Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME XIV., No. 359.
We find several broken lots, odds and ends, remnants, which must be closed out regardless of cost, before our inventory time, which is January the First. These connected with tho
great offerings in our regular lines makes Monday a buying opportunity that is seldom witnessed in this section of the country.
With this store’s acknowledged leadership, the public should, at once, realize the importance of this announcement and take advantage before these lots are cleaned up.
Some Genuine Bargains
in Fine Blankets
Too many on hand; they must go; consequently
some great values await you:
11-4 $4.50 Blankets at $3.25
11-4 $3.50 Blankets at.... $2.25
10- $2.50 Blankets at $1.75
11- All Pure Wool Plaid Blankets, reduced
to $4.29
$6.50 Very Soft Fine Wool Blankets, at .. . .$4.98
$9.00 12-4 Fine Blankets at $6.98
Slightly Soiled Sample Blankets, worth up to $4.00
to close at $1,98
10-4 Grey Mixed Blankets, at, per pair 89c
Big Reductions in All Fine
$1.25 values at 89c
$1.50 values, at 98c
$2.00 values, at y $1.39
$2.50 values, at $1.67
$3.00 values, at $1.98
$3.50 values, at $2.39
$3.75 values, at $2.59
$4.00 values, at $2.69
$7.50 values, at $4.93
Entire stock of Down Comforts, worth np to $6.50
and $7.50, at $4.98
Money-Saving Opportunity
For Monday
7i/ 2 c Sea Island, 35-in. wide at 5c
6!/2C Ginghams, at 4%c
All Standard Calicoes, at 5c
All 10c Outings, reduced to 8c
Genuine Lana Oil Buttermilk Soap, at, per box 15c
Good Pearl Buttons, per dozen lc
18x40-in. 15c Huck Towels, at 10c
36-in. White Cambric, at 10c
1-lb. Jar of Vaseline, for 10c
All Ladies’ Sweaters reduced to Half Price.
Entire stock of Lace Curtains to close quick,
at Half Price
Washingtc/i Government
Refrained From Inter
ference on Promise That
Former President Would
Go Into Perpetual Exile.
(Special Cable to American News Ser
CORINTO. —A great sensation was
caused here today when It was learned
that Zelaya had escaped on the Mexioan
gunboat Guerrero. When Zelaya arrived
here yesterday afternoon he had a long
secret Interview with the Mexican min
lstr, at which arrangements were made
for him to take flight on the Mexican
ship. The United States ship Buffalo,
with 700 marines aboard, is still here,
but as far as Is known, the officers of
the ship made no attempt to prevent
Zelaya’s flight. Americans here are anx
iously awaiting word from Washington
cs to the stand the Americans will take
In Mexico aiding Zelaya to escape.
(By the Associated Press.)
MEXICO Caa f. —Jose Santos Zelaya,
as a private citizen, asked and was
granted an asylum aboard the Mexican
gunboat Genera! Guerrero, according to
the officials of the department of foreign
relations here tonight. Knowledge of
his ultimate destination or of his plans
for the immediate future was denied.
(By American News Service.)
WASHINGTON, D. C.—The United
States has compromised with its orig
inal attitude toward former President
Zelaya of Nicaragua.
Tl news was general today In the de
part Ints that this government had pur
flight of Zelaya from the anger of his
own people and that this compromise
was based on the assurance from Mex
ico and Nicaragua that Zelaya would go
Into perpetual exile.
So far as it Is known here. Zelaya’**
Intention wss to start for Europe as
soon as possible after reaching Mexican
soli. He naturally prefers not to leave
by the Panama route. The hope of this
government when It Issued Its fulml nation
against Zelaya was that the revolutionary
party would in short order, on the
strength of the moral support of a squad
ron of United States ships and 700 mu
rines, obtain control of the government
and of the person of Zelaya.
Had this plan been successful it was
known to the United States that the Es
trada party would be just as anxious to
punish Zelaya for his crimes against
the revolutionists as the United States
was for his crimes against Groce and
Cannon. At the time of the sending of
the Knox note the revolutionists seem\to
have little chance of success and It
became a question of expediency for the
United States to connive at the banish
ment of Zelaya until such time as the
Estrada party obtained control, or the
new government of Madriz could give
guarantees of peace.
It Is understood now that the United
Stales government will ask, m due time,
for a new election In Nicaragua in order
that the will of the people may be ascer
tained. There Is no intention, however,
of abandoning the revolutionary party
as long os there Is a chance of Its suc
cess, and there is no reason now to as
sume that It will not be successful.
Wltfh the question of the personal
punishment of Zelaya out of the way, tho
United States will resume the question of
reparation to be made for the deaths of
Groce and Cannon and for thf» liquidation
of the emery claim.
Senate Will Likely Ask
Admistration to Explain
Why Zelaya Was Not
Punished for Crimes.
WASHINGTON, D. C.—The escape;
of Zelaya from Nicaragua on a Mexl- |
can gunboat and the belief that Z* la- j
Price _SI ash in g J n Our
Ready-to-Wear Dept.
Every Woman who is in need of any of the follow
ing articles should at once take advantage of this
sale and lay in her supply for months to come.
Our Entire Stock of Ladies’ and
Misses’ Coat Suits, Cloaks and
One-Piece Dresses at. : : : :
—Hall Price——
Also entire Stock of Furs LMf Pnpo
Reduced to Hdll illuu
25 Per Cent Off On Entire Stock of
Black and Colored Panama Skirts
ya will make his way to Belgium, es
caping punishment for the killing of
Cannon and Groce, American citizens
will be discussed In the senate when
congress reconvenes.
Senator Raynor, of Maryland, hai»
a resolution before the senate com
mittee on foreign relations providing
for the apprehension and punishment
of Zelaya. Critics of the administra
tion in its failure to bring about the
punishment of Zelaya will endeavor to
bring out this reason. On this effort
opportunity will be afforded for a dis
cussion of the courße of Secretary
Knox with reference to Zelaya and
the Nicaraguan situation. Senator
Raynor would not comment on the
matter today. It is known, how
ever, that he is unwilling to let the
matter rest where it is. He wants
Zelaya punished. Some other sena
tors take like positions and are ex
pected to indorse Senator Raynor's
position. There is a disposition to
criticise Secretary Knox for permitt
ing Zelaya to leave Nicaragua if Ze
laya has made good his escape.
It is believed to have been the wish
of the state department that Zelaya ]
should have fallen into the hands of j
Gen. Estrada and his adherents.
While Zelaya might not have been tried
by the Nicaraguans for the killing of j
the Americans, it is believed other ’
charges would have been laid against
him. the punishment for which, ir
proven would have been sufficiently j
grave to have satisfied the United i
States. There is doubt at the state
department as to whether tills country'’
could have insisted upon the trial of
the deposed ruler for the killing of
Cannon and Groce. The, fact that!
Zelaya was permitted to leave Nica
ragua indicates that Secretary Knox
has come to the conclusion that the
United States could not insist on the
trial or prevent his escape from th<
country he has ruled so tyrannically.
—Miss Mabel Sikes, of Detroit, is
the guest of Miss Juanita Munday.
HEJMPSTEAD, N. Y.—Mr. Blair, father
of Mrs. W. Gould Brokaw, who 1h suing
her husband in the Nassau county su
preme court, emphatically denied on be
half of his daughter, that she is con
templating a reconciliation with her hus
band. The question will be fought to
an issue again on Monday. Mr. Blair
intimated and Mr. Baldwin, who is Mrs
Brokaw’s lawyer, spoke In a similar vein.
Prominent Citizen of
Jacksonville Passed Away
After Lingering Illness.
mer, one of Jacksonville’s most prom
inent citizens, passed away at his
home here at 7 o’clock Saturday night,
after a lingering illness, Mr. Cummer
was at the head of the big Cummer
Lumber company and the Cummer
Phosphate works arid was vice pres
ident of the Cook-Cummer Steamship
company, which runs a line of schoon
er-barges between Jacksonville and
Philadelphia and Providence In the
lumber and coal trade.
South Carolina: Fair Sunday
brink to high to northwest
winds. Monday fair.
Georgia: Fair Sunday and Mon
day; moderate to brink north went
winds Sunday.
Train Service Crippled by
General Storm From
Ohio to Atlantic Sea
CHICAGO. —The worst snow storm
of the year was the Christinas gift
of the elements to the middle West.
In lavish generosity It was excelled
only this evening when a slushy blan
ket six Inches thick covered Chicago
From the Missouri river east to the
Atlantic the country was In the grasp
of the storm. With railroad schedules
practically abandoned passenger trains
on all lines were from 6 to 10 hours
behind time. Street railway service
was almost at a standstill. A cold
wave dogging behind the blizzard
made itself felt toward night. Fair
and much colder weather Is predicted
for tomorrow.
The snow brought to many unem
ployed men the opportunity to earn a
Christmas dinner and a little more be
Many a poor fellow who had trav
eled far in the expectation If passing
Christmas in a happy reunion with
friends or relatives, spent the day In
stead watching the miles of snow
bound farms and forests glide slowly
past his car window. Some of the
wayfarers on trains arriving ten hours
late were in 111-humor. Others said
they and their fellow passengers bad
much shift to pass a fairly merry
Christmas among themselves while
the locomotives battled with the drifts.
PRAGUE.—*A paseenger train bound
for Vienna collided with a freight at
’’hersko station, near Chotseen, Bohemln,
r-iturday, resulting In the death -jf ten
Persona. Twenty-eight wore seriously In •
Below We Mention a Few of
the Broken Lots
Handkerchiefs .slightly rumpled, from the holiday
handling, worth up to 25c qualit , (limited). Come
early; your choice for 10c
Broken lots of Men’s Regular 50e Ties, at . 25c
Slightly rumpled linen Scarfs and Center Pieces
and Mats, to he closed out at, a fraction above Half
Slightly rumpled Silk and Net Waists, worth up
to $8.50, reduced to $4.98
Hand Crocheted Table Mats, at .. .. .. ..25c
Broken lots of 35c to 50c Scarfs and Center
Pieces, all at one price .. ...-.25
A few Men’s Fine Silk Mufflers, at Half P
After the holiday rush some big bargains no
picked up in neckwear, in jabots, stocks and
hows at a big reduction.
SI.OO Pictures to close at 49c
Remnants of Fancy Silks, worth up to SI.OO,
at only 49c
Some Big Bargains in Winter
Some of these are iu broken lots and can ho
bought very cheap.
Men’s Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers,
at 35c
Men’s SI.OO and $1.25 Wool Mixed Shirts and
Drawers, all reduced to 79c
Ladies’ Fine Ribbed Wool Mixed Vests and Pants,
regular 75e grade, at 49c
Ladies’ SI.OO and $1.25 Vests and Pants, all reduc
ed to 79c
Ladies’ Regular 50c Pants, at 35c
Ladies long sleeve Knit Corset Covers, at .. .25c
Plot to Kill Czar and
Czarina Unearthed At
Moscow. Bombs Found
and Six Persons Arrested
MOSCOW. —The secret service po
lice have unearthed a plot against the
czar and czarlne, who are to arrive
here soon. They arrested here Sat
urday two women ami four men who
are members of anarchistic groups.
It Is said that these arrests may
throw some light on the killing by a
bomb a few days ago In St. ePters
burg of Colonel Karpoff, the chief of
the. secret police of that city.
The arrests of the two women and
the four men was made In a house on
Baskakow street where they had been
living for a fortnight. In the house
hidden In the cellar were found sev
eral bombs filled with a high explo
sive. The secret police have been
watching this house ever slnco Col.
Karpoff was killed.
The Information the police received
was that the prisoners they took Sat
urday were making the bombs found
In the house where they were arrest
ed to use upon the arrival here of the
rzar and czarina. The police say that
the bombs were to be dispatched at
Kursk depot and exploded there when
the Imperial couple and their suite ar
rived on the Livadla railway.
A watOilman Implicated In the con
spiracy disappeared Immediately after
the arrests were made. The arrests
end the finding of the bombs created
a sensation In the city and resulted In
a more rigid supervision over all per
sons arriving In Moscow. This super
vision has always been a rigid one,
but the watchfulness of the police 1m
greater Just at present than ever be
jured and more than a score suffered
slight hurts.
Trains Running as Double
Headers for Christmas
Traffic Caused Disaster.
Street Cars Crashed.
sons were crushed and mangled Sat
urday, two of whom will die. when a
West Pennsylvania railway street car
crashed Into the rear of another car
at the Htandard works of the H. C.
Frick Coke company plnnt, two miles
north of this city. The injured!
Mlcheel Domitz, aged 20, of United,
both legs crushed; amputated.
‘ Chun. Merlco, 26, leg crushed; am
putated later.
Mike Dumlsh, both legs crushed,
Chas. Hutshle, Carpentertown, both
legs crushed; amputated.
Wm. Jordan, 11, Standard, leg
crushed; amputated.
Robt. Jordan, 13, brother of Wil
liam, leg mangled, and will have to
he amputated.
Chas. Barnett, 36, United, leg man
M. V. Gray, electrical engineer of
Reynoldsvllle, toes crushed.
Henry Coy, 77, leg broken In three
On account of the heavy Christmas
traffic all trains ran as double head
ers .each being followed closely by
Southbound car took the siding et
.Standard to allow the following car
Ito go ahead of it. Some way, as yet
unexplained, the second car also took
the siding, crashing into the first,
which was crowded to the platform
by merrymakers. The impact was
terrific and the wonder is that any
one on the rear platform, where most
of the damage was Inflicted, escaped
Instant death.