The Jesup Georgian. (Jesup, Ga.) 18??-18??, April 17, 1875, Image 1

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VOL. 5. (The Jksup dkovipn. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT Jesup, Wayne Georgia, >0 Ksibscriptiou. 82 per year. HAINES & CARTEK, Prop’rs. ATTORNEYS. M. ROBERTS, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, BAXLEY, GA. Practices regularly in the Courts of the Brunswick Circuit, and any other court in t he State, by special contract. Collections a spe cialty. i-iy jyj- L. MERSIION, ATTORNEY’ & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. •\Vill practice in all the Courts of the Bruns wick Circuit. 50-ly JOSIAII BEASLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ItEIDSVILLE, GA. Will practice in the courts of the Eastern, Middle and Brunswick Circuits. sfi-tf E. COCIIRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLACKSHEAB, GA., Will practice in the several Courts of the Brunswick Circuit. ~0-Gui Q. M. T. WARE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JF. SB I- GA. Will practice in the several counties com prising the Brunswick Circuit. •!■> ly Office in the Court House. £t R. HARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW JESUP, GA. Business entrusted to his care will receive, prompt attention. Special attention paid to collections. 31 kv T)EV. JOHN UARBNE. It XOTAUY PUBLIC AND EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, JESUP, GA Business intrusted to his care promptly at tended to. Collections a specialty. fill ly QOODYUAR <t HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GA. /OFFICE OVER J. S. BLAIX <fc CO.’S * / drugstore. Will practice in the counties of the Brunswick Circuit. 17 UPLAND SYMMKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JKSUP, GA. Office at the Court House. Will practice in the several counties of tiie Brunswick Cir cuit. i ® i y JOHN F. DeLACEY, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, GUAIIAM, GA. Will practice in the counties of Dodge, Ap pling, Telfair, and Wayne, and other counties of the Brunswick Circuit. Special attention given to the settlement of estates and collec tion of claims. * tl JOHN D. HUMPH, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN' EQUITY, .IKSUP, GA. Will practice in all the courts of the coun ties of Appling, Camden, Charlton, Coffee, Olynn. Liberty, Mclntosh, Pierce, Ware, and Wayne, and bv special contract in other courts of the State, including the Supreme Court, and will promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to his care. Satisfactory refer ences given in all cases when desired. 1 PHYSICIANS^ JjR. A. B. DANIEL, EEIDSYILLF., GA. Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Tattnall and adjoining counties. All calls promptly attended to. >2-tf* JJR. T. S. DANIEL, DENTIST, EEIDSVILLE, GA. Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Tattnall and adjoining counties. Sat isfaction guaranteed in all cases. 02-orn JjR. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JKSUP, GA. All calls promptly attended. Office next door to Littlefield ’s Hotel. '.>2 ]y Q ... JESUP, GEORGIA, Offers hx3 professional services to Hie citizen.- of Jesup and surrounding country. All eases, medical or surgical, scientific.! Uy treated. Office, Lester’s drug store, where will be found Drags, Medicines. Taints, Oils, and every thing usually kept in a drug store. Pre mk) P'J/ SAM.’ .!> 1.1 ijl j b Mass. U Ciian'ie ol Schedule. J' ; : -.vAy.. GENERAL SFPT’.S OFFICE, and Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Cos., > Savannah, Dee. 19, 1574. J ON AND AFTER SIX DAY. DEC. 20th, trains on this road will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS —(DAILY). Leave Savannah at LOO r m Arrive at Jesup 7:10 p m Bainbridge * 7:45 a m Albany o>2o a m Live Oak ~55 A m Jacksonville 9:10 \ m Leave Jacksonville 4:00 i* m Live Oak 10:05 p m Albany 4:1 W i* m Rain bridge 5:15 P M Jesup 5:25 a m Arrive at Savannah >:SO a m Connect at Live Oak with train arriving at Tallehassee at 0.15 r m, and leaving Tallehas seeat 10.30 a m. Sleeping car runs through to Jacksonville. Passengers for Brunswick take this train ar riving at Brunswick (Sundays excepted) at 10 30 i. .m. Leave Brunswick (Sundays ex cepted) at 2.00 a. m. Arrive at Savannah (Sundays excoptcd) at 8,50 a m. Passengers from Macon by M. Si 15. 8.15 a m train connect at Jesup with train for Flori da (Sundays excepted). Passengers from Florida by this train con nect at Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 4.40 r m (Sundays excepted). DAY PASS PNC MR —[SUNDAYS KXCEPTKDJ Leave Savannah 8:00 a m Arrive at Jesup 10:38 a m Tebcuuville 12:12 p m Live Oak 4:25 p M Jacksonvil'e 9:15 i* m Leave Jacksonville 7*40 a m ' Jjive Oak 12:25 p m Tebcauvillc 4:10 p m Jesup 0.35 p m Arrive at Savannah 9:15 p m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN WESTERS DIMSIOX. Leave Dupont (Sundays excepted)...7 05 a m Arrive Valdosta '* * ” 900 am Quitman ” ” ...10 15 a m Thomasville ” 2 35 p m Albany ” '* 7 50 p m Leave Albany ” ” 7 50 a m Thomasville ” 1 45 p m Quitman ” ” 348 p m Valdosta ” ” 5 10pm Arrive Dupont ” ” 710 pm Connect at Albany with Night Train on the Southwestern Railroad, Leaving Albany Sun day, Tuesday and Thursday, and arriving at Albany Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Mail Steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apa lachicola every Sunday evening. Accommodation Train with Passenger Car attached will leave Savannah Monday Wed nesday and Friday at 0 45 a in. running to Dupont, and arrive at Savannah Tuesday, Thursday andSatuiday, at 5 15 p in. !!. S. HAINES, (ieneral Superintendent. B, & A. RAILROAD CO. CHANCROIDS lllilH LK. SU P !•: 111N T ]■: NI)E N T ’SO FFTO E. j Brunswick, <4a., Nov. 23, 1874. I ON and after D*c inber Ist, 1874, passenger trains on this road will run as lullnws : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Brunswick to Albauy. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Al-buny to Brunswick. I’ASSK.No Lit TRAINS FROM IIRPNSMUK. Leave Brunswick s 40 a m llazlehurst 933 “ Jamaica 9 49 4< Waynesvillc 10 17 “ Fatill.i 10 19 “ Randolph 12 Oft p u Arrive l Junction, ASi (J Railroad..l2 40 “ Jieavc ( Dinner House I Hi Warcsboro I 45 “ Millwood 2 39 “ Pearson 334 '* Kirkland ;>D “ Willacoochcc 4 22 “ Alapaha * 00 “ Brookfield 542 t{ Riverside ft 3ft “ Ty Ty 7 00 “ Isabella 7 42 Davis 8 22 Arrive at Junction S G & F R H, Al bany 852 “ Connects with A A G Passenger Train go ing Westward and Southward, leaving Te beauville at I 02 p.m.. for Stations on the A .t G Railroad, and for Thomasville, Bainbridge, Live Oak, Fernandina, Tallehassee, Quincy. PASSENGER TRAIN FROM ALBANY. Leave Junction S (4 a F R R 8 20 a m Davis 9 02 “ Isabella 940 “ Ty Ty 10 II “ Riverside 10 53 “ Brookfield 1129 “ Alapaha 12 ft “ Wiliacoocbee 12 40 “ Kirkland 1 15 p m i Arrive Pearson (Dinner House) I 29 ‘‘ i Leave Pearson I 59 “ Millwood •. 2 33 “ Waresboro 3 17 “ ; Arrive June. A a G RR, Tcbeauville.3 45 *• . Leave Junction 4 15 “ Randolph I 55 “ Satilla 007 * Waynesvillc 039 “ Jamaica 7 09 “ Hnzlehurst 7 22 ** Arrive Brunswick 8 15 Connects at TebeauviJlc with Passenger ! Train for Savannah, which leaves at 4 JU p in, ! arriving in Savannah at 9 45 p m. Oil AS .L. SCHLATTER, General Superintendent. Cliangool tSrtlie<liilo. MACON k BRUNSWICK It. R. CO., } Superintendent's Ofi h k, r Macon, Ga., Jan. 4, 1875. J DOV/N DAY PASsKNGKit AND EXPRESS. , Leave Macon 8:15 a m ! Arrive at Jesup 0:25 p m ! Leave Jesup 7:45 j* m I Arrive at Brunswick H':3ft i* C:> DAY PASSENGER AND EX PRES/;. Leave Brunswick 2:00 a m Arrive at Jesup 4:45 a m | Leave Jesup 0:00 a m Arrive at Macon 4:40 P m H A V.’ KIN r, VILL K A<' OM MO D ATIOX. I Leave Macon 3:15 r m ; Arrive at Hawkinsvilk* 7;i ■'> v m The down lav passenger train mak*c* elope '•oni.i - f ifij, at Jesup with tram- of Atl.mtic ; and Gulf liailroa i for all point - in Florida, : and Savannah. I p <Ly passenger train .v#u i riect.- at for >■. vanrnh,arid at Macon for points North, and V est. '1 iir ngh sh-c,irg ears lull; - v c hange h<- i tr. g Loaisviilc and JackKonvili**. F'a. J. W. GREEN. W. J. /.• ti\ i: .Must. Trains Gen. Sup-’t. JESUP, GEORGIA. SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1870. WILD I.AXI) SALES. OFFICE COMPTEOI.T.ER GENERAL, ) Wild Land Department. r Atlanta, Ga., Maiaji 10, 1875. I Hon. Vi'. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller General. Sir: 1 herewith submit a list of un returned Wild Lands for the year 1874, from the following counties; viz: Appling, Ben inn. Bartow, Baker, Brooks, Carroll, Crawford, Clay Cobb, Colquitt, Chattooga, Campbell. Clinch. Cherokee, Catoosa, Calhoun, Coffee, Dade, Dooly, Douglass. Dougherty, Dawson, Decatur, Early, Krhols, Fan nin, Forsyth, Gordon, Gilmer, Haral son, Harris, Heard. Irwin, Lawrence. Marion,Milton, Mitchell, Murray, Mont gomery, Miller, Folk, Fan 1 ding, Pick ens, Fierce, Fike, Randolph, llalntn, Stewart Towns, Taylor, Thomas, Ter rell, Union, Wayne. Walker, White, Whitfield, Ware, Wilcox, and Worth. There are several Head Right coun ties that make a report ot Unreturned Wild Lauds; but they are not sutlieient !y identified to include them in this re port There are some of the surveyed counties that make return of wild land ; but on examination the land is found to be returned in other counties. There are a number of counties that have neglected to make icportsof their unreturned wild land, as required by act ol the General Assembly, approved Feb. 28tb, 1874. Some have doubtless failed to make, this report on account of not having received county maps in time; while others seemed to have dis regarded instructions given from your office on this subject. This work, as you are aware, is attended with consid erable trouble, ov. ing, in part, to llie loose manner in which returns are made to the Receivers, also the careless way many oi the Receivers enter the returns ol parties giving in wild land; for, in many instances, the number ot. the lot is not given, in others, simply tlie number is given, and the district and section is h-lt out.; this, under the law, amounts to no return at all. Fur thermore. it is often quite difficult, and 1 might say impossible, to decipher the j number, uistricls. and sections that, are I given. Ail alii- make it very dillh iilr to. | give a proper report of the uln elnrihkl j wild lands in the State. I There are some 'difficulties in the way ! of the tax payer giving in and return j ing hi- laud properly: this is owing to ! the change of county lines, as frequent ■ ly the party cannot locate the comity in j which his land lies, and in other in : stances the districts; for instance, there j m e two third districts in Wayne county, ] one being the 3d district of originally : Wayne, and the other the 3d district: of ! originally Appflug, now Wayne, lienee Ia party returning No 200, in tile 3d 1 district ot Wayne, it would lie impossi ! ble to locate I his without the original county being given, as there are ditpli- I calc, numbers in each district. There j are oilier counties that have two dis* ; llicts of ilie same number with dupli- I cate numbers in eaeli and there are a number of dl.-triols in the t-late w hich have duplicate numbers of whole lots and fractional lots. Other instances j could be mentioned that tend to make it very difficult for the tax payer to properly return and locate bis land. fl may bo possible owing to these cir cumstances that there are a number of mistakes in my report, but I have no doubt an opportunity will be given all parties to rectify any mistakes that may occur. All of which is respectfully submitted. Af.i.KX J. Bull. Wild Laud Clerk. Ail mistakes, errors, etc, in the fol lowing lis, will be promptly corrected by giving written notice to this office. Where the tax lias already been paid tire matter will be corrected upon pro duction of proper proof. All owners of I any lot or lots herewith published will come forward or address this office and pay the tax thereon within thirty days as required bylaw, or in default thereof the same will be sold for tax in the county where located by the sheriff, as ether sheriff tax sales. w. L. Goldsmith. Comptroller General. Atlanta. Ga , April Bth. 1875. To the llon. oHiiiNAiiii:- or ieohoia. As tli<* citizens of the State are com ing forward with commendable prompt ness, and arc payiirgthe tax on mire turned wild land, which lias been pub fished for sale, and in order to relieve parties who desire to pay said tax of tire necessarily additional heavy cost which will bo incurred by levy and sale —Therefore I have concluded b> postpone the tii n• - until 15th day of May next, in which parties can pay to this office the tax on unreturued wild land, as published in Wild Land List ot . . op portunity to correct all mistakes, error's Ac., in -aid list. At the expiration of Said titue, ex< < utious will positively Is sue, and the land sold for tax in the county where located by tire Sheriff. \V. L. GOLDSMITH, Comptroller General. Appl ing -Appling--" hole Lots 490 acres Dist. 1, Bos. 432.433, fractions;Disf. 2, Nos. 8.10. 22. 24. 30. 32. 33. 38, 52, 57. 59. 69. 81, 99. 103, 104, 107, 111, 115,119' 120, 122. 127. 132, 143,101. 106.177, 17S, 181. 199, 232.235,239, 295, 306. 30S, 311,317. 320, 353, 354, 301 805, 307, 377,404. 414, -12fi, 424 427, 444. 448, 449. 458 , 471, 495, 498, 499,507,508,517,518, 590. 493, 594. 599,019,625.026. 640, 047. 018. 651. 654, 655, 656, 657, 655, from 599 to 658 inclusive, fractions, number of nop, If not stated; Dist. 3, Nos. 1, 8.40, 47,50. 54,95. 96, 97. 104. 105. 100, 113, 151X308,321. 322, 323, 350, 358, 301. 302. 305, 306, 308, 420, 421, 422, frac tious; 147. 148, 449. 150 fractions; 400; Umn-aetion: IS(; I! 9 fraction; Di-t. 4, Nos. 10, 17. IS, 19, 21, 29, 30, 02, 04, 71.74, 70, 77, 78, 172. 201, 208. 212, Dist. 5, Nos. 4. 0, 7. 40,41, 42, 49. 50, 01, 87.97, 100, 131,134, 135, 140, 175. 187, 223,225, 229, 230, 235, 329, 300. 303, 3045376.379, 404. 410, 411, ll’<, 117, 42* 424, 450, 153, 403, 470, 471, 509, 511. Appling—Coffee—Whole Lots 490 acres —Dist. 1, Nos- 1. 9, 10, 12.20, 29, 33, 35.38. 39, 44, 45, 51, 58. 00, GO, 09. 72 7S, 86. 87, 88. 91,92, 93. 97, 103, 106, 113. 114, 119. 123, 126, 131. 132, 154, 210, 237,245.253, 255, 289,290,347, 359.301.374,394 , 401, 400 , 415 , 419. 4'_*L 425. Irwin —Coffee —Dist. 4, Nos. 5, 8 72; Dsst 5. Nos. 25. 09. 1< 9, 113. 114,120, lfft* 108. 170. 172. 196, 197, 209. 218, 219, rJ 2. 217. 2 is. 252. 253, -.'55,20:1, 205, 293, 303. 311. reported also in Berrien county; 345, 353, 380, 387. 389, ■lOl, reported also in Berrien county; 413.475, 528. Appling —Coffee —Dist. 0. Nos. 2,13. 27, 30. 40. 41. 41, 45, 50. 77. SI). 82, 83, 87, 100, 106, 112, 125, 132, 101. 102, 104, 108, 172, 173, 181, 201, 217. 233, 239, 247, 252, 271, 272, 275, 279, 281, 289, 295, 321, 324, 333, 330, 314, 345, 300, 371,377,378,381,397, 398, 405, 412, 414. 420, 442, 448, 450, 455, 401, 400, 409,477, 494, 604, £O7, 508,509,510, 529; Dist. 7, Nos. 12, 10, 21, 41, re •Mgnit'Hl also in Clinch county; 49, 50, 53, ■yf*"Bs, 80. 400, 110, 125, 129, 129, 151,101, 170. Irwin 'Coffee Dist. 10, No. 19. Appling Clinch--Whole Lois 490 acres. Dial. 7, Nos. 313, 41. 42. 72, 157, 279, 373, 305, 108, 310, 230, 284, 220, 291, 278. Irwin —Clinch—Whole Lots 490 acres •Dist. 11, Nos. 494, part of lot; 513, 480 acres. Appling Clinch —Whole LotH 490 acres. Dist. 12, Nos. 115, 169, 200, 189, 172. 170, 53, 51, 33, 10, 572, 318, 307. 313, 280, 32, 144. 383, 145, 384; Dist. 13, Nos. 244, 19, 01, 119, 331, 259, .230. 51, 52, 53, 54, 124, 144, 13, 88, 207, 89, 5, 135, 444, 78, 535, 149, 09. Jjjvin Echols Whole Lots 490 acres Dist. 11, Nos. 299, 298, 388, 389, 391, ,432, 437, 44.0, 441, 470, 525, 529; Dist. *lO. Nos 1,7, 40, 47, 91, 92, 93, 137, 139, 141, 145, 148, 182, 183, 184, 185, ]<JO, 194, 221, 222, 223. 225, 228, 229, 231, fraction; 232, fraction; 233, frac tion; 234, fraction. Appling —Heboid —Hist. 12, Nos. 05, 66, 67, 08, 09, 70. 71, 74, 75,70, 142, 143, 144, re ported also in Clinch county; 145, reported also Clinch eounty; Dist, 13, No. 5, report ed also in Clinch county; 10, 01, 05, 00, 78, r<ported abo in Clinch County; 84, 139, j4O, 141, 114, reported also in Clinch couri ty; 145, 119, reported also in Clinch county; 150, 151, 155, 150, 100, 161, 102, 202, 203, 205 206, fill 7, reported also in Clinch eoun 2119, 210, 218, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 236, reported also in Clinch county: ! 237 . 239, 240. 211, 242, 243, 241, reported also in Clinch county; 2(5,270,271,272,1 27::. 274, 275, 278, 279, 305, 300, 810, .319, j f 820, 821, 822, 352, 848, 304, 370, 889, 120, j 4 444, rcportwl also in Clinch county; ’ 4 47, 461, 587, 549, 570, 571, 575, 589, 590, 591 598, fraction, 594, fraction. Appling —pierce -Whole Lots 490 acres— j Dist. 9, Nos. 17, 82, 81, 34, 57,58, 00, 02. i 09, 70, 72,76, 90, 100, 104, 105, 100, 107, 1 1(19, lit), 113, 138, 151, 171, 178,205, 272, 281, 284, 285, 298, 309, 311, 319, 325, 326, 827, 33(1, 343, 344, 343, 840,857, 348,30.8, 364, 307,374, 379, 381, 387; Diet. 4, Nos 2, 10, 12, 47, 53, 55, 57, 131, 275, 371, 374; j Dist. 15, Nos. 38, Oft, 102, 105, 118, 124, | ; 125, 127, 155, 161; Dist. 8, Nos. 27, 112, j 119. Appling —Wayne—Whole Lots 490 acres- Dist. 4, Nos. 251,253, 254, 255, 258, 259, 298, 306, 303, 309,346, 355, 358, 301, .304, 371, also reported in another county; 870, 372, 374. also reported in another county; | 377, 390, 401, 403, 404, 410, 415, 423, 425, 432, 4.84, 4)0, 441; Dist. 4, Nos. 445, 418, 454, 449, to:.’, 492, 498, 495, 497, 513, 514, - 510. 420, 521,522, 524; Dist. 3, Nos. 13, 17, 28, 40, 41, 42, 03, 64, 77, 81, 124, 125, , * 1.30; 140, 171: Dist. 3, Nos. 170, 1-2, I G I'7, 191, 190, 200, 223, 230, 211, 281, 290, 291. 292,82 ,338, 840, 811,377, 411, 115, 410, 418, 419, 420, reported in another 1 eounty; 421. reported in another county; 122, reported in another county. Wayne -Wayr. —Di-t. 3, Kos. 1,2,4 10, 19, 2-, 32, Hi, 00, 00, 07, 08, 69, 89, • . 23, 24, 95, 11 , 117, 130, 131, 132, I: , 1 1 11, 101, 103, 107, 171, 177,181,191.19,. •_’nii, 217, fils. 220, 223, 220. fifift, 24 1,2 M, 2,"i.'i, 201, 265. 275. 270; Dist. 2, Nos. 20, 30,31, 33, 3s, 92, 94, 95, 90,07, 9.8, 1 5f> 100, 101,218, 220, 230, 2:! 1. 203, 20 I,; 205’ 200. 207, 208, g7l, 270, 252. Appling Wayni -Dist. 9, Nos. 325, report ed also in Pierce county: 348, reported also in /fierce county: 359, 301, 302, 303,. re por'ed also in Pierce county; 381, reported also in Pierce county: 353, 384. Appling- Ware--Whole Lots 190 acres Dist. 5, Nos. 165, 172, 205, 208, 209, 216, 217, 254, 264, 298, 300, J lot; 341, 1 lot; 312, i lot: 433, 441, 525, 51S, 521: Dist. 7, Nos. 48, 322; Dist. 8, Nos. 92, 140, 195, 212. 259, 261, 277. 284, 302, 304,369,311. 318, 320, 322, 360, 410. 121. P-’7. 425, 405, 408.514; Dist. 12, Nos. 100,629.624, 024. 026, 627, 628. 029; Dist. 13, Nos. 100. reported in another county; 201, 333, 400, 407. 408. 109, ill). 479. The Sale for Taxes of the Wild Lands of Georgia. By the merest accident wo have obtained possession of a copy of tho list of wild lands reported by tho clerk in that depart ment. to Comptroller General Goldsmith, as defaulting in the payment of taxes. The aggregate foots up the enormous area of about 2,500.000 acres embraced within no less than sixty counties of the State. Under tlio rather hasty net of tho Legis lature, all this vnst territory falls under the sheriff’s hammer within thirty days. But the task of designating and arranging this list was no light thing, and grave er rors have crept into tho report of the land clerk. Thus, in the single county of Ear ly, hoar what the news lms to say: Tho list of unrotnrnod wild lands sent out from the Comptroller General’s office on the 10th ultimo, has caused a good deal of astonishment among our land owners, on account of its glaring inaccuracies Whether these errors tiro tho fault of the tax receiver, or the wild hind clerk in the Comptroller General’s office, wo cannot say; hut so numerous a v o tho mistakes in regard to the lands in this county, that it becomes a math r of just complaint among otir people that they should bu put to ho much trouble about a matter in which they are not at fault. The list for this county cmliracos IHO lots, some of them among the oldest improved lots in tho county. These, in hoiiic cases at least, wore returned ns pails ot plantations, but owners are now forced '4 hunt up their de. (Is again and get on V' } - "I having paid their taxes in old- r h prevent I tin advertisement and sale of their hind for taxes already paid. Now, (is wo arc informed by the Clerk of the Superior Court that many of the lots contained in the list for tliiH county constitute parts of different plantations, wo would advise laud owners to look into tho matter, and thereby save themselves troul 11 and cost, in tho futnri. It is true tho Comptroller General, who in in no way responsible for tho transac tion, but is merely the executive officer umlor the act, in connection with tho list, notifies the public that wherever tho tax has been paid, it will be remitted upon the production of proper proof. But here is the trouble. Not one in forty of the owners have been apprised of the pi opened sale, and in numerous instances, after re turning and paying taxes upon their entire plantations, including tho wild and unre claimed lands attached thereto, because those portions were not specially designa ted in tin! return, they arc now reported in default, and the planter must limit up and forward the titles and evidences of his ownership, to preserve his property from sale at public outcry. But these considerations dwindle into utter insignificance, when we consider the matter from another and wholly different standpoint. By the report of the land clerk, one sixth of the entire area oi Irwin county, at and an eighth of the territory of Appling will be subjected to sale in a very few days under tho provisions of the act. Thousands of acres in adjoining counties will share the same fate, from the ahsetr ■ or ignorance of the proprietors. This has reached the eu if land spoeu- Inters, arid already, as ■ learn Irom a no ted land agent, they an. forming compa nies and combination* to nth ad the in tin-several •yind pm fiase.M.^ haps lor af. w mill- fc T‘: all thj^Bpg Jm ■ , : .... ■ jj ■ iir ■HR ■n| state must lose all taxable in'orueT^H W in proximity to tie t. lauds, tie wo* fl f entti ; down tl t. e-r mer ly t J nre the baik, ' mauds . 1• 11 ■' I- ir a I JB 4. V A the time of sale, or even delaying it until tho State eonld he authorized to buy those lands at a given valuation, subject to fu ture redemption by the old proprietors. As the matter now stands, millions of acres will be sold to speculators for thei merest trifle in this time of general busi/ ness deprcHssion, and even wit^^^dMfl M.fli graph. W it! I Towing in the A M I ■ : a filer date: lie will rejoice I> ’ll* i ; 1 hi !"'■ Iliirt) b.m't'rjHS^S j 1:1 1: !. ; " 1 I! 1 now 1 Ith . 111; i1: g and come forward and savo their poises” sions by the payment of all dues ore it "Do too Into. But in any event it will lie most unwise to push the sale of these lands in the present iloprossod condition of finan cial affairs. If persisted in the State will rue the step hereafter, in the permanent reduction ol her revenues. A land agent of much experienea and information esti mates that the wild lands will not sell for more than from #lO to SSO per lot of 490 acres. And mark the result. These pri ces will fix the basis in future for all sub sequent returns. If A has paid taxes upon pine land adjoining tho possession of II at S3 per acre, and tho property of the hitler is disposed of at government snlo for ouly ten cents per acre, then next year A will adopt the same standard in assessing tho value of his lands for tho tax receiver, and that official will lie forced to admit the jus tice of the return, as predicated upon ac tual market rates. And moreover, tho same estimates will bo apt to obtain uni versally throughout the State for lands of similar grade, ft is thus easy to sen that with a largely decreased schedule of taxa ble values caused by this short-sighted policy, either diminished revenue, or a higher rate of taxes, must ho the conse quence. But for the latter the people nro not prepared, nor will they acquiesce in the justice or propriety of tho stop when they learn the why and wherefore relating to the matter. IVO trust that tho State, if she persists in putting these lands upon tho block at this trying juncture, will bid them in and hold them as security for the taxes in arrears, until such time as the owners may pay off nil encumbrances and redeem them, with accruing costs. Of course, some reasonable limit to the time for this icdcjnption should be assigned. Just now to force a sale is simply ruinous to all concerned. To show bow tho eagles are scenting their prey from afar, one New York firm who were negotiating for tho purchase of fifty thousand acres of timber land at a given price, ns soon as it trans pired that three million acres of Geoigia lands were to he knocked off sutnnmrily n>. auction upon a very short notice, ininiei i ately dissolved the agreement, and declar ed that they prof rred to enter the market ns buyers when these lands were sold un der exe uition, us they were certain ofseeii rng betu-.r bargains. Com meat is unnec essary. HVSW: -wr SKRVnCIMMMi FASHION NuTEB. Slippers are not worn with hall coi tunics. Persons buying false hair should 1 0 careful to match it by placing it near the roots, as tho ends aro generally more or less faded. Large and stiff bustles are worn agi in but crinoline lms entirely 1 gone mitnf style. At present everything tits i > u the form. ( A White illusion is much tna and ns a lie .: "Ij^H| I. ! ; 1 jiH! '! tie 11.i nil n^BSIS th . !• ,| ‘"‘WJS yard of the dress. .8 lie lion •I■ V llC^Bj||| "I ’I ml e:l .1 1 niSB e. jy ■ JH u sHmHBhH m / j§H i * fi'A;:* 7 :' iB adjjj new of t.'L, >yljY*i, SkgL Jb NO. 2