Newspaper Page Text
Last Call of
the Piercing
Arrow Sale
That is the whole interesting story in a nutshell. Great is the big word —it means big things—that’s why we use it. We don’t know the exact population of Rich
mond County, but we do know that our establishment was packed and jammed from early morning till late at night with a seething mass of humanity, and we
believe that a good portion of the entire population of the county must have come to share in the wonderful Piercing Arrow Bargains. Yes—it was a great rousing,
happy, buying crowd, the like of which has seldom been witnessed in Augusta. Everybody was pleased.
Money is Singing and the Song is Spelling Bargains
$100,000.00 worth of merchandise to select from. Our mammoth Wholesale Department will be called upon as fast as the goods are sold from the retail store.
Such an opportunity comes to you but once in a life time and we say to you in all seriousness:
Anticipate Your Wants For Months or Even Years to Come
A Millinery Offering Without a
Parallel in Augusta.
These prices are creating intense interest in
this department. Only a few prices can be
$3.95 Special. Fancy Hats in Chips, Milans,
and Jaws, profusely trimmed with draping of
chiffon, flowers, wings, ornaments, worth $6.95
at $3.95
Our regular $5 Hats, elegantly trimmed with
ribbons in all the new shades, roses and foli
age, at $3.98
$1.98 Special. Newest shapes in coarse straws,
in all the new shades, trimmed with large
roses, foliage, $4.95 value, at $1.98
We are offering as a special for the Great
Piercing Arrow Sale, about 100 hats, specially
gotten up for this sale, and are really cheap at
$3.00, the sale price will be $1.19
One lot of Women’s Hats, trimmed, worth up
to $2.00, at 89c
$1.50 N<>w Sailor Walking Hats in Old Rose,
blue, green, black, rough and chip straws, 75c
SI.OO Sailors 69c
75c Sailors . . 39c
Roses, Lilacs, Leaves, Foliage, Ribbons, etc.,
come and buy your shapes and trimmings and
we will trim your i-ats free of charge.
The Response to Our Offering in Ladies'
Waists Makes it Evident That Our
Prices Are Right.
$1.50 Batiste Waists, Eton front, trimmed
back and collar, long sleeves 89c
$2.50 All Over Embroidery Waists, large sc
lection sl-49
$5.00 Batiste Waists, with Medallions and
Lace Yokes, long sleeves $2.50
$6.00 extra quality taffeta waists tucked front
and back some are hand embroidered ... $2.98
$1.25 Colored Waists, laundered collars, with
pocket on left side 75c
$1.75 Black Sateen and Heatherbloom Waists,
sizes up to 46 98c
/l Sale of White Goods that Will Appeal to
the Women Who Loves to Economize.
Regular 10c White Lawn, very sheeer, at ydsc
Regular 15c, 40-inch French Lawns, nice fab
ric, the yard, at 9c
Regular 25c, 42-inch French White Lawn, the
yard 12y 2 c
Regular 12%c 30-in. White Dimity, yd 7%c
50 pieces regular 10c White Check Nainsook,
the yard 5c
Regular 7y 2 c quality Checked Muslin, 5 dif
ferent patterns, the yard 4%c
Rug Sale
200 Rugs, 30x60-in., pretty Jap. patterns,
worth $1.39, at 79c
150 Rugs, 36x72, pretty designs, $2.50 values,
at $1.39
Alexander Smith’s Smyra Rugs, sizes 30 by
50 Rolls Genuine Jap Mattings, the yd ..19c
Men’s Hats
Men’s $2.00 Felt Hats, brown, gray and
black, at $1.19
John B. Stetson, new style and color hats in
large varieties.
Men’s Straw Hats soft or sailor, worth up to
$2.50, at 98c
Men’s Straw Hats, -values up to $1.50, at .75c
Boys’ Straw Hats, value up to SI.OO, at . 49c
A Sale of Strictly High Grade Clothing That is Making Things Hum in
This Department. You Can't Afford to Stop and Figure if You Need
a Suit, Just Figure if You Can Afford to do Without it at These Prices:
Men’s $7.50 Flannel Suits, skeleton $0 QQ
lined .. .. / 0Z.30
$15.00 Worsted Suits, serge lined, gray, brown
olive and stone, remarkable value, $9 §5
Men's $25.00 High Grade Worsted nc
Suits, about 20 in this lot mIZiUJ
Men s $lB Blue Serge Suits, “Rochester
Make,” positively gauarnteed not to o|| no
shrink, nicely tailored .. sll*3o
Young Men’s $16.50 Suits, Flannel or Worst
ed, all the new fabrics, full or CIO 00
skeleton lined SIUiUU
Boys’ $3.98 Two-Piece, double breasted worst
ed knickerbocker Pants, dark brown fro qn
and fancy mixture SZi3O
Take your time in reading this Ad. Scan each item carefully , and after having read
each item you have just a fair idea of the good things that are in store for you here.
To appreciate the real worth of this great sale you must come and see for yourself.
$1.50 Silk Parasols, colors to match costumes,
at .. SI.OO
$1.50 White Linen Parasols, Gilded Rods 75c
$5.00 Silk Taffeta Parasols, in white with
hand painted borders $2.00
$3.00 Silk Parasols, white, black, blue, brown
and changeable colors, all silk, natural handles
at . $1.98
98c Mercerized Umbrellas, French Rods, Sil
ver Handles 37c
$1.50 Fine Pongee Bilk Umbrellas, black
steel rods 86c
About 200 Men’s High Grade Worsted Suits,
worth $25.00, Piercing Arrow price .. $12.95
$7.50 Guaranteed Taffeta Silk Petticoats, all
colors; Piercing Arrow price $3.98
$2.00 Heathbloom and Hyde grade Petticoats,
Piercing Arrow price 98c
$1.50 White Petticoats, trimmed .with 6 rows
of Valenciennes Insertions and deep embroid
ery ruffles 78c
5,000 yards hand worked embroidery, worth
50c, at yard 25c
$2.50 White Petticoats, made of fine Long
Cloth, trained in open or blind Swiss Em
broidery, at $1.50
100 dozen Val Lace Insertings to match,
worth up to $1.50 dozen, per doz 590
All-Over Lace and Net for waists, worth up
to 75c per yard, at per yard 25c
Regular 10c Embroidery and Inserting, 5-in.
wide, per yard 5c
35c Corset Cover Embroidery. Cambric Swiss,
17-in. wide, per yd 15c
I2V2C vd. wide Cambric, good as Lonsdale,
per yard 6%c
1,000 doz. Children’s lxl Rib Hose, pair .. 5c
With every Purchase of $7.00 or over we will give 10 yards of the best Calico for
10c, or if you prefer 10 spools best thread for 10c.
1112-1114-1116-1118 Broad Street, .... Augusta, Georgia.
Boys’ $4 and $5 line Wool double breasted
Suits, dark gray all mixtures, fIJQ C£
all sizes o^-CJ
Mon’s $3.50 Worsted Pants, every thread wool
black, gray, brown, peg tops, Si 98
Men’s $5.00 Trousers, made of fine English
material, positively hand tailored, Oo fin
per pair vdiUU
$2.50 Serge Woollen Pants, (M AO
nicely tailored OLtU
Men’s $1.75 Worsted Pants, side Cl OR
buckles, light and dark colors SLUU
$1.25 Garden or Field Pants, ORp
with belts L ' Jb
Children's Trimmed Hats
Regular SI.OO Lawn Hats for little girls at 50c
$1.50 Lawn Hats, nicely trimmed 75c
White Embroidered Hats, worth up to $3.00
at $1.19
Children’s Straw Hats, trimmed, values up to
98c, at 59c
2 cases of % Bleaching free from starch,
value, yard 2% c
Women’s 5c Handkerchiefs, at each lc
Spool Silk, all colors, 50-yd. spools, at ....3c
1 lot Silk and Satin Ribbon, worth up to 15c
yard - 2c
200 Girdle Corsets, all sizes worth 39c, at 15c
Men’s 40c Negligee Shirts, new patterns, 25c
Men’s 5c Handkerchiefs, at 2c
50c Corset Covers, at 25c
Ladies’ 39c Drawers, lace trimmed or tucked,
at 21c
32-in. Fancy Bordered Linen, 25c kind, per
yard 15c
Men’s 29c Balbriggan Underwear, at .. ..17c
2 bales Linen-Ticking, worth 25c yd, will hold
feathers, yd 10c
2 cascß light color Calico dots and stripes,
per yard 3c
1 case 36-in. Percale, worth 12%c per yd 7%c
Women’s 19c Black Lisle Hose, seamless per
pair 10c
Thousand- of yards Apron Ginghams, worth
fp/jc, per yard 3^c
10c and 12%c Muslins and Ginghams, per
yard, at 6V4C
29c and 39c Taffeta Wash Dress Goods, at per
yard 15c
Last Call of
the Piercing
Arrow Sale
Our Shoe Department was the busiest place
you ever saw. This week the interest has
widened and we promise you the greatest
shoe values that the old town ever saw.
Come and see what a look may save you.
Cadies’ $1.75 Shoes and Slippers, at ....$1.19
Ladies’ $2.00 Slippers; Tan or Patent Colt,
at $1.49
Ladies’ $2.50 High or Low Shoes $1.79
Ladies’ $3..)0 Slippers, Tan or Patent Colt,
at $2.00
Men’s $2.00 Slippers, Tan and Black .. $1.38
Men’s $1.75 Shoes, high or low cut ..
Children’s Slippers, Tan or Patent, $1.25
value 76c
Men’s Goodyear Welt Shoes or Slippers;
$2.25 value, at $1.52
Men’s $3.00 I’atent Leather and Tan Shoes,
hand sewed, at $1.98
Men’s SI.OO Eclipse Shoes and Oxfords $3.00
Men’s Hanan $6.00 Shoes and Oxfords, Tan
or Patent, at, $3.76
Rubber Bottom Shoes, in black and grey; high
tops, at ! . ,35c
Infants’ and Children's Slippers, ankle straps,
up to No. 6, at 49c
One lot of Sample Slippers, worth up to $1.50
at 63c
Another Big Shipment of Ladies' Suits and
Skirts arrived today and will be placed on
sale at once at Piercing Arrow Prices.
Bargains here that will compel your imme
diate attention.
Regular SIO.OO Ladies’ Glasgow Linen Suits
32-in. coat; pink, olive, blue, tan Mid white,
at $3.49
Ladies’ sls fine Rep Suits $7.49
$4.90 Panama mtirts, blue, black, brown;
trimmed with three rows Taffeta .. .. ..$2.98
$12.50 Altman Voile Skirts, trimmed in satin
or taffeta; made of $1.25 yard voile .... $8.49
(With this skirt, . we give one Heatherbloom
Petticoat free.)
$lO Venetian Panama Skirts; black, brown
and blue; 20 styles to select from .. . $4.98
Silks at Prices That Will Make Lively
Regular 50c Silk Pongees, the season’s newest
and most popular rubrics, the yard 29c
59c Rough Shantung Pongcee, 27 inches wide,
all the fashionable colors, per yard 89c
6,000 yards 65c Taffeta Silks, new shades and
colorings, wonderful bargain, the yard ~ 38c
Regular 89c Jap Silk, 36 inches wide, white,
black, the yard 50c
$1.35 Taffeta Silk, 36 inches wide, in black,
n avv tan, brown, green and white, special
value, at 79c
Regular $1.50 all-silk Mouseline, 36 inches
wide, black, navy and white, suitable for
suits and waists, nice soft finish, the yd 830
Gauze Vests
Ladies’ Gauze Vests, taped arms and neck 5c
25c Ladies’ Gauze Vests, lace trimmed neck,
at 10c
Ladies’ Vests, in extra sizes for large women,
special at 16c
Pictures and Picture Frames
50c Pictures, framed in mahogany 19c
SI.OO Pictures, gilt frame, large size, 25 dif
ferent subjects, at 39c
$2.50 Pictures, extra size, hand painted sub
jects, large gilt, frames % ..98c
50c highly Gilded Picture Frames 25c
75c large highly polished picture frames at 39c