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SIOO Package
Free To AS!
Every Man or Woman Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair by Using The
Wonderful Foso Treatment.
Foso Quickly Removes Dandruff,
Stops Falling Hair and rtching Scalp,
Changes Gray or Faded Hair to its
Natural Color. Grows New Hair.
Men whose hair or beards are strag
gling or all gone, women whose tress
es have been thinned by fever or hair
falling out requiring the use of switch
es; little children, boys and girls
whose hair is course and unruly; all
iind in this great remedy just the re
lief that they want.
I don't ask you to take my word for
it. Fill out free coupon below and
mail today for a free SI.OO package
that will prove all I claim.
Announced From Hamp
ton Terrace Tuesday
Evening That He • Had
Been Aiiproaeiied and
Would Probably Sign Up
John Kelly, veteran sportsman,
fighting and racing authority, known
to the profession as ‘‘Honest John,”
announced from the Llampton Terrace
hotel Tuesday that he had been ap
proached by several and that he would
in all probability referee the great
Jefferies-Johjison mill to come off on
July 4th.
Mr. Kelly is personally acquainted
with both Jefferies and Johnson and
on account of his probable engage;,
ment to referee the mill, he said h“
had no opinion to express as to the
However, from the few remarks he
made, ho considers the two evenly
matched and in good condition, with
a shade of advantage in favor of Jef
feries. Ho was present when the ar
ticles of agreement were signed and
remarked on the appearance of the
two men. He said that Johnson was
evidently cowered, while Jeff held his
head high and looked everyone pres
ent in the eye. He thinks there is
a streak of yellow in the negro and
believes the white man will cower
him. He stated that Jeff was in good
form when he saw him last and had
Baldheaded Row
Early Piety Not Always the Cause of
In Paris there lived a great physi
cian of world wide renown who proved
to the world that falling hair is caused
by microbes.
Dr. Sagerbund proved that baldness
is directly due to these pernicious and
pairsistent microbes. He proved to
every physician on earth that these
invisible yet vociferous little devils
dug and burrowed into the hair root
and finally devoured the hair bulb.
This of course destroyed the vitality
of the hair which fell out and caused
thinning of the hair and finally bald
Inasmuch as»it is an accepted fact
that baldness, falling hair and dan
druff are caused by a germ, doesn't it
stand to reason that the only way to
prevent such calamities is to kill the
germs ?
And doesn't it stand to reason that
the only way to kill these germs is to
use Parisian Sage, which Alexander
Drug Co. has so much faith in that
they guarantee it to cure dandruff,
falling hair and itching scalp in two
weeks or money back?
Parisian Sage is a delightful hair
tonic and is pleasant to use. It is not
sticky or greasy and contains only
those ingredients that will surely
It is now sold by druggists all over
America and by Alexander Drug Co.,
for 50 cents a la<teo bottle. It is used
extensively by women who desire lux
uriant hair with a radiant lustre. The
girl with the auburn hair is on every
“The Family Beverage”
For Sale at all
First Class Near Beer
Wholesale by
Augusta, Ga.
Free SI.OO Package Coupon.
Fill in your name and address on
the blank lines below, cut out the
coupon and mail to J. F. Stokes,
Mgr.. 9912 Foso Bldg., Cincinnati,
Ohio. Enclose ten cents in stamps
or silver as an evidence of good
faith and to help cover packing,
postage, etc., and a full SI.OO pack
age will he sent you at once by mail
prepaid ’ free of charge.
Give full address—write plainly.
completely trained off his paunch. He
said that Jeff was most anxious for a
few fast pheliminary bouts, but that
the articles of agreement prohibited
it. Although he did not say so, he
left the impression that the big ex
champion would be victor.
Mr. • Kelly is well known to the
sporting fraternity and won his sou
briquet ‘‘Honest John” when he ref
ereed the famous Corbett-Sharkey
fight in New York City, Nov. 22, 1899.
He had reasons to think the fight fix
ed and whsn the ‘‘fluke” knockout
was dealt in the ninth round he de
clared all bets off and gave the de
cision to Sharkey.
(Continued from Page One.)
leaves no hope that the high water
mjirk will be reached before Thursday
morning, when the flood is expected to
reach a maximum of 31 feet, or a
height greater than was reached by
the disastrous flood of 1802. At the
same time the department admits
confidentially that it is impossible to
predict anything with accuracy, as the
whole of France is still in the grip
of an unprecedented storm. Rain,
snow and hail are falling everywhere,
the coasts are stormbound and ships
are fleeing to the harbors for refuge.
Blinding Snowstorm
A blinding snowstorm raged in Paris
Wednesday, coupled with the bitter
cold, adding to the consternation, suf
fering and misery of the poor and
In the face of a national disaster
France is giving a line exhibition of
pluck and solidarity. Political divis
ions have been burled and the gov
ernment and people united to solve the
problem of relief. Powerless to do
anything to conjure the rage of the
elements, those in authority have de
voted themselves solely to the work of
rescue and of providing shelter and
food for the homeless
Appeals for Help
Every resource of the government,
including the army, was employed
Wednesday. Boats were requisition
ed at all ports and soldiers and fire
men worked tirelessly. Nevertheless
Premier Brland and the other minis
ters, who had not left their posts for
48 hours were unable to respond to
the appeals for help coming in from
every direction. Provincial authorities
have been instructed to act on their
own initiative without awaiting orders
from the central government.
Streets Are Yellow Canals.
The situation in Paris was not
changed appreciably from yesterday
except that more streets had been
converted into yellow canals, more dis
tricts evacuated, a few more pave
ments had caved in and traffic com
munication was completely paralyzed.
One of the greatest causes of alarm
continued to be the constant rise of
the subterranean streams under the
center of Paris, which flooded cellars
and undermined the foundations of
buildings. Whole streets have been
roped off as unsafe. All of the bridges
over the Seine are still standing but
traffic over more than half of them
has been closed.
Only Two Railroads
Another serious phase of the situa
tion is that Paris is becoming rapidly
isolated, telegraph and telephone wires
being “drowned or grounded." Wire
communication is failing In all direc
tions. It Is Impossble Wednesday to
communcate by telephone between the
two banks of the Seine. This greatly
crippled the work of relief and the de
spatch of prompt succor. Only two
railroads to the north and west are
operating directly into Paris Wednes
$200,000,000 Loss.
Premier Briand and Minister of
Finance Cochery, after a consultation
Wednesday, estimated that the flood
losses would exceed $200,000,000.
Paris has been divided into five sec
tions, each in charge of a military or
ganization, which will control the re
lief and rescue work.
♦ ♦
♦ Premier Mobbed. ♦
♦ LONDON. —Follow ing the elec- ♦
v tion of Premier Asquith, the ♦
♦ premier was mobbed by militant ♦
♦ suffragettes. The women in a ♦
V body charged time after time in #
♦ their attempts to reach the min- ♦
♦ ister and there were several live- ♦
♦ ly skirmishes with the police. ♦
♦ Mr. Asquith was conveyed to a ♦
♦ place of safety. ♦
♦ ♦
* ♦♦♦♦♦♦«>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
LONDON.—Thirty results out of
39 left over from Tuesday’s elections
to parliament gave the Unionists four
gains and the Liberals two.
The slate of the parties at 1:30
o’clock Wednesday was:
Government coalition: Liberals,
226; Irish Nationalists, 74; Laborites,
Opposition: Unionists, 253.
Premier Asquith, for the East di
vision of Fife, and Richard B. Hal
dane, for Haddingtonshire, were re
elected, but while the prime minister
returns to parliament with a sub
stantial increase of 615 over his for
mer majority, the secretary of state
for war must be satisfied with a ma
jority less by 4,435 than thqt, obtained
in 1906.
John A. Simon, the liberal member
elected for the Walthastow division
of Essex, is a w r ell known barrister
and was counsel for Great Britain in
the Alaska boundary arbitration case.
Dord Willoughby de F. Crosby, the
husband of Eloise, daughter of the
late W. L. Breese, of New York, again
represents the Unionists in the Horn
Castle division of Lincolnshire being
returned with a greatly increased ma
With Pullman cars and Dining cars
from Blackville. Heave Augusta 6.20
a. m.. Aiken 7.05 a. m. Arrive Jack
sonville 2.00 p. m.
Provisions of Payne Act
Not to "be Argued Before
Latter Part of March.
WASHINGTON.—AII hope of the
parties directly interested of procur
ing a decision from the supreme court
of the United States in regard to the
j constitutionality of the corporation tax
provisions of the Payne act before
March 1, the date by which corpora
tions must have made their income
returns, has been abandoned. There
is hope that the question may he de
termined before the close of the period
for the payment of the tax, June 20.
Next Friday arguments in all cases
before the court will be suspended un
til Feb. 21, when the court will meet
again after a three weeks' recess. If
the court follows Its custom, It will
not announce its decision on the mo
tions to advance the Vermont case in
which the constitutionality of the pro
visions is involved, until next Mon
day before the adjournment.
It is not believed that the case will
be set for argument until a late day
in March. By that time other cases
covering the same question may have
reached the court.
Arrived today Kosher Sausage and
Imported Cheese of all nations. H. J.
Markwalter. 'Phone 1094.
Mississippi House Passes
Bill Providing for Pen
alty of Ten Years Im
JACKSON, Miss.—ls a bill passed
by the lower house of the state leg
islature Tuesday Is adopted by the
state senate, the sale of cocaine In
Mississippi will hereafter he regard
ed as a felony instead of a misdemean
or as at present. The hill provides a
penalty In the state penitentiary of
ten years.
—Mrs. James U. Jackson has return
ed from Columbia.
Cat>arrh Will Go
Relief in Two Minutes, Complete Cure
Don't go on hawking yourself sick
every morning; it’s cruel, it’s harmful
and it's unnecessary.
If after breathing Hyomei, the won
der-worker, you are not rid of vile
1 catarrh, you can have your money
No stomach dosing—just take the
little hard rubber pocket inhaler that
comes with each outfit, and pour into
it a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe
It according to directions. In two
minutes it will relieve you of that
stuffed up feeling. Use it a few min
utes every day, and in a few weeks
you will be entirely free from ca
Get an outfit today; It only costs
$1.00; it's worth SI,OOO to any ca
tarrh sufferer. For sale by druggists
everywhere. Guaranteed to cure ca
tarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat
and bronchitis An extra bottle of
Hyomei liquid if needed costs but 50c.
The little hard rubber pocket Inhaler
you get with outfit will last a life
time. Sample bottle of Hyomei free
from Booth's Hyomei Go., Buffalo,
,N. Y.
Prices grow short with the season—only four more days to take advantage of the offerings in this
sale., —Scarcely a day now but a price drops somewhere. The clearing movement in full blast all over
the store is making things go fast, hots change rapidly, so do the bargains—they change for the bet
ter. Dollars do double service in the Great Pre-Inventory Sale. In addition to low prices, double
“S. & H.*’ Green Trading Stamps, till noon.
Pre-Inventory Sale Furniture
IRON BEDS, strongly made and constructed in every particular,
heavy coat of best white enamel, large size, regular £
$3.50, at J>2.4v
CENTRE TABLES, of selected oak, golden finish, 24-inch ao
top, round, $1.50 value, sale price VOC
roomy and comfort
able, golden oak or
mahogany finish, re
clining back, regular
$4.50 A G
chairs ...
full quarter sawed,
golden finish, 38-inch,
top, square or oval
mirror, brass trim
™S' ,2S $ 19.98
IRON BEDS, double
size, brass rail head
and foot, of best
white enamel, regu
lar $6.50 a q
value, special VO
Do your papering now—before the great rush
of Spring Housecleaning. We have skilled
workmen, and are able to take care of your or
ders promptly. We also guatantee all of oAr
work to give satisfaction. papers are
nearly all heye, and ate certainly marvels of
beauty. Measurements taken and estimates
cheerfully given. Phone No. 385.
Prc= inventory Sale of Suit Cases and Trunks
Travel With With an Indestructo Trunk
The dignified personality of the Indestructo Trunk will lend an air of refinement to your travelling.
In hotels, here or abroad in baggage rooms—on steamers—everywhere—the owner of attractive baggage (9 cared for with more deference than
just the ordinary “tourist.” He is looked upon as one who has “travelled”—-who knows and insists upon good “service.”
Indestructos have proven their worth, tested by thousands upon thousands of miles of the hardest travel known*—wear proof, water proof.
Each trunk is guaranteed for five years, against fire, accident, wrecks, carelessness and neglect while transit. This is the only trunk that
carries such protection to the owner. Registered against loss. A trunk you would buy if you saw it. Complete showing of all the newest models
and sizes. We are sole agents for Augusta.
SOLE LEATHER SUIT CASES —Steel frames, corners capped with
leather, linen lined, straps out and Inside, 24 and 26 inch -j
size; $4.50 Suit Cases, special, at
DRESS SUIT CASES—Of genuine Cow Hide Leather, leather IniVidleH sewed on, linen lined, russet, brown or black, fitted with shirt pock
ets, straps in top, body and outside of case, best brass locks, 24 and 26 inch size.
$7.50 Genuine Cow Hide Leather Suit
Cases, at «5
GROCERIES 1 More for a dollar than a dollar will buy elsewhere’*
Another Orange Sale—Choice Indian Rivet Florida Oranges, Famous the world ever, 1 ff
Good size, sweet and juicy, 2 dozen to customer, at I
FLOUR—Washburn Crosby’s
Gold Medal, one of the best
known brands in the QF
country, 24-li), bags J *)\j
FLOUR—Decker's Buckwheat
flour, 6 lb. pkgs., 34c, ■ /X
3 lb. pkgs 9 jC
SYRUP—Georgia Cane, abso
lutely pure, guaranteed
to please, 1-2 gal. L.j(j
Gallon. ra
at JJL
Clymer brand I / C
CATSUP—BIue Label, 'y ■)
brand, pints 2.JC
«*** I3c
50c TEAS—AII our regular teas
at this price will be sold tomor
row straight or -l-l
blended, lb JJC
TEAS—Eng. Breakfast, Young
Hyson, Formosa, Ceylon, or
mixed, 60c lb,
at 4 JC
Co., special blend, equal r ) r )f
to any 30c tea, lb tjv
Quite an Interesting and most de
lightful time was spent, last afternoon,
a: the residence of Mr. and Mrs. It.
Joseph Sacre, 225 Broad street, when
their little son, Ambrose Sacre, cele
brated his twelfth birthday. A large
number of his little friends were
they certainly enjoyed
Pre* lnventory Sale Continues
golden oak or imita
tion mahogany, com
fortable arms, $3.50
at lue .\... $2.98
best white enamel,
42-in. top, oval mir
ror, for spare rooms
and cottages, $19.50
It a1u !’....5!4.98
BLES, golden oak,
44-in. top.# pedestal,
highly polished, ex
tends to 6 feet, $15.00
at aU,e :... $12.49
themselves splendidly from four to!
six o’clock.
The rooms were beautifully dec
orated and the colors being red and
green with an immense crescent of
rings of green. A letter was In each
ring spelling his name and repre
senting one for each year. Lovely
Have you looked into the dif
ference between our Household
Club Plan and the Instalment
Plan? There is a vast differ
ence not only as regards the
price you pay, but the manner
in which your purchase account
is handled. By joining our club
we make It very easy for you
to furnish your home with high
class, desirable furniture, drapy
cries, floor coverings, etc., at
absolutely no higher prices
than if you paid cash, nor are
you subject to the undesirable
features of the collector neces
sarily connected with the In
stalment Plan. The member
ship of our Household Club Plan
is increasing by leaps and
bounds. We solicit investiga
tion of this plan at the Charge
Office or Furniture Department:
(The qualifications necessary
to join the club are but two,
steady employment and good
personal character.)
PRUNES—Sitiall, rlpp, plump,
sweet, Santa Clara Fancy fruit,
per pound,
PEACHES—Fancy evaporated
California, bright, thin Q
skinned fruit, lb Mv
Sensational Sale Fine Cigars
Finest quality, very best brands. Don't think because they are sold at
this price, they’re not as good as any 5c and 10c cigars on the mar
ket. Try one for your next smoke.
6 Regular lOc Cigars z 0 P"
10 Regular 5c Cigars
An opportunity for smokers to lay in a supply of choice cigars. The
opportunity may not come again.
E. C. D. COFFEE Our own
Hpecial blend, standard of excel
lence, demonstrated, equal to
quality elsewhere, 'J '1
35c lb LL\j
RIO COFFEE—Hive this coffee
a trial. It tells It's own I'l
story In a cup I l.\j
equal It for flavor and strength,
indeed a perfect ')An
coffee, lb L*t\j
Pre-Inventory Sale Rugs and Mattings
5,000 Yards Matting Remnants Half Price
We have been doing a great matting business and as a result, there
are many short lengths, out from the great, rolls on which wo
Started this season. Hundreds of pieces in usable lengths, 5,000
yards Choice Straw Mattings, hundreds of designs, select and de
sirable pal terns, regular 25c to 40c yard kinds I / r-v j
at :... l /2 Price
RUGS—These rugs
arc of the best qual
ity all wool velvet, in
10 different patterns,
handsome colorings
and designs, $22.50
r. 9 :.... $19.50
wool, in a number of
excellent designs, re
versible, finest qual
ity, 36x72, OS
$3.50 value, VO
SIB.OO Tapestry / a ryO
Brussels Rugs at «?/4.y0
Wfi'vo just 50 carpet size Tapestry Brussels
Rugs to be sold at this price. A splendid as.
sortment of handsome colorings and designs.
Many of these rugs are woven without, seams,
best quality, regular low price, # fVQ
SIB.OO, special at «T)l''t*VO
MATTING SUIT CASES—Best quality on wood frames, leather cor
ners, bolts and straps, leather handle riveted to case; 1 'tp
$4.50 values, special at 1
SIO.OO Genuine Cow Hide Leather Suit AQ
Cases, at *pO»VO
MINCE MEAT—Helmet brand,
made of choicest in- /\
gredientH, pkg Ml/
OLlVES—Delicious Queen Olives
plain or stuffed, i
25c, 18c and I LAj
COD FlßH—Selected JO
(ish, St lb blocks
Package Q
at Ml/
CORN COD— ( 'ape Shore brand
purest packed, 4 Ar
can . 1 ■ v
BEEDE6 RAlSlNS—<'hoi. i St.
California, lb. 0~
packages 01/
< b aned, lb Ml/
red bells were suspended from each
ring In the crescent. The large table
filled with all the good things, with
ari Immense cake with twelve candles
and lots of fruits around it, was given
good attention by these darling little
' folks:
Those enjoying the pleasure were:
| Misses Helen Von Sprecken, Minnie
SELS RUGS, of ex
tra good quality, sizo
9x12 feet, 20 patterns
to Belect from, good
designs, rich color es-
SSI ,15 .512.49
wool, good styles,
light or dark, reveTS
able, $2.50 values,
size 30x60,
at «Pl*VO
pounds loose Muscatel liaising,
challenge price, O
at .. OC
CITRON—Very finest Blazed
citron, I r
pound I tip
Mayonnaise, A'\r*
pints taJC
at 2. 23c
ous Premium, QOn
pound u4u
OLIVE OlL—The Francois
brand, pure French Olive
oil, quarts
l- 2 pint
bottles 1-41/
5 lb. packages, I9c
2 lh basts,
JELLY—Olymer brand, Straw
berry or Rasp- I O
berry, each * 01/
Macro, .Julie Bredenberg, Margaret
Macro, Agneg Flytho, Emily Weiglo,
Bessie Macro, Virginia Murphey, Kath
ryn Buck, Onlda Bundy, Marah V.
Parks, Masiors Henry Von Spreekon,
.1 I*. MoElhenny, Charles O’Noal,
Henry Bredenberg, Charlie Sacre,
Kenneth Fourchor, Bessie Phll|iot,
John E. Murphey, Edward Voa
Speckon, Ambrose Sacre and others.