Newspaper Page Text
E. M. F. “30”
Fine Passenger Touring 30-H. P., four cylinder, shaft drive, se
lective type transmission, three speeds forward and one back. Fuil
Lamp equipment; high tension Magneto and Batteries; complete
without top and wind shield, $1,250.00. Detroit, with lap and wind
shield, Augusta, Ga., $1,400.00. Free demonstration. Call and see
us. Cars in stock. Quick delivery.
Moore-Edenfield Electric &
Manufacturing Co.
Social Gossip
Ail communications to be used in
the social column of The Sunday Her
ald are requested to be sent in not
later than 6 o’clock Saturday after
noon, as later than that hour there
is no assurance of publication. The
editor is always very pleased to re
ceive any contribution to the column,
but asks that they be either type
written or at least written on one side
only of the paper. Writers are re
quested to sign their names, not for
publication, but simply to assure the
editor that the item is authentic.
Great pleasure will, however, be
taken in publishing any item of news,
no matter how apparently small it
may seem, as anything of a social or
personal nature is always interesting
to the general public as well as the
friends of those who figure in the
Miss Nannette Earl Harris enter
tained her singing class of the Orphan
Asylum fthe'classes of Miss Young
blood and Miss Vonderleith t with an
outing Wednesday afternoon, the
children being put in special cars and
carried over the different lines and
out to the Lake. Upon their return
when they were put oft in easy roach
of the Asylum, there was a general
waving of hands, and three mighty
cheers for the kind thoughtfulness of
Miss Harris who had made their af
ternoon one to dream of.
—Mr. Will Sanford left yesterday
for Hattiesburg, Miss., where he goes
to be in attendance at the bedside of
his brother, Mr. Edward Sanford who
is desperately ill.
—Sanford D. Sanford, is the name
of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Sanford's fine
little boy.
—The illness of the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Savage will be
learned of with sincere sympathy.
—A beautiful little daughter is the
Every pore and gland of the skin is employee in the necessary work of
preserving its smooth, even texture, softening anu cleansing It, and regulat
ing the temperature of our bodies. This Is done by an evaporation through
Bach tiny outlet, which goes on continually day and night. When the blood
becomes infected with humors and acids a certain percentage of these
impurities also pass off with the natural evaporation, and their sour, fiery
nature irritates and inflames the skin, and dries up its natural oils, causing
pimples, boils, pustules or some itching rash, or hard, scaly skin affection.
8. S. S. cures skin troubles of every kind by neutralizing the acids and
removing the humors from the blood. S. S. S. cools the acid-heated circu
lation, builds it up to its normal strength and thickness, multiplies its
nutritious, red corpuscles, and enriches it in every way. Then the skin,
instead of being irritated and diseased by the exuding acrid matter, i 3
nourished, soothed and softened by this cooling, healthy stream of blood.
S.B. 8., the greatest of blood purifiers, expels all foreign matter and surely
cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum and all other diseases and
affections of the skin. It removes pimples, blackheads, and other un
sightly blemishes from the skin and assists in restoring a good complexion.
Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired free to all who write.
Anybody That Knows Will Tell You
Quality wins. The reason why, best goods, lowest prices. This store stands
for the best always; hence our rapid growth. The name “Sheron’s Candy”
is a household word. Take a box home Saturday.
Chocolate Buds
Chocolate Walnuts
Superb Nougat
IW. SHERON 6 CO., Wholesale and Retail
occasion of congratulations to J>r.
and Mrs. Joseph Pilcher.
The dinner given by Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Payne on Wednesday even
ing was a beautiful compliment to
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Little, whose
marriage anniversary it was. The
guests included the members of the
Theater club and a few others, the
party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Lit
tle, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grant,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Maddox, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Atkinson, Mr. and
Mrs. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L.
Dickey, Jr., Miss Laura Payne and
Mr. Sam Dunlap, of Macon.
In the center of the table was
placed a tall cut glass vase filled with
roses and pink sweet peas, and the
silver candelabra were shaded in
pink. Bon-bons and many details of
the delicious menu served conformed
to the color scheme.
Mrs. Payne, the gracious hostess,
wore a lingerie gown of white mull,
made over pink taffeta.
Mrs. Little, beautiful honor guest,-
was gowned in white chiffon cloth
elaborate with Irish and Val. lace and
trimmed with satin bands.
Miss Laura Payne was lovely in
white embroidery trimmed with lace,
—Atlanta Journal.
Misses Flora and Furlow Hollings
worth will give an evening party this
evening in honor of their g-uest, Miss
Rachel Peeples, of Chattanooga.
—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wingard
left yesterday for Pennsylvania.
—Mrs. Joseph Ramey and Miss Lois
Ramey leave tomorrow for a ten days
visit to Mrs. H. T. Bugg in Grove
—Mr. W. K. Miller is back from At
lanta, Ga.
Butter Scotch
Peanut Brittle
Butter Puffs
Stockholders Will Put
Concern Operating on
Cash Basis As a Manu
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Horton Wagon Com-j
pany was held yesterday, and
a general reorganization had. The
officers elected were; L. J- Williams, j
president, secretary, treasurer and
general manager, and A. K. Rowland,
vice president.
The old board of directors were re
elected, in part, L. J. Williams, A.
K. Rowland and W. M. Nixon, and
Messrs. J. P. Armstrong and Geo. E.
Toale were elected in place of E. C.
Horton and W. R. Miner. The stock
holders agreed to put enough money
in the enterprise to operate it on a
cash basis, and to make of it a real
wagon factory as well as repair shop.
They repair automobiles now, but in
tend to make a specialty of a garage.
Augusta and its territory affords
ample field for such an enterprise.
The program at the Grand is so
very good that the opinion of the Au
gusta public in regard to vaudeville
is that it is quite the most delight
ful imaginable kind of light entertain
Those who do not care to go far
afield for their amusements would
best take advantage of the Grand be
ing open for the rest of this week,
because after Saturday night the
Casino will be the home of vaude
ville, the acts that have been ar
ranged for the Grand being removed
to the Casino, and the Grand doors
closing until the opening of the regu
lar season.
Owing to certain electric trouble
caused by the storm last night there
was no play given at the Casino, the
opening night of "Sweet Sixteen” be
ing postponed until tonight.
This is declared to be a most at
tractive play, and one that will add to
she delightful reputation the company
has already won.
There is a rumor to the effect that
there is a possibility that tomorrow
night will witness Miss Jacques
Bladley’s final appearance on the Au
gusta stage, possibly on any other
stage, and those who care to see the
charming and perfectly dressed little
singer will do well to go to the Ca
sino tonight and tomorrow night.
Lizzie Freeman, Lucy Ross and
Carrie Young, who were arrested for
burglary in Bridwell’s Bottom on
June sth, were given a preliminary
hearing before Magistrate Bennett
Friday morning and dismissed.
Judge Bennett stated that there was
no evidence upon which to convict
the women and that in ihis opinion it
was a case of malicious prosecu
—Mrs. M. F. Leary has returned
from Atlanta
—Mr. W. A. Latimer returned from
Atlanta this morning.
—The hop at the Lakeside Boat
club will be a pleasant event of this
—Miss Rachel Peeples, of Chatta
nooga, is visiting Misses Flora and
Furlow Hollingsworth.
—The handsome vase, painted by
one of the Sisters of St. Mary’s Aca
demy, and which has been on exhibi
tion in Renkl’s window for some time,
will be disposed of tonight at Bur
dell & Cooper's cigar store at 7:30
o'clock. A 1 those who are inte:-est
ed are requested to be on hand. The
matter is in charge of a committee of
five gentlemen, who will see that the
vase is disposed of in the proper
—Dr. J. R. Littleton who has been
attending tile national convention of
the J. O. U. A. M. will return from
Detroit, Mich., tomorrow morning.
—The arrivel today of a splendid
oung son at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William E. Fleming, 843 Chafee
avenue, is the occasion of sincere fe
—Mrs. J. Fleming Brown, of Spar
tanburg, is visiting Mrs. George Tom
mins on Monte Sarto.
—Master Clark Howell Jr., of At
'anta, and George Barrett, who are in
tthens for the commencement, will
return home June 26th and will spend
i week in Atlanta, going from there
on June 30th to Culver, Ind., where
hey will attend the summer military
—The illness of Mrs. Doughty Mil
ter with typhoid fever is the occasion
if much anxiety to her friends.
—Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Greneker
md children and Misses Nora and
Vardlaw Stansell, are occupying ibe
reasman home on Monte Sano.
Chocolate drips
Chocolate Peanut
You men better take
advantage of the cut
price Clothing Sale.
Everyone waits for those big weekly sales. They have been a regular function at our store for
many years past, and each succeeding sale brings forth a more enthusiastic crowd of shoppers to get
their share of the great all day and After Supper Bargains. 'This Saturday’s Sales ,wi 11 be the best yet.
Look at these tremendous values. Make out a list of vour wants then come to this sale.
Double “S. & H.” Green Trading Stamps, in every department until 1:2 o'clock, and from 6 to 9
p. m. Special Sales included. To fail to ask for them is just like leaving your change on the counter.
Worthy Jewelry at> Insignificant, Prices
the sort that about every woman has use for no matter how many costly adornments she may possess.
We bought an importer's and a maker’s surplus—and if the prices we have put on them do not create
excitement we miss our object in planning the sale. Some groups may not last the day ou).
25c & 35c JEWELRY—ISc.
Including gold plated barrettes, in
every new' shape, dutch collar
pins, initial collar pins, veil
pins, cuff pins, brooches, belt
pins and buckles, hat pins, shirt
waist sets, a«id cuff buttons;
none worth less than 25c, most
of them 35c. Saturday’s 1 C _
Big Sale, choice 1 Jv
Double “S. & II.” Green
Trading Stamps from 6
to 9 p. m.
6 to 7 P. M.
Ivory and Fairy Soap, for toilet
purposes, -y _
cake ub
Mennen’s Violet or Borated Tal
cum Powder, q ,
25c value.. VC-
Old Dutch Cleanser, popular dirt
10c value VV
7 to 8 P. M.
Obtagon Wash Tub Soap, stamps
for wrappers; <A»
3 cakes
Cuticura Soap, for medicinal
purposes, f C/-.
cake IOC*
Light House Soap, for laundering
three cakes .... 10c
8 to 9 P. M.
Uneeda Biscuit and Lemon Snaps,
freßh and crisp, | A,,
3 packages Iv/v
--4711 White Rose and Lily Q
of Valley soap Vv
Walter Baker’s Chocolate, half
pound cakes, J C.-,
18c value.
Specials In
Toilet Articles
DeMlracle Cold Cream (cake Heap
free with each jar) 19c
Nail brushes, ' good bristles, 2iic
value 19c
Elcaya Cream, retards hair
growth; 50c value .39c
Denticura Tooth Paste, 25c
value 1 9c
Prophylactic tooth brushes, 35c
value 29c
Brown’s Tar Soap, always sc,
cake 2>/ 2 c
Pear’s Scented Soap
cake 12c
Woodbury’s Facial Soap,
cake 1 0c
Marvelous Shampoo Fluff, makes
hair fluffy 25c
Willous Almond cream, excellent
after shaving 25c
Mum, standard
deodorant.. 19c
Dr. Parker Pray's Rosaline, 25c
■value 19c
Osborn’s Peroxide, a household
necessity, 39c, 18c 9c
Peroxide Cream, a mild complex
ion bleach 19c
Napoleon Violet Witch Hazel
bottle 25e
Woodlawn Violet and Household
Ammonia ..8c
Sozodont, Calox & I.yons Tooth
powder 19c
Napoleon Antiseptic tooth
paste 15c
Pond't Extract, large 5ize....39c
50c & 75c JEWELRY.
Hat pins set with rhinestones and
other pretty stones, pearl and
coral dog collars, shirt studs and
sots, pearl, jet, coral and tur
quoise ear screws, belt sets in
cut steol and silver, barrettes
in shell, gold plated and jet pen
dants and crosses, belt pins
and buckles "> rv
Saturday, at jUC
What>! “Hello People” Candy Sale
5c and 10c Packages, Tomorrow 3c and 6c
The finest lot of oaudles in Augusta, ever put up in packages, Schlesinger's famous "Hello People” choco
late covered honey comb, cocoanut crisp, honey peach stones, assorted (ablets, chocolate puff, Elite chocolate
assorted nuts, chocolate covered caramels, Elite lemon drops, President and Ilorehonnd drops, chocolate
covered peppermints, old fashioned chocolate creams, peanut crisp, un i kisses Can you Imagine a more
delightful and wholesome variety, every piece perfectly delicious; everybody cals It, but especially chil
10c packages, 6c
Valenciennes Laces
3 dozen for 10c
Who ever heard of buying Val
enelennes lace at this little price?
Yet those are the figures for to
morrow’s selling. Just about 500
dozen in the lot, though, so you'd
better come early. Lovely for
handkerchiefs and underwear,
edge only, 1-2 inch wide, 10c to
15c valoes, Saturday, 3 | A
dozen for * VJC
Saturday Sale Women’s Summer Shoes
These Grocery Specials For Saturday
Sweet and delicious, pul up in dust lighl. cartons,
churned daily from the cream of guaranteed pure,
net weight one pounds, '-w-v
special at
Fresh from th smoke house, tender, sweet
tongues, closel trimmed, young, sweet and ten
der, U. S. inspected, elsewhere SI.OO,
After all there is nothing more satisfying or
healthful than a nice cup of coffee. We sell the
very best grade for 15c on the market, try It;
our regular price 15c, Saturday’s ,
price VC
Sweet Creamy Corn, MeOaw Brand, Shoepeg
Corn, tender and juicy, No. 2 cans, 6 to a cus
tomer, always 10c, r- ,
tomorrow DC
sl, $1.25 & $1.50 Negligee Shirts 79c ook Like $ 2 Value «
We are showing some of the smartest Neglige Shirts at /9c that you ever saw. There are more attraotW*
patterns and colorings than you can shake a stick at. The quality is
unusual. We could get regular prices for them if we asked it. Plain Negligee plaited 'J C
and plain bosoms, with attached or detached cuffs; at ~
Men’s Madras Wash Scarfs, of fine quality, ma
dras, white and colored, figures, dots and fancy
patterns four-in-hand styles, the narrow reversi
ble kind, Just right for close fitting collars so
popular this season, a.,
tomorrow at
Brand new solid colors, so fashionable, so greatly
In demand among men of good taste, about, every
new tint, about every staple shade and color, such
a collection has not been shown before, weave silk
of surpassing quality, flowing end four- > a
iu-hunds, large 50c shape I uC
$1.25 MEN S SILK HOSE, 64c.
We term this sale of Men's Silk Hose, at this time
a sacrifice, just in the middle of the Hummer this
is a money savor for you. Sheer Gauze Silk Ini
ported Hose, with lisle feet, double heel and too,
mostly black but a few colors, g
$1.25 grade, tomorrow only . ... U*t(_
The mother wl th a boy to clothe will be in evi
dence here during this sale. These Boys’ Suits
come in the very newest ijfodels, made from all
wool, blue and black serge that will hold Its color
splendidly, cut In natty double breasted styles,
knickerbocker or straight pants strongly put
together, tomorrow 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE
$1.25 & $1.50 JEWELRY—9Bc.
Solid gold brooches, hat pins,
beaded necklaces, hand chains,
German Silver mesh purses, dog
collars, pearl, coral and jet belt
pins, veil pins, bandeaus, bar
rot tes, and locluit chains, im
ported to retail at $1.25 and
$1.50; another fast selling group,
while they last Q c>
Saturday, at VOC
Fine Hosiery Specials—Saturday
Lot No. 1. —100 dozen chil
dren’s fast black, seamless,
ribbed hose; excellent wearing
quality; sizes 5 to 10; y
1214.0 value OC
LOT NO. 2.—50 dozen ladies’
sheer gauze lisle hose, lace
stripes, fast black; exceptional
value at 25c, < r ,
Saturday IDC
LOT NO. 5 Children's lighl weight, fine ribbed Hose, seamless,
fast black, tan, pink, lighl blue, and white; sizes 5 to I C ■.
it); regular 19c value IOC-
If genuine out and out shoe bar
gains ever existed, these are "they.”
Just listen: A lot. of 500 pairs of per
fect shoes, every pair new, fresh
goods, at $1.98. AI the price it would
he a difficult matter to find their
equal, and all good leathers: patent,
and tan Russia calf, brown, black, and
wine kid, light and heavy soles, Gib
son. Sailor and Ankle Ties, and two
nnrt three button oxfords, all genuine
ly good and stylish. /»• g C\
Worth $2.50 and $3.00. **k I if K
Saturday, pair
Old fashioned country ground Meal, ground the
same week you buy 11. Guaranteed to -w a
givo satisfaction, peck C»>
A new shjpmo it of 1,000 packages from IheiOreat.
Western Berea do., favorably known the world
over. Absolute fresh and crisp; s
large package.. OC
Swed, fancy California Prunes, large and meaty,
small pits, 40 to 50 prunes to a pound, elsewhere,
I>, our price Satur- f)
day OC
Our lard Is absolutely pure and guaranteed to
give satisfaction. Experienced pastry rooks will
siibstantlte this statement. We carry only the
best for which there can be no substitute.
SI.OO 10-pound palls ~9oc
.60 5-pound palls soc
Men like our Underwear, particularly our special
offers -which they know are genuine; fine combed
yarn balbi igga ris, soft and cool; shirts short
sleeves, drawers sateen bands, suspender tapes,
large double guessets; regularly -i r „
SI.OO and 50c, at
Right now Is the time to pick out a .Straw Hat
and here Is the right place, the choice of att.rac
tvle straws Is complete. Here are all the smart
new straws, with blue, black and fancy hands;
Hats which will stand the summer weather with
out losing their shapeliness, 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 aud
$1.50 Boys' Hats, tomorrow -rr\^,
one price ... . J5/V.
This underwear has proved so very popular that
we contracted for more to meet the demand;
shirts sb-evele s; drawers athletic style, knee
length, cool, comfortable, durable; 50c rx r
summer under wear at At)L
Great advantages in these; need not buy half
dozen fancy or plain embroidered Insteps,
stripes, etc. Not to be wondered that sale is
fast; not one pair returned up to date; ■ XI g.
not 26c, but I OL
Big Furniture Sale
still going on. 20 to
35 per cent reduction
LOT NO. I.—WO dozen ladles' fine
ribbed vests, taped neck and
arms, fully bleached, good reg
ular sizes; 10c value. ™
LOT NO. 2.—One case of Indies’
bleached ribbed pants, trimmed
with Inee; coo) for |-j| /
summer; 25c value.. I JL/'yC,
LOT NO. 3.—Boys’ porous knit
shirts and drawers, bleached or
unbleached, short sleeves, knee
length drawers; as
35c value ZOC
5c packages 3c
LOT No, 3—l case of 60 dozen
ladles’ light weight cotton
hose, fast black, regular made,
good sellers, at 19c; s -\| /
pair iZ/^C
LOT NO. 4.—Ladies’ imported
Gauze, regular made, fall fash
ioned Silk Hose, In black only,
fast color. Good -v m
39c, sellers