Newspaper Page Text
Farr Receives
Notice That Directors
Will Meet Here Satur
day. League to be Form
Notice has been received by Secretary
J. S. Farr of the Augusta Baseball club
that a meeting of the directors of th*»
South Atlantic league will be held In Au
gusta Saturday. The object of the meet
ing Is to definitely decide the size of the
league for next year and to select th*
towns It is to be composed of.
The local owners are going to intro
duce a plan to have the league a six
club affair composed of Augusta. Sa-
Irannah, Macon, Charleston, Columbus
and Jacksonville. This will of course do
away with Knoxville and Columbia.
Knoxville is geographically impossible,
while Columbia will leave the league
by choice. The franchise is for saie, and
the dope is that Charleston is going af
ter it pretty heavily.
Only 10 mor e days to pay State and
County Taxes.
Two Teams From Rich
mond Academy Played
Exciting Game.
There was a very interesting and
closely contested game of basket ball
played Thursday afternoon at 4:30
o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium,
by teams that were formed of picked
players from the Richmond Academy.
The teams consisting of picked play
ers from Company A and B, were well
chosen, and there was much interest
throughout the entire contest. The
particular bright fatures of the game
were the consistent and fine plays
made by Gray and Sawilowsky of
Company B, and Von Sprecken of
Company A.
The line-up was as follows:
Co. B. Position. Co. A.
Sherman Forward Grifflne
Sawilowsky .. Forward.. Hutto, Pund
Gray Center Otis
Howard Guard ..Von Sprecken
Captain Captain
Jones Guard Hook
Only 10 mor e days to pay State and
County Taxes.
In a resolution offered by Mr. Nixon
at the county commissioners meeting it
was agreed that the prisoners! at (he
stockade be given a substantial «Jhrist
mas dinner, and that as many of tin
hogs as are needed which are owned by
the county at the stockade be barbecued
and served to (he convicts. The com
mission rs all were in favo- of the con -
’ victs being fittingly remembered on
Christmas nay.
Start a Savings
Account with us
The small sums
you add to your ac
count, and the 4
per cent, interest
we pay, will in
crease your sav
ings surprisingly
The sooner you
start an account
the less you will
regret it one year
We invite your
commercial ac
count as well as
your savings ac
Will be pleased
to see you at our
bank at any time,
and will cheerful
lf bender you any
assistance in our
We Could Pay Less, but We Want the Best;
You Pay The Same, but Get The Best.
You read so many offers of superlative bargains in
Raincoats and Overcoats that it would be little wonder
if you were not confused or amused.
The Editor of the Santa Clau s letters craves indulgence and pati
ence on the part of both children an d parents. Several hundred letters
have accumulated in The Herald o ffice which will have to await their
turn. The editor is trying to pub lish them in the order received. If
your letter does not appear prompt ly wait a few days. All letters are
being printed that are considered b ona fide. Every now and thin some
would-be joker tries to take advan taje of the opportunity offered the
children and tries to perpetrate a practical joke on some man, or some
lady even—no one is safe from the man or boy with an exaggerated sense
of humor.
Put a twocents stamp on every letter and write with a soft pencil
or in ink on one side of the paper.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy
just six years old. I want you to bring
me a train a horn, and a bycilce a lit
tle street car and a airship, besides lots
of candy and nuts and fruit. Tour
little friend
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 3
years old and I cannot write and I will
get my big sister to write for me. Will
you please bring me a piano, trycycls
and some blocks and anything else you
think is suitable for a little girl 3 years
old, your little friend. My address Is
603 Telfair St.
good evening santa claus how you feel
I will tell you what I want Christ mas
1 want an air gun a horn and bicycle
that will be all good by your friend
Please dont for get my number 1802
Battle row west end.
Dear Santa Clause: Please bring me
a doll muff and fur and a Leather doll
carriage and one pair of shoes and stock
ings and a doll table and a bureu and
some chairs and a stove. Thanking yo t
In advance your little Friend.
the cornor of Washington and Telfali
St„ 603.
Dear Mr. Santa Claus: As It Is nearly
Chrismas I will write and tell you what
I want you to bring me I want a rock
ing chair locket pair shoes new dress
sleepy doll oarrlge with a parasol to
ride by doll In a doll trunk and dont for
get to bring mama and Aunt Lou Nash
a. present to and dont forget to bring
me some fruit.
120 Milledge St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy
just 7 years old. I thought I would
write A tell you what I want for this
Christmas. I want a little wheel-barrow
a loop the loop & and some A. B. C,
blocks and a horn & plenty of fruit. I
am yours truly.
657 Calhoun St.
Deer mister santy Claws—l am a llttel
boy an never had a crismas In all ml
life. Do Yu reeley giv folks thing* when
thay rite an ast yu for them. I heer awl
If Out of !own, Write Us
Tell you what you do: look
around; come here first or last;
whenever you come here will
be the right time for us: for
New Crcvenetted Coats
at, $25.00
New Suits at
S2O $25 S3O
thee kids talking bout the gude show at
thee Bijou theeater an thay say it are
grate. Cude yu Olv me a tlket to see
the show, deer Mister Santy claws my
name it Is
Dear Santa Claus. I am a little
girl 9 years old and go to school and
in the second grade. Please Bring
me a doll and Rubber carriage like
J. B. White Has got and some nuts
and onrage cakes I want all kind of
fruit. Your truly
844 Barnes Street
Dear Santa Claus. I am a little
Girl 4 years old and wish youd bring
me a doll and carriage tea set, and a
table set, and a rocking chair and a
bureau, and wash stand, trycycle.
Yours truly,
844 Barnes Steret.
Dear Santa Claus: I am 7 years
old will you please bring me a girls
wheel, a doll, Uncle Remus Story
Book, nuts, a whole lot of rults. Tell
Mrs. Santa Claus Howdy—love to her
and yourself. Your little girl,
118 Grene street.
Hephzibah, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus —I want to tell
you what I want for Xmas. I want
a nice little doll and a little bed so
that I can put her In It. I want a
little Piano I do not want a little stove
or bureau. I want a teddy bear. I
am a little blue eye girl 5 years old.
PbVse dont forget me. Much love to
Mrs. Santa Clause and your children
and a large share for your self.
Blythe, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus: —Please bring
me a little Tricycle and bring one
large enough so I can ride it and bring
me, a harp a horn, a little train, a
little trunk and some oranges, apples,
candy and nuts. Your little Friend,
Hephzibah, Ga.
dear santa claus*. I write to let
you no what I want for Christmas. I
want some candy and some fire work
and oranges and all kind of fruit and
Bring me a little gun and a Box of
shell and a little autermoblle and a
little Wagon and a goat and a set
Of Hornes to Hich Him up and a
story book and a Rubber snake and a
Hone to Blow and Bring mamma a
Pretty new dress for a X. Mas. Pres
ant I am a very good lithe boy and
go to school every day and learn my
lesson and mind my teacher. Tam
in fourth grade. My teacher name
is Miss Carrie Caller from Augusta,
Ga. I will Close my letter But not
my love from your little friend
With Best wishes to you Hope you
a merry X. Mas and a Happy New
Hephzibah, Ga.
dear Santa Claus. I write you to
tell you know what I wants for Christ
mast. I wantes doll and carrige and
trunk Beraw stove some toys and all
kind of fruit dear Santa Claus bring
Pa Pa a nice Pair of shoes. So good
by Mr. Santa Claus. Your for Chrls
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
boy 4 years old I goes to school. I’ve
learned my alphabet, but I cant write
I had to get my sister to write for
me. I am a good little , boy, and I
want you to bring me a little mo
losepee and a cap pistol and some
caps to shoot in it, and a rocking
horse. Give my love to Mrs. santa
P. S. please dont for get our cook
Ellen Anderson she want a dress a
hat, a pair black gloves and a pair
Dear Santa Claus. I am a nice llt
tel girl 4 years old and I want you
to bring me a Sleeping Doll a Doll
carring a Doll bed and a horn and
dont forget to bring a high chir for
me and my Sister and dont forget to
! bring her a rag Doll one that she cant
brake. P. S. Dont forget to bring
me plenty of fruit. We remain* as
ever your llttel girls
1830 Green Street.
Dear Santa Claus. Bring me a
horn, a sword, a soldier suit, some
nuts, candy, apples, oranges and ba
j nanas. Be sure and bring me a
I base-ball and bat and a hobby-horse.
841 Telfair Street.
Dear Santa Claus. It Is nearly
Christmas and I thout I would rite
and tell you what I want for Christ
mas. I want a big doll and a big
! carrige to roll my doll In and some
fire crackers, and sparkles. I want
plenty of fruit, and dont for get mam
jma and papa. Santa Claus that Is all
I want this Christmas so good by San
ty Clause.
1844 Pearl Avenue.
Dear Santa Clause. It is so near
1 Christmas I thout I would write and
tell you what I want for Christmas I
want a great big doll an* a big doll
There’s a Reason
Fact is there has been a great deal said about great values in Crave
netted Coats (they certainly are the most practical garment in this cli
We decided we wanted a better $25 value than any other store’s best.
We went to market with this in view
—get it or get nothing. They are here —
we got, them.
The same can be said of suits at S2O,
$25 and S3O.
We drew from four great lines.
Rogers Peet, Sam Peck,
SchlQss Bros., Washington Co.
And PorLer’s is the Xmas
Buyer’s Mecca
Everything a man wants and nothing
he don’t want so you can not go wrong.
A hundred and one things from hand
kerchiefs and ties to Overcoats and
Dinner Coats.
The Newest London Styles
in Real London Gloves.
Carrage and evry thing you thing will
be nice for me Santa Clause my lit
tle sister kattle may wants a toddy
bear and a doll and Carrage and a
rattle and bring her some fruit, and
candy so good by Santa Clause.
1848 Pearl Avenue.
P. S. Dont forget mamma and papa
and bring some fire works.
Dear Mr. Santa Claus. lam ft lit
tle boy five years old. I try hard to
be good, but sometimes I run off the
track. Please bring me of nice
things. What ever you think best for
me. Don’t forget my aunt Kate.
Your old pal,
1166 Broad street.
Blythe, .Ga.
Dear Santa Claus:—Please bring
me a little train a automobile, a lit
tle trunk a little horse, a horn and
some oranges, apples, candy and nuts
and bring anything you think I
would like. Your Little Friend,
Harlem, Ga.
Dear Santa Clause: Please come
to see me Xmas. And bring me a
pretty doll, a doll carriage, a little
piano a little tea-set, a born, some
fire works, some candy fruits and
nuts. Wishing you and Mrs. Santa
a happy Christmas. Love to you both.
I am one of your little girls,
Harlem, Ga.
Dear Santa Clause: Please come
to see me Christmas. And bring me
u tricycle to ride to school on. And
a rubber ball, a red mitt, a little
drum, a little air ship. Some fire
works, fruits, candy and nuts. I am
a little boy seven years old. Give
my love to Mrs. Santa. With much
love I am one of your little boys.
Doarlng, Ga.
Dear Santa. I am a girl 11 years
old and go to school, please bring me
a doll and carriage and lire works
and a box of Paints and a drawing
Book. I wish you and your wife a
merry Chrltms and a happy new
years. Your little girl
Dearlng, Ga.
Dear Santa. I am a little girl ten
years old and live In the country and
go to school every day. lam In the
thurd grade and wont you to bring
me a love chain and a large doll with
long hair and brown eyes and a car
riage and all kinds of fruit and fire
works will close for this time youre
little girl
Dearlng, Ga.
My Dear Santa Clause: My name
Is Kema Louise Adams I am a gooA
girl and I am nine years old and
live in the country and go to school
every day. I am in the thurd grade
and wont you to tiring me a big doll
and carrldge, a stove and wok things
and bracelet and all kinds of fruit and
tea set and fire works, will close your
little girl
Bath. S. C.
Dear Santa Claus: Mama says ’tin
not long until Xmas and we are try
ing to be good so you will bring us a
heap of tilings We help mama ev
ery day, Kenneth keeps the wood box
filled up and sweeps the kitchen while
I dry the dishes anil set table and
sweep the dining room. We help
with out little baby sister the stork
brought not long ago too. 1 want a
nice big doll buggy and big doll
what cnn go to sleep Mildred wants ]
one too. Kenneth wants a veloci
pede a goat and wagon and dont Tor
get our little sister what the stork
brought if she is little she can play
with something when she gets six
months old Mama. says. I want a
doll house, a stove bring some doll
clothes a commoner some slippers and
a hat for her. 1 have learned to rend
In Johnsons Primer and have tried
to be good and get Kenneth andl Mil
dred to lie good too. Please dont for
get all I have said bring. I wont
leave the doll cloths In the yard and
let It rain on them this time. Mama
says Mrs. Santle gets tired making
doll clothes cause I leave them In tho
yard. I am six years old Kenneth Is
Dearlng, Go.
Dear Mr. Santa. As It Is most
time for you to come agan I will write
to you and tell you wrat I wont t
wont a Air Gun orid a little train
! that will run and some fruit nnd lire
works. Youre little
Dearlng, Ga.
My Dear Santa. I am a good boy.
*! am six years old. I wont you to
bring me a horn and drum and all
kinds of fruit and fire works and a
little aubumoblle with a driver In It.
Will close fore this time give my love
to Mrs. Sants- e*'ure little boy
Dearlng, Ga.
My Dear old Santa Clause: How
are you today. I wont you to come
to my house the first one and bring
me a express wagon and a born and '
some fruit and fire works thats all I
wont this time. Youre little boy
I l. ..
I Dear Santa Claus. I am a little
: boy 2 year old an I cant write my
i sister Barline Is writing for me. I
want a wagon an a born, good by
Santa your little bay,
1594 Hicks street.
Dear Mr. Sunta Claus, as It Is all
most Ohrlstmase I want you to bring
me a doll and a doll carriage set, and
| a pair of kid gloves and that
l ls all. I live at 1940 broad st.
| My name Is C. B. JONES.
| Dear Mr. Santa Claus, as It Is all
| most Chrlstmase I want you to bring
me a ball and a Teade bear and a
' « C. tOIH
wagon and that is al. I am 3 yenr»
old. I live at 1910 broad st. My
name Is
Dear Mr. Santa Claus ns It Is all
most Chrlstmase 1 want you to bring
me a lire real an a allow wagon an
a foot ball, and that Is all. I live
at 1594 Illi-ks St. and my name la
Dear santa clause I take tho great
est of Pleasure In writing you a Let
ter to ask you to bring me a Pretty
Little doll a Pair of gloves an a
dress an Pair of an some
fruits an some nuts. I will close
with love to you nn Mrs. santa clause,
I am a little girl 9 years old. From
a Little friend
Dear Santa Claus, —Please bring me
a doll and a doll earriage, a tryclcie
to ride In, a suit of doll furniture, a
tea set and a pretty ring also lots of
nice fruit and candles. Give my love
to Mrs| Santa Claus, I will close
with love from
1460 May Ave.
Dear Mr. Santa Clause. I am a
little girl three years old. I was down
at White’s this afternoon and played
on a little Plano. Please sen me ono
like It. I want a doll and carriage
and some candy like that the little
mans on Brood street sells. I mean
I lie one that has the gloves on. Hie
candy Is good. All the little girls
and hoys should buy It. Love to you
and Mrs. Santa Clause.
1285 Ellis Street.
Dear Santy Clause —Will you please
bring ne a doll light natural curly
hair on eye brows an please hrlng
her some clothes an a wash stand an
a teasel, table an a horn and please
bring my little brother a drum for he
cant write.
440 Fenwick St.
Dear Old Santa -When you come
around please don't forget to bring
me a goat and wagon, a horn, drum,
a train with tracks to run on and an
automobile and plenty of fruits, candy
and nuts. Your little friend
Dear Santa Claus: I want 4
you to bring me a foot ball a 4
watch an overcoat and a pair of <
gloves a pretty necktie and a <
cap pistol and some caps, and 4
lots of fruit, love to Mrs. Santa <
and yourself. As my mother has <
gone to heaven so please dont <
forget to stop at my house. By <
by from your little friend. <
411 Pope Street. <