Newspaper Page Text
The People of Augusta and Vicinity Appreciate the Great Savings to be Found in Every
Departmerft of This Rapidly Growing Department Store. Nowhere are such values to be Found
6c Lin bleached
Cotton. 3/ 2 c
Grand Damask Sale
2.000 yards of 35c Tuhh Damask Kolnft 4 rx
for . 1 VC
M* iv'-ri..* (! Damask it pr. (tv pattern*,
.'•Or quality, at
Irish Linen Damask, <v»rv thread flax, /
for 69C
(lenulne Hod Table Damask, fast colors; -j ~
100 do/,en large alar Hook Towrla, 35c mm
quality, choice M V
20 pieces of limit (’rash Toweling, «| /
Silks Silks Silks
D. st HO Inch, yuarant-Taffeta Silk and Silk Mcasaltn*
in Mark, navy. gray. white, old n»»r; worth anybody's
mom y, $1.50 a yard; tomorrow'
for /
10-Inch Taffeta Silk in til colors, 50c quality, -j mm
at O / C
I'miK" and Cldtlon Silks In all the new shades, OCT *»
usually scling at 50c » yard; now
A Bargain Lot of Boys’ Winter Clothing
Boys' Suits, sij.i S 3 to Hi, in Kusslan Sailor or double
breasted styles, mmla of Blue Cheviot anti fancy £ j /A r;
Mixtures. perfection styh ami tit. s;i values for
Hoys' Suits, slurs S to IB years, all stylos and shades,
need heavy, warm garments, regular it T fir
vaiue $4.00, for
300 Women's and
Misses' Smart Suits
Drop From
$25.00 to $13.95
On sale* all day Saturday, un-
Iphh they all go uooner, which Is
quite likely. The reason for the price
drop? Simply woman’s sudden and
unexpected demand for coats. That
change brought suit-making to a
quick stop Several large manufac
turers had small surpluses of high
grade suits on hand. Wo gathered
them all In for one hig sale, paid In
stant cash for them and that helped
make tlie price even lower. Materials
Include broadcloths, cheviots, home
spuns, etc. Coats Tire 42 Inches long,
semi-fitting; some trimmed, some se
verely tailored. Lined with a fine
quality satin. Different models In
skirts, too All fire very pretty, and
all the new pleated effects are In
cluded. Sizes In all popular colors
for women of 34 to 4 4 bust, and for
misses of 14, 16 and 18 years. Sev
eral extra sizes up to 51 bust are m
th» lot. All are $25.00 values; price
of any
Why does everyone who is looking for the best that money will buy come to the Department Store and go away perfectly satisfied ?
Upcaiise they get the newest, most up-to-date merchandise that the market affords at prices far less than elsewhere for the same goods.
They do not forget the courteous treatment they receive hero. Shrewd Merchandising puts our cloak and suit buyer in position to ob
tain from Win. E. Torrey, this great sample lot of up-to-date, seasonable, ready-to-wear coats, suits, waists and skirts, such goods as
will appeal to every particular shopper, at half and less than half regular prices.
White I,awn, Rood and sheer, worth 10c, now, 5C
10 cases of pood Calico, dark and light patterns, -jJ /
«V4c value, going In thin sale, yard /'2t
90 hales heavy Ticking, good enough for feathers,
per yard OC.
100 bolts soft finished Diaper Cloth, 10 yards to p-g-v
bolt OVC
Brown Linen, 27 Inch wide, and worth 19c a g
yard; going, per yard IUC
White Flannel, every thread wool, 2f>c quality, g _
per yard l^C
Red Modlcatcd Flannel, every thread wool, «
yard IV C
500 Ladles’ Mufflers, made of Pure Zephyr, as- _
sorted colors; 50c qualify. going at
Hoys' Ml-Wool Serge Suits. In blue anti black, lined Pants,
slues 9 to 17 years, new out coat,
regular $7.50 value, at «pO«viU
Hoys' Odd Knickerbocker Pants, sizes 1 to 16 years,
made of heavy Blue Cheviot, cut full; j /-v
worth 75c pair, for T'VeC
Gloves on Sale
All-Wool Jersey Gloves, natural lined, going *
at 19C
Jersey Gloves, silk lined, 50c quality, going
at 25c
Ladies' Kid Gloves, every pair guaranteed; $1.09 quality • s n
at 67c
50c Men’s good, heavy, warm Gloves, or
now ZDC
Hosiery of All Kinds
Children’s heavy ribbed Stockings, fast black, q
pair OC
Ladles’ fast color Hose in black and brown, m
now . / L
Ladles’ 25c Black Hose, all sizes, going, per 1
Men’s Sox, black and fancy, quality;
now 4 C/
Men’s Lisle Thread Half Hose In fancy colors, now I
pair 1/C
Shawls and Fascinators
Toadies’ All-Wool Fascinators, 25c value, ■. r
at , t .. ...KSC
Ladies’ 60c Fascinators, In white and colors,
at 2dC
Ladles’ Shawls, large size, all colors, going 25C
Ladles’ Shawls, all-wool, pretty patterns, 39c
Ladies’ Handkerchiefs
1,000 dozen Ladies’ Crossbar Handkeßthief, 10c value; on sale ~
at 3C
White Linen Handkerchiefs, 12%c value,
now 5C
Ladies’ Embroidered Handkerchiefs, always sold at 26c, I
now *9C
Hair Goods
We have Puff Switches, all kinds and all sizes, to match anybody’s hair, at
very low prices. Come and see them.' if" y
Sweaters and Kimonos
Ladles’ All-Wool Sweaters, $3.50 values, d*| f™
Ladies’ $7.50 Long Sweaters, In white, going
Ladles’ Flannellette Kimonas, worth 75c, going 39C
Leslie’s Long Kimonas. $2.00 values, going 9§C
Men’s Sweaters, all-wool, going 95C
White Muslin Gowns, worth 75c, going 42C
Ladies’ Merino Shirts and Drawers, worth 50c, tyC,
Ladies’ Fleeced Lined Vests, worth -jrv
Misses’ Union Suits, good quality, worth » _
2so I y C
Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, good quality, g q
Men’s heavy fleeced Shirts and Drawers, -y
worth 50c OdC
Boys’ Wool Sweaters, made coat style, gray and fancy
trimmed, good assortment; regular value e-v r»
$1.50, each V^C
Boys' Sweaters, coat made of fine Egyptian Yarn, in solid
colors or fancy borders, 35c value, 25C
Overcoats, Suits and
Trousers at One
Half Off Regular
for $6.25
for $7.50
for SV.ZS
for SIO.OO
Men's and Boys
Hats and Caps
Men’s fine Hats in all the new shades,
in light and dark blue, black, brown
and tan, all the leading shapes, all
seasonable goods, $2.50 < rn
and $3.00 value, going at .
Boys’ Hats, in all admirable shapes
and shades. Come in— d* < /A/Y
see them, $1.50 value *pl«9vl
Boys’ Caps, in All-Wool j -j
Worsteds; 35c values l«jC
Suits for Men
and Youths
Suits that are hand-tailored, suits
to suit everybody for business or
dress, for the college young man or
the professor, the student, or the man
of any age, extreme or on plain con
servative lines. Blacks, blues, grays,
tans, olives, green, brown; in plain or
fancy mixtures, worsteds, ( serges,
cheviots, unfinished worsteds. Sizes
in some lots up to 50 chest measure;
for the long, short, stout or regular
built man.
All to be sold about One-
Half Off regular price.
Boys’ Red. All-Wool R efers, ages 3 to 12 years, OS
regular price, $5, in this sale JzAt.TeO
Boys' All-Wool Overcoats, from 3 to 8 years, in blue and
fancy Melton, values up to $2.50; coats in lot andt£g4| f~VQ
cheap at $4,00 each, going at jfyltZr'j
*'W W
Men’s Suits
$12.00 Men’s Worsted Suits, in all the good shades, vane
tian lined, a tailor’s fit, $12.00 RO
$15.00 Men’s Pure Worsted Suits, in gray and browns
and greens, Venetian lined, a bargain <CO OC
at $15.00, yours in this sale y^
$15.00 Men’s Suits in Cassmere and Worsted, lined well,
all-wool serge, hand-tailored, going jpg g~v p
$20.00 Men’s Suits, made of English Worsteds, in black,
blue and London smoke, hand-made button holes, would
be cheap at $20.00, going now sls 00
$25.00 Men’s Pure Cassmere and Worsted Suits, made best
Rochester’s tailors, strictly in Scotch and English ma
terials, made to sell at $25.00, going in Afl
Men’s All-Wool Pants, a sample lot, going, per d»| /-v /-w
Men's Cassmere Pants, tailor-made, going $2 00
Men's Tailor-made All-Worsted Pants, 7 C
going, per pair, at O
75c Ebonoid Mani
curing Sets, 49c. In
fancy box 49c