Newspaper Page Text
third YEAR.
The S & y Congressman From
„ Travel to S ct Baek into Congress,
he Pollard Scandal Liable to be
tig Downfall, be Represents the
District, Once Represented by
Henry Clay.
Lexington, Ky„ January 4.
The announcement , that Hon
Evan S)ttle, of Owenton, will en
ter the race for congress in the
seventh district has caused no lit
tle talk between the Owens and
Breckinridge ineu. The entrv of
Mr. Settle, however, is thought to
I be worse for Mr. Owene, since it
will divide the anti-Breckinridge
men and Mr. Breckinridge will
still retain the men who have al
ready made up their minds to
stand by him. Both Breckinridge
and Owens are actively canvass
ing, Owens being in the city today
advising with his leaders, Messrs.
Hooker, Means and Bake.
Louisville, Ky., January 4. —To-
day’s issue of The Woodford Sun,
one of the most influential papers
in the Ashland district, contains
an editorial advocating the elec
tion of Hon. W. C. Owens to con
gress. The Sun has heretofore b en
a zealous supporter of Colonel
Breckinridge, but no.v declares
that the Pollard scandal will des
troy his usefulness in congress.
Lexington, Ky., January 4.—The
mysterious movements of Miss Made
line Pollard, since leaving Uixicinnaii,
are greatly perplexing to Col. Breck
inridge and his friends here' A worn
lan, answering the description of Alias
■Pollard, arrived here over the Louis
■rille Southern last night, but no trace
■of her can be found today. It is im
■portant to Colonel Breckinridge and
■his friends co know What Miss Pollard
■wants in this city aad her movements
■are causing them no little uneasiness.
■ Inlier beaut’fuf society play Good
■ye-Sweetheart at Nevins Monday
B-n. 15. With an unusually fine S c
■ect and strong support of high pric
Bd aid superior artist. This wi’l b e
■me of p.e best theatrical events of
»1' s season. You can secure seats to
morrow at
| Death or a Young Negro ConvCit.
I A young negro convict named Sol
[Galloway, sent to the county chain-
Igang from Rome, was kicked by a
■chain -gang mule on last Saturday.
I Ihe mule kicked at another mule
tut Lit the negro in the stomache.
■Thursday morning the mule was
■di'e but limping and preparations
[were being made for the negres fu
leial which occurel yesterdey after
THIS is a good ticket.
Mr. Hustler; as “suggesting’’
setms w be a fad these days let m 3
co “e in with this on. and £av of it
a > you do sometimes, This will win,
•»rk the prediction;
F»r Mayor John D Moore,
First Ward Chidsey
Second , , H S Lansdell
£ Llrd WE Aver
Fourth , , Wal(er H .. rris
; bth T J McCaffrey
Who says they w jH not win if they
“City at Large ’
-lalax la, Liver Trou-
TiD«i or^n<^i £ es ti°n,u3f’
Realistic St.ry Told by the
Penny Press Pilgrim.
“I never B®a a mule,” remarked
th. Pilgrim to the Devil, as they
sat looking out of the window,
“that I am not leminded .f a pain
:ul experience of my own *ome
five years ago, I was in Little
Rock, Ark., and having finished
my engagement there, was anxious
to get down to Texarkana in order
to fill a date. The robber tariff
and the war tax ©u liquor 4 had re
duced my finances, and it was a
choice of walk or ride in a box
car. I s.leeted the box car method
of locomotion. For purely person
al reasons I se’ected a late hour
at night for boarding my train. I
get into a convenient car, got the
door shut and was about to mako
mye.lf comfortable sot an all night
ride when I found that I was not
alone. I had a mule for a compan
ion—and the blamed mule was
loos.! Then I was in a fix. That
mule was getting knocked all
around th. car by the motion of
the train, and I knew he would
get over my way in the dark and
Kick the light out of my life soon
er or later. It was awful.”
The Pilgrim stopped to light his
pipe and the devil took advantage
• f the pause to ask: “Why didn't
you get out?”
The Pilgrim looked at the Devil
for full five minul '*- steadily.
Then h®, sighed. “Aly friend,” he
said, “Stepping .ff a through
freight train going at forty miles
an hour, in th*, dark,is an amuse
ment expressly prohibited in my
life insurance policy. If I wai the
india rubber man, now, I might
perform littl. acrobatic feats
like that. But being a man with
do surplus bon.s in stock, I have
to refrain.”
“But the mule, th# mule,” inler
rupted the Devil, did you
manage him?”
“In the simplest way re
plied the Pilgrim. “I rode bins. Ye-s
sir, I rode that mule in that box ear
the whole division, and that S
something like a ISO mile, run too !
It was painful, I admit,” added
t m Pilgrim, “but you s°e I was
due at Taxark^iia. Consequently I
arriv.d—on mul.back. 1 was so
sore that I couldn’t walk for eight
dads, but I arrved. ’
“You must have, had a hard time
sure,” said the Devil, sympatheti
cally, “I” said the Pilgrim. “What
about the mule?” —Americus JPen
ny Press.
An Error In The Tribune Correct-
» RD.
At the meeting of the board of
trustees of the Home Public Schools
yesterday afternoon the follewing
teachers were elected:
For First Grade B. to succeed
Miss Addie Mitchell, resigned, Miss
Ruth Norton.
For Second Grade, A, to succeed
Miss Mamie Wood, resigned, Miss
Annie Perkins.
For teacher of Night School, Miss
May Clark.
Mis Ada Jenkins, Miss Laura Hume
and Miss Bettie Ledbetter were elec
ted supernumeraries.
Miss Ruth Walton was not elect
ed to the staff of teachers as .fat
ed in this mornings paper —nor
was sh. an applicant.
The young ladies elected ar.
finely educated and well fitted to
fill the important offices to which
they beve be’n chosen.
You ar. ord.r.d to b.
and in yeur Armory to
night at 7.30 o’clock in full uni
form, for business meeting and
By order of
Phill G. Byrd Capt.
Howard Jaek, Secretary.
Is nine Years in the Colum
bus, Ohio, Penn.
A new trial lias been’refused Ike great
Swindler. How bo took his punish
Jackson, T.nn,, Jan. 4. (Special.)
Howard, the foreign claim swindle)
and cleri< al deceiver, will do time
for nine years and cne month in the
Columbus, 0., pCsor, So said Judge
Hammond tonight when he sentenc
«d the defendant in accordance with
the verdict of the jury. In addition
to the above Howard is taxed with
$1,200 iu fines and the coits of the
two trials, which foot up in the nei. h
borhood 0i,520,000.
The greater portion of the day
has been consumed by the defen
dant and his associate counsel in
arguing the motion for a new trial
I'he defendant commesced speak
iug this afterueon soon after the
opening of court and continu'd
until tonight at S o’clock.
The attendance was Jarge aad
considerable interest was mani
fested. People were standing on
chairs and other available furni
ture. When the defendant resumed
his speech the court addressed
himself te Howard in the follew
ing langua e:
“I am constrained by all the
considerations that influence judi
cial judgement to state that I have
uot the slightest douht as to the
verdict of the jury. Taking all this
evidence, I must say that I never
saw such convincing evidence ar
rayed before a jury. Were I on a
jury that had this case, I would
not hesitate one instant.
The proof plainly shows that
the defendant is guilty of carrying
on a nefarious scheme, I will not
jo into this vast record of evidence’
to justify this judgement, as I
might wound the sensibilities of
the witnesses.
I don’t propose to hold the de
fendant and his counsel te admis
sions made in their argument, but
they admit Ross, Moore and Log
ar to be frauds. I can’t see any
lifT.rcnce as to Howard’s busiue.s
at J-ckscn, only in the methods o'
details. Having said that, I c. ui’t
say any more, and the motion for
a new trial is overruled.ӣ
The district attorney moved that
the sentence on the defendant be
pronounced, and after the court asked
Howard the formal question if he
had any reason why sentence should
not be pronounced. Judge Hammond
gave him a term o? nine years and
one month with a tine of $1,200 and
and costa ©f the trial added, fixing
the place of imprisonment in the
Cclumbus, 0., prison.
There was a hush ir the courtroom
while the court spoke and every eye
was turned on Howard, who sat in
his chair unmoved. The court said
inasmuch as the defendant was an at
torney at the bar he would be strick
en from the roll and the clerk was so
Just before adjournment it was
agreed that tomorrow morning at 9
o’clock the council will meet and set
tle the question of bond. The attor
ney general rose and a»ked that
Howard be sent to jail to spend the
night as only deputy marshals had
been guarding him, and t-ie rt spon
sibilitiy was teo great.
The court declined, however, to put
him in prison tenight, and said he
would again grant him the use of his
private chambers. Tomorrow he w<l
have to go to jail and await the di.—
posal of errors and the filling of the
bill exceptions which will possibly
take several week® -
Then if he can give the bond r<-
puired he will be released to appear
before the supreme c?vrt of the Un -
ted States. —Constitution.
Horsewhippbd BY Women and Beaten
by a Doctor
Sedalia, Mo„ Jan. 4—A second
time witb'n three days Editor J.
West Goodw n has been beaten on
the streets, this time by Dr* H. H,
M cods, ] r iprietor of the opera house
here. Tliis beating grew out of a
horsewhipping given Goodwin od
Luesday by three female membere
of a burlesque troupe, which The
Bazoo roasted. Woods took the wo
men,s pari in court, thereby renew
ing rhe ill feeling. Today the two
men met and Woods beat Goodwin
horribly, braising him badly and
fracturing bin hip. Goodwin claims
he was attacked unawares.
Muncie, Ind. Jan 4th—Two high
waymen held up and robbed a Bel
gian glassblower near the Aloring.
Ha. >& Co Window Glass Works.
Friends of the foreigner gave chase
and caught the robbers. They return
ed to the glass factory and just as the
poh’ce rived the workers were prp
pa. ng to throw the thieve# into a
continueus tank of hot glass. The men
are tramps and had a very close cn 1 ’
from a herrible death.
Newark, 0., Jan. 4.—A sensa
tional scene was enacted in frent
of Justice Koos’ court. Ths case
of Edward Murphy, charged with
adultery,has hweu in hearing dur
ing the day . Mrs. Della Faribee,
wife of Conductor Chas. Faribee,
whois made eo-reapondeot with
Murphy, was a witness and an in
terested spectator, A young man
named Harris swore to testimony
damaging the defense, which ex
asperated Mrs. Faribee.
. £.e waited for Harris at the
court room door, and upon mak
ing his approach, after calling him
a liar, proceeded to do him in a
game of fisticuffs. She did a neat
job, and before a policeman reach
ed the scene she had landed heayi
ly a number of times with both
right and left in the face and kick
ed him in the stomach. The wo
man is young and remarkably
pretty, and, though public opinion
is agaiast her, the case attracts a
'-irge ciowd,
Everybody is 1 oking forward te
Monday nijh<’/ concert with pleas
ure. The tickets are selling fast and
everybody is talking about going
Such an array oftalunt as Air Euc
bannan has selected to him
will be hard to find elsewhere.—
Miss Cora Clark soprano, M ’ss lone
Newman elocutionist, Alias Nellie
Dustman pianist and Prof. Thomp
son accompanist, will assist. —Tick-
ets for gentleman and lady 750 sin
gle admission 50c, school children 25
Air. Fred Govan and Air, Harry Pat
ton two popular jeung gentleman
will a<t as ushers.
Tickets for sale at Yeisers and
Mrs, Johnson and Mrs. Redmond
Both Dead.
This morning, there wae a funer
al prepeßsion which passed through
this city which, while it attracted
but passing attention, is one
worthy of note.
The burial party was from Wil
kins, Ga., tbis county and the re
mains being borne to its last rest
was the body of Airs. Redmoud
the good old mother of Messrs, A
P. and J. J. Redmoud of Wilkins
The remains were being
borne .o Vans Valley for inter,
ment iu tho old family burial
• round.
Mrs. Redmoud passed peaceful
ly away yesterday f.jreqooa, just
48 hours after her daughter, Mrs.
Johasoß, died at the same place.
,\ V' I r \ 1 1
1111 ill liJ k) 1 g LLi
Walter Atkinsons, col. “Cut
up wid de Gripp. ”
For Di nnk and Swearing on the
Streets. -A sinnd up and knock down
tight among young coons.
The forenoon performance of the
• Fall of NinevaL ’ was not a long af
fair. but was decidedly interesting in
Walter Atkinson a colored brother
with pale blue eyes and a shawl over
his head, waa up lor disorderly con
The evidence showed that the
defendant had been disorderly bu
that he might have been “out er
his bed’’ as we was suffering with
tho grippe.
Officer Wimpoe, showed his
Honor that it "as a case where
lenisncy was deserved and the pale
blue eyes were told to “go, on go >d
Dennis Roberson and Arthur
Henly, two gay young bucks from
darktowu, had » rucus in front of
the Armstrong hotel, and w*re
fiued $5 each.
Ex-*ffiicer T. J. Prickett, was
brought out, he asked to se» th#
Recorder in private. rvqucs
was uot granted.
He then entered a plea of guilty
to drunk and 'disorderly conduct
Officer T®m Moor®, was examin
ed to the “disorderly eouduct’
and said that Prickett was drunk,
and cursing on the streets, both
befor® his arrest and while ou his
way to the station.
He was fined $lO or 20 days, bu'
half his fin® was suspsndsd “on
g»od behavior.’.’
Th® police force are indignant
They v®ry justly claim, that no
man should be permitted to wen
a policeman's uniform who ha>-
been discharged from the force for
drurkness, aud who is errested on
ths streets, drunk and swearing.
a»d has to be locked un.
Louisville, Ky., January 4. F r
the first time iu thirty-six years, tin
postuffie® at Louievihe’wiil be under
control cf a democrat, Charles P.
Weaver, ex-assistant poaimsscer,
whoso nominalisn was sent to the
senate to-day. Airs Virginia C.
Thompson, daughter of Alexander
Campbell, tlia founder of the “Camp
bellite’’ church, who held the office
under both Hays anti Garfield’s ad
ministrations held over dving Cleve
land’s first administration. The strong
Campbellite church influence induced
Hon. Albeit Wiiiis, .now min
ister to Hawaii, then congressman
from this district, to endorse her for
reappointment under Cleveland. This
endorsement cost Willis his s®at iu
Editor Hustler:
While others are suggesting tickets
for Alunicipal honors allow me t»
suggest the following:
F®r Mayor
J D Moore.
For Aiderman
First Ward George Chidsey.
Second , , AV J Neel.
Third , , Jack King
Fourth , , Ed. Bosworth
Fifth , , TJ Me Caffrey
Let every citizen that L interested
in th® future of Rom® join in and see
that every nanu on the above ticket
is elected.
eorrtm *ho rttrnnvn Uatucs-
- . ■ - —’
Captured in Chfrokee County
the Last Four Months
Cherokee county ia known
among the revenue men as th®
banner blockade county es th®
Deputy Collector Johnson, with
Deputy Marshals Kilby and Cap©,
have just returned frem Cheickee,
where they seized two stills, ono
ninety gallons, and the ether fifty
The revenue men have made it
so warm for the distillers, that
they have quit th® business and
hidden their stills out in the bush
es. Fifty illicit diatilleriea have
been captured in Cherokee sine®
September Ist.
Some excitement has bsen caus
ed among th® officials by th© re
port that Deputy Collector Kellogg
and Deputy Marshal Kilby had
been killed by distillers noar Hol
ly Springs, but they have turned
up Base and sound, much t« tho
gratification ©f their friends. — At
lanta Journal.
Wisbivgxon Making Preparations
for Entertaining thy Pythianb
WarlrngtoM, Jan. 4—The Knights
of Pyfnias in this city jar® getting
well in band th® work of organiza
tion for the encampment of the
to be held in this city next August.
Committees have been appointed to
canvass the whole city and also trade
and business. A committee on pub
lic comfort also has been named and
provision will be made at one© to
send circulars of information to all
Pythian lodges. Arrangements can
be made for entertaining 100.000 riE
itors, and Gen. James R Carnahan,
the head of the order, says that 2,000
uniformed men will encamp the mon
ument lot, south of the white house,
the nse of which has btengmidedby
an act of congress.
Everybody in Rome knows Ju
ius George, the big hearted Lu
ling Methodist who is doing sut
a noble work for toe Al aster, up
the Factory district.
Air. George today paused long
enough to say “you can put nfc cvm
for Atkinson fo.i Governor.
Wo probably looked the surprise
we felt, when Air, George coi>ti’. .<ed:
“Yes I am, and I’ve got good *e»-
bons for opposing General Evan®
too. ’’
“Arter the war was over General
jJvans in his pulpit, whrle describ
ing how h» had felt wh»n the can
nons were roaring, and the rtflea
talking, said I promised the good
Lord if be would let me live
through the fight, I would p; '«uh
his gospel th® balance of my c’tjb”
“Now,” said Mr. George,” I want
the General to keep that promise
and besides, he ie too good a
preacher for me to help in a “back
sliding” move. I’m for Atkinson.”
And he sprang info his buggy and
drove rapidly away to hi-: busi
with yonr flesh reduced below a henlthy
standard, for Consumption and other Wcr»jf
ulous and dangerous diseases. And- it’s for
i'l-t this condition that Dr. Pier * Goldea
Mediral Discovery is especially vahiable.
It vou’re thinner than you to tx%
whether from wasting diseaseM. defwtiv*
nutrition, or whatever eanse, the “ Discot*-
ery ” will surely bring you up to the
star.dard. By restoring the normal acti<T» ot
the deranged organs and functions, it aroune*
every natural source and means of ui:urists
uient. Ax a strength-restorer and tiash-
Luildor, nothing like this medicine te known
to medical science. Filthy (>x3 Ltw Oil and
all it« disguised compounds eant asm purs
with it.
It’s sold on trial. . That is, tn evnrytkfng
that’s claimed for it, if the “ Discovery ” eve©
fails to Leuvtu or cure, you bav® your mousy
What v&r oould be more bushiera-lilat