Newspaper Page Text
Sale of High-Grade A MIfDT TPT from R. M. Camp,
Merchandise D/11l I\l\ UIT 1 kJ 1 V/wIY Worcester, Mass., at
Mr. Camp, formerly a well known buyer of a prominent Boston store, started in business at Wor-
cester less than a year ago, buying for his store a splendid stock of high-grade merchandise, which , fC. 8 ___ | gj
SCHNEIDER was fortimate in purchasing, aud now offer to their customers at about ■ 1 ts" gj jl B 8 Ml
Men’s Hats
Men’s $2.00 Felt Hats,
brown, gray and black.
at $1.19
John B. Stetson, new
style and color hats in
large varieties.
Men Straw Hats, soft
or sailor, worth up to
$2.50, at 98c
Men’s Straw Hats, val
ues up to $1.50, at .. 75c
Boys’ Straw Hats, value
up to SI.OO, at .. .. 49c
1 lot Silk and Eatin Rib
bon worth up to 15c
yard 2c
200 Girdle Corsets, all
sizes, worth 39c, at . .lb-;
Men’s 40c Negli gee
Shirts, new patterns 25c
Note Well the
Prices , then Don't
Fail to Come . : ;
Men’s 5c Handkerchiefs
at 2c
50c Corset Covers, at 25c
Ladies’ 39c Drawers,
lace trimmed or tucked,
at 21c
32-in. Fancy Embroid
ery Linen, 25c kind, per
yard 15c
Men’B 29c Balbriggan
Underwear, at .. .. 17c
12i/ 2 c yd. wide Cambric,
good as Lonsdale, per
yard .. 6% c
2 cases of % Bleaching
free from starch, 6%c
value, yd 2%c
2 ■ bales Linen Ticking,
worth 25c vd., will hold
feathers, yd 10c
2 cases light color Calico
dots and stripes, yd 3c
1 case 36-in. Percale,
worth 12%c per yd 7Y 2 c
Trimmed Hats
Regular SI.OO Lawn
Hats for little girls, 50c
$1.50 Lawn Hats, nicely
trimmed, at 75c
White Embroidered Hats
worth up to $3.00,
at .. $1.19
Children’s Straw Hats,
trimmed, values up to
98c, at .. 59c
Ladies 9 Suits
$7.50 Ladies Linen Coat
Suits, at $2.75
SIO.OO Ladies’ Repp
Suits in colors and
white, at $4.95
$5.00 Ladies’ Lingerie
Dresses in three differ
ent makes. »at $1.98
SIB.OO Ladies’ Silk
Dresses in all the new
shades, at $6.85
$3.50 Children’s Dresses
in sizes to 14 years,
at $1.48
$4.98 Panama Skirts, in
blue, black and brown,
trimmed in three rows of
taffeta $2.98
$12.50 Altman’s Voile
Skirts, trimmed in Satin
or taffeta, made of $1.25
yard Voile, at .. .$7.68
SIO.OO Venetian Panama
Skills, black, brown and
blue, 20 styles to select
from $4.98
Men’s Fine Negligee
Shirts —Made from ends
of material that would
not make a sufficient
quantity to sell on the
road. Others in this lot
are sample shirts —all
choice SI.OO grade, 69c
Women’s 19e Black
Lisle Hose seamless, per
pair 10c
10c and Muslins
and Ginghams, yd 6%c
29c and 29c Taffeta
Wash Dress Goods, at
yard 15c
Spool Silk, all colors,
50-yd. spools 3c
1112-1114-1116-1118 Broad, Augusta, Ga.
Men’s $7.50 Flannel Suits, skeleton lined... .$2,98
$15.00 Worsted Suits, serge lined, gray, brown,
olive and stone, remarkable value $9.85
Men’s $25.00 Hgli Grade Worsted Suits, about 20
in this lot $12.95
Men’s $lB Blur- Serge Suits, ’’Rochester Make,”
positively guar in teed not to shrink, nioely tail
ored $11.98
Young Men’s $16.50 Suits, Flannel or Worsted, all
the new fabrics, full or skeleton lined $lO
Boys’ $3.98 Two-Piece, double breasted Worsted
Ladies’ $1.75 Shoes and'Slippers, at $1 19
Ladies’ $2.00 Slippers: Tan or Patent Colt \.. ’ 77.7/ $1.49
Ladies’ $2.50 High or Low Shoes .* ’ $1.79
Ladies’ $3.50 Slippers: Tan or Patent Colt !... .. S2OO
Men’s $2.00 Slippers: Tan and Black " ’ ’.’..7.7 7. SL3B
Men’s $i.75 Shoes: high or low cut 77..." sl/0
Children's Slippers: Tan or Patent; $1.25 value ]. ” 76c
Men’s Goodyear Welt Shoes or Slippers; $2.25 value, at 7 ...'.777/7.*..”.'.’ ’.'.51.52
Men’s $3.00 Patent Leather and Tan Shoes, hand sewed, at 7 $1.98
Men’s $4.00 Eclipse Shoes and Oxfords,' at ’..'77 7.7 $3.00
Men’s Hanan $6.00 Shoes and Oxfords: Tan or Patent, at / .'77... $3.76
Rubber Bottom Shoes, in black and grey, high tops, at ’ ’ 3^
Infants’ and Children’s Slippers, ankle straps, up to No. 6, at . . ’ 49c
One lot of Sample Slippers, worth up to $1.50, at 7 63c
Take you time in reading this Ad. Scan each item carefully, and after having read each item you
have just a fair idea of the good things that are in store for you here. To appreciate the real worth
of this great sale you must come and see for yourself.
$1.50 Silk Parasols, colors to match costumes $1 00
$1.50 White Linen Parasols, Gilded Rods " 7*7* .... .... .. 75c
$5.00 Silk Taffeta Parasols, in white with hand-painted borders 777 . .$2.00 ■
$3.00 Silk Parasols: white, black, blue, brown and changeable colors, all sill/ natural handles'.. 7 751.98
98c Mercerized Umbrellas, French Rods, Silver Handles 37c
$1.50 Fine Pongee Silk Umbrellas: black steel rods 777 86c
About 500 dozen from one of Philadelphia’s largest and best manufacturers, mainly cancelled orders,
and ten to twenty-five dozen lots of fine shirts, made for some of the finest houses all over this country In
excess of orders, and therefore left on this manufacturer’s hands. *
These fine shirts bear the labels of a dozen or more well-known houses. Rather than go to the ex
pense of relabeling these odd lots, this great manufacturer PUT THE PRICE WAY DOWN, You get the
advantage of this tremendous discount u you buy Monday.
Never have we sold as many waists before. The assortment for Saturday is even better than for
the opening day, as many new waists have arrived during the week.
$1.50 Batiste Waists, Eton front, trimmed back and collar, long sleeves 89c
$2.50 All-over Embroidery Waists, large selection .$1.49
$5.00 Batiste Waists, with Medallions and Lace Yokes, long sleeves $2.50
$6.00 extra quality taffeta waists, tucked front and back; some are hand embroidered 7752.98
$1.25 Colored Waists, laundered collars, pocket on left side 75c
$1.75 Black Sateen and Heatherbloom Waists, sizes up to 46 7 98c
Sale of White Goods that will appeal
to the woman who loves economy
Regular 10c 40-inch White Lawn,
very sheer, the yard 5c
Regular 15c 40-ineli F'rench Lawn,
nice fabric the yard 9c
Regular 25c 42-iinch French White
Lawn, the yard 12^20
Regular 12!/2 C 30-in. White Dimity,
the yard 7%°
50 Pieces regular 10c White Check
Nainsook, the yard 5c
Regular quality Checked Mus
lin, 5 different patterns, the yd 4V£c
These prices are creating intense interest in this department. Only a few
prices can be quoted:
$3.95 Special. Fancy Hats in Chips, Milans, and Javas, profusely trimmed
with draping of chiffon, flowers, wings, ornaments, worth $6.95, at .. ..$3.95
Our regular $5 Hats, elegantly trimmed with ribbons in all the new shades,
rose and foliage $3.98
$1.98 Special. Newest shapes in course straws, in all the new shades, trimmed
with large roses, foliage, $4.95 value, at $1.98
We are ottering as a special for this sale, about 100 Hats, specially gotten up
for this sale, and are really cheap at $3.00, the sale price will be .* $1.19
One lot of Women’s Hats, trimmed, worth up to $2.00, at 89c
$1.50 New Sailor Walking Hats in Old Rose, blue, green, black, rough and
chip straws, 75c SI.OO Hailors 69c
75c Sailors 39c
Rose, Lilacs, Leaves, Foliage, Ribbons, etc., come and buy your shapes and
trimmings and we will trim your hats free of charge.
With every purchase of $7.00 or over we will give
10 yards of best Calico for 10c, or, if you prefer, 10
spools best thread for 10c
Knickerbocker Panls, dark brown and fancy mix
tures $2.98
Boys’ $4 and $5 fine Wool double breasted Suits.
dark gray and all mixtures, all sizes $2.65
Men’s $3,50 Worsted Punts, every thread wool,
black, gray, brown, peg tops $1.98
Men’s $5.00 Trousers, made of flue English ma
terial, positively hand tailored, per pair ....$3.00
$2.50 Serge Woollen Pants, nicely tailored.. $1.48
Men’s $1.75 Worsted Pants, side buckles, light
and dark colors SI.OB
$1.25 Garden or Field Pants, with -bolts 25c
Silks at Prices That Will Make
Lively Selling.
6,OCX' yards 65c Taffeta Silks, new
shades and colorings, wonderful
bargains, the yard 38e
Regular 89c Jap Silk, 36 inches
wide, white, black, yard 50c
$1.35 Taffeta Silk, 36 inches wide,
in black, navy, tan, brown, green and
white, value at 79c
Regular $1.50 all-silk Mousiline, 36
incheß wide, black, navy and white,
suitable for suits and waists, a nice
soft finish, the yard 83c
Pictures and
Picture Frames
50c Pictures, framed in
mahogany 19c
SI.OO Pictures, gilt frame
large size, 25 different
subjects 39c
$2.50 Pictures, extra size
hand painted subjects,
large gilt frames .. 98c
50c highly Gilded Pic
tures Frames .. .. 25c
75c large highly polish
ed picture frames, at 39c
Two Big Glove
The best glove values
offered in Augusta this
200 dozen Women’s 16-
Button Length Import
ed Silk finished Mila
nese Lisle Gloves, in
black, tans, white and
inodes; gloves that cost
the importer double our
sale prices, and have
been sold regularly at
68c pair, to
morrow, pair ..
Fine Coat Style Shirts
With attached or de
tached cuffs, all cut full
sizes. Every shirt in this
lot is worth $1.50, at 88c
Men’s Fancy Trimmed
Night Robes—all of the
very best materials, and
guaranteed fast color
trimmings, cut with low
neck, and all full sizes,
price for 50c
Men’s 4-Ply All Linen
Collars—A great variety
of styles, including the
popular band turn-down
collars, each collar is
stamped “linen” less
than one-half price, at
One Doz. for 69c
1,000 dozen Children’s
lxl Rib Hose, pair ..5c
About 200 men’s High
Grade Worsted Suits,
worth $25.00 ....$12.95
$2.00 Heatherbloom and
Hyde grade Petticoats,
at 98c
Women's oc Handker
chiefs, at each lc
Gauze Vests
Ladies’ Gauze Vests,
taped arms and neck 5c
25c Ladies’ Gauze Vests
lace trimmed neck .. 10c
Ladios’ Vests, in extra
sizes for large women,
special, at 16c
$1.50 White Petticoats,
trimmed with. 6 rows of
Valenciennes Insertions
and deep embroidery
ruffles ,78c
11 1,1 1 IIIIM
5,000 yards hand work
ed embroidery, worth
50c, at per yd .. .. 25c
mmm—mmmmmmmmmmmmmHHmmmmmmmmmmm mmhpmmi
2 cases 8-4 Bleaching,
free from starch,, .worth
6 1 /jc per yard, at .3^o
After all ifs the
Price that Gets
Business : : :
2 bales Linen Ticking,
25c value will hold feath
ers, per yd, at ...,.10c
Women’s 25c Hoss, open
work, black or white,
per pair 15c
1,000 yards of Apron
Ginghams, worth 6 1 /tc
per yard 3^c
$2.50 White Petticoats,
made of fine Long*Cloth
trimmed in open or
blend Swiss Embroidery
at $1.90
100 dozen Val Lace In
sertings to match, worth
up to $1.50 dozen, per
dozen .. 59c
All-Over Lace and Net
for waists, worth up to
75c per yard, at yd. 25c
Regular 10c Embroiafery
and Inserting, 5-in. wide
per yard 5c
35c Corset Cover Em
broidery, Cambric Swiss
17-in. wide, yd .. .. 15c