The weekly commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 1874-1876, September 23, 1874, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL. VOLUME XIV. Til k favorite home remedy. I< ••miucntly a family Medicine; and by te'ng Mpt rt. cy for miiiifcdialc rcenrt will pave many u tionr o: > pff-riug and many a dollar in time and and jctore’ bil e. After over Forty Yearn’ trial it ia still receiving the moat nnquttliiied tcatiinaniala to its virtuea from person* of the highest character ami respoc eibility. Eminem phj sician a commend it as the most KFt'KCTCJAI. SMiCIFK! For all diseases of Hie Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Tus SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint area hitter or taste in the month; Pain in the Back, rides or joints, ofte ; mistaken lor Hheumatism ; Hoar Stomach; Loss or Atipetite; Bowels altem ale y costive and lai; Headache; Loss of memory wish a palulnl sensation having tailed todosome th ug onght to have been done; Dkbilit v, Low Si-ih.t* a thick ytl ow appearance of tho t kin and Eyc-s, a dry Cough oiten mistaken for Con sun ptiou, S >metlim s many of these symptoms attend the disease, and others very few; but the Liver, the largest urru ; ia tee body, is generally the seat of the and seaee, and if not Itegolated in time, gieat suffering, wretchedness and UKaTH will ensue. For DYSPEPSIA, < OBSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Col:c, De pression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, &c , See. The Cheapest Purest and Bast Family Medicine in the World! Manufactured only by .1.11. Z EILIN dt CO.. Macon, Ca.,attd Philadelphia, Price, fold by all Druggists. Dec 15—aJfcwly HUMORS OF THE PAY, “May Heaven’s angels whisper gol den words as they kiss your darling cheeks,” wrote a La' Crosse man to his Betsy only last spring; and now he wishes Heaven’s angels would whis pur to him how his breach of promise suit is coming out, as his lawyer is doubtful. Donu Piatt says Long Branch is an hour and a hall from New York and but two minutes from h—ll. Two minutes! Good heavens. We would advise Grant to be a little careful how he gets tipsy and stumbles around after dark, or he might acci dently stumble in.— Courier-Journal . One of the stalls in Washington Market, New York, the other day displayed a placard upon which was announced ; “A large amount of Bo logna sausage for sale.” Directly under the advertisement some wag had writen : “Dog cheap.” The pro prietor of the stall said he never saw such a dull day in the sausage trade. At a meeting in Loudon to receive a report from the missionaries sent to discover the lost tribes of L” x —- u IT— ~.,0 nsaea to take the chair. “I take a great interest in your re-, searches, gentlemen. Ihe fact is, I have borrowed money from all the Israelites now known, and if you can find anew set I shall be very much obliged. Tilts is the true report: Gentleman (who lias stepped on her dress) —“A thousand pardons, madam.” Lady (pleasantly) —“Its of uo cousequence, sir.” Whai she said of him :—“Awk* ward, stupid, fellow. My gathers are all torn out, and I must go home.” What he said to himself:—“Cuss the women. What are they always put ling their d— and trails in a man's way lor V’ MISCELLANY. The Democrats elected a Congress* man in the territory of Colorado by a majority of 2,000. liiirmnu .Married Ayniu. New Yokk, September 16. —P. T. Barnutn, the greatest showman in the world, was married this morning to a daughter of John Fisk, of South Port, England. S.vui|inth)' With I.ouislann. St. Louis, September 16. —A mass meeting was held last night to sympa thize with the people of Louisiana in their efforts to rid themselves of op pression. It was largely attended. Gen. William Shields presided, and a large number of prominent citizens of both political parties were elected vice-presidents and secretaries. Gen. Jackson’s Remains. —lt is proposed in Tennessee to remove the remains of Andrew Jackson, together with those of his wife, from their pres ent resting place at the “Hermitage” to the noi them terrace of the State capitol at Nashville, where a mauso leum could be erected over them. Legislative sanction and au appropri ation will be uecessary, and a move ment is on foot to request both. The Washington Chronicle of the 2d iust. prints a letter purporting to come from Montgomery, Ala., repre senting Southern white men as a set of demons busily engaged in murder ing the blacks; and the Washington Republican declares that fully a hun dred negroes are killed every day. It is by such representations as these that the Northern heart is to Ue fired pre vious to the coming elections. lion. L. N. Trammell is a member of the Methodist church at Daltou, and one of its most active and liberal stewards. He is also a trustee of the female college at that place. He de* i dined going as a delegate, which post was offerred him, to the district con ference at Lafayette, Walker county, ou the ground that as he was a candi date for the nomination to Congress he could not conscientiously do so, be cause he believed it was wrong even seemingly to carry politics into a re* ligious meeting. We understand that Dr. Felton attended that meeting, which is out of this district, aud car ried with him a bundle of his letters declaring himself a candidate for Con gress, which be liberally distributed among the brethren and dectioneered for support. Felton is a preacher; Trammell is a private member of the Methodist present acting SEVENTH DISTRICT. The Course of the Campaign in the Seventh. Col. James D. Waddell has taken the Democratic standard in his baud, and will give ail aid he can to Col. Trammell. He will speak at Mari etta, with Gov. Smith, on Saturday, and will address the citizens of Polk during the campaign. Current News Items. Paris is reported to have 30,000 be lievers in spiritualism. Horn Judah P. Benjamin’s law practice in London brings him $40,- 000 a year. Nilson is said to have been sin ging out of tune iu London, and the critics there tell her quite frankly that the lyric stage can spare her. A corn doctor in Europe begins his announcement with the statement that he has “had the honor to operate on several crowned feet.” It is intimated that Texas will ex port this year thirty-five millions in cotton, five millions in wheat aud corn, aud ten millions in cattle, hides aud tallow. CORRESPONEDNCE. Note From Jihljcc iVrifflil Carteksville, Sep. 10, 1874. Hon. A. Wright: Dear Sir —We, the undersigned, your personal and political friends, would request you to make a few speeches in behalf of Dr, Felton, thereby serving his election to Con gress. The opposition will import speakers into the district, to advocate the candidate of the Calhoun Con vention. Dr. Felton will be unable to do all the work, and if you can help him, “beginning at Rome,” the people, your friends, will remember you kindly, and some day will reward you with their confidence. Yours, Jno. A. Erwin W. G. Williford, Jab. G. Lowry, J. J. Howard. The original letter, of which the above is a true copy, is oue of several which I received upon rny return from Summerville. These gentlemen are representative men, and true and honorable Democrats. They are not and never have been politicians. One of the other letters is signed by twelve representative men of Gordon county, and of good standing among their fellow-citizens. Among other thinv° .‘ v J nion t > assure you this is emphatically the people's fight against the politi cians and uewspaper men.” What Mr. Editor, ought I to do? Is the voice of theso people to be disregarded? Every sympathy I have on earth is with this class of men. Would it not be better to try and have a tair and satisfactory convention ? It is well known that I atn —I have been for sometime —wholly opposed to these conventions, believing that they have ceased to he a fair representation of public opinion, and manipulation ia favor of rings and corrupt politicians. But if organization is to he kept up by these conventions, must they not he fairly conducted? When the coun ty of Floyd is made, after a declara tion of the vote, to nominate the can didate against the express pledge of oue of the delegates, ought it to stand? If so, what fraud would be sufficient to set aside a nomination ? Augustus R. Wright. .Il ffOE A. R. WRIGHT. When the county of Fioyd is made after a declaration of the vote, to nom inate the candidate against the ex press pledge of one of the delegates, ought it to stand ? If so what fraud would be sufficient to set aside a nom ination ? — A. R. Wright. Editor Commercial .’—lnstinctively averse as I am to uewspaper notoriety aud controversy, in connection with my name, the above fling made by Judge Wright against the integrity aud fideJity of my action in the Cal houn Convention, leaves me no alter native other than silently to submit to au unqualified slander, or to repel it, as I now propose to do. So long as these reports charging me with treach ery to my constituents, were peddled through the streets and in the coun try, by a set of sore-heads aud whip per snappers, I was content to leave their correction to private explana tion, so far as it would accomplish that object ; but when this charge of treachery is heralded to the public through the|newspapers over the signa ture of the Hon. A. R. Wright, it assumes an importance that not only forbids silence, but imperatively de mands refutation. In order that there might be no misunderstanding as to what “Floyd county delegate” the above thrust was made at, I called on Judge Wright in person for information, and he very frankly stated to me that I was the delegate to whom he referred in his extraordinary communication. To vindicate his own desertion of the Democratic party and its principles, which has never been strong enough to satisfy him, he seeks to justify his own treachery to party feality, by dragging before the public, a private in the ranks, whose inconsistency, as he would have it, fully opens the door to let him out of an organization, the harness of which never was strong enough to hold him when not in his own persoual interest. Such a puny argument might perhaps befit the mouth of a shal’ow-pated gasconade, but for a man of Judge Wright’s ac knowledged intellect and statesman ship to come before the public over his own sign manual, aud plead such an excuse (even if true) for an aban donment of his party, and his allign ment with traitors to it, would baffle the most profound logician to account for it, other than upon the hypothesis of political .dementation, or a cun ningly prepared pill to administer to credulous patients as weak in the Democratic faith as he is himself. To my mind it only convinces me of what I was satisfied before the assembling nf lKa flftlhmm jL'nnvAuiiAn LKoLKa BATTLING FOB THE RIGHT. was trimming his sails for a bolt from the Democratic party, for some time before that convention assembled. All that surprises me is, that Judge Wright’s prolific brain did not suggest to him a more plausible pretext to justify his last political summersault. The truth is, however, that political summersaulting is a disease with Judge Wright, and like a Texas mustang which periodically vamoses the ranch, his time had come to again vamose his party, and it would have required supernatural agency to have held him in Democratic harness longer. But when he seeks to kick out of his traces and charge his defection upon me, he mistakes his man,if he supposes that he can, with the mere dash of his pen, make me the scape-goat of his abandonment of principles which ought to be sacred in every true Southerner’s heart. So long as the Democratic party could be worked iu the interest of Judge Wright, and he could be selected as its honored standard bearer for congressional and other honors, we heard of none of his wars upon wire pulling conventions, but on the con trary his eloquent voice was every where heard shouting, “Great is our Diana!” but now, when the people have retired him behind “Lincoln’s proclamation,” and other lights have loomed up before them, and not a sin gle Wright delegate could be mus tered iu the District, then presto, change —“down with conventiono and convention candidates.” Let us now examine Judge Wright’s manifesto against both myself and the nominee of the Calhoun convention. He charges that the nomination was a fraud, because, as be says, the “county of Floyd ia made, after a declaration of the vote, to nominate the candidate against the expressed pledge of one of\the delegates.” This is put in the form of an interrogatory by Judge Wright, and iu it two incorrect as sumptions are made—lst, that Tram mell was nominated by Fioyd county, and 2d, that that nomination was against the express pledge of one of the delegates. lam the delegate he had reference to. Now for the facts which Judge Wright could have avail ed himself of, n it bad suited his pur pose as well to have used them. First; as to the pledge. In the Couveutiou which elected me a dele gate to the Calhoun Convention, t//<- on my own motion, the nominees were aiked to define their positions as to candidates, the motion was sustained, aud I announced myself for Col. Prin tup, and stated that if chosen as a delegate, that I should stand by him as long as there was any hope of suc cess. I further stated that Lester was my second choice. I further volunta rily said that it was reported T wo- : - 1 ‘ nomination ot Col. 1 ram med, which report I contradicted, and added that he was not my first, my second or my fortieth choice; but I made no pledges that I would uot sup port him “under any circumstances.” The convention demanded no pledges further than au expression as to the first choice of delegates. So much, therefore for my “express pledge.” Now for the sequel. The proceed iugs of the convention show that there were seventeen ballots; and the entire vote of Floyd county delegates upon every oue of the ballots, was given against the nominee. On the seventeenth ami last ballot, Col. Fou chfc', Judge King aud myself <voted for Col. Printup, ami the balloting as published shows it. Upon the an nouncement of that ballot, declaring Col. Trammell the nominee, he having received a majority of the votes of the convention (not oue Floyd dele gate having up to this time voted for him) I arose aud moved as is usual iu nominating conventions, to make the nomination unanimous, which was car ried. Afterwards a dispute arose as to the count of the secretaries, some as serting that Trammell had received only sixteen votes. I knew the con trary to be the fact, and knowing as I did, that Col. Trammell was fairly nominated, aud believing, as I did, that the questiou was sprung in order to break up the convention, I so stated to Judge King, aud we agreed to si lence the clamor by transferring our votes from Col. Printup to Col. Tram mell, which gave the nominee 20 votes instead of 18, the requisite number. Now, with this plain statement, I am willing to submit to any fair-minded man how much truth there is in the assertion that Col. Trammell was “nominated by Floyd county.” He was fairly nominated, aud so declared, before Judge King and myself changed our votes. I will merely add, that at one time I was very much opposed to the nom ination of Col. Trammell and freely expressed myself as such. At that time I was prejudiced against him, on account of the rumors against him as a lobbyist, but upon an investigation of that matter, which I was requested to do, I became fully convinced that he had been grossly calumniated, and my feelings towards him underwent a change. Upon one other subject also my miud underwent a change. Though an out and out Printup man ; up to the time of the assembling of the Cal houn Convention, I had but small hopes that he stood any chance for the nomination ; but upon as close a canvass of the delegates, as I wa3 able to make at the Convention, I was led to believe that Col. Printup’s chance for a nomination was second best in the Convention, and that if Trammell failed *o secure a nomination, that Printup would succeed. Hence my principal reason for holding on to Col. Printup through the whole of the 17 ballottings. Now my action in the Calhoun Convention is fully before the public, and my vindication I leave to the sober judgement of the public. I have no “pardon"’ to ask of anybody, for my action in that Convention, nor shall I cower under the lash of sore heads, renegades, false-friends, open enemies, kuklux witnesses, Civil Rights allies —etidomne genus. “Lay on McDuff and woe be he who first cries hold, enough.” P. L. J. May. P. S.—The following is the official vote of the counties that went for Trammell, ou the 17th ballot: Catoo sa, 2; Cherokee, 2; Dade, 2; Gordon, 2; Haralson, 2; Murray, 2; Polk, 2; Whitfield, 2; Walker, 2. Total 18. Necessary to a choice 18. ROME, GA„ WEDNESDAY MORJING, SEPTEMBER 23,1874. LATEST News From All Parts. Immense Mass Meeting in Sew Orleans. The City in Possession of Armed Citizens. Kellogg Called on tp Abdicate. New Orleans, September 14. —1n res ponse to a call for a mass meeting in Canal street this morning to protest against the seizure of arms of private citizens, people began to assemble about 10 o’clock, and by 11, the great throughfare was fill ed for several squares, many stores were closed, and there seems to be a very general su pension of business at this hour, 12 m. Addresses are being delivred from the base of the Clay statue No dis turbance of any kind has occured. NEW ORLEANS, 1 V. M. A mass meeting on Cana! street, adop ted resolutions requesting abdication of Gov. Kellogg, and a Committee con sisting of K. H. Marr, chairman, Jules Tuyes, Samuel Chapin, Sam Bell, J. M. Seixas to wait upon the Governor, and the meeting is awaiting the report of the Committee. ANOTHER DISPATCH. The Committee of five appointed by the Canal street mass meeting, called at the Executive office about noon. The Gover nor not being present, Brigadier-General of the Goveytor’s atari received the dele gation. Air. Marr, as spokesman, said they had called as a Committee to inter view the Governor. Gen. Dibble said he would convey the intelligence to the Gov ernor. Alter a brief absence he returned and made a reply, which at the request ofMr. Marr was reduced to writing as follows; ! I have communicated with the Gov ernor. and he directs me to say to you he miiit decline to recieve any communica tion from the Committee appointed by the mass meeting assembled on Canal street. He does so, I nm instructed to say, because he has definite and accurate information that there are now several large bodies of armed men assembled in different parts of the city, who are met at the call which convened tbe mass meet ing which you represent. lie regards this as a menace, and he will receive no communication undersuch circumstances. He further directs me to say that should the people assemble peaceably without any menace, he would deem it one of his highest duties to receive any commu nication or entertain any petition address ed to the Governor. •T have received and answered you, gentlemen as a member of his staff. ‘•(Signed) Henry C. Dibbi.f, “Brigadier and Judge Advocate Gen- ernl. Ljiaic iailliu ’ To which Mr. Marr replied the follow ing : We repeat that there are no armed voters, there are no armed men in Canal street, so far as we know, we came on a mission of peace, and we believe that if the Governor had acceded to the propo sition we brought to-day, which was to abdicated would have pacified tbe peo ple ot Louisiana, and might or would have prevented violence or bloodshed. 8o far as we are concerned, we are pre pared to pledge to him no violence in person or property, and we feel no dispo sition, on the contrary, to assure him that there should be perfect immunity to both. The substance of the foregoing re ply, was subsequently, by Marr’s request reduced to writing by the Governor’s pri vate secretary, aud banded to him to be read at the mass meeting. Gen Dibble, on the part of the Gov., replied: I have to repeat what I said be fore, that while there may not be armed men on Canal street, there are armed bodies within a short distance assembled on the same call as your mass meeting. The committee then retired, and soon after reported the result of this interview to the meeting. The people were then advised to go home and get their arms and ammunition, return and assist the white leagues, who were then under arms to execute plans that might be arranged for them. The people then quietly dis persed, and afterwards quite a large number formed in procession and march ed up Camp street. New Orleans, September 14. To the Colored People of Louisiana: —ln the grand grand movement on loot against the enormities of the rule of Kellogg's usurpation, rest assured that no harm is meant towards you, your property, or your rights. Pursue your usual avo cations aud you will not be molested. The war is against thieves, plunderers and spoilers of the State who are involving your race and ours in common ruin. The rights of the colored, as well as of the white race, we will defend. Signed, D. B. Penn, Act’g. Lieut.-Gov. & Commd'r in Chief of the Louisiana State Militia. The people seem to have responded with alacrity to the advice given them by Dr. Beard, one of the speakers at the Canal street meeting. By three o'clock p. m., armed men were stationed along the streets ou the Southside. Desperate Fighting in the Streets of New Orleans. Tlie People Victorious over tfie Traitor Tongstreet, nd lie! logg Usurpers. Gen. Bob Toombs Sends G reet - ing to Louisiana. Special to the Rome Commercial. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 15. —The news from New Orleans, by telegraph, to-day, is intensely exciting. About 4 o’clock yesterday the Metropolitans were stationed on Canal street, one wing, 250 men, with one gun, were stationed on the north side of the Custom House, commanding Tchoup iteulas street. Another division, 300 strong, commanded by Gen. Badger iu person, with four guns, occupied the south side of the Custqm House. At a,quarter past four Badger, with his men and guns, marched forward on the levee. The other body of the po lice prepared to support him and fired on the citizens. The latter filed a volley and compelled the Metropoli tans to return to their old quarters near the Custom House. Badger’s army kept on until it had almost reached Gravier street. Suddenly a dozen volleys were fired on them, some from buildings and some from the streets. Three companies of White Leaguers, headed by Gen. Og den and Captains Buck, Gallegher and Pleasant, charged upon the Met ropolitans iu the most gallant manner. They received the fire of the Metro stright on the charge. The Metro poAans rushed off towards the Cus tom House and a volley from the cit izens brought down 18 meu at the first ire . On. Badger was seriously wounded tv'o sergeants, one corporal and four oAter officers were killed aud 37 men wouided. The pursuit of the Metro politans was kept up almost to the door of the Custom House. They were panic stricken. The citizens sufivTtd somewhat themselves; about twere were killed. Gen. Longstreet exeed himself in vain to raliy his Ragbai cohorts. The White League capjred 3 twelve pound Napoleon guy, one Gatlin aud a considerable n unite iof small arms. Gen. Ogden cait'.ir, i all the police stations. The Stwrftouse surrendered. About nine o’cF/rk this morning the whole city is in fiosession of the citizens aud peace anl qu’et prevails. "he negroes are not molested. They ha'e resumed their avocations satis fid and rejoicing. So-called Gover ntr Kellogg 13 concealed at the Cus tdn House. 'LATER—I P- M -3he State House surrendered at 7 bclock this morning to Lieutenant Governor Penn’s militia without firing aguu. Gen. Penn’s militia is about HOOD strong. All the State and city property, poliee stations, arsenal, and police aud firs alarm telegraph arc in possession of the White League troops Kfllogg is : u the Custom House under th 4 protection of the United States triop3. Jackson street policegStatioDS unter command of Gen. Longstreet armeported just surreudered, i STILL LATER, fvervthing has surrendered and thej people are iu possession of the House. Penn i9 installed as acfmg Governor, Gen. Ogden as com mander of the militia aud Boglan as chfef rf police. The war is over. Sam Newmau is killed, Badger is dying, and Nellogg, Dibble and Longstreet arc nut to be found. LATEST. MtEnry is installed as Governor and Penn as Lieutenant Governor. Gen. Eobt. Toombs is making a magnificent speech of congratulation in etousideration of the victory over Kelloggauii his usurpers by the citi zeus ofNew Orleans. Great enthusi asm hire. Reb. Louisiana Redeemed. TbL Patriots Triumphant and Lie State in the Hands of the People. JT-k’Mayor of New Orleans issued a procing: •talatory the j people. KrSiHeni men of the State advised moderation and the people have gone to their usual avocations. PERFECT PEACE. With the exception of the federal sen tinel in front of the Custom House not an armed man is to be seen on the streets of the city, and quiet prevails through out. DISPATCH TO GRANT. A dispatch lias been sent to President Grant requesting him to recognize the McEnery and Penn government, which is in quiet and peaceable possession of this city and State. Grant issued a proclamation ordering the Patriots to disperse in five days, but no attention was paid to it until after they had accomplished their work. Within the five days allowed by the proclamation it is supposed that the gov* eminent under the new auspices will be fully established. The best opinion is that at the end of five days, finding all quiet, the government will let things rip ple. No one knows of any constitutional machinery by which the Kellogg govern ment can he restored. THE WAR DEPARTMENT NOTIFIED. VV ashington, September 15—The fol lowing dispatch was received at the Wa Department this evening: Nsw Orleans, La . September 15. Hon. H 7. W. Belknap , S ec’y of liar: The Kellogg government has been over thrown. and the State is in the hands of the legal government. Everything was conducted in a lawful manner. Quiet and good order prevails. No excesses were committed. The negroes were pro tected. The citizens are returning quietly to their homes and business. Perfect harmony exists between the present gov ernment and the United States troops. (Signed) li. S. Richey. THE FEDERAL TROOPS CHEER THE VICTORS. Atabout two o'clock p. m. some three thousand of Gen. OgdenV militia, armed with the captured guns, moved from Jack son square en route for the armory on Carondalet street, and as they passed the Custom House, the United States troops stationed there gathered in the windows, and taking off their hats, gave three hearty cheers for the citizens, which was returned by'the militia with great unani mity.” Louisiana’s Redemption. The McEnery Officials being In stalled all Over the State. Talk About an Extra Session of* Congress, THE REVOLUTION IN NORTH LOUISIANA. Sheevepobt, La., September 16.—The rightful officers elected in 1872 have been peaceably installed in all parishes, so faf-as heard from, in North Louisiana. There has not been nor will there be a single drop of blood-shed. The move ment has been conducted by leading prop erty-holders, business and conservative men in this and adjoining parishes inclu ded. But the Kellogg infamy is dead be yond resurrection, troops or no troops, (Signed.) J. C. Moncuke, A. H. Leonard, W. J3. Eagan, WHAT PENN SAYS —THE COLORED TROOPS REFUSE TO FIRE ON THE WHITES. New York, September 16.—A dispatch from D. B. Penn to the Herald, says: “The North cart form no idea of the rob bery and spoliatton to which we have been subjected. My movement was necessitated by the attitude of the people who demanded it. lam now in full pos session of the State government. The colored people are satisfied and contented. A strong brigade of colored troops, fully organized and armed, and in the service of the Metropolitans, refused to fire a shot in its defense. Perfect peace and good or der prevails. We are thoroughly loyal to the Federal Government, and in the oper ations of the past two days lhere have been, no excesses or violation of law. This 1 government is the only one now in existence in the State of of the cabinet meeting this afternoon, was an agreement that the following dispatch be sent immediately by the Ad jutant General of the army to General Emery, commanding the Federal forces in Louisiana. War Department, Washington, D. C.; September 16—Under no circum stances to recognize the insurgent govern ment of Louisiana, within five days from the date of this proclamation to the in surgents. Such action will be taken as the emergency may require. By order of the President. Signed: E. D. Townsend, Adj’t General New Orleans. September 15.—This morning there is a general resumption of business There are no gatherings of the people or evidences of excitement in any quarter. Delphi, September 16.—G. McN. Brumly, Gov. McEnery's appointee to office of tax collector, was installed into office by the citizens, who gave three cheers to the outgoing Kellogg appointee, Mr. Jones, for the courteous manner in which he surrendered the office, which was followed by loud anil enthusiastic cheers for the new elector who redeemed Louisiana. -All officers of the parish are McEnery men. A large number of 4 colored men attend ed the meeting and participated in the re j oieing. Franklin parish will install her McEn ery officers toeday. Washington, September 16.—After the adjournment of the Cabinet the President stated to the agent of the American Press Association, that he had nothing to make public just then, but during the after noon he would give to the press whatever news the government might have, and also any change of action on their part. At the cabinet meeting this a. m., the Attorney General was instructed to pre pare another document on the situation in Louisiana. The nature of these docu ments will not be made public nt present. By some it is thought that the document will be a proclamation convening Con gress in extra session, others, it is thought, say that it will simply relate to the general situation, and counsel moder ation. The Attorney General aud his as sistants are engaged in preparing this doc ument, which will be submitted to the President at an extra cabinet meeting, which is called for 3 o’clock, this p. in. If the paper is approved it will be given to the public immediately after the ad journ meut of the Cabinet meeting. A dispatch received here this a. m. states that the Lieutenant Governor has issued a call for a meeting of his Legislature to convene on the 20th The opinion is ex pressed here that if this Legislature shall assemble before the expiration of the live days mentioned in the President’s proclamation, will doubtless render an extra session of Congress inevitable. This is the opinion of the President and officers of the Government. District Attorney Beckwith and Sena tor West have had several consultations with the Attorney General this morning. They are confident that Kellogg will be maintained. About a year ago an order was issued, directing General Emery to pravant any interference with the Kellogg government. Timorderwas in the evi dence on Monday at the time of the Penn demonstration, but owing to insufficient troops was not enforced. Yesterday an order was issued by the President direct ing the 3d Infantry to proceed to New Orleans from Holly Springs. General Emery, who was there when the order was received, accompained the troops to New Orleans. Other troops will be im mediately sent there. A dispatch was received there this morning, stating that Kellogg had taken refuge on a revenue cutter with all his papers. The Louisiana revolution has staggered the administration and they will do noth ing within five days. There can be no doubt that it is their present intention to restore Kellogg It is said that Grant is very angry. The tone of the Northern papers is per plexing, many of the most ultra Republi can papers arguing that Louisiana has ex ercised the divine and conceded right of revolution. During the five days it is both hoped and feared that the white peo ple of Louisiana will “not dull device by coldness or delay.” LOUISIANA. What the Government is going to do-Kellogg Must be Sustained —5,000 Soldiers en route for New Orleans. Washington, September 16. —This morning the Cabinet session lasted only half an hour, but at it, it was de* cided that the. KELLOGG GOVERNMENT MUST RE SUS TAINED, and that the power of the government should be reserved for that purpose, if necessary—when the cabinet separa ted for the purpose of allowing each member to study the question more thoroughly, to prepare some sugges tions as to the best practicable method of arriving at the determination. Upon separating, it was agreed that another meeting should be held at 3 o’clock p. m. At this last meeting, which lasted over an hour and a half, a long and earnest discussion ensued, as to the best means to be adopted for restoring the Kellogg government to power. Each member of the Cabinet presented his own views on the sub ject, but no final conclusion as to de cisive action wa3 reached. It was, however, decided to notify Gen. Emery that on no account could THE PENN GOVERNMENT EE RECOG NIZED ; and that at the end of the five days, mentioned in the President’s procla mation of yesterday; that if the so called insurgents had not dispersed, and left the Kellogg power in peace able possesion, such action would be taken by the Government, as in its judgment, the emergency requires. This notice to tien. Emery is not meant to clothe him with any authority to restore Kell.igg iu power, but sim ply to convey him the determina tion of the authorities here. In the meantime the President and his Cabinet will consult from day to day and perfect a plan of action to oe carried out. After the expiration of the five days, should the Penn faction in the meantime not have dispersed, the President aud all his Cabinet will not hesitate to express their utter con demnation of the course pursued by Kellogg in surrending at the first sign of danger, and flying to the protection of the United States troops. They also state that in deciding to sustain Kellogg, they do not undertake to de cide the question as to who 13 RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG in this business, but simply to main tain a decree of the United States Court, which decree has never been reversed by a higher tribunal, and also to preveut the establishment of a any day be followed by other States in the Union. The President this afternoon direct ed Gen. Emery to take measures ;to prevent the Penn government from drawing or using any portion of the State funds, and to carry out this or der at all hazards. OVER FIVE THOUSAND TROOPS have been ordered, and are now en for New Orleans. Rear Admiral Mulaney, command ing the North Atlantic station, has been directed to proceed to New Or leans with the available force of bis fleet, which is, perhaps at most, only three vessels. The action of Penn has created considerable excitemeut throughout the North, and is cou dr'O’ued by the leading papers. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S VIEW. Attorney General Williams to night, in a lengthy interview with a representative of the New York Asso ciated Press, said the so-called Kel logg government has been established and in full operation for about two years. It has been repeatedly de clared by all the courts of Louisiana to be the only legal government of the State. It has been repeatedly re cognized by the President, and implic itly by Congress. The President, in a special message, called the attention ot Congress to the subject, aud stated that if they took no action, he should feel bound to regard the Kellogg or ganization as the lawful government of the State. Congress declined to legislate about the matter. The question is now whether Kellogg or McEnery ought to he Governor or whether or not. There were frauds or irregularities about the electiou, but the question is whether a State government that has been fully organ ized for nearly two years, and recog nized as such by all the departments of the government, State and Nation al, can be properly overthrown by the armed populace of a city in which the seat of government is located by means of violence and bloodshed. Admitting all the wrongs charged upon the Kellogg government, can these proceedings be permitted to stand as a precedent ? Are the gov ernments of the States of this Union to be determined by promineiameutos and violent and bloody outbreaks as they are in Mexico and South Ameri ca. Ido not see how this can differ iu principle from tin: Arkansas case. Mr. Brooks claimed that he received a majority of the votes at the election, and I always believed that he did. Baxter, however, was the duly install ed Governor of the State of Arkansas. Brooks relying upon the claim that he was elected, displaced Baxter by a coup d’etai, but the President refus ed to recognize his right to hold the office obtained in that way; that was a decision against the Itepuhlicans and in favor of the Democrats. Fol lowing this precedent, I do not see how the President can recognize Penn. To do so would be to hold that a po litical party defeated or claiming to be defeated by fraud at an election for State officers, might, if opportuni ty offered, take possession of the State by force, and so substitute violence and anarchy for law and order. I believe it is the duty of’ the general government to put down the lawless ness, whether committed by Republi cans or Democrats. The President has not been governed by party con siderations in these quarters, and has oftener decided for Democrats than Republicans, in respect to Southern difficulties. Whatever may he said of men aud things in the State of Louisiana, the proceedings of the President in respect to that State have been from the beginning in conformi ty to law. His course in my opinion will not now he changed. There is not a sensible man iu the United States who does not kLow that the seizure of the State government of Louisiana by Penn and his adherents is in utter violation and disregard of all law. Cau any reasonable man expect the President to become a par ty to such a transaction? With res pect to the election, it is impossible to determine who was chosen. The returns have never been canvassed, and they were made up in perjury, forgery and fraud. I have never be lieved that the McEnery ticket was elected. It is absurd to suppose that when Virginia and North Carolina, and nearly all the Southern States, including those that are generally Democratic, went for the Grant ticket, as is pretended, especially when the candidate for Governor on that ticket was an unreconstructed rebel Colonel. But it is too late now to go back to that questiou The issue now is between law and order on the one hand, and violence aud disorder on the other, and upon that issue the po sition of the President is now a satis factory oue. Miscelaneous Telegrams. The Republicans of France are jubi lant, and certain of triumph on the second ballot in the house election. Douglas’ majority for Governor of Maine will exceed 11,000 The Republi cans carried every county in the State. The detectives of Hudson, New York, are sure they have found Charlie Ross. Charles Vandervert, grand master of the Odd Fellows, is dead. The old Knoxville Whig will be revi ved in a short time, under the editorial management of its founder; Senator Brownlow. The prospectus to that effect will appear in the morning papers here to-morrow. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 15.—Trie Democrat- te-day elected Moses 1 1. Goodrich mayor by twelve majority, and carried the aldermen and common coun cil, gaining Central City for the first time since 1858. Portland, Me., September 15. —One hundred and ten towns give Dingley 21,- 576; Ditcomb, 16,347. Last year Ding ley, 18,928; Ditc imb, 10,625; Williams, temperance candidate, 975. The elec tion secures a Republican United States Senator. Washington Notes. Washington, September 14.—The Mex ican veterans are to-day celebrating at Marshall Hall the anniversary of the cap ture of the city of Mexico Salutes were fired from the arsenal and forts. On their way down the river Gen. Albert Pike de livered an address. ' The President has recognized Thomas John Elmore British consul for Georgia, and AugsTritsel Austrian consul at New NUMBER 39. Bloodshed in Alabama. Armed Negroes Fire on Unarm* ed White Men —A Party of Whites Rout Them., September 15, 1874.— The Sel ma Times has the following special dis patch : Dkmopolis, Ala, September 15.— A difficulty took place in Greene county, be tween this place and Forklaud, this morn ing. Dr. Miner, of Forkland, on visit ing a patient on the Rowe plantation, six miles from here, found a large party of negroes in arms and drilling. When asked whet they meant, they told him that negro blood had been shed, and that they were determined to have white. On his return to Forkland, Dr. Miner report ed what he had seen, and the citizens seat two unarmed white men to pacify the negroes, and to let them know that the report that any of their race had been killed was false. Upon approaching the negroes, these white men were tired upon and both wounded, one seriously and the other mortally. This morning the whites to the number of thirty or forty went down and dispersed the armed negroes, killing and wounding several of them. The negroes numbered two hundred. They are the same negroes that stopped the government rations and have held armed posession of the public highway ever since. When tired on this morning they dispersed, but they are reported to have reassembled, and declare that no white man shall pass the road on pain of death. The county commissioners’ court of Dallas county, composed of two negroes and two white men—all Republicans— adopted the following resolution .• “Asa court we are unacquainted with any vi olence used toward any citizen or any person in this county, in consequence of his political opinions, expressed or enter tained, as an American citizen.” Crime and Casualty. FIRE —GIRL BURNED. Bridgeport, September 14.—A fire last night destroyed the dwelling of Geo. S. Hungertord. His little girl perished in the flames. DEATHS FROM YELLOW FEVER. Washington, September 14. The navy department received information to day of the death, from yellow fever, of Chandler, superintendent of improve ments at the Pensacola navy yard, and his wife, on Saturday last. FIRE IN CHARLESTON. Charleston, September 14.—A large brick building on Meeting street, occupied by T. S.jNipson, dealer in shoes, and by H. Baers’drug establishment, was burned on Saturday. Loss $55,000; half insur ed. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Felton the Instrument to Break Down the Democracy. Walter Brock, of Haralson, and Will, L. Goodwin, of Bartow, Loading Radicals, Give Their Views. As the canvass opens in the Sev enth Congressional District, it is be ing clearly developed that the Radi cals are playing a deep game to insure the defeat of tho Democratic nominee. It is true they are making some show of nominating Maj. Zack Hargrove, or some other pronounced Radical, witli the hope that Felton will carry enough disaffected Democrats to se cure the defeat of Trammell; but the indications as to what their real inten tion is that they intend to vote solid for Ihe “independent” candidate on the principle ibat “a half loaf is bet ter than no bread.” This view of tbe ease is strengthened by the declara tion ot Mr. Akerman, the “Ajax” of the party, corroborated by the posi tive statement of ex-Beuator Walter Brock, who is in power in Haralson county, that the Republicans are sat isfied with aud will vote for Felton. Now in view of these facts, how can the true meu of the District aid aud abet in this nefarious coalition by voting for a disorganizer ? Shall the unsullied patriotism of the people of the “banner District” of the State he besmirched in the filth of such an unnatural association ? We cannot believe it! and will continue to hope that all their personal preferences aud prejudices will he yielded cheerfully to the judgment of the Convention composed, as it was, of the true men of the party. A reporter of tbe Herald hunted up William D. Goodwin, cf Bartow county, who will be remembered as a Radical member of the Constitutional Convention of 1868, and of the suc ceeding Legislature. Reporter.—Mr. Goodwin; what do you think of the political status of the Seventh District? I think it splendid. To use an old expression, without meaning to be disrespectful, the “rogues seem to have fallen out; honest men stand some chance now to get their rights.” Reporter.— Do the Radicals intend to run a candidate in that District? I do not know, sir. I can answer for myself that I am in favor of one running, and a simon pure Republican at that. I am a Republican from principle, and want no half-way man to run, if any one man is run. Reporter. — Who would you desire to run ? I want Walker, Harvey, Akerman or Dever. As matters now stand, I believe we cau elect either oue of the four. Reporter. —Will either of them run ? I do not know, but hope they will. Reporter—Suppose no Radical does run, what will the Republicans then do ? Vote for Felton, of course. Reporter.—But why vote for Felton sooner than Trammell ; Feltou says he is a Democrat? Because the electiou of Feltou dis rupts aud disorganizes the Democrat ic party; it produces and encourages splits in the party, that will break the back of the ku klux Democracy. I am the enemy of the Democratic par ty as such, and because it is the ene my of free speech, and ostracizes a man for his political opinions. I be lieve Felton an instrument in the hands of Providence to tear down that infernal organization ; but, understand me, I am for a good Republican be fore Felton. Our reporter, in order to find a place where there was good room for cursing, left this doughty old Radiea tn con I off— A ilnniJ. Hr.rnLL