The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 07, 1894, Image 10

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They are full 34 inches long and 20 inches wide. New and bright and
you can buy them at the value of a wash rag at BASS BROS &. Co.
old store, and PARKS & Co, store.
This is but a little item of the Thousand Great Bar
gans in store for the Fall Trade. Our prices for
the next sixty days will be a revelation to
the people, Prices unmatchable, unap
proachable and phenomenal.
The newspaper announce
ments of our purchase of the
Keceiver of the Ladies’ Bazaar
Co., of Atlanta. It was a
great stock of fine Dry Goods,
Notions, &c., invoicing $39,-
The price paid was nearer
nothing than that at which,
such goods never changed
.hands in this broad land, if our
\ knowledge of such matters is a
true record—
S4OO Yds, heavy yard-wide Brown Sheeting, worth 6 1-2 cat 4 1-2 c.
420 “ Turkey red Damask, never before under 20c going at 1 2 1-2 c.
8000 “ Good quality 4-quarter bleached Domestic worth 71 -2c at sc.
.300 “ Cheviot shirts, with collars, priced by other s at $ 1,50 to go at 75c
Fine Count all wool, 1 O-quartQrjßed Blankets worth $ 1 0.
4000 Yds Dress Ginghams, lovely styles & colorings worth 7c at 4 1-2 c.
300 Pairs Ladies Fine dress button shoes, worth $ 1 .75 togo at $ 1.00.
3500 Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth from 1 0 to 15c at sc.
2000 Yds. High grade, fine count, Sea Island full 36 inches wide,
worth 71 -2c at 5c
240 Pairs of that celebrated Shoe for Men, “Good wear” worth sold only - $1 SQ .
36U Suits Fine ail wool Cheviot Suits single and doub'e breasted
sacks, blacks browns. & c., jvorth $ 1 0.00. Made to sell for $1 O OO or
more. Nothing equal to them in a thousand miles of Rome for the
By far tbe largest stock in this
An almost endless variety from h
single width American goods from
4c up to the exquisite effects of
French Artists: extra quality. Covert
■Cloths, Serges, Novelty Mixtures,
Armures, Bengalines, Poplines,
i Henrietta Cloths, Camel’s Hiir,|
Granites etc.
Satin Dutchesses, Mories, Fail
les and Bengalines, China and Japan
ese Silks. Surahs, Ginghams, Prims,
Percies, Cheviots, Crepe Cloth. Ducks
Denims, Suitings, Stupes, etc.
46-inch Covert Cloth, the latest
•comer of new drees fabrics made to
sell aisL 25 ; cur price... .85
.Beautiful Mixture Covert Cloth,
-wortl 80c. at GO
Two toned Diagonals, 36-inch
]>. uhie told Suitings, J'G-inch,
dark ; !id medium yry-, woith twice
the pi. -e; lull suit, 8 yards forsl,
16Q00 \ar s Fancy Dress Prints,
64x64 cloth wo. th 7c 5
Trimmings & c.
* Ail the imugiu bes in Silks. ll'umi
inaked Surahs, umed. shot a tl d
'eeeddot » ff. <«»8, Benya iues, Tass tn.-.
Velvet« Velveteens. Si.k Braids Pass
ementeiics Jets N, v. by Trimmings,
iwbbons. etc. Ihe desirable thin s m
laces. Embroideries on Swiss. Nam.
sook and Cambrics, all-ov r <mbr<>j'
<ierie u .
400 yards Hamburg Edging worth
10c yard at
20c Hamburg nt
30c Hamburg st |- |
A choice assortment for Men. Boys and Children. Swell effects in Tweeds, Cheviots,.Cas
aimeres and Serges: also swell ellccls in the dressier Fabrics, prominent among which Clays,
and West of England Diagonals. Sails for slender people, stoat people, young giantsand
little fellows. Especial attention is called to 360 Men’s all-wool baits at $5.00, They are
• simply unmatchable bargains. (jur stock ot chaning irom lowest to best quality comes to
us as the most brilliant haul.oiour victorious buyer, and w< are determined bp the power
and magnetism oi price to put more new clothing on men and b.n s this fall than ever before
in our business experience. The few pi ices named th”oughouuthisadvertisementaremere
ly suggestive of tae way other goods will be sold, 300 Overeouts less than half prices.
Fact. Superb assortment ot Clcaks.
1\ AIIIIN] pD V I r l’he Bazaar’s stock almost in its entirety was snipped to our
VIIL-/HINL/1\ B Rome house—cost nearly nothing, and if you anything
in this line, we will sell it to you away down below prices ot other •. Cmnj to sae us
For the goods here advertised, go to either of our s'oi’eo, excepting
that the Millinery will be found ac the PARKS & CO. store, and. the
Clothing and Hats will be at the old store. 25 Broad Street.
■ 1,11 ■ 'r 11,1 * - 1 11
Less Than 1 9 Cts on $
A good percentage of these
goods has been shipped to us,
and if prices and values
count lor anything they will
go into new homes in quick i
order. Our import order for
Fall Goods had been placed
before this purchase was made
and the goods are arriving
daily. Must have room, and
we are going to make it by
bidding adieu to a pde of mer
chandise at once.
• < - ■■■ - ' - ■ - - - r- ,
Sma’l Wares.
I N< edles, Pins, Hair-Pine, Threads,
j Whalebones, Casings, Hook«- utd-
I Eyes, Tapes, Dresa Shields, Cot sets
Laces, Shoe Laces, Buttons
A straw will show the way the i
win 1 blows, so jn tbese httle items;
we will save you 50 to 100 per cent
uh yuur purchases. Slick a pin down
herejii you Lave no pin, we will sell
you a whole paper of English Pins
for sc. and everything else relatively
as cheap.
Blankets and Flannels
These goods at prices that cannot
and will not be duplicated by others
We bought them away under the
market at the great auction sale of
Faulkner Page & Co. New York in
May when the mecury was up and
blankets were down.
We want you to see our full size
Bed Blanket at each—a trilie 25
Our Fine All-wool Blankets SIO,OO
value per pair 3.50
Nothing ever offered equal to
them as bargains.
Red Flannel worth 25c at 15
White Flannel worth 25c at 15
Be,. Twilled Flannel worth 40c at 25
'■l hm Twilled Flannel worth 40c at
X 25
hv<yy r i’lily of Flannel cut almost
in Two.
Cents Furnishing
Linen Bosom Si.’rts Laundried and
Unlaundried ; ,P<T. ale and Cheviot.
Suit is S.tiibo Shirrs gn awers Scriven's
Drawers; Hcsu ry and Glovea
So Price! Price!
will do it. When the cost is
small, a fraction of the worth,
our lee-way is immense-19 1-2
cents on the dollar, and all
fine goods too; most of them
Winter Goods—l 9 1-2 cents,
You never heard of such a pur
in gr at vaiiety. Scarfs Ties Hs '
Supporters Cuffs Buttons Collars and
Cliffs etc.; all iu the bargain catn
-1 >gue.
Men’s Fine All-Wool Shirts and
Drawees silk Stiched worth each sl.-
I 00 ; rs long as this lot lasts our prit e
will be ,09
1,900 d-ply Linen Collars 10
There is no equal to our D. ngola
Dutton Shoe for ladies at 1.00
Have you yet bought our special
Tap-’Soie Blucher Shoes for men?
This Shoe is made exclusively for us
and cannot be sold by any one except
us. We taike the bold position that
there is nrt a Shoe on earth of equat'
wear to it at the
Ladies’ Ckrth Top Patent tin great
value 1.50
Ladies’ Genuine Kid worth
3.00 at 2,oty
Ladies’ Solid' Substantial Shoes
! 75
j Men’s Rex Cklf Shoes 1,50
i Hand Welt Calf worth $4.50 at 3.00
Children's Sofid- Shoes 50
Misses’ Heavy Shoes 65
School Shoes worth SI.OO at 75
.School Shoes worth $1.25 at. 1 .00
Misses’ Fine Shoes worth $2.00 at 1.5®
For all our storw we buy as ma»y
Shoes as any 4 houues in Rome ; we
buy them at head quarters with th®
cash aud we buy tbem at, lower price*
than those who buy in t-rnaller quani
ties. Come to ot r place for Shoes .
Necessary-Just Read the Docu
To Meet One J. T Weaver on
<.••eStun.p The Chattoo
ga News Gives the
Correspondence and
no More.
Here is a rich picca ot corres
pondence which has crept into the
public prints and which will make
entertaining reading matter even
after the present campaign is a
part of history:
Chattooga co Ga
StpMhe 21 1891.
see in the News that you have chan
elsed the peoples party to meet you
in Joint debate, I exsepted your chai,
euse and gave the News my card of
exsept nee. they tailed to publish it
now I will meet you in walker Chat
tooga or fluid, in either or all of the
above named couniie«. you must mei t
me or Just say you Caint and take
water Youis Respt
p s set your time an place an lt>
me here irom you at once
Rome, Ga Oct. Ist, 18'J4.
Mr. J. T. Weaver,
bir: —I found y our letter of the
24th ult., on my return home last
Saturday, in which you say 1 have
■’chabnsed” the Peoples party to
meet you m joiut debate, at d in
which you say you “exsept the
cha euse.” Th s Hyonr language.
Now I suppose you rneaut to say
that I bud ch llenged the peoples
party and th;d you had accepted
tin challenge. Allow me to say in
reply that I have uot chaleuged
the peoples party to meet me in
joiut debate, but I did say that I
was willing to meet any of their
jeprete'itative men and discuss the
pouticat issues of the day.
Now,you magnify your importance
entirely too much. You imagine that
you are th® peoples patty. You aie
mibtuk<n'. Iu fict, if you represent
anybody ud earth but. yuurseif.l have
Xiev.reheard Ct it. You must; excuse
me. To burrow from Sum Jones,“l
have no shot in my sack .mail ujmugb
for your sort. ”
John W. Maddox.
The Woes of a Dress Suit are va
ried and Various.
Some four vtars agi , a youm* man
walked iuw one us the clothing bouses
and gave ius onl rs for a full Gress
suit to be made in the Quaker City.
After a reasonable elapse of time I
was packed and sent on my long jour
ney. On arriving at my new home I
was taken from my com e dment and
introduced to the members- of the
And my! my! with what extreme
care was I taken by my owner to his
sanctwin and there tenderly plac< d
me away to await my enteranre into
the social world.
Finally that long anticipated
day arrived. With pardonable
pride I was dened and sallied forth
<»n the sea of was arnemor-
! Ide occasion, aud the beginning of
a voyage tumulations in its nature
My experience eince then has been
iaideed varied.
there have been but very few
Brnall exeats since my debut that
I have Dot graced with my pres
ence, i havp been iu constant de
mand by Tom, Dick aud Harry,
who have sought togain for them
selves fresh laurels though my
timely assistance now' that I have
past the prime of life, will not the
considerate friends of my owner
let me pass my’ last days iu quiet
to occasionallyjornament the back
of him who knows the cost.
L. L.
“Orange Blossom” is a painhss
cure of all diseases peculiar to
women. Sold fresh by D. W.
Conducted To an Improper House
By Young men Friends.
Hamilton, Ohio, October 6. —
This morning two handsome young
ladies front Liberty, Ind., took a
C. H. and I train for this city,to at -
.tend the fair, Theynict two young
igentlemen from Liberty on the
I train, and on ih >ir : r iva! here the
girls asked to be directed tu fi
boarding in use.
I heir took them to
,a maisoit de joio on Sycamore
street, conducted by a woman
named \\ right. One of the girls
became suspicious and left the
place, and asked Mrs. Garrison, a
neighbor, the character of the
house. She told them the place was
an orderly house and respectable.
On her return she met in the
\\ right place a woman who for
merly’ conducted a house of ill-fam,,
iu Liberty. The two girls at once
left the house on the run and look
ed fora policeman, but could not
find one. They finally let the mat
ter drop, and it is said they retun -
ed home this afternoon. They are
reported to belong to one of Liber
ty’s best families.
n mxw nMirt.i r■. vu -.- ,T',fa •
Bids Wa.-ted.
GE JBoIA, ki.n d l.'hlhiH;
The Bond of Co iiinisiidnet'.-i Os fiords Unfl fteV
einie oi said Oyuuiy will id icive sealed bids for
building two flats, one for Veatlsand one for
lopes ferry, Specifcations are on file in the
oflice of the Clerk of the Board. Said bids to be
in the Clerks ortice not later than Twelve
noon oa Saturday, November 3rd, 1894. fn
Board reserves the right to reject any and a*
Witness t-ie Hon. John C. Fostt r. Chairman
of the Board, This October 3rd. 1894.
30 d ”• -nrriiTi MaX Wey ' rhard '’' lerk -
GEORGIA, Floyd County.
W hereas, J. A. Rounsaville has petitioned the
Board of Commissioners of Roadsand Re-enne
of said Conn.y to a change iu the Silver Creek
road, n arßounsavillc s mill, and in front or
his residence; ana the Commissioners of Cave
Spring District have recommended that said
petition be granted. This is to i.o.ifv ali persons '
having objectionspheierb or claims lor damage
arising there rom to make the same known at
the next meeting of s id Board of Commission
ers to be liuiu on the first .Ueadayin November
Witness the Hon. John C. Foster, Chairman
of th- Board. Tnis 3rd. day of October 1.894.
3)0 Max JMeyerhardt, Clerk
Application for Letters of Dis
Georgia, Floyd county;
W hereas Alexander Johnson, Administrator of '
, Joseph Sh.xipe represents to Hie court his i,eti
| tion Only tiled, th ..t he has administered Joseph
1 Snar pe s estate. Ihis is to eite all persons eon
cerneJ, kindred a.,., creditors, to show cause, it'
any they . an, way saidai miinstrator sh. ».d no
be discharged rroic bis administration and re
ceive .citers - i dismiosiou on Hie lirst Monduy
in January 1884. ibis Ist. 181'4
JoHx i', D. v is,
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia,
-st. d m for 3-irt.
Bids Wanted.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
The Board of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenue will receive applications < t pers .ns
desiring to act as fireman a. the Court House
stating salary per month, for which they wil
act. said appli. atoms must be in the Clerks of
flee by Twelve o’clock noon on Saturday Novem
ber 3rd,18a4,
zrfYh tn u SIS Hon-John C. Foster,. Chairman
ot the Board. This October3rd. 1894.
i*! AUx M i/erhar i„, Clerk.
Citation--L-ave to Sell,
f'r’jorgia, Floyd county:-
To all whom rt nioy Asmrern; A, H. FlJii. E<-
cwt or ot Radioyd Ehis,- tieceasctl has in due
ir rm applied to the undersigned for leave to
se 1 lands hekmgjag to the estate of saiG de
ceased, and licatwm will he beard w» the
hn»t Monday in 2iov next. This Ist day ot (>et.
John F. Davift,
Citation-Leave to Sell..
Geoi<4la, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern-.: Samuel Pyle,, Ad
nnnistiator of Landruitt. decease! 1, has- in j
due applied to the undersigned for leaxw |
to sell the lands belonging to the estate of s»i<4 1
decease<l and saiu apftdcatiuu will lie heard on,!
the Monday in November next. This Ist day I
of October, 1894. [
Jwin-B; Davis, Ordin <ry. I
Notice Gmrciiatis
<ier>wpia, i Agi inabm lt> an orJcr from
Floyd v > t ty, | the e-oiirr, of Ordinary in and!
for sud emintv will be seid betoro the court l!
house Oovr, between the legal hours ot sale on |
the Ist b.hesday in 0.-tobar next, the follow (
ing Jv eal Es. ate to wSt:. Tne South west quar-l
ter ol lot ot land knownos.lot No, two hund eiSl
and twenty-eight (Z.B) in the District and |
3rd Sec’.i eji ol Floyd tnuuty, G.ovgia, contain
ing forty uiiir (,4jacr«vmore or less. Terms cash,
Anderson x Thompson,
Guardian ot the Estate of
Simasland Lunetia Thompson
___ “minors,”
A Years Support.
Georgia. J 1 >yd couity ♦
To :d> wb .ni u mav concern: Notice is hei»-
by given.,ihat the appraisers tore'i .
a par au.Jas'dgn a • ears support to the 5 ininorl
< hildreu,, sf Jack Frion deceased, have lilsd
their award, ..nd imleas good and sutilcivnt .
ciuse is shown, the same will be made the jitdg
mir of the Court at the N vvember term, litßA
of the court of Ordinary. Thia Oct, Is', 1894
John I’. Davis, Ordinary
Floyd county, Ga.
i«& Ar ew i A t ?^?y aßhin J5 ton * D - c -» Octobers,
PR()PoSa^S win be received
at thlsfothce until 2 o’clock P. M. on J the Jlst
'♦ay °f < ictober, ism, and opened immediately
thereafter,for all the labor and materials requir
<d tortlie erection andcompletioniexcept beat
v>K a t? 2) i,l <‘luuhig approaches, of theU. S.
1 os.jOmr eat accordance with draw
ings andspecifieation.eopies of which may be had
S W<! ® or:lt t ’' e ottlce ~r the Superintend
ent at Rome, Ga. Each bid mart be accompa
nied by a ci rtified check for a sum not less than
z •’‘‘rt'ent ol the a uount °f the proposal. Hie
right is reserved to reject any oral! bids or to
waiveany defect or informality in any bid
thouid it be deemed in the interest of tiie Gov
ernment to dojo. All proposals received after
the time stated will be ret imed to the bidders.
Proposals must be enclosettyn envelopes, sealed
and marked. ‘PROPOSAL for the Erection and
Completion i Except Heating Arparatusi luclud
nig Approaches, of the G. S. Post Office at
Romo, Georgia, and addressed to Charles E.
Keu per, Acting Supervising Architect.
Bond Election.
«y direction of Board of n.
Loads ana Revenue, in ... i , " n »iiiu l „„ i
1 b>yd, notice ls rn-rebv d t,,r
<la> <;i Novembm
ai all voting preeimn. J . wu,J u will. 1
County, to tkenmu‘7: 1 j
ponbomlsto urn aim, , I ‘(’‘.‘"""net 1
(»40,tXHl.llll) Dollars »!% ,“' tor >.' IhJ
county lorthe purpose m “ ,B "Ued
lu.lebieo ol .-am loiiun u “‘ a»J
bear thj r dU . A* b,u ’< ‘"'au. j
.uihum, baid interest | . iVe
. ammry m « 4Ch year uu«‘“b “ U '' : l “'« J
ot sam uouus. Said bonus , "i .i..-J
uary Ist. IBbf>, sl (( • ■ (<ui i.e.ij
mnniuau. ng; ,u the lunvakA
tWiwmiuaiim/o,' to b e ,1
Ten Tlmus , uu 10w .cn I
utm.mmatmii oi luu 1 -"■‘i»
UtlKuu.ouUml of TwnnJ “ tl
leu ii“>i‘Saud(«m,O(M.<W J Dolurs
dem.miuuiou m rmy hl
For Hie first twelve ,e’.» ~ ,
saiu conus shod be i,a‘m, iL J n, ‘ c 'el
be paid. ’ ue ‘Mwr
i 1 '‘* rteeiL I* year Five 11 I
Dolljr.s oi | iim ipa j. *. " Jli »aii<| , 1
Thousand (2u0e.00; Douai's m '
Hie Fourteen,!, vear .■ n .' l , ’“ e,Wl i 1
liollars ol principal ' J
r ifteen ilu.mred tioo„ 00) “' J " U T
Ihe sixmeutu J ear ’ r ?v„ > . ’ Ol “‘*lJ
Dollar of prmcqJ (i ei “
twelve aiuimreu and t 1
Hie bevchteeuth ve ir f;va 'r I
Doaam puncipm ( T wtUll “nd .',l
One ibmisaim u.>ii£L j 1,1 ’ u «l
me i-lghlemiLU year 1G ? . ' lhts 'to.l
Dollars o. principal UW eutv D.°.i‘’'‘ l ‘ u ' 1
seven uu.mreu ami ru ty * . J' 41 ‘“>4l
ill Lt rest, J Vw.QUj Li i H Ji
lhe Nineteenth year th 1
Dollars oi principal [Fifty ' ll ’ ad ' 1
F1 • e Huuuren [.>. no ,ojDoilare "h b '“ IU! I
lhe iwrutieuiimr,... in. “ tWes ' ■
Dodars of principal IL. tv l n? auu ikO
Twa Hundrcu ami r lfl y i^.si 7.
Lttuei, when uriurniii , ‘
tully pa.d ms. 11 ‘“‘ a lu ipl
All voters favoring the i 5........ , I
Will nave written or p.imeu Ce " ' ;11J W
• r Bonds.’ Ad om,os’, n° u |>
Bonds.” ‘I St ’ "ords
Board of Comr’sot iwims
Application for Letters j
Bisniission. I
u *i’ r ! R< ‘D, Floy d Cotiniy:— fl
80-fcH>f^oteph7vX 8 A r?!j iWa, l
court in hispe ition <l,,|y fl ”d’ thlt fM
«‘;'”"t er ed Joseph Waiters ’ S ‘X
c it X ,,e, . l “"J 1 «1
iMnistrator should n,',t be djsd.arJK’J
aumiiiibtrau »n ami receive letter.;•.
on the First M,mday in Nm e X' f
August 7th. 1894. 'earner 1594. ■
Aug. Nov 9. Ordinary Flo,. 1 cL'ty.'B
Commissioners Sale. I
W. F. Ayer ) Rule to partiifl
r vv VS ’ ' l,l
J-'V. Barnwell < Jiiard’n. ( Caurt ' *■
i G. C. Longstreet et. al. I H
i nd, rand by virtue of an order mafl
the March term, I the Snj ?rlor court of
county. The undersigne I Coumissioneß
jH.inted for the pill),l.sp, will sell for partß
in the above sra cd rati-... at public
tore the Court house door in Rom.
the usual hour, for public sa'es, on
Tuesday iu November next, rhe
senbed real estate, to wit : ■■ i' ; ,■ -a •
known as the Oak Hill farm, on the r.turaiß
er, abouteight miles Iron, Koine.former
pied hy Dr C. K. Ayer, in tbe23rd.
3'd. Section of said comity of Floyd,
ing the whole of lor. No. 299 and those
of lots .io's. ..00,301,and 302 which
' North sido of the Etowah river
aboil 4F>;u ri.s. Terms -ale. on..
the balaiieeineqii.d aniotmts m
years will, interest at s per cent fr m
sile. The :•.:!«• wid be retained iinttl
p re a a'moo.-v is paid Semern ■ it
M. it.
AdminfstriiiiirsSale. H
GFCRGIA, Floyi,(V»Vstv:-
riirsuam to an orilvt of t lie Court
will fie sold be to re tin- < mii't li" .-<■ ti p '
< ity of Rome,-aid County between
hotirs of Sale, on rhe flirt Tuesd.j
18041, the following prui'ei ty o «c:
DeSoto, mow l-ourtli Ward tip
Comity, Ha., known as th- loriuei
J. I’. M. Byrd, frontirg m>
or Bridge Street in tl.e said 1 i? |,e (
tending irack, s-ittie wi nh 1 le,'. .in I
propertv, conveyed by deed of Mrs.
Freeman', to Mrs. M. E. Knox.
lst ~ldM>. Recorded in Clerhs Olhre
Court said County in Hook ' >'■” ">
4W, NO. W" on June h. a"' l
ed in derilot Martha E Km"'.
Arver, IMFed April Jut 11. Bsl .m" l
Bork“C E.” of deeds, rage 2«
Goopl lot sold as U'e pr.-perti oi '<<.<«■
Sa on deceased. This Ji.iy ; "
Adininistratoi D»
WitSF will annexed of
Libel for Divorce. ■
Georgia, F foyd county. ■
Carrie E M tlianis , Lib'' '
Benj. L. Wil slams L oiirt. Sej t. at
Tojthe defendant p.n ami" I. '
are hereby omitted and ■■
appear;,! th. next term
to be held in t,ie aforesaid < " l " r,,,-
!on the 2nd Mieutay m Ja n "-‘n ‘
there to answer pl.ntilD r'
divorce, As in delaulr l ie
proceed as foyaru jcp J a 1! •. • QB
Witnos- the t xHM
-fores iid county ' In" c , wl
18'4. E. Htysitrgel, , lk, H"1
county Ga.
twice a mo for-Mno.
P< tit ion for Partitionß
Mrs. J. D. MeXM,b f.m I
Watters, Samvel I r ..
dk Mrs. T, W. Nichols
G, W ThomftS. ’ na
To the Defendant, G W 1
hereby n Ulin! """ 4 : K
reimofthe Superior court t"
said county <si tlivs"'"'" 1
lsa.>. then i.tiw ihere •"'" :lA ‘
bald pel ui(r« being to I’lO’ 111 ' , ..
owners mert-i the bdmwum ■/
W hat was tormeriy k''"’ " ‘
in South R. nie, fronting on ■ ‘ 1
hundred aiul rtfty elur|lt
along Cherokee Street f"!
three feet, the back of t i<‘
hundred aad forty-one
two acres more or lees. l'«i>'-
scrilmd iua deed from Alt- • ...
quently conveyed by s.
dren. Also that turn: ol _ .
of the city ol Koine, g.
of the 1 ro, erty ab *' ,
as t.dl.wJWft'-"" K
. street, two .., ,!»'
ning ba, k Ce same wm-'
dred and forty one feet. . A
ty described in a ‘ lee ‘‘ ‘‘X'" dab-1
Mary Thomas ami e llllll
1875. M .
W itness the Hon. " ’ IK4 .
said court, Tin- Sep,-
A s " pl «