Newspaper Page Text
Ml»s 1.111 tun Roper and Master Ed
ward Roper entertained a number of
their young friends very beautifully
when they guve a George Washing
ton party. Heart dice wua the same
«nd the Washington features were
used throiißhout the Rome, In the
prizes and aleo In the serving of the
pretty refreshments which followed
the game. The first .prizes were
awarded to Miss Anna Wilson Alex
ander and Mnster I’aul Robertson,
and the boobies to Miss Pegram Wil
liams and Master Clarence Cohen. In
one of the other games the prize was
presented to Miss Julia Itrodle.
Guests who enjoyed this chnrmtng
afternoon were Misses Gene Grene
ker. Elizabeth Greneker. Dorothy
Russell. Ruth Nowell, Carrie Lou Rey
nolds, May Reynolds, Anna Wilson
Alexander, Gene Burum, Virginia Bu
rum, Katherine Cooney, Pegram Wil
liams. Tilly Heyman, Julia Brodie,
Edith Nackman; and Master Glass
cock Reynolds, Dan Burum,
Herbert Nackman, Morton Nack
man, Paul Robinson, Clarenre Cohen,
Marion Ridgley, Adrien Cohen, Leo
pole Cohen and Earnest Hatch.
—Mrs. T. Y. Rabb has returned
from Harlem, where she went to
attend the marriage of Miss Greene
and Dr Byrd, which took place yes
Mr. W. N. Hopkinson and Mr. E. D.
Reese have returned from a brief
visit to relatives in Atlanta.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Barrett, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mrs. Hale
Barrett and Miss Lola Anderson left
last night for New Orleans.
—Miss Louise Tannahill, of Ashe
ville, N. C., is visiting her sister,.
Mrs. Frank Welsh. In North Augusta.
—Mrs. J. P. S. Houston, of Balti
more, is visiting her daughter. Mrs v
Isaac Read on the Hill.
—Mrs. Isaac Levy, of Florida, is
visiting Mrs. J. H. Levy.
The presence of Mrs. Arthur Moies
worth, of England, was the Inspira
tion for a beautiful afternoon tea,
which was given yesterday by Mrs.
PoWitt Cochrane at her home on the
Hill. Hundreds of daffodils trans
formed the -pretty home into flowery
bowers of golden bloom. In the tea
room the table was adorned with a
renterpi<?ce of daffodils and
by the golden glow from yellow shad
ed candles. Mrs. Mary Lou Walton
and Mrs. Lawton B. Evans presided
at the tea and coffee urns at either
end of the table.
Mrs. Cochrane and Mrs. Mole-worth
wer - rssirled in receiving the guests
bv Mrs Charles E. Johpron, Mr-.
Marion Ridgely, Mrs. Edward Har
well. and Mrs. Percy Burum. Mio
Augusta Smith and Miss Chrystle
Walton Resisted in attcr.tion to tlv
guests in the tea room.
Complimenting her houre-Kiiest.
Mrs Allle Williams, of Greenwood
and also Mrs. J. D. Holstein, of
Edgefield. .Mrs. George T. Jackson
entertained her card club and a few
other friends very pleasantly yester
day afternoon at her home in North
Augusta. Bridge was played and the
high score prize, a hand-painted cor
set cover, presented to Miss I-ouise
Tannahill, and the consolation, a sew
ing set, was given to Mrs. J. I*
Barksdale. the game a delic
ious afternoon tea was served at the
card tables In the iparlors, which were
adorned with many beautiful spring
Mrs. Jackson's guests were: Mrs.
Williams, Mrs. Holstein, Mrs. C. N.
Churchill, Mrs. Kershaw, Mrs. x*. D.
Se lling, Mrs. Story, Mrs. McDaniel,
Mrs. Joseph Davenport, Mrs. McFar
lane, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs Stevens,
Mrs. League, Mrs. Guess, Mrs. Will
Dawson, Mrs. Clifford Dawson, Mrs.
Weisiger, Mrs. Barksdale, Mrs. LyOrt,
Mrs. Howard Walker, Mrs. L. J. Wil
liams, Mrs. Horace Verdery, Mrs.
Barnes, Mrs. Robert Walton, Mrs.
Bunnell, Mrs. Georgia Carter, Miss
Louise Tannahill and the Misses
Specks, of Pittsburg.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. Meyer was the scene of a lovely
throng «T children yesterday after
noon. when their young son, Bernard,
entertained in honor of his seventh
birthday. George Washington fea
tures were used in the decorations
and prizes.
Various games of all kinds were
indulged in and particularly Interest
ing was the '‘hatchet’’ contest. Miss
Mary Matthews and Mr. John Keenan
drew the lucky hat#et and each one
was awarded a colonial hat filled
with candies. The young host led
the way to the supper room; here also
the' centennial colors were used, fra
grant crimson and white sweet peas
adorned the tables and cabinets, in
the center of the table was a large
birth cake, with its tell tale candles.
Those who enjoyed Master Meyer's
hospitality were Misses Elizabeth
Otis. Louise and Bara Dorr, Mary
n.ieehan, Agnes and Mary Meyer,
Margaret Mura, Mary Dorr, Mary and
Elizabeth Matthews, Margaret Bress
na]»in, Elizabeth Miller, John Keenan,
Paul Dorr, John and Frank Ham
mond, Wm. Keenan, Thomas Bress
nahan, Philip Farrell, James O'Con
nor, Lawrence Ward and Marian May.
Extensive preparations are being
made by the Tubman Seniors to en
tertain the Savannah girls who come
to this city Saturday at noon for a
game of basketball at the Tubman
court. The engaging teams represent
the Tubman High School and the Sa
vannah High School
The entertainment will be given at
the school auditorium Saturday night
and will be In the nature of "conver
sazione." invitations for which are
now being issued.
Plans are also being made for a
delightful automobile ride over the
city In compliment to the vtsltlng
young ladles. The Savannah team
returns Sunday afternoon.
—At Mrs. Heath’s bridge party,
given yesterday, for Mrs. Eugene N.
Davis, the first iprlze. a band-embroid
ered piece of lingerie, was given to
Mrs. Klmor Williamson, and the con
solation, an embroblered card table
get, cut by Mrs. Paul Must in.
Mrs. J. H. Bush entertained her
sewing circle yesterday afternoon at
her home on W'alker Street. After
sewing a lovely afternoou tea was
served and the occasion proved most
delightful to the following guests In
attendance: Mrs E. H. Clark, Mrs.
W. C. Lewis, Mrs. Hargrove, Mrs. F.
‘H. Blackston, Mrs. Edgar Mitchell,
Mrs. .Ray Odom, Mrs. Livingston.
Mrs. Will Livingston, Mrs. M. E. Me-
Norrell, Mrs. E. T. McNeil, Miss Ethel
Kinnard, Miss Bello Blackston and
Miss Stand McNorrell. The club will
meet next week with Mrs. E. T. Mc-
Neil on Walker Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hook enter
-tained at a beautiful dinner party
Sunday evening at their home at
East Lake for Miss Susan Osborne
and Lieutenant Alexander Fal
ligant, whose marriage takes place
this evening.
The house was decorated with
blooming plants and quantities of
spring flowers.
The centerpiece of the table In the
dining-room was a miniature flower
ing cherry tree, about which were
smaller trees filled with pink blos
soms. Crystal candlesticks wore tied
with tink tulle bows, and American
flags decorated the chandelier over
the table. The cakes, ices and other
details of the pretty table suggested
George Washington's blrluday. Miss
Osborne wore a gown m pink I ro
qgde trimmed In lace and fur. Mrs
Hook was gowned In bine chiffon and
lace. The guests were: Miss Os-
How To Grow Long
Beautiful Hair
By a Hair Specialist.
I* Is not hard to stop the hair from
falling out and promote Its growth If
the right means are used. There Is no
hope for the scalp where the hair roots
are dead and the scalp Is shiny. How
ijjcr, to those who have not reached
Wills condition Immediate steps should
he taken to stop It beftS-e It is tort’tate.
_Jjfere Is a simple recipe whicn yoit can
make at home, that will stop the hair
fppm falling out, promote Its growth and
eradicate scalp eruptions and scalp hu
mors. I know of cases where the hair
has grown from four to five Inches In
a few months after using this Blmple
recipe: To a half pint of water add 1 oz.
.lmy Vtim, a small box of Barbo Com
pound and 14 oz. of glycerine, and apply
to the hair, rubbing with the finger tips,
two or three times a week. These In
gredients can tie obtained at any drug
store at very little cost and mixed at
home. This recipe not only promotes
the growth of the hair but darkens
streaked, faded gray hair and makes It
soft and glossy.
Scarf Pins,
Mounted in
fine Gold.
I *
Wm. Sctiweigert
& Co.
The Jewelers
Repairs of All Kinds
Promptly Done.
borne, Mis* Margaret Lewis, »I’**
Marguerite Lawrence, Ml«» Unites
Falllgant of Savannah; Mr, and Mrs.
Derry B. Osborne, Lieutenant Lewi*
Alexander Falllgant, Mr. Frank Tid
well, Mr. Robert Falllgant of Macon,
and Mr Henry Osborne Atlanta
| Constitution.
Interesting to friend* throughout
! Georgia and Sgpth Carolina wae the
marriage of Miss Eleanor Greene, of
Harlem and Dr. Frederick lYrolval
ltyrd, of Batesbur*. H C„ which took
place yesterday morning a* It o'clock at
at the home of the bride'* parent#, Dr.
amt Mrs Josephine Greene.
The entire house was thrown open
to the gue*ts, and the lower suite beau
-1 tlfully adorned.
The front parlor where the cere
mony was performed by- the great ttn
jcle of tho brldd, Rev. Geo, \\. Duval,
who also had presided at the wnrrtage
of Dr. and Mrs Green, the mother and
father of the bride, was decorated In
green and white. The mantels were
banked with white sweet peas and as
paragus fern. The ceremony was per
fored under te canopy formed of South
ern srnllax with a background of palms
and ferns in the centre of wthtch hung
a large wedding bell filled with rice to
shower the lmppy couple.
The hack parlor where the coffee
was eerved, was decorated in yellow
and green. The coffee table was lieau
iiful In cream lace over yellow satin
A Wonderful Recipe That Is
Not Sticky or Mussy—Harm
less, but Darkens Evenly.
When your hair turns gray, #vhlte,
prematurely gray, faded or thin or
falling, try the following: On retiring,
comb the lmir free from snarls. Rub
Q-Ban on the hair and scalp like a
shampoo; use plenty of Q-Ban, as it
can't hurt you and Is not greasy or
messy but delightful to use. Be sure
it reaches the scalp and roots of tho
hair. Then allow hair to fall free and
dry all night. The gray disappears
and a few more applications of Q-Ban,
like above, will darken the hair so
evenly and naturally no one can pos
sibly suspect you are using a hair color
restorer. In addition, trie above treat
ment stops dandruff and Itching of the
scalp, stops falling hair and promotes
Its growth. Q-Ban Is very popular
with ladies, as it has tho effect of
giving your hair that appearance of
ttiickness, glossiness and fascinating
beauty so much admired by all. A
big 7 oz. bottle is sold for only !>oe bv
Frost's Pharmacy, 502 Broad St., Au
gusta, Ga. Out-of-town people sup
plied by mall.—(Advt.)
f T \ \
ss&/ \l O) [ V
Via Baby Bet», Nainsook
8et *’ AII ° veri ’—
Jjv, Seaming, Beading*.
sK tik Bwi«* Flouncing and
VrvdE Insertion* to matoh.
Wa PsZJ Remnants of Em
\2sjiKf Qt2n l WJ&y& \ broideries and Bpe
vja c '** Lot Embrold
arias—Half Prio#.
Silk Underskirts for
Messalin* Skirts, prettily frilled, In blank
and colors $2 98 And $3 98
Messalin* Skirts, extra size, each $3 98
Silk Jersey Top Bkirts, with self or messalloc
frills, in black and colt each.. • *3 98
and - $5 00
Sdk Jersey Skirts, with messaline frills,
extra size, each $5 00
the lace draped and caught with bun
ches of Jonquils and ferns. At this
table Miss Ethel Fulmer, gowned In
black channelise, served the guests. In
this room Jonquils were used profusely
and lights were shaded In yellow In
the hall as the guests entered punch
was served at a beautiful table,
The punch bowl rested on a large
mirror encircled with daffodils and
ferns. Mr*. T Y. Rabb, of Augusta,
presided nt this table She wore mul
berry charmeuse combined with velvet
and chiffon, with a touch of gold lace.
In a room adjoining the hsll the pres
ents were exhibited. The color scheme
here was pink and green. Among tho
numerous presents were u handsome
silver soup tureen and ladle sent by
a social club of which the bride was a
popular member, a silver pie server,
given tvj lijf Sunday school pupil* ami
a handsoiW check, the gift at th#
bride's parents Before the bridal par
ty entered Mrs. Pierce Barrett sang
“Because," accompanied by Mr*. Babb
on the piano, at the conclusion of
which rang out .the wedding march
from Mendelsohn. Then the six little
girls, dressed In lingerie dresses and
Nile green sashes entered carrying
ribbons which formed an aisle from
the door to the Improvised altar Next
came little Miss Elisabeth Bynum,
daintily dresed in white lace and car
rying the ring in the heart of u perfect
white rose. When she reached the en
trance to the canopy she released the
ribbon so the bridal party could enter.
Then, entered the matrons of honor.
Mrs. W. B. Trlmmler, Ulster of ths
bride, the host man, Dr J. M. Byrd, of
Edgefield, brother of the groom. The
matron wore blue charmeuse, trim
med in American Beauty velvet and
shadow lace and carrtel dark pink car
nations and ferns caught with pink
tulle. The bride and groom entered
together, the bride wearing a travel
ling sut of tango wool crepe with chif
fon blouse over lace, and si raw hat anil
gloves to match.
The color srheme, green and white,
was carried out in the Ices. After the
congratulations the happy couple left
for a short wedding trlfi after which
they will he at home to their friend*
Fel<. 30th, In ltateshurg, R. C.
Out of "bvwn guests at the wedding
were Mrs. Robt. Glover, Mrs. Charles
Brunson, Mrs. Davidson and Miss
Miss Davidson. Mr. Arthur rjpeene.
Mr. and Mrs W. B. Trlmmler, Mr.
Birch. Miss Birch, Mrs. Thos. Y. Babb
of Augusta, Mrs. Otis Bidding of John-
City, Tenn., Mr. Atkinson of New York
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Duval of IVecatur,
Ga., Mr. Gus Glover of South Carolina,
Mr. Wlil Byrd and Dr. J. M Byrd of
Mrs. Greene received her guests
wearing a becoming gown of blue crepe
meteor trimmed in chiffon and lace.
Mother —Now, Freddie, at the rarty
when asked if you'll have something,
you must say, "Yes, thank you;’' and
if you don't want It, you must say"—
Freddie—Don't bother, ma. I don’t
expect to refuse anything.
Double Purple
Stamps Given
Before Noon.
Lovely Models in Moire Silk Suits
For $25.00, $27.95, $29.75 and $35.
In copen, wistaria, navy, green, and black. Fancy
model coats In various short styles. Tunics,
tiered and peg trtp skirts, trimmed In self oraa
ments, figured silk crepes, fancy buttons, cream
laces and fther pretty touches.
Wool Crepe Dresses,
For $17.95 and $19.95
Ideal weight for early spring and lato winter
wear. New spring models with full kimono blouse
waists and peg top skirts, net fichu or frilled trlin
Crepe de Chine Dresses for . $23.95
In copen, tango and black, Kimono Waist, box
pleated front, soft vest of ere urn net and cream
frills In sleeves, crush girdle of material. The
skirt has two short bins frills around hips. Is
laid In deep tucks to waist and prettily draped at
ELS;' NO TWO ALIKE—S 32 50 TO $55 00
Read These Giving A way Prices on Winter Coats and Suits
EH.57.95 EH... $8.95 EH...510.95 EH512.95
New Mistress: “Don't forget then,
Ann, that your master Is a colenel."
Ann—“Oh, 1 udoro soldiers, ma'am!”
Paul Jones Middy Blouses, all white and with navy
flannel collar, embroidered ornaments $1 to $1.50
1 0k 4 a.
K Tv v-c jf
\a7 y'tr-'r w— -*m
'gyPi At P v r"\*X.
Pr Jrwal if IF
Wm r % [wWrl
fJ New Summer Knit
Underwear , Union
Lisp Thread Unitm Suits,
tight, or loose knees
50£ and 75^
Extra size Summer Union
Suits 50# and 75 #
Outside Vests,
15#, 25<, 35#.
IB! TkjJajlL
The world-wide standard
Baking Powder
Absolutely Puro
Royal Baking Powder is the em
bodimerft of all the excellence
possible to be attained in the
highest class baking powder and
its use is more economical than
other leavening agents, because
of the superlative quality and
absolute wholesomeness of the
food it makes.
Cheap baking powders, containing alum, are Frequently
distributed from door to door, or advertised as pure and
wholesome. Such mixtures are not desirable for food in
gredients. Most persons have learned to their sorrow that
a low price does not always mean economy. This is es
pecially so in a food article. No baking powder can
properly be substituted for Royal.
Read the ingredient clause upon the label. If it does not
show “Cream of Tartar, ” don't buy the powder.j
Rtilie Hay—An article's worth what
the owner kin git for it.
Fancy Black Moire Coats
For $21.95
Yoke and sleeves In one, coat fitted on with extra
flared piece at bottom; the collar Is a frilled
stand-up one. white lined like rest of coat. Fancy
frog and bnttona in fronL
Also to be had In Wistaria.
Wool Sport Coats For Early and
Late Wear.
In vivid shades and staple colors —all new and
stunning in out $lO OO TO $25 00
New Kimona Waists.
With Arm-Holea extending to Belt Line—ln voile,
crepe de ohine,
Of Sheer Voile, the immense arm-hole ia outlined
with dots of copen, gold or lavender. The dotted
trimming Is seen on low collar, short cuffs and
front of-Waist.
Crepe de Chins Waists In white, yellow, gold,
pearl-pink, copen and black.— s 3 98 TO $0 98
Fine Mercerized Summer
Union Suits, lace or
knees, at SI.OO & $1.50.
Gauze V<*sts
10#, 15<, 25#, 50#.
Silk-Mixed Gauze Vests,
Hiram Whiffle —i guess yew never
[bought a gold brick, did yew?
I —From Puck.
CREPE GOWNS, In white, pink and blue, em
broidery and laco trimmed, 700 and $1 00
DRAWERS ... ... .-50 C
Special Sale of La
Grecque Princess Slips
and Combinations
Combination Corset Cover and Drawers,
were 11.60 now .. .. .. ... .-98 c
$2.60 Prince** Slip* now.. $1 75
$3.60 and $3.98 Prince** Slip* now $2 50
$5.00 Prince** Sllpo now $3 98
Scalloped Plquo Underskirts.. . $1 00
Scalloped Cambric Underskirt* 89 c
Embroidery Scalloped Cambric
Underskirt* $1 00