Newspaper Page Text
%■ US?" I'.oiilmi L-nlg. No 170 F. ife
A. M meets on WoilueMhy night, on
»»r before each full moon. .1. (7
Pace Secretary; M. A. B. Tatum,.
W. M.
Trenton Chapter No. GO R A M,
incolh second Saturday night in each
month. S. IT. Thurman Sccreta.iy;7T.
\V. Bussey II P.
*»r Rising Fawn Lodge No. 2‘.).‘>
F i Si A M meets first and third
Saturday night of each month. It P
Tu turn, Sectctaiv; J \V liussey, W
g!flr Da, le iStipeiior Couits meets
on third Monday in March and the
third Monday in September. J C
Fain, judge; S II Thurman, clerk; W
A Byrd, sheriff.
Court ot Ordinary meets tlie first
Monday of each month. G M Crab
tree, ordinary.
Tax ltecivor, Joseph Coleman.
Tax Collecb.r, G W Ilughos.
Treasurer, Z O'Neal.
\\ .17 A .1. !*• .1A CO WAY
t Will practice in the - Cherokee Circuit, and
Supreme an Federal Courts, Prompt; atten
tion to business.
T J, Lumpkin,
All yAI Law *
Tienton, - - Ga,
Will practice in the counties < f Dado and
Walker. Will pay strict itltciith n to ail
Imsiucr? entrusted to his care. Ii h.17-ty
On ( the Company Rond.
WE HAVE PI T!'!!!(! 1
cf rxrfiiFS
Ladii-s ano gents Low Ctit Shoes
made from $'2.50 to $7 00, Bools trom
s(>.oo to SIO.OO. Try me you will be
T. I!. Rorkutson.
Rising Fau'n, Feb. 27 th-
Bartow House,
Opposite WA R R ltepot
XJnder the efficient .Ma nage
ment of Mrs SC Majors has
hern re famished and is Ice pi
trie Hit first-el au.
mmm m,
Kutuic'a* great" rem.dy for diseueee ai.d af
foetious of the bowels.
This splendid end never ..failing medi
cine is compounded from Blackberry and
other Mouicinnl Boots and Herbs, is tliore
fore norfecliy harmless. It is pleasant ana
safe to the most doliento sornach It is the
most speedy and effectual medicine for the
dure of nil forms of Diarrhoea, in children
•or adults, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, and
the various Sunnuor Complaints of the liow
els, so prevalent among all classes during
the summer season.... Only one bettlo (price
50 cents) is sufficient to effect a cure.
You need not shako or chill if you will
use this tonic It never fails to stop the
most aggravated forms of Chills and Fever
if taken as directed, in from three to ee'en
days, whan quinino and all other medicines
fail It will also, if taken regularly, build
and tone up the ivoak and dob.Mated sys
tem, and above all, leaves no bad effects be
hind, as do so mailv other preparations.
• The great preventive and cure of all ma
larial diseases and a sure cure for all forms
of dispepsia and indigestion It acts direc -
W upon the liver and all the socrotory glands
„'f the stomach and bowel-, it euros the dis
,.VSB bv removing the cause from the system
that pioduces or brings on the disease; hence
it is uusurpasMd for the cure of constipation
sour stomach, heartburu, headache, and all
those symptoms indicating the want of proper
action of those glands situated in the stom
ach and bowels. Twoerlhree bottles of I>k.
lU,Mean’s Liver and Kidney Mod,cine is pos
itively recommended to relieve on l cure any
ft the above diseases if taken as directed,
price 76 cents
Duncan’s Worm Syrup
One bottle of this Syrup will completely
ftxpol all species of Worms ond without in
jury to the child, as it contains no c,Cornel or
•thor injurious subslanc s. Again, it »s |»l«i» s
ant to the taste and acceptable ‘u tl.o stom
ach, ind, therefore, administered without
troublo. Price 25 cents.
JVa»hvillo, Tciiii.
Dado County limes.
Wednesday, .June I,s ISiS-i,
lion E D Grauaui was in town Sat
Wanted--A printer. Apply at
this office.
Sunday School picnic nextSatunlay
at Pope’s spring.
Prof. J M Miller’s school closes
at Morganville next Friday.
J. W. Conner, of Rising Fawn was
<ri our streets Tuesday.
Since tho rain the oat ciop has come
out considerably, and is now very
Bon Brock and Dali Ctislcy kill
ed twenty one bull frogs on Lookou
creek Monday.
Lot every one go down and see how
nice and well the graveyard was ctear
ed off last Satursay.
Will some one please tell us where
•loliii l’. dacow-ty is gone, but maybe
be will be back to-moriow.
Maj (?) Ben ’l' Brock lias not
bung out bis shingle yet (?). Su;»
pose lie i» looking for a partner fir <t.
Art Estes and Bam Fames worth, oP
Cole City, left the first of Lhe mouth
for Lexington, Ky., to attend the
Cotnmeud.d College at that place.
Mr. 1 Y Willis’ bahv has been sick
for some time, which has called him
fi *m his business several times. We
hope to hear of it being well soon.
Ed. Turner is repainting T. 11.
Roberson’s bouse on Mud street. It
would help the appearance of our town
if some of its citizens would follow
\Y W Gilbert sold out bis entire
stock of goods lastweek to Fite Pin
ter tk Co., of Nashville owing to his
not being aide to nicer, the demands of
his creditors at the time.
The railroad company is putting 8
new tank at this place with a capacity
of fifty thousand gallons. The pres
ent one is not enough to hold
suffic lent amount of water needed.
lion. M A BT; :nm and Dr J W
Russoy left Monday evening to attend
the State Coiivcnting at Atlanta
which meets to-day to select delegates
to tlie NatioualConvention at Chicaga.
There is'a certain patty in this city
that every time he goes into the couu
tiy he gets lost. lie was raised in the
country, and he says that it is owtug
to the peculiarity of staying in the
city so long.
Tim Cumberland * Presbyteim
church house at this place is needing
repair very badly. We hope that iis
members at this place will manifest
enough interest to have the necessary
repaiis done boon.
A negative or affirmative left out of
a sentence will always change the in
tent. Buell fvas the ease with one of
the locals last week, which is so plain
that wo suppose any one will notice
without our refering to it.
Every thing in Trenton, has been
very dull for the past week, and noth
ing of interest transpiring. It has rain
ed so much and still continues so, that
as far as business is concerned one
could uot expect any thing else.'
\Ye received a very interesting and
well composed communication last
week from a student of Barrett College
Spencer, Term., but we were unfortu
nate, or rather negligent enough to
lose it. We regret it very much for
several reasons.
The streets of our city are very
niuoh like the Arkansas man’s house
was when the traveler asked him why
he did not cover it. Too wot to work
them miJ put them in good condition
when it rains: and good enough whan
it is dry.
W o made a trip to Merganville and
Wildwood Saturday. We noticed
that several of tho farmers were cut
ting wheat, some of them aio begin
ning to feel a little blue over tl»o rain.
Guess it’s about the time some of the
rest of us woie feeling the same way.
'l'he Masonic fraternity of this place
will give a public dinner on June the
24th at the academey Tho Sunday
schools have been invited to uuim with
the Muttons and have their picnic.
Kvery one is invited to attend and
bring a large basket well tilled with
edibles. Bring your baskets to the u
cudutny by 10 o’clock a. m.
Tiio County Hotel! Still Receiv
ing: Boarders.
; Felix Brown, Colored, Broke Into W.
‘ r~. Cril'berCs'Saloon at Rising
Fawn Last Thursday
Felix Brown, colored, was before
the Court of Inquiry at Rising Fawn
last Friday on the charge of larceny
from the house. He was committed
to jail last Saturday.
From the evidence it appears that
he had broke into W. P. Gilbert’s
grocery last Thursday night, and stole
a quantity of oysters, salmons, tobac
co, whisky, beer, etc., by horeeng a
whole through the door facing and
raising the latch. He was caught
next morning after committing the
ciime in the stable of tho Walkei iron
and Coal Company concealing the ar
ticles. He was very much offended at
his being detected and arrested for the
crime, and showed evidence
of an extreme desperate eharcter hv
curbing and abusing almost the whole
town, most especially the white people
ami every one that came about him.
W« expect that n it had been left to
the feelings of the people at the time
there would lis\e been no necessity of
a trial. We could recommend the ga'-
lowh I'm all who show such a disposi
tion when detected rud brought to
justice for their crimes.
We do not propose to effect in any
way the political issues of the day.
But if any one wishes to know our po
sition. it is simply deumc.atic--a
strict adherence of the Spates to all
rights that have not been delegated to
the general government, and positively
oppose; all, and even the tendency of
the centralization of power. A great
many questions are made party issues
that ought to be decided without tuiv
reference at all to parties, questions
that.any man with common sens
who would give itfany thought could
d >cide more accurately than by mak
ing it a matter ot excitement.
Some people aie very good at ma
king lemarks about tlit ir count v pa
per. but many more who- are vain
about getting their names in it. Last
Week' two of the boys of our tow n
made a very strong effort to bring
themselves into public notice, from
some of tt.<* peifonnonces they acted
in our office. Guess you will have to
try it again boys before we can give
you a puff, but we had rather hr you
to get at a greater distance from oar
type to carry on such performances
We know you will be very much dis
appointed at not seeing year names
appear, but we extend you our sympa
Rev S L Russell came in Sunday
evening and preached that night. The
congregation was not as large as might
have been expected, but was owing to
the unfavorable weather; the
was in the same condition Sunday,
raining at intervals, though quite a
number. We expected more from dif
ferent parts of the county, aud have no
doubts, but if the weather had been
favorable the house would have beeu
full. Tire forcibleness of his sermon
need no commenting upon All of our
town is not as much as interested in
regaid to such occasions as they
It seems that every thing in Trenton
is silent again on the school question.
The question is a very important cue,
but the trouble seems to be to get
some onethat will suit everybody.
Some will not express their views and
act. because others will object to them.
vVe do not propose to say that this is
good policy. The only remedy that
we can suggest, is to dispense as
far as posi-ible with all attempts to
procure some one that will exactly suit
our personal views and wants, and
look the general interest of tho com
Both Sunday Schools at this place
are in a progiessive condition. There
is no necessity of its being otherwise,
only all will turn out. The lessons
given us, are alw’ays fall of in
terest and would it not be time well
spent, for all to come together every
Sunduv, study, investigate aud get
each other’s ideas in regard to tho les
bou . We can not see tho point, that
Sunday schools were designed exclu
sively for children and their teachers.
Wo 1 .opaeic long to see a perma
nent school established at this place.
Theie is no p ! aoe in North Georgia
better suited, for a permanent school,
of a high gtadr, than Tienton.
Mr*. Kv'aii s c.iooi cawed 1 »«i Fri •
He tv .f-ieoway is vi-doing (datives
lit *l ii is
George Smith win* hrol i* jail a;
thi-v pines before -la etrdrt
und fugitive from justice >r mi this
State, Will bo hung at Bcottsbuo Ala,
the first day of next August, lie was
tried and convicted for the offence of
arson. George and Asberrv Hughes
were sentenced with him for the
same offence: and Grayson sentenced
to the penitentiary for life.
See the advertisement of E T. Rog
ers in this weeks paper. He jnakes
nj promises that he will not fulfill. He
advertises nothing only what he lias,
and when von carry him your barter
you are save to get Ins goods ns cheap
as if you had the money. Don’t fail
to call caily and get first choice.
Mrs T H B Oole brought ii.t > onr
office yesterday several fine lipe peach
es. They were the first wo have seen
of the season grown in this county; and
were as large as any grown at any
time during the year.
XOTli'f VoR J.KA"e TO SHI.I, .AND,
AppUi'itH' -’ will he matin *o the Court of
O ilininy, f ‘ 15ad*.' County Gwvrgia, lit tho
lire loyilax leria after tho expiration of four
weeks filllU .rills oolitic, for Jravs to srli tots
of 1 ian<t Nos*Un*v<l H 3 in the lWh District and
4th section cl na<u- County Georgia ri*id
lands belonging < the ast.ito of Alfrob Cross,
Into of en til "unty, deeu-od, for the ben
efit of heiri "nd creditor- of said deceased,
this Juu« llltb 1884.
. William I). Cross.
Administrator. ~
Coughs,iLds, Catarrh. Consumption
All thoraf, Urea-.*, 11 ud I.un —, sfloeliotis ear
ed by the oM-csliihlished “AWAYNF 'VI 1,1)
OH BRUY.' Tie !5i s, do-s givi) relief and &
euro spe ’ i.y folio .vs 25 Cis., or J! V) at
i): tggiT s.
<XH ——
Crazy Patchwork.
Having a Urge as ..Meant of nun (Vie nf F
nnd pieces i/f haiidsotni' brounded silks, vi'ins
and vrl.ids, «< l g-< ; jiutrliig Iheui :p sd *’.a
aortod biindjes i.nd a'..; uisniug them Tor
‘Orany Patoijw 'k" Cu.-iiiom, Mu's. Tidies.
Ao., ,te. I Is n hnndsouio
bundles of ext] Visit® t !: ks. satins nnd brier, led
velvets (nl| difforont). J vs* TUB triko for
the ltt«t kt'KKRn »ATTBIIK3 t.F FIkCY wonk.
S«nt pospaid for 66 cetits inpoitnl note or one
cent suimfit PACkAtJ# No 2 Containing
three times its much u? No 1. Benl postpaid
or?il. These nro all of the verry rntrsT
QiiAL rv and eoftifot bo cquallod at any athor
silk works in tii# U. F. It Tiiimn timics our
prices. They will ploa.-o any lady. OhQ or
der utw,tvs k ings a doxen more. LADIEA,
liistrauons and full limructuLS fox artistic
fancy work, handsomely bound, postpaid, TO
cents. Orilrt not* Address. Till? ItoCUKii
tkr Sink Co., Rochester, N. Y.
ES‘E8 r O3ST.
Corrected by ' FIT ROCKRS,
de llf t * ou General Jtfce
Flour $8 00
lent 1 00
Ilacun (i b-sr *h le)
CUts 60
Wheat 1 00
Chickens chickens 15, heus 00
B«gs 15
Butter,No 1 .'.... 3o
“ No 3 uo aalo
Cofifeo I fird
Sugar 9
“ Granulated. ... 12
White beans 08
Rice - 111
Cheese 20 .
Corn 75
Hay 1 60
l.ard 1 Ski
For guru 00
N 0 Molasses 75
dry Goods
Rock CityDomestic4-4
“ “ ‘ '* A-8 00
Prints, best brau» 00 1-2
Liver, Kidney *ar Stomach ronble,
Symptoms; Impure, const!vc bowels, irreg
ular appetite, sour belching, pains in siuc
back and head, yellow urine, burning when
urinating, clay colored stoohv, bad brcih, no
desire for work, chills, fovor, irritability
whitish tongue, dry cough, dizzy head, with
pull paines in buck part, loss of mimory, fog
gy sight. For these troubles Swavnks plU.i
are a st<ro cure. Box. (20 pilis)by mail 25
Cts., 5 for sl-00. Address DU. SWAYNE A
SON., Philada Pa. Sold by DrugOists.
Noticb Foil Lkavk to Siu,l Land.
Applicatiou wig bo made to the court of
Ordinary of Dado cofnty Georges, at tho first
regular term Rl’toc ex. iration of four weeks
from this notice, for leave to soil tho lands
bo’ongiug to the estate <f Parthena Killian,
late of said county deceased, for tho benefit
of heirs and creditors of raid do cased.
Andrew Brown.
AU’yal Safin.
TRENTON, - ‘ - - - - GA„
Will pay prompt attention to all
business interest to niT care.
Am. Person visiting Rising Fawn, Ga.
on bus'ncs, or other wise, Would find it to
tcoir interest to call and stay at tho Cross
House. Transient board $2 per day.
Deduction made for regular board.
J. G. WHITE, Proprietor.
Ail persons indebt
ed to mo will-please
come forward and set
tle at once and save
cost. Geo. W. Bell.
Rising Fawn, Ga., March 10,
Ati<’ win completely ot’SnSTO tho bloml l» 9 P’lMr* srnlom |n Hm» ..• •
porson who will thkc 1 I'll! each nigh*, from Ito 5* weeks, may be ruav red to ,<ox - l
health, If siuch a thin* possible. For F»«m4« Cornplaiirt* Fill* have no crp..
Fbyalcianß use thorn f,.r the cure of CdVJtfK sod KJIi'iNEV dl.-icfwe». (told ,
cr sent by mall for 85c. in stamps. Clrcdars fee*. I. 8. JOHKWOS A CO.Ci»«.mi. s£--:j>.
3KsSffl§j «XRS,.
hi* flaea of tlu Spine SoM evuywberv*. Girculan Ifee. I. 8. JOlfNS*). n ■ , . -j.
It U a wsll-*nOTm fict that mort of tbe 1M W KyS Sj '. 1 fcf* “ t* It F 5 ts Aft *5 <. jf
Herne and CatUa Powder *>i<i ir> this eoun- tgf, £ « Hay ra $ If i»J£ piß W fe t< '•
*ryi« wortluoa; that Sheridan'i Condition BRgfl ».»i Jfc3 W«»-, uvjl f'ie , 'E» g U.-i t-f
Powderw itwolutelvparenivlTeryvaluable. r &'.* >• « E-f 3 l, Sv‘a W «
Kotblnc on Barth wUI make hone fw J * O ft rf? a\S g f-? #4
lay like Sheridan's Condition Pew- £*4t &4 & SOsS S taj i.-43 !si W E&jfo 15 h
tier, Dose, one toasiioobtul to caoh piut of ......
food. Ii wlil also positively prevent itctl euro 1 Hof? Cholera, &c« Boni everywhere, of seof by nasi tot *g
CHICKEN CHOLERA t |aSS^elSS«'srai,‘Jiarlii“
RwadMßßW*—**»*—HM——>aN»sdsdbi*a>ay wrum—lpNpWiy.-^a '*»«»»
Now is thetime to Subscribe for tk*
Dads County Wes bf Tsanso
A • 24-Colttnm Newspaper I’ubliuhtt-I at
' r J?2FS.EST^ r! S; i, G,A.
U y
§1.50 Per annuo in adrauje. Wa
give you one of the best country ?m
--cl t/ da
pere in North Ger^ia.
Bond In Your Names!
Every Farmer,
Mechanic, *
And Laborer.
In Dade County stioud take and rea l Oo
Published Every Wedno3.l iy
f -
All Letters on business. should be aLL es.>ed
to* The Times,
Trenton, Georgia.
y- VSsekrtt**. fl**orrtM»r, SysliKh ii,J
*«ecui Al/wrMc**. sgt«Kttiiic tre:»tioent; elife &r 6 sure
reniedlcf Tr'iited fV or vrr’.e f» r lUt **i
%u tetieiifl to l.u -+HOW. -v !>• thoae during i*-- &tl'y noil.
CVerwKi* trv«ter4«s ftvai Riyture •lunik! mmm! .Ih jp cWf.
“«< Urif i,<l>!w’R;'f 7! Ut <.f »iruri.£?
Art<?r-*w tV. C. L. F kIiIROX, Fre®’* Wiymlflv. fc Clisrgt
A»£. & smry. Ic»th-««r. 9*l Lc***w« ;f. SU tftbh. !«■
tauwMvr tk i)i. liuUs’ iJ-.i'jViMMjr £® Ic^ij
i A Btrf&ns r>lnoatlo3 yy /)/}
I Attend tiM // #jr / /wF i
icJXZfTM'i&ae' tzOol*
Of Kentucky University, Leiington, Ky,
Bturt:r.u< oon begin any wt-rk-day In the year. No vacation.
Tlaw to oomplete the Full Diploma Buslneua Coarse about 10
weoka. Average Total Coat, including TulUon, Bet o f Books and
Board In a family, 180. Telegraphy a spoolalty. Literary Course
free. Ladies rood red. s,(X'<o suooeaslfel grivluatea. Over 600
pupil® last year from 13 to 45 years of ago, from 28 Btatee. Ip
ptrncti >n is practically and individually impart*.-! by 10 teaohonu
Bpcoi*l oonrsos for Teacher® and Huslnee* Men. University
Diploma presented to its graduates. This beautiful cltv is noted
fv>r Its b-althftilQ'‘®9 and society, and la on leading Railroads.
Fall twinti Set t. btk. For circulars and full parfci<tolar^
H* Pn3*»VW. U. SjhHiii, Letting tail, &JT.
K«m re In of Fmie and BoiEN^ra^mwa
AslswwWe*4 a 3r«d, FIMMSi, Mi lijisnl Cera tot
r oiscTiaaTina ,tK * »* atoc, > bAd bMai0 >
tuna I IrM 8 IUH, (tali fan, i-„ ir ui
fWQDPPQIA known by Irregular appe-
L iarLrOIH, tito, sour belching, weight
and tenderness at pit of stomach, dependency.
I mep Complaint. Biltremn-Ji. Malaria, cm,j»4
1-llC.rl Yvnt, causing sorsneae in Sa m%
ffiTEo&om of ribs; weariness, irritability,
tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen*
Rations, eyoi dull, dry cough,stifled and
ed feeling, iiTegui&r pulse, bad etJorod rtools.
iiPODI eyv bpilepsy.l’walysivlilil
FtrlrttAl s K lirht. sound in ears. glddlncsiL
cctifusion in Ui<ad,nervousness, flushes of light
S- fore ,;Tt », loss of memory. Pmeasefl of Bladder oad
k I rtwrVQ urine dark or Light,red deposit;
RlUii-»o, burning, stinging,hearingnowa
•ensottoos, frennent Swire to un»a*o. uneesiaew.
tadair.rd eye., dirk cirokos, thirst, blwaw'e of
CCACT KV'M peias, Bettering or weight ae«
fltnnl, heart, more so aa toomtng (ptiolny aad
o heu iyiug ou left side; oat of breath on aaertioa. ,
L CArUIPUC dull »r tkarp pairs fa tern pits,
r LftUnunC, e>« or bead; raiatnoj*, nausea.
ISrouaV Is ruased by wetery "id ILheejns*
tlnm we., by ano aoid ia Mood ©Ba
erdore ty eerrnpt manor W©?lie»M by the pests
v itbirt. by ehokiag of She toorefivaa.
K WAYWK'SA i'ltlA, by genUe MtAsn. "«»?•
the ranee, matte a t.rmatMOi ovira. Inst by maufca
to cents box of 30 Fib-': I M.IW. » ai. lla
ftempe.) Address, trtt, SAWAANkfi A *KlJii,
2'iiUsaaeit'fiAtt, s*,e. Jo2<l oy irm«»*Jt»., »
Auvertise laths Ximfs.
'iSfv .1
Bill Si 4J
l-V? I (f*
- ti &. }■? .-iwd M -i
£ XL# Jix2& vy
fAC- f 8 ft£abS=Jlß<l
8" Ir-p feh
S Ai-]Sk *t» *e.--d«e» « *ScA> i«y*«i
It will r>n_ .fy and enrleli flic EL r-crulsiu
tha MVBR and KI&fcSJS, ' UJ
BSAITH and ViaOßof TvOVtv 1 3n ad •;. ' i
discutca rtoulriug ucerio.lnand .'lutdcu. * v) : ,
especiu’ly !)yfpcpsU.'.Vouiof App'.;itfc.lh!d*.w-
Uon, Lack of gtreitglii, eic., t* '• uo- t‘ «..• - - t
with 11.;r ei-Itilc■ and v.omiei.iii i«:s a * os.c
miißCles i'nd nervea reepive rot' ft roe. ©t
tue mind aud supplies liraltt V .<ejt.
a •* 'rp *E? £i ttlfferlng Irt.u tA Ot,r. plaides
!UFI&CC peyullartoti-Blfsex
Dif. HASTILB a I&C»f XO3TI- 3 nn4 ope« ; T
cure. It gives a clear and lioni i‘, ■ ')>u ", ’■
Tlia ct.rvnr:ft losiiidoKy to .u!:,. c. -r/:.'b i ROM Tomfl 1j that Ix. if! 1 rfha. )
at couiitorfe kUttgliarc only ai!i. o (•• 'nor ; nr
Itr t>; the oi ielm.l. If you eai-rt j '!••• .r. r vai'n
do not experiment—(fetthe OhiniSAi. ■ 'ird.
CSeotd year address to Thagr. Hwb «
(. alo.,for oar T jC'. o'
r ail of tsexisso uud uaefui k& ..'C S» : p
Oa. MAHTEft'a IftON TtXMO !8 »n* m »n V ~ry
B* JuotsTa A(*o C/CAUhta Evtu /WitSa.
~ j fi®4 -Whr W«lfi . v j
tremble.:. €-4 onr free c** >
!At aai Ul.'kl fykefc.-T
tbOOM K.4?. '■-L.M * iaM !i>
SSIPOTEiIsr. " rv.'.x't
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