Newspaper Page Text
I in the Scalp
■he Latest Explanation is
I tliat Cause
I BaAv^/iess
B Professor Unna of Hamburg, Ger-
Biany, and Dr. Sabourand, of Paris,
Brance, share the honor of having
Biscovered the hair microbe.
■ Baldness is not caused through a
lew weeks' work of these hair mi
■robes, but is the result of conditions
Brought about by their presence.
Baldness may not occur until years
Bfter the microbes began work, but
It is certain to come sooner or later.
■ The microbes cut off the blood sup
pily. They feed on the fatty matter
pbout the roots of the hair, through
■which the blood is absorbed. Finally
■the fatty matter is consumed, the
■food supply of the hair is gone and it
fctarves and finally dies.
I Resorcin is one of the most effec
tive germ destroyers ever discovered
Beta Naphthol is a most powerful,
yet absolutely safe germicide and
antiseptic, which prevents develop
ment of germ matter and creates a
clean, healthy condition.
Pilocarpine, although not a color
ing matter or dye, is an ingredient
well established for its power to re
store natural color, to human hair
when loss of color has been caused
by a disease.
Borax, because of its well-defined
softening and cleansing properties,
is most useful in the treatment of
scalp and hair diseases. Glycerine
acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs,
and has a soothing, healing and nour
ishing influence. Alcohol is indispens
able in medicine because of its anti
septic, stimulating and preservative
We want every one who has scalp
or hair trouble to try Rexall “93"
Hair Tonic, which contains all these
ingredients. If it does not give you
complete satisfaction in every par
ticular, we will return every penny
you paid us for it, for the mere asking
and without question or formality.
Of course you understand that when
we say that Rexall “93” Hair Tonic
will grovr hair we do not refer to cases
where the roots are entirely dead,
the pores of the scalp closed, and the
head has the shiny appearance of
a billiard ball. In cases like this
there is no hope. In all other cases of
baldness Rexall “93” Hair Tonic will
grow hair or cost the user nothing.
Two sizes, 50 cents and SI.OO. Re
member you can obtain Rexall Rem
edies in Augusta only at our store, —
The Rexall Store. Alexander Drug
Tomorrow Night Al. H. Wilson.
The singing ambassador of German
dialect. Al. H. Wilson, will appear at
the Grand tomorrow night in the new
musical drama, “Metz in Ireland,”
which is said to be the best vehicle
so far provided for the exploiting of
Mr. Wilson’s talents. The produc
tion will be mounted in a style for
which his manager, Sidney R. Ellis,
is wted. and the cast, which is com
posed of well known artists, includes
an efficient chorus who will render
the Irish songs of long ago and a
medley of the Wilson songs made
famous in the past. The new songs
written and composed for “Metz in
Ireland” are “Love Thoughts,” “Erin’s
Isle,” “The Banshee,” “The Nightin-
— l —— ■ ■ "1
----- .
The Famous Dutch Kiddies in the Wildfire Musical
Comedy, “The Red Mill,” at the Grand Next
Thnrsday Night.
Post> Toasties
a to tell its own comforting story from the
saucey in front of you—
“ The Memory Lingers”
Popular pkg. 10c. Large Family Size 15c.
Postuni Cereal Co., Ltd.. Battle Creek, Mich.
gale Song” and “Little Jimmie Mur- f
phy.’ Seats now selling.
Next Thursday “The Red Mill.” i
Martin & Emery Co.’s production
of "The Red Mill" will be given at |
the Grand next Thursday evening.
This is the latest of the Blossom i
and Herbert musical plays, which |
scored for an entire year at the Knick- I
erbocker Theater, New York City, |
and duplicated its triumphes by e n- j
gagements of three months in Chi- !
cago, Boston and Philadelphia; and !
will-he presented here in as complete i
Bq|r y
Al. H. Wilson in His New
Play, “Metz in Ireland,”
at the Grand Tonight.
a manner as given during its unpar
alleled run.
The company numbers some sixty
! people, including the sextette of
Dutch Kiddies, which the metropolis
raved over and which in no small
way was one of the special features
of this musical success. All of the
song numbers, the quaint costumes
and the dashing girls, together with
the marvelous escape from the mill
will be reproduced faithfully.
Victor Herbert, the peer of all Amer
ican, composers, has rounded out
some twenty musical numbers, every
one of which is having an enormous
sale in America and Europe, the more
[taking being “Every Day Is Ladies’
Day With Me,” “You Never Can Tell
About a Woman,” “Go, While the Go
in’s Good,” “The Streets of New
York,” “Because You’re You,” “The
Isle of Our Dreams,” and “I Want You
to Marry Me.”
Included in the cast are Bert O.
Swor as Con Kidder, Frank Woods
■\\ #f \ f '' -.A / A ill A ill' / y (/
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- ~K)l| vS t| : T* - "" nr~*~ , mrirmif-rnirV-mr-nmii I . Trn ,„J. ninmi
/ m m.
j : I V' ; " fe'
“Home of Good Clothes”
as Kid Connor, Otto Koerner, Alvin
Laughlin Carl Hartberg, S. W. Stott,
Harry li. McClain, Cecil Summers
and the Misses Agnes Major, Vernlce
Martyn, Adeline Stern, Georgia Har
vey and a chorus of fifty, together
with the company’s special orchestra
of accomplished solo performers.
Seats on 3aie next Tuesday morn
The Bijou Today.
The Bubble act at the Bijou this
week is causing more talk among the
patrons of this popular playhouse
than has any attraction which has
ever played here. From a scientific
standpoint it Is a veritable sensation
and it is amusing as well as marvel
ous. What seems to puzzle the eye
witnesses is the fact that a bubble
can be blown of a mixture of soap
and water and can then be handled
without breaking.
The fact that Hap Handy and Com
pany not °nly handle these bubbles,
but are also able to cut them in half
without destroying them, roll them
along a string, balance them on an
umbrella which Is being kept in mo
tlon, play pool with them, and a dozen
other tricks of a similar nature makes
this act one of the most wonderful
problems which can be offered for
solution. Probably one of these days
the trick will be learned, but just
now it is one of the puzzles of the
Prince Youturkey is another one
:of the big acts oh the bill at the
Bijou ahd is seen every performance
in hls excellent work on the bounding
Costello and LeCrolx in the “Cow
boy’s Courtship" have caught on in
great style and qult e a number of peo
ple have paid a second visit to the
Bijou this week in order to witness
, the whirlwind courtship of the ha3h
ful cowboy.
New pictures and new songs will
be put on tonight and another crowd
ed house will no doubt he In evi
dence. This is as it should be for
the attraction this week Is an excel
lent one.
The New Show at the Superba.
The opening performances of the
latter half-week's vaudeville show at
the Superba were largely patronized,
and that the show Is highly pleasing
was attested by the plaudits of the
crowd as each number appeared.
The Vincent Sisters, singing and
dancing comediennes, sing and dance
well, while their costuming is a de
light to the eye. They are young
and good-looking and pleased Im
Warren E. Long, exponent of the
old-time darkey, and tambo soloist
had the house with him from the time
he came on the stage. He has a
good line of talk, taking off the "Un
cle Remus" type of fast-disappearing
darkey to a remarkable degree.
Wayne and Frey, In “A Dutchman’s
Mistake,” present a screaming farce,
in which there Is no let-up In merri
ment. the entire fifteen minutes they
are on the stage.
"My Own United tKates,” Illustrat
ed profusely, with Old Olory promt
} nerit at all times, received an ova
tion, a* did the excellent motion pic
tures. Altogether the offerings for
latter half of the week are of such a
nature as will doubtless crowd the
popular place for the remaining two
days to capacity
Matinee today 4:30 to 0; after sup
per 7:45, 8:50 and 10:00 p. m.
1 •** ' t
i Look for th'- signature of E. W. GROVE.
■ Used the World over to Cure a Cold In
I One Day. 25c.
Christmas Is Very Near
And this is good Overcoat Weather.
M/e urge the selecting of Xmas Goods now.
Our magnificent stock of Suits and Overcoats makes
selection easy. Can you imagine any present more ac
ceptable ihan a Suit or Overcoat?
There is no excuse for being anything but well dressed.
Why shouldn’t every man be well dressed ?
McCreary offers the most superbly tailored suits and
overcoats of fabrics that represent the cream of the
world’s output. No tailor could make these suits and
overcoats to your order for less than three times our
prices, and even then, he could probably not fit you so
well as we can do.
Men's Suits, Men's Overcoats,
Boys' Suits, Boys' Overcoats,
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear,
Underwear, Umbrellas, Bath Robes,
Lisle Half Hose, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Silk Mufflers, Fancy and Full Dress Vests,
Hawes, Peerless and Stetson Hats .
WASHINGTON, D. 0.-—Messrs. Da
vis & Davis, Washington patent at
torneys, report the grant, this week, to
citizens of this stnte, of the following
Now Begins the Xmas Buying
We’re ready at this season, when people’s minds are turned giftwise.
Interesting candy news is sought for. This is our news, candy news, for there
would be no Xmas without Hheron’s Candy.
Superb Chocolate Nuts,
Superb Double Walnuts,
Superb Nougat,
Alpine Bon Bons, all colors 40c pound
Velvets, all sizes.
Walnut Oakes, 40c.
Oocoanut Oakes, 30c.
Alakuma, Fresh and Full of Almonds .. .. . .40c
ft. P. Decker—Atlanta, portable mil
I*. Dixon —Atlnntn, automobile cut
Superb Chocolate Buds,
Superb Oboe. Almonds,
Superb Jordon Almonds,
Favorite Candy,
Chocolate Cherries,
Chocolate Romaine,
Phone 1379.
C. C. FOh* and C. Tz. Whit**—Quit
man, wheel.
.1. T. Gantt Macon, plow.
H. O. Haywood—Bavannah, pout of
fice box.
Crystalized Fruits,
Crystalized Ginger,
( rystalized Pineapple,
Jhocolatc Creams,
Chocolate Walnuts,
jhocolate Nougat,