Newspaper Page Text
Disease Begae over Ear and Spread
till Faceawi Neck were Raw—ltch
ing, Inflammation and Soreness
were Terrible— Lasted Over a
Year and All Treatments Failed
"Eo*ramn befc*o orer the top of my
ear. It cracked and then Ix-gao to
spread. I had three
different doctors and
tried several things, but
they did me no good.
At last one side of my
face and ray nook (dear
up to my hair wore raw.
The water ran out of it
so that. I had to wear
medicated cotton, and
R was so Inflamed and
k*one that I had to put
a piece of doth over my
pillow to keen the water
from It. ana it would
•tain the doth a port of
jroUow. Tl*h eczema itohad ho that it
•earned as though • ar my face
ail to pieces. The diHf*aa« in the
fail and I did everything for It until th«
Beat winter. Tb<*n I began to uhh the
Cuticura Boap and Ointment, and it
wan not more than three montlua before
It WA/i all healed «j>. I ntlil use the wm Hanoi vent Pills once in u while
to dearwe the blood. lam very thank
ful that i tria< I Cuttoura, and I can
recommend It to any one. Ann
Peamoiki, Northfield, Vi., Dec. 19, ’07.”
Cuticura Remove* Dandruff and
Soother Itching Scalps.
Worm ahempona with Cuticura Soap,
and light dreflalnga with Cuticura, pm
vefit dry, thin and falling hair, remove
crusts, Hoaleu and dandruff, destroy
hair parasite*, soofcbe irritated, itching
surface*. stimulate the hah follicle*,
loosen the scalp skin, aupply the root*
with ennrgv and nourishment, and
make th** hair grow upon a aweet.
whoja*oiri‘\ hoaiUnr »*Jp when ail
other treatment fail*.
OomntMfi IC»urn«i ».id lni*rr»*l Tr«*»tm*mt tor
Im’ llwioir of Infant*. CHpdrsn and A»1 tii«« cm*i»-
«*« of Cuiieir* H- fp fvfwj to ('trydm lb** Skin.
OuUcuvn Otntmont (tor i to fleAi tk* rtklo 1 f'utl-
Hwoiwqt (flOc.K (or In tiu» form of ('hooolat*
Mrtjttwd Pilia. Sfta. t»**r vl»I of OGJ to r»*rifv th* nio<wl
•qul UirnnCnoirt the world I*'itt#r Drug A ( h*rn.
Oarp M Poll* Prop* . r»o*ton. m*m
WrilAMcd I-raw, CUUfitirm Ho..k oa HUi Dfanasw.
Local Methodist Milliliter*
Don’t Think the Word
“South” Will Be Dropped
Tin* matter of dropping the word
“South" from tin* name of the South
ern Method tat. KpUcopal church,
which in at present causing u great
.<> I of discussion among the Meth
odist ministers throughout the South,
will not ho settled at the general con*
fi ri-nce at Asheville, N. is the optn
1. n of the Augusta Methodist min
The word "Southern ’* was prefixed
to the name of Methodist (episcopal
churches through the South at the
outbreak of tin* Civil War and has
not yet been changed The reaHGU
that a great many ministers are
clamoring for the change is the fact
that a great number of jmople still
beltvve the church to be sectional.
Rev. E. F, Dempsey wtut**d that he
was of the opinion that the name
would not be changed at this con
Rev. C. A. Hattie, a prominent
young minister of Jennings. La., was
the first to agitate the change, in an
article written by him In the Christian
Taking Lydia L. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Columbus. Ohio. "I have taken
Lydia E. .Pinkhaui’a Vegetable Com-
pound during
change of life. My
doctor told me it
wus good, and since
taking tt l feel so
much better that I
can do all my work
again. I think
Lydia E. lTnkhaiu s
Vegetable Com
pound »tine remedy
for all woman's
trouble*, aud I
merer forget to tell
V - -
un friends wiuti It hits done for me."
- Mrs. E. llA\'i>os. ;>(M East Long St.,
Columbus. Ohio-
Another Woman Helped
Granitevilta, Vt " I was pasting
through tits Clumgeof Life and suffered
from nervousness and other iMiuoytng
symptoms. Lydia E l*iukhasn't Vege
table Compound reeU«red uiy haalthiuui
strength, and proved worth mountains
of gold to ms For the sake of other
■uttering women I am willing vou
Should publish my letter " Mac Sajuuay. U-F.1)., tiraulte
ville, Vt.
Women who are passing through this
critical jasrlod or who are suiVrtug
from any of those distressing 111* pe
cattar to their »'t should not lose sight
of tin- fact that for thirty years Lydia
K Pinkhiun* Vugewbl* Campouod.
which is made front roots ami herbs,
has been the standard remedy for
female ills. lu almost every comma
u*»y you will find women who have
been ’reston'd to health by Lydia £.
Pin kha in's Vegetable Compound.
Chairman Fred B. Pope, of the
flood commission, and commissioner
Nlsbet Wingfield returned Thursday
morning from Savannah, where they
conferred with Col. Dan. C. Kingman
In regard to certain contemplated
changes in the river work specifica
tions Col. Kingman think,-, it would
not he advisable to replace that por
tion of the river bank between Me-
Klnne street and Hawk's gully that
was washed away by the flood.
The commission has been called to
meet at the city hail at 12 o’clock
Friday, for the purpose of consider
ing the matter, and corning to some
( apt. A. W. Anderson, general su
perintendent of the Charleston and
Western Carolina railroad .accompa
nied Messrs. Pope and Wingfield to
Savannah, his Interests lining chiefly
at stake.
If the river bank Is replaced the
C. Hr W. 0 railroad can lay regular
tracks, Instead of using a trestle. It
Is the policy of the city government
to Insist that the railroad bear its pro
rata share of the cost of the work,
should a tentative plan to that end
be carried out.
However, it Is not improbable that
Col. Kingman’s disfavor of the idea
will lead the commission to adopt
specifications that were made out at
lirHt, and If such is the case a con
tract will be awarded in the near fu
Case Argued Tuesday. The
Lawyer* Will Return
Mr. C. Henry Cohen, Mr. Austin
Branch arid Judge K. H. Callaway
have returned from Atlanta, where
fluty argued before the supreme eburt
the case of Jf, B. White vs. Bryan
Lawrence. The court has not ren
dered u decision. The case before the
court this time is that of charging
double rent for the hotel.
In January, 1908, Mr. Lawrence
claimed a right to the abatement of
the rent of the hotel on account of
the loss of the benoflclUl use of the
bar room, after the prohibition law
became effective. TUIh claim wrb de
nied by Mr. White and the matter
was taken to the courts, where it re
mained until March, 1909. The ease
went to the supreme court, and was
decided In favor of Mr. White, deuy
| lug Mr Lawrence’s contention.
Mr. Lawrence then sent Mr. Whits
a check for over $13,000, which rep
resented the rental of $833.33 a
month from January, 1908, to April,
1909. Mr. White refused to accept
the chunk, claiming that Mr. Law
rence by his failure to pay rent pend
ing the appeal of the case had forfeit
ed all rights under the lease ami was
liable fur double rent., or $1,666.66 a
mouth as a trespasser holding posses
sion of the premises.
Judge Hammond decided that mat
ter in favor of Mr. Lawrence, holding
that he had done all that Ui« law re
quired. Mr. White then appealed the
case to the supreme court, and' It was
argued Wednesday.
Malaria Matin Pata Blood.
Th« OWI Standard 'MeJVB7B TABTK
I.KHM <'HILL TONIC, drives out msSwta
and 6ulM« Ur til" ayalam lArr grows
l>t*opl« mid chll<%ran, Ro<\
AIKEN, S. 0. — Mrs. J. C. Wood
ruff Ims returned to Atlanta alter
•pending it planaant visit to the
Misses Fords of this city.
The blue prints f° r the extension
of the Alken-Augusta trolley hare ot
last been sahmtttod to council. It Ib
hoped »ow that there ht nothing fur
ther In the way to keep the exten
sion from being commenced at once
as tt will bo a groat convenience for
the people in the lower part of the
Mr Fwldiw Soigler has gone to
Oleuu Spring to recuperate from a
spell of eteknesa.
Mrs Janus .1 Igoe has returned to
Charleston after attending the exer
cises of St- Angela s Academy.
Mias Kitty Lee Langley, of Augus
ta has returned home after paying a
wry pleasant visit to Miss Addle Bell
Woodward of this city.
The crops In Mi« vicinity of Atken
were treated H> a very nice ratn
Thursdat afternoon
Miss Marrlana Ford has returned
from a plea Mint visit to relatives tn
Tin' Cleiuson college tvrtrance ex
amination* will be held at she court
house on July t. at » o'ck>ck
AIKEN, S C. In the court of gen
eral session* here Thursday, WUltam
Knox a uogro. w«« tried and eonvict
ed for Uto uiurdor of Pickens Penn, at
a negro gathering March tth, I>oß
Knox has been tried ottoe before and
convicted but was glvwn a uew trial.
The defense war ably represented by
the Hetmersons. and ah*o by the firm
of Davis. t/uiMer and tlyles The so
licttor proseoated for the state. The
juris* hate convicted naarty all of the
oases this week, whether this was
oaased lny the wholesale killings that
have occurred In the comity this hut
week cannot be determined The
killing tar which Knox was convict
>-d occurred near the place of Mr.
j Selgler ot this place and was at u
i negro gathering as is usually the
| case it ts understood that a new
trial will be asked for.
$30,000.00 Guaranteed Sale
Of the old reliable firm of A. SILVER for the next fifteen days to the public regardless of cost and value, as the entire stock of
CLOTHING must be disposed of within that limited time. Remember, this stock of clothing is one of the choicest stocks of mer
chandise in the State of Georgia. Never before in the history of Augusta has the people ever witnessed such a slaughter in prices
that will take place at this gigantic sale at A. SILVER’S, 1028 Broad Street. The doors will be thrown open to the public on SAT
URDAY, JUNE 19th, 9 a, m. The store is now closed, arranging for the great gigantic sale. All goods will be marked in plain
figures so a child can buy as cheap as a grown person. It will pay you to come 100 miles to attend this great sale. SI.OO in this
sale will go further than $2-00 elsewhere. Come quick and get the first pick, all goods will be sold, no goods reserved.. Take no
tice of a few prices we herewith quote you:
Men’s Collars and Cuffs
100 dozen Men’s Pure Linen Collars, extra good quality,
popular shapes; value 10c and 15c, q
guaranteed sale pr Ice OL
500 dozen Men’s Pure 4-ply Linen Shrunk Collars;
value 16c and 25c, guaranteed , g
sale price 1I L
50 dozen Men's Pure Linen Link Cuffs, 4 Inches widfe,
round and square corners, real value 25c, gg
guaranteed sale price 1 Id
Men's Rubber Collar s, all new shapes and styles, real
value 25c and 36c, guaranteed g a
sale price 1 ■ L
Men's extra quality White Mercerized Cloth
Handkerchiefs, guaranteed -j
sale price OC
Men’s soft finish Li nen Handkerchiefs, soft as silk and
as pleasant to use, real value 15c guaranteed q
sale price OC
Men's splendid quality Scotch lawn Hemstitched bor
der, 15c value, guaranteed /
sale price OC
Men’s very popular Handkerchiefs of imported White
Lawn, soft finish, hemstitched, 15c and a
25c value, guaranteed sale price yC
Men’s Pure Mnen Handkerchiefs, *sc and < a
60 value, guaranteed sale price IVC
Men’s Half Hose
Men's fancy Half Ho se, assorted colors, mercerized silk
finish, neat aud flue, even gauze from a special se
lected yarn; value 150 and 25c, guaranteed , •
sale price '1 1C
Men's Vicuna fast black Half Hose, seamless foot”
spliced heel and to e, 25c and 50c value, g g-g
guaranteed sale price IVC
Men's drojvetttoh effect, lustre, lisle finish In assorted
fancy colors, 260 and 60c value, 1 r$ .
guaranteed sale price IVC
Men's rich lisle finish lace patterns, assorted colors,
high spliced heel and toe, splendid value -y
at 750 and sl, guaranteed sale price OOC
Also many other kin d too numerous to mention.
Shoes! Shoes!!
100 pairs Monarch S hoes, standard price $3 50 and $4.00,
guaranteed sale 4C T / />
price 3>Z.OV
175 paire Merritt, Elliott & Companv, regular price
$2 .60, guaranteed £ g a
sale price
100 pairs of various makes, regular price $2 £ g va
and $2.50, guaranteed sale price *pi.«yV
.300 pairs Hoys’ high and low cuts, prices ranging from
$3.00 to $3.60, guaranteed sale £ , ~r, g
price 51./V
Belt*! Belts!!
genuine cow hide, bro wu and black, leather lined, hand
beveled stitched edge, gtlt and metal buckles, 76c
to $1.50 value, guaranteed
solo price i,VC
Sait Cases
A full line of Men’s Suit Cases at a very low guar
anteed price.
Iron King Overalls
Men’s Union-Mad* Iron King O verst Is snd wa
Jackets. $1 snd *l*s value, guaranteed sate / 9C
. \
A splendid Boys' Overall, rest value, 50c -va _
snd 75c, guaranteed sals pries /VC
Remember, that this Guaranteed Sale Begins Saturday, June 19, 9 a. m. Look for the big RED SIGN
A. Silver
Men’s Suits
300 Men's Suits, S3O and $35 values, <Ts*7 Qfk
guaranteed sale price 4)1/ »OV
450 Men’s Suits, $25 and $27.50 values, + -% Art
guaranteed sale price 1«5.0Vr
350 men's Suits, S2O and $22.50 values, ..
guaranteed sale price lI.OV
400 Men’s Suits, sls and $17.50 values, q
guaranteed sale price Os/V
500 Men's Suits, $lO and $12.50 values, £ qa
guaranteed sale price iJ.Oy
1,000 Men’s Suits, grey, checks, stripes, solids, etc. High
art goods, made by the finest tailors In United States
sls to $25 values, to go In the » OO
guaranteed sale price for / .OV
Young Men’s Saits
Young Men's Suits, in all shades and colors, strictly
modeled according to the latest dictates of fashion,
semi fitted back, deep front concave shoulders, close
fitting collar with long broad roll lapels. Trousers
full, peg top, belt straps, buckles and straps at hips.
Boys* Knee Suit* f
Boy’s Knee Suits in all colors, made with fancy flaps,
fancy cuffs and all the little nifty up-to-date features'
All $6.50 values, guaranteed sale _ _ A
p rice *p*s.7v
All $4.50 and $6 values, guaranteed r\ O
sale price X.Vo
All $2.50 and $3 values, guaranteed _
sale price , X. iV
All $2.00 values, guaranteed sale * t
p rice 1.19
Men’s & Young Men’s Pants
Men's Pants made with Semi Peg top belt Straps,
buckles, and Straps at hips, two hip pockets with top
fastener. Splendidly Tailored and Modeled and the
fit is perfect. Guaranteed sale price as follows;
All $7.60 values, guaranted sale
p ric « $5.79
All $6.00 and $6.50 values, guaranteed A *-v 0
safe price ..
All $5.00 and $5.50 values, guaranteed -» rwv
«*'• p r| <* 3.89
All $4.00 and $4.50 values, guaranteed
sale price 0.2, 9
All $3.00 and $3.50 values, guaranteed
sale price _ 2.J^7
All $2.00 and $2.50 values, guaranteed .
sale price I*7B
Men’s Hats
Men's New Spring Shapes and latest style Hats, in soft
and stiff of the latest shades, guaranteed sale price
as follows:
All $3 and $3.50 Hats, guaranteed sale a. A
p*-' 0 * $2.39
AN $2 and $2.50 Hats, guaranteed salp * y: rk
p rice 1.09
All $1.50 Hats, guaranteed sale A ...
price 99C
And a great variety of Sample Hats, guar- Ark
anteed sale price... 09C
Men’s Neckwear
50 dozen Wash Ties, various color*, four-in-hand, 25c
values, guaranteed sale A
100 dozen four-livhand Silk Ties, various styles and,
colors, 50c value, guaranteed sale -t t\
Price IVC
100 dozen Bow Ties, made In var+ous styles and of
high-grade Silks. 25c values, guaranteed
sale price 9C
150 dozen four-in-hand high-grade Silk Ties, 75c and
SI.OO values, guaranteed sale q
price OOC
We also have a large variety of other styles which are
too numerous to mention.
1028 BROAD ST.
Next Door to T. R. Maxwell furniture Co.
Boys’ Knee Pants
Boys' Knee Pants in plain and knickerbocker, pure
worsted, neat and attractive colors, fine weave and
medium weight. Exceptional guaranteed values. Sizes
from 3 to 17.
Shirks! Shirts!!
50 dozen Men’s Shirts, silk stripes and plaids, collars
attached, values $2 .50 and $3.00 each, /n , *7O
guaranteed sale pr ice «p 1. / 9
65 dozen Shirts, pongee silks, collars attached, .$2,00
values, guaranteed /n . -j
sale price *pl.sV
40 dozen Shirts, pon gee silk, collars attached, $1.50
values, guaranteed fkO
sale price 98C
50 dozen Shirts, pon gee silk, collars attached, SI.OO
and $1.25 values, guaranteed -7A
50 dozen Silver brand Shirts, values sl, Art
guaranteed sale price 09C
50 dozen Savoy Brand high-grade Shirts, value $1.50
to 2.50, guaranteed sale . . |-v
price 4>1.1y
100 dozen assorted Shirts, values from 75c -jf-v
SI.OO, guaranteed sale price OyC
Undershirts and Drawers
50 dozen Men's Under Shirts, white, lisle and balbrig
gans, short and lon g sleeves, drawers to match, 35c
and 50c values, guaranteed sale 1 rt-»
65 dozen Men's TJn der Shirts and Drawers, white lisles
and balbriggans, 75c values, -y vv
guaranteed sale price a>yC
75 dozen Under Shir ts and Drawers, silk lisle, various
colors, SI.OO values, guaranteed sale s r\
price 09C
75 dozen of Nainsoo k Under Shirts, and Knee Drawers,
50c and 75c values guaranteed sale
price 39C
100 dozen genuine Scriven Drawers, SI.OO Aflr->
values, guaranteed sale price QVC
150 dozen Elastic Seam Drawers, made of best white
material, 50c value, guaranteed sale -»rt
price .. .. «59C
Men’s Night* Shirts
Bleached Muslin, curved arm holes, fancy front and one
pocket 75c value, guaranteed sale
price OyC
Made of fine lakeside muslin, sloped shoulder, yoke
neatly embroidered, SI.OO and $1.50 '7rt
value, guaranteed sale price 79C
Extra fine quality, made of Pongee Silk, Art
$2.50 value, guaranteed sale price 4)1.09
High gTade white checked Nainsook, with military col
lar, front pocket, sloped shoulders, curved arm holes,
pants with drawing band, $1.50 rtQ
value, guaranteed sale price 9oC
Best quality silk twil led elastic web, nobby patterns,
double stitched ba ok, white and black calf skin trim
mings, 25c and 35c values, guaranteed lrtr->
Superior quality elas tic web, silk covered, polished gilt
slides, calf skin tabs, 50c and 75c values, Trt
guaranteed sale price «?9C
The improved President Suspenders, latest fashion,
most stylish and b est fitting brace ever put on the
market, guaranteed sale vo
price OOC
Genuine Guyot Suspenders, guaranteed
sale price «?VC
A. Silver