The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, August 13, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Social Incidents and Events
Cordial will be the interest felt in
the formal announcement from Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Summerall of the en
Sincerest interest and pleasure will
be felt in the announcement of the
marriage of Miss Nathalie La Vin of
this city and Mr. Alfred Clinton Ors
dell of Orangeburg, S. C., which oc
curred yesterday at the home of Mr.
William Corber in Charleston, Rev.
Cotton Merchant Calls Attention
To Guaranteed Weight of Cotton Bales
on Contracts Sold Ahead By Farmers
The Herald is in receipt of inter
esting letter from the local manager of
one of Augusta's biggest cotton concerns
in regard to the weight of bales guar
anteed by farmers who have sold cotton
ahead for future delivery.
The Herald has recently been publish
ing a good many crop estimates from
farmers and merchants in th«* section
of Georgia and South Carolina. One of
the Herald correspondents in comment
ing on farmers selling part of their
crop ahead fm~ future delivery made the
point that early ginning reports would
be heavier and the weight of bales av
erage lighter this season in order for
farmers to meet these contracts, in case
the price was higher, etc.
In comemnting on this in a recent is
sue the Herald said:
“The average price for which these fu
ture delivery sales were made seems to
be twelve cents, and as showing how al
ready this new departure will affect the
cotton business is the prediction of one
observant farmer that cotton bales this
season will average lighter Weight than
ordinarily. This conclusion is drawn
from the belief that the price of cotton
Friday the Thirteenth is upon us
again. The day dawned as bright and
as clear as they make them, but that
hasn’t anything to do with it. It
is the biggest hoodoo day in the cal
endar and the only real Jonah day
due to oijcur this year.
There are some people who went
on the job Friday morning in igno
rance of the fact that today every
body's luck is bad, but they very early
in the day discovered that, something
had gone wrong. Later they discov
ered the cause and still a little later
I hey were the proud possessors of
r ascots. There were others who
didn't believe in such things. One
i an who failed to provide himself
with a hair ball taken from the sev
enth stomach cf a bay steer, suffered
hard luck from the time he awoke
Friday morning with a headache, up
to the time that a friend remarked
that he looked natural, and when ho
went to work Jones touched him for
ten. He allowed a friend to buy him
two or three drinks". He went home
to dinner and told his w’ that he
Queen Quality Low Cut Shoes
At Both Stores
Great Bargains in
Low Cut Shoes of
all lines.
Odds and Ends of this famous line of
Women’s Shoes, $2.50, $3 end $3.50 Values
To get rid of them will be sold for One Dollar.
See East Window in Up=town Store
Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co.
gagement of their daughter. Josie Lee,
to Mr. Thomas Verdery. the marriage
to take on September the eighth.
William Way, of Grace Episcopal
church officiating, and the happy
young couple leaving immediately af
ter the ceremony for a bridal trip
north. Upon their return they will
mfeke their home in Orangeburg, to
the great regret of the bride’s numer
ous Augusta friends.
will be above the contract price, an#
that naturally the farmer will make the
bales he has contracted to deliver at a
fixed price as small as possible, in or
der to hiTVe as much left as possible to
sell for the expecteu higher spo’ price.
“While this would seem hardly fair
to the buyers it would be quite natural,
and if future selling for actual delivery
by the farmers becomes the established
rule this could easily be prevented by
adopting a standard weight for bales. "
In commenting on this, the manager
of one of the cotton firms of the city,
“If a buyer buys from a farmer now
for forward delivery the contract always
reads “the seller must deliver an av
erage bale of 500 pounds w’.Vi an allow
ance of 1 per cent variation.
“This means, if he sells fifty of
cotton the total weight of the fifty bales
must be within I per cent of 25,000 lbs.
If the bales are light and it takes more
than fifty bales to make this weight fie
w-.. have to deliver the number of bales
necessary to make the above average
weight good.’’
had not taken a drop. His wife had
watermelon for dinner, and he was
afraid not to eat it. He ate It, and
he’s still sick.
All the left hindfeet of all the old
grey rabbits caught in all the old
graveyards in the world during the
dark of the moon, are not sufficiently
powerful to cross off your bad luck
if you violate any of the following
“Don'ts” before midnight Friday.
Don’t start on a journey.
Don’t look at the new moon over
your left shoulder.
Don’t be born.
Don’t get married.
Don’t die.
Don’t open with a new piece in a
one-night stand town.
Don’t lend any money.
Mr. Elias has a charm that beats
anything that he ever heard of, but
he is very non-momnrital on the sub
ject. Some of his friends who are
In his confidence state that it is a
buckeye. Everybody knows that a
buckeye is a good mascot, hut who
ever heard of it being good for Frt-
At Upper Store
One of the most interesting so
cial events of the season will be the
annual regatta of the Lakeside club,
which will be held Friday, August
This will be the first event of that
kind since the reorganization of the
club. There are about 100 boats
owned by the club members and al
most every member has signified his
intention of entering the regatta.
Great rivalry exists as to who shall
win the prizes offered, which are
three beautiful silver cups.
Mr. Roy Goodwin offers a cup for
the prettiest boat in line.
Mr. E. S. Johnson one for the most
unique decoration.
The club one for the best decorated
After the regatta the members and
their friends will participate in a
dance, music to be furnished by a
full brass band.
The committees in charge are work
ing hard to make this event a grand
—Mr. Richard J. McCarty of Day
ton, Ohio, arrived last night to visit
his brother, Mr. Jerry McCarty, and
sisters in North Augusta. Mr. McCar
ty is a former Augustan who has at
tained, fame and fortune at the Ohio
bar. It is his first visit to Augusta
in twenty years, but he retains an
accurate recollection of the city as it
used to be.
—Miss Grace Moore will be one of
Augusta’s bright young representa
tives at St. Joseph’s Academy, Wash
ington, Ga„ next, term, leaving here
about September loth.
Go to Tybee Sunday via Central of
Georgia Railway, $1.75 round trip.
Train leaves 7:00 a. m., city time.
Plenty of room—fast schedules. Only
four more Sunday Excursions. al3-l l
i . ,
Special to The Herald.
day morning an inscription and a
piece of black crape was found at
tached to the door of the retail dis
pensary in this city. The inscription
attached to the door was “Sic tran
sit gloria mundi.” Also on ’the paper
was found “So the glory of this great
moral institution is passing away’’ by
the Vox Populi.
Georgia-Carollna Furniture Co. are
selling cut old Refrigerators and Ice
Boxes. See their stock and prices
Georgia-Carolina Furniture Co., 904
ORANGEBURG. S.C.—Josh Adams,
colored, was arrested in this city a
day or two ago charged with running
a blind tiger. Several quarts of whis
key were found at the home the
negro, and the evidence is very strong
against him. He was arrested by
the police, but the case was trans
ferred so the magistrate. He was
bond to await trial next September,
lodged in jail in desalt of a S2OO
A guaranteed Refrigerator. Capac
ity lb®., sells for $11.00; yours
now for $7.50. Georgia-Carolina Fur
niture Co., 904 Broad.
day the Thirteenth. A report from
Mr. Elias, however, will be read with
Interest on the morrow, when we
have passed the penumbra of the
day’/s baleful shadow, and all of
Tommy Lawson's writing for the
monthly magazines will not have the
power to make us afraid, until anoth
er Friday the Thirteenth is upon us.
Just remember, if you please, that
the Refrigerator sale at the Georgia-
Carolina Furniture Co., is a money
making proposition for you. Geor
gia-Carolina Furniture Co., 904 Broad.
At Both Stores
Low Cut Shoes
for men, women and
children, at very
low prices.
We continue to give thorn. Every customer making a 10c cash pur
*o* | ■ ■ chase at any hour in the day is entitled to one stamp. Special days,
B 8 IPINk B [PA (P? 11*1 RY& Ift A special hour’s, we give two stamps for one. This means filling your
p | lys oi i,' « f D “s 2yi 11 I i books with just half the outlay. These stamps are a, discount for your
IPfIO PI k- "'■* ill flliiUU casll> and have a, definite and fixed value. Nothing uncertain about
S Wvll H ■ xwtt W 9 * S tea ft w them. They comply with the new law Have no hesitancy about ask-
ing for them. We guarantee the redemption of every stamp that wa
~, : —— ~ — ~ ~ issue.
Double “5. & H.” Green Trading Stamps up to 12 O’clock
Hg fg | g*'/’f y AND AFTER SUbPtR C* «□ IpC
Ml Umj (Green Trading Stamps) kJPCII t J
Brings many goods wanted at the eleventh hour to the surface, which means the biggest savings of the
week. These special sales that have been planned for all day tomorrow and the After Supper Sales,
enable you to reap the harvest of good bargains if you will—come in the morning and get double
stamps—come again after supper and get the greatest bargains and single stamps. ::::::
Famous After
Supper Sales
6 TO 7 P. M.
MenndtTs Talcum powder, violet
or borated, 25c Ov*
value VC
Old Dutch Cleanser. popular dirt
chaser, 10c /»/-*
value DC
House Brooms, “White's Special,”
2 1-2 pounds, five strings, | r-x
40c value I7C
Uneeda Biscuit and 7m 7m Crack
ers, fresh and crisp, d vx T
6c value. 3 for ivPC
Children’s Drawers, hemmed,
cluster tucks, ages 2 to 12
years, pair
7 TO 8 P. M.
Octagon Wash Tub Soap
(stamps for wrappers), « n ( ,
3 cakes for Iv/C
471 1 White Rose and Lily of the
Valley Glycerine Soap, rx ,
15c value 7^
Walter Baker's famous half pound
cans Cocoa, 250 f <*7
value * • C
Men’s Boston Garters, full line of
colors, 50c value, "2 K »
Ladles’ Muslin Drawers, hem
stitched ruffle, well made, |
25c values IVC
8 TO 9 P. M.
Fairy Soap, for laundry or hath,
large sized cakes, 3 cakes o
for OC
Packer’s Tar Soap, splendid for
your hair, regularly « j
-25c IOC
Waiter Baker’s Chocolate, In
sealed half pound pack- j 4
ages, 18c value I “w’C
Men’s Guyot or President. Sus
penders, standard 50c
value OOC
Corset Covers, lace trimmed, rib
bon run, al* sizes, nicely --x r»
made, 39c values -~v?C
Toilet Goods
Less than Regular Prices
Bradley's Violet Woodland Rea
Sale, iso size 25c, and .
25c size IOC
Pond’s Extract Talcum and Tooth
powder, preserves teeth, . _
25c size vIC
Pumice Stone, removes dirt, and
-stains that soap and water | _
wont, 25c value *"'C
Osborne’s Peroxide of Hydrogen,
a household necessity,
50c bottle *VC
Pond's Extract and Amolin De
odorant Powder, standard .r ,
25c articles l^C
Napoleon Witch Hazel Extract,
or Violet Witch Hazel, .
large size IVL
Pear’s celebrated pure Glycerine
Scented Soap, 15c value, . '■%
cake IZC
Pears Otto of Hoses Soap, popu
lar everywhere, 50c value,
only «^VC
Hind’s Honey and Almond Soap
and -lava Rice Powder, "JO/-.
,iOc values DVL
Sar.itol Tooth Paste and Wood
hurt’s Facial Soap, 25c jn
values, each IVC
Sanitol Tooth Powder and Violet.
Ammonia, large size, Id/--’
choice IVC
Pear’s Famous ITnscented Soap,
unsurpassed for quality, fv
only VC
Swift's Perfumed Toilet, Soaps,
regularly 10c cake, 3 . [—
cakes for IOC-
More Silk Gloves
at 69c
Black, white and many of
the most fashionable shades.
All the fingers are double
tipped, and they are in el
bow lengths, made in mos
qu/aire style, intended to
sell al $1.50 a pair, / /x
Saturday only .. .. UVC
19c Dutch Collars
Dainty little affairs of Mull
or Lawn, beautified by trim
mings of Valenciennes and
Ciuny Lace and Insertion.
About a dozen different,
styles, some trimmed with
embroidery; regular 19c
values, Saturday y /x
only, choice *Ov
25c Embroidered
Wash Belts 19c
Heavy White Duck Belts,
richly embroidered in white
and colors, ten handsome
new styles that women can
nol help being delighted
with, fine pearl buckle worth
more than we ask for whole
belt, all sizes, belt warth
25c, will go fast 19C
High-grade Negligee Shirts, In all this season's
fashionable designs, light, or dark colors, stripes,
checks and ftlgures, in an endless variety, actual
75c and SI.OO values, matched .q
at those figures, Saturday to close at....
Men’s serviceable Blue Chambray Shirts, with col
lar attached, neatly stitched fronts with patch
pockets, generously cut, all sizes, from 14 to 20,
regulation sh ft for government em- r/i
ployees and firemen, Saturday only ....DvC
Made, of Heavy Blue Denim, finished with me
chanic’s pockets, apron or plain fronts, cool to
work In, also save your clothes, AQr 1
regular SI.OO values, Saturday pair 4JVC
In the Grocery Department
SI.OO White Cloud Compound ...88c
Experienced pastry cooks know that
there is no substitute for it. Our lard
is odorless and free from water, in
ten pound pails, full weight of lard,
elsewhere SI.OO, Saturday
Brookfield Butter 30c
Deliciously sweet and fresh. Never
cheaper than now. Brookfield is the
Butter that you can put on your table
with satisfaction, knowing it to he
pure and fresh. In sealed "2fir’
cartons, Saturday only .... 01/C
Country Meal—fresh, water ground,
elsewhere 30c per peek,, 25C
Cream Cheese—the best cheese sold
at, the price, Saturday
only, lb. XUC
Women’s and Children’s Hose Sc
200 dozen Ladies’ Fast Black, Whi to and Tan Hose, shaped legs, strong
ly made, double heel and loe, worth 12*,ie. and Children’s Farft Black
Fine Ribbed Hose, double heel and toe, adding to wearing qualities,
dandy for school wear, regular 12%° values, Saturday, q
pair OC
LADIES’ HOSE 25c, of sheer
gauze lisle, black, white and tan,
medium weight, double heel and
toe, extra good £■ ~
values, pair ZuC
LADIES’ HOSE. 15c. Plain black
and white Lace Hose, double heel
and toe, all perfect, standard
19c values, | j-_
LADIES’ HOSE 39c, of plain gauze
lisle, high grade, imported grades,
black, white and tan, double
Bole, garter top,
fific stockings u
Ladies’ 50c Combination Suits 59c
Ladies’ High-grade Gauze Lisle Th read, Laoe Trimmed or Tight Knee,
Low Nock Sleeveless Styles, neatly taped, all sizes, a well-known make,
greatly under regular; worth 50c, Saturday
only OVC
Extra quality Sheer Gauze Lisle,
some wiih lace yokes, others per
fectly plain, 25c value, | a
Saturday 1”C
Easily worth 19c, knee length, um
brella style, lace trimmed, always
19c, Saturday |/x
only ‘“L
LADIES’ HOSE 19c. Blaok, white
and colored lisle, plain gauze and
medium weight, also lace efteota.
good values at 25e, u a
Saturday, pair IVC
Lace effects; white, pink, blue,
every pair good value at
16c, Saturday, jj
pair OC
Absolutely Fast Black, medium
weight, double knee and sole,
standard 19c values,
Saturday, 2 pair 20L
gauze umbrella style, trimmed
wllh torchon lace, all sizes, good
values at 25c, ia„
Saturday I VC
Low neck, sleeveless vests, taped
neck and arms, regularly f/x ,
12%c, Saturday only I”C
About the last, chance you will have to procure
one at thlH price. Every Straw Hat in the house,
up to $1.50, offered at. (his ridiculous price, rough
or smooth straws, wide or narrow brims, also
White Canvas Hals, all sizes, _
In White or Colored Madras and Poplin, with
stripes, checks and jacquard designs, an endless
variety of patterns, pretty combination effects,
worth and sell for 15c, Saturday Or*
while 20 dozen last, at .VC
And worth 35c; we used the room for fall goods
and mean to sacrifice them regardless of price,
hundreds of patterns to choose from, Hell always
for 35c, Saturday | q
only I VC
Women's Low Shoes Underpriced
$2.50 Women’s Low Shoes $1.93
455) pair of women’s low shoes to
go at a startling price reduction,
They’re good shoes too. Patent
Gibson Ties, golden brown, wine
kid, and white canvas oxfords,
Guban and Military heels, all of
, splendid leather, every pair worth
$2.5°, <t| QQ
$3.50 and $4 00 Low Shoes $2.69
Your wardrobe is r.ot. complete
without a pair of those shoes. All
this season’s new fresh goods,
consist! ng of patent, tan and dull
leather pumps, Colonial, Gibson
anti Sailor Ties and button ox
fords, in turn or welt soles, are
worth $3.50 and $4.00 />0
pair Saturday h/X.UV