The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 04, 1894, Image 1

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THE HUSTLER OF ROME. p YEAR. ffi B II the Liceo Theater b Outrage. f the hellish re ts That the Second j H Explode. Said he he Haled Bouifeolbe. sunry 3 The eeusa y in anarchist and is the arrest Monday alndor Kranch,' the fist leader, chief of y c cause death and u tin Liceo theater, xanining magistrate ssedto being the au- Lis‘o theater 'bomb i'ran h says that he poadble, whentwen i wen killed and over opie niured, some of inci Bd of their in fa 8151 bom. In each hand, ; of them with all > th<> center of the sd tails, where the itr’ople were sitting, Mosion followed the Itiomb. j’iWr one almost im iumrde, but I dont ilo'Bd, or I should of bourgeeise wh particular care ’the theatre where fts was thick. ■ere was a terible row Liter the °xpljsiou Imd before it had in led I was enabled to was already c'ear of 1 bo had Jno dissi ng for the staircase e running down into told how he remain applied with all the ither anarchists, oned as to how he imbs, Frauch said : mbs myself, accord bribed formula, and r that so few people iis a tall, fine look out thirty years of a respectable fami ne four >?’ and went to Bar la soon joined the fit;, and as tic grew '■’led himself by his icm and fiary advice |T FOIZR ro.ys- , oi Toys c o’ > eiim, and A limy frequent headache s or Wltl iout dizziness, sensations, and oe ffS' B ’*? 1 11? 1 nausea; if you Bifilldull, drowsy, and S' Krquly tired or debili ’ Wt-that proven that Jot’fe M/fous. . best things in the ? ™ these little “ Pol 7SdiE Ate and powerfully 7'. rV ’ ro tn® smallest , here’s no distur- iY v f "oeeupation. ' One n: . r ® a dose is a per win 11 vU 10 Head, where Ir‘< ."'W has failed, the if tv I ’’ t ' Remedy : “ Perfect lealin'iV 8 soothing, eS > thi8ro “«& si » . n MI £ i f a .T dr y ; ■’ I at 1 totld . • lj aoonis a ' Rootle’*.” I * D -T r T”" ’^ r “ I F ni’i. , fe, ■» I s Uo «lk re ;: I L n /Bwyt«rJ’ r-te Bini-., |i; tuR7 j:!S B surt; r * dL_ ROME GEORGIA. LEAVES TOMORROW AT 2 P. M. Mivk You Seen The Cai.ifohnia Tiuii Yet. If you have not aeoa the California Exhibit train yet, by all maans do so tonight or tomorrow forenoon. Hundreds and hundreds of peop l ® want down yesterday and all day to day the crowds have been greater. The cars are in charge of the clev erest set of fellows evsr hauled ®ui of the golden state. They are hera to show our people what Ce’i'ornia wi” produce and they understand their business. Col. Thompson, Major Woodden, Squ’’-e Knowlton, Capt. Johnson, Major Brown and the balance of the boys will treat you clever nd make you feel at home. The train will leave Rome to-mor row afternoon at 2 o’clock, so if yen want to see it before it goes, remem ber the hour. NO CH? 'L TABLE FEELING. Thß DaNCIMG SBT A.ND THE MtSI’TESS Ake Sore at Each Other Knoxville, Tenn., January 3 ( Special.)—Staub’s theater, where the great charity ball was to have ta ken place tonight, under the auspices of the swe 1 ! Cumberland Club, but which was yesterday declared off under such unusual and unexpected circumstances, stands silent and shrouded in darkness. Rev. Mr. Richardson, wanting one more fling at the enemy, devoted something over a eolum in one of the morning | papers to the promoters of the ball. The card was both bitter and sarcas tic, aud conservative people on both sides are very sorry that it was writ ten. More ill feeling has already been created over the matter than was at first supposed, and each additional card that is written only makes matters worse. The society people are disgnsted, ih’ anti-dancing people triumphant, while the business men who composed the executive commit tee of the ball, and who mads the proposition to the ministers whose acceptance caused the ba’l to be called off, are complaisent, claiming that they secured just SI,OOO more for the charity than they expected to secure. Many people in adjoining towns, who had made most lavish arrangements to attend the ball, were sorely disapointed, The whole affair has resulted much more unpleasantly than it was sup posed it would yesterday, and it may yet result in the withdrawal from his church oi many prominent members of Dr. Richardson’s flock, who ars also prominent in society. The affair has proved the greatest sensation it Knoxville has had in many a •ye:,. GROSS CARLESSNESS. Tennessee has Bern Paying Cou pons Years Before Thea 7 Werb due. Nashville, Tenu., January 3 (Special.)—The clerk of the state funding board has found evidence of gross carelessness on the part of former administiations. Many of the coupons had never been classified and posted in the proper book. In one case SIOO worth of coupons paid but not canceled were also found. GEORGIA CENTRAL. Savannah, Jan. 4.—Capt. W. G. Raoul, the former president of the Georgia Central railroad, and now president of the Mexican Central, writes a letter to the Savannah Press, itrongly urging the removed of 'the Southwestern railway from the Cen tral system. Raoul claims that a spec ulative scheme is organizing in New York to secure control of ths Georgia Central railroad, and that the South - railroad, centering at Macon, ■ should be saved from the wreck. THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY. 4. 1894. MR M Got its Money From 11. J. 1 Hutchins, ag’t. USURY, NO NAME FOR IT. A Bellar for It) Weeks Costs ate Dol- lar aud Eighty Cents far Interest. The Baliff Seizing Mortgage Reuse hold (Jaods. “Beaver Slide” enjoyed a reus ing b'g Christmas, but is now feeling th® effects of it. It seems that a white man un der the name of H, J, Hutchinsju, Agt., appeared among <he negroes lending them money “fur Kris fnua’’ and taking mortgages on household goods for security. Yeeterday Bailiff Henry Beard, arnn-d with the proper documents appeared on the “Slide” with a dray, and took from one house: 3 bed-steads, 2 tables, 1 safe, 5 chairs, 1 feather bed and 1 bed springs. This praperty was specified and was taken from old Miranda Wil liams, col., To The Hustler and officer Guice and Col. Charley Murphy, old Miranda stated this morning that she had borrowed $4 from a “poor faced white man” and had promised to pay him sl, 45 the first week, and 1,45 the second week, $1,45 the third week and $1,45 the fourth week or else farfeit the above specified goods. The week before Christmas, she got the rm'ney and since then had paid $1,65 on the amount —when yesterday the goods were eeized. She said several others oa the “Slide” got Christmas money from “de same man” and mentioned Lu cy Dumas and Mary Griffin, her neighbors, who both gave “security’ and paid at the samo rate for the Gan. It was “powerful nice fur Beaver Slide des afoah Chrismus,” said oim of the denizens of that quarter to-day, “But when dat little bailiff, Mist. Beard drive er dray in heer yistiddy, bless yo sc ul hunny,'niggers gin ter git sheerd. ’ The ..bailiffs papers shows that the man who is worse than a usuer is one II J Hutchinson agent and |liat be lives over Hardin Livery Stable. 1 j A GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Just twelve miles out of Rome on the Adairsville road, near Nan ai® Ga., and two m.les from Pin sons Station. 120 acres with 65 acres in a high state of cultiva tion, forty acreaof which is bot tom lands. Good six room dwelling and good well of water, 1 good three room tenant house, good barn and fiue orchard. Any one wishing to buy said farm or desiring further informa tion will address Mrs. N. J- Ridge, Kansas Citv, Mo., , The farm will he sold on reason able terms —possession will be given at once. 1 5-w. 4wks. DEATH OF MRS. CARROLL. She was the Mother of Mrs. Wsbbek. Mrs Tom Carroll of the Fifth Ward, died at her husband’s home this morning. Mrs. Carroll was one of the oldest residents of the city and has many freinds who will learn of her death with regret. She was a dec out Catholic and her faneral will occur from the Catholic Church tomorrow forenoon at 10 o'clock. She leaves a husband, Mr. lom Carroll; and one child Mrs. Webber, to mourn her death. JL W •- - - —' FOTI nYSPFT’NTA, TpfHgogHnn. and Stomach disorders, tat® BROWN'S IKON UITTKKS. All dealers keep it, 81 per bottle. Genuine b#S Vlhe-uiark and crossed red lines on wrai’peA » w. a tourist printer named Ba<;- j»an began Beg’in, WHEN FINED $5 FOR DRUNK. Miss C®ia Jobnsuu of Darklanu was ftued $lO lur using a broam us su aged aud iufit m urnther. Only two cases were brought be foie Lis Honor, Recorder Fouche this foreoonn. A tramp, aged about, 35, aud wearing reddish hair au«i a pair oi dissipated eyes, gave his name as John Bagon, and entered a plea of guilty to a charge of drunk. Bagan said he was a printer or the “tourist tribe” and begged Re corder Fouche to give a“minit and a half” to get out of t®wu. He was fined $5 and will have to go on the street fur 10 days. Cora Jehnson, is an eld»r sister in the Johnson Household in Darktown. Today she was up for “keeping skeoters offeu ’er ma wid de bizness end uv the brume,” Cora went to her mothers home for oil and the old lady refused to let her have it —result a rucus and Cora fined $lO er 20 days in the Catecomba. A CRANK WITH A PISTOL. Desires to See Prendkrgrart But He is Arrested. Chicago. January 3. —A crank, carrying a huge revolver, and who said that he was commissioned by l he Diety to do good, appeared at the jailjoday audjasked to.see Preu dergrast, the condemned assassin. “Five minutes’ talk with Pren dergraet is all I want,” said the crank, “and he will walk out of the jail a free man.” His request was refused, and then pointing at his weapon, he said he would commit murder if the Lord ordered him to do so, He was promptly arrested aud t k Q n to the station house, where he said his name was Fred Names. THE ELEVATOR BOY DID IT. DrsThrenoN or tub Celrhratbd Painting “Leßois Amuse” St Louis, Mo., Jan. 3—“Leßois \muß6,’‘a irasterpiec® by the French painter, Jules Arsene Garnier, val ued at $I 1 0,009, and owned by th® late S E Coate. has been iiretrivably ruined while being moved from the Laclede building. The picture was too large for the elevator and caught on a projection on the wa 1 !. Th® ele vator boy became rattled, pulled the leaver the wrong way the frame and. glass broke, tearing aad cutting the painting beyond all hope of redemp tion. The painting, since 1884, has had an eventful history. Once it was ordered out of England by th® authorities. AT NEVIN’S TONIGHT. Os the Stanton, Knox, Joe John s ’u, Sam Whit mir® entertainment to be given tonight at Nevin’s, th® Ath ens Banner of a recent date says: The entertainment to be given to night at the opera house by Messrs. Faank L Stanton and J Annoy Knox will b® one of the best ever presented to an Athens audience. The fame of Frank Stanton as a poet has gone abroad and his verses have been set to music and surg the land over. He is. indeed Georgias sweet singer and our people should not lose the op portunity to hear him recite hi® poems' Mr Knox his a great repu tation as a lecturer aud his produc tions are humorous and entertaining. J or Malaria, Liver Trou -03 s, or Indigestion, use* BROWN’S IRON BITTERS A KLUSTER OF BULL’S EYE SHOTS. * I notice that the coffin business is “picking up” here lately. I Leaid undertaker Rhudy say this laoruing ;hat be had sold eleven in the pits! few days. I presume other undei takers are doing their share. Grippi seems to be, at leait helping, othtr diseases to get in their work. • * That wis a tine body of men who assembled (at the Fii b Methodis Church yeaterday and as S ewards ot the Rome Distric', assessed the various churches for the coming year- The raising of the “where with” to pay the preachers in the Method’s 1 vjnyard, or this part of it at least, is in good hands. * * At the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Public Sch®ol tlrs af ternoon three teacheis will be elect ed. lam informed that for these three places about eighteen caudi dales have offered Now out of that many good applicants the Board o trus'eos wi’l certa'aly secur® Ihiei real good teachers. One of these wi ll enter a field—that of teacb’Vg a night school, but whoever she may be she will have the co-optration a sunport of every light thinki-’g per son in the city. The night school is meant to reach the poor and it must succeed • ♦ < I am glad to see the gale of tickets to Mr Edward Bucbanua’.’s Violin Recitation and Concert, growing ro rapidly The Recitation which oc curs under the Auspices of Shorter Oollege and in the College Chapel, has been postponed from : Friday night the sth uniil Monday night the Bth That the evening will be one of great enjoyment goe® without say ing, for most of Rome’s best amature talents are in the numbers of the programme / Mayor Sam King is tearing away the oldest building in Rome that is the oldest business house He wll erect in its place a handsome three story Brick and will put it on the 7 grade This will aid another ‘bump in his block but will place one of the best corners in the city above high water. More fires for old buildings and more Sam Kings for new one and Rome will prosper * » Mr and Mrs Wm F of Nannie Ga. Were in the city today, Air Keys formerly of Gordon county is now one of the most prosperous planters, of Floyd, His wife, a most bandsom woman, was recently Mrs M. A Fields of near Pinsons Stat on—but during the holiday Re’, Fletcher Weems officiated and Mrs Fields be came Mrs Key, ThaHlcs iLJB of Romo certainly wishes Mr, and Mrs Keys x long prospeious life voyage, * * * A letter received by Mrs. Dr. Geetchius, just after her husband left for Davidson college, says that their son Arniu wag injured by a fall from a skating rink. The accident ocour-d down the skating rink stair way. It seems that Ar nie, with ethers were in the hall just after dark, that the Hall had not been lighted, and that Arnie was running to an ante room for hia skate®. He ®truck the bannis ter® and fell a distance of 30 ft. He lit on his feet but broke one leg and terably bruised the other. Arnie Goetchius was a most popu lar boy, and I . sincerely hepe he may recover. e ♦ ♦ Col. E. W. Baes of Dewelltewn Tennessee, father of the Bass boys of the famous Bass Bros, so well and favorab p known in the com mercial worlu of Georgia, was in the city today. C r l. Bas# is, phy sically, one of the finest specimens of vigorous old manhood wa h;tve ever seen. He is a typical old time southerner and is of course a lead ing citizen in his own neck of the woods. Baes Bros, with such a fath< r »»nd such a business ehould be as happ} 7 a® they are prosper ous. 0 CENTS A WEEK 1 SfflE Macon Looses the Presence of the Trio. DR.EMORY ANI) MRS,TURNE R Skip Freni tke Central City. VYblle Mrs. Tuner’s H Übband i» aCetton Buyer out ®f a j®b. The latest dcvalopements in thru Emory-Turner case are that: Dr. Emory, the gay aud festiye old Lothario from Alabama, aud the bright and vivacious young \lac<m matron who prefers to be in old mail’s darling rather than o be a young man « slave, as the >!d story goeu, havn left town. I’hat tiU'baird, R ii . t urner who looks ' “ ■ , ‘ l ' l hikes things easy, aud whore com s riti ii is t mpered with more err duality and aith in im uiiiy to the square meh than a man on re- cord, has bypn paid h i salary by the Bibb Maiiufaciiiring Company and informed that his SPiviceE *ere no longer r quir< d . •Macon people fmd '<>lheis' who Know Turner sympathized.. with lia mm in ins trouble to tntq tijpe|Of the arrival oi Dr. Lu'ory and 'fire lurner &»tuiday, ami in’t-lieir in- J i J hi ’ercouroe wiih I, in gave <> ti nt sympathy in every niauner ut his uupaialleled, conduqk the past few days baa turned,thejrffjd of sentiment. ~( 1| It is reported on good authority that Turner dues not only cou>t|M>— nice tno Filiations Dr. Emory and liie wife but that he gives them the luuD n to live on. Some cla.iu that the woman exerci • same strange power of fascination over TurnerJhat it is alleged she dots over Emory, and I that both are easy victims in fier hands. i < nod Emory and Mu-, i urn er left yester day, it is supposed, lor Montgwiery, AU., or X w Orleaiw. It is said:: that Dr. Emory s two son;, prominent citi zens of Opthka, Ala. will atteMifbi ta inte’cept the cc.iple at and c-rry their Jatmr home. « i-Hijg ’turner claims that he did notfe&i they were going to leave toge< uer, Aw undeistood that Mrs. Turner woul o north and E oory nmam Lerh, ba, >hen train hour arrived they ’berth took passage. —Macon News. 11 TH GEORGIA jaM-Cta, AT DAHLONEGA. hranrh of the State University ui'/ begins First Monday i:a Feb aary. Fall Term begin* First. Monday in September. best .-•hool in the south, for students wi\. 'linked moans. The military tramr ; rs •I'.rough, being under a IT. 8. Army detailed by the Secretary of AV ar. ’IOT3I SEXES HAVE ADV TACIES. Students are prepared and licensed tt. »ach in the publie schools, by a> t eftht. . iris’iituro. Lecture's, on Agriculture and the Scierrwr* ■y distinguished educators and scholars;- i'or health the climate is unsurpassc-C --■1 Ititude 2237 feet. Boara $‘J per month and upwards. Mw uig at lower rates. Each •senator and representative <4 tl. o.ate is entitled and requested to appoint ere* puph from his district or county, without paving matric’.’lation fee, during his teru Kdr catalog er information, address tis r.e.i y or Treasurer. Board of Trustee* •XH •nojanjxj'i 'luapiwjj •JIATKN TJ ‘A* ssajpps ‘KjT(tiojp JO,< 'iqStiw) puis 3unu,w adX.i, ‘XuduSouoqH sxooq'uomm Faipnioui'ofiJinoqiseijnoo ssanjßaa aiaidtnoa oi iso.) *uo|)wanp\( puw jo joj ‘Nouisodxa Nviawnioo s.qtuom shi as VlfiiOldSG GNV IVCiJMi pepjQMV fHBM ••Xyi ‘aoiiuixeq •ZUSJOAni.I JO • aiJenoa l«iJJ3tuuio3 -upa minis - :3 1-01 li'ir ziaMZ <