Newspaper Page Text
InThe Augusta Churches
Socond Adventitt Church.
Elder J. J. Williams, pantor Ser
▼leer at 11 a. m. and a o'clock p. m.
Sunday sehool at 9:45 a. in., W. C.
Rhoades. iiiperlnttndftnt Prayer
meeting Tucadav evening. Ali are
1 netted to attaud thesi services.
Rev Dr. M. Ashby Jonot pastor
of the Flrat Baptist church. *lll
preach at 11 a m. and the aubject,
"The Life That Don't At 8 30 p. rn.
hts theme will be "A ladder of
Crawford Avenue Baptist Church.
Services at 11 a m. and 7:45 p m.
Sunday school at 3 p. in. Everyone
welcome. Rev H L. S. Turner, pas
Curtia Baptist Church,
Broad street, above l.'lth street.
Services at 11 a tn. and X3O Sun
day school at 3:30 All young peo
ple are Invited At 4:30 p. tn. will he
maae meellng for women under aus
pice* of Broadway M K church. A
cordial welcome to all services.
North Augusta Baptist Church.
Rev. K. H. Light fool, pastor. Se>
vices every Sunday morning a' II
o'clock, and 8 o'clock In the evening.
Sunday school every Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock Midweek prave. se
rice Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock
Subject for morning sermon: What
Is Discipline'' Subject for evening
sermon Forgive ua Our Debts. Kveiy
one cordially Invited to attend all
these services.
Second Baptist Church,
Monte tiuuo car lln*. corner D’An
tlgnae atreet, O. I’. Gilbert, minister.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8: IK p. m.
Morning, "The First Command to
Christians;" evening theme, “Amuse
ments." At the evening service the
ordlnnnce of baptism will he admin
istered. Sunday school meets at 9:43
a m., J. C, Holding, superintendent.
The public Is cordially Invited lo at
tend ail thcHc services HI rangers In
vited. 5
St. Patrlok’s Church.
Very lUv. L Basin, V.G., rector;
Rev. J. Mennetay, assistant. Bun
day masses October to July; 7:00.
9;00, 10:30; vespers 8 p. m.
Sacred Heart Churoh.
Corner Greene and McKinne Hts.
Rev. J. J. Sherry, 8. J.. rector; Rev. J.
1/Ouergan, 8.J., and Kev, 11 Mat-ready,
8.J., pastors Massei at t>:3o; 0:00,
7:30; 8:30. livening service at 6:30
dully during the month of May.
West End Christian Church.
The West Knd Christum church
whl hold services tomorrow al the
usual hour. Sunday school al 9:45
a m. A protracted aerviee la hell .
held here Rev. P. H. Mears, pastor.
Chrlatian Church.
Howard T free, minister to the
ehurch at Greene and Seventh Sis,
announces the following meetings fer
that congregation: 10 a m, lHhle
school, E. H. Hook, superintendent.
11 a m., the minister will deliver a
apodal address to the roug legal lon.
8:30 p. m . "The White Plague." Dr.
Rhoutaun, tn charge of the tubercu
losis exhibit, will deliver the address
The annual picnic on Tuesday si
Lake View for the church and school.
The entire church membership Is ear
nestly requested lo be present at the
morning service as the pastor de
sires to lay some very Important mat
ters before the entire congregation.
Christian Scientists
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Regular services aro held at rooms
BOR-9 I/eonard Bldg , every Sunday
morning at II o'clock and Wednesday
evenings at 8:30 o'clock. The subject
for leeaon Sunday Is “Adam and Fnl
ten Man." Golden teat. Rost In the
004 Broad St.
The next I Into you call
at our store be sure to ask
for a Cak# of Soap—wo art'
giving them sway FREE—
absolutely Free, and we
want you to have on* or
mo o it’s good Soap, too,
and a little suggestion that
we do "A t’leau Business "
In cv-err line of Fumtture.
-004 Broad St.
| Lord and wait patiently for Him: For
j vet a little while, and the wlek- if
I shall not be: Ye thou shait dill-
I gently consider His place, and It
. hall not be." Psalm -'l7, 7-10. This
i church maintains a free reading room
; at same place, which Is kept open
| dally from 10 to 12 o’clock, where all
' authorized Christian Science litera
tim con be had or read if desired.
\ cordial welcome is extended the
public tr. attend ail services and visit
jtbe reading rooms.
Coho; relational.
First Congregational Church,
Corner Gwinnett and Jackson Sts.
! Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. R J.
McCann pastor, will preach al 11 a.
m. Rev. Mr. Kills will preach at 8:15
P rn. Mid week prayer meeting Wed-
I nesday evening at 8:30 P- m. Mem
bers are expected to be present at all
services. The public is cordially in
i vited.
Church of the Atonement.
Morning prayer at II a. m. Kven-
I ing prayer at, fi p. m. Sunday school
and Rlhle class at 5 p rn Bible lec
ture Friday at 6 p. m. Hev. S. B.
-trpenler, rector.
St. Paul's Church,
Rev. U Sherwood Whitney, rector.
! 8 ,t. m. celebration of the Holy Com
munion. II a. in. morning prayer and
sermon. 4:30 p. rn. Sunday school,
i 6 p. in. evening p-ayer.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
On Greene street, In front of court
house Preaching at 11 o'clock a. rn.
by pastor, Rev. J. B Derrick. No
i night service. Sunday Bible school
|at a: 45 a. rn., Gitas. W. Hogrefe, mu
i perlntendent. Come worship the
S Lord wl!h ns.
9t. Matthew's Lutheran Church,
Walker street, near Sixth, Rev. Wll
i Ham J. Ftnck, pastor. Sunday, May
it, the morning service will be con
!dueled In the German tongue and all
Germans and those understanding or
tutlvlng the German language are
cordially Invited lo attend the ser
vice. In the evening the full ser
vice will be held In the Kngllsh lan
guage with a short sermon The Sun
day school meets at 9:30 a. m. The
Sunday m’hooT and congregational plij.
nlc will be held Wednesday next at
l.ake View Park. The ears leave
Walker and Mclntosh street at 9:00
a. in.
St. John Methodist,
730 Greene St. Services at 11 a.
nt and 8:15 p. tn. conducted by the
pastor. Rev. Luka O. Johnson The
Holy Communion will be administer
ed at close of morning sermon. Seals
free Strangers, visitors and com
mercial travelers cordially Invited to
attend. Sunday school at 9:30 a. tn.,
G G. Goodrich, superintendent. Pray
er meeting Wednesday at 8:80 p. m.
Broadway M. E. Church,
Corner Broad and Mills streets.
Rev B. F. Dempsey, pastor. Preach
ing at It o'clock a. m. and 8:15 p. m.
by the pastor. Special mast meeting
for men only at -1 o'clock p. m . led
by Hev. 11. F. Fraser. The revival
meeting continuing through the week.
Sunday school at 9:30 » m. All are
Invlled to allend theso services.
Bt. Luke Methodist Church.
Services at 11 a. in. and 7:45 p. ra.
Sunday school st 3 p. m. Prater
meeting every Wednesday night nt
7:30 and Sunday morning at 10
o'clock. Kpworth League devotional
services al G:ls p. m. Sunday. Rev.
J. P. Krwln, pastor.
Asbury Methodist,
H. W Joiner, pastor. Sunday
school al 9:30 n. m . N J. Downs, su
perintendent. Preaching at 11 a m.
by the paator. Preaching at 8:15 p.
m. by Rev K F Dempsey. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p. tn. You
are cordially invited lo attend these
aervlces and worship with us.
Grace Methodist Church.
In North Auguiita. Rev. J. L.
Stokea, D.D.. pastor. Services at 11
a. m. and 8:15 p. in Sundnv school
at 4 p. m. L. F. Ve-dery, Hupt.
St. James Church, Methodist.
Rev. Richard >i oKtnsou. D D., paa
tor. Sunday services: Service and
sermon at II a. nt. and SIR n, ra.
Both services conducted by the pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:45, a. m ,
J K. Parker, Supt., A. F. Otta, K.
G Morgan, assistants Kpworth lea
gue at 7 :15 p. nt Monday al 4 4>o
p. ra. the Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society. Wednesday 8:15 p. ra.
Regular midweek prayer service.
Strangers cordially Invited to attend
all services. Seals free.
Sibley Presbyterian Church.
Preaching at 11 a. tn. and 8 p, nt.
by the pastor, Hev .1 A. Thompson.
Suudav school at 9 45 a m., Mr O,
fl Palmer, superintendent The pub
He Invited to these services.
Christ Presbyterian Church.
Corner of Telfair and Cummlng
streets. Pastor J S. Kills. Preach
ing II a si by pastor and at 4 p. m.
"Molhers’ Day" exercises will be oh
served at which lime Hev 11. J Me-
Cauu of the First t'oiiss-egaltonal
church will deliver the address for
the occasion. Protracted meeting will
be carried on all through the week
Sunday school 9 So a m .No night
aervlces. We cordially Invite all to
attend nl! of these services
Greene St Presbyterian Church.
Between Twelfth aud Thirteenth
atreeta. The Hev. George R Outlie,
pastor Preaching at 11:15 a. tn..
and at 8 SO p. tn by the Rev. Dr.
Fraser, of Anderson, S C Sunday
school 9 45 a ra Societ' for Christ
ian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. There will be
no prater service Wednesday even
ing, All are cordially fnvited to wor
ship at this church.
First Presbyterian Church.
Corner Telfair and 7th streets. The
Rev J. T. Plunket, D.D., pastor. The
I Lord's supper will be celebrated at
111 a. m., preaching service at 8:15
p. ra. The Session will meet at. 10:39
a. m. to consider applications for
church membership. Sabbath school
at 4 o'clock. Wednesday evening
prayer service at 8:15.
Reid Memorial Church (on the Hill).
Rev. J. T. Plunket, D. D., minister
In charge. Sunday school at 5 p. ra.
Adult Bible class al 5:15 p. rn., con
ducted, alternately, by well known
Bible students. Attractive music and
strangers cordially invited.
Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Rev. C T Walker, D.D., LL.D.,
pastor. Karly prayer meeting at fi
a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Sab
bath school at 3 p. in. Prearhing at
8 p. m. Friends and the public cor
dially invited to all services.
Canaan Baptist Church.
Rev. A. D. Dunbar, pastor. Preach
ing at 11 ». m. by the pastor. Bap
tism at 1 p. ra. Communion at 3 p. ra.
Preaching at 8 p. m. by the pastor.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Colored Y. M. C. A.
No meeting of the colored Y. M.
C. A. will be held on Sunday, May 9,
on account of the anniversary exer
cises of the Odd Fellows at. Thankful
church. Silas. X. Floyd, secretary.
Hosannah Baptist Church.
Preaching Sunday at 11:30 a. ra.
and Sunday school at 4 p. ra. Sun
day night at 8:30 preaching by Rev.
J H. Kvans, D. D.; subject, “The
Ragle Stlrreth tip Her Nest Like God
Rllrreth I’p His People.” Book
Deuteronomy 32 and 11 vest.
Young African Baptist Church,
Rev J H. Kvans. D. D., pastor.
Prearhing al 11:30 a. m. Sunday
school at 3:30 p. m. Preaching at
8:30 p. m by Rev. John Burnes. Sun
day school rally Sunday night.
Springfield Baptist Church,
Rev Geo. H. Dwelle, pastor. Usual
.Sunday services On next Sunday
we will have our grand rnllv. There
will be preaching at 11 o’clock by
Rev. G. W. Johnson, of Macon, Ga.
At 3 o’clock the anniversary of the
Union Relief association will be
preached. At night preaching by
Kev. Holland. All are cordially in
vited to help ns raise money on this
day for our uew building.
Gethsemane Baptist Church
Rev. T. H. Holmes, pastor. Karly
prayer meeting at 6a. m. Preaching
st 11:30 a. m. by the pastor. Sunday
school at 3 p. m., Geo. Davis, Supt.
At 8:30 p. ra. the pastor will preach
The public is walcorae to attend.
Harmony Baptist Church.
Hopkins street, Rev. E. O. Thomas,
ABB li., pastor. Preaching at 11 a.
j ra. by Rev W. J. Watts. Sunday
school at 3:30 p. ra. J. H. Klllson.
The public Is cordially Invited to all
Mt Calvary Baptist Church.
Rev. W. T. Dunn, pastor. Prayer
meeting at fi a, ra. Preaching at 11
a. m. by the pastor, at 8:30 by Rev.
A Jones. All are requested to be
present. Everybody Invited. W. H.
Dunn, pastor.
Thankful Baptist Church
Walker and Lincoln streets. Breach
log Sunday a. m. 11 o'clock. Grand
Order of Odd Fellows sermon at 6
o'clock. Preaching at night. Rally
continue*. Public cordially invited
to nil services. F. R. Wallace, pastor.
L. J. Mays, C.
Good Hope Baptist fhurch.
Corner McKinne and Hopkins Sts.
Sunday 11 a. m. preaching by Rev.
N. Thomas, pastor of Mt. Sinai Bap
tist church 8:30 p. m. Preaching
by Rev. Kit Jones. All friends are
Invited. A. Gains, C. C.
Wanted several boys to carry The
Herald. Apply to J. V. LaTaete,
Subscription Dept.
The Senior class of the Tubman
High school and their teachers have
been Invlled lo go through the
Qrnnftevllle Cotton mills hy Mr. T. I.
Hickman, president of the Granite
vllb> Co. and also a member of the
high school committee of the Board
of Kduestlon. The party will leave
the Monument Monday at 3 o'clock.
They will make ihe trip in a private
car. Lunch will be served at Granite
vtile. The entire class Is looking for
ward to the trip with a great deal of I
Simeon Bfooks. the negro, who was
tried In the superior eourt Saturday
for assault with intent to murder,
was found guilty of stabbing. not in
his own defense Judge Hammond
sentenced him to pay a fine of SIOO
or to work on the public works for
12 months
Perry Anthony, a negro, pleaded
guilty to burglary. He was sente need
to serve 10 months In default of $l5O
*8 65
Account Grand Lodge. 1, O. O F,
»IU sell tickets to Thomasville and
return. Ma; 23 to 25. limited to re
turn midnight May 28th The t'en
tral of Georgia affords the best
schedules and service
For Information eall on or write
Trav. pas- Agt Con. of Ga. Rv.,
No. 719 Bread SL 'Phone 62.
Lewis Nixon May Be Mayor
Picture shows Lewis Nixon, the well known New
York shipbuilder and politician. Mr. Nixon is promi
nently mentioned for the democratic nomination for
mayor of the city for next election.
New Yorker Writes Mayor
Dunbar To Give Him
Some Figures on Which
To Work.
“Yankee" ingenuity long Rlnce dis
covered a process for the utilization
of old tin cans in the manufacture
! of useful articles, and it is not im
-1 probable that such a plant will be es
| tablished In Augusta within the near
Mayor Dunbar is In receipt of a
communication from Tad Warren, of
New York city, in which Information
Is solicited regardtng the disposition
of old tin cans in Augusta, and the
approximate amount being carried
away every day.
The letter is as follows:
New York, May 6, 1909.
Honorable Sir: —Will you do me a
courtesy, please?
Tell me what is being done with
all the old tin cans that are daily
being collected In your city and what
Is the name of the party who has
charge of collecting same?
Are the cans thrown away, and
about how many tons per month?
For your information permit me
to say that after many years of dili
gent work and the expenditure of
large sums of money I have finally
perfected and patented a process for
the utilization of this waste product
and It is quite possible that I shall
want to establish a branch in your
city—-provided 1 can secure the cans
at a sufficiently low figure, in which
event I would, with your permission,
have you identified with the com
Assuring you of my appreciation
and thanking you In advauce for the
courtesy of an early reply, 1 am
Yours very truly,
(Signed.) Tad Warren.
Tin cans In Augusta come under
the attention of the scavenger de
partment. They are dumped every
day In garbage cans throughout the
city and carted away to the city
dumps, where enormous plies of old
tins are frequently accumulated. They
are considered of no value and have
never been utilized. Mayor Dunbar
will give the desired information.
A remarkable offer by one of the
'leading ear specialists in this coun
try, who will send two months' medi
cine free to prove his ability to cure
Deafness. Head Noises and Catarrh.
Address Dr. G. M Rrannaman, 3 East
12th street, Kansas City, Mo.
In the one hundred and thirty-first
Georgia report that has just been is-
I sued there is a very fine tribute to
hhe memory of the late Frank Harvey
Miller. Esq. The memorial services
for Mr. Miller were held in the su
j pretne court room on Jammy Bth. The
memorial covers seven pages
The memorial was framed by a
j committee composed of the follow
ing: Messrs. J. C. C. Black. J. R.
t-amar. S B. Adams, A. C. Cunning -
| ham. R A. Alston and Z. D. Harri
son. The memorial contains the
j speeches of Justice Holden and Mr.
|Z l> Harrison. Mr. Miller was one
of the oldest practitioners at the
! Georgia bar. He practised from 1855
lie 1908.
Public is Invited To At
tend. No Invitations Are
Required. Very Fine Pro
The local lodges of the Knights of
Pythias will hold their memorial ser
vice at the Grand Opera House Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. The public la
cordially invited to attend the service,
which Is given In honor of the departed
members of the Augusta lodges In the
past year. The speakers of the day will
be Judge Henry C. Hammond and Hon.
Samuel F. Garllngton. The public is
Invited, admission being free, no cards
or Invitations being required.
A commiffee of two members from
each of the Augusta lodges have had
charge of the program. The members
of the committee are as follows:
From Augusta lodge, No. 49, Mr. Chas.
F. Macmurphey and Dr. H. J. Godin.
From Woodlawn lodge. No. 62, Mr. F.
H. Turner and Mr v D. G. Stebbins.
From Vigilant lodge, No. 2, Mr. F. E.
Courtney and Mr. F. B. Culley. From
Fountain City lodge, No. 36, Mr. Chas.
A. Cummlng and Mr. Apple
Among th* departed members of the
Augusta lodges to w'hose memories the
services are given are the following:
F. J. Moses, M. Hyams, M. A. Killings
worth, E. A. Evans. L. H. Hall, N. A.
Burnside, F\ O. Clarke, Walter Levister,
E. G. Mosher, O. P. Doolittle, L. Rossen
fteld, L». Cohen, S. E. Owens, W. H. Tar
ver. Rev. J. E. Duren, J. W. Jacobs, C.
F. Von Sprecken, J. M. Mason, B. C.
Williamson, J. L. Teate, J. H. Best, Dr.
A S. Tinsley, J. B. Weaver, H. G. Hall,
H. A. Monsen, J. H. Mayes, M. P. Agee,
J. IT. Preskltt, George Hains.
The program for the occasion Is as
follows: ,
Funeral March —Orchestra.
Opening Ceremonies Chancellor
Commander J. F. Henderson.
Responses—Officers of the lodge.
Prayer—Prelate Rev. Richard Wil
Hymn, “I would Not Live Alway—By
a quartette.
Reading. “Selection from Book of
Law’’—By Prelate.
Eulogy, “Our Order”—Hon. Sam F.
i irohestra—Selected.
Quartette —:Sleep, O, Brothers, Soft
ly Sleep.”
Memorial Address —Hon. H. C. Ham
Assemblage at Altar —Officers of
Closing Prayer—Prelate.
Closing Ode —Lodge «nd audience.
Closing Remarks—Chancellor Com-
man (tor.
The officers chosen for the memorial
services are as follows:
J. F. Henderson. Chancellor Com
C. F. Mclntosh. Vice-Chancellor.
Rev. Richard Wilkinson. Prelate.
W. F. Law, Master of Finance.
Dr. Henry J. Godin. Master of Ex
D. G. Stebbins, Jr., Keeper of Record
and Seal.
Chaa. A Cummin*. Master at Arms.
A. R. Apple. Master of Work.
F. R. Cully, Inner Guard.
A. L. Ellas. Outer Guard.
The Topper—You must have had an
awful fright when you awoke and
found the place burning.
The Trilby—My dear feller, vv. I
vos as vite as your shirt —no, viter
ilian that!—SketchL
0 ■»**?*' *0 v * IS It 01 I ~C rJ lit
/Something Brewing! Jj
/ Something Doing! /
/>/>/✓/////✓ v///y/A/'' 1 i
s'— J
jAsaijdoij y
\iIPl-3tOj op UHM \
COPv/?/GHr_*4P>F>L /£Jj ro/z-
Piercing Arrows
till The Air
Whizzing, Darting,
Startling Arrows!
Follow the Arrows
Arrows! Arrows!
\ /
COLORED I- 0. 0- F
The colored Odd Fellows of America,
observe one Sunday fn each year as an
niversary day. The same Sabbath is
oSwerved in all the states throughout the
Union. On this day the Odd Fellows in
the different cities come together In
some central place—church or hall
where a sermon Is usually delivered, fol
lowed by a short address or remarks.
In accordance with this custom the
colored Odd Fellows of this city, consist
ing of four lodges and two courts of
Household of Ruth, will meet at Thank
ful Baptist church in tne lower part
of the city this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The sermon will be delivered by Bishop
R. S. Williams and an address tflll be
made by Alford W. Wimberly. Dr. A.
N. Gordon will act as master of cere
monies and George Gaines will be mar
shall of the day. The choir of Thank
ful church will furnish the muslo.
Plant Now
PETUNIAS —Double and Single, In
HELIOTROPE —Dark purple.
Balk’s Nursery
PHONE 585; RES. 1619.
Tired Tinkham—l haven’t tasted
meat fur weeks.
Mrs. Soakum—Well, go out to the
woodshed and take a few chops.
- •' |
your children trouble you in this way.
Don't blame the child, the chances are
It can't help it. This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night.
Customer—v\ alter, isn’t there some
thing peculiar about these oysters?
Waiter—ls there, sir? Try another,
sir. and if that's off, I’ll change th*
Columbia Bicycles
1909 Moeels
Bowen Bros.
908 Broad St.