The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 16, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
SATURDAY, OCT. 16. MANY a man would be unable to enjoy the healthful exerciseof golf •I the telephone did not keep him in touch with his business. A word over the wire saves him an hour’s delay tn leaving the office. There is another reason. The busy man’s day is made shorter by the Bell Service, which brings him in instant communi cation, not only with his fellow townsman, but with correspondents in distant cities. The Bell System provides universal service to meet the needs of all users. Are YOU a subscriber? SOUTHERN SELL £ TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. A IN THE AUGUSTA CHURCHES Baptist Calvary Baptist Mission. Corner Greene and Houston streets. Sunday school 4 o’clock. Lesson: Paul, a Prisoner Before Felix, Acts 24:1-27, Prayer meeting Tuesday at 8 o’clock. Mr. Edwin Hill, of the Y. M. C. A., will conduct the ser vice. A cordial welcome to all. Catholic Sacred Heart Church. Corner Greene and McKlnne street a. Rector, Rev. J. Sherry, S. J. Pastors, Rev. J. Lonergan, S. J., and Rev. A. McCready, S. J. Morning service—Mass es at 6:30, 6:20, 7:30 and 9:30. Sunday school at 10:15. High mass at 11. Even ing service—gßosary and Benediction at 8 o’clock. St. Patrick’s Church. Rev. Fr. Bazin, V. pastor. Sunday masses at 7, 9 and 10:30 o’clock. Vespers at 8 p. m. The Grand David Betasco presents David Warfield in “ THE MUSIC MASTER ” Prices 75c to $2.00 SEATS NOW SELLING. DR. SOPHIA C. DAVIB. Specialist in Woman’s Disease!. Many years of practical experience Hospital, home treatment under per sonal supervision given at 1035 Broad St Consultation free. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Call or write DR. SOPHIA C. DAVIS, 1035 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. The Man Who Drives the Plow is the most Independent of all workers. He 13 his own. man ager. His acres are his king dom. But to be independent means that he must take care of himself. It is his duty to himself and those depending on him to make his welfare se cure. There is only one sure way of doing this and that is by keeping a bank account. Whenever you make a sale from the products of your farm, come around and deposit the proceeds with us. Then you can pay all your bills with checks and need never worry about the safety of your money or the danger of paying a bill twice through lack of a receipt. Irish American 4 Bank “THE BANK FOR YOUR SAV r INGS.” FOUR PER CENT INTEREST, SEMI-ANNUALLY. Episcopal. Church of the Atonement. Morning prayer at 11 a. m. Evening prayer at sp. m. Sunday school and Bible class at 4p. m. Bible instruc tion Friday at 5 p. m. Monday—• Feast of St. Luke —Holy communion at 11 a. m. Rev. S. B. Carpenter, rector. St. Paul’s Church. Rev. G. Sherwood Whitney, rector. 8 a. m. celebration of the Holy Com munion. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a, m. morning prayer and sermon. 5 p. m. evening prayer. Methodist St. Lukes Methodist Church Corner St. Luke street and Craw ford avenue. Rev. J. P. Erwin, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday schdol at 3:30 o’clock. Mid-week prayer service 7:45 p. m. Wednesday evening. Epworth league devotional service 7:45 p. m. Broadway M. E. Church Corner Broad and Mills streets, Rev, E. F. Dempsey, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o’clock p. m., MONDAY NIGHT SICK HEADACHE CARTER’S SpITTLE fIVER JHUs. regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE CARTERS ffIITTLE SIVER ■mbß | WELLS’ BIJOU Matinees 3:30 and 5:00. Night 8:15 and 9:30. HYTONE CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE 7-810 AC TS-? PRICES Matinees —Adults 10c, Chil dren sc. Nights—Admission 10c. Reserved Seats, 10c Extra. The Grand Tonight CHAS. H. YALE Announces THE DEVIL'S AUCTION PRICES: Night 25c to $1.50 SEATS NOW SELLING. The Grand The Great Football Play “STRONGHtAPr With BURTON L. KING. Seats ready Monday. Matinee 25c to SI.OO Night 25c to $1.50 Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Bad Taste In the Mouth, Cbated Tongue. Pain In the Side, TORPID DIVER. They Genuine Must Bear Fact-Simile Signature REFUSF SllßSSTtrisTi:^ Next Wednes day Matinee and Night TROY WAS STRUCK BY THE CYCLONE Engine of the Troy Oil Mill Was Struck By Lightning During Storm Special to The Herald. TROY, S. C.—A severe electrical and hail storm, with a havy downpour of rain, visited this town Thursday after noon, and until 12 o’clock Thursday night. The wind blew furiously, and Friday it was in whirls, but aside from the engine of the Troy oil mill being struck by light ning there was no damage done. The bolt made its way into the pressroom, where a bale of cotton was being packed, burning a good deal of lint. It is almost miraculous that no one was hurt, as all the operators of the mill were in their places. by the pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m., Wilfred C. Lyeth, superinten dent. Prayer service Wednesday eve ning at 8 o’clock. Sunday school teachers’ meeting Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Grace Methodist Church. North Augusta, Rev. J. L. Stokes, D. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor, and at 7:30 by Rev. Dr. J. W. Daniel, presiding elder. Sunday school at 4 o'clock, Mr. L. F. Verdery, superintendent. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, r Asbury Church. H. W. Joiner, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m: All are cordially invited to at tend the services at Asbury. St. John Methodist Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Ser vices at 8 p. m. Bishop E. R. Hen drix will preach. The congregations will join St. James in the morning service in honor of the bishop’s visit, and St. James will join in worship at St. John at 8 p. m. St. Luke’s Methodist, John B. Erwin pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. .and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. Reception of members at the morning service. Sunday school at 3 p. m., W. B. Toole, superintendent. St. James Church Rev. Richard Wilkinson, D. D., pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Bishop E. R, Hendrix, of the M. E. church, South. No service at night, as the congre gation will worship at St. John’s Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Epworth League at 7.30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service on Wednes day evening at 8 o’clock. Presbyterian Greene Street Presbyterian Church Between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. The Rev. George E. Guille, pastor. Morning service at 11:15; evening service at 8 o’clock. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Wednesday even ing prayer service and Bible study at 8 o’clock. A seating and a greeting for everyone. First Presbyterian Church, Corner Telfair and Seventh streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the Rev. J. S. Foster, D.D., of Petersburg, Pa. Sabbath school at 4p. m. Wednesday evening prayer service at 8 o’clock. Reid Memorial Church (on the Hill). Sunday school at 4:00 p. m. Adult Bible class at 5:15 p. m., conducted (alternately) by well known Bibile students. Attractive music and strangers cordially invited tO' attend. COLORED CHURCHES Baptist Central Baptist Church, Walker street, near the Union sta tion, Rev. R. J. Johnson, pastor. Pray er meeting at 6 o’clock. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Sun day school at 3 p. m. The public is invited to all services. Metropolitan Baptist Church. Rev. R. H. W. Murray, pastor. Preaching at 11 o’clock a. m. by Bro. J. C. Dean. Sunday school at 3 o’clock p. m. Preaching at night at 8 o’clock by same above named, J. C. Doan. N. H. Lewis, C. C. Canaan Baptist Church. Corner of Kollock and Hopkins Sts. Rev. A. D. Dunbar, pastor. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school at 3 p. m., L. P. Bailey, superintendent All aro cordially invited to attend Tabernacle Baptist Church. Rev. C. T. Walker, D. D., LL.D., pastor. Early prayer meeting at 6 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. Friends and the public cordially In vited to all services. Twiggs Street Baptist. Corner of Watkins and Twiggs streets, Rev. S. L. Brooks, pastor. Early prayer meeting at 6 a. m. and preaching at 11 a. m. Sun day school 3:30 p. m. Preaching at 8:30 p. m. Come out and take a part with us in the services. J. M. Harris, C. C. Moses Baptist Church, Corner of Wild and Walker streets. Prayer meeting at 6 o’clock a. m. Preaching at 11 o’clock a. m. Sab bath school at 4 o’clock p. m. Preach ing at 88:30 by pastor, .1. H. Welbom. Public is cordially invited. J. E. Ed wards. C. C. Colored Y. M. C. A. Rev. R. J. McCann. B. D., will be the speaker at the colored Y. M. C. A. building at 5 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 17. Ail colored men invited. C. T. Walker, president; Silas X. Floyd, secretary. BACKACHE MEANS DIRIV KIDNEYS Just a Few Doses Will Clean and Regulate the Kidneys and Bladder and Make You Feel Fine. No man or woman here whose kid neys are out-of-order, or who suf fers from backache or bladder misery, can afford to leave Pape’s Diuretic untried. After taking several doses, ail pains in the back, sides or loins, rheumatic twinges, nervousness, headache, sleeplessness, inflamed or swollen eyelids, dizziness, tired or worn-out feeling and other symptoms of clogged, sluggish kidneys stinply vanish. Uncontrollable urination (especial ly at night,) smarting, discolored water and all bladder misery ends. The moment you suspect the slight est kidney or bladder disorder, or feel rheumatism pains, don’t continue to be miserable or worried, but get a fifty-cent treatment of Pape’s Diu retic from your druggist and start taking as directed, with the knowl edge that there is no other medi cine, at any price, made anywhere else in the world, which is so harm less or will effect so thorough and prompt a cure. This unusual preparation goes di rect to the cause of trouble, distri buting its cleansing, healing and vi talizing influence directly upon the organs and glands affected and com pletes the cure before you realize it. A few days’ treatment of Pape’s Diuretic means clean, healthy, ac tive kidneys, bladder and urinary or gans—and you feel fine. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cincinnati, is a large and responsi ble medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Accept only Pape’s Diuretic —lifty- cent treatment—from any drug store —anywhere in the world HOKE SMITH HAD NARROW ESCAPE Wife of Governor Brown Also Came Near Being Seriously Injured as Re sult of Storm. (Herald Bureau, Candler Building-) ATT, ANT A, Ga. Former Governor Hoke Smith and Mrs. Joseph M. Brown, the wife of the present governor, had narrow escapes from death in the heavy hall storm in Atlanta Thursday afternoon. Just as the hail storm broke the ex-gov ornor sat at his desk in the Peters build ing. lie needed a document, which was in an adjoining room, and he arose and went after it, and just as he walked out a piece of hail about the size of a man’s fist crashed through the awning, smashed a heavy window pane into smithereens, and c.fished into fragments on the desk at a point just below where the govern or’s head would have been had he kopt his seat. When the hall and windstorm began Mrs. Brown and a maid hurried to the second story of the executive mansion to close down some windows. Just as Mrs. Brown reached the scene a large hail stone hurtled through the upper part of a heavy window glass. A piece of falling glass struck her on the chest. That she was not badly hurt was due to a heavy dress she wore at the time. As the maid started to close the window a glass was smashed and a hail stone nearly as large as a tea cup struck her in the forehead. She staggered back from ihe blow, blood streaming from a jagged wound. Her injury was not serious but very palnfut. GREAT NEWS ' FROM CHINA Lady in China Asks to Have Letter Published Telling How Cardui Helped Her CHINA, Tex.—’“Publish this letter, as I wish to praise Cardui to all wo men who suffer as I did,” writes Mrs. G. J. Coleman. ”1 had awful pains every month, misplacement, local troubles, in fact almost, every female trouble a woman could have, but after I took one bot tle of Cardui 1 found relief and now I have taken eight bottles and am almost well. “i suffered for eight months, be fore I began to take the great medi cine which has almost cured me. ”1 think It Is the only remedy in the world, for ladies who suffer from female trouble.” No minerals, no poisonous drugs, no glycerin, no ingredient with any possible harmful after-effect, is used in the manufacture of Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui acts gently, In a specific manner, on the womanly organs, and has a strengthening effect on the en tire female constitution. It improves the appetite, aids di gestion, regulates the functions, steadies the nerves, helps to increase nerve force and energy. When you need a tonic, take Car dui—the woman’s tonic. It will help you. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the good it did t.o them. Why not you? Will you try it? It can’t hurt you. It may be just what you need. Step into the nearest druggist's. He has it. THE POLICE FOUND WHISKEY ON WHARF Specia to The Herald. CHARLESTON. S. C.—The vigi lance of the police officers on the Clyde Steamship company wharves resulted in fourteen cases and two barrels of whiskey being shipped back to Jacksonville. The officers of the raiding squad gave the consignees no opportunity to deliver the stuff and they have sent it south probably with a view of later on trying to get it back through successfully. The police and constables continue to show much vigilance, seizing and holding up considerable quantities of liquors. Notwithstanding their vigi lance, however, the blind tigers man age to do business. BOARD OF CHARITIES MET YESTERDAY A meeting: or the Board of Charities was held at the court house Friday after noon, with Chairman E. H. Hook presid ing. The reports road showed that there was much work in store for the board, and that a large number of applicants for aid had received food and other help during the past month. First Girl —I want to give my fiance a surprise for a birthday present. Can’t you suggest something? Second Girl—-Well, you might tell him your age.—Kansas City Journal Saturday Night. 1 hat's Tonight for After Supper Shopping Be Sure and Drop In. Visit Without Fail. Mullarky & Sullivan’s Where Special inducements are offered the careful and thrifty people of Au gusta to do their Saturday night shopping. Saturday night will see a big crowd out on Broad Street and a special and cordial invitation is extended you to drop in at Mullarky & Sullivan’s. As usual the tirst five customers to ask for Light House Washing Powder from f> to 7 will he served free. The same offer of the first five customers to ask for Armour’s Soap from 7 to 8, will be served free. Look Over this Great List of Real Snappy Seasonable Bargains Tt will he worth your while to do your Saturday night shopping at Mullarky & Sullivan’s tonight. 6 TO 7 P. M. LIGHT HOUSE WASHING POWDER. Unequalled for washing and cleaning, makes hard water soft; America's best prepara tion for tho laundry, . 3 for IUC The first five customers at tills hour to get free package. TALCUM PONDER. Large tin boxes, tfir. 8 for IUC SAFETY PINS. 5c large size, nickel- g« plated, 2 dozen for OC LADIES’ HOSE. Fast black and tan, «I / , seamless, at * /2i Corset Covers For Saturday’s Sate 50 dozen Corset Covers, bought for Saturday’s soil ing; neatly trimmed in new slyles lace and em broidery; attractively mnde of soft finished . Nainsook, at a surprisingly low price of.. Dress Sateens 3,000 yards Dress Sateens, new fall styles; White, Navy, Brown and Garnet grounds; some with side borders, at only lUC Muslin Gowns A Manufacturer’s lot of $1.50 Muslin Gowns, the very best styles in low, high and v-neck; a stun ning lot this Saturday, (p t all day, only %pl Comforts Five Bales Heavy Cotton Comforts. «g --tomorrow, special, at J 100 Comforts, large, a leader, choice d* < Sllkollne patterns, at only «pl Dress Goods 100 pieces Fancy Dress Goods, good, honest wear ing material, ip attractive ( patterns, only ZOC Belting for Saturday Silk, Moire, and Mercerised Wash Belting, | solid colors and fancy, only yard lUC Ji Towel Leader Below manufacturer's cost. Housekeepers, hero it it: large-size Buck Towers, 33x18, red hemmed vor ders, close grain, Saturday only Iv/C Torchon Laces 2,000 yards imported Torchon Lace, fine light weight, attractive patterns; t J / value OV4 to Bc, at /'2S' Mullarky & Sullivan Go. SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED MILL SOON READY Special to The Herald. CHARLESTON. S. C—Activity marks the installation of the ma chinery for the operation of the Sea Island cotton seed mill on Southern wharf, and it is expected that next week a test, of the plant will be made and by the end of the month the plant will be in full operation, crushing about twenty-five tons a day, making money tor the company and at the same time disposing of the long staple seed with a view of keep ing it off the market and to this ex- Consumers See Delivery Co ICE Wood and Coal Phones 332 and 333 JOHN SANCKEN. Mgr GREAT AFTER SUPPER SALES FLOTILLA TOILET SOAP, For the bath, regular r -5c soap, 2 cakes for 7 TO 8 P. M. ARMOUR’S SOAP. Celebrated Laundry Soap, large size cakes, pure quality, 3 for IUC The first, five customers at this hour, to get free soap. 10c PERCALES. Double fold light and j dark colors, at 50c CUSHION COVERS Woven Tapestry, ail colors, at ■“ ' C Up-Set Sick Feeling that follows taking a dose of castor oil, salts or calomel, is about the worst you can endure —Ugh—it gives one the creeps. You don’t have to have it —CASCARETS move the bowel9 —tone up the liver —without these bad feelings. Try them. CASCARETS ioc a box for a week** treatment, all dniesosts. Biggest bc Her In the world. Million boxes a month. tent controlling the Sea Island cotton market. MEN’S 12'/ 2 c SOX Black and Tan, '7l/ n seamless, at • /Jv 9 TO 10 P. M. 15c Talcum Powder, largo size, at / v MEN’S FLEECE Shirts and Drawers, -y g* brown mixed, at MEN’S 50 SHIRTS Colored Negligee, choice styles, at OVC $1.25 BLANKETS * Roman stripe, soft and ** g» warm, at » Men’s Qoc President Suspenders at OOC Pillow Cases 15c Pillow Cases, hemmed, ready . y-v for use, large size, at IUC 12%0 White Curtain Swiss; neat new q patterns; wide widths, at OC Hosiery Economy Something New for Augusta We are now Augusta agents for America’s famous “Cadet Hosiery,” for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Scientifically made, with twisted linen heels and toes, of fine double twisted Egyptian yarn that is guaranteed to give double the wear of any other Hosiery, or money refunded. We back It up. This Is hosiery economy never known before here. Mlhsoh Cadet Rib Hose, Lisle and Cotton, Linen heel and toe. Linen knee; black, tan, and white; all sizes, from 5 to 10 inch; _ light arid medium weight, at C Boys’ Cadet Black Rib Hose, heavy weight, Linen toe, heel and knee; from 6 to 10, at.’. 1 .ladies’ Black and lan Lisle Cadet Hose, plain lisle, lightweight, 5-Inch rib top, garter _ ’ clasp proof; linen heel anil toe. at JLoCt Ladles' black, fine rib Cadet Hose, linen heel and toe, extra elastic; warranted to outwear two pairs of any 50c hose i n Augusta. This is the manufac turer’s guarantee, and - we back it up, at Persian Silk Trimming 200 pieces, all colors, Persian Silk bands and braids, all color combinations worked with silk 1 and tinsel; value, 25c and 35c, at one price.. IUC Reductions in Buttons Metal Dress Buttons for fall trimmings; regular value 15c to 25c, _ special at gC Outing Flannel Two cases light patterns, pink and blue ■— check and stripe, Saturday, at Oil Cloth 25c best standard quality, widest j p width, all colors, at IOC PAGE THREE