Newspaper Page Text
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Graniteville. Vt. - “I wan ismsing
through t in <'hangeof Life andsufTired
from nervousness
and other annoying
symptoms, and I
can truly say that
I .ydlaE. Pink bum's
Vegetable Com
pound has proved
worth mountains
of gold to me, as it
restored my health
and strength. 1
never forget to tell
my friends what
! LydlaE.lTnkham's
YegeUthie Conjpouiaf baa dune for me
daring this trying period. Complete
restoration to health mean* no much
to toe that for the take of other tntiTer
ing women I am wilting to make my
trouble public ao you may publisFi
this letter Mrs Crax. Hauciay,
R.F.D ,GranitevUM, Vt
No other medicine for woman’s Ills
hae remixed auob wide-spread and mi
qualified endorsement. No other rm d
t<4ne we know of Us* such a record
of oures of female ills aa lias Lydia K.
PlnkUatn’a Vegetable Compound
Nor more than 80 year* It has lx*en
curing female coin plot iilh such as
lnfleinmabun. ulceration, local weak
neeeuH, fibroid tumors. irregularities,
periodic jNilns, backache, Indigestion
and nervous prostration, and it is
unequalled for carrying women safely
thrwhgh the period of change of life.
It cosW but little ts try Lydia K.
Mnkhum's Vegetable Compound, and,
asMTs la "worth mourn
tetn* of (gold " to sulfaring women.
SpsoUl to Tho Homld.
PARKKYTI.LE, S C. —The entertain.
m*ut tendered ths young sot of Purk
vflls Wednesday uttoruoon by Mr.
and Mr*. W. W. Fotwwr, vu a very
enjoyable one and be 7'nmg people re
port a royal good tknt, and uv unani
mous In thuir laudation* of their ho*,
te** Its preparing the entertainment.
Ml*one Murtba Dorn, Mamie Lotigh
rldg* and Mr* Fowler .-•ndered ex
cellent inuaic both vooal and Instru
mental. MU* Martha Dorn won the
prise, which had been generously of
fered by Mr. and Mr*. Fowler, a lov«>-
ly tea pot. Hotreahuients wore Burved,
I’CSnsißliug of ooou, oak«* and candles.
timing those present worn: Missus
Sallte Park*, Martha Dorn, Mamie
Loiigbridgc, BaHie Morgan, and Ad
dle Bell; and Messrs. J. H Bllrtus. .1.
<5 Parks, D. N. Dorn, D. A. Bell, W.
J. Talbert, and 8. Lougbrldga.
Yot» can take your choice
of the many rwmedic* for
Bummer Complaints, but
there ts only owe *nfo, sure,
and certain cure tor Chills
and Skivur ttnd that ts John
sou’s Chill and Fever Tonic.
H la tor aulo by all good
druMUts at 50c a bottle
But ts you wart a trial
bottle just seud 10c In
staaaps to
The Johnson's Chill
and Fever Tonic Co.,
Department H.,
Savannah, Ga.
Seasonable Goods
22\*c Bath Towels.. 15c
Extra Gauze Vests 7' a c
Children's and Infants’ Vests 7' a c
250 Vests (ladles’) 15c
25c Boys' Shins and Drawers 19c
Extra sired White Skirts, worth
12.60 each, at $1.50
$2.25 and $2.50 White Skirts
*1.50, Shirt Waists, at 98c
SLS& Umbrellas, at 89c
650 smd 7fc Hose 45c
250 Lace Hose, for children.. 15c
Ladies Mourning Parasols off
Ladles' Fancy Parasols, 1-3 off
600 Ooreels 43c
*I.OO Corset* 92c
Almira Sessions
Miss Almira Sessions, the
Wasliinicton Society girl,
| intimate frieurl of Miss
Ethel Roosevelt, Helen
Taft ancl Mrs. Lonßworth,
who has left, the Ohorn
Opera Co., because the
manager asked her to wear
The funeral services over the re
mains of Mrs, Julian .1, Zaohry wero
conduct ofi from tho resideuce, No.
J 209 Greeno strict Friday at noon.
There was a large number of friend*
present at the services The remahis
were shipped to Walterhoro, 8. G.,
at. 3 o'clock. Tho informant will be
in the Wultorboro cemetery. The
Immediate family accompanied the
body to Walterboro.
Old papers for wrapping purposes,
10c per bundle at The Herald Office.
It took Ilia youth quite a long time
to write the so-called funny rhyme,
but his beat gill said 'twas “Just
grand" and friend* praised It to beat
the band. Said they lmd seen worse !
rhymes by the groat poets lota of
times. Blank* Magar.tuo, they said,
would pav big money for it any day.
He sent it in—but It name back wet,
with the editor's tears of vain regret
NEW YOKE.- -Fiorrlo Sullivan,
boss of Easteide, died at CatskUl re
sort of heart trouble. He was a pow
er in Nustside politics. He broke up
the infamous "Cadet'' system there
after the police bad failed.
if c
Ptrltiss Ss|« is fsusnteel
J To grow hair
W To euro dandruff in
two woska.
5 To euro itching scalp
in two days.
ST o stop falling hair.
To msko harsh hair
saft, silky, luxuriant.
4J To msko woman's
Lair boautiful or
■notiey back.
A tsisfcrfst US trnwiiif. set
stair srsrwsr. Ctrl-111 *«.
tar* ask ss »?«r s*Au«
stk at
Japanese Lanterns, for decorations Bc, up to $2.00 each.
Japanese* Parasols, 26c up.
Italhing Suits for Children, l-adles and Gentlemen.
Struw Suit Cases, Traveling Baskets and Gladstone Bags.
Special Straw Sull Cases, each 98c
Great Embroidery Sale
watch for sign and prle< Truly a splendid sa4o of liue EM BROID
Great Saturday After Supper Sate
• - i Hundreds of Bargains.
SOAP SALE AT 8 P. M.—Octagon 3 for 10c.
It Pays to Trade At * - -
Bleakley’s Arcade
MACON. — Pitcher Kubanka opened
In poor form Thursday afternoon, al
lowing four hits to Columbus in the
first three innings, and Macon los'
ihe game by the score of 2to 1. Bil
j Hards, the new local pitcher bought
j from the New York Americans, went
iin to relieve Eubanks, and pitched
| superbly for seven innings, allowing
| rio hits.
The box score follows:
Macon. AB. K. H. P.O. A. E.
Murdoch, cf 4 0 1 3 0 t
Downey, 2b 4 1 1 2 3 0
U:c. If’ 3 0 0 1 0 "
Leard, ss 3 0 0 3 3 0
Body, lb 3 0 0 S 0 0
Robinson, c.,,.3 0 0 8 1 0
Lawlor, rs . . . .1 0 3 0 0 0
Hhaw, 3b 3 0 0 1 1 1
Eubanks, p.-rs. ...3 0 2 1 3 0
Billiard, p ... .2 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 29 1 4 27 12 2
Columbus. AB. R H. PO. A. E.
Hllle 3b 4 0 110 1
! Lewis, If 4 0 0 0 0 0
Riggs, cf 4 0 0 4 0 0
: Becker, rs 3 1 1 1 0 0
! Hale, ss 4 1 1 0 7 t
Benson, 2b 2 0 0 3 4 0
Fox, lb 4 0 1 14 0 0
Smith, c 3 0 0 4 1 0
Eyler, p 3 0 0 0 4 0
Totals 31 2 4 27 1C 2
Score by Innings: U.
Macon 000 000 001—1
Columbus 011 000 00—2
Summary: Home runs, Backer, heft
on bases, Macon 4, Columbus f>.
Stolen base Benson, Downev. Sacii
flee fctts, Lee, Rody, Benson. Double
plays. Hale to Benson to F'ox. Hits olf
Eubanks, 4 In 3 lnnln'-; off B’lliard,
0 In 6 innings Stuck out, by Bil
liard 7, by Eyler 1. Bases on balls,
n!T Billiard 1, off Eyler 1. Hit bv tiitch
< r Becker. Wild pilches Billiard.
Passed balls, Smith. Time, 1:30.
Umpire, Van Ryckle.
Mr. W. J Curry, atto-nev for Mon
roe J. Leo, Who is oonflued In jail
charged with assaulting his blind
daughter has asked that a preliminary
hearing he given Dee Saturday after
noon before Judge Numberger. It
la hardly probablo, however, that, a
preliminary will he given before next
week Mr. Ira Whittle, bailiff of the
superior court. Is at work gathering
evidence against Leo, and he does
not think that the state will be ready
for a preliminary Saturday.
Mr. Curry states that he wishes the
preliminary to bo held as soon at pos
sible, as he believes that he has evi
dence to show that Leo did n v as
miult his daughter, and that Ills ar
rest wtia cause by a quarrel between
himself and hU daughter. The girl,
Eddie Lee, has made a signed affi
davit to Solicitor General Reynolds,
stating that her father Is guilty, and
Mr. Curry says she has also made one
to him oxhonorating her father. On
account of the different statements,
and the seriousness of the alleged
crime, the pending trial has attracted
a great deal of attention.
WASHINGTON, D. C— It was said
today ft will be August 1 before con
gress adjourns. Mr. Aldrich says
fifty senators will vote for tho cor
poration tax amendment insuring Its
passage The house will fight for
a dollar tax ou lumber with prospects
of success.
"By heck!” exclaimed the frighten
ed lion, "it looks like I’m in for it
"You have said it, niv friend,” re
plied the mighty Bwana Tumbo.
"nothing short of a dime novel writer
could get you out of It.”—Exchange.
Never Fails to Restore
Gray Hair to its Natural
Color and Beauty.
No matter how long it has been gray
or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth
•f healths hair. Stops its falling out,
and positively removes ban
droll. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re
fuse all substitutes. times as much
in $1 00 as 50c. aise. K* Not a Dye.
$1 and 80c. bottles, at druggists
Scad 2c lor Ire. book "Tbe C ire of tho Hair.”
Phiio Hay Spoc. Co., Newark, H. J.
Hay’s llurtiua Sony cures Pimples,
red. rough and chappsd hauls, and all «kJo dis
ease* Keeps skin fine and soft. iSc. drueviats.
beau 2c tor tret book “Tbs Care of the bkia?
Rumored Head of Dis
pensary Commission Re
signed Because of Recent
Bank Fund Order.
Special to The Herald.
COLUMBIA, S. C.—The dispensary
commission having refused to modify
its recent order taking dispensary
funds out of Columbia and Aiken
banks, ft is rumored that Chairman
Murray has tendered his resignation.
Several conferences were held be
tween him and the governor. Both
decline to talk.
Old papers for wrapping purposes,
10c per bundle at The Herald Office.
COLUMBIA, S. C. —Big Jack Lea
pitched swell ball for Mullanoy In
Thursday's game, freezing out the
locals when hits wore noeded, and
Jtu kaonville won the gamo by the
score of 2 to 1.
The box score follows:
Jacksonville. AB. R. H. P.O. A. E.
Mitchell, rs 4 0 0 1 0 0
Biennan, ss ... 4 1 2 0 2 0
Poartree, 2b 2 0 0 3 6 0
Viola, If 400300
Mullaney, lb . , ..4 1 3 12 0 0
Taffee, cf 3 0 1 1 0 0
Dwyer, 3b 4 0 2 2 2 0
Roth, c 2 0 0 5 1 0
Lee, p 3 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 30 2 8 27 12 0
Columbia AB. R. H. P.O. A. E.
Mullin, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Bigbee, 2b ... .3 0 0 5 5 0
Maniou, ss 4 0 0 1 5 1
Wohleben, lb .. .3 0 2 12 1 0
Granville, 3b ... .4 1 1 1 7 0
Kicrnau, If ... .4 0 1 2 0 0
Fisher, rs 4 0 0 0 0 9
Kalkhoff, c ... .3 0 1 5 2 0
Lewis, p 301010
Totals 32 1 6 27 21 1
Score by Innings: It
Jacksonville . . . .000 100 100 —2
Columbia 000 000 100—1
Summary: Two-base hits, Granville,
Mullaney. First base on balls, I^ee
2. Struck out, Lee 4, Lewts 2. Left
on bases, Columbia 4. Jacksonville
3. Sacrifice hits. Peartree 2, Roth,
Taffee. Stolen bases, Lewts. Dou
ble plays, Granville, Bigbee to Woh
leben. Time of game, 1:30. Um
pire, WeateA-alt. Saorer. Bell.
Old papers for wrapping purposes,
10c per bundle at The Herald Office.
Doings of the People in
the Busy Carolina Town.
Some Social Events.
Special to The Herald.
OR ANITEVUXE. 8. C.—Mrs. Della
Rotou and slater spent Thursday in
Aiken shopping.
Mr D. W. Fulmer, of Augusta, will
be the guest of Miss Isjttie Bryans
Mrs. Emma Trederwav and daugh
ter. Mrs. Henry Bolton, of Greenwood,
are visiting friends and relatives hore
this week.
Mrs. Tom Riley is quite fll at this
Mr. J. A. Bryan visited relatives
in Edgefield Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wenoel, of
McKendre, were the guests of their
sister, Mrs. Alice Burton. Th«y win
go back today.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Utile Kenerdy to Mr.
Inlivan \V Wiener next Wednesday
evening at $ o’clock.
Mr Sidney Cook has accepted a
position with the Guile Manufacturing
Co. as carpenter.
Mrs. Mannke Glover spent Wednes
day morning in Aiken shopping
Mr and Mrs. Asbell Toolo will en
tertain a large number of their friends
Saturday evening with a sociable and
and Ice will be served also. A
nice time is anticipated by all.
Mrs. D. H. Turner and children
spent Wednesday in Augusta with
her sister.
“I declare,” says the young house
wife. "1 don't know what we are to
do. when round steak costs as much
as porterhouse It is outrageous.”
"Yes, mum." agrees the marketmnn.
What s a body going to do if this
keeps on?"
"1 would advise you. mum. that be
in' the case, to eat porterhouse
L Life.
Countess of Granard
:»■> j x ;
ffinr r wtyyfcjf.fng^* 1 .
Countess of Granard,
formerly Miss Beatrice
Mills, of New York, who
went to the race meeting
at Ascot in a royal coach, i
The countess is the first
American woman to he
honored by a place in the
Monarch procession.
The city tennis tou’-nament opened
at the Lakeside Club courts Thurs
day afternoon with a tremendous sur
prise, Mr. Marion Rigely defeating
Mr. Jtm Dawson in the second round,
by soores of 6 to 2 and 6 to 1.
Mr. Dawson Is generally regarded
as the local unbeatable. He won the
South Atlantic States Championship
tournament at the Country Club last
Bummer, defeating Bridges, the fam
ous North Carolina player. On the
other hand, Mr. ftidgely only qualified
for tho consolation matches, winning
that cup. Both gentlemen are fine
tennis piayei'2, but the past record
of Mr. Dawson far outclassed that of
Mr. Ridgoly, and consequently the
latter s decisive victory was a big “up
set" in tennis circles.
Mr. Dawson played in poor form,
as all perceived who have ever watch
ed his play before. The only stroke
he seemed able to work advantage
ously was the back hand. In striking
contrast to his gamo was the superb
form of Mr. Ridgely. He has come
out almost incredibly since last sea
son. There were many who went so
far as to declare they would have
made him an odds-on favorite after
the first set, even if Mr. Dawson had
been in his usual condition.
- Thero were several other fast
matches in the preliminary round,
which wan played through, and part
of the second round was finished.
The ladles’ singles were played
Friday morning. The second round
of men’s singles will be played Fri
day afternoon, beginning at 3:30
o’clock, and it is hoped to get into
the semi-finals before dark. Quite a
large audience wittiest > d the opening
matches, and another crowd is ex
pected Friday.
Thursday's results were as fol
Puryear drew a bye; Wall drew a
bye; Dawson defeated John Davison,
6 to 5, 6 to" 2; Coles Phinizy won
over A. G. Jackson, Jr., by default;
Agee won from T. F. Balk by 6 to 1,
l! to 2; L. Gercke won over Harper
Davison by 6 to 4, 0 to 6, G to 1; F.
W. Capers won over W. E. Kennedy
by 4 to 6, 6 to 1, 6 to 2; John Harper
won over Joe Bell by 6 to 0, 6 to 1;
A. M. Kennedy w-on from J. V. McAu
liffe by 6 to 4, fi to 5: H. C. Plunket
defeated Harry C. Vaiden by 6 to 3. t!
to 5; Garrett defeated A. W. Harper
by 6 to 4, 5 to 6, 6 to 4; Delmonico
wo n from Lamar by default; Brinson
defeated C. Levy, 6 to 4, Ve to 0;
Gary drew a bye; Fitts drew- a bye;
Ridgeley won from Daw-son.
Old papers for wrapping purposes,
10c per bundle at The Herald Office;
WASHINGTON. D. C.—A lack of
farm hands causes the high prices for
foodstuff, says Secretary of Agricul
ture Wilson. Thousands of ieres In
the west are idle because there is
no labor to till the farms.
Sociologist—l am gathering mate
rial for an article on the nomadic
Instinct. Now. can you tell me —
Nifty Walker —Say. boss, anything
fer de poipers pertainin' to mes»lf I
refers you to me press agent.—Judge.
Like a Pleasant
June Morning
appeal to folks in every
walk of life.
“The Taste Lingers”
Popular pkg. 10c; Large Family
size 15c.
Buy This
Piano On
THE Mathushek Piano,
1 while a very high grade in
strument, is within the easy
reach of ever)' home. In fact,
~,0 small are tlie monthly pay
ments required for its purenase
that it is like buying a piano
at rental rates.
A remarkable feature of the
Mathushek Piano is that
it is built to withstand the
trying southern climate—and
therefore any climate. The
patent sounding board and
tuning pins are so constructed
that no matter how damp or
hot the weather may be, or
how dry the air of the room,
the splendid tone of the
Mathushek remains unim
A ND it is tonal quality, after
all, that proves the worth
of any piano.
LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House,
Dept. CD. Augusta, Ga.
The manufacturers in Pittsburg
have shipped the big steam pump that
will be the city’s dependance for a
water supply should anything ever go
wrong again with the canal. It will
be here in a few days.
Work on the new auxiliary pumping
station has progressed to that stage
where it is time to install the ma
chinery. The boilers are on the
ground, "having been delivered by the
manufacturers, Lombard Iron Works
of Augusta, some days ago. When
the pump arrives the complete plant
will be set up, and then the walls of
the pump house built up around the
whole. The machinery is so large
that it could not be installed after the
j/.imp house is finished.
Work has begun on the smoke
stack, and from now on the station
will be hurried to a finish. Commis
sioner Wingfield estimates that it
will be ready for operation by Au
gust 15.
The pump will be given a trial run
of several days, immediately after
it is finished. The city does that to
insure its protection, as the manu
facturers will not be paid in full for
the machinery until a practical demon
stration proves it to be thoroughly
satisfactory. A side-track has been
laid from the Charleston & Western
Carolina railroad to the pumping sta
tion yard, and a shipment of coal will
be on hand by the time the plant is
finished. About once a month the
canal pumps will be shut down, and
the steam pumps started, so as to
keep them in smooth working order
all the time.
The city's auxiliary pumping station
will cost, when finished, about $30,-
000. It will have a capacity of 6,-
000,000 gallons of water per day, thus
insuring the city a full supply, should
the canal at any time be put out of
commision. The oteam pumps take
water direct front the river, whereas
the canal pumps take their water
from the canal.
Mahogany / , _
China Closets,
With Mirror Backs.
Have been selling them
from S4O to S6O.
You can buy them now
from S2O to S4O.
Better be in a hurry
though, as they are
going fast.
Georgia - Carolina
Furniture Co.
904 Broad Street
Telephone 1421.
ZITHER advantages of the
Mathushek Piano are the
quick, responsive action, the
Sostenuto or Tone-Sustaining
Pedal and the Improved Muf
fler or Soft Stop, all combin
ing to produce and maintain a
unique musical efficiency.
'T'HE Mathushek Piano re
-1 quires but little tuning.
STYLE 20, shown above, is well
worth }6OO according to other
piano standards. Its price Is only
$450, and purchase can be arranged
$25.00 down and as Mile as SIO.OO
a mo n lh thereafter. Your old piano
taken in part payment.
THE Mathushek Piano has
* been made for 40 years.
Forty thousand in use the
world over.
AI/RITE for handsome de
yy scriptive catalogue.
The board of directors of the Au
gusta Poultry and Pet Stock associa
tion will hold a meeting Friday night
at the office of Mr. M. C. Jones for
the purpose of selecting Judges for the
poultry show that Is to be held in
connection with the next fall fair.
One judge has already been chosen,
he being Mr. Frank J. Marshall, of
Atlanta, an eminent poultry author
This is the Case With Many Augusta
• People.
Too many Augusta citizens are
handicapped with a bad back. The
ceasing pain causes constant miaer'.V
making work a burden and stooping
or lifting an impossibility. The back
aches at night, preventing refreshing
rest and in the morning is stiff and
lame. Plasters and liniments may
give relief but cannot reach the cause
To eliminate the pains and aches you
must cure the kidneys.
Doan’s Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys and cure them permanently. Can
you doubt Augusta evidence? r
Mrs. E. A. Williams, 507 MoKlnne
St., Augusta, Ga., says: “I suffered a
great d c al from kidney and bladder
trouble. There was a constant, dull
pain through my back and at times
I was so bad I could not get abopt
the house. My, kidneys were wekk
and the irregulr passages of the se
cretions caused me much annoyance.
I doctored but found no relief until
I read about Doan’s Kidney Pills and
procured them at the Green & Horsey
Drug Co. They corrected the irregu
lar passages of the kidney secretions
banished the pains in my back and I
now feel better in every way. I think
very highly of Doan's Kidney Pills
and am glad to recommend them to
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name —Doan's —and
take no other.
The Flour
that is called,
for everywhere
and by everybody.
Take no substitute
for it.
No flour yields such
pure and appetising
products as Omega
Augusta, Georgia