Newspaper Page Text
Cottolene is a clean product. Its source is clean—it contains no hog fat. ' Its manner of marketing is
clean—it comes only in air-tight tin pails. Compare these conditions with those surrounding lard. Lard
is made from hog fat—often impure and always indigestible. Most lard is sold in bulk—exposed to dust,
and disagreeable and contaminating odors.
If purity, healthfulness, cleanliness and economy appeal to you, insist upon having Cottolene.
Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, New York, New Orleans, Chicago. /
Crying Need is Fora Railroad-—Wealthy
and Healthy—News Notes and Personals
BY A. D.
Wllkoa county, Georgia, hnn always
bi'Pii distinctively an agricultural
county, mid her great propspertty for
■which ahe has always been notnd for
generations past, has been built up
almost wholly front the noil. There
has been almost no manufacturing,
mid the great mercantile nnd banking
Interests of Washington nnd Wilkes
county have as their foundation the
agricultural pursuits that the people
me engaged In, nnd these Interests
flourish best when the farmers have
■business to furnish to them.
There could not be a clearer dew
omurmlon than this of the great value
\>f the lands of Wllkos county. While
cany of these lands have been In
tcuNlvailon for a long period of time,
’ail of them thnt have been properly
i taken care of, are even more produo
jtlve now than they ever have been
* In addition to this the climate and
henlthfulncas of Wilkes county is tin
surpassed In any part of the world
The water Is as line and pure as any
on the face of the earth.
The lands having been held In largo
t bodies, are now being eut up Into
small farms and many new comers
have already moved Into thu county!
to take them up.
-1 » pkw.t.r a powdrtni tnr*s a.'Sp
The Borax Soaps
Cost no more and do the work
without hurting your clothes
They are quick to act hut have no
naphtha, no rauitir eoda or polaih, noth
| Off to bum or rot jrour rlothei The borax
in them doublet the power of the tnap
and water to cleaner
• Uae nothing but three borax aoape thit
a! a
WMMANOIMWMrpritS all! 1 ' /V
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JT«ur i*-»ck*| Out* »m 1>• fttt«4 witli prn •r.d pencil. ihe other ■ - W
wntami with r»ur Mtuvftud tnmitii In rubw r t»|». W N Aa a . »
A »mall tw.lti# rs life »»tl* —+h M«mi> In Ihrdfrnitf writ* y.Mjr JirA I
*udi Initial* pitlnly dlborkia* w* »b»l» uoU*re>, * 85u WRAPPERS ,1
roemouaw, <*s*«» JW* 80 *M»>PaB
Wrapper, from Grandma, Piarl Soap and Fxport Borax Soap are all good
for premium.. With these wrapper, you can earn hundred, of uirtul articles that
otherwiee you would have to buy. Wrapper.on all make it quick to »»vr.
ThU coupon »nd er r I . ta* five «rttp^t M n thf m
or an)' other premium* Cut it out and mail it with your wtar;*r« n» WFWM. .
PfcEMii-M Dftrr.. Thb Glow Soap CoMtAsv. i'lNcsNAii, Ohio. ■•UIC SJ KSW Jn
I enclose wrapprrvfor w huh j-lrabt nud nu pmnlumß *
nnmWr ..« ami complete premium catalogue. gb snw JH
Name .... --- ••w.'HOj
Street „
mope*Pi^a* nTj' por> ° n,y w,<l *** frt>m one peruoeand only *hen »>vxxn»>*n:e.t by one nr
“Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South”
There me said to be over $200,000
worth of land, with all sorts of tm
provemeots, with Tlgnail as center. 1
Tlgriail needs and will have a rail ;
road Such enterprising men as .1 i
A Moss, banker; C. D Holton, mer |
chant, and E. .1 Wilkinson, real os
late dealer, have plans on foot fori
the development of this splendid sec |
tion, and such a development meansj
a railroad.
The grade front Washington Is
easy remarkably so. The citizens
stand ready to co-operate at once and
g- nerouslv with any feasible scheme.
The resources, agriculturally, would!
make sure and large returns for a]
railway Investment.
An hour's talk with Sheriff Hobo
will convince any one of the flue do
mestic nnd social conditions obtain
Ing In the community.
It will repay any one looking for a
home to correspond with Mr, K. ,j.
Wilkinson ns to the many and vari
ously valued homes at his disposal.
'1 Ignull is soon to have a bank
Fifteen thousand dollnrs hnve already
been paid In toward the capital The
ottteOM* will be J. A Moss, president;
Boyce Flcklln, vlco president; C. D.
The burui laundry soap
summer ami see how well your clothes wear.
I hr sheer while goods won’t drop into
holes. Th* colors won’t fade. At the rml
of summer, you will appreciate these
borax soaps.
. , • ‘ . ’ ' >•; .
Residence of C. D. B
Holton, cashier; additional directors
are W. .1, Adams, W. O. Gill, T. W.
Hill. J. J. Wilkinson.
The officers are about to contract
for the hank building with operations
to begin July 10th.
,T M Blanchard Is mayor. Council
nten are W. Lindsey, J. A, Moss, W
T, Favor, G.L. Holton. K. J. Wilkin
There Is a fine school, having day
and boarding pupils, numbering as
high as 160.
Frofessor Duncan has had three as
"*'*•• -f> •> -
’ j^kLsl mb!l -
Col. E. J. Wilkinson,
Titvniill, Ga.
sistants, More may be necessary
next term.
r>r. Ragsdale is the efficient and
popular doctor of the town,
Wilkinson A Son. J. A. Moss. Bol
ton and Wilkinson have fine stores.
Mr. 0 L Bolton has the drug
store, where nlso is as capably man
aged a post office as a good com
munity wants.
Rev. W. C. Taylor is pastor of the
Baptist church, a pretty church in a
nice grove.
Rev C. M. Verdol, bachelor and
pedestrian, ts pastor of the M K.
church The parsonage looks a hit!
lonely, but the people love the man 1
who walks faithfully to visit his flock;
and walks as well to hts three up.
pointments This parson has a ree l
ord of 50.000 miles in hts minis"*}
and gave up a college professorship;
to do such work
Though courteously pressed to do'
so. I had not time to verify the re j
ports of the hoys on the road, who'
say the Wilkinson Hotel equals any-!
thing on the list.
I had to surrender, though, at Sher !
Iff Bobo’s, who made the whole posse
—driver, reporter and horses—stand,;
deliver and sit down to dinner The
result was a several days' engage i
ment In the near future at the same
lovely home.
Tlgnall has a lodge of Maaons, and
the Woodman at Uw w-i-t The,
olton, Tignall, Ga.
latter is very active, having a mem
bcrshlp of nearly a hundred —Post
Oak Camp, No. 70. Tho officers are;
J. A. Moss, C. W. Heard, W. A. Ta
kusley, .1 A. LeKoy. C. D. Ilolton, J.
T. Goodwin, E. W. Ragsdale
Tlgnail looks hopefully for “ a
school on wheels" to be it guest.
Arrangements are about completed
for this visitation in the interest of
better farming, and wo hope to be
able soon to announce date and pro
- » « to- ♦ —-
Alvin P. Cole, a white bearded pa
triarch about 70 years old, who is
landed in the police station about
once in so often, had one of his spells
Tuesday afternoon. He had, at tho
time, a $5 bill.
Along in the evening he sobered up
enough to be let out, and Sedo.
Cm-don told him to take the car for
his home in Glastonbury before his
money was taken away from him.
\hout an hour later he came in in
worse shape than In-fort—convivial
ly—hut to every one’s astonishment
he had this time $6.10. —Hartford
She —How could a woman ever
bring herself to marry an aeronaut?
lie's so flighty.
He—Yes, and too often lacks bal
She—Then, too, he looks down on
: dinary people.
He—And, again, ho moves in the
i.igher circles all the time. —St. Louis
Worn Women
tired out with the work and care of the home, need a tonic
strength-building medicine. Strained nerves and tired bodies do
not get well themselves.
If you’re nervous, run-down, discouraged, and fagged out,
don't give up—try Gardui. the woman’s tonic. This great medi
cine has been used .for more than half a century by thousands and
thousands of women and has been found to be a specific, building
medicine for nearly all of the ills from which women suffer.
We have the written testimony of thousands of ladies, re
lating what Gardui has done for them. Note this letter from
Mrs. Charles Bragg, Sweetser, Ind. She writes:
Q ?31
Inez Milholland
|[ . ■ j
Miss Inez Milholland, the
most militant of America’s
young suffragettes, who
has sailed for England, for
the second time, to aid her
English sisters in the fight
for Equal Rights.
ALBANY, N. Y. —Word has been
received here that Fort William Hen
ry Hotel, owned by the Delaware and
Hudson Co., at Lake George, was to
tally destroyed by fire at an early
I hour. The loss is estimated at {400..
A perfectly pure soap, soothing and healing in Its
effect. Does not stimulate the Bkin to over exertion,
hut Keeps its normal excretory powers in a healthy
condition, thubprcrentlng Inflammation,HchiiiK.MilK
Crust, Scald llead ami other disorders. Prevents
roughness and nsed in the hath suffuses
the whole body with the radiant
glow of health. Send postal
* or and copy of a ?
new and unique booklet.
IT ‘ y Hoilowm A
Fagged Out ?
Attention has been called to the
number of graduates of the Richmond
Academy who have taken honors in
the classes at the various universities.
At the University of Georgia this year
three graduates of the academy took
honors. In the freshman class, Lloyd
Brown took the general excellence
medal and first honor. In the sopho
more class, Mr. G. Lombard Kelly
took first honor. Both these young
men graduated with first honor from
All Counties Will Arrange
For Putting Highways
In Good Condition.
COLUMBIA, S. C— Frank Weldon,
here in a conference en route over
the capital highway route, says every
county between here and Atlanta by
Augusta have definitely arranged to
put the roads in condition.
He goes to Camden Thursday night.
Columbia and Charleston and in be
tween towns are working now on the
Columbia-Charleston line, which will
complete the belt line around by Beau
fort and Savannah to Augusta.
Quench Your Thirst With A Bottle Of
Wherever Soft Drinks Are Sold.
Columbia Bicycles,
The World's Standard.
Age i .'.y
Bowen Bros.
908 Broad St.
‘’Tongue cannot tell how much Gardui has done for me. I
am on my third bottle and lam much better. Before I began
using Cardui, I could not do a day’s work. I
® would work awhile and then have to lie down.
Now I can work all day and not be very .tired.
“I shall always praise Cardui.”
Try Cardui. It is composed of pure vege
table ingredients that cannot possibly harm you.
Judging from the experience of thousands of
other women, it is almost certain to help you.
Try it and get well.
-Jf/ All Druggists sell CARDUI.
the academy. In the junior class,
Moses Slusky took second honor.
Beth Augusta boys in the graduat
ing class stood high. They were Mr.
Frank vop Sprecken and Mr. John
Hart Porter. These young men grad
uated as bachelor of science in civil
At the Georgia School of Technol
ogy, Mr. Harry Arrington, Mr. Ed
ward Blealtley, and Messrs. Val and
Jim Lawson stood high in their class
es. At West Point, Mr. Will Sher
man stands among the highest in his
class. Mr. Pbinizy Gary stands high
in his class at the Tech. At the Vir
ginia Military Institute, Mr. W. F.
Bowe, Jr., is one of the leaders of
his class.
Last week to make State and Coun
ty Tax Returns.
I SSKrawr
Is experienced by those
who use the seasonable fur
niture we are now offering
at greatly reduced prices.
Georgia -
PHONE 1421.