The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 09, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 2

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    SEPT. 9.
| J piano selling by the Ludden
brings you a instrument for
associate FO pianos a time
Ludden & Sates '**
U a full cabinet grand, with special steel and copper-wound sfojyc?Tf**a Jl P'^n
strings, double-repeating action, balanced scale, light,
even touch and genuine ivory keys. Rich, foil, “singing” \T ,
tone, possessed only by the best pianos. Beautiful cases
of mahogany, walnut or oak. Each piano carries our
Should the head of the family die before payments axe completed, we cancel the
dub contract and make the member a present of the instrument without further
obligation. Write us—NOW—for complete details. Address
LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music Boose, Dept. BW., Augusta, Ga.
Farmer Ryetop—How did you come to
lose yeour barn by Are. Hiram?
Farmer Hardapple—Burglars, Jed, burg
Farmer Ryetop—Gosh! Hid the burg
lars set the barn afire?
Farmer Ryetop—No. but they broke
into the village firehouse the night be
fore and stole all the red shirts and yeou
know our fire-fighting boys would as soon
think of flying wthout wings as to the*
out to a fire without their red shirts
.1, 12-foot Glass Show
Case, Half Price. Counters
with drawers, 12, 13, 15, 22,
37 feet. Shelving of best'
Apply to
“It is the best shoe ! ever saw for the money"
Was the remark of a fashionably
dressed woman at the Opening of
the New Patrician Shoe Dept. : :
You would say so, too, if you would only
compare PATRICIAN with the new styles of
other shoes.
You would emphatically declare it the acme of
perfection, the triumph of the century, if you
could but see the Patrician made—how each ex
clusive style is moulded not only to harmonize
with the dictates of Fashion but for comfort as
well —and see how each part is carefully inspect
ed by experts to assure perfection, before various
parts are put together.
Wear Patrician Shoes this Season
and be stylish, comfortable and satisfied-
Smartest Colonials Daintiest 2 and 3 Eye Ties
Nobbiest Pumps and Oxfords
Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00
Boots $3.50 and $4.00
tallahan-Dobson Shoe Co.
Despite the fact that the prices of
beef generally have advanced consid
erably all over the country, the prices
In Augusta remain practically un
changed. Chicago beef is advancing,
but it does not in any way effect the
of *he hoof used in Augusta.
The supply of beef for Augusta is
ii .iw.i the southwest states and
any change in the market at Chicago
has little effect on the Augusta prices.
Gunner —And now comes a profes
sor who declares that fruit is jus't as
healthy with the skin on as it is
Guyer—H’m! I’d like to see some
body start him on a diet of pine
artic exploration
From the Weekly Telegraph
Shoe dealer—Here are a pair of boots
that will suit you exactly In your next
dash for the pole. How did you like the
last pair I sold you?
Arctic explorer —The
best I ever tasted! —Exchange.
Social Incidents and Events
Mrs. Thomas Ercell Verdery, Formerly
Miss josie Lee Summerall Whose Mar
riage Was a Social Event of Wednesday
Marriage of Miss Hutchinson and
Mr. Eugene F. Verdery, Jr.
Announcement is made of the mar
riage of Miss Edith Hutchinson, of
Englewood, New Jersey, to Mr. Eu
gene F. Verdery, Jr., of this city,
which occurred last evening at the
summer home of the bride’s father,
Mr. James Llewellyn Hutchinson, on
Shelter Island, New York.
The house was very elaborate in its
bridal decorations of white and green
and after the marriage ceremony,
which was officiated by Rev. Albert
Krdman, of Morristown, N. J., a re
ception was held, at which a large
number of guests were entertained.
The soft sweet tones of the orches
tra announce* tne Driaai party, the
younger sister of the bride, Miss Ruth
Hutchinson, daintily gowned in pink
messaline and carrying a great arm
ful of long-stemmed pink roses, enter
ed first and wae followed by the maid
of-honor, Miss Blfrieda Weber, of
The marriage was one of most ef
fective beauty. There were fourteen
young girls, all in dainty lingerie
gowns over pink, led to the improvis
ed altar by the bride’s younger sister.
Marriage of Miss Johnston and
Mr. William A. Parker
Very sweet and (Jiiet was the mar
riage this afternoon at one-thirty
o’clock of Miss Mary Magdalene John
ston and Mr. William A. Parker, for
merly of Granitewille, which occurred
at the home of the bride’s mother,
Mrs. M. E. Johnson, on Broad street.,
the ceremony being performed by the
Rev. Graves L. Knight, of Graniteville,
There was a profusion of beautiful
and fragrant blossoms placed amid
a wealth of house plants which formed
an effective floral combination. There
were no attendants and the bride en
—Migs Morris has returned home
after a delightful visit to Barnwell,
S. C., where she received much at
—Mrs. A. O. MacDonald haa return
ed with her children to Savannah,
after visiting her sister, Mrs. I. N.
Hargroves on Walton Way for the
past two weeks.
—Mrs. M. S. Glebner, Jr., and Mrs.
John J. Callahan are visiting in
—'Mrs. J. P. O’Connof, of Atlanta,
Is visiting Augusta friends.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Poole will be
with Mrs. Scheetz on Turpin Hill for
the tall and winter.
—Mias Louise Speth, Mr. and Mrs.
Frans Bloat, of savannah, awl Mr.
and Mrs. Dusenbery, of Jacksonville,
will arrive In Savannah Sunday after
spending a month In New York, Mr.
and Mrs. Dusenbery and Miss Speth
will remain for sometime with Mr.
and Mrs. Sloat. Mrs. W. F. Good
rich who was with the party In New
York has returned to her home in
Richmond, Va.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Oliver and
Miss Oliver are with Mrs. Howard
—The presence In Augusta of Miss
Margaret Mullarky, of Ireland, Is the
occasion of much pleasure to many
who remember her last as a very
charming little girl. Miss Mullarky
now makes her home in Ireland and
is being educated in one of the con
vents there. Her summer vacations
are spent in the States with her sis
ters, Mrs. Joseph Mullarky being her
hostess this Bummer, while last sum
mer she was with Mrs. Deveney In
—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams
and family have returned from the
North Carolina mountains where
have been for several weeks.
Miss Ruth Hutchinson, forming a flow
er-like aisle for the bride’s inaid of
honor, Miss Elfrieda Weber, of Brook
lyn, who entered alone and who wore
a lovely gown of pink messaline and
carried a big armful of long-stemmed
pink roses.
The bride entered under the escort
of her father and the groom, who was
attended by his cousin, Mr. Alexander
Rowland, met the bridal party at the
altar, where the impressive ceremony
was performed amid growing plants
and myriads of white blossoms.
The bride was attired in a beautiful
gown of white satin hand embroidered
and elaborately trimmed in Duchess
lace. Her flowers were white orchids
and valley lilies and her mist of tulle,
which enveloped the graceful figure,
was caught to the hair with diamonds.
Mr. and Mrs. Verdery left last even
ing for an extended bridal trip fur
ther North and will, upon their return
to Augusta in October, be at home to
their friends at Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Verdery’s beautiful new home on the
Hill, where a delightful welcome
awaits them from Augusta friends.
tered with the groom. Very sweet
and girlish was the youthful bride in
her traveling gown of blue cloth wilh
becoming hat trimmed in other blend
ed shades of blue. After the cere
mony a buffet luncheon and ices were
served, after which tho bride and
groom left for the north, where they
will visit New York, Washington and
other points.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Knight enjoy a
delightful popularity and were the re
cipients of many beautiful gifis and
the moat cordial of felicitations.
WASHINGTON, D. C.—Postmasters
appointed: Ceylon, Camden county,
Edward P. Noyes, vice H. 8. McWhor
ter, resigned; DeSoto, Sumter county,
Kate Barlow, vice K. Bernhardt, mar
ried, Knoxville, Crawford county, Eva
L. Holt, vice F. M. Holt, deceased,
From the Boston Herald.
Two men iri a 35-foot power boat were
rescued in the worst northeaster of the
season recently o(T the metropolitan
parkway at Nantasket by ottlcnrs ol
the metropolitan police, a«slat»d by cot
tagers. Their boat was pulled ashore
by a team. J. L. Kcker, of Dorchester,
the owner of the boat, and William A.
Kauth, who was visiting him, undertook
to bring the boat Into Dostor Harbor.
Everything seemed propitious until they
were opposite Sagamore Hill, when the
power gave out. The boat was unman
ageable and drifted rapidly to the beach.
The men could do nothing hut try to
keep the boatrlghted and Patrolmen
Mullen and Dwyer went to their help
In a smsll boat. By this time a crowd
of cottagers had gathered, and when the
boat come Into the breakers about, twm
ty-flve of these waded Into the surf and
lent a band In pulling the boat ashore.
The policemen got hold of a team and
dragged the boat on the beach beyond
the breakers. Outside of a drenehlng for
the men and a. straining of the boat no
damage was sulTered.
Bound for Savannah with a heavy
cargo of general freight the steamer
Augusta left, the City Wharf Monday
afternoon and Tuesday morning steamer
New Dublin will depart for Burton's
Ferry her regular landing with a heavy
freight consisting of general merchan
“S. & H.” Green
Trading Stamps
in every depart
ment, special
sales included.
Extra Bargain News for Friday
The special items given prominence here are only a few of the many that
will bring and hold the crowds here tomorrow. We ave placed extra low
prices on the goods in which you are most interested, and you cannot possib
ly realize the good savings and remain away from this big busy store. Re
member new fall goods are being opened up daily in every department.
Women's Splendid Fall Tailored Suits
Advance Models—Suits that are thoroughly up to date, extra long
semi or fitted coats, matching Kilted Sktrts, strictly tailored
throughout, made of such materials as Plain or Striped Serge,
Broadcloths, Diagonal Worsted and Homespun; three special racks
arranged for Friday at Irresistible prices, a. / Cf k
$22.50, $20.00 and 4>lO.£>U
We are showing an extensive
line of new ono-ptece dresses,
Moyen Age effect, in light
weight materials for early fall
wear, all colors and black,
““ $15.00
Hand Embroidered in white and
colors. All Pure Linen, strict
ly high class man tailored,
laundered collar and cuffs,
values to $5.98, one -> j—
price, Friday
All new fall styles. Never such Skirts offered at less than $7.50
to $8.98. Fine Sheer Black Voile, made in the new d? C Oft
pleated or kilted models, special $8.98 value, only .. .
Three Big Silk Bargains
We will place on sale Friday in our Silk section,
2,000 yards of wanted Silks, at exceptionally re
duced prices. Here they are;
65c AND 75c
41 new und
all staple
shades, in
cluding M JB
saline. Serge,
Silk, Striped
Taffeta, Jac
quard, and
other new
now Silks,
Friday only,
Wire hair pins, straight or e.-imp
ed, all lengths, |
Asbestos Iron Holders, a standard
lOc article
Genuine Aluminum hair plnß boxes
of 12, 16 cents q
Amber and Shell hair -7 j—
pins, 6 In box, at.
Bone Shell and Amber
hair pins, 16c value VC
Invisible hair pins, 100
count, all sixes
Fancy hair pin cabinets, ornamen
tal and useful,
plush lined .....4*OC
You can furnish your office, room, or entire
home on the CLUB PLAN.
Irish Point Curtains, nice for parlors, libraries or
(lining room, very pretty and Immensely m a ao
durable, II 1-2 yards long >8.50 value .
Velvet Rugs, 98c —27x00 inches, floral or oriental
designs, splendid value at $1.50, QO.,
Friday only VOte
Window Shades, 24c—Size ox 3 feet, spring rollers
all colors, 35c values, 24C
6.00 Rolls Matting, $4.98--Extra fine, close weave
all the wanted fall colors, handsome patterns, roil
of 40 yards, worth SO.OO, A QM
Dotted Swiss Curtain*—of plain or dotted swlss,
full ruffles, three yards long, suitable for any
room, $1.25 value, 98c
Velvet Rugs, $18.75 —Handsome Moral or oriental
designs, 9x12, best and cheapest rug <CIO *75
sold, $22.60 value nHO./O
Matting, 32c very best quality China matllng,
beautiful patterns, -y'-y
Wall Papers—largest stock in the South, careful
ly selected designs and such a variety that we
can supply every demand, all work done promptly.
FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.
8 l-2c Bleaching, standard goods, absolutely no
dressing, yard wide, 10 yards to
customer, at, yard
7 1-2 c Apron and Dress Ginghams,
large assortment of checks, stripes
plaids or plain colors, a
yard .
Standard Prints, unusually good
bargain, all colors, light or dark,
nice tor children's
school wear OC
-25c Serpentine Crepe, new fall pat
terns for kimonos and curtains,
with or without border, j w
yard IOC
Yard wide,
of superior
wearing qual
ity, highly
ilntshed, per
fect black,
durable a s
well as beau
tiful. 7Qr
yard * *717
Friday: Sale of Notions and Small Wares
Friday's Sale Wash Goods Domestics, Etc.
We are agents for this well
known make. About ten styles.
In plain Linen and French Ma
dras, all the latest fall styles
for women who know, strictly
tailored, $2.25 -* (\f\
to 5)3.00
A special lot with new long
sleeves and high neck, made of
tine lawn and muslin, trimmed
with lace, embroidery and me
dallions, special $1.50
value, Friday VOv
Friday Muslin Underwear
New shipments arriving dally, enabling us to of
fer values bigger and better. No woman who has
♦he least regard for saving should fall to profit
by these wonderful offers,
COMBINATIONS of best Muslin includes Draw
ers and Corset Covers, trimmed with lace, and
beading, ribbo n run, extra good
at 75c, Friday UVC
ably the best
Silk Faille
ever made at
the price, in
every new
and staple
shade, crisp
new goods,
r l .’. 50c
Extra fine Muslin’,
trimmed back and
front with Insertions,
heading, ribbon, etc.,
69c value, x
Friday yOL
Stocking darners, black, white,
best wood, polished, 10C
Safety pins, nickled plated, Defen
der brand, all sizes, 7 _
Coat’s Darning Cotton, black,
white, tan, limited, j—
-3 spools for OC
J. O. King’s Basting Cotton, 600
yard spools, -j _
limited OC
Dressing Pins, 200 count, flino
points, 6 papers j—
for OC
Tooth Brushes, good bristles, as
sorted handles, 15c and 19c
values IUC
Fancy China One-Half Price—drummers' samples,
every piece of It exquisitely hand pointed and
worth double the price—salad howls, chop plates,
vases, chocolate pots, cracker jars, celery trays,
and other pieoes of fancy china, no two alike, \
prices range <C IA A A
from 25c to
B. & H. Lamps— Large size, centre draft, com
plete with chimney, burner and 10 Inch white
dome shade, dandy to study by, a(\
$2.00 value OI• »V
. Knive* and Fork*—Rogers Bros., famous 1847
triple plated knives anefc forks, will wear a life
time, set of six each, worth $6.00, 4§
Table Tumblers—plain lead blowm, _
very thin, 60c dozen value .. OVC
Crank Blfter* —IOO best tin, best rv
revolving crank sifters, 15c value VC
Enamel Ware, 24c—1,000 pieces three coated ster
ling aluminum enamelled ware, all large pieces,
with or without covers, 'J Ar>
35c to SI.OO values AtC
New Cut Gla»s —Appeals to critical connlosseura
because of its simplicity, each design so clearly
defined that It adds an 'individual charm, berry
bowls, water pitchers, puff boxes, celery trays,
vases, comports and other pieces, QO
$4,00 to SB.OO values, choice 4(A.7t>
FROM 11 A. M. TO 12 M.
6 1 4c Bleaching, soft needle finish, yard wide,
well known make, will cut a
any number of yards T'C
12 l-2e Dress Ginghams elegant
new fall patterns, pretty scotch
plaids, stripes |
Or solids, special 1 DC
12 l-2c Cotton Suiting, in every
combination piaid or figure, wears
like much higher
material J
26c Outings for kimonos, all the
new designs, 100 pieces to select
from, light or f
dark IOC
Pure Groceries
Full Weights—Full Measures.
Breakfast Bacon 15c lb.
The Helmet Brand, Sugar Cured
Boneless Breakfast Bacon, lean,
narrow strips, averaging 4 to 5
pounds, streaked just right with
lean and fat, tomorrow, .
BEST 70c TEAS 50c
500 lbs. choicest pickings of the
spring leaf, your choice of all
varieties, rn
pound DUC
Our popular E. C. I). Blend, spe
oial priced,
pound IVC
Sweet and delicious, pure j
creamery, pound %)IC
Finest Mandhellng Java (k Ara
bian Mocha, deliciously aromatic,
3 pounds, $1.00; if
pound uuC
Rio Blend, king of all popular
priced coffees, |*> _
City Club Brand, in _
sealed tins, pound ZuL
of standard Muslins
and Cambrics, hem
stitched and tucked,
both styles, all sizes,
specially -7
priced, at ~.,^*JC
Ironing Wax, regular 5c g»
value, 2 sticks for OC
Ironing Pads, make iron- |
ing a pleasure, eaon IUC
Pearl Buttons, good quality, 2 and
4 holes, 10c doz.
vaiuo OC
Pearl Buttons, extra line, regular
16c value, 2 and 4 |/v_
holes, dozen IVC
Jet Buttons, latest and moat fash
ionable buttons,, all Bizes and
styles, $3.60 dozen, 25C
12 l-2c and 15c F'lannelette, the
new fall patterns are the prettiest
we have ever seen, j rv
Floral or Oriental IUC
Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches, of
best muslin, hemmed ready for
use, three Inch A/-*
hem ”C
19c Cotton Suiting, heavy grade
for street or business wear, all
the pretty wanted dark|<-j| / _
colors, in strpies .. . I«