Newspaper Page Text
"■Dear Tanta Tlaus —I am a little
boy S months old I have fair skin and
blue fyes and light hire and 2 little
tuffes I am too little to rite so I will
get my mama to rite fur me I want
you to bring me a rocky horse and a
rattler and a rubber ring to cuit my
little tuffes wif and a rubber doll and
some tandy dont fur get mama and
papa from vour little frend
1143 D’Antignac St.
Forgot to Sign It.
My Dear Old Santa Clause —As it is
comeing to Christmas I wood write
and let you know wheat I want for
Christmas I want you to bring me a
Sxpress wagon and a suit of clothes
and some fire works and a writing
dest so I can write to my frlng and
dont forget my teacher her name is
Miss B. E. Gilbert she live 820 frite
ave., I want you to bring her some
fruit she will like it and done forget
by broth trickle and a lotes of fruit.
Good by I hope you a marry Christ
mas and a happy new year.
Spartanburg, S. C.
Dear Santa Claus —I am a good lit
tle boy. Please bring me a billy goat
wagon and a horn and an automobile
and a freight train and some fruit
and candy. Please dont forget my
little brother William, bring him some
nice little toys, because he is a good
little boy. Your little friend
117 Forest St.
Santy Clause—Please send me a
doll, a little stove, a bed and a teddy
Mv Dear Santa Claus —I want a
teddy bear, a rocking horse, a chair,
a wagos, a buggy, a harp and oranges,
grapes and a little train. I am a lib
tie boy nearly four years old.
Martinez, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus —I am a little boy
7 years old and I thought I would
write you a few lines I want a toy
trane and a teddy hair and a pony and
a hee of goodies, apples, candies, or
anges and I dont know anything else
to tell vou. Your little friend
And a airship tnat when you wind
it up it will go up in the air.
Dear Santa Claus—l want you to
please bring me a drum, trycicle, sol
dier suit, pistol, wagon a little auto
mobile, some candy, fruit and Are
works. Goodby Santa Claus. Your
little friend
1925 Watkins St.
Dear Sandy Claus— Please bring me
a watch and a tool box and a horn
and a cap pistel and some fire works
dont forget my teacher Miss Pauline
Radford. Yours truly
1466 May Avenew.
Dear Santa Claus: We are two little
children. I am 7 years old, and sister is
5. My papa is down In Florida sick, and
I thought I had better write to you.
Flrase bring me an air gun and a horn.
I did want an Irish mall, but spose I can
do without that if I get the gun. Sister
wants a doll, and a doll house and A
horn too. Please bring us some nuu
candy raisins and apples and oranges.
We are both good little children. Give
our love to Mrs Santa Claus. Your loving
'ittle boy and girl.
Warrenville, S. C.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little Boy 8
years old, and go to school and learn fast
and T dont want you to forget me Xmas
I will not ask for much this time as my
papa has been sick so long. I know he
wont have much to give you for my toys
Dear Santa please Bring me a nice story
Book and some fire crackers and a cap
pistol and caps and some fruits and dont
forget to Bring my little Brothers some
thing and dont for get to go see my dear
school teacher Miss Bessie Pritchard,
good By Santa I am your little Friend.
1832 Ellis St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a Httle Boy 5
year old and want you to bring me a
story Book and a air gun and so#ie fire
works and some fruits and dont for get
the kindergerden teachers for I love them
all they are so nice to me. and I do like
to go to school. I am your Friend.
1882 Ellis St.
Dear old Sandy Close: I aske yoo to
bring me a horn, and a pistil, and caps
and a hoe and rake and a horse an!
wagon and lots of fruit, and lots of
thing to suit and a train that Is all 1
ask you for this time now dont forget m?
this erismas give my love to mrs santy
close I am yoor
Dear Santa Clause: I will write you a
few lines. As Christmas Is drawing near.
And I want you to bring me a big doll
with Blue Eyes And a Carriage to ride
my doll In. Alsa, A Tea set And A fern
with a little table Just like Mama. Also
bring me a Bracelet I am a little girl four
old. With love to all. Your friend.
1416 Glover St.
Dear Santa Claus: I see every body Is
writing I thought I would write to you to
let you know what I want for Xmas.
Please bring me some fire crackers, and
a story book, bicycle, box of Paints norn,
a game and a wagon some fruits and
nuts. I guess thats all this time. Your
R. F. D. No. 2.
Dear Sandy Cloths: I will write you a
letter to let you no what I want. I want
a whal bar, and a Auter more beal and
sum fire works, and sum fruit, and nuts,
and that Is all. Give my love to Miss
Sandy and your children if you got any.
Ey By.
B*6 Marhury St.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy
three years old, please come to my house
Christmas and bring me a large rubber
ball, a drum, a horn, and a small express
wagon and some of all kinds of fruit, and
I will be a good little boy. Your little boy.
ISSO Hicks St.
Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a
doll and a carriage ana a rattler and a
jump out of the box, and some fruits that
Is about all for this Christmas yours
950 Broad.
Dear Santa Claus: I am only two years,
hut I do-not want you to forget me. I
only want a few toys. You can bring me
a small wagon, a ball, horn, drum, a pair
of leggins, a sweater, a pair of mitts or
any thing else you think will do a little
boy like me I am a good boy and love
you Santa Claus. Do not forget that my
address is
244 Nneooehee Ave., Athens. Ga.
Dear Sandy Cloths: I want a Wagont
and sone firewors and sone fruit and
nuts. By By Sandy Cloths.
845 Marbury St-
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six
years old. I go to school, am a good boy
in school and I study my lesons at home
and I help my Mama and play with my
little brother Albert, so I want you to
bring me a large express wagon, a postal
card album, a train that run on the track,
a drum, horn, candy, nuts, fruits and a
candy walking stick, also bring me some
fire-cracker, sparkler, and a eap-plstol
with some caps. With love to Mrs. Santa
Claus. I am your little friend.
244 Nacoochee Ave., Athens, Ga.
Dear Santa: I am so glad It Is
nearly Xmas and I hope you will have
a Merry X-mas. I am a little girl
four years old and I want you to
please bring me a doll and carriage a
tea set and a little stove and a table.
I will take good care of them and I
want you to bring my little sister a
big rag doll she had one and it is
tore up so bring her another one she
Is two years old and Is a cripple she
can’t walk. Was naralizod a year ago
and hasn't walked any since, and dont
forget to bring gramma and papa and
mama something nice. Bring us some
fruit and nuts dont bring any fire
works as I am afraid of them. Love to
you and Mrs. Santa I remain your
little girl %
1930 Broad Street.
P. S.-—Please get a black rag doll
for sister as she likes them best.
Dear Santa Claus: As Christmas is
near I thought I would right to you I
want fruit and a tennis hall and fire
works your friend.
P. S. I forgot stockings and a night
shirt and I want you to remember my
Bro. Augustine lie Is sick in
the hospital.
Dear Santa Clause: I thought I
would write and tell you what I want
you two bring me a tennis ball, loop
the loop and a see-saw and be sure
and bring me a Christmas tree and
bring me a whole lot of fruit my name
P. S. I live at ,443 Telfair St. Dont
forget my teacher, brother Augustine
who is sick in the hospital.
Dear Santa Claws: I want you to
bring me a monkey, a little stove some
fruit and candy nuts I am seven years
old am in the first grade at school and
wrote this letter myself. Give my love
to Mrs. Santa Claws. Your little girl
Crawfordville, Ga.
Dear Santa Clause: I want to tell
you what I want, I want an Express
waggon and Billie Goat and a horn
and a mouth Organ and a Stocken full
of candy nuts and fruits. I am a lit
tle boy four years old, good by to you
and dear Mrs. Santa clause be sure
and bring some chocklate candy no
more, your dear little boy,
North Augusta.
Dear Santa tause: I will write to
you what I want you to bring me this
Xmass I am a feet little curley head
ed girl 2% years old, dear santa I
want a big baby doll and a little wag
on and a horn, and bugle and white
bear skin cloak and a grate big tocken
full of tandy nuts and fult so dood
by to you dear santa tause frome your
dear little girl 14
North Augusta.
Dear Santa Claus. As all the other
little children are writing to you for
presents I thought I would write you
Just for one. I am so anxious for a
bicycle but my papa is dead and mam
ma says she hasnt enough money to
buy me one, so santa wont you please
bring me one? You need not bring
me any other toys or confectionaries
for many years to come. I have been
a good boy all the year and will al
ways try to do good and I want to be
a newspaper man like my papa was
when I get grown. I am 9 years old.
Your little boy.
P. S. Please don’t forget mj; two lit
tle sister 6 and 4 years old and bring
them some-thing nice.
Dear Santa Clause. Santa Clause
I have Just been reading the letters
of the other little girls and boys. I
do not care for much this Christmas.
Please bring me a handkerchief and
a pair of stockings and a ring tea set
and some fruit and candies. With
lots of loves to you and Mrs. Santa
Clause. Your little friend,
Dear Santa Clause: I want you to
bring me a dog a tin horse a horn a
suit of clothes and a pair of shoes, I
want a pleanty of fire works and a
pleanty of fruit and nuts, hoping to
hear from you soon from little boy
1265 Mill St.
Dear Santa Clause. I want this
year a doll with brown eyes and black
hair and a white teddy Bear a Billie
goat and cart candy and nuts some
fire crackers and anything you have
to spare. Your little
543 Marbury Street.
Early Branch S C
Dear Santa Claus. I thought I
would write and let you know what I
want. Please bring me a tin wagon,
a Bango and a lot of fruits. lam a
little hoy of ten, years old, goes to
school and is In the third grade. Wish
ing you a merry Xmas I will say good
bye your Little boy
P. S. Santa dont forget my Lit
tle Neice and Nephew. I will hang
they stockings along with mive, one
is 4 years old and the other is 2
months old. Give Mrs. Santy Claus
my love. T. P•
Plum Branch S C
Dear Santa Claus. I thought I
would write and tell you what I war.*
you to bring me for Xmas. I want
you to bring me a billy goat, some ap
ples, oranges, bananas, nuts,, raisins,
candy and all kinds of fruits and any
thing you want to bring. Give Mrs.
Santa by love. Your little boy
Dear Santa Claus. Please bring me
an Irish mail some nuts and candy
oranges bananas an overcoat and a
fire coat for mama a cap istol a pret
ty new coat and a cap. Yours lov
1339 Barrett St.
Dear .Santa Claus. I want you to
bring me a doll and carriage and a
bed stead for my doll and a piano,
tea set. lam a little girl 5 years old
and go to school. I will look for you
soon Santa.
Dear Santa Claus: I want a big
doll and some close for it and a car
riage to fit it I want a piano a bedsted
and washstand a stove and teaset and
some fruit. Your little girl
Waynesboro, Ga.
Dear Santa Clause I will now take
pleasure in writing you a few lines.
Santa Clause I am a little girl 8 years
old. I am in the third grade at wood
lawn school. A few little things I
want to ask you to bring ine if you
please, is a doll carriage, and a doll
with black hair, and a horn. Santa
Clause I would also like some fruits
candy and nuts, and some sparklers.
Good by wishing you and Mrs. Santa
Calause a Mery Christmas and a
Happy New Year. Your Little friend
1481 Gwinnett St.
Dear Santa Clause It makes my
heart rejoice to know that the time
have come for us children to write you
another letter, it has been so long
since we heard from you. Dear Santa,
I will try and not ask too much of you
this Christmas. You will please bring
me a furniture set, doll with a Mary
.Tanc dress, with brown eyes, and lilack
hair, Uncle Remus’ story book; also,
some fruits and candv. I am a girl
10 years old, if there is anything else
you can think of and bring me, I will
tiiank you very much. Wishing you
and Mrs. Santa Clause a merry Christ
mas, and a happy new year, I will
close. Your little friend
1481 Gwinnett St.
Dpar Sandyclaus as It Is almost
Christmas again I must tell you what
I want as The Herald Is so nice to us
little hoys as to print our letters and
make sure that you get them I will
first tell you that I want a rlfel and
a cap pistol and a lot of caps and a
pocket knife and lots and lots of lire
iworks and candy’s and nuts and fruits
of all kind and please Dear Sandy
dont forget to bring my Mamma
something nice wishing you and Mrs.
Sandy a merry Exmas X remain your
little boy
Dear Santa Clause I am a little boy
twelve years old I go to school and
; I love my teacher. Please bring me
a doll and doll carriage a tin wagin
and a doll stove. I must close give
ny love to Mrs. Santa Clause you
little boy
Reynolds St.
I P. S. Don’t forget my sweet teacher.
Dear Santa Claus, I am Lollie’s sis
[ter and I want you to faring me a doll,
a doll's tea set. a A. B. C. book, a doll
j carriage, a cradle for her, a set of doll
i furnisher, a doll wash stand with a
bowl and pitcher, and some nuts and
fruits, Give my love to Mrs. Santa
Claus, Hope you and her a merry
Christmas and Happy New Year,
Your little girl
P. S. Bring me and Lollie a doll
Dear Santa Claus, I will write you
a few lines to let you know what I
want Christmas. I want a trunk, a
story book about Xmas, a doll, a doll
teaset, a set of paper dressing dolls
and some nuts and fruits, I am 8
years old and in the second Grade at
school. Give my love to Mrs. Santa
Claus, I remain your little girl,
Dear old Sanda Claus please bring
me a tricicle and a train that runs
on the track and a nice story book
an all kind of fireworks an plenty of
fruit. Give Mrs Sanda Claus my love
Your Friend
1436 Glover St.
Dear old Sanda Claus I can't think
of any thing else I want but a train !
that runs on the track and fireworks
and sparklers and a nice large ball
and. Give Mrs. Sanda Claus my love.
Your little Friend
1436 Glover St.
Dear Santa Claus. Y'ou have been
good to me each year so this year I
am writting for my sister and brother
Marry and Emma. Harry is in Thom
son but will be home for Christmas
he wants a Jockey horse and buster
brown suit. Emma wants a rag doll
and we all want some fruits and fire
works, from your little friends
P. S. I forget bring my cousin
Norma a sweater and me a doll head.
1332 Gwinnett Street.
Dear Santa Claus. I want a coat
to match my pants and a ndt and hall
and my sister Emma a pair of play
mates shoes remember mamma and
papa and grandma and grandpa in
Thomson and bring me a lots of fruits
and fire works from your little friend
Hillsboro, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus. As I am sick
in bed today I will ask you for just
a few tilings for Xmas as I know you I
have lots of things to spare. I would I
like ot have a Foot Ball goat and
wagon allso a suit of clothes Tooth
Brush Rocy horse a Drum a horn and
any other things that you have to
give Thanking you in Advance I will j
ask Grand Mother Wall for the rest, j
I want. Wishing a merry Xmas I am I
yours Very Trury
1655 Broad Street,
Dear Santa Claus. As al my little
friends are writing telling you what)
they want you to bring them. I have
a good many play things that you ;
have been kind enough to bring me, so
this time. 1 only ask far a horn and
little gun that will shoot a cork, and
any thing else that you think a little
boy like myself could manage. I am
only four years old. Now Dear San
ta. please be kind to all the poor chil
dren. dont forget any one, be sure
to come to see me. Your little friend
1243 Telfair St.
P. S. Tell my uncle Frank not to
forget to tell you about the magic lan
tern that he said you would bring me.
Dear Santa Clause. I am a girl
16 years old. I am deprived of the
beauties of the world by losing my
eye sight when I was about eight
years old I am trying to go to school
to get and education. I have no one
to look to but my mother she has to
leave my little 4 year old sister and
iny self all a lone at six thirty a. m.
and go to her work. I find it very
lonley untill time to go to school I
go to the John Millage school. My
mother has to read all my lessons and
I write them in point-type so that I
can learn them but I have a great de
sire to get a education especially in
music. I want to be a music teacher
soom day then I can help mother and
in time get me a piano I hope you will
bring my little sister soom candy and
fruit wishing you and Mrs. Santa
Clause a Merry Christmas and a lin,i>-
py new year. Your friend
815 Broad Street.
Dear Santa Clause. I want you to
bring me a toole box, a horn, express
wagon and a suit of clothes, and some
fruit. Be good to all tile other lit
tle children and come real soon. Good
bye Santa Claus. From
Blythe, Ga.
Dear old sweet Santa. I have just
heard some of the letters read that the
little boys and girls have written and
I thought that I had better write to
you and let you know what I would
like to have this Xmas. I got a pret
ty doll last Xmas and I want you to
bring me a little carriage to ride her
In. I would like to have a Htory hook
and some candies and fruits. ~I have
not asked for much but you can bring
any thing that you think will be suit
able for a little girl four years old.
Your loving frtend
My dear Old Santie—l’m a little boy
of five years old. I want a tricycle,
wagon, street-car, and some fruit.
Santie, please dont forget my littlo
Bister, Laura. Wishing a Merry,
Mery Xmas and a Happy New Year
Mnntmorenci, 8. C.
Dear good Sante Claus: Here is
<>ne little girl that don’t want you to
bring me nice things for Xmas. I
rather do without any If that will
help some poor sick child and there
are so many am afraid you wont find
them all If you come to my house in
the country. Now please ask some of
the wealthy, I mean rich people who
have lots and lots of money to help
you carry ltttlo Leroy Renew a chair
witli wheels to rool out in the sun
if he Is strong enough to sit up and
I shall be happy ANNIE.
Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me
some toys. EMIL WILLIAMS.
Dear Santa: —Xmas Is here again.
I am 9 years old. Papa and Mama
says I am getting to large to truble
you but I feel very Small when they
tal to kme about you. I am not go
ing to ask you for anything for I
want Just that much than ever. I
have been naughty and broken up lots
of the pretty things you brought mo
In the past, if you do not forget me
this Xmas I will be better and do bet
ter Just try me please your friend
Dear Santa Clause I will write and
tell you what I want you to bring me
I want a gun and a train of cars and
,a tablet and fireworks and all kinds
of fruits and ail kinds of nuts and
Dear Santa I am a little girl six
years old I wont a little set of fur
niture ,two horns and a nice sewing
box, your little friend
Be Sure to Do The Rest of Your
Christmas Shopping at
“The Home of Good Clothes”
G%s£>'?4 Ik ||
McCreary’s Ok
“Home of Good Clothes”
40,000 Gallons of Whiskey Shipped
From Richmond To Dry Sections Daily
RICHMOND, Va, —As a distributing
point for the entire South, as well as for
many states of tho middle West, Rich
mond at. this season has been shipping
probably more whiskey to dry sections
man was ever sent out In the same
length of time from any other city In the
country, not excepting New York and
Chicago. This declaration Is based on
statements made by leading whiskey
dealers and On estimates furnished by
representatives of the express companies.
The bulk of these big shipments have
been consigned to Individuals In North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala
bama, Mississippi and the various dry
My Dear sandy Please bring me a
doll and a carriage.
dear santa claus I saw your letter
in the herald so I havent wrote to
santa I will write to you I have two
brothers one five and one seven and
I am twelve years old and I dont
know weter santa claus will come a
not and we will think you for any
tiling well good by your frend
1 1305 Estes St-
We have the latest and neatest and
cheapest in the seasonable things
For Boys,
Young Men,
Old Men.
Let us suggest
Suits, or
Take our word for it—
Our prices are the most
reasonable in Augusta-
Our Christmas Goods
the most suitable—and
you can buy Xmas
Presents here
From 25c
To $50.00
sections of Virginia. At the warn< time
enormous quantities of distilled spirits
have bean shipped to Texas, Indiana,
Florida and Illinois.
Indications are that at least 40,000 gal
lons of whiskey are shipped from this
city daily. The whiskey establishments
are working nlgm and day.
Took License A way From Doctor
For Prescribing Whiskey Freely
KANSAS CITY.—No more controversies
with the mothers of the W. C. T. U.,
thank you!
That Is the sad reflection of Dr. O. A,
Meyer, of Buffalo, Mo.
Dallas county Is "dry." The women
of the W. C. T. U. there began to say
things about Dr. Meyer prescribing whis
key for earache, toothache, stomach ache,
lame baek and other complaints. Dr.
Meyer resented it, and wrote a letter to
the local paper, in whloh he included a
prayer for the women for what he termed
their shortcomings.
The women and their male friends took
Every people naturally fall Into the
pursuit that Is adapted to their eats*.
In England milk la the leading dairy pro.
ductlon. In Scotland it Is -fittaa In
Holland It is cheoeo with some butter.
In Denmark nearly everybody on tho
farm makes butter of exoelteat quality
and Iri immense quantities. Tho Island
of Jersey produces the finest butter cows
In the world. The American people do
something In all sorts of dairy produo.
lion, according to location.
the matter before the stats board of
health, and Dr. Meyer's license to prac
tice was revoked on the charge that he
had been gm.ty of conduct unoecomlng •
physician in prescribing whiskey tot
minor aliments,
Meyer appealed to the circuit court.
The case has been compromised In this
Meyer is to he put on a year’s proba
tion. If at the end of that time the W,
C. T. IS. o - the st :e board of health
believe hts conduct Is above reproach, he
will be restored to all the rights of a
physician. In the meantime he will con
tinue his practice.