The Dade County weekly times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1889-1889, March 01, 1889, Image 1

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iLiii UHOi wit lily VOL. 5 TH£ DADE C3UNTY NEWS £n?eked at the Postoefice as Sec ond Class Matter. T. A J. MAJORS, Ei>. u Prop’r. Watch us grow. Oh, ye backbiters and slandero t- Save your quarters till Tuesday night. Trenton is to have a post oftiee b uilding. Four new furnaces. One cotton factory. One hundred and sixty coak ovens. A harness and saddle factory. A big town in a few years. A Rail Road is to be built between Stephenson and Trenton. Chattanooga will furnish a good crowd to the entertainment. - Pope Majors says he is going to get married right away. John Curoton is busy sowing oats, and clover seed. Next Tuesday isj sale day and some property will be to sell. Joe Kiser contemplatesjj*moving to Chattanooga, The Court house and jail are re ceiving some repairs. If we don’t haveffia genuine live boom in three months there is noth ing in favorable signs. We can hardly express our high appreciation of the “accommoda tion” as it noAV runs. It is said that a young man at “the furnace” does not admire ‘the looks” of a pumpkin fixed up as a “bugger”. + It is estimated that fifty new houses will be erected in Trenton within the next eight months. A fine string band will furnish music foi the entertainment Tues day night. Over five hundred people will attend the entertainment Tuesday night. Monday Grover and'Frankie will say good bye White House, and Harrisons administration will be gm. The “White-Cap” Italian string band have been employed by the Dramatic Club for next Tuesday night One of the basest acts ever com mitted in Dade, was that of B. T. Brock speculating on a bassjviolen, M.C. Yes, our speculation‘consistened —in being out $24 without any re turn whatever. Very base indeed. B. Shade trees will soon encircle the courthouse. J.T. Woolbright be ing the first to set out his tree. Jimmie Blevins Jr. caught a trout weighing four pounds, near Curetons mill, a few days since Jimmie is a one of Judge Crab trees best pupils in the science of angling. * President, C. M, Tatum has call ed a meeting of th* fishing club to meet and organize for the season, Wednesday March the 6th. Some new members are to be installed, and new officers to be elected. Dr. Corput is favorably mentioned for bate carrier. Ward, the escaped convict from Rising Fawn, wrote back to author ities once too often, and will soon don his old stripes again. The capture was made in Philadelphia, and the iudentihcatioo made by an employee of the company. money to loan. Apply to B. T. Brock Trenton Ga., who negotiates on real estate on five years time, at a low rate oi interest. MS AX I) ffIUSTV, 0 SQUIBS GATHERED HERE AND THERE. —— n Como to th«£fntertainment. !ourt on ,rd Monday in March. J. P, Jacoway returned Sunday from atlanta. Our “devil,” Archiejjhongh’t a cook stove and untensils at th*>salo. and is now huntingjup the girl. Harrison was joyful received along the route*from his home to the|capitol. If Chatranooga don’t mind her “P’s and QV’ in ten years Trenton i will be the bigge.-t town. Thejeditor hasjjjgnna jto Atlanta this week, and his neighbors are getting out his paper for him, RisingTawn Ga., Feb. 24th[1889. Ring the bell from out the steep les ! Blow the call; call all the people ! Gosh-n-mighty ; shout with joy! John McGuffey has a “boy”. Our old friend |Ricu Bible now “tnkes his feot in his hand” and walks about griting his teeth. W. II Smith and}?Mack*j Acuff have rented the McCauley farm. Mike Allison is visiting in Tren ton this week. The sale of Mrs McCauleys prop erty was well attended and the property all bjoughtjja very good price. .Several parties on sand inoun-j tain are opening up their coal lands,' and the results are very encourag-, ing. Advertise in your home paper. It’s one thing'to have the girl on your side, and another to have the “old folks” against you, so tsaith a young man. J. A. Bennett has purchased of B. F. Pace a large strip off the “Old Field” and will build a resi dence at once. that Dr/’Corput goes down Broad Street very often to visit Jimmy Johnie Jacoway. It will cost but2scts to go into the entertainment, and you can have good seats extra by paying a small amount above admission price, Tuesday night March the sth positively the last entertainment to be givon Dramatic Club on this continent, you must see it. Rev. C, G. HallJamhCapt. Sin gleton are stiring about in the val ley this week in interest of the sale of mineral lands. Several parties are preparing to set out trees around the court house, hoping to enlist the Grand Jury into recomonding a fence around the building. A Pokm. Oh :~what a wonderousjtransfor mation. Was wrought in the night; Yesterd/iy the mountains dark and green, To-day wraped in mantle white. The gray oldjrocks with cnvices between Whore lichens grow, And shaggy cedar, anu nouding pine, Are covered now with snow. Make Oh make, a transformation In my soul today; My yesterday’s dark with siu Purify, dense me I pray. Lord like the cedar and the pine, Rdore thee I’m bending low; O’er me spread thy mantle of lov«, “And I’ll ho whiter t hab *«*>*■” H. DEVOTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT *F THE RESOURCES OF DADE COUNT V. TRENTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH, Ith, ISB9. Dr. Lumpkin is attending court at Lavfayette thisjjweek. Misses. Mary Case and Carrn Lumpkin visited Chattanooga this week, | |Remember the entertainment at tlu* Methodist church next Ai’uey dnv night. What does it m j an —sixteen town lots havefehanged hands in the lastjvweek. Fort Payne’s boom doesjnot di vert the interest from the pros pects of Trentoiu* n ight future. Positively not* a house for rent in in town. Shame on you : iiCJohn Curefon has Jplanted out some nice shades on his property fronting the square. Trenton looks £“s >rter natural” since Peyton Pace returned, property has advanced 20"por”cent in the last thirty days. Fcwjnevr cases filed to the coming term of court. Don't kick out of the harness and “bust” ourbig land deal: A brother, of Mr. W. H. Smith withjhin family, is on a visit from Texas. DIED —Allison the two year old of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hughes. Some of’our young men of nui sical|talont have’purchased a forty dollar bass-violen and will organ ise a string band. Dr.'Corput has|liad bis teeth ex tracted *andj asm'll Jeonsequonce is suffering with a sore, month. It is reported that Bob. Smith has plowed three days this week: Go i; Bob., it*will make a man of you. Mr. J. A. C ase'has just unearth ed in the Ist Nat. Bk. of Chattan ooga, about 'two hundred dollais worth of county claims that have lain there for two years,*and .which considered lost. b COMMUNIGatION. RisingjFawn Ga., Feb. 27th|1889. Prf. Ward the escaped convict of dade Co., Penitetiary Was Brought*in’this”Morning By de tectives i guess’mr ward Will Re main ju Prison this time until his Sentance is fuly has Bin Wiiting Sevcal Letters to Mr Conor]‘Since his escape though With a high head and Sharp Countenance he’facod a crowd Of £ a hundredTeople. Who'Witness ed his Return to his destination Pretty girls Dade *Coi certainly is ' Blessed With Pretty Girls, i think Should a man hunt dade Co Over Or the State Or States that he :ald Find in either. More Pretty Girls than in tren ton Or Rising Fawn. Were a man to ask me where to Find a Pretty Wife, i would Say. Go to Tren ton Or Rising Fawn Girls tliis is NoßFlattery Brther Glarner took his Depart ure This morning For Cedar Bluff, Whore he exnects to Reside a while ewing to the ill health of his Family. Brother Gasner is a good man and has many Warm Friends in Rising Fawn Wehopejund pray Far the Recovery ut Brother Gar ners Groat Success in the future R. 11. Oury. Corisp NOT^GUILTY. Trenton,[Ga., Fob. 23 1889. Editor News: When I retired from the’newspaper business and you assumed-Jcontrol in my stead, I then remarked that the patrons I of the News would bo benefited by the change, but it never once occur ed to ip? that your coming would be haiied with such delight, or that your magnanimity would b« so high Unappreciated. It Rooms that pome of your pat rons have been lead to believe that you will convert the News into a denominational paper'and run it h. accordance with th»* v'ew- and to suit the wishes of a fewUvho your favors by the oily tongue of flattery. Now Mr. Editor it is not this against which lam kickiu<r--for it matte.* not to me what kind of a paper vou run—but some 0,.e writingUinder the high Founding nonde plumeof “‘A. J. ‘lsaw prop- •r to cast some r>H«~ti«»n« upon my “record” while n charge of ‘h< News. Who this worthy in i vict ual limy bcis a question upon which I have waisted very iittlotini'*. and mv defence against his unjust ao cussations shall consume but very little (more. If we translate cor rectly the hidden meaning of some of “A. J. T’s.” remarks we deduce the following:—lst that the former of the editor was lack ng in nail mi tv, 2d that said Editor has “sieared and abused” his fel low just because hr was a member of ‘‘The Chimb” and'beeause his character is free ■4> from every blur, 3rd was the re ligious disserninatoriof the? town of j Trenton, 4th tluit|saidJeditor“l)ack jed and cut and abused” till pity I cried no'more.’and tbatjsaid editor I called those who dared defend their principles.J“backbiters and slanderers”. i We infer that “A. J. T.” is a lmember^of ; “ThejChurch” and our most famous cronologer ofjthe town assume, the “Christian Church” Church” of -m wfc. X i Christ. M’hile we"are.not a member of w * tho Christ we glory in its goodjwork loolrfng upon its religious bigotry least degree ofallowance. V*V That good men and wo.nenoelong to the Chrisfian church, that we believe,"and that many members of said church will go to heaven that we also believe, but tnat all outside will'be darned is an absur dity beyond all reason. With this as a preface to our defence we will go further and challenge“A, J. T.” or anyone else to point to a single article that ever appeared in the Dade Co. News, where a mem ber of “The Church” was “sieared or abused’where he did not deserve a tornado of abuse beyond our power to express. What ever we made up’ourjmind to say we tried to expn es it in a way that no’doubt would be left as to what we meant. A man should not be blamed for what*ho |honestly believes, but he may render himself despicable by a certain manifestation of what he believes. Now “A. J. T.” demands of us—“of the’pulpit—of the print ing office” why such dissensions in the town of Tronton. Better inquire into your own hearts and learn the feelings that prompted you to acts of open hostility against your brethren of the other churches. Our printing office is dubed the pulpit, well assuming that we have “occupied” “the pulpit—tho print ing office” we honestly pray God that our neck may never get too stiff to bow in a meeting of any religeous denomination. For any church in the face of other churches to assume and bold ly assert that tneir particular church is the only church of “God” and all others a mockery, and then meekly ask “why ’all this dissen sion” is in the language of George Chadwic .‘an abomination in the the Lord.” If A. J. T, know the cause of so much “religeous des sension” in_Trenton let him go be yond our humble actions while in \ contro of “our paper” and from the st.“gt comes the back rooms, and e-. < :i private gatherings he will j find germinated malice as an on* j come bigotry, and hatred as anoff .'pring of pjvdudiiv, those united | make of Ir< ::to i a hell of hat rod j and 4 ; cord and not by any f.-uit | of ours. j Of the moral conduct of persons, j we will IcAve that to those in.*n | «aj able of judging by reasons of ! their tho ough l now ledge of tin i-ib’', hut ,'U to*he social conduit j -iiiat duty, li< h one man ,/wes to. his ii» :gh!»t»r. a .a to society in gen eral, wo will presume lo say, no where on earth ean (her- be found a body of poo lo so “sot to the] opinion”, and s > thoroughly con vinced of the error of others us to blind them to all sense of justice slid deference to what other* may believe. No, don’t apply to “yo of the pulpit—the pricing office” for the cause if di>. en&iou, but pray for tlint charity and unselfish ness to wh oh you have so on b en a stranger, that your eyes i)-* opened, that you may b -1 able to judge your own conduct, and see your own dofiem ies. Our regard for those who h ivo a ! claim upon our heart, as lasting as life itself, proven, us from going! further into this subject than to j refer to a few points of which the public i.s already cognisant. Ben T. Brock. I DADE SHERIFF BALES. Georgia-Dado Co., Will be sold before the Court House door with in the legal hours of sale in the town of Trenton in said county, on the first Tuesday in march 1889 the following described property to wit: Lot of land No. 188 in the 11th dist. and 4th Section of Dado j county levied on as the property j of Chas. Warren to srtisfv a tax 1 fi fa, issued by Thos. Title Tax Col-. lector of Dade county in favor of said Tax collector for state against the said Chas. Warren for st’te and tou’y taxes fqr the year 1888 r Pro perty pointed out by tax collector. Levy made by J. A. O’Neal L. C. and turned over to me. Dec.27th 1888. Georgia-Dade Co.: Also will bo sold at the same time and place the following described property to wit: Lot of land NolOl in ihe 12 district and 4th section of said county levied on as the property of T. J. Lumpkin agt. Mrs. M. W. Lumpkin to satisfy a tax fifa, is sued by Thos. Title Tax Collector Dade county, and in favor of said tax collector against the said T. J, Lumpkin agt. Mrs. M. W. Lump kin for state and county taxes for the year 1888. Property pointed out by tax collector. Levy made by W. H. Smith L. C. This Jan. 20th 1889. W. As Byrd Sheriff. Georgia—Dade County; Also will be sold at same time and place lot of land Nos. 66. 69. 76 and 101 in the 12th distand 4th sect ion of Dade county levied on as the property of T. J. Lumpkin agt of Mrs. M. W. Lumpkin to satisfy a tax fifa issued by Thos. Title fax collector Dade county and in favor of said Tax collector, against tho said T. J. Lumpkin agt Mrs. M. W Lumpkin for state and county taxes for the year 1888. property point ed out by tax collector. Levy made by J. A. O’Neal and turned over to me Dec. is7th 1888. W. A. Byrd Sheriff. Georgia-Dade County. Also at at the same time and place lot of land No 111 in the 18th dist. 4th sect, of Dade county levied on as the property of Thos, W. Ivie to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by Thos. Title tax collector Dade county and in favor of said tax collector] against the said Thos. W. Ivie for state and county taxes for the year 1888. Propetv pointed out by tax collector. Levy made by J. A. O’Neal L. C. and turned over to me. This Dec 27th 1888. W. A Byrd Sheriff. Georgia-Dade County. Also at the same time and place will he sold lots of laud Nos 80 and 86 in the 10th dist. and 4th section of Dade county levied on as the prop erty of Sanford Prince to satisfy | a tax fi fa issued by Thos. Title tax collector l ade county and in | favor of said Tax collector, agar t j >cid Sanfo;<i L'rhvre for sir.ti and county taxes for the year It 88. B?..pert.ypointed out by tax col lector. Levy made by W, 11. Smith L (t and turned ovei tome Jan. Hth 1889. W. A. B)rd ffhorifT. (.'•‘cnrtn " Dr de County—To nil whom it m.rv concern. M. A. I>. Ta'um, 1 a vine, in jus.per fo v m ap plied t.i r.n-.Jl'or Msrnu'.rnmt letters of * .muiist ai .on on tne’estate of Me ry K. McCauley, e atul rppaar at my office w thin tic.'t : me allow ed ny law, g’idj dio’.v cause if nnr ney car , why poj maminijadniiriis tisiion should not be granted to At. A. B"Tatum first Mon day i:i April next on said estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature. iliis -itii day of Febru:- r y 18c9. J. A. Bennett,'Ordlnar.. M ill lie sold before the Court House door injtlie tmvnjof Trcjhton within the legrd hours of sale on . i no first r l uesday in April, next the ; the following described propertv to wit: One acre of the south west ( corner-of lot no. 88 in tin. lv Oi K j Dist. and 4th sect, of Dade county ! said State bounded on south by I John Clark’s land andjjjjwest. by j lands ot Joel Cross.,- Levied on rs ! the property of W. D. C oss Admis. of Alfred Cross deceased to satisfy a Justice fi fa Lorn the 974th DisL G. M. in favor of S. R. Deakeus and against the said \V. D. Cross as administrator of Alfred Cros de ceased. Property pointed out by Joel Cross. Levy made by W. H. Lyles. L. C. and turned over tojme. i Hus March thivlst 1889. ' M . A. Byrd Sheriff. Georgia Dade Co.— Will be sold before tho Court House door in the ♦own of Trenton within the logal hours ot salr on the Ist Tuosbay in April lor cash, the following prop erty to wit: Two acres of land more or less, lying on east side of Lookout creek, opposite Rising Fawn in the 18th dist. and 4th sect of Dade county Bounded on the south by public road on north .east by Wm. Pettit on the west by Lookout creek, and known as the McClendon place. Levied on as the "property of J. \V. Blev ins to satisfy a Superior court fifa in favor of J. W. Cureton et, al and against T. C. Wright ACo. and et, als Property, pointed out by J. W, Blevins. Also ut the same time and place 1 black mare mule 7 or 8 years old 15 hands high and known as the Dave Tatum mule. Levied cn as t he property of Dade coal compa ny to satiety a Superior court ti fa in iavor of J.,\Y. Blevins et,‘al and against t. e. Wright et al. Prop erty point ed out by W, c. cureton. This March Ist. jBb9. W. A. Byrd Sheriff. - An iuTuiUuaie JUnl. , CrVl Gentleman—What is the price of thsfc parrot? Bird Denier—l wouldn't sell that bird tor love or moDey. Old Gentleman—He must be very pro flciout in conversation to make him so val tutlc. Bird Dealer-On the contrary, sir, Ws dumb. —l*u d~ To Got Even. Horne (to his friend, at the concert, whs is applauding enthusiastically)—For good doss' sako, don’t, man; that was abominable 1 You’ll bring that wretched music-butcher out again 1 O’Bowie (with increasing enthusiasm) — Good 1 Can’t you sec he's half fahating with exhaustion I 1 want some revenge, my b^. —Such. Ilis Fathn'a Trad*. M sir, I am tho son of a tanner, She General Grout.” “The douce you are! I don't suppose your father understood his bosauess very wedl.” | ‘•What do you mean, sir?” “That your father didn’t tan yon bald enough.’!— Arooln Record. • Stnagtfa in »s Intirmity. ■dtth (at her —Dear, dean me! where is the diet onaryt It seams if i uovor would leant to spell? Wnhfli-I should think yov’d be gtet sf tout Just think how sqtcn&Uij ftrr* to wmte dMttoet stories I—JMdm. NO. V.