Newspaper Page Text
The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company
Newark, N. J., Jan. 17t,h, 1910.
Miss Annie G. Wright, Dist. Mgr.,
Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Augusta ,Ga.
Dear Madam:
The Board of Directors has appropriated for the regular
Dividend, payable in 1910, the sum of $2,876,506.83. This
sum is $272,785.81 larger than the corresponding appropria
tion for 1909. In addition to the appropriation for the reg
ular Dividend of 1910 the Directors have set aside the sum
of $675,000 for a Special Dividend payable to all participat
ing policies which were in force December 31, 1909.
The Company’s annual statement for the year 1909 now
in course of preparation will show the Company to be in a
most prosperous condition, and it is a matter of great
satisfaction to the management that after computing the
Dividends for 1910 upon an increased scale it is still in a po
sition to pay the above Special Dividend.
Note—This Melon is cut for Policyholders only. No Stockholders. Purely MutuaD
Both Houses of Legisla
ture Passed Bills Form
ing New Section in
Fourth Circuit.
COLUMBIA, S. C.—Dillon county
came into being Tuesday, both houses
have passed the bill for the new ooun
ty in the fourth circuit. The bill’s
ratification will be ordered tomorrow.
3 Bales of Cotton Per Acre
Mr. John B. Broadwell averaged three bales of
cotton per acre on his entire crop by using fertilizers
at the rate of i,ooo pounds per acre. You should be
able to do as well as Mr. Broadwell
By Using
Get a copy of our 1910 Farmers’ Year Book or Almanac
from your fertilizer dealer, or write us for a free copy.
Mr. Broadwell tells in this book his own story of how
he got this big yield.
Mall os thi« Coupon
vluzinia Cakolwa Chemical
Please send me a copy of yoar 1910
Fanners' Tear Book free of cost.
Do Not Neglect Your Condition Ufitil
You Have Reached An Incurable Disease
We Cure to Btay Cured or It Costa You Nothing.
CERE: Catarrh of Nose and Throat,
Old Sores, Blood Poison with our new
method, time much shorter than the
old line of treatment; piles without
the knife, in many oases in one treat
ment; Gleet, Stricture, Prostatta,
Weakness, Drains. Night Emissions,
Loss of Manly Vigor and all Chronic
Diseases of MEN and WOMEN.
A personal Interview is free and with
out any obligation. Call today.
Best equipped office tn the South,
and in our line of work our practice
exceeds all others. Our office is a
busy place from morning till night,
but we are prepared to treat each case
personally and give our pel lonal at
tention ufltil cured.
40, Separate Room For Ladle*.
AND SOLICITED. Office Hours: Every day from 9to 1; 2to 6, and
7 to 8. Rooms 504-5-8 Dyer Bldg., Augusta, Ga.
When you call you see Dr. Holbrook.
(Continued from Page One.)
“The protest against high meat
prices by means of abstaining from
Its consumption will temporarily re
duce the price, as demand and supply
regulate legitimate values of all com
modities which are not monopolized
by the trusts. The enormous prices
exacted by the trusts are pure extor
tion, and their profits should be regu
lated by the government."
“Meat Is the primary and most ex
pensive article of food in the house
hold, and its consumption by a large
R ichmond, V*. Atlanta, Ga.
Norfolk, Va. Savannah, Ga.
Columhhu 9. C.
Durham. N. C.
Winston-Salem, N. C.
Charleston, S. C.
Baltimore, Md.
Colambna, Ga.
Montgomery. Ala*
Memphis, Tena.
Shreveport, La,
The leading specialists who are
graduates of the leading medical
colleges with post-graduate
work in the leading colleges In
New' York. Chicago, and Balti
more, and special course In Lon
don and Paris.
percentage of the population should
be permanently diminished, which
would reduce prices and also improve
the health and resources of its con
“The present abstinence and moder
ation in the consumption of meat will
prove a valuable experience to many,
who will find that their health and as
sets have improved.”
Sign the coupon if you are inter
ested in reducing the price of meat,
and send The Herald.
Sign the Coupon.
Are you willing to join the national
crusade being waged against the Beef
Trust in the effort to force it to lower
its prices? Are you willing to pa.y
more for meat than is paid in other
cities? Are you willing to give up eat
ing meat for 30 days? Thousands in
other cities have done it and the
movement is attracting world wide at
tention. The crusade is spreading like
wild fire over the country. The trust
has felt it, fear it, and already
their prices have begun to decline.
Do Augustans desire to pay more
for meat than those in her sister cit
ies? Do Augustans desire to contrib
ute to the national movement? Do
Augustans desire to help?
Concerted action will give Augusta
what other cities are getting. This,
together with the near approach of
Lent, will have the effect desired, as
many give up eating meat in Lent.
The Herald is anxious to know the
prevailing opinion and a coupon is
printed below on which they can state
their opinion, their wishes, or views
on the subject. Whether or not they
are willing to give up eating meat
for thirty days? The coupons are not
for publication, but the totals for or
against will be published in The Her
ald each day, and any pertinent com
ment will be gladly given space.
If you are Interested fill out the
coupon and mail It to the “Meat Edi
tor of The Herald.”
The local meat dealers are peculiar
ly situated in the premises. Much of
their beef is butchered in the city
and they sell at as narrow a margin
of profit as possible. The cost of feed
and butchering cattle here is higher
than It is in the west and much of
the carcass is waste, while in the pack
Ing houses, absolutely every part of
the animal is utilized.
Mrs. T. E. Patterson, State
President of the W. C. T.
U., Addressed Student
Body on Subject.
an Emory student who indulges In
an rgg-nogg at happy Christmastirto
or smokes an occasional cigarette to
socthe a care-furrowed brain, he had
Uesc make up his mind to forswear a'l
these “abominable” things for *he
slate officers of the Woman's Chrl»-
tian Temperance Union have come to
the aid of the local branch and the
campaign on students here promises
to be a hot one—that is, of course, if
jthe ladies can find any material here
to work on.
Sunday evening Mrs. T. E. Patter
son of Griffin, the state president of
the W. C. T. U„ who is visiting the
state vice president, Mrs. Leila A. Dil
lard, of this place, addressed the stu
dents in the college auditorium, and
Wednesday evening Mrs. Mary Har
ris Armor of Eastman, ex-president
land now state organizer, will speak
| here.
Alleged That Business j
Manager of Congrega
tional Methodist Publi
cation House Misap
propriated Money.
ATLANTA. Ga. —The Congregation
al Methodist publishing house has
gone Into involuntary bankruptcy. It
is alleged that Edward W. Clark, Jr ,
treasurer and business manager. Is
going to be charged by the church
with malfeasance In office and misap
proprlation of funds. The amount of
indebtedness of the publishing house
is supposed to be about $26,000.
Cheney’s Expjctoran* cuts coughs
and colds short. Cures babies and
grown people. 25c.. all druggists.
Descendant of John Alden
Seemed Carried Away in
the Mayflower.
ALLENTOWN, Pa.—People who be
lieve in presentiments are much im
pressed with a story told by Jesse
Gray, who was awakened by a dream
he had on Friday morning, which por
tended the death of his old friend, J.
Alden Arthur Mr. Gray, who is the
clerk at the Hotel Allen, did not know
that Mr. Arthur, who was a son of
T. S. Arthur, author of “Ten Nights
in a Bar Room,” was a lineal descend
ant of John Alden, who came over in
the "Mayflower.”
Mr. Gray usually sleeps until about
9 a. m., but at 5 o'clock Friday morn
ing he arose with a start and could
not sleep again. Ho remarked that,
in a dream, he had seen Arthur wad
ing into the waves of the ocean, to
ward a vessel bearing the name “May
flower,” and when Gray called to him
to come out of the water Arthur re
plied he was going to take a long trip
Into an unknown sea. Within an hour
a telephone message came that Ar
thur was dead. His spirit had passed
away Just about the time Mr. Gray
was awakened by his dream.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the srf' xyjfEE—'
Signature of
Asked New York Judge to
Have Him Shot or Thrown
Into River.
NEW YORK. —A well-dressed pris
oner on being arragned before Police
Magistrate Breen today begged that
he be either shot or thrown in the
river. The prisoner said he was Wm.
Filgate of Savannah, Ga., who came
here four months ago with $l,lOO in
cash and was arrestßd before day
light today, begging on the streets.
"It's absinthe and whiskey,” said
the young man. "I came up here to
make my fortune, but I tarried around
the white lights too long and I went
down pretty quick. I had S3B left yes
terday morning. I had a good time
and last night I was broke and had
no place to sleep. I asked a man for
a quarter and when lie called me a
beggar I struck him. Judge, I don’t
want to go to jail. I’d rather have you
shoot me or throw me In the river.”
Further examination was postponed
until tomorrow, so that the prisoner's
identity might be verified.
DUSSELFDQRF, Prussia—Tlie Ger
man steel works association today
raised the price of half rolled steel
$1.26 a ton.
FRANKFORT, Ky.—A petition for
rehearing in the case of Beech Har
gis for the killing of his father has
been filed with the court of appeals
here. A ruling on the motion is ex
pected shortly.
Good Habits
Good Health
Bad habits cost monoy,
time, aches, alls, trouble.
What's the use?
Coffee drinking is a bad habit
for some people.
Qo to the primer class If you
haven't yet learned that.
It’s different when you drink
To prove this to your own sat
isfaction change from coffee to
well-made Postum for 10 days.
“There’s a Reason’’
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.
Battle Creek, Mich.
The Essential Part of a
Great Talking Machine
The property lies on or near the top of “The Hill,” in Summerville, 'Au
gusta’s most fashionable suburb, and is not surpassed by any other part of
“The Hill” in beauty and convenience of location, or desirability of envi
Our large lots fronting on John Street and a few others are sold on
special terms, but the great ma jority of the lots are sold at very low prices
for first class hill property and on exceptionally easy terms:
Only $20.00 down n.nd the balance on 48 monthly payments. No interest
whatever and no taxes while paying for lot.
Our form of “Application to Purchase” embraces wholesome restrictions
as to the minimum prices of houses and other features which go far toward
protecting the interest of the lot buyer and insuring the permanent desira
bility of “Harison Heights, as a place of residence
Graded Streets and Side Walks are now being put in and bids are being
received to install water, sewer and gas systems at once. They will be
completed before) needed by the earliest and smartest builder.
Now do not forget that this property Is convenient to the car line in three
directions; that our low prices, easy terms, fine neighborhood and health
fulness of location justify you in examining this proposition at once for
they all Talk.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the property has been
half sold in the past ten days.
eloquently to you and should remind you of the fact, that you have no time
to lose in making your selection of one or more of these fine lots before
they are all sold.
Remember we are at 122 Bth Street and keep our ear to phone 2350.
Wm. H. Harison, Jr.
Zachary & Raymond
Developers and Salesmen