
In the organizing of a third Infantry
company here will meet at the Ar
mory Thursday night at 8 o'clock. A
lilt of 150 young men In thu city not
belonging to any military company
was made. Out of Ibis list llfty-elght
were picked, who could be depended,
on to take an Interest In Ihe company.
These young men have been asked to
meot at the Armory Thursday night.
Two or three names have been
mentioned for Ihe name of the com
pany. That will he settled Thurs
day night The IrlHh Volhnteers, the
Oerman Guards and the Augusta
Volunteers, are mimes that have been
Several young men have bean men
tioned as the possible officers of thu
company. Among those mentioned
were: Mr. Thad C. Jowltt, formerly
captain of Ihe Oglothorpes and a man
well qualified to hold that responsible
position. Mr. Charles Hooper and
Mr. Chns. Mulherin have also been
nwnttoned as possible officers.
Miilni Hafitl’s Troop# Ad
vancing Against New
Ruler of Hlann Tribes
PARIS. —Recording to n Tangier
dispatch Mu Harnara Wednesday was
proclaimed Sultan by the Hlan.i
tribesmen. A detachment of Mulal
llafldn troops arc ninrehlng against
Amarls forces Thursday.
Friday will be donation day at the
bnniar hospital. The institution "111
throw open Its doors and welcome
every visitor, Small favors "111 he
gratefully accepted, and "large ones
In proportion," aa the saying is. Any
article of household furniture and
every form of food supplies will fill a
want, and it is hoped thnt the public
will rewpond liberally.
Carlbs Use This Wood for Ordinary
Building Purposes.
Over at the north end of the town,
In a valley sloping to the beach, U
the Carlli settlement. There are 200
or 300 huts, with their mud walls
and thatched roofs, and probably 1.000
Carlbs. There Is no better place
along Ihe whole coast to see and
study the Carlb. These people are
all dark, resembling our negroes, of
ten with strulghler hair, and with »
somewhat different cast of face In
the matter of cleanliness uml nttrac
tlveness, they are superior to the
average soulhern negro one sees on
the plantations or around the towns.
There are no neater people anywhere.
They would aaam to be workers.
The men are seldom found ns In
borers on the banana plantations.
1 hough they frequently cultivate small
yatches of their own. They are dock
laborers, boatmen, men oj all work,
sailors and all are fishermen. Every
Carlb has his mahogany dory, made
from the solid log by himself or some
of hi* forebears. The dory Is a print.*
requisite to Ihe coast Carlb. He will
seldom part with his boat. Ho would
sooner sell you bis child Most of the
dories are small, but occasionally they
are large enough to carry two or
three sail*. The way a Carlb handles
his boat In a rough sen Is worth u
trip to witness. Sometimes It upsets
with him. bui lie Is able to right It
with little trouble.
The women are great workers. They
help In all the work gather the wood,
cure the fish and everywhere you go
where there Is water you see a Carlb
woman washing clothes or carrying a
load of laundry on her head. It Is a
mystery where they find so many
cldtbes to wash. One thing Is certain,
the Carlb men. women and children
all wear clenn clothes, except the
boy of 6 or 6 years and under, who
doesn't wear any at all. The Carlb
women have a bowl or tray for their
head-carried burdens, handmade ol
mahogany, fro the root of the tree,
which Is Interesting Good specimen*
of these bowls, given the natural
wood polish, make fine ornaments or
souvenirs and travelers search for
them. They are not easy, however, to
obtain. It was a two hours' search,
a visit and a smoke with a half dosen
of the dusky owner* before two good
specimens could be found.—Travel
Secretary of Agriculture
•Tames Wilson, who retains
his portfolio in President
Taft’s cabinet. Secretary
Wilson has served as secre
tary of aßricnlture since
President McKinley’s first
term, and has the record
now of the longest con
secutive term of any cabi
net officer.
Prominent Citizen charged
with Trifling with Lady’s
For gome time, It Is alleged, one of
our prominent citizens has paid
more or less attention to a young
and beautiful lady of this city.
He now claims ihat he was not se
rious In his Intentions and lhat he
was not attached to her, but however,
lbat may have been the young Indy
became attached to him, and as he
seems to have lost Interest In the
matter she has attached his property,
which Is a form of, attachment, that
he does not enjoy.
The result is. that ho finds him
self the defendant In a first-class
breach of promise case and his ques
tionable attitude towards the Indy
will be given an airing In the near
The parties in the case are so
prominent that it Is feared no court
room will hold the vast crowd desir
ous of attending the trial, so it will he
held In Walker Hall, on Thursday
i venlng. March lkili. under the aus
pices of the Young Men's Christian
association, for whose benefit the
proceeds will be devoted.
In other words, It will bo a mock
court trial, and It promises to be one
of the most enjoyable affairs of many
years, as a large number of our lead
ing people will participate In llio
The committee having the trial in
charge have engaged Col. A. V. New
ton. the well-known lawyer-lecturer
of Worcester, Mass., to attend to the
<|,-tails and personally conduct the
Col. Newton has had remarkable
success In conducting similar enter
tainments and without doubt the
Breach of Promise Trial will be herq,
as elsewhere, nn event long to bo re
membered with pleasure,
FORCE of habit.
"John.” said the cnsTih-r's wlfn, drop
ping Into the Imnk in tile midst of her
shopping trip, "you forgot to leave mo
Hint money this morning."
"Whnt name?" asked the cashier,
without looking up.
"Name! Name!” exclaimed the lady;
"I'm yin# wife."
"No doubt, no doubt." answered the
cashier, mechanically, and going on
with his writing: "but you will have
to bring someone to Identify you."
See Hunter's line; nobbiest In the citv; no duplicates; new lot Jus in. Match your costumes, at from
each SI.OO to $6.50
Choice assortment of Misses and Children’s Parasols, also Ladies’ Carriage Sun Shades
Our carefully selected Spring ltn-> is now in. Best values In Men’s. Women's and Children's Spring
Hosiery, Blacks, Whites, Tans and Fancies, Cotton, Lisle nnd Silk, per pair . .10c to $2.50
Special Sale
$5.00 Silk Petticoats $3.98
Extra -Izes in warranted Silk
Petticoats, at $3.50
Special Sale
45-Inch French Mull, very fine
quality and great value, at
yard 21c
Towel Special
50 dozen extra good, very larg
Towels 15c value, at, each 10c
Special White
Goods Bargain
Wash Chiffon, double width in,
yard lengths, worth 19c yard,
8 yards for 80c
“S. & H.” Trading Stamps on everything at Bleakley’s. Ask For Them.
It Pays to Buy at Bleakley’s Arcade
A great treat, both of popular and
the higher reaches of music is In store
for the community 1n the coming of
the Royal Hungarian Orchestra next
Tuesday night at the Grand. This is
a regular lyeeum number, hut Is giv
en under the joint auspices of the
City Lyceum and Knights of Pythias
and the Pythian Sisters of Augusta.
These organizations are selling door
admissions for this attraction, and a
goodly portion of the door sales will
go to the building fund of these or
ders. All cards gold by them will
be redeemed at Ives Saturday, or at
the box office next Tuesday night.
The Royal Hungarian Orchestra Is
the original one of the United States,
nnd has been touring all parts, of the
country and giving the highest satis
faction wherever appearing. Reserv
ations open at Ives Saturday morning.
Mix half ounce of Concentrated
pine compound, which can be procur
ed from your druggist, with two
ounces of glycerine and a half pint
of gtfod whiskey; shake It well each
time and use in doses of a teaspoon
tul every four hours. The Concen
trated pine ts a special product re
fined for medical use, and conies only
lu half ounce bottles, ench enclosed
In a screw top case. Relieves In a
The Knights of Columbus will hold
a council meeting Thursday night at
the Knight's hall. The only business
except routine work to come up Is the
considering of the Invitation of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians to attend
the services on St, Patrick's Day at
St. Patrick's church. The meeting is
being held on Thursday night instead
of FYldnv because of Lent.
Stuart'* Buchu and Juniper Is the
nvost reliable remedy known for kid
ney and bladder trouble. SI.OO all
Many Choice Items Will Be Offered Which Cannot Be Duplicated in This or Any City in Our Southland.
Wash Waists
100 dozen Tailor-made Lawn Walstts, tucked yokes and sleeves at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00: worth double the price.
50 dozen Madras Tailored Waists, $1.50 value, at SI.OO
10 dozen Tailored Llneu Waists, $2.50 value, at $1.75
Tailor Suits
A few left of those-Two-piece Panama Tailor Suits. $18.50 value,
at $lO
Swell line of Cream, Black and Colored Two and Three-piece Tailor
Suits, at Reduced Price*
Lingerie <Sc Poplin Dresses
One-piece and Jumper Suits. SIO.OO and $12.50, values, Friday ..$6.98
Pinks, Whites, Tans, Blue, Maize and Lavender.
25 Imported Gingham Dresses; latest styles, as a fiver Friday, cut
to $lO
R. L. Hunter Dry Goods Co., 806 Broad St.
Special Values at Bleakley’s Arcade
Friday and Saturday
It Is Well Worth Your While
To Visit Hunter’s Friday and Saturday.
Special Sale of Fine Skirts
About 100 real nice Panama Skirts, navy, brown, black and fancy, iight cassimere effects; attend to fit
special, each ■.. • $4.98
The Real Thing The Real Thing
Cut Glass; sale Monday, values up to $3.00 each. Cut Glass, super fine cut, sale Tuesday, values up
at- ' $1.29 to SB.OO each, at $2.98
Look Out For Great After
Supper Sale Saturday
Full Particulars in Tomorrow’s Herald
Well Known Retail Deal
ers Closing Out Stock to
go Into the Wholesale
Intending to go Into the wholesale
business, the firm of J. Goldberg &
Son, at 606 and 608 Broad street, has
placed Its enormous retail stock on
sale at ridiculously low prices, so as
to remove the stock from the store,
so the contractors can start work
renovating. This is the first sale
ever put on by J. Goldberg & Son,
In the fifteen years they have been In
business, and that fast Insures t
the public that It is a real cut price
sale. Anything and everything that
can posslffly be wanted In the cloth
ing and haberdashery line can be got
ten at Goldbergs.
Not one part of the stock has been
marked down, but all of the stock.
Every piece of goods is for sale and
nothing is to be reserved. There will
be no marks on the clothes for prices,
but the prices will be in figures, the
same to everybody.
The sale will commence Friday
morning at 9 o’clock. Everything ts
now in readiness, and the last goods
will be placed on the shelves Thurs
day. Nothing will be reserved.
Everything must be sold, as the com
pany Is going into the wholesale busi
ness and can not handle any goods
In retail lots.
The old Oliver place, on the corner
of Center and Bay streets, has been
leased to the H. Stark company, a
cleaning concern, of Chattanooga,
Tenn., for five years. The property
Is well known In this part of the
country, on account of tt' B place near
(he Center Street bridge. The prop
erty was leased by Mr. John M.
Knlcker—Maxim has invented a
noiseless gun.
Bocker —Can he invent one that a
fool knows is loaded? —Now York
BALTlMOßE.—Revelations publish
ed concerning the financial ventures
of Rev. Caspar P. Elbert, recently re
moved from the rectorship of St.
Katherine’s Roman Catholic church,
this city, have caused a profound sen
sation In Catholic circles. The deep
est sympathy is expressed for Car
dinal Gibbons, who has assumed the
burden of paying Father Elbert's
debts. These obligations so far as
disclosed by investigation into the
priest’s affairs amount to about $130,-
000, exclusive of a church debt of
At the regular meeting of the
Clinch Rifles Thursday night a lieu
tenant will be chosen to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of
Lieutenant Rodney S. Cohen. In all
probability Second Lieutenant Hen
derson will be made first lieutenant,
and a man from the ranks will be
elected to take his place. The Ogle
thorpes and Hussars will have a drill
Thursday night and ask that every
man attend.
The Schudtz Hill Agricultural club
held its regular monthly meeting
Wednesday afternoon. There was a
large attendance at the meeting. The
subject for discussion was “Good
Roads.” The subject was discussed
at length, and the many present
Nothing Too Good
for you. That’s why we want you
to take CASCARETS for liver and
bowels. It’s not advertising talk —
but merit —the great, wonderful,
lasting merit of CASCARETS that
we want you to know by trial. Then
you’ll have faith —and join me mil
lions who h-ep well by CASCA
RETS alone. **
CABCARETS ioc a box for * weelc'g
treatment, *ll druggtxtx. Biggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a mouth.
Ladies’ Combination
Underwear <
Combination Corset Covers and Drawers; combination Corset Covers
and Skirts SI.OO to $7.50
Em broideries
Choice line of Dainty Baby Sets, Edges, Insertings, Bendings and All-
Overs to match
100 pieces Warp Print, All Silk Ribbons, stripes and Dresden pattern
50c value, Friday (yard) . ,20c
18 inch Flouncing and Bands to match, 35c to 50c values, Friday 20c
Up-to-date Models at from SI.OO to sooo
We have the shapes to suit any figure. All sizes. "La Grecque,” “W.& B,” and “Warper’s Rust Froof.
New Ideas
In Neckwear, Veilings, Ruchings, Belts. Bacs, Combs, &c.
profited by the talks.
The senor class of the Y, M. C. A.
will have an athletic contest at the
association building Thursday night.
We have something to sell. Drop in and let us spill a little
chatter about a good thing, and you can take it or leave it according
as it hits you and no expense bill either way. lam the Carriage
Dealer; took it up long ago. I have sold enough nice work each suc
ceeding year to qualify as the Leader in my Line. Now you can hear
about me One Hundred and Fifty Miles from my Buggy shack in any
direction you go, and when it comes to what is what in anything
you hitch a horse to—Pardon me for starting the applause—but I’m the
the greatest noise in the country
Babcock, Chase, Frazier, Coskery,
We Carry a Large Stock of
Black and Galvanized Corrugated Iron, Tar and Rosin Sized Build
ing Paper; Tin Shingles, Etc.
Estimates cheerfully furnished'on Tin Roofing, Gutters, Eta. Clai
vanlzed iron cornices, and skylights.
Bn I p Red and Buff, Dry Pressed
rt a w i\ and Common Building
Georgia-Carolina Brick Company
Howard H. Stafford, President.
Write for Prices. AUGUSTA, GA.
Special Shirt *
Waist Offerings
Mull and -Nainsook Waists,
plain with tucked yoke and
plaited back, also Lace trim
med, at, each $1.19
Ribbon Sale
Wide Taffeta Ribbons, worth
25c yard, splendid hair rib
bons, all colors, at, yard ~lsc
Hosiery Bargain
The best 35c Gauze Lisle Hose
for Ladies, at, pair 29c
(Double trading stamps.)
“Tuff-E-Ntrff ”
Boys’ School Hose, worth 19c
pair, as long as they last,
pair 12J4c
The men are in the best of trim, and
many of the standing records are
likely to be broken. The hour of the
contest has been changed from $
o’clock to 8:15 o’clock.