The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, February 15, 1894, Image 3
er Fifty Thousand Dollars. IN pi_OTHING, HA FS FURNISHING- goodsi ic W hat our invoices Show today. w e intend to sell them, and from this, Jate offer the entire stock at’! ts original cost. This means that anything in ur house can be had for just vhat we paid the manufacturer. Ml Men’s Suits and Overcoats, ill Boys’ Suits and Overcoats, all Vlen’s Boys’and Children’s Pants Hats and all other Hats,' L xce pt Dunlap’s Hatsand E& W I hollars and Cuffs” Neckwear, Un derwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, |ilk and Linnen Handkerchiefs Suspenders, Gloves, Hoisiery frunks, Valices, and everything; jo go iFw Spot Cash in This Sale. Io GOODS WILL BECHARGED. |/ehave enough accounts to burr ; Ip a wet mule. tale Want The Money,-w ■nd if you will come with it we will show: I vou what cost means, k i umnioii & Co. 10-A-LI COAL! ■Rome Ice MZamifac ■n ing Co, Represent- Big Southern Jellico Boat Co. Irnloi acingall ■e leading Jellico coal ■linesand Sole agents ■or the Red ash Jellico Boa]. ■ound Coal one to two ton lots $4,25 per ton ■^ c k lump one to two ton lots $4,50 oer ton quanities cheap. Special prices made ■carload lots, P, 0. Box 134. Telephone * lH C WOOD. Inner and I SHEET IRON ■ , WORKEB Roofing a speciality, all Kinds of Tin ■■ Se etlron Repairing neatly cheaply and y done. Estimates on large er small c Pat, 410 Broad Street. ■UMBER: LUMBER: ■lberT an ything you want in the shape awecl to order and promptly deliver (avin«your order at the store of L. G. B 3 Broad Street, ■ Clarence Todd. E ROME GA. SHE M ADE HIM APOLOGIZE; Mrh. Lyman Says That Hkr Hubbind COWFK.BBED TO SI.AKDEING HI.R Ashv.lie, N. Febuary 14 Mrs. Emily C. Lvman, wife of The. - lore Lym.. , h , lo tl.-d au amend* ed anzwer to Ike complaint of the latter in h‘s suit for divorce, which i« pending in the superior court. In the omplaint, Ljiuaii charges M s. Ly man with unfaithfulness, naming Claud Prescott, an artist as cc-re«- pondent. Mra. Lyman denies the allegation and charges her husband with oruej and inhuman treatment. She further alleges that the plauliff has been since their mairiag® an habitual drunkard confining habits of drinking to his own 1o ne and the vulgarity of hi# drunken and besotted condition to his wife. Hhe says further that it cion to her knowledge that she was being s'andered in the Cosmopolitan Club in Ashville by her husband, aided by A. J. Lvn an, his brother, and that she then called her husband to ac count and he broke down and con fessed his villiany, and for the first time since their marriage apologized and declared his entire belief in her innocense, and then in emphatic terms condemned the perfidity of his brother. A, J, Lynman. Jhe defendant asks generation, the custody of her child and alimony, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman were married in Richmond Va , in January ISB6, and formerly lived on the magnificent Topukeestee estate, near Ashville. PROFESSIONAL COLOH DENTISTS. J A. WlLLS—Dentist.—2oß 1-2 Broad street over Cantrell and Owens store. ATTORNEYS. ~ MAX MEYERHARDT. Attorney at Law. Office up stairs in new Court House in rear of Superior Court Room, JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Ossie Poverty Hwl poscoiH 5) cornor 3rd Avenue CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD—Attorney at law Masonic Temple. Rome, Ga. REECE & DENNY—Attorneys at law. Office in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Conn B sellor at Law—Rome, Ga. WH. ENNIS—.IHO. W. STARLING—Ennis & Starling. Attorneys at Law, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.' feb23. WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office ii _ Masonic Temple, Rome, Georgia. ■ feb32tf Ws. m"henry, w. j. Nunnally, w J. NEAL—M’Heniy, Nunnally & Neal ’ Attorney, office over Halt Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, G i PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. HOWARD E. EELTON—Physician and sut geon—Office in Ma onic Temple Annex. A* Office day and night. Telephone W. tf~RASMSI R—Physician and Burgeo> Office at residence Cl 4 avenue A, Fount " ward. LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon- Offers his r .•ofessional services to the peo “ pie of Rome and surrounding country Office at Cronch and Watson’s drug store, 20 Broad street. DR. - W. D. fibY r at C. A. Trevict drugstore. < r o. 331 Broad street Telephon 110. restdenja. No. 21 DR. C. F. GI .FFIN-Physician and Surge i —Office nr v Masonic building. Residence 300 4th at eue. CITY REGISTRATION. N-'tice of Registration of Voter City Election. Offlcal notice is hereby given that tl>e books for the registration of city voters for the next municiple electioh are now open at the clerk of the council s office at the city Hall- All oity taxes, fines, and all dues to the city must be paid before registering Jhe attention of city voters is called especially of the fact that the payment of taxes does not register voters in the city registeratiou, but in addition to pajing all dues to the city personal application must be ma 'e to the clerk. Attention of all city voters is called to this notice. Registration closes Saturday Feby 17 at 7 o'clock p. m. Election Tuesday M“V ch 6 > 19s>1 - M. A. Nevin. Clerk Council. Feby, 17. AGENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS A DAY. Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invri tsd. Retails 35 ets. 2to 6 sold in every boue : sau pl« Postage paid five cents. McMAKIN A' Co. Cincinnati. Ohio. "Wanted: —A position as sales man, book-keeper or bill cmrk in a wholesale or retail grocery buei ness. by a man with 15 vears ex perience in Southern Kentucky Good references. Address A. A care thi? office. 1 l‘s NEW TONSORIAL PARLOR- Frank Taylor the old knight of the razor has epend up a new bar ber shop at 224 Broad street. Le ii.vitesall his friends and patrons to c ill early and often . I—24tjl—24tj SUMMERVILLE DOI’S. KI.IPPED FROM THE KOU'MNS GF Cain's “good news.’’ Mr. H. D. C.Ed mondsnn kft for j Roma last night to be absent about a week on a visit to his daughter, Mrs, J. W. Maddox. Miss Mattie Jones and her brother, Tom, of Shannon, were in town this week, Miss Jones wont to Rom< jTuesday night. Ed Megg nson left for Atlanta last Friday evening to consult with an Atlanta prysiciaii in re gard to his case. He has made no visible improvement in the last month. The marrying business seems to have come to a stand still. We don’t know of a single couple that is going to g«t married—and by the way that is all the kind of a couple that the law allows to mar ry- It seems that we were in error in stating in the last issue that Jailor Buchanan fell in his house from drunkenness. It was Hous ton Mortor, one of his guests that had gotten loaded from a jug that was in convenient reach. It seems that the jailor was also loaded,but could travel. We will not do auy man an injustice iuteutionly, and hence, publish this correction. The persistent cough which usual! follows an attack of the grippe can h permanently cured by taking Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, W. A. Me Guire of Me Kay, Ohio, says: “La Grippe left me with a severe cough, After using several different medi cines without relief, I tried Chamber a s Cough Remedy, which effected a permanent cure, I have also found it to be without an equal for children when troubled with colds or croup. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Lowry Bros Druggist, You can buy a first class trunk, bagorva lise at the closest fac~ tory price, at Gam mon’s Cash Cost Sale. Rome, Ga. V’OI.IN LESSONS, Taught by. Edw. Buchanan. 507 E. First .St, Care £. C. Ford FEMALE Many women die in the very prime of life, O here live to middle age, but are Feld, m Found and healthy, why is .this you ask? We answer SELF NEGLECT, but your life can be lengthen ed and home made hsppy if you commence AT ONCE. Try one package of Parks Viginal Sup posito i s and vou will never regret it. Will make a new woman of you and w ill abso'utly cure all the distressing of female weaknesses. NO EXPERIMENT. N" doctors examination. A positive cure. Leucorrhea or whites are usually entirely cured by one or two applica tions. Price SI.OO per pckage by mail prepaid. Particulars (sealed) 2c. PARK REMEDY CO. BOSTON MASS, STATE & COUNTY TAXES. Ail unpaid taxes for 1893 are being put in hands of Sheriff for Colection Jno.J.BlaCk. T-C. Towe’s worth three dollars per doz 'ortwo d >llars, A B McArver & Co White Bed Spreads at New York C< st. A B McArver A Co, French Tansy Wafers. Ladies will find the wafers just what ' h j y need, and can be depend ed upon evert time to give relief. Safe and sure. Can be sent by mail sealed securely. Price 32.00 per box. Emer son Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for salt by Iteese A Vhitahvd. Letters of Administratk n. Georgia- Floyd County To all whom it may concern Thomas F. Carroll, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letter* <f administration on 'he estate of Isabella Carroll, late of said county. This is to cite all and singular tne creditors and next of kin of is tbella Carroll to be ai d appear at my office w thin the time allowed by law and shnw cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Thom as F Carroll on Isal<ella Carroll s estate, Witness* mv hsnd and official signature ■ tnis sth day of Febuury 1894, John P. navis, Ordinary. • i dif’u k a.-nie, or chtloreC . _ ivatn Cufl« Log up, should toke brow.* <iron urrntßH. r« m rsjeasant; cures Malaria, Indigestion Koc'tsresa. Liter Complaints nu' rie'dalgta THE STAGE. TWO GOOD ATTRACTIONS BOOKED FOR NE- IKB, There is uo denying these s.dion al and dramatic interest of Bouci cault's ‘ ‘After D irk. ’’ Os its elas i there is probably nothing better. This sea son that enterprising young manager, William A. Brady, promises to pro duce it here in better style than ever and it may ba expected on M mday evening at the Opare House it will more than please the large nudience, that is sure to attend. This is the sixth annual production in succession of this gi eat play. The company is said to be the strongest yet engaged by Mr. Brady, and the scenery ol course will be a strong t poinL Some novel effects of a startling kind are to be introduced in the railway tun_al scene,and the view of the river Thames at London Bridge is said to be un-’ usually realistic McCarthy’s mishaps. At Nevin’s Opera House Tuesdai night Feb. 20th Barney Ferguson and company will present McCartj’s Mis haps and will no doubt be greeted by the usual large audiences. It has been seen here many times, and each time has pr< ved a more merit riou performance. The players are always talented, and the specialists are al ways novel, and with a theme so fun ny as ‘McCarthy’s Mishaps to work upon, it cannot be ith wise. Thia season many numbers that are sure to prove exceptionally interesting, hate been added and the ensemble in one of the strongest presenting farce Comedy. Barney Ferguson funny in personality and methods, is still the little Irishman who is nf vei eut of trouble. Wm. F. Carroll whe was Mr. Ferguson’s first support, has returned to the cast. Barry Max well the well-known Comedian, Bar ney Reynods | a mimic of note; Richard Fe guson the clever Lt le danctr; Margurite Ferguson, tin wonderful contortion istic dancer: Mies Carrie Behr, a talented little lady; Gertrude Fort an accomplished actress; Bertha Warner, one of th» best stage Irish women; Zelroa Rale ston and others, add to the program. The interpolations are interwoven with farcical situations in away that they do not conflict with the ac‘ion of the farce, winch is a continued round of merriment from beginning to end. Box Sheet now open at Yeiser BLOSSOM Is as safe and harmless as a flai seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of sr. Dr. J .A. McGill & Co. a Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. STARKE THE MERCHANT TAILOR H'-X DSOME LINE OF FALL PATTERNS JUSTIN. ORDERS EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND IN THE VERY LATEST STYLE. CALL ON S.M.STARkE ARMSTRONG BIXCK -uj r -scedadsMQ soanq !.g NOHI > a punnii; IF YOU NEED Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circulars, Programs, Posters, Dodgers, Pamphlets, Minutes, Cards, Tickets OR ANYTHING FROM A VISITING CARD TO A 3-SHEET POSTER, you cjyvixr SAVE MONEY By Gerting Estimates From the SHANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE. A large assortment of New Type, Rules, Borders, Etc. If you want to save money on your print ing, give us a chance to bid on it. Orders by mail promptly at tended to. 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