Southern courant. (Washington, Wilkes County, Ga.) 18??-18??, February 27, 1845, Image 3

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formttfon afthe voters of the |li vision. It H hoped that military servivlN, ««4 not party sturll, will jtwfii ihr Ri!n4< nf vt tera lender the altervil ronrtlthtinh, ||> i«r subject tn military dutv and not other* ,u» entitled to voir. J. IfcT* Will the Fedsfal I'nlon, llcMrilrr •ml Southern Uourant please eopy. SOUTHERN COURANT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 97, 1846. Wo pi'iMtuii the Hpeoch of Mr. Hip. plmna, on the Toxin question, entire, in this duy’s paper, believing that our readers would prefer it (though tuking up so much room,) to having it divided. It will secure their perusal without any recommendation from tjs. Tim T<ix;t* (ituvstion. Our readers will not fail to sec in the speech of the Hon. Mr. Hipphons, evidences of that subtle logic, bold atiack of opposl. tion, and able defence of position* assumed for wliicdt he is distinguished. The been ties which also gracefully adorn it, expect, ally where lie alludes to thu Union and to the Mouth, will necessarily strike the reader’s attention. Knowing Mr. Hte. phon# ns wo do, we cannot for a rno ment doubt Ills political integrity and virtue, in thn course wliioli has been a dopted liy him. Hiring, however, as are bis various reasonings in defence of the constitutionality of the admission of Texas by joint resolution into this Union—plans! Ido as are his views of the expediency and propriety of llio measure, wo consider the first iniider|iinto ami Insiiilieient, and tin latter deceptive mid illusory, though mge nious and seductive. We have not the room if we had the inclination to review his remarks In detail, and regret the necessity for a difference of opinion with him, To this subject, we linve, within the Inst day or two, given a deeper than at uny former period. Wo have done so for u two.fnld purpose. To find consfftn. tionnl authority for llie net r,f admission by a joint resolution of Cong res*—to reconcile it to the interests nfthe nation st large and thn south in particular. Our convictions heretofore expressed, are deeper mol strong, cr by additional investigation and re five, tion. Wn have examined the subject not ns a partlzan, not us a Whig, not from any ■elfish or narrow minded considerations, but as a friend to the constitution, to our liberties, and to the perpetuity of our Fed. era! Union Wo are not professing to speuk a* the organ of party. No one is re. sponsible but ourself for the views which wo entertain and present to our readers and thn public. The grounds of constilu. tloiuil opposition to this measure, we gave in the respective numbers of this paper of the 1 sttli end 90lli inst. Wo have seen no reason to falter in those opinions, and refer our renders to them for such an answer ns we would give to the arguments of the gen tinman to whoso speech wo refer. There are, however, a few positions of that speech, to which wo will refer attention with a few brief comments. Mexico ami tiii: ll.vrrnn States, Mr. H. I bin I: that the United HlOtes will not make herself h porty to the war between Mexico and Texas as former, ly she would luivo done, because Mexico lias fulled ft. Wstuhlish her authority over Texas or to make efforts to effect it—be* cause there line been no actual war as was threatened within the Inst ltd or 18 months —because M> xico is weal;< r and more pow. orloss than when those threats were made, Mr. H. alludes to her internal dissentions and civil strifes. Ho fur from coming to the same conclusion with Mr. H. we come to one directly the opposite. Hunts Anna lias boon overthrown. Mo lias been called the Napoleon of that section of this Conti* nent. As the overthrow of Napoleon gave peftoc to Hurope, so, the overthrow ofHun. ta Anna will give peace to Mexico. Much is the opinion of sensible writers and oh. serving men in tbut country. Her disarm tions therefore, being healed, her people be. coming united, site will he belter prepar' and to wur upon Texas, and to injure the Uni* ted States if the latter becomes « party to that war, That war will be declared a* gainst the United Stales by Mexico in the event of the annexation of Texas, has been declared by her Minister to this country, by her authorities «t home, and by tho op posers of Manta Anna, who now h*ve ttn disputi and control of tho tiovermnent. Admission of New States. Mr. S. contend* that the United States do not acquire foreign territory by me ad mission of Texas as a now Stale. They acquire nothing but the advantages ol the connection, and merely enlarge the limits of the Union. Well really it would seem to us, that if Texas is admitted she is ac- qnirrd. Thn Unfon »u tertfenf fee I*. t'*te her admission, and qfVr it ,* tn wot. *e«<in» id her. Mr. Ht> pin i«,we a* ' I, does not bulk to Dm I Jackson *• >r lit opinion*, but flan, 1 am-tended it. Si* , el. floated prod a million tbat no M'«l« had a right to secede from the Union. It his opinion be correct Texas would b« aeqtilr. ed with letters fast hound around her youth, ful limbs, lint with us there Is no dif-r* encc hoi ween a Imitiing Foreign 'lVttilofv, calling it u n««v Hint", and acquiring eign Territory, calling it •*•»< )i - y ». > It is all the same. In tiilier rase, we get Texas just its she is, neither ware n less in ihe owe case or the other Mr, H. rt> * to North Carolina and Uhrei# Island, oi, I says that they by not accepting the Consti* tution at first fecarne foreign, and when admitted, came in as new Mi etc*, just as Texas would now. With great deference we think differently* Tfe Constitution was made fer those Htatcs u» well un (hr rest. They had representatives in tfe Ooiveotion which framed it Not a word cun Ire found In the compact which ««id that the (Urusti tution should be ratified within a given time, within me two or Un year* It sides North Carolina «r«i Rhode {siand went through the .oven year® war with fb fe*» They helped M rn*krr the red flag of Hi, flvorgc strike to (he stripes and star* of the glorious old thirteen, They abed fbe.r bloorl and were scarred in the contest, and were they to ire shoved off, and called for signers becans* actuated by a jealous lose of liberty they sfo'id aloof (or a season ? Never, never, Their cases and that of Texas are not parallel * new, isfhat of Ver* moot also referred to, for her sons ware, srd* diersof the revolution too, and when they fought for freedom if was a common free* dom find equal rights- Hut Canada l* re* fer red to f Canada was so f>c admitted*— Hut remember Canaria was to he taken in* | to the confederacy only upon rendition tl»( I she would join the United Htat- s in <l.e measures of the revolution ; and if was ne, oessary also that nine Hr,ate* should agree to it beforehand ; rune out of thirteen, sod that toe when they wanted help in a dan* gerous war with the greatest power on earth. We do not think that this fact can show in any degree, that it was intended in the clause admitting new Htafes, Pr em f >ow* era mere majority in Cong res* so admit a Foreign government* Hr.vr.v vKAtts’ Cnr/Munttr to ne. a fUett,. HMUrivn a u o sink nr,Attn ttr nr, a Bx.v a 'ton tu Conor f,«w. This Constitutional provision Mr* H, thinks will run he violatedby giving ire roe. dime repressntstern to Texas in lerfb, branch#* of Congress, lie contends, that upon the admission of Texas as a Hfsfe, she will be entitled Up all the privileges Irefemg, ing to tiny Htafe in tie- Union, ami that, therefore iftbe representative from Texas “slmll have been a chi yen of Hurt eo entry for /term years, lei will, of conr«e, h*v* been a citizen of one of the fhrn United .States for the time required," We would justly infer from this, that in Mr, M/n opiti. ion, the then Coifed Hf ales would not be the old, former Uojtod Htales A revolution will, therefore, have I won t fleeted* Can * revolution he thus effected fry a joint reso lotion of the character under discussion? Hut this is digression. Wo *ay that if the then United Htates Id- not the United Htsi' - referred to in the Constitution, when deciar ing the qualification* of rt prrm ut,nitsm,lfud Constitution would pointed hy represco tatienof i'exa • in Cor.gress, undl she had been in (be Union (he terms of year* re* quired, liy ibis met fed id reasoning a new Htulr might bo admitted vbo r itdru*- itanl* (suppose them to l»e Mexicans, or Spaniards, or Dutchmen) neither knowing our language or law > * mid be moled once ( r representation m our National I, gislat are. Rex so** rox Atnemnurit of Ten An. Mr, H, frankly declares tbat so faro* pecuniary a<lvantage* wifi result, they will enure to tie North ami West and not to the Mouth. He says, “(be Mouth will bare wo. thing to sell to the people of Texas hut writ fer 1 sorely her formidable comyeltuon in the product net of cotton and sugar, her great staples," Hut this dtsarl* act aye be thinks will he count"rbalanced by feowfif* and reason# of another character* He thinks that the cotton a»d sugar interests, of this coot nent should as far as n*r srble fer subject to the same I, *a to preven* undue advantages that Texas might oh .o» fer her* »>y treaty. We shall offer n com mem upon this view o: he out sin** ply remark that ax to ts apt of cm ton *n which W« arc most inter and fe-r*, *»Il fr,' advantage* of a Union . »*d lie lr -er rj/ Tttts ami against the rest of ic* growing imerest, A to ripping cotton into In * United Mtate, from Tex*s payn Ihf duty, and bsinv ' f.iitled to a draetsscs >f the same upon exportation, it would l<e very #i!>v n rnske such * disc's m-naticr a would prevent i; »r» reafrer. The rtason fer the measure, i that our pcpic wa.u new Lwt*, a, * «'edi* posed to room is not sufficier t to rr> et ln» weigh; of danger, that may air nd the ac complishment of the scheme, nor can we i esteem the fl**t f» a*«m glvi« (whh hwe In ' (Ulnaraid* feoio tl,.> t'n. f t fba' s, Sre ’ l,'M< ut inn Isnn and fl '•!» of stir hsb " 'l'fi * will do to enlist our •vmpsthtes In their he ' lia’ . Imt will nut jnsfliy sdinis*>on, at the p'i>«lrstiort of our nan Inters*!#, and liazstd rtf the di li/lwe «f |l,> I m-n i 'Phis will !>e i art vdtg >*III gor>4 will ne m too fur, diso itai'hog the old tfisiisr ikX * chatify hegirw at fernwo" We » *nieg dwell up ut the oth' r and last reason given, i that this Horrrnment c*,t be inlrflnitrlj J rnl *rgeil Our readers wi-f *~*> intha* pur-] lion of >he -perch, symptom* of territorial \ tggr'in'fh'wrttl aid rn/arp<>,irut. tbs t writ ] bring up 'o their rn tor# .ii« «f Homan purrty, po*er, ml i/i*'S Ulity w her earlier existence, all <rf wnsch f II a«el cramUrA. csl failed when she became Ikr mistress of the world, urA fw f 4 in wnwieldiy arlyitistt b- r seqo,sitvoos «f i.hrsi'sklr i 'V*ftmry, with th ir oa>ict(»f interest* and div-o'daot el* mem* and turfed few; in. habitant*. Tr,***rr» rxy «aa r/w» tmrr* 'flri* feature «f the yfesst r**,', t „ sr* tar *o reconcile the eight wfe y frr it, to the measure* fn cur 'rp : : '< the f, r , Mtate* W'/«!d have V> pay li> se f ktv, even uudr r the prrn mem, that ti e y ■ ,«;{ hr s left la he pup: try the Tex ran*. II the* p«y ment were to devolve upon Texts*, there i* the danger ami dogrnee nf rrywfadw, are! K fhrmgh drme by that Xm»v wraard atfeeC ;i»e honor ami “vir nsmz of the »Ws I,'sms, But Texas ha* poMic ertdHers from »h«u; ••be has b-wrrrw'ed large ***** of mosey W hat r/fkf he* sire to v-ls or give cp lo the | f>. Mfete# her cewtren he**, sniaea, noser j »l», Ac, Muppoe* her Issh fatUA to pay j fer debt*, risers her crdHusm upon i the U, Mt»'e* fer payasrat? MV skas | that they will have a /were/ right to do so, ; Tire If, Mtates rr*p* the profit* of her ewo* j tom* and otlrer pecuniary advantage*—? The creditors of'feu*ta can say we lease*/ onr money to Texas a* a sorer reign naiom rue as one of /A? //, States, and is tie »yr ♦ j of the wrnfrt rhix claim wdl hr sassttaiaed, ami the If, Mrafe* held morally ttsprsnltie | fer her debfs Mt,AVK*Y, The slavery qm wear i* settl'd, H I* said ky this act efadmmiow. We euotoe thisth no. It i* even corto tAsot and has but sod. cutely ami fernutUy declared by a cmiven. Ison of Mameebitsetls, that a* the act of ad mi-wfen is merely a Jegfelative act, it may Ire repealed fry the same pwrer* Te**# is now odrmffr and by law, she may fe rqeeted by | the rmne, M*sides, it is coatrieted by a large port tow of the people rd tfe. heka, if txt hy a majorify, tbat thl* act is vwomMstrasl, and tferefere null and void* If the whole matter is thus tcomoUred what iifheohy will those soie.ftuioittg these e "W# bsrd, in refnsitrg to admit new Mtate* rd" the present iimifs of Texas* I* it red eapreted thar at least five wdl be ftmmd and at suitable time* in the fotot" ( Wfer aw' fer&e the r/pprment* r/f their mo acquieseenrse 7 But it in tfe that the whole measure a* wed ax (be slavery feature r/ this legislate* *r/ of ire. ' ing merely mumkipal uud live to oj and,. trader* fry contract ecsfed r/gw/r tha* earn j red he taken away, 7dri* *dl red fead j those, wfer loA wprm the orAv/e proesedmgs Ur be. memslrlvtrrmal. Besides, the V".»y charter* is which Mr. Mmphcns refers as containing similar right* to tbow- onfcrred by this Jrdnt rrvdwffe*, can he rspshs m (hewpifcrm od Mr, 1)s fr *s, *tsr ha* brew e ieep-d Vidz Frexeb w of tW I, Meate* fey sh- ffeee.erarV party w 'w so <w the eight; Mhtg* rm'iw* , cm, >fe.ny and fire luanoerut*, therefore, tony have o , sdrtfpo* ;f rh - ara wif iny'o p y*n\ eJmr ters, <o fr peal »,,* wet to adsmtTV**- or at leaat so rejnse new 'fates out of fer ’ limit#, ndui'tnsesi in mthe Union KofuAU-rtt. ulstr, that Mr, lnger*df gave hi* mfprrft Ur fhia measnre avrrwedly torb *- troy slavery. He *, fe,*d mpt'/s-A tin,* - tuanogiurUrm tn Texas with negroes foeo Virginia and Maryland, wow S'* hgr« tha I xfedu-on rrf *fevery in Mr,. , ud bretth it down rapidly Ms v*rwe e", r. /'be Hotutmtt to/*"* VftmtnM >o. .. fe worth at 2oec a pra.ed fw o'/ ' iftfeearear,' re-mx •<*'# can you * them f In proprrftirm Os the proee of C'd fon Is ferrwrgbt Sown, witl tbey > eo-ne v#<*; ttele**, and b**' wp'«w property consort* principally w ffem, writ become p>e,ier um yertet. Mr, Ifejicfeensn also »,*v aw a'de *, '4=eh Ist- ly in the ffenafe, fn fervor of *fe me*v - are, xfeeb las been pressed in /kotrtbern pa nor*, *" wbei' fe vtasud that tfe r«o*» dl? rtr*fe„ders e : ll have two, and perhaps three of the Mrate* ed Texas- II mv a quite plainly too, Ae,/ ;t is to fe dme ,I'J lei s tfe pr o d' of the N nk, *// U *z fe i ee- anrl rt will be so — tottsr't there rapdSy, and put *;avery d>/wa —'V .a' ‘hick ym, of that! (lip , \mt> si. Ikrwzm. The line i%drawn fey thia qrfestion, be tween ?l>c extern,* r» of aiavr/yon the one ba'v.’, and it* resistance on the other- The war has fe-gtin. Who cofr.mer.'xd »? ffen'%- ertt rmw. Whirs will it *a>p I (,‘ansds will h. admitted after a while hy pent re. wlulina iVn ma B>mlb rswst ut |«|st P'.fei. ,1 |s,w„ apsm.t MS, Ktrn wHh all T' »i* In nr fs-«,r, w II tmt t'anid.i. and ever, uitfemlfeanada, wlllmd lows, Wi < < n*m, the Missouri Territory and all Or. overwhelm n* f What vs 111 w»* th< n •b. 7 We esft'l gat Mexico f„r w arn of K >Mgr.'*sicmat vn*. *. What nest f tuts linn At Ot'MAXTflt. We vfe.utd t<* Um* Uulon ar if it Not rr*h it* disrslutim fey these danger' m* meseurea. We steert.l r"*je at tfe' set ling* **fall p'.rti rn* •/ ife c t,f*d : r*. y. ami plan; ourselves ojear mre ."aiMiinti.Mtal right* 'Fee North could reel tfe n "hsrgc u* whh wekrug tfe ettsaww id slavery, Tfey Would re.*a'i t rhu I rMPUUMti. Wc could " them that ifetr 'srfe.s ami our father* xlo fee'fet rid fel. ,1 end ded together, mad* tfe tfrrosuiutp/u dUvery i« p.iar, an'ird in that iuntrument, and now profar it you 4«re; artd aew, and warm, ami Mow tug fraternal Wood will dissolve the eeweutsof tfe compact, and make ua tiro people, mortal m tarr hate awl bloody at our parties. Hot thin Gewgrapigeal di* ' ion of which ba* common "<J- and who. fe tfe admiewou of Texas will inoten**', a hundred feld- will end in ruso loth:* l."a srmdmtm fabric, and tfe dearest dmpe-a of tfe free, Tfe Vmou ut it t«—the Nonh hound to u* by tfe ositjud—Texas, free sod independent whh slavery <>n ife Mouth will b> an uoptuetrei de shield of sati -y to our iuatrtuoous Ihosolve tfe Uooai and our slave* will fec«'ie-d,ore- tiundrcd then to on" now, to Mm sure Hum s; war would fe tfe consequence, or voWi**-"** Jo puo 3«c trMeny tuA plunder, lira war, four teen millions of p"ople will be against us now m tfe limitso(Tfe Uai'xr—all tin- reel <rf tfe world will be against us- and wc | tread upon s volcano at home- We have •set cowardly fear*- VV - should foci despi •able to entertain such, but prud.-oce and ' oaMfem are t»-K* wary to couiuiuoiiicfc as i well a* individuals- set ns rmt fe misnn- derttood ; we ar* friendly to Tons*, hoj*e i fe fer prosperity ami sue"< *s as a people We trust that future years and age* will fefeld tfe uesnum o<t id her greatness, j ‘owering stom? tfe nation* of tfe earth, while fer glory and fame shall *hin<- in purity and *pUodoe about This h our heartfelt wish, But what shall we say of thi* Union, that . should fe loved with indue st, wnh pas. *ioa, by tfe rich inheritor* of its blessing*. W* would not risk i» for Texas, or any oth. Ml* would cling to it while there r* liberty to enjoy, and a heaven to smile as it fc»# smiled upoo tfe n»o*t favored jk*..- pie, of any age or clime. Acquire Texas to extend tfe UmiJs of slavery, and you make a hundred abohtionivt* to .me that ex ist n/w, you bi<#w into a Maine tfe volcanic fire* of passear- y'ar turn '.ur friends at tfe North against us, and that too while you are breaking down your own fext interest* —you U e tfe «*'-'.») piwfr which tfe con utitmion now give* you- for rt* guarantees were to tfe Union a* rt », not ac it may fe made by new accessions of public domain, and foreign land* and people—yoti prepare tfe way for the advent of war, bloody, in snrrectkmary, revolting, wlih it* confixgra \errm a«d arei < noftuUkt, from all wbicfc it would fe our southern desuny to fail to rise no urns, and fe crushed by powers, implacable in lireir tyranny, and ure'uop"-vo;s;og in tfeif renesrsch »* cxac tron*. _ C*myp*e*-umsd IVoctxxlwgs. Tfe e**g"*oiog question •« tfe M..-;rate mix« our , ba* the mimesrm >rt TciUv* ..) 1j " i-'y v. 4'. 'fe Ifo -e, ownasat ii 'visa <-g ’a. . -**,« bos ireeo tfe dnsmeesm *4 Vet tori O d ma. <fe Terruorie* fe Ffeda a.d b'/a y into tfe r?ve» i Is. if a sj?by * v./efe Ito t ~1 'i us deta,ia fe tfe jif*ierj<sl ngMonOe. i'Arintex'aud fb/ad, WfeoaV |'e«- "«V B ds u.eo.t»o.'*. fe. » oc', b«>o*g fe-erast for tfe geueiai reader, we <A(,ged to .oact for waul fe room, life v ,e/*ee bereader roeb a* inay fe roatur '-* and become raws, t)/" <h»r a&'juafetaoce with oar respect ed leifo'.yrtehmt, oh> gives ife following deaenytsmof a very- ogular pireu'enera/n, 'he truth of hi* tiatement* beyond ; all doubt- M,«ct the recep. son of bis com- Mosmearson, which wav the ieformation we r< ceil'd of, the subject, we have con versed wrtfa o-fers, wb<, ha*' eplwr tea id taevtra'rge report* dew-rr'afe, or »"e« those who have heard them on tfe "pot. Wh* th er if is armospberie, hyd/au ic, volcanic, or diatsftie,, we a'e unable to say- Our friends ie Lioeoin and vseimty, must keep on the sharp hsAod We feci much ansrety s» near {art ,r on tfe euhj.-ct, and s, .«r torn «p»k M will inform uu of ■ a p'o, f'sv <rr cessaiion of t!»e strange er S-ori'Oce *la . revi'o. fe, Fe# |7tfc, htr. .9' Hdtirsr *—l "«n*e you cooceratag an .xe lamafe starter, br-eg . viee»l •» the pesard /jtji . -»ed tfe <i me tile, woe .. I lay urrine vow iv te baneed <n your readers tfe Fu-.rtet.;o; hsck,o*e a.q*wta;-t p (leefnae-etK ‘rj. pfleitd ar* einLe.-* 'epic fe e»/ovev*aM») to rere.a- ren-hag ,n aid host tfe village fe Luwo.ntou. Iyard re!**'* W'St #« ti Hi jot tfe vtllsgr, and imny havs j teh sts-ddy tfe .fe k .ersowafe tfersln.— , tfe. •s-tiira. are ho' »••• iimM n ,fe* t « tidlen ti.joJary to a.. Rnqmnas fet* fe.. , | .wi* Irttt w«. fe»nt ,fe. nM fe Ir.'iit t.Tl— t*ai. lull iespa 'viable | r .).u ditTeroui iwrts i* tfe r.Hinty are wiihng to .e.tit) that limy fete ifet.t m ife tilKg.. aiwl it. u rintty. We wen* wimt to ntlrilioi.* thi., to tfe liri.g fe iin.>ti hi jr.air town, but Iron, inquiry, v* iuts u sria’il tfe, a e. uuus fe accounted t-.r in »h'» Viiy, They nwy to> lutml every Thur.* doT—a* Mi*t*'*'<l thru i. tfe only iLiy that this *,raiur«' idamnweiMM oevur.. With this plum ataimia-w ut fiuts, we le oe the matter ujien for tfe rwpcluiiu a-oi opinions of your rcarlera. JUNIUS.” EUmiVIARY. Tfe- A’ew- V.<ri* .< non has been united lo ; and m.'iy.'d m tfe Courier and Hnquirer, and it. d,)e editor, CharJe. Kinj;, K q , attarlied to the : latter loonui. 'l’Jie ** Mein un” cautions rttlre-seekern agamat “ rustruig to Waabington mnnedistely” on Col. Folk's arrival. W'e believe, tuys the TANARUS, iburie, tfe I'b/bunj iumseit is tfere aneaoy. Ortr.vius Cofen, l>q. hu* been appointed liy be t'rc.dej.j, by and with tfe consent ol tli« Hen lie. Navy Agent til ife jjort ol Havanruh, : vtce W'liiiam Alavkay, Keq. remghed. Wc w-e ii Stated that Mr. Folk, while at Ixu i m/iile, by, on hi* way to Washington, nain.xl I Col. Wm. O. Butler, as his Si retary ol War. An U"«xjievt«<i nonnnalios ot a comparatively j unknuwu mdividuaJ. No. Recorder. !, i* D.sted m a New. i oth «-!!.- 1, that Mr. , A u'l ~rt«atfe Fosinaster-tieocra), ha* tendered | urs rex.pusUou, to take etievt on the 4th ol : Moi.ii .jest. IVgiui/i—Tfe'.Senate ol Virginia have again J jxistjio-a'd ife* J louse resolution logo into an*-. | lectern ot V. H. Senator. Such is l-ocofe oism. U- N, Sen/iior.—TUii J ion. Win. L. Dayton lias : l*ee«i re-elected by tie* ol New Jer ’ «jf, IJ- h. Hesiutor ior six years from tlie 4tli of ; March next. —— I lien. i>;vi.» Cab" hai* fen;u elected by tlic ic ! y.-riutare ol M . .ingan, U. i>. Senator lor six years j irmu ifei 4tii of March next. j The Prerut, nt. —Mr Folk, hi", it is said, giveif I order* tiuu no one shall be pet united to apuroarli nnn jiersoiciiJy an<i orally io fe*i' oflice eitnur lor \ unused or Aher*. AIJ |<etiiion- or applications I tor most fe prc/diied m writing. Ihfndutum of the Union —’i’fe' l-epislature of j Indiana, at ihe mirrion, dissoived tiie uiiiod I -if tut le*» 11 tan tueniy./i re ampler, who ha.l found I that Ok; Oja;ralion ot taking each other tor tlie tiet'er or tin- worse, was much more for the worse titan tfe better. A Washington Humor—Tlie N Y. Commer cial Advertiser meal km* that tfere is • rumor a fluat that Mr. I'akenliam, tfe British Minister, sea received inatructiou* to demand an “expla na'ioo”—,r “ apology "—it u. not clear winch— •nsn lie- fitnernmenl ot the United States for certain uncunq.imauitary allusions to tlie Britinli ffovernmeut contained in Mr. Calhoun's ceielira ted letter to Mr.King, our Minister to France. Tfe letter, it will fe; remembered, was published m ife; Ma<h"ouiaii, and referred to the annexation I of Texas. Namtnuih Republican. COM MERCIA I-. COTTON—Augusta extremes, «jj to f»l Havaimah, “ 4 to , r >^ ( liiriestun, to Oij DIED, On tfe (4t'i iifeaiif, THOM AH MICAJAH, i oniy ton fe J. A. A' M June;-, aped three yearn I a.ol nr ueaitiis. j “1 *fi;* iit ic cliildren to come unto me, and (whin os-in wA, tor fe i.uch is tfe kingdom of Heu.c-i.” Died in this county, at Oh; residence of fe;r gmndinfefe'r H'.hiday, on the 11 Oi ultimo, alter a short ilhst't-s, COKDKMA S. A , daughter of i'runie li. aval Mvfittu -M. Kilio't, aged four years, tfe'#; t ices'be, aial eigfe days. At Danfeurg, Wiiker, County, Oeo. on Hun 'iay wormng, ife Id h mot ant, ol f lypmtroplty j fe ife; heart. ' 11AlU.h.i 11. ouiy son of Harnuel I; .<J li w 'J 1 Da/rto-'h, aged 20 years »»d 4 ... (//" Obit»;ary neat k. . At tie- re> <ieate of Tlmoh s J Marray ,n l,ln- I '."in Cou'Cy, on u oav, tie 2?bJ Itnd. ofTy j jfeoi PaetuflMfe, HENRY MIIIRAY Hen’r ; after an iline** fe eixtee* days, j tj' jfe Augu'-va fleatinei will please copy. ■mRMMteMMMMIMMIIi II ill I lUHIM II ■ IMMRI I ISWMMMH -V/ticr; t<» Jlchtors and (JrFtlitorw. A 1,1, if.tetei * indiditod to the lifeate of Mark /* Bead, Lets o LtocMa county, deceased, are re*i«ire<J to make iwioediato payment, and thf«e , fei eg demands agamst *ani Hxlaie, are re quest ed to hand in, duiy ajliemticated, within tfe pre criiafe tor law, JOHN 11. HYBEBT, Adm’r. (dueoifeon, Fchraty idt* iRd. f>t 12 •Y»Hce. F*S ill. Hcfetcr.her fe- tao valuable yo ing JL jVegr,/ fe. otir fe wi 'lie* to sell—one of tfen, twee /-three, ife; "the' nineteen year* eld. 'lfe; a;* i» •inl-i/pe.'iters, one hr* been at tlie trade afe-o iur or the year*, tfe; other three year*. 1 *i.i tart w ...h to xeii tfem because of any lauJt m "ieer, IrJ' :n e<*t "quence ot the want "f money. Far on* demnng to /inrclia*" sucli sfevew, con -ee ifem at lancointon, f*a. wJi*r<- their qua; may be fuiiy obtained. FETEft LAMAR. F'- .ruary 2t», J-IA :y J 2 ADMLM.STRATOR’B HALE. be sold on 'fe; first Tuc-siay in -May ” * ne > . .-e.'xe l.c tfourt-lloose door in Ln rri <wm /, betwra;;, .fe legal sale ferurs, tfe tract of Land ci * .xJ county (originally Cfeero* by No7o, m ife 1 1:b District, and dirt Hu. t -a,/ cm-tain.iig u.m humlrtui and sixty -V ai .re or ieno. H'iid os tfe Heal Estate of ViretcsM C Porter, late of AV'nkes county, ile «. e' -el, lor ibe feneiit ol the hem and < reditor.; : i; *.'.i -r ol *fe h'.norahfo tne Inferior t <*urt ot AV,ike* county. i e.m, mad-; known on tfe; dav ot -> " * AUUUMTUB VV. FLA NT. Ado v February 27, Ml'* 1 * ' —■—— ~~~ 1 TUf Mutual 1/rtr In uratH: 1 pw»% «»t New-I «»rW. jAn t| W*lh*r*t.) njAlHt* t'.tmj.a, siit,e hr «trgw?'A>#n on i the I : ot Fwbn,*rv, I*lll, 'two yt-.ifs,; b»- i«*tl<*| Itfll |k«lh k‘*. 'i'hr I<MM fxunnii TWW.v e*l for wenu'ww and mtwri st *m nsthfan trt-. <HSI4JW*7; yield ttganeu capital ot fiKC.dTfi al ter paving ail tt v h>*vr% 'iwtnw*. d*h «or ■ nmtifa'iv!. apnal in rapsiiy bj the'44 >/*“ dJ Vua,/’ prta-.,ttn>» nev, becouimg OttC, h\ kvaetiy 'n, ,ii,d err *\thiVitmM.— Me ettni»„„t «.* v ,owefy «f the Itt stitutsni ha» placid it >» r |, h capital and ra-uus'es .ire nevt •» , a (t| . spin: 1 outkioucc m its rtahiLty,«m4 insure ty to it* member*. ~ ( The ('mniMiiy organised ujstj sis most we provutiprinciples *4 Mutual Lite *>, *'flora tery great nuvint.iges to whole J.*/* ROII - or iitsurnucex l*>r short periods, it continued ti>ldeath; without any personal res■ ponaibilitie/. \t the expiration of every ti ! pears from tl.e date of tin' lirst policy i/st*ed, j (which will make the first division ol profits be i IXT the tlfst of February, I* I*,) the wnol.r. ot the lirofits wilt be divided among the insured iti pro [•ortion to the amount of premiums pa.dby them, and w ill r<-,iciiu at their credit as an accumula ting fund, pay able at tbe decease oltltehtin in sured. .... 1 The progress of. 1 Ins instituiani tiiua far give.- 1 strong grounds for anticipating large dividends to its members at the stated periodical settlements, I and hilly equal to those ot the most distinguished I ami successful Mutual Companies in (ireat : Britnuif w here it in well ktiowfl xiiimeukmpnrfus have bw>n made. ' ** The importance aud utility of Ltd InsurafiCb is becoming a matter ol deep intermit with irli classes of tiie comuiumty, and ;s ishv ss'enpying much of public attention, and beginning,to make favorable impressions as to the great benefits to be derived from it; as tin: published monthly statements of lives insured by this Company con clusively show. Merchants and Traders, Officers, Civil, jffiili tary and Naval; Clergyman and Rrofessiohfil men generally, Clerks aud persons in every *!*- lam in society, may secure to their families in die event of ("loath a comfortable support aud irt dcpendenco by making, vyitli tins institution, .•« small annual investment for an insurance on their lives. This compmiy will grant insurances upon lives jon the most, favorable terms. Rerromi may el t lect insurance on their own lives or on the lives of others. I’umphlcts explaining the principles and sliow j mg the advantages ot late Insurance, with the | rates of premium and tornis ot apjdicution, it-ay he obtained on applicationt" A. L. ALKXAMfKB, Agent. Washington, Ca., Feb. I*4Ov For Life, Seven Years. One Year, Age, - For Life, Sovou Years, One Year, Age, - For Li fc, SuvtMi Years, One Year, Age, - pr. 33:1 JSBL# 2:|S o; $ I 3333 88.5.8? W it lb i» •J 31« £ S l ;] St' ?•%$ M <- £3,8 '"-fSTsfc 3as MORRIS ROHJNHON, President. Samixi. Jlamkav, Secretary, Mistuhk Rost, M. J>., Physician to tlm <,'u. Now-York, Feb. 10, l*4r> IJm I‘J Georgia, Wilkes county. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1*44. ON reading the Ret it ion of Michael J. Kap |iel, stating that, he holds the Bond, or writing obligatory, of Jesse Mercer, deceased, late ot Wilke* county, bearing date Orl the'e levunih day of January, Klgmeen hundred itnd forty-one, binding lb** raid Jesse Metcer to make g<s*i and lawful title* to the hum! Michael J. Rappel, or to such oilier tiersens a* the said Rappel may desire, for the House and I/it in the Town of Washington, and county aforesaid, known on the Flat of the Town by number one hundred and eight. Alan, lor the House and l/jt situated in said Town and county, Us* own hj number two and part of one hundred and one— -1 and that the mid Jesse Mercer departed thin life { without executing titles in conformity with saw! . Bond. It is Ordered by the < lourt. that all per. | conn are hereby required to show cause, if any I they have, on or before the first Monday in, Ncp i tember next, why l,tics should not he made and j executed for said Homes and Lands, or on lail juroofsueh cause being shown, the < 'ourt. will ■ grant a Rub, absolute requiring. Fielding fc’ifk ! Jon, William K. Raker, and David F Butler,the : M.vecutors on the F.-’aie of Jesse Merc,ei\,de | ceased, to make and execute titles fur said I Houses and Lands, unto the said Michael J. ! Kappc!, or such other person as the said Kappel may desire, according to the tenor and cflbc.f of I said Bond. And it is fur her Ordered by <ho i 'ourt, mat a copy of this Rule be published in terms of tin* law. Court ot Ordinary* January Term, 1815.' W flfiKKAfi, a Rule Nisi. wa* taken at the May Term, 1*44, ot this t.‘«ur', 1««r the Ewruton of the last will Os Jesse Mercer, de ceased, to show cam o w hy they should not make titles to certain premises as specified in said Rule, which Rule has not bei n served according ! t>> the terms thereof : Ordered, that said Rule be renewed andservb e lie perlee’ed as sj ecificJ therein. T ln; above is a true copy ir mi the Minutes of tie; Court ot Ordinary of Wid e ■ co-m‘y, th.s gt>;li Februarv, 1*4% JOHN' H. 14YSOX, C.&4* Ranuu'ay j* From the plantar »u <4 Mrs, jjpe/s Anne K.!S)ieph‘T<M.*-<ir Florerce, Stewart < ounty, in'vNbodt five or “Ac& six weeks age?a Nog an man narn ni (lILHfiRT. ' Ho is about foe tcet ten mdu,.- is Might, tisiugh «if pretty iaigi: frauio; ue is thin, of black complexiorp nas a. large mouth, broad iv**; awl is quick and shoe.' -in his manner ot talking. He h»> he kuteriOZ in of near this place, tireensbllro . Sparia, th*'umhus, or Ktch miui't lintti,at which last mentioned place he has a wife living. A reward of Twenty ! Mlars will he given lo am one who Will apprehend and se cure - •* Negro, so that Mrs. bjn'.iirtditaa g*>: h:*n, •* dell reus icab’e expenses ,i *» mod. J AMI'S M SMYTffF, 'Vo; .ir n,January The Rales of Insurance on One Hundred Dollars on a Single Life for One Year.