Newspaper Page Text
His Be-oort on Fee System
Contained Appreciation
of Courtesies Shown.
In Thursday’s Herald was given a
portion of the report made by Salem
Dutcher, Esq., to the county commis
sion in regard to the fee system. Ow
ing to the exigencies of space some
of the report was omitted. This part
is given below. It embodies a state
ment in regard to the cordial manner
in which the various officers assisted
Mr. Dutcher in obtaining the desired
data and also gives further informa
tion in regard to the change of the
officers from the fee system to a sal
ary basis. The ommitted portion fol
lows :
Lastly, there is to be considered
the subject of pacing th e solicitors,
clerk, and sheriff on a salary instead
of a fee basis. For reasons which
will hereafter become apparent, it is
necessary to consider the two courts
separately on this matter.
The solicitor general is a constitu
tional officer. His salary is fixed by
the organic law, and while the gen
eral assembly may, by a two-thirds
vote of each house, increase or dimin
ish the amount no such change can
affect any officer then in commission.
His compensation by fees is fixed by
the general state law and no local
law can alter it.
The clerk of the superior court and
the sheriff are county officers, and
their compensation by fees is fixed by
general law, and no local law ca
change it, though any local law giv
ing them or the solicitor general ad
ditional compensation out of the coun
ty treasury is subject to repeal at any
The city court is a purely statutory
court. It has no constitutional sta
tus. It may be created, altered or
abolished by the general assemhfly
in any county at any time. What is
said of the court itself applies to its
officers. Their compensation is pure
ly statutory, and the amount and na
ture of that compensation may law
fully be changed at any time.
There is no legal obstacle in the
way of legislation which would put
the solicitor, clerk and sheriff of
Richmond city court on a salary in
stead of a fee basis; nor is there any
Lovely Hair
Easy to Have it When You Get Rid
of Dandruff.
To properly treat the hair so that
it will grow abundantly and luxuri
antly, one should first banish dan
druff and stop falling hair and itch
ing scalp. This can easily be done
it kills them so promptly that the
Viost skeptical give it praise.
But Parisian Sage is more than a
cure for dandruff —it will make hair
grow on any head where the hair bulb
is not altogether dead.
And we want every reader of the
Augusta Herald to know that Parisian
Sage is the most delightful hair dress
ing in the world. It is so pleasant to
use, and its effect is so invigorating
and refreshing, that it pleases every
And to the ladies we wish to em
phasize the fact that Parisian Sage
is the only hair tonic in the world
guaranteed to make the hair grow
luxuriant, soft and beautiful.
The girl with the Auburn hair is
on every bottle of Parisian Sage. It
is sold by druggists everywhere, and
by Alexander Drug Co., for 50 cents
a large bottle. Mail orders filled, ex
press prepaid from the Giroux Mfg.
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Christmas Satisfaction
is the greatest when you buy
presents that will give the
longest satisfaction.
For months our expert
knowledge and deliberate
thought have been utilized
In investigating the lines of
the leading manufacturing
Jeweleirs and Silversmiths.
We have brought to you
the cream of the offerings
of the greatest makers of
dependable Christmas Wares
Every artist and every
craftsman seems to have
achieved his greatest pos
sible success in creating ar
tistic work of the most
pleasing patterns in every
class of goods suitable for
presentation purposes.
We Invite an Early Call from
708 Broad St.
‘‘The Days”
Characterlsts and
Seats now selling at How
ard’s 50c and SI.OO
Regular number of the
Augusta City Lyceum.
L D L 'f Ii l T n M
For 2
legal obstacle to an act which would
require all fines and forfeitures col
ilected in this court to be paid into the
1 county treasury; and the grand jury
!has full and ampl e authority to rec
ommend the passage of a local act
to this effect should it see tit to do
If such legislation were enacted the
officers of the city court would then
be on a salary basis; bin for the rea
sons just stated, th e officers of the
superior court would still remain un
der the fee system. The local law's
which authorize payment out of the’
county treasury to the officers of the
city court would be repealed, but the
i laws which allow such payment to the
officers of the superior court would
| stM? remain of force. There is no le
igal obstacle to the repeal of these
j laws also, but in that case the offi
| cers of the superior court would re
jceive practically no compensation at
jail in criminal cases. Crimes are of
J tw'o great classes, the more heinous
'which are called “felonies,” and the
lesser offences which are called “mis
demeanors.” No fine can be inflicted
on a felony case, save in the rare and
exceptional instance where it is re
duced to a misdemeanor, but all mis
demeanor cases are fineable. In the
way in which criminal business is con
ducted under the duplex judicial sys
tem existent in this county, the su
perior court tries all the felony, or
non-fineable cases, and the city court
tries all the misdemeanors, or fine
able, cases, with the result that the
officers of the superior court only
bring in a stray fine now and then,
and while the officers of the city
court bring in a steady stream of
them. There is a complete supervis
ion of the old practice where the su
i perior court tried all criminal cases,
fineable and non-fineable, paid its of
ficers out of the fines, and had not in
frequently a surplus for the county
By going back to that system, the
substantial object that the last grand
jury had in view could be readily ob
tained. If this county were made a
separate circuit, thereby enabling the
judge of the superior court to devote
his entire attention to it, and that
court were made the only court, all
local laws providing for the payment
of officers of court out of the county
treasury could be repealed without
any injury to these officers. The
vexed question of fees or salary
would settle itself, and instead of be
ing constantly drawn on, the county
treasury would most probably be a
recipient of revenue, not to speak of
having only one court to support in
stead of two as at present.
There is no legal obstacle to the en
actment of legislation of this charac
ter should the same be deemed ad
In this as in all other matters men
tioned in this report, it is distinctly
to be understood that I am taking no
position, and making no suggestions,
but confining myself simply to the
matter entrusted to me, namely, the
presentation of facts and law for the
information of the constituted au
thorities and such action as they may
isee fit to take thereon.
| In conclusion I take great pleasure
in stating that every one of the four
gentlemen above mentioned promptly
volunteered the fullest possible lnfor.
mation in reference to the matters re
specting his office and that I am un
] der sincere obligations to the county
treasurer for his kind aid in the ex
amination made. It has been my aim
to be just and accurate, anfi if in any
particular I may have inadvertently
j erred no man will be more prompt to
make proper amends.
Pale, Delicate Women ar.d Girls.
The Old Standard OROVE’B TASTE
LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out malaria
and builds up the system. For grown
people and children. 60c.
Central of Georgia Railway.
Round Trip Holiday Tickets at Re
duced Rates will be on sale Dec. 17th,
18th, 21st to 25th, inclusive 31st and
Jan. Ist, 1910, with final Return
Limit leaving destination not later
than midnight of January Gth, 1910.
Call on any Ticket Agent of the
Central of Georgia Railway or
Trav. Pass. Agt.
Phone 62. Augusta, Ga.
Old papers for wrapping purposes
for sale at The Herald office. ts
In th e superior court Judge Ham
mond assigned counsel to prisoners
who will appear for trial before the
court at its opening Monday morning.
There are a large nqmber of criminal
leases to be tried and several of them
j will be watched with interest.
The bank clearings of Augusta Fri
day were far greater than those of
the same day last year. The figures
as furnished by the clearing house
were $442,404.33 for Friday and for
the same dav in 13%8 they were $270,-
Old papers for wrapping purposes
for sale at Th e Herald office, ts
with Parisian
Sage, the only
hair restorer
sold with an ab.
solute guarantee
to cure dandruff,
stop falling hair
and itching
It cures dan
druff by killing
the germs, and
Augusta's Only Department Store.
Saturdays have become memorable days here, eagerly looked forward to and attended by ever increasing throngs. Our Satur
day and After Supper Sales have become events eagerly looked forward to in Augusta’s retailing history. Should we hesitate now,
because needs of our patrons bring them here without special solicitation 1 Not one bit. Our policy remains the same, and for to
morrow we give you a chance of buying useful and ornamental gifts. Groceries, Underwear, Hosiery, etc., at positive reductions
in prices. Come tomorrow and again After Supper. Double “S. & H.” Green Trading Stamps till 12 o’clock. Single Stamps After
Famous After
6 TO 7 P. M.
Mennen’s Violet or Borated Tal
cum Powder, 25c O/-*
Children's Hose, black only, fine
ribbed seamless, 12 %c
value /C
Old Dutch Cleanser, popular dirt
chaser, 10c /
packages 04*
Uneeda Biscuit and Lemon Snaps,
fresh, crisp, | A .
3 packages IvfC
Children’s Muslin Drawers, tuck
ed, ruffled or n| /
plain, 10c kind / V>C
7 TO 8 P. M.
Octagon Wash Tub Soap, stamps
for wrappers,
3 cakes for IUL
Laundry Bags, of heavy denim, all
colors, 25c bin
Flannelette Gowns for children,
good 39c
4711 White Rose or Lily-of-the-
Valley Soap, Q ,
Women’s Flannette Skirts, striped
scalloped, 59c and
8 TO 9 P. M.
Fairbank’s Pure Glycerine Tar
and Fairy Soap, "3 .-*
cake .OL.
Brassiere Waists for stout figures,
good 250 1 Of
Trimmed Hats, new winter
shapes and trimmings, £ A rn
$6 to $8 hats
Enamelled Ware, heat sterling
aluminum, values to | Of’
Woodchuck Soap, for toilet or
laundering purposes. 10f
4 cakes
Toilet Goods
Cut Prices
Borax, 20-Mule-Team, half pound
package, only 2/20
Bradley’s Witch Hazel, and Jap
' Rose Glycerine Soap, each 100
Tooth Picks, 500 in package, and
Williams' Barber Soap 5c
Violette Soap, 3 cakes in box and
Petroleum Jelly, each 10c
Pear’s Celebrated Pure Glycerine
Scented Soap, cake 12c
Parne Violet Talcum Powder,
pound cans 150
Calox or Sanltol Tooth Powder
and Lustertte Nall Enamel .. 190
Dr. Parker Pray’s Ongaline and
Lambert’s Listerine 35c
Rain-O Antiseptic, perfumed wa
ter softener, can 250
Sanitary Wash Rag case, pink,
blue, green, 25c value 100
Pompeian Massage Cream, large
jar, 50c value 35c
Bav Rum, double distilled, large
little, 75c value ..68c
Family Fountain Syringe, 2 quart
size, SI.OO value 75c
Napoleon Toilet Soaps, various
odors, box 25c
Celluloid Soap and Powder boxes,
pink, blue, white ...25c
$2.00 Children’s
Sweaters. $1.50.
Fine Worsted, fine woven, genteel
and neat, thorough good weight
and warm, with pockets, solid
gray or trimmings of oxford, or
blue, $2,00 rs. * m..
value 4)1. DU
$3.00 Misses’
Sweaters, $2.25
Best Sweater Coats In Augusta,
at the price, fancy weave, all-wool
sweaters, all white or trimmed,
with pockets, finished with pearl
buttons, <C 'T
$3.00 values
If it is for one line more than another that this good store has been known for years and years, it is for men's, women's and children's
underwear and hosiery—a reputation we are strengthening every day by still more reliable lines, wider assortments and lower average prices.
CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Jersey ribbed vests and pants, and boys'
sanitary gray fleeced shirts and drawers, all sizes, 35c C
kind, choice xDC
LADIES' UNDERWEAR, full bleached Jersey ribbed vests and ankle
length pants, nicely finished, 35c value,
garment g£DC
LADIES' UNDERWEAR, vests and pants, bleachefl or natural, Jersey
ribbed, medium weight, and heavy fleeced, hand finished, CA
regular and extra sizes, 65c value DUC
CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Jersey ribbed combination suits, in
natural and unbleached, perfect fitting, 2 to 14 years, c
35c value XGC
LADIES' UNDERWEAR, ribbed union suits, Maco cotton, taped neck,
perfect fitting, sizes 4 to 6,75 c value, special
at DUC
LADIES' UNDERWEAR, all wool, fine ribbed or flat wool, vests and
pants, w'hite or natural, hand finished, every size, A A
exceptional value, $1.25 kind ’ «j)I.UU
CHILDREN'S HOSE, fast black, seamless, sizes 5 to 10 o
12\kc value, pair ' oC
Three Hour Sa!e-$7.00 Cowhide Leather Suit Cases $4.98
Of course a welcome sale, for no end of people are going away to spend Xmas and will need a suit case.
Better suit case than is usually offered in a sale at even $7.00.
24-INCH SOLID COWHIDE LEATHER, shirt fsld and straps, solid leather ring handle sewed on, double
leather corners, checked Irish linen lining, steel frame, brass lock and catches, on sale three hours only
Armour’s Mucha Toilet Soaps,
50c size. *1 r
cake u\j 0
Colgate’s Toilet Water, vari
odors.. ..75c, 50c, 25c
Fivers L e Trefle "JCp
Sachet Powder, ounce.. . I c»C
Roger & Gallet’s Violet ff 1C
Extract, ounce .L.O
Cretonne Tourist Traveling
cases: pink, blue RQr
lavender; SI.OO value.. . JdL l
Tourist Cases, extra large,
rubber lined; ;
$1.50 value Ot/u
Houbigant’s Ideal Extract and
Sachet, ts?
ounce xJJc*
Raaors— Renowned Gillette Safety, l n leather, gun metal, silver or
gold case, vest pocket size $6.50, $6.00, $5.50 or $5.00
FE?V QEI F (More fora Dollar Than a
UriLtil UAULLfU jnLL* Dollar will buy Elsewhere)
All new crop, season 1909.
Lemon Cling Peaches; Del
monte Brand, No. 2% cans,
Queen Anne Cherries, Bartlett
Pears, Apricots, Greengages,
Egg Plums, can 25c
No. 3 can,* Lemon Cling Peach
es, Sliced Peaches, 25c can.
Asparagus Tips, Buckskin
Jrand, 30c can.
Tomatoes, Harpoon Brand; To
matoes, No. 2 can; regular
price, 8c; special, 6c can.
Tomatoes, Maryland Red Ripe
I. X. L. Brand. No. 3 can; regu
lar price, 10c; special, 8c can.
Beets, Van Camp’s Baby Blood
Red Beets, 15c can.
Never before has our Men's Department been so complete in assortment, so replete with the finest and best suggestions for Xmas aifts at
this season. Nothing is too good for it.
We strive to have the newest and most novel ideas that the market can produce, and by so doing make this department the Mecca for shop
pers seeking the choicest effects in smart and refined haberdashery. Here are some of the good things for tomorrow:
Men’s 50cOCp
Ties - - -LUb
Made of heavy German Blankets, newest de
signs, in floral figured and striped effects, long
and loose fitting, box collars, box pleated back,
giving a full sweep at bottom. finished with
satin yokes, piped CQRH CC4Q t/!QQ
■earns, all sizes iu.jU, JHiOO
MEN’S HALF HOSE— Black, tan,
and popular shades, also fancy
stripes, 15c values, Ifi
3 pair 25c, pair lUC
39c and 35c SUSPENDERS—De
pendabIe makes, lisle webbing, all
colors, >—
pair ZDC
Augusta's Only Department Store.
Gifts for Both Men and Women
! and After Supper
! Green Trading Stamps
Coty’s Jacqueminot Rose Toilet
Water, tf’J ro
Coty’s Sachet Novel- OQ
ties, ounce Ojl
Thermos Bottles, nickel plated,
nint <T > OC
Roger & Gallet’s Parma Violet
S£ 59c
Fiver’s Le Trefle Extract, In
pretty box, $1.25
Fiver’s Le Trefle QA.,
Toilet Water, $1.50 and.. OjV
Hudnut’s Violet Scented Soap,
three cakes in 7^r
fant;y box f JG
sweet, average weight 4 to 5 pounds; to be aa
sold Saturday, at per pound JLjL C
Corn Flakes,
Post Toasties, C
Quaker Oats,
Hooker's Oats
Dr. Price's Corn
Flakes, L.UV.II
Imported Irish Oatmeal, can 25c
Teas, Formosa. Oolong, Ceylon,
Mixed, Young Hyson, English
Breakfast Teas, 3 pounds for
95c; 33c pound.
Beans, Van Camp’s Pork and
Beans, with Tomato Sauce, can
9 cents.
Soap, Armour’s Harmer or Red
Letter Soap, 10 cakes, 35c.
Sapolio, Morgan’s Hand or
Kitchen Sapolio, 9c cake.
Holiday Nuts, Fruits, Cakes and
Imported Nurnberger, Lebuchen,
Koenig's Kuchen, Mandel Kuch
What a chance to buy gifts for men and big boyal
Half dollar Four-in-Hand., 25c.
Ties Identical with those in stock selling at a half dollar—bought to advantage—a ‘‘clean-up” and now—
you get them just in time for gift giving at near to half price. Beauties everyone of them; diagonal
stripes in rich colors fine grade silk.; latest patterns.
If you intended to give a half dollar tie, buy these and have 25c left for another gift—or give two
instead of one.
Large assortment to select from, open end and the new narrow Four-in-Hands, neat stripes, checks,
figures, dots, Jacquard, combination weaves and leading plain colors.
All-Wool Cheviots and Vicunas, neat plaids and
stripes, made with frogs, shawl collar style,
cuffs, pockets and edgings of coats trimmed
with contrasting material or soutache braid, best
heavy Egyptian Cotton,
well fleeced, all sizes G7C
MEN’S $2.50 and $3.00 HATS—Soft
shapes, new colors, Cfi
every size 4)1 .DU
Augueii » Only Department Store
CHILDREN'S HOSE, heavy school hose, fast black, double knee, sizes
7 to 10, extra smooth finish, 39c and 25c e j
kind IDC
LADIES' HOSE, Imported, gauze and heavy weight, lisle and cotton
hosiery, plain or ribbed, black and colors, and balbriggan, ■'j _
LADIES’ HOSE, silk lisle, double sole, extra spliced heel and toe,
double tops, black, white tail, good 39c -3 > Ao
values ...... D pi . i.UU
LADIES' HOSE, fasl black, seamless, sizes 8 to 10, lOf
MISSES' HOSE, fine ribbed, black, white, tan pink, light | [-
blue, and red sizes 5 to 10, 19c value, special at IDC
CHILDREN’S HOSE, celebrated Pony brand, full fashioned, stainless
black, all weights, equal to hose usually sold at 35c pair, nr
sizes 7 to 9%, pair ZiZjK*
LADIES’ HOSE, fine silk and imported ingrain lisle, black, and lead
ing fall shades, double heel and toe garter top, extra rA
values DUC
Women's Beautiful Gift Neckwear
Priced Down so About Half
Women’s Fancy Neckwear —Of net, trimmed with silk, lace, and braid,
elaborate or plain styles, fancy stock collars, jabots attached; black,
and the season’s newest plain colors and combinations, put 'jr*
up in Fancy Xmas boxes; 50c values *faDC
Fancy stock collars
and jabots, of lawn,
net, lace, and braid
trimmed: black and
LT' 10c
3 Hour Sale Satin fillows C-f HQ
$2.50 Pillows 9t012 at ii ✓
Splendid assortment from which 10 choose, made from Cheney Bros.’
best satin, for personal use or gifts, filled with best silk lloss, splen
didly finished; regular price $2.50, on salo . *<*
for 3 hours only—9 to 12 —at D'.IV
Lima Beans, Pocomoke Brand,
small green lima beans, No. 2
can, 10c can.
Lima Beans, Warwick Brand
baby limas, No. 2 can, 13c can.
Bpinach, Robin Hood Brand, No.
3 cans, as good as garden pick-
String Beans, Btringlc.BS, No. 2,
Algona Brand, 10c can.
Corn, Shoe Peg Corn, No. 2 can,
9c can.
Coffee, Bourbon, Santos, freshly
roasted, granulated or pulver
ized. This coffee Is known all
over the slate of Georgia;
drinks as good as Mocha and
Java coffee; 22c pound. You
may pay 35c for coffee else
where; compare quality.
Peaches, fancy Evaporated Cal
ifornia Peaches, 10c pound.
Baking Powder, J. B. W. Spe
•lal Brand; tbero Is none bol
ter; 5-lb can, $1,35; 1-lb can,
29c; %-lb can, 16c.
Fleece or corduroy lined, long
gauntlets; black, brown; >/>
75c value, pair DVC
Good grade, purt wool, plain or
tton OVC
Augusta's Only Department Store.
FOR 35c
The Season’s new
est colorings, high
ly mercerized, close
ly knitted mufflers,
ull sizes. jr ,
choice.. .. DDL
LAR $2.50 to $4.00 SHOES AT $1 98
Here’s jusl the sort of values that’s
keeping tilings booming at our Shoe
Store. Take Ibis sale for instance,
and Isn’t It at least worth looking
Into when you can buy such good
shoes at this low price? Of course
they’re every bit as perfect and as
good as shoes for which you pay a
dollar or so more; la all the wanted
leathers, Including gun-metal calfskin,
patent, golden brown kid, black kid
plain or cloth tops, blucher, lace and’
button styles. Hand turn and welt
'd flexible sewed shoes. Tipped or
plain lons. All sizes from 2>£ to 8;
(', D, and E widths; value $2.50, $3.00
$3.50 and $4.00, special g fto
per pair DI * Vo
Just a limited number of pairs left,
all leathers and lasts:
$3.50 vulues
at 3>2.79
$4.00 values, <l*c»
Complete line of Children’s Pla-Mate
shoes, three leathersgp|
one last, from JW.DU Up
Never before so complete a stock, newest no
velties In plain or fancy silks, single boxes or
combination sets of Suspenders, Garters and
Arm Bands, also full line of fancy all elastic
webs, elegantly trimmed, finished with novelty
“oxer. up .. , ' r ’. , : rop, . Ul . < : 50c to sl. 19
MUFFLERS—CompIete line of
newest novelties ° r 1 flyr, 4*-.
the season, range IVw IO
knitted, extra snug, CfG
plain or trimmed DVC
FOR 10c.
Newest thing out:
white, black, rot
ors; filmy neck
wear; i9c iric
value lUC