The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, December 23, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2
TWO Castor i a The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Clius. 11. fletcher, and bus been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children—experience against Kxperiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a liarmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, it is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I-'ovorisliness. It eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. Tiie Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THICK NUUK COMMHI, T 7 UURMV tTrittT. NKWIORK CITY. Jos. H. Day’s Carriage Shops Are Still Doing The Best Work at 724 Reynolds Street Moyer Buggies and Day's Mule Collars Specialties COAL, OUR SUPERIOR COAL IS "HOT STUFF,” once you get It In your stove. You get all the heat that Is coming, and you pay no more for an A-l grade than for an inferior fuel. If you haven’t ordered your winter supply we are at your ser vice. CONSUMERS ICE DELIVERY CO. JOHN SANCKEN, Mgr. PHONEB 332 and 333. Roofings! Roofings!! Roofings!!! Roofing On —92.25 per roll and up. Painted tin ahlnglaa, 94-00 per ■quare. Paper and Rubber roofng*. Painted end Galvanized Corru gated Iron, at ekiae prices. Mantels, tiling, grates, paints, etc. I buy In carloads, at carload rate* and sell accordingly. See me before planing your order. DAVID SLUSKY 1000 Broad St. D D IP Red an( i Buff, Dry Pressed ** ■ ■' and Common Building LARGEST STOCK. PROMPT SHIPMENT. Georgia—Carolina Brick Company Write for Prices. AUGUSTA, GA. Howard H. Stafford, President. Have You Seen Our Special $6.50 Umbrellas? YOU never a«w such beautiful umbrellas as we are showing this year. They are good, serviceable, styles, too, and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Our special s6.f>o value in both men's and women's styles is equal to those usually sold for several dollars more and our higher priced ones are just as good in proportion. All covers are all silk or the finest grade of union and the handles in clude all the newest styles. PRONTAUT’S JEWELRY CO. <544 BROAD STREET. 'She Can't Warm Her Feet On My Back' Said Man A s He Left His Happy Home CHICAGO “She can’t warm her feet on mv back,” said Haul Gelln to Municipal Judge Crowe, in answer to l»is wife’s charge of assault, and the Judge, hearing the story, took the same view. “Your honor, he was going to strike me, and tore up the pillows and dit/ everything ho could to be mean,’' ex plained Mrs Gella. “He said, 'get your cold feet off me,' and 1 Just said I guessed I had a right to put ’em there if I wished. Then he got up and Hew around the flat.** “She used me for a warming pan." said the husband. “She said if 1 did Run Down ? Ask your doctor all ahoal Ayer ’» Sarsapa rilla. Entirely free from alcohol. A stronp tank and alterative. n't like it T could Ret out, which I did." "I'll dismiss the defendant,” said the Judffe. "! think he had good cause for complaint," * Stuart's Buchu and Juniper is the most reliable remedy known for kid ney and bladder trouble. SI.OO all druggists. Kddle Gurvle, now with Frank Dan iels. will have an important role in "Dick Whittington." Ayer's Ssrsspsrilla is * tonic. It does not stimulate. It does not mtke you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. There Is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that cornea from a strong tonic. Ask vour doctor all about this. AMUSEMENTS Wilfred Boger as Manson, in “The Servant In The House,” at the Grand. Tonight—“ The Servant In the House.” When Salmi Morses' great story, “Th# Way of the Cross,'’ reached the appal lingly beautiful hut assuredly sacrlligious moment of revealing James O’Nell as the Christ in Gethsemane, the tableau was thrilling, but came with so great and reverberating a religious shock that Mr. Herne, appreciating the towering sentiment of the audience, slowly lowered the curtain on the tableau and asked the audience to accept their dismissal, as the play had proved too sacred for represen tation. And that huge crowd, over which had shivered a few fanatical hisses for the hardihood of ttie producers, silently tiled out with a whisper of resentment, but in a prayerful and sullen state of wonder amt regret. Many were not Chris tians at all, but the flagrant uye of that tthloh belonged to a great and nll-con quering religion roused rebellion in the audience as if it communed with one ruler of the universe In the same lan guage and by tin* same rubrics. Hut “The Servant in the House" belongs to the l«ew Wallace “Ben Hur" category, and la both bcuutifu! and dramatically powerful, without a word or thought or action which may be reouked from the pulpit. “The Bur van t in the House" may be classed as a remarkable play, but this but faintly expresses the sensation it lms caused In every city In which It has appeared. It has a powerful theme, the development of which Is most beautiful and impressive. The play is presented in an everyday manner, but under it all there is a current of spiritual symbolism which gives it an atmosphere of mysti cism not easily described. It Is almost impossible to convey an adequate impres sion of the play's appeal 10 nil classes. Its blend of seriousness and humor are like shifting lights, and two of the many eloquent speeches must b<» heard to be really understood. The play will be pre sented at the Grand theater for three i\ights. commencing tonight. A special Christmas matinee will also be given. Seats now on sale. At the Bijou. If there ever was any doubt ns to the great popularity of the Wells Bijou with the theatergoers of Augusta, it 1s being rapidly dispelled by the record-breaking crowds who arc now thronging in night.y at this favorite little theater. Never be. fore have the audiences voiced their unanimous approval of the entertainment offered as they have during the present week. The Bijou program always stands for something good in the line of vaude ville. but this week’s attraction seems to be an exceptionally strong one. The afternoon performance begins at 4 o’clock and the night performances start promptly at 7:80 and 0 o’clock. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. New Show Today at Superba. It is a matter of considerable discus sion as to how she management of the Superba ran maintain, and, in fact, con stantly improve, the standard of its offer ings, with the split-week plan of chang ing twice a week, but that they are doing so is freely attested by the throngs who daily and nightly gather within its gates. Today an entirely new bill will be in augurated. headed by Steele and Conley, one of tho cleverest teams ever seen here. They made the biggest hit at Savannah Monuay, Tusday and Wednesday In the history of the place, and they were so good that the management was tempted to hold them over. They do a black and L -•> >. : , ; r - v , Geo. Evans, Star of Cohan and Harris Minstrels at the Grand Next Tuesday Night. Purify by the Pound Infected cream can be pasteurized and legally made into butter, but would you knowingly eat that kind. The cream for comes from clean, healthy cattle. Cleanliness is the watch word till the butter is placed on your table. Our creamery is as wholesome and sanitary as a red cross laboratory and when Meadow Gold Butter goes out to you it is carefully packed in our own special patented package, immune from damp and dirt and human touch. The Continental Creamery Co. H. S. DUNBAR, Distributor tan travesty act that is simply rich. Nichols and Smith’s is a bicycle com edy act that will make everyone sit up and take notice, while Dorothy Mitchell, one of the cleverest little soubrettes in the business, is also on the bill. Illustrated ballads, pictures, and every thing will be completely changed, so that not a single feature of the first part of the week will be retained. Matinee 4 to 5:30, with evening per formances 7:45, 8:50 and 10 o'clock. Cohan & Harris Minstrels. The Grand will present as its at traction next Tuesday night the Cohan & Harris Minstrels, with George Ev ans and his Honey Boy associates. No minstrel performance has ever been presnted in America that met with such unanimous approval as the splendid entertainment offered by this company a year ago. Encouraged by the lyeat success attained during their first year of minstrel manage ment, Messrs. Cohan & Harris are presenting this year a minstrel or ganization which is said to he fully up to the high standard established by this company last year. It is en tirely new from the first part to the concluding feature. The latter is a tninstlet one act musical comedy in two scenes, written expressly for this entertainment by George M. Cohan entitled “The Fireman’s Picnic.” Mr. Cohan has given his personal atten tion to its production and has com posed for it several of his most char acteristic musical hits. Seats ready Saturday. Meerschaum and French Briar Pipes Elegant line at Burdell-Cooper Co. mum SUING 1 BANK Claims Checks Cashed Against Her Account W ere Forgeries and Holds Bank Responsible A suit, filed by Mrs. Caroline Pic <iuet in the superior court, against the Merchants Bank for SBOO.OO which Mrs. Picquet says she deposited in the Merchants Bank and which was drawn out, she alleges by forged checks, is one that promises to be an interesting as well as a sensational case. It is alleged in the petition that the plaintiff had deposited in the bank of the defendant the sum of SBOO. That when on the Ist of January, 1909, she presented her hank book in order that the interest might be added, she was given a new bank book, the old one being taken up. When the new’ book was presented it contained a batch of paid checks to the amount of SBOO, Only One “BROMO QUININE” that Is r% Jf on Laxative Brorno Qjuinine jrk f Jl* box. Cures a Cold in One Day, Crip in 2 Days “HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP” Will Be Open Christmas Eve Until 10.30 p. m. Christmas Morning Until 12 O’clock Noon. 221 EIGHTH STREET. “NORTHAMPTON” PORTLAND CEMENT. “OLD DOMINION” PORTLAND CEMENT. “KEYSTONE WHITE LIME.” “RED CROSS” TENNESSEE LIME. “ACME CEMENT PLASTER.” STOCKS AT ALL SOUTH ATLANTIC PORTS. Write Us For Prices Carolina Portland Cement Company SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. CHARLESTON, S, C. It’s Just It For Xmas Illustrated Gift Books, nice selection. r Splendid selection of Children’s Books, A Bibles, Testaments, Prayer and Hymnals, J| Waterman’s Fountain Pens, r . best pen made. f Arcliarena Carrom, New Base Ball Game, Nice line of high grade Box Stationery, Kodaks .. SI.OO up to SIOO.OO Toys ? Toys ?! Games ? Games ?? Big stock to select from. Richards Stationery Co., You save money by buying of us. THE LIST CALL—THE LIST CILL The nice home, 819 13th Street, which we offer for $3,750.00, will be withdrawn from the market in a short time. This is a bona fide sale offer, with no strings attached—its for quick sale and unless disposed of, will be withdrawn from the market and other arrangements made by the owner. - ! ... If you want a home in a home seetion let us show you this property now. A. W. LUCKY & CO., 219 Seventh Street Leonard Building. (?) the interest however was credited to the account. Mrs. Picquet alleges that the checks were forgeries and that she never drew a cent of the amount from the bank. The hank refused to credit her account with the SBOO and she has brought suit through her attorneys to regain the amount. T>