Newspaper Page Text
THIRD year.
diamonds' watches, clocks
jpWELRY, solid silver, silver platet) ware
Ladies are especially invited, to inspect the stocK, Everything will
be guaranteed as represented by the firm, who are responsible, as
you will see by ref ering to Bradstreet’s report, and will be sold with
,, s. I v.-. BUSINESS
Come and See for Yourself.
•hammack lucas & co,**
DRUGGISTS and JEWELERS, 300 Broad Street, Rome Georgia.
4* GO*TO 4*-
The Hole In The Wall
For the following goods.
think of this
Fancy patent flour, as good as
theie is in Rome for only 81 80
One bushel meal 55
Half Bushel M< al 28
Peck of fleal 14
Oone Gallon best oil 14
One Gallon 150 test oil 12
One ib. Arb ckles coffee 24
Best lard 91-2
best lard 07
Sweet potatoes per bu. 80
Magnolia Hams per lb. 11 1-2
Breakfast bacon per lb 11 1-2
Brand, per sack 90
Best Pi u r e8 j 2 ]-2
•^ ext best Prunes 10
per bushel 55
Banon*, per dozen 10
'' s ford'« Bread prep. 10
j Iree Packages pearline 10
Laundry soap, any kind
Per bar 04
B «X.O. )Sy ,, lp 35
°ld medal syrup 50
sell rising flour 20
*'xed nuts on
A'erv l ] TeaS ’ Per pound 25
40 6 ? be V 50
1 ounds grits 1.00
20 ii nCeS lemon extract 05
' ' canulated sugar.l.oo
" si e and be convinced.
Ve ry respectfully,
Opposite Central Hotel.
IIP, SKlffl.
“Doc ” Pulliam Played the
Slickest Trick ever,
Or set «f Physicians Engaged in the
*'Lunacy Business” in Floyd uoun
ty. He lias Completely Disappeared
“Dock” Pulliam is again at lib
He will be remembered by the
readers of The Hustler of Rome
as the prime mover and leader in
the Chester Scott Jail breaking
episode of last fall.
Pulliam was put in jail tor an
attempt at highway robbery, and
while in the walls es that prison
from which no criminal had ever
effected an escape, he pl an tied th«
tor liberty, and so boldly
did he lead on that he, Chester
Scott and four otners. made the
dash and secured the mountain
fastnesses before they sould be
It was the stalwart form of this
desperado who fell upon the Jailor
as he opened the door to lock th<
prisoners in for the night. Four
of the prisoners including Scott
and Pulliam were finally run down
and at a heavy cost to Sheriff
Moore and his deputies they were
once more lodged behind the bars
Pulliam was certain of 12 months
for jail breaking, but he was “deter
nJrik d to avoid the certrinty” and a
bout a week ago he refused to eat
anything and went mad as a march
Hie Attorney, Recorder James
Spullock, had Dr. Hoyt called in and
all was done for the poor devil that,
skill and kindness could do, and his
wandering n i‘id refused to return
(Now he has gone after it in person )
Finally County Physician McCall
and Drs Hoyt and Felton were call
ed" to pass en lis case, before a luna
•Vy Jury. Ibis was on Wednesday
monkeyiug with “poor Dock” for
some 1 ours, the Jury made a ver
dict declaring Dock Pulliam to be a
lunatic and he was ordered removed
from the crowded jail to the Pauper
farm where he could be nursed more
Yesterday morning four strong
men, lifted the emanci ited form from
the cell, and bore it tenderly to a
buggy. He was tr< implanted to the
Alms house, where four other stal
wart, men with tender hearts and
gentle touch bore the poor unfort u
nate wreck into a cottage and laid
the weary form to rest ou a pleasant
In the mean time Sheriff Moore
and deputies McConnel and Turner
had said openly that Pulliam was
only “possumming’ and Mr, McCon
nel had requested keeper Earle, of
the alms house to watch Pulliam
An effort was made to do this but
proved futile, for at two o clock ses
terday afternoon Pulliam had so fai
recovered that he walked out of his
quarters and up the hill to tha woods
saying to those he paseed that he
wanted some gum to chew.
He tailed to return and at 4 o'clock
the sheriff was notified. Deputies Mc-
Cooi.el and Dallas Turner and
Bailiff Beard, Dave Hanks and
Phill G. Byrd mounted horses and
villa the blood hounds were soon
on the scene trailing for the slick
The trail was struck and fol
lowed to the open ground where
they lost it, and Pulliam is again
a wanderer in the cold world.
John Culberson, Pulliam's old
ceil mate at the jail - wears he wil*
lick the life out of Pulliam if h -
ever meets him again, John is in
durance vile because of a char/e
of assault and attempt to murder.
He says be lost four nights sleep
ministering to “poor Dock” and
that the miserable wretch eat noth
ing for the last five day except
what was fed to him on a spoon.
John misses Dock and mourns
his absence and refuses to be com
forted, His anguish is beautiful
to behold .
Another case of lunacy was de
veloped in the county j«il thif
morning. ' The victim was Ed
Ward a young colored brother. Ed
rav j d wildly until beakfast was
brought in and then lay guiltly
waiting for his cell mates to do the
•John Culberson act for him.
Suddenly, however, when he no
ticed another enterprising ceon
packing his breakfast awav he re
covered his gnawmal condition and
ifter a hurt sha •> wpsturbance he
captured the tenn t’ng food and
sat down to eat it, and lecture his
Ward says “niggers aint go*
nigh the sen=e ’er white folks no
rro PUT o.\
• needed flesh, no matter how
. you’ve lost it, take Doctor
I Force's Golden Medical
B'-v f; xVA Discovery. It works won
' \ \ '• I ders. By restoring the
/S' I ji normal action of the de-
/tl' I A I I ranged organs and June-
\ j / tions, it builds the flesh up
sq F A 1 to a safe and healthy stand-
l » a rd —promptly, pleasantly,
't r / and naturally. The weak,
£<; Vi emaciated, thin, pale and
Be Li puny are made strong,
Aw V plump, round, rosy, and
robust. Nothing so effec
tive as a strength-restorer and flesh-maker
is known to medical science. Filthy Cod
Liver Oil and all its disguised coinjtounds
can’t compare with it.
They build up fat, not healthy flesh.
Practically, you can get the “ Discovery ”
on trial. In m erything that’s claimed for it
—in purifying the blood, and building up the
flesh and strength—if it ever fails to benefit
or cure, you have your money back.
On these terms, is any substitute that may :
pay a dealer better to urge and sell, likely to ‘
be “ just as good ’’.for you to buy f
Nothing else, at atty price, is really as |
cheap. You pay only for the good you get.
fOE lffll
CM Himself and bis Bonds
men, Capt. M. A. Nevin.
For the sum of $2,600. Papers filed
nt 10:20 o'clock last night. Three
Al lermen Voted Nay and r.r not li
Capt. M. A. Nevin, Ex Clerk of
the city council filed a suit at 10 :-
20 o’clock last night against Mayor
King and his council.
The suit was brought by Cap*.
Nev*n for the sole purpose of pro
testing himself Rod his bondsmen,
a id was brought under the follow
ing paragraph from Src 51 of
the financial plank cl the Charter |
of the city of Rome; <
The annual appropriations as
made by Council, may be varied
as to the amount distributed to '
the several h *ads, nut these varia
tions not t® rutroact on time expir- .
ed, and not to enlarge in any man- ■
uer the aggregate appropriations
for the year; and no money shal j
be approp iated from the ci y
treasury, except by resolution of
the Mayor and Council, as herein
provided, which shall be v <id un
less it specifies upon its face upon
which of said fund it is drawn ; and
the said Mayor and members of
Council shall be individually li
able to the city for the refunding
of any amounts appropriated or
expenses incurred in exceas of
s id limits, when voting on the
same —except such ot them as es
cape said liability by calling tie
yeas and nays, and voting in the
negative and the names enter- d on '
the minutes —the amount there- f
to be recovered in an action
brought in any of the court<• o f
this State having jurisdiction
thereof, in th f > name of the Clerk
and Council, for the use of the
city - and ten percent of the re
covery shall be his compensatio
and if he fail to bring said acti
within ten days the said sui
may ba recovered of him and 1
bondsmen, at the suit of any oil
zen, and no action brought under
this section, or right of action
shall be settled without the con
sent of the judge be ft re whom
such eu.t is pending, upon exhibit
of all ttie facts, and such consent
entered on the minutes.
The records of that last meeting
of the old council, show that council
men Printup, Mathis, .McDonald,
Griffin, McClure, Wright and Wil
hams®n voted ‘‘aye ’ while Messrs.
Satterfield. Cornelius and Miller vo
ted “nay.’’
Under the charter these lasts nam
ed gentlemen are exempt and will
not be effected by the suit brought
by Capt. M, A. N<.vin, the c.erk of
that council.
Mayor Moore, and a few of hi? Ai
dermen were seen by the Hustles
of Rome today, but had very little to
say cn the subject. One of the al
dermen said that he thought the
overdrafts making $2,600 in the suit
would all Le paid by the present ad
ministration but that not one dollar
could be paid until ths appropiations
wsre made.
These app-opiations are generally
passed about the first of May,” said
he, “and at that meeting the present
co uncd will consider these overdrafts
and do something with them’
Continuing, he said, “I can’t see
how the present council can do much
for the < ity outside paying off the
heavy indebtedn ss vhich has been
piled up by our predecessors, and
left, for us t> dispose of—WO wil
‘tall mo c,’ later on.’’
Foil -wing is the paper filied by
Messrs. Rowell, Underwood & Ro .veil
(Continued ..n thin’ ctl, thin! page)