Newspaper Page Text
• • • at the Rome p“’to *ice as “trat-cl m<
Second-clas* Mail ‘latter.
r-• •, , nVPD (Editor, and
* - ■ - < 7 - 55 ’ ( Manager.
10 cent. a or $5.00 per annum
FFICE: Corner Broad Street and
» “'iicn Avenue.
Official Organ
Os the City of Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county'* of Georgia.,
Rome Ga. Jan. 23. 1804
Zditor Hustler of Rome.
You are hereby authorized t<
•nnu t c- th if ticket to the voter.
Roma, subject to their action in
the coming municipal election.
Asking their support, we pledge oui
beet effort, individual and com
bined, to the services ofthepeopl.
»nd to the upbuilding of our city.
for mayor
Jirst Ward—A. B. McArver,
Second Ward —W. J Neel.
Third Ward —Henry S offragan.
Fourth Ward—Walter Harris,
jTifth Ward —T. J. McCaffrey.
Hon. W.Y, Atkinson will speak
at Jefferson, Jackson county, on
Tuesday February 13.
R’ggold, Catoosa county, oi
Thursday Februray 15.
Many a fellow’s wife is not evi n
as a sister to him.
Atlantians are now kicking
about high pric< d water.
Atkinson said “ring” and a
•nee Atlanta and Augusta beg in
There is no ca-eon record when
*u editor had any trouble in
piercing the eye of a needle.
Cunld he but have a panorama
irt Hailes spread out before 'em,
Jte thinks the absent Congressman
Would hie him to his quorum.
jtocipe for Roman Chocolate:
Take common water works wi
ter v parb >il and add flavoring to
•sit taste
General Lew Wallace is a crack
yfitol shot and could, it is said,
it»ld his own against Dr Carver
turd Capt. Bogard us.
>lrs. Bishop, who e non de
3>r»me is Isabella Bird, has left
-Liverpool for Corea in search ol
wsateriai for another book. She is
■seo!e than 60, and think” nothing
W the journey ahead of her.
The Chr> ni le has no censure
3>r the man who honestly
that Genera! Evans would make j>
tetter governor than Speaker At
iinaon. Bu* it would suggegi
that Military skil thirty years ag
n proof of executive ability
»ow. —Milledgeville Chronicle.
The Atlanta .J uirnil is auxiou
fw the Atkins )ij—Evans joint
discussion to open in Atlan'a
Why not open them at Newnan?
The Journal is a daisy—L°t tin
joint d-bate open in Macon, or oi
•ny neutral ground. Atlanta oi
Augusta would not be a fair place
MJ more than Newnan or Rome
At West Superior, Wig., a whit*
wan was lynched yesterday, and
at Muskegon, same state, a mob it
after a uegto to lynch him. both
•i them being guil y of assaulting
white women. It is a crime Hiat
oils for the same treatment, North
*» well as South,—Fort Worth
Governor Northen’s chances fm
•lection to the United States senuh
ire never very hopeful, but sine,
••ecent fantastic exhibition of him
the role of a warrior, his star
and hisjnameis mud. Ckve
Bunking rei bens
’ .• es of poctnoft reminds us,
| When we -q.k-Ii that blissful .shore,
In departing leave behind uh,
Down in aeon just one Moore.
- Atlanta Journal,
Vol out, Vol >m, I V.- been thinking, I I -’e }<■ t "i to death,
Ther i .ul.t-kii , you’ve been drinking;
i •> . whisker., o.i your breath.
- Macon News.
Langley, I ang’ey, we’ve been hopli g
That y< u >1 let Montgomery be.
He’s quit ' smiling”—ami's been moping
For a eb..nee to take a “spree,
I hiilie, I‘lubil've been thinkii g,
W hut a great sight it would be,
To see you, I angler and Fo'sotn, drinking-*
> ixi> g for a bowling “spree.”
—Albany Herald.
We three, we three might keep drink! f,
Get t o full too hear it slosh,
vet I'd hink as I’ve been thinking
We'd be wett’r with Mclntosh.
Henry, Henry, we've been thinking,
Wha a blessing It would lie,
If thou woiild’st leave off drinking
And join a citcns menag- rie.
Thomasville Advertiser.
W'e are “s irling" while we're thinking
Os these thoughts advanc’d by Pruitt,
Though W.i others c lase from drinking—
Henry'll drink when be gets to it.
The efforts of the two Atlanta dai
lies to show that Atkinson stands no
show for the nomination for governor
'ire receiving some regular Corbett
right-handed-blows, from the sev
enty odd papers through out the state,
which are supporting M» - . Atkinson.
—Cleveland Progress.
Harry Hill was tried and convicted
of forging Mr 3 Porter’s name to a
note, in Atlanta, last week. Judge
Clark sentenced him to seven yeais.
Mr. Ben Hill declined to act further
as his attorney, Mr. H. B. Moss, of
Marietta, was employed and filed a
motion for a new trial. ButforAttor
ney Moss, Hill would have lest his
rights. As it was, Hill’s sentence was
reduced by Judge Clark to five
rears and all other cases nol proesed.
Hill will now serve five years in con
vict stripes. The Marietta lawyer,
Col. Mo?s, deserves the honor of sav
ing II 11 of two years labor and addi
tional prosecution.—Marietta Jour
Gen. Evans, iu commenting upon
Mr. A'kins jus’s speech yesterday at
Form th, felicitates himself that Mr.
Atkinson has announced his own
views exactly upon tie three leading
questions before the country—the
tarilf free coinage of silver, and the
income tax. By what process of de
duction docs the General arrive at
the conclusion that Mr. Atkinson is
merely echoing his opinions on these
questions? He doubtless forgets that
Mr Atkinson spoke to tl e people
during the campaign of 1892, occupy
ing precisely the same ground that be
does now. If the General made any
remarks whatever during this critical
period they have escaped the atten
tion of the public, and, this being
true, the “felicitations” would seem
to be on Mr. Atkinson’s side.—New
nan Herald.
The launching of Mr. Atkinson's
gubernatorial campaign is followed by
tha announcement of the coming of a
cold wave. Cin there be significance
iu this?—A'l.mta Journal.
That wave following on the heels of
the meeting of the 21 who organized
the Max Meyerhardt Evan's club do
look kinder gloomy for the Evanes
cent boomers.
Editor H de of the Conyers Weekly
throws this hot shot at Lonny Living
“A certain Georgia congressman,
oue we all know well, was bulking to a
Rockdale man a short while ago, and
said: I promise'—‘Oh,—,' s i I the
Rockdalian, “excuse me. Don t talk to
me about promises, and walked off ”
“Sem tor Northen” and Governor
Ex a is" is the way it wdl read next
year —Dalton Argus.
Indeed, and wouldn't they make a
lovely boquet? Modern and Ancient
war records.
Mr. Cobb, the young man who was
president of the Young Men's Demo
cratic League, of Atlanta, has resign
ed in order to be president of the Ev
ans club. Does Mr. Cobb consider
his duty to Mr. Evans greater than his
iuty to the Democratic party?—
Hales Weekly.
Let him alone; he is an Atlanti in
md it is a part of an Atlantians re
ligious creed to have no other gods
bafore Atlanta. He has an American’s
rights to his religion , views and can .
therefore support the Atlanta candi
late. ,
Atlanta's social Midway Plai
sance continues to attract the gsz«
of the wondering multitude—Chat
tooga New p.
The time of the ’‘purification of
Atlanta” is at band. But wfiat x
job is und'Ttak’ n ! —Augusta Her
The Alliance of the Seventh dis
trict will meet at Calhoun on the
13th iuHt.—Cedartown Stai dard.
It fills the soul of the country
editor with delight unutterable for
one of his delinquer.'s to run for
office, for he is as sure of his pay
before election day as a nigger is
of going to the circus.—Bremen
The marshal is now equipped
with a long whip so as to keep the
cows off the square. This will b
good news to farmers who visit
town with fodder.—Dahlonega Sig
> A brother of the tax collector of
Union county was in Dahlonega
t the other day and said ths report
about his brother being killed is
, al] false.—Dahlonega Signal.
Hon. W. Y Atkinson is a thous
and miles ahead of the Parson in
North Georgia, and is still gaining
' speed. Bill will be the governor.—
• Morganton News.
» I
C That is a remarkable case of
t spontaniety the Atlanta papers
have worked up for Gen. Evans.
( It is the kind that don't spontaue
( worth a cent. —Chattooga News.
• The Jackson Herald wants Dick
Yow, of Franklin county, elect< d
to congress from the Sth district.
• Great Scott! Where is Dink Botts?
Marietta Journal.
Barker’s district is seeking to be
aniu xed to the Cave Spring dis
trict. If this thing continues Cave
! Spring will annex all of Flojd
county and if it dues—“ Rome”
will “howl” suie enough.—Cave
Spring Herald,
A few days ago we received an
' Atlanta paper with a small item
1 marked with blue pencil. It was
f oni some little measly country
paper, and asked some questions
about Atkinson and Clay white
washing Judge Gober. The pre s
, of the state, if they Eave any re-1
gard for decency, will treat with
contempt all such dirty slurs
against oue of the best meu in the
state. —Gainesville Eagle.
—Clarence Heartsell and Phill
Byrd are having it. So far, Heart
sells ahead, having called theHußT
ler man,“asilly little goose’ “Lay
on Macduff,” ect.—Dalton Argus.
He did, did he? Well you tell
Hartsell, for uu, that he should
have sent us a coppy of his “Dim
plecheeks,“ as fer yourself Brother
Shaver, see if you cant make up
at d redeem old Whitfield from
third partydom.
The Meriwether Vindicator one
of the brightest weeklies in Geor
gia is doing some beautiful work
for Georgia’s next Geovernor W.
Y, Atkinson
Phil! Byrd of the Hustler of
Rome roaa's Blackburn'e chivalry
sheet on its spasmodic outburst of
eloquent sacrilidge over the Harry
Hill case, in the most approved
style. These two i bie editors seem
to entertain very different concep
tions of Georgia chivalry—Macon
Sunday News.
Eggbuster and Old Potty are
endearing terms of the Hustler of
Rome for the Tribune of the same
place.—Thcmasville Advertiser, j
Yes, and you ouhgt to go one eye
on tha “old sister' 4 to know how
to appreciate her.
The Hustler of Rome is a iub
tier as well. Editor Byrd don‘t j
let »he grass grow uuder his feet ,
—stamps it down.—Thomasville
Now! now Brother Preuett— i
youreenuther. ■
There ia a giil in Romo that is
very pretty. S ioha« a clear com
. [ lexion, with the o 5 b’ush of
rose-* upon her diinp'e checks.
Looking into her eyes you ne
h aniug trum their tranquil depths
a sou as pure and as sw< t if a
angle. She is brilliant too. Can
talk entertainingly and entelli
gently upon any subject.
Yet she assums that affectation
of speech and action, that is to ex
timely lining tl at when jou
have la ked with her fur a while
you forget the charm of her face
and conversation m wondering
I why she hides her own faciuating
i porsonslety m a quality si utterly
foreign to ir.
Geramy has the most perfect
system of public highways in the
r world. And their plan for min-
L taining them is as uuiqu i assensi
, ble.
( On either side of all roads fruit
trees are planted. These trees are
watched after constantly by guards
in the employ of the government
' and whose duty it is to make all
’ repairs necessary to the road when
the fiuit is ripe it is gathered and
sold, the proc< eds of which sales
go for paying the guards and keep
ing the roads up.
f The German are more law a’oid
-5 ing people than we are, and this
• '■ rust is never m< le ted by any on .
’ Tnat would be the gre-it difficulty
in the way of such a sytem i n
the United States we have
[ so many of ‘.hat migratory and
wortoleas lot of citizens known i s
1 tramps that it would b> almost
useless to attempt it. But we could
be educated to it just as the Ger
mans hfcve.
What memories of the past
surge up in one >\ho you resurrect
f om the atticsome f«»rgo!en boxer
trunk filled with old letters'
Heres one from an old friend who'
has long since crumbled to the
dust. He was a noble fellow, with
su 'h promise for a good useful ca
reer. But the grim distroyel came
and his quiet heart was still for
This one is from an old sweet
| heart married now and very hap
p wi h her husband and child;en.
Oh but I did love her when she
wasahappy school girl and thought
I would never love any one else. So
on through the pile each letter
bringing into glowing life some
incident of the sact —sweet and
sad mingling,
Tom Ochiltree is now a well
known journalist in New York
City. He is a vers-itile and brill
ant fellow with that happy faculty
of making everybody his friend.
But Tom does not adhere strcitly to 1
tie truth in fact is known as apre
value iter of unusual abilities.
S; veral years age Tom lived iu
St. Louis and one day a friend
“Tom who are the three biggest
liars in the West?”
•Eli Perkins is one mid T< m
Ochiltree is the other two,“ was
the instant repiy.
o o »
A little tot of five was for the
first time witnessing the act of
milking andupou 9“eim; the \o■ ng
calf seek its mothers noure hment
Exclaimed "Dess look at oue cow
milking the other cow.'-
remedy Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Pellets. Put up
p in little glass vials, baud?
Y_J and convenient. Sealed,
too, so that you know
EQ they’re always fresh and
SjgJ reliable, unlike the ordi
nary pills in wooden or ,
pasteboard boxes.
■ M There’s nothing in the
B way of pills as small or as
1 easy to take as these little
SS3 m i’eiiets- There’s nothing
g so easy and natural in ac
tiou—nothing; that can do
is much lasting good. They absolutely and
permanently cure Constipation, Biliousness,
indigestion, Sick or Bilious Headaches, Jaun
dice, Sour Stomach, and Dizziness. All de-
of liver, stomach, and bowels are
prevented, relieved, and cured.
They're to give satisfaction, or
your money is returned.
A case of Catarrh that can’t be cured by
Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy is so rare that
the makers of the medicine are willing to risk
this offer: “If we can’t cure your Catarrh,
perfectly and permanently, no matter what
your ease U, we’ll pay you SSOG. n
Taught by.
Edw. Buchanan.
507 E. First. St.
Care E. C. Ford
mil SSesseh
Many women die in the very prime of life,
<> Inrs live to middle age, but are feldotu sound
and healihy. why is this you ask? We answer
SELF NEGLECT, but your life can be lengthen
ed ami home made hsppy if you commence AT
ON. E. Try one package of Parks Viginal Sup
postto i s and v< u wllr never regret it. Wil)
make a new woman of you and will abso'utly
cure all the distressing of female weaknesses.
NO EXPERIMENT, fto doctors examination
A positive cure. Leucorrhea or whites are
usually entirely cured by one or two applica
tions. Price SI.OO per pekage by mail prepaid.
Particulars (sealed) 2c.
, hoes ■
be has them W’vhe 't ;-i:tJxped <
bottom,put uirv a \. .t ? fraud.
nu / -.t “■- ’i&b 7-
VotL/l • L’/o
W. L. CtoudLAs
W. L. DOUGLAS SI lOC3 are sty li.- h, easy ft
and give better satisfaction at the prices &<•
vertised than any other make. Try one pun an
be convinced. The stamping of \ L. Douglas’
name and price on the bottom, whit h guarantees
their value, saves thousands of dollars annual!;,
to those who wear them. Der.lcrs v. ho pu: h the
£ ile of W. L. Dou'-l?.S’; < 5 gain customers,
which help’inc.-ease the : ales on their full line
of *<ood They can aflo”-l to <c!l •i a lessnreft,
and we ! •Hevi ran save mm* v 1 v bwingoF
yr :r ? vc'v. ;r ofthedeah : adv< rtise-l 1 < low.
< ' r. ntv ,- ... ./L’ititin.
’' . . ■ ' * • ’ v,ld ’
JU STI ix.
Ail unpaid taxes for
1893 are being put in
hands of Sheriff for
Jno.J.BlaCk. T-C.
E .T. V. & G. Ry.
ONLY. 2. 1-2,
Lv Rome daily 8.35 a.m
Ar, Atlanta . 11.10..
Lv. Rome .11.30 a m
Ar-Atlanta. 2.30 p.m
Lv. Rome . 1 1.10 p.m
Ar. Atlanta. 1.30 ,
. C SMITH G Pa & Ta.
Ai mstrong House,
£SIGN9 made, subject to approval of a)
classes a? < styles of modern bufldiug.
If you our
flow 1 need iluut buy any ann Ua ] 9 .
we propose to supply y ou with
you will want (200 Viniefies) fp EE
we do it simply to cal! y o . ir
to EoiLvluing better which to see igt 0
wind. 3he Lrit htest ntd L e ?t of per °
odietds for the 1 cnie i H “WOllEy
a large illustrafod monthly, aa
as a new pin and as charming a s a
spring bonnet. It is brirnffiu o ‘ s
everything a woman wants to know
and will bring sunshine to the home
the year round. It is but to fit
and to please women, the home mak
er- Now foi our offer Send us ten
cants [stamps or silver] and we wil ,
send you WOMEN two months on tri
al, ai d in addition, will send vou2oo
’ arieties of.
This offer is for immediate accept,
ance. Dont put it off. Send today
and you will lective se>d and Wo
rn; n promptly. Address.
Richmond, Va. ’
Central B7 A- Banking Co’
Receive! s
No 4 bouth Bound Nc
Lvave Chattanooga - - . 4onp In
“ Rome - - - .713 pm
“ Cedartown - . eoo p m
TRAIN no 2.
Lv. Cedartown 5 19 am
Ar. Griffin - . 855 am '
“ Macon - - 1100 am
' ■ Savannah . 620 pm
Nol North Bound 5o
Lv, Savannah - -845 pm
•• Macon - - . 425 am
“ Griffin • - - g 25 , IIU
Ar-. Cedartown . 624 p m
Lv. Cedartown 6 20 am
•• Romo . 7 08 am
arrive Chattanooga - 10 25. am
parties wishing to spend the day in Chattj
nooga. should take the Central Railroad trail
at 7 08. am returning at 7 13 pm train to and
from Griffin lays over all night at Cedartown,
W. F, Shellman Trafic Mgr.,
J. C. Haile Gen., Pass., Agt.
Savannah Ga.
S. K. Webb Trav., Pass., Agt..
D. G. Hall City Pass., Tkt., Agt,,
Atlanta Ga.
C. S. Truden Gen., Agent
W K. Huff Ticket Agent.'
Rome Ga.
Inflamed itching, burning,crus
ty and scaly skin and scalps of in
fants, soothed and cured by John
son’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D-
W. Curry Druggist.
Shoes, shoes, A B McArver Co, is
the place to go, to get your shoes at
New York Cost.
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia.]
sprains, bruises, lame back, it
quickly relieves pain
All wool dress flanels worth fifty cts
for 33cts. A B McArver & Co,
If you have sour stomach and
feel tilious, and y< nr head aches
take a Japanese Liver Pellet, it
will tvJeve you. by D W
Curry Druggist
S.k ' 8 80, d writtM
v't OuarantW to cure
L.V J S!!u’ r
k J fulneßs.cftUPedbyOT'
•BEFORE - Mon, softffij
he Brain, causing Misery v Insanity an 1
tarreness, Impotency, Lo<?t Power m eitnerre.
Premature Old Age, Involuntary Losses, caikeu
>y over-indulgence, over-exertion of the Brail
-.rrors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their
Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life, cww
Lucorrhcea and Female Weakness. A montn sire
•neut, in plain package, by mail, to any adarej*.**
ier box, 6 boxes $5. With every order we ?ive
vV ri 11 e n Cua ra n tee to cure or refund the inonej
’irculars free. Guarantee issued only by oil v
3ju*ivv agent.
D. W. Curry, druggis'.
It i» aves Cincinnatii at 3,00 pni
daily from Central Station,
ing connections with all throng-*
'rains from the South and lfi’ J^B
passengers in New York Ci’y s *
Grand Central Station, avoiding
ferry transfer.
you go East take this
D. B. Martin, General Fren
ger and Ticket Agent.
E 0. McCormick, Passcuger
Traffic Manager.
A GENT MA KES F-ve Dollars a
Ofhe greatest Kitchen Utensil ever m M
Retails for thirty five cents. Tw» to six v
sold in every bouse. Millions si In > n ‘J*
try alone. Dont miss the greatest opi ” lck iy.
ever kuowu to make money, easily a nu a ,
Sample sent, postage prepaid for five L “
McSAKtk & CO, Cineinnatt, vu
• AlWrtM . >1 , ',< "C-JVcOTt ja'fl '"V
iiu;jfnP';rnr -.rj ;•. y, ' oa.ia - •
•FWTHJ.A.I ri Mi,USMV® 5
P’noqs an tii.l cn-r-.rS
Pjwa - • JAipnqO JO ’OltF*’ x