Newspaper Page Text
This is the Case With Many Augusta
Too many Augusta citizens are
handicapped with a bad back. The
unceasing pain causes constajnt mis
ery. making work a burden and stoop
ing or lifting an impossibility. The
back aches at night, preventing re
freshing rest and in, the morning is
stiff and lame. Plasters and liniments
may give relief but cannot reach the
cause. To eliminate the pains and
aches you must cure tht kidneys.
% Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys and cure them permanently. Can’
sou doubt Augusta evidence?
Mrs. E. A. Williams, 607 McKinne
St., Augusta, Ga., says: “I suffered a
great deal from kidney and bladder
trouble. There was a constant, dull
pain through my back and at times
I was so bad I could not get about
the house. My kidneys were weak
and the irregular passages of the se
cretions caused me much annoyance.
I doctored but found no relief until 1
read about Doan’s Kidney Pills and
procured them at tht .Green and Hor
sey Drug Co. They corrected the ir
regular passages of the kidney secre
tions, banished the paips in my back
and I now fatl better in every way.
I think very highly of Doan’s kidney
Pills and am glad to recommend them
to others.”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Doan’s—and
take no other.
—Mrs, James Duffy, of Atlanta, is
visiting friends in the ciiy.
-—Miss Lillian Stulb leaves Sunday
for an extensive northern trip.
—Mr. C. J. Powers, of Charleston,
visited in the city the first or the
—Mrs. Brown, of Barnwell, is among
the visitors in the city.
—Mr. R. L. Hunter returns today
from a business trip north.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Atkinson of
Anderson, S. C., are guests of Mr
and Mrs. Earle Barton <on upper
Greene street.
Nervous Women
will find that Nature responds
promptly to the gentle laxa
tive effects, and the help hi!
tonic action of
Sold Everywhere. In boxeo 10c. rid 25c.
A Society Drama by
Bronson Howard.
8:15 O'CLOCK.
For sale at Burdell-Coopers,
Cabanlss, Crescent Cigar Co.,
Ives, T. G. Howard’s.
Figure a Moment
on This.
About six years ago
an account was opened
by a savings depositor
who bad determined to
cut out extravagances
and save $25.00 per
month, a total of S3OO
a year. Recently this
young man purchased a
$3,000.00 home for
$2,000.00 spot cash.
What were his total
profits ?
In addition his in
terest was -compound
ing night and day at
the rate of 4 per cent.
The same opportuni
ty is open to you.
Open an account to
Irish American Dank
“The Bank for Your
Social Calendar
Marriage of Miss Tobin and Mr.
Beeson at eight-thirty o’clock.
Miss Marian Smith has an afternoon
party at four o'clock, at her grand
mother's, Mrs. J. M. Richards, on Bay
Miss Ella Smith entertains for Mrs.
George Boynton of Atlanta.
Miss Lillian Stulb entertains with
afternoon bridge for Miss Harriet
Boykin and Miss Lucy Dillard.
Mrs. W. A. Garrett and Miss Jenna
Garrett entertain with an evening mu
sicale for Mr. and Mrs. Burton.
Bazaar committee of Daughters of
Isabella meets at 4 o’clock in the
club rooms.
Home Comfort Society meets at 12
o'clock at the home of Mrs. William
H. Barrett.
Chautauqua cflrcle" meets with Mrs.
Isabella Jordan on the Hill.
Mrs. W. B. White entertains with
afternoon bridge for Mrs. Rodney Co
“Young Mrs. Winthrop” by the
Paint and Powder Club, at the Tub
man auditorium, at 8:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Charles Whitney entertains at
luncheon for Mrs. Lombard of Boston.
Tea Country club.
Mrs. Harriss D’Antignac entertains
with bridge at twelve o'clock.
Mrs. G. R. Stearnes, assisted by a
corps of ladies, will have charge of
the tea tomorrow, Thursday, afternoon
at the Good Shepherd.
Mrs. H. “B. King will serve tea at
the Cranford Club tomorrow, Thurs
day, afternoon.
Mrs. Br\%n Cumming, who is giving
a series of delightful little afternoon
teas, complimented Mrs. William C.
Denny yesterday at her home on the
Hill, when she entertained about forty
or fifty guests. The parlors and tea
room were very lovely with spring
flowers, daffodils and narcissi pre
dominating and being used with ex
quisite effect on the tea table, where
Mrs. Allie Berckmans, gowned in
white crepe, served tea, and Mrs.
James Paul Verdery, in black velvet,
served the parfait.
Mrs-. Cumming and Mrs. Denny re
ceived the guests, Mrs. Cumming
wearing a gown of grey crepe de chine
with embroideries. Mrs. Denny was
gowned iff dull blue embroidered in a
deeper tone.
Assisting in attentions to the
guests were: . ,
Mrs. William Barrett, in black
spangled chiffon.
Miss Augusta Smith, in grey crepe
de chine.
Miss Anne Smith, in a lingerie
Mrs. Percy Burum, in white tusso
silk braided in white.
There’s No Risk
If This Medicine Does Not
Benefit, You Pay Nothing
A physician who made a specialty
of stomach troubles, particularly dys
pepsia, after years of study perfected
the formula from which Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets are made. /
Our experience with Rexall Dyspep
sia Tablets leads us to believe them
to be the greatest remedy known for
the relief of acute indigestion and
chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredients
are soothing and healing to the in
flamed membranes of the stomach.
They are rich in pepsin, one of the
greatest digestive aids known to med
icine. The relief they afford is al
most immediate. Their use with per
sistency and regularity for a short
time brings about a cessation of the
pains caused by stomach disorders.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure
healthy apepttte, aid digestion and
promote nutrition. As evidence of our
since faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Tab
lets, we ask you to try therti at our
risk. If they do not give you entire
satisfaction, we will return you the
money you paid us for them, without
question or formality. They come in
three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents
and SI.OO. Remember you can obtain
them only at our store, —The Rexall
Store. Alexander Drug Co.
By M. L. HERR, Auspices of
People’s Pulpit of Brooklyn
—Parable of—
Rich Man and Lazarus
This parable will be thoroughly
explained from a Bible stand point.
Showing it has been seriously mis.
January 27th., 8:15.
At K. of P. Castle Hall
All Interested Are Cordially Invited.
Grandmother*! Cure for Cougfht* Croup 1
and Bronchitis
is now found at all dru* stores (25c. a bottle)
as Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum
and Mullein. By all means the best remedy
for consumption, whooping rough, croup.l
colds. Remedy has been tested for 50 years
I and alwavs gives satisfaction.
Andrews Bros. Company
862 Broad Street
Rugs, Blankets anil Quilts a! Tremendous Sacrifice Prices
$8.50 E Tf^nwo!!t" s \ $4.98
$6.00 Plaid ..... $3.69
A A White Wool Blankets, Q Q CT f}
H-4 f with dainty borders
$5.98 tor ite Woo ‘ Bl “’ ketß ;. .. $2.6 9
Add Distinction
to any costume.
Miss Julia Smith, in lilac chiffon
and lace.
Miss Anne Langdon, in case au lait
crepe de chine and lace.
Miss Margaret Smith, in grey
Amelia crepe.
Miss Mazie Langdon, in grey crepe
de chine.
Miss Louise Smith, in lavendar
Mrs. DeWitte Cothrane, in white
crepe de chine and lace.-
—There has been a great deal of
pleasant comment anent a clipping
from the Washington Times that was
printed in these columns yesterday
about President Taft opening the an
nual Charity Ball given by the South
ern Relief Society at the New Wil
lard in Washington. The president
chose as his partner for the opening
dance Mrs. Pierce Horne, as the pa
per stated, "the daughter of a vet
eran. Mrs. Horne is closely connect
ed in Augusta, being a sister-in-law
of Mrs. Robert Berckmans. She is a
magnificent looking blonde of wide
culture and a gracious charm that
makes her a conspicuous figure where
ever she appears. She is delightfully
remembered here where she visited
Mrs. Berckmans a couple of seasons
ago. Mr. Horne is one of Washing
ton’s prominent attorneys and is con
nected with one of the large railroads.
—Mrs. Alpheus Richards will go up
to Atlanta tomorrow to accompany
Mrs. Louis Doolittle home. Mrs. Doo
little has been to Atlanta for surgical
—Rev. G. Sherwood Whitney is in
Americus, Ga., in attendance at the
Episcopal diocesan convention now
in session there.
One of the most enjoyable parties
of the winter season was the after
noon bridge at wh+eh Miss Madge
Houston entertained the Tuesday
Bridge club and other friends at the
Country club.
The club was unusually attractive
with its lights shaded by rose shades,
the spaciousness of the apartment
wnete the tables were placed adding
much to the pleasure of the game.
The high score prize, a handsome
Proprietary Medicine frauds
Should Be Exposed
There have been plenty of them, no
doubt, and they have been vigorously
condemned —so vigorously, that every
sort of medicine, the formula of which
is privately owned, is condemned and
pronounced “unethical" by the Medi
cal Profession.
Eckman’s Alterative deserves atten
tion. not because it is a "proprietary*'
but because it really has cured many
cases of Tuberculosis. If it Is a fraud
it needs exposing badly, because a
number of cured Consumptives will
need to find some other reason for be
ing well.
Henry Clay said he would rather be
right than be President. Is it not bet
ter for Eckman’s Alterative to make
cures than to be ethical?
Weldon, 111., Feb. 3, 190*.
In July, 1905, my physician sent me
to Texas, from there to Colorado. I
became worse and was sent home to
die. I heard of Eckman’s Alterative,
began treatment, and was cured. I
earnestly recommend Eckman’s won
derful cure for Consumption.
(Signed affidavit) Arthur Webb.
Alterative is good for all
throat and lung troubles, and is on
sale at Tessler’s Pharmacy and other
druggists. Ask for booklet of cured
cases, or write to Eckman’s Mfg Co.
Phi I a.. Pa.
brass candlestick of Colonial style,
was awarded to Mrs. Austin Best, and
the consolation, a dainty little basket
of Mexican straw and pink satin rib
boDS, was cut by Mrs. Clem Dunbar.
The low score prize, a pair of silk
stockings, was presented to Mrs. J.
M. Turner. After the game a three
course tea was served, the dessert
course reflecting the pretty rose idea
of the afternoon, the ices and cakes
being perfect fully blown pink roses.
Miss Houston’s guests on this oc
casion were: Mrs. * Clem Dunbar,
Mrs. Charles Ferris, Mrs. Claude
Fleming, Mrs. A. J. Salinas, Mrs.
John Moore, Mrs. W. C. Lyle, Miss
Meriel Black. Miss Grace Boykin, Mrs.
Wm. B. White, Miss Marie Garden,
Miss Louise Phinlzy, Miss Marion
Phinizy, Mrs. Asbury Hull, Miss Mary
Harlson, Miss Marguerite Wright,
Miss Lola Anderson. Miss Moselle
Neely, Miss Annie Ellis, Mrs. Shackle
ford, of Columbus; Mrs. W. C. Kel
logg, Mrs. Austen Best, Mrs. Porter
Fleming Miss Harriet Boykin. Mrs.
Paul Mustln, Mrs. Clark Jack, Mrs.
A. H. DeVaughan, Mrs. Bigsley, Mrs.
J M. Turner, Mrs. Walter Merryk,
Mrs. C. A. Wood,, Mrs. Fitzpatrick,
of New York; Mrs. Williamson, Miss
Daisy Jackson, Miss Kirke, Miss Ef
fie jack, Mrs. Boynton, of Atlanta;
Mrs. Frank Morgan, Miss • Burton,
Miss Wimberly, of Waynesboro;
Mrs. Charles P. Beall, Mrs. John W.
Walker, Mrs. Carter Burdell, Mrs.
George’Sibley, Mrs. Roscoe Perkins,
Mrs. B. S. Dunbar, Mrs. Edgar Miller,
Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. Harry
Goodrich, Mrs. Henry M. North, Mrs.
Charles C. Howard and Miss Marion
Miss Rowena Taylor entertained at
a beautiful dance last evening at the
Log Cabin club in honor of her house
guest, Miss Agnes Brewor, of Savan
nah, a charming visiter in the city,
who is being delightfully entertained,
says the Macon News.
The attractive club house was deo»
orated with festoons of southern smi
lax, caught at intervals with sprays
of brilliant poinsettia, and big blaz
ing fires in the large open fireplaces
gave an additional touch of bright
ness to the vivid red in the decora
tions* and an air of warmth and cheer
to the large ball room.
Guttenljerger’s orchestra discoursed
throughout the evening, which was
filled with delightful dances.
In the opening german Mr. Flynn
Nisbet led the grand march with Miss
Agnes Brewer, the honor guest, who
was gowned in a beautiful white chif
fon over white satin, trimmed with
Miss Rowena Taylor wore a lovely
blue chiffon gown with crystal trim
Punch was served throughout the
evening by Miss Sarah Taylor and
Miss Louise White, and light refresh
ments were served at a late hour also.
v A party of Southern girls, chaper
oned by Miss Elizabeth N. Hill and
Miss Harris of Georgia is in Paris for
the winter at No. 11 Rue Benjamin
Goddard, near Champs Elysee. They
are delightfully situated and are hav
ing a most enjoyable winter. The
young women of the party are; Miss
Pauline Verdery of Augusta, Miss
Susanne Grantland of Griffin, Miss
Marjorie Browne of Columbus, Miss
Florence Stockton and Miss Marjorie
Gamble of Jacksonville, Miss Lucy
Hilton of Savannah, and Miss Car
rington of Texas. .
Miss Claire Ridley, one of the sea
| son's debutantes, was the guest of
honor at a pretty bridge party yes
terday afternoon, given by Mrs. Ar
chibald Davis.
Tlie house was decorated with ferns
and pink enchantress carnations, and
after the game delicious refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Davis wore a lovely gown of
blue Persian silk trimmed with cream
colored lace over gold.
The prizes were a French embroid
ered handkerchief, a book and a
bronze desk calendar.
Th** guests included Miss Claire Rid
ley, Miss Lillian Akin, Miss CoUbie
Vaughn, Miss Aurelia Speer, Miss
Caroline Dnßose, Miss Katherine Wal
ker, Miss Marion Woodward, Miss
Clifford West, Miss Anita Stewart,
Miss Elizabeth Rawson, Miss Suzanne
Spalding, Miss Eloise Oliver.
Invited for tea were Miss May At
ktnson, Miss Jane Thornton, Miss
Frances Nunnallv, Miss Edith Haw
mond. Miss Ruth Northern—Atlanta
Andrews Bros. Company
862 Broad Street
A Wonderful Quilt
Special for Thursday
Maish’s Laminated
Oottoi* Quilts, guar
anteed absolutely
pure silkoline cover
ed, only
Under the leadership of Mr, Harold
Lamb of the Santa Fe railroad, a
group of well known Georgians left
Atlanta Monday on a trip around the
world. In the party were Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Shibley of Norman Park,
Ga., Mrs. Sanford Gardner and Mrs.
H. G. Jefferies of Augusta, and Miss
Stella Tate of Tate, Ga. They went
from Atlanta to Kansas City, from
there through Arizona to Los Angeles;
later to San Francisco, from which
place they will sail for Japan, China
and Philippine Islands. The trip back
will include the Mediterranean voyage,
and the party will land In New York
in about three months.
Airs. Sam D. Jones will entertain
at a 5 o’clock tea at her home on
Peachtree street in Atlanta on the af
ternoon of February 3.
The honor guests will be Miss Mil
dred Woolley and Miss Mildred Sprat
ling, two lovely bride-elects of Feb
ruary, and invited to meet them will
be the members of the unmarried set
and a few or the younger matrons.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Tegethoff and Mr. and Mrs.
Fitzpatrick of New’ York are a party
from Hampton Terruce who spent to
day In Aiken.
Reid Dyspepsia
Nervous People Are Frequent Suffer.
ers From Too Much Hydrochloric
Acid In The Stomach.
A Trial Package of Stuart’s Dyspepsia
Tablets Sent Free.
‘‘Sour stomach," or acid dyspepsia
is a form of indigestion in which en
tirely too much hydrochloric acid is
secreted by the stomach. A sour
taste In the mouth is the most com
mon symptom of acid dyspepsia; and
the saliva, which is normally alka
line, is found, when tested, to be
changed to acid, or just the opposite
of what it should be, and is a state
of the secretion causes rapid
and extensive destruction of the
Everything eaten turns more or less
sour in the stomach, but sweets and
acid fruits are fur worse in this re
spect than other foods. If the eructa
tion of liquids from the stomach oo
curs, they have such an extremely
sour taste as to set the teeth on edge.
Hydrochloric acid is an Important
constituent in the gastric juice, but
when too much of it is secreted, it
does positive harm to the mucous lin
ing of the stomach; and when acid
dyspepsia is long continued it. often
sets up chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer,
and other serious diseases. The pro
mature loss of all the teeth has been
caused by acid saliva, which was de
pendent upon the excessively acid con.
dition of the stomach.
besides furnishing pure, aseptic pepsin
to the stomach lo dilute the excess of
hydrochloric acid, and to digest pro
teids and albuminous foods very thor
oughly, also contain bismuth subni
trate and calcium carbonate, which
are antagonistic to the acid, and there
fore neutralize the effect of the exces
sive amount of acid In the stomach,
arid the continued use of these tablets
will change the perverted condition
of the secretions to a normal state.
If you are suffering from ‘‘hyper
ehlor-hydria,” as physicians term it,
or in other words, acid dyspepsia,and
experience a sour taste In the mouth,
with acid eructations or heartburn,
begin at, once the use of Stuart’s Dys
pepsia Tablets, using one or two after
each meal, or ag may be required,and
the same quantity at retiring time, for
if this trouble is allowed to run on,
it may cause serious organic changes
in the stomach. There are cases on
record where the lining of the stom
ach has been completely eaten away
through perverted action of the sec
Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets have
be<-n tried In all forms of indigestion
and dyspepsia, with unfailing success,
so that no matter which form you may
be suffering from, the quickest way
to bring about a cure is through the
tine of these powerful stomach tab
secure from your druggist a fifty
cent box, an. get cured of acid dys
pepsia, or whatever form of Indiges
tion you may be suffering. Also send
us your name and address for free
sample. Address F. A. Stuart Com
pany, 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall,
We Don't Want Gne in the House Friday A, M,
™ Smith’s Axminster Rugs, in G} 1 "7
a• Jw Persian and Floral designs Y* * * TP
$17.50 $9.50
££7 CA Maish’s Laminated Cotton C l*l A O
»fcJl/ Quilts, solid silky borders. *• * U
$3.75 Maish’s Laminated Cotton $1.98
—The indisposition of Mrs. Harriet
P. Mays with grippe will bo learned
of with much solicitude.
—Mr. George H. Squire returned to
New York yesterday. Mrs. Squire and
her small daughter, Hazel, will re
main for soem time longer. They are
with Mrs. Henry Brown.
—•Mrs. James Foatherstone enter
tained a few friends very informally
this afternoon with bridge.
—Mrs. James S. Kuhne will enter
tain one table of bridge tomorrow at
her home on the Hill.
—Mrs. Cornelius Moses lias return
ed to Savannah after a delightful visit
with Mrs. Henry Cohen.
The home of Miss Florence New
some on. Dunbar street was the scene
last evening of a jolly gathering of
her young friends, when she celebrated
her birthday with a party, games and
refreshments delighting the guests.
Among those present were: Miss
Ruby Reynolds, Miss Bernice Ivey,
Miss Mamye Pritchard, Miss Pratt
Andrews Bros. Company
862 Broad Staeet
tnj chain in\
YOURS j|g|j
MsA take *O4
\\ Jj] THE BED ULp/
Where we are better prepared than %
ever to serve our customers.
are arriving daily and others soon coming. Come
to see us at your earliest opportunity.
Dry Goods, Notions, Novelties and Gents’ Fur
I C? " j ?A. • M H' m
J. Edelstein Sam Baron
Oldest Wholesale Dry Goods House in Augusta
Derce, Miss Inn Moll Todd, Miss Dor
othy Brown, Miss Maude Thurmond,
and Messrs. Ollie Thomson, Alma
Lung. Tom Woods, Herbert Bolder.
Leo Crouch, Sim Kendricks, Lionel
College, Cubic Ivey, Mrs. J. N. Thur
mond, Mrs. 14. B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs,
11. W. Whitehead, and Hrs. Newman.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Conlln has
returned from Atlanta, Ga.
—Miss H. B. Rogers Is back from
Sparta, Ga.
—Mr. R. W. Hunt of Atlanta, Ga.,
arrived in the city this morning,
An important meeting of the Homs
Comfort society will be hold tomor
row, Thursday, noon at 12 o'clock, at
tho home of Mrs. William H. Barrett.
328 Broad street. All members are
urged to ho present, at that meet
Exclusive sale of hand embroidered
cotton crope and linen gowns, even
ing coats and panamas. Mrs. Froh
mum, Bon Air Hotel. W-F-S®