Newspaper Page Text
Thousands upon thousands of wom
en have kidney or bladder trouble and
never suspect It
Women's complaints often prove to
be nothing else but kidney trouble,
or the result of kidney or bladder dis
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other
organs to become diseased.
You msy suffer a great deal with
pain In the back, beartng-d'-wn feel
ings, headache and loss of
Poor health makes you nervous, Ir
ritable and may be despondent; It
makes any one so.
But thousands of irritable, nervous,
tired and broken-down women have
restored their health and strength by
the use of Swamp-Root, the great
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy.
Swamp-Root brings new life and ac
tivlty to the kidneys, the cause of
such troubles.
Many *end for a sample bottle to
see what Swamp-Root, the great Kid
ney. Liver and Bladder Remedy will
So for them. Bvery reader of this
paper, who has not already tried it,
may address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hampton, N. Y., and receive sample
bottle free by mail. You can pur
chase the regular flfty-cent and one
dollar size bottles at all drug stores.
(Herald Bureau, Candler Building.)
ATLANTA, Oa. —Census supervis
ors sre planning to hold a big con
vention In Atlanta. E. Dana Durand,
director of the census of Washington,
P. C., who is planning for the con
Tentlon, will preside. Supervisors
will be here from all over the South.
Th« purpose of the convention is to
Instruct supervisors in the details in
Che wortc of enumeration that the
enumeration districts may be mapped
out and that s general discussion and
consultation on the entire work may
be bad. There will b« about BO super.
are cured to stay cured by
Because it removes the cause. We have not known a case wherein
TSST if it should not in your case, we will return
your money. This is a genuine ofler and should be accepted.
Whitman's Confectioneries
If your best girl is fond of Candy, bo sure to see us.
We have the candy she likes. Our fruit cakes are
the l>est in the world. Let us have your Xmas or
der now.
1002 Broad Street.
Not a Dollar Need be Paid Until Satisfied
Consult DR. HOLBROOK & CO., Specialists
We cure and not merely
promise all diseases we ac
cept tor treatment. Our
specialty: Nervous. Chronic
and special IHaeuses of men
and women. Tou run no
risk; we taka all chances.
Wa advertise what we do;
■we do what we advertise.
Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. in.
•sen day Sunday: 9a. ra.
to I p m Separata ltecep-
tlon rooms for ladles. Oldest established and most suc-
WE CURE oesaful up-to-date Specialists In our
Pitas, Rheumatism. Old line l n Augusta.
Boras, Skin Diseases, Heart, Liver, Stomach. Kidneys, Nervous
ness. Catarrh, Weakness. Gonorrhea Gleet. Syphilis, Old Sores, ixiss
of Manly Vfcar, Varicocele and lydrocele and all Nervous. Chronic
and Special Diseases of Men and Women.
Dyer Bldg-, Fifth Floor. Bu!ts 504-6-6-7 8. Ask Elevntor Boy.
===== at =====
Richards Stationery Co.
Mr. Chastain, a Promi
nent Young Lawyer from
City on Georgia and'
Florida, Predicts Boom.
Mr. E. S. Chastain, a prominent
lawyer of Nashville, Ga.. who was
among the South Georgia visitors to
Augusta Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday Is high In his praise of Au
gusta. He says the citizens here
make most excellent hosts. The
things that seems to have struck him
most were the beauty of the city It
self and the good roads of Richmond
county. He says he took an auto
ride In the country near here and was
pleasingly surprised.
Mr. Chastain talks Interestingly of
the country around Nashville and all
along the Georgia and Florida road.
Many of the towns on the new route
were very hard to get to and only
short roads connected them with the
outer world, hut now they are direct
ly connected with the most prosper
ous section of the south. He sees the
brightest prospects ahead for that ter
ritory. Raising long staple cotton
seems to bo the main agricultural pur
suit of his section and good prices
are realized from that staple. He de
clares what the South Georgia places
need are more people and he believes
before long many new Industries will
soon be opened up since railroad con
naetlon has been so materially Im
Mr. Chastain left Friday morning
with the "Georgia and Florida Bpe-‘
clal” crowd and says It will not be
long before he will make a return
trip to Augusta.
visors In attendance. The BesHlona
will probably be held at the Piedmont
■ .JJ
Otit-Of-O rder Stomachs
Feel Fine About Five
Minutes After Taking a
Little Diapepsin.
Nothing will remain undigested oi
sour on your stomach If you will take
a little Diapepsin occasionally. This
powerful digestive and antacid,
though as harmless and pleasant as
candy, will digest and prepare for
assimilation Into the blood all the
.food you can eat.
Eat what your stomach craves,
without the slightest fear of Indi
gestion or that you will be bothered
'with sour risings, Belching, Gaa on
Stomach, Heartburn, Headaches from
stomach. Nausea, Bad Breath, Watcit
Brash or a feeling like you had wwal
lowed a lump of lead, or other dis
agreeable miseries Should you be
suffering now from any stomach dis
order you can get relief within five
If you will get from your phar
macist a 50-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsin you oould always go to the
table with a hearty appetite, and
your meals would taste good, because
you would know there would be no
Indigestion or Sleepless nights or
Headache or Stomach misery ail the
next day; and, besides, you would not
need laxatives or liver pills to keep
your stomach and bowels clean and
Pape's Diapepsin can be obtained
from your druggist, and contains
more than sufficient to thoroughly
.cure the worst case of Indigestion
•r Dyspspsla. There Is nothing bet
ter for Gaa on the Stomach or sour
odors from tha stomach or to cure a
Stomach Headache.
You couldn't keep a handler or more
useful article In tha house.
Prominent Douglas Prop
erty Owner Pleased with
City—Talks of South
Mr. Frank Appleby, a r<*pr<»ae*ntativp
real estate own#r from Douglas stated
to a reprrn*ntativQ of The Herald
that he was very much pleased with
Augusta and its people.
“This 1h my first trip to Augusta. 1 "
said Mr. Appleby, "Hut l have never
visited a*city with which I was more
pleased. The entertainment com
mittee has done everything possible
to make us enjoy ourselves and
everybody seems to he doing so. The
opening of the road means a rapid
growth to Augusta and to South
Georgia. The country is an unde
veloped empire, rich In thousands of
acres of fertile soil, millions of feet
of uncut lumber and the naval stores
industry. The growth of South
Georgia has been wonderful for the
past five years, hut It is not to be
compared with what it will he from
this time on. The people of Doug
las like Augusta more than any Geor
gia city, and it only remains for Au
gusta business firms to put represen
tatives in the territory and the trade
is theirs."
Only 10 mor c days to pay State and
County Taxes.
President of Ci tizens Bank
of Douglas Delighted
With Augnsta.
Mr. B. H. Turner, president of the
Citizens Bank of Douglas. Go., said
ho considered the opening of the
Georgia and Florida the greatest
event in the history of Augusta,
Hi was very much enthused over
the reesption accorded the arrivals
In the city Wednesday night, and
stated that he was very pinch pleased
with the city and particularly so with
its people. "We have been highly
entertained and nothing has been left
undone to make us comfortable. Al
though we have only been In the city
a short while we feel like home folks,
and know that we are welcome. The
opening of the road means much to
Augusta, but It means equally as
much to Douglas. The people o*
Douglas are very kindly disposed to
Augusta as a trading centre arid it
will reap Its full benefit of the
growth of the country which I believe
will now be phenomenal.”
“We have been treated SO kindly
up here In Augusta that we want
some of the Augusta people to come
down our way and let us reciprocate
the courtesies I understand that there
is going to be an excursion of Au
gusta merchants down the line of the
Georgia and Florida, and I am sure
they will be as pleased with Douglas
as we are with Augusta.”
t —-W- * ■ 1 »
Only 10 mor e days to pay Stato and
County Taxes.
(Herald Bureau, Candler Building.l
ATLANTA, (la The state board of
veterinary examiners will meet at the
capltol. Idee. 2S. to examine candi
dates for practice of veterinary med
icine or surgery In the state. Dr. Pe
ter F. Bahnsen of Americus Is secre
1 ~T 1 .
Only 10 mor e day* to pay State and
County Tax**.
\ Use
Mr. James U. Jackson
President for Fiftk Year
—Practically tke Same
At the annual meeting of the
Georgla-Carolina Fair association
; held in the Chamber of Commerce
i Thursday night, with very few ex
, captions the officers and directorate
of the last fair were re-elected. The
meeting was one of the most enthu
siastic that has been held In the his
tory of the association and the affairs
were shown to be in a very flourish
ing condition.
One of the first matters to come be
fore the meeting was the re-election
; of officers. Messrs. J. H. Milligan,
j o. K. Macrnurphey and Dr. T. E. Oer
tel were named a committee to make
j the nominations. Mr. James U. Jack
on was nominated for president He
declined the honor, stating that he
I had held the position for four years,
and he would rather not hold It any
I longer. He was, however, unani
mously elected to the position and was
prevailed upon to accept It.
Mr. J. C. Lamar was next re-elect
ed to the position of vice-president
Mr. R. C. Berckmans who has held
i the position of managing director of
the association was elected second
Capt. Frank E. Beane was re
elected secretary.
Mr. C. C. Howard was re-elected
The following directorate was
elected: C. S. Bohler, J. M. Crans
ton, John J. Evans, J. J. O'Connor,
D. Slusky, J. Willie Levy, T. J. Daly,
C. J. Crawford, Thos. Barrett, Jr., W.
P. White, C. B. Harmon, M. J. Halla
han, A. B. Von Kamp, W. W. Morton,
A. H. DeVaughan, Vs J. Cooney, Dr.
A. ('. Wade, Walter Cheatham, L. J.
Williams, Bryan Lawrence, Dr. W. D.
Wright, A. A Thomas, Dr. W. E.
Mr Jackson made his annual re
port to the association which showed
It to be In a flourishing condition. The
association has a capital stock of $25,-
oon, a bonded Indebtedness of $16.-
000 and property worth $70,000. The
total receipts lor the last fair were
$ 1 b',ooo against $12,000 lust year.
AT Y. M. C. A.
Rev. 1,. M. Twiggs, pastor of the
Broadway Methodist church, will deliver
an address to young men on "Christian
Heroism” at the Young Men Christian
assoclalion, Sunday, December 12. All
the young men are cordially invited to
be present.
Only 10 mor e days to pay State and
County Taxes.
Useful Xmas Gifts on
A Charge Account la
more useful at Christ,
mas time than at any
other time of the year
Christmas appeals in an especial
manner to the generosity of every
man and woman. The desire to
make those near and dear to us
happy is felt by all. The size of
one’s purse is the only thing which
R revents. At such a time the
lenter & Rosenbloom Co. does
splendid service. You will soon
see how great this service can be
if you open an account and buy
your useful gifts on our liberal
credit plan. Come and see us.
Open an Account Early
for Christmas Buying.
It I
if n
f 4 ll>l I
l i \
111 I I ft
'liK! IK
ili \J>
Xmas Gifts for Men
Nobby Winter Saits, $15.00 np
Fine Anto Overcoats, $lO pp
CraveneHe Raincoats, $lO up
Stiff and Soft Hats, $1.50 to $3
Boys* and Children's Saits
and Overcoats, $3 to sls
■- pSpggPiaJ
The Way of the Transgressor is Lard
The wise housewife specifies Cottolene every time in place
of lard. Anyone with a particle of respect for his stomach
would prefer a pure vegetable product to one made from the
fat of a hog. Cottolene is always pure; lard isn’t.
Cottolene will make more palatable food than lard, and food
that any stomach can digest with ease. Lard is a foe to digestion.
You can prove every word we say by trying a pail
of Cottolene. All good grocers sell it; all the great
cooking authorities of America recommend it.
COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Y ? u 7 roc " is hrrchy authori " d ,o
refund your money in case you are
not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test.
Never Sold in Bulk ”
from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc.
mo son NEWS
4IKF.N, S. C.—Messrs. Henry Gun
ter and J. W. Lybrand of Wagener
were In the city Thursday.
Mrs. Lelia Woodward is reported
quite sick at her home on York street.
Her many friends hope for her a
speedy recovery.
Capt. J. M. Richardson has gone
to Norfolk, Y r a., on business.
Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock and fam
ily has arrived in the city.
Dr. J. E. Allaben, of Rockford, 111.,
Is visiting his brother, Rev. A. E. Al
Mr. W. P. Hutto, of Salley, was in
Aiken on business Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Goss of Kitching arrived
In the city Friday on a visit to her
mother, Mrs. McCarty.
Mr. Guy Phelps of York, has
rented the Dinsmono residence anA Is
940 Broad Street
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings Late
expected in the city soon.
Mrs. Julia E. Hope, of Farming
ton, Me., has rented the Badger cot
tage and is expected to arrive
The northern tourists are coming in
every day.
The stock men of the city report
that they are doing a rushing busi
ness selling mules to make fifteen
cents cotton.
The heirs at law r of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Rumley, deceased, divided
the estate without the aid of the
courts here Thursday.
Mr. Abby Woodward, of Bethcar
section, was in the city Thursday.
2 Full and Complete Leased Wire Services
In The Augusta Sunday Herald
If you ar e Interested in the news
of the world, the best news, the fresh
est news, the full and complete wire
news—you’ll find It in Sunday’s Her-
Xmas Gifts for Ladies
For Scarfs and Mnffs, $2.50 up
Lace and Silk Waists, $1.50 up
Sty HA Lond Coats, SIO.OO up
Fine Tailored Slits, $13.00 up
Beanttfwl Tripled flats, $3 up
fine Separate Starts, $8»00 up
Mr. D. B. McMenamln, of Chster
town, Mr., has come to Aiken and is
staying at Mrs. Atkinson for the win
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Byrnes has
gone to Mulberry, Fla.
Miss Estey is in Aiken getting the
Palmetto Inn ready for the season.
Mr. S. S. Goss, of Howellton is
spending the week here.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rumley, of
Bath were in Aiken Thursday.
Mr. Wade Hankerson, of Talatha,
S. C. was in the city Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hightower,
of Warrenvllle visited Aiken Thurs
day. ,
aid. You get just double the wire
news and service in Sunday’s Herald
that you find in any other Augusta
Sunday newspaper. Read Sunday's
Herald and see for yourself.
Open an Account now
and make your Christ
mas buying easy. Fay
when you can.
Every man and woman knows
the value of a credit account at
Christmas time. Then of all the
times of the year is when the
demand on your purse is heaviest.
Why not let us help you this Christ
mas? We can do it in so many
ways. You have some gifts, larger
than others, that you want to give,
but do not feel that you can afford
it. Get those gifts here. We will
trust you, and payments can be
arranged at your convenience.
Open an Account Early
for Christmas Buying.