The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 07, 1894, Image 11

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    540 a. in. 4,40 p.m.
W» veFMt “‘und ‘ 55 »• “• W 2P ’ “
Arrive C le ' l ' lall " ’ , 10 .25a. m. W-<» P m -
Knoxville 2.16p.m. 4.30 a. in
.. Bristol io2a- m. 9.40 p.m
« washing*” 1 n nt)a . in . 11.00a. m.
» iuiltnn« r e ;• nl . 3.50 a. m
„ Philadelphia. ;|Oa IU 6.52 ft. m
~ >t wYorK '
rEag tKomeats.4°a.m.. has a
Train le*'" lL ' ( ~i r Mobile to Cleveland,
Pullman sle< T L th the popular Vestibule
where jt connea hingll)11 aI1(1 New York
pining I ■' " ‘ )llUtc tS at Cleveland, with
This tram al» arrlV ea at 9.55 a. m. The
tr*in for ' lia "nnectsat Ooltewrh Junction
) >P '” trl ‘ l, * C n^ Ka <lfor<l.Va.. making di
for all points East.
yo West. And The North
4.40 p. m. 2.00 a.m 10.40 am
leave c m. 4.50 a.m. 1.20 pm
Arrive' "attanoog 720 Piin .
* cincu.n.u m.10,55a. m.7.20p.m
“ S ‘ ShV “ is e '7.00a.m. 6.10 p. in.
" Memphis f , 451 ,. m . 7.05 a. m.
“ st ".7 25 ft. rn, 10.25 a. in.
“ Kan , Sa .2.30 p.m. 2.45 a.m,
“ utt ‘ eK ," ,8:00 a. m. 7-50 pm
Home 4:40 p m is the pop-
Florida Limitml.” It is full
ular ‘'TX“ uns solid Jacksonville to cln-
an i>ul)man , 8 Unt . 9t sleeping cars
Cin Sent <ibservation car from Macon
and a niagnifi . free)( where it makes di
to c l iatta, “’X with solid train with through
rect connect! ( . hiltt anooga to Mempiii -
To South Georgia, Carolina and
V Rome .250 am 1115 am 402 pm
Xa’uX 6.00 am 155 pm 625 p S
rrl 1 20 p m 9 25 p m.
“ Mac0n...... 700 am
„ SlV annali— 630 pm
.. Brunswick...-‘ I 5 P m
.. Jacksonville ..900pm 8 30am,
Tra n leaving East Home 2:50 a m runs solid
T ~.. Shenins cars Chattanooga to At
rißam train connects with R & D,S A L, AS.
Wpandoa railroad trains in the Union Depot,
AttaU, It Also has an elegant observation
Chairear (seats free) to Macon,
Warn, Texas & the West.
leave East Rome Wpm
Arrive Anniston 12 05 night. 7 sop m,
.. Selma 530 1m
»• Montgomery.... ,700a m
M mile 1- hO ° n
»• >ew < irleans 445 p m
« Houston 7to a in
Leave East Rome 410 pmA'pi ne Accomoda
Leave East Rome 2,00 p, in, Gadsden and At
talla Accommodation.
Train leaving East Rome 9:40 pm has Pull
ma: Sleeping car to Mobile connecting with
Pullman car to New Orleans,
For further particulars, tickets or sleeping
.car reservations, call on or write to
T,c, SMITH, P * T A, Rome Ga,
I. A, BELL, D. P A, Selma, Ala.
J,J,IaR\SWORTH D P a Atlanta Ga,
•C, A,BEXSCOTER, A <; P A„ Knoxville, Tenn,
,w, a Tvbk, o, p, a, Washington n c,
Western &
At ntic,
—TO —
St,. Ljo us
Kasas Citv
J. J i niphis
-an D’-
Tile West
Quick time aud Vestibuled trains carrying
™ lu w>i Sleeping cars. For any iuformatior
'-all on or write to
General Agent,.Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Tenn.
Traffic Manager Atlanta, Ga.
General pass Agt Atlanta Ga.
Tax Levy.
1,1 • »f Board of Commissioners of Roads I
11Menue of Floyd county, Georgia.
Thek K '” ,e > Ga -. September 13th, 1894. I
the levy' 11 ? hav ‘ n ® ,a keu into consideration
. 'ng of taxes for the present fiscal year I
froiuTi !''' ” ro J’ ertv "t tne county being found
®^ est to be for the present jyear
ller,eral tax hein R 4.37—100 mills on
1M.001J2 11 the,,,rc K oil >< ) making the sum of
f Blowing tax is hereby levied:
To navi.. . Spkci hc Tax,
111 -2 per c, r , I ? C,PaI alld intcreßt on bonds
Toru"Ch' ISti ‘ teUX « 5 - 950 -°°
°" St ati- tax 41 “ gan 8 33.1»-ioo per cent
T ° Br^rund,Nothm K .
p, ’“Cov STYI . vIII , OSEB .
ao general t
tax lU|, l' 33. lu-ioo per cent on S'at;
T « Jury f,,,,,.11-277 58
To j a i; f l' er cent on State 8 499.48
T ' ,1 ’ u °rfumii?' Cr “ 3.406.13
““llOpereent .. 3i400 , u
Tin sa, ne , _ . $43,804 90
all pr ■|H'V''>f th" 0,1 the doll! * v
r state ami, ~*/ 18 county, ingking in
tllß doll aj °onty purposes, one cent on
.'-Jrdertju' t
K'Venof this ievy r ' ’ llat B "ch legal notice be^T' 1 >-y Statute.
' Max mJV"* i eh ’ ''hairman.
A -x Met euhabdt, Clerk.
J A. WILLS— Dentist—208 1-2 Broad street
, over Cantrell and Owens store
J' Tem?le ,^idid“° rney Maß ° niC
_Templi- Building 1;., 1H ,. (Horgi*.
I Po^er S i t -\f u| ;VlN r‘~| Att,,r “° y at Law offl c
1 overt) ll.iil puscoiHo cor ior 3rd AvHmie
pH AS. W. U.NDI -RWOOD- Attorney at
4 j Masonic temple. 1
Rome, Ga.
RtLCh <S DEN NY—Attorneys at law. OttiC’
in Masonic leutvle. Rome, Ga.
W'^.MANpIVER— Attorney and Com.
B sei lor at Law—Rome, Ga.
W H - KNN’IH-.Jno. W. STAKLING-Enni,
« ,'r Mtarnng. Attorneys at Law, Masonj.
Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23.
■"• NEAg—»i Henry. Nunnallv & Neal
n i -^tt" r ueys-aVatlA<w, office over Hah
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, G:
Dm m R A-MSCR— Physician and Burgeo'
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fourtr
L.^;_ ha -M. m <>ND— Physician and Surgeon
a OfTe rs his i rotessiunal services to the ra,
.mi p . Rume and surrounding country
Office at Cronch and Watson's drugstore 20
Broad street. ’
DR. W. D. HOYT— Office at C. A. Trevitt
afc ?s e ' ,r °. 331 l} road street Telephon
110. residence. N 0.21
DR.C.F.GF ti’FIN-Physician and Surge
—Office ne r Masonic building. Residence
3do 4th ai nue.
Frank A. Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Tre - itt & Johns >n drug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all professional call
k ■ Lfß ■ vs,
S 3 3HOKaiyjKSi.
’’S 3.49 POLICE,3 SOLFS.
V(’- ! j EXTRA FINE. I ’ S
\ r . S 2.H/SBoysSchoolShoes,
Yon can save money by purchasing VV. Lh
Dougins Shoes,
Because, we are tue largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
lite hottomi which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
e ;ual custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. V.’e have them sold every
. here at lower pricc» for the value given t'
”ny other make Take no substitute. If yout
...Mercannel supply ■ ".’'■•can. Sold by
.Cantrel' & Owens,
Nerve Berrie<»
have done for others
will do
for yv<l
M E Easily, Quick!/
and Permanently Restored, soth da <
A. positive cure for nil Wei Nervous!-, -j*
Debility, and all their train of evils ’•••su.tiO'
from early errors and later excesses; the resn
of overwork, Rick worry, ete DuvhP’i
and gives lone and *ir4*fßtrUi to th ~<exual or
gans. Stop* uh natural lokf.-k siitttiitl
rnilsaion* caused by youthful error* r e?
cessive use oi lolMtrco, opium and liquot
which lead to conaaizuptioii and inannilj
Their use shows immediate improvement. Aceep
no imitation, insist upon having the genu ne
no other. Con en
l iSUi ▼ <Lz vi l > lent to carry i:
pocket. Price. per box, six boxes, on fui <auarxnfee<i iorurr a'iy < amc.
’f not kept by your druggist we will send them
0} mail, upon receipt o» price, in plain wrap
la*». Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders te
A.N HEDR AL CO., Cincinnati '
F s ale by Crouch &
The Cundell Lumber
Co., sells
Cheap shingles a I 1
Cheap lumb e r a1 1
Cheap ceiling and
flooring, sash, doors,
and blinds. 9-7-Imo.
ensues ■.
When you want to
buy groceries and buy
them cheap call upon
J. A. Kane cor. Broad
and Ross St. New yel
low yam pototoes very
cheap, orders caHed
for and delivered. Give
me a call satisfaation [
We have just opened
a new meat market
and hereby invite you
to call 3nd try our
mountain fed beef,
pork mutton and other
fresh meats.
Schlapback & Mcln
tyre 427 Broad St.
The embers in the wide-throated
old lire place caught to a remain
ing twig, flared up weirdly for an
instant, then sank into nothing
but a warm, rich glow.
Shadows from the furniture
outline goulish silhouetts on the
walls. A grayish ash creeps over
the living coals and every object
appears vague and indistinct. The
city clock booms out clearly in
measured beats, once, twice—
twelve, times. Then a ghostly still
ness hovers <>n the midnight.
+ + +
+ + +
Strange passionate emotions
surge into my soul and banishes i
soft-voiced peace. Cares and per-!
plexities of life have caught me in
their maelstrom and crush out all
the better impulses of my youth.
. n :
What need is there of prolong
ing an existence, every moment of
which is freighted with despair?
Why not obliterate all, by one
deep draught from the vial at my
elbow? There are none to mourn
my death—oblivion and the grave.
The end will come swift and
pangless—my hand seizes the bot
tle and raises it to my lips.
+ + ♦
4 4 4
As soft as the notes of the flute,
blown by summer breezes across
moonlit waters, music gently beats
against my ear. So low at first tha ,
nothing but an indiscribable sweet- !
ness can be recognized. Now words
seem to form as the tone becomes
fuller, richer and that old song vi
brat< s through the atmosphere :
Jesus Lover of my Soul
Let me to Thy Bosom Fly.
It is hushed. There steals over the
room a pale beautiful twilght,
growing gradually brighter until
all is aflame with a celestial fire.
A face grows out.of the radience
and angel face so divinely lovely
that my very life must be ebbing
away in breathless ecstacy ns I
watch it- A look of ineff-able
compassion bean s down on me,
and the eyes plead with my way
ward soul.
As softly and silently as it came,
the face serene fades away and the
glowing effulgence dies out. When
I wake the precious sunlight is
streaming in molten bars of purest
gold across my bed. It is anyth' r
f t +
The dream face was my moth
ers. Ronald Jones.
A Card.
Editor Hustler,
Dear Sir: —Please correct, the
statement in your paper that a hat
at. $1 00 a suit at sls 00 aud a pair
of shoes at SI.OO makes a total of
$7.00 The $15.00 item should have
read $5.00, that, Mr. Editor, refers
to our all wool man’s suit.
Very tru'y.
W. H . Coker & Co.
Jeliy scts. at Morris’
Telephone 6.
Warter’s “Hand
made” grows more pop
ular as the days go by—
a id its because of mei -
it. For sale by all deal
ers. Try one.
Warter’s hand made
is the finest smoke on
the market —and then
it is Rome made;Fruits
of home Industry. Ask
your dealer for one.
Onion Setts, Red
White and Ye'low, at
Turnley &Co.
Sugar Sets, at Morris
Tel°phcne 26.
Teacher of Violin,
Mandolin, Guitar. Stu
dro, Shorter College.
Hours from 3 p. m. to
5 p. m. Begining Mon
day, Sept. 23rd. 1894.
The Ladies can now
get the latest Fashion
sheets at Lanham &
Sons, Fourth Ward.
For the Benefit of the V.M.LA
26th & 27 of Oct. At Nevin's.
Friday night was the first rehear
sal of the milk maids and wasa sue
cess every way. The next rehears
al is set for Tuesday night at Mrs
j Al Walton’s, 308 East First street,
j incidental to the interesting pro
Miss M. Estelle Mitchell will,
during the convention, deliver one
of her imitable recitations. Miss
Kathryn Darby’s pleasing . voice
will be heard in a choice vocal se
lection. Miss Zoe Eastman will
read an original article ou “Cows as
she linds them.” The chorus will be
composed of about twenty tive of the
lovlieet young ladies of the city .Some
unique surprises are in store for fun
lovers who attend this attraction,
Rome’s amateur operas heretofore
hare always been successful!; the
drilling of the choruses lor this op
eretta is in the same skillfull bands
that had the Bohemian Girl and
Chimes of Normandy in training.
The Dairy M rid Festival will be
produced Friday night, Oct. 26 and
Saturday matinee Oct, 27 Kevin’s
Opera House.
The Dairy Maids Festival. An Operet a in Two
Lolly Miss Mae Clark
Doily Miss Rose Woodruff
Polly Miss Ruth Walton.
Betty Miss Mary Nevin.
Daisy Miss May Patton.
Three little Maids:—Miss Eddie Magruda
Miss Cora Clark IVI >ss Kate Darby.
Chorus of market maids, milk maids, daily
maids etc.
The Imperial City Quartette.
M p ssrs West, Patton, Warner Berry.
Sport McAllister, two Fly Cov?.s. Anbeuser as
Prof. Edw. Buchanan, violin Virtuoso.
Mr. F. A. Johnson. J
Just From Mars. I 1
O — I ,
Good Night Chorus-
Ground Ensemble—
Get seats early and avoid the
Ruined City Found.
O'lXHcu, Mexico Oct. 6.—Antoii a
Cerevus. h tmted scientist, has j i-i
reached heie from tbestate ofTa uis
co, where he hns discovered i oino < f
tne most wonderful and interesting
ruins yet found in Mexico
,Vhile exploring a wooded an<l dis
tinct valley of the San Pedro River,
iu that state he came upon an «i cieiit
and dcseited village, which is so -
rounded by 18 pyramids. These pyra
mids are 30 ineteis high, ami they
constructed of brick and stone.
B F Roark the Jeweler Is now re
ceiveing goods lor'tnli ami when you
want any thing in th Jewelry line
yon wi 1 find he has the pretlest stock
in Rome to select from.
Superior Court.
Philip Murkiand, the young whit<
fellow, who stole a horse from Mr
Chas. Berry sometime ago, and was
epptured near Calhoun,was tried iu
superior court yesterday.
Murkiand is a Lice looking voung
1 fellow, und does not look like a
hordentd crim mil. lie was found
guilty and sentiuced io five years iu
iLe pendentiary
Dick West-, colored,was sentenced
Ito five years in penetentiary fu:
stealing some meat.
Mitchell Billups, colored, broke iu
jMr Trouttnau’s smoke house, and
i pleaded gui y. He got five yea.s in
! the pen.
The Court set the cases for the
toird week yesterday afternoon.
Flour 40cts. at Mor
risTeiephone 26.
to cur?
/•j tion, Fits, Dizzi-
nest. Headacho,
V l * Heuralgia and |n-
5,1 »omnia. Great ex
I j J?'* J cenae® in the use of io-
bacco. opium, alcohol
and in other direc
-1 'v’/ i n r« tiuns, bringing on De-
presoion, Softeningof th© Brain, Insanity
and at last a miserable oeath. MAGNETIC NCR
VIHF. arrestsail losses in either sex, renews vitality
und Mreni;th to both the muscular and nervous syst»ff »
tones up tne brain, builds up the flesh, brings refresh
lac sleep* and restores health and happiness to ’h
-unerer. A month’s treati&ent in plain package b
mail to any address, s!.<<» per box; 5 for |5.Ub. Wil-,
every ss.ooorder w o give a Written Quarantine tc
cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarfc.***-»?
Hso»'d oul- by our agents.
\ Ht
\ vw
Under This B-anner
Readers of this paper can now march to
knowledge, honor and success. All
Intelligent people upon one fact—that
there is no middle course to pursue In life.
It must be progress or retrogression. Wa
must go forward or backward.
To Succeed in Life
Is. the desire and aim of all. Chief among
the elements of success is education, and
chief among the sources from which that
education may be acquired Is the
It treats of every subject on earth in a
clear, practical and sensible way. It unveils
to you all the secrets of nature, so far as they
have been unlocked by the wise men of the
earth. Far from wearying you. you will find
It entrancingly interesting.
We will not tell voh that you ought to have
know that already; don't you? But we will
tell you that you ought to get it now.
Ttvt yri c-x Because a thing
ww/ Hl canno ' b ® d<TVie too soon.
V V 11 11// o Because if the books are of
value to you. every minute
you are without them is a loss of that value
for that time ; is It not ?
Because the best terms and prices can be
• obtained now.
It is the opportunity of a lifetime. For
specimen pages, prices of various styles of
binding, etc., address—
The Ccmsthutflon,
YsWle Farms lor Beit er
W e ha v e O n ha n d a
numbero g >od farms
so rie nt o r sale. Thee
farms have come into
our hanasa' v ;ry re -
sonab’e figures, and
we are m positiun to
offe- them et low
pric- s and on m
save a ole term . r
anu a-iG nuye svv nuo
do we’l t • 'onsiih ü
bt-fei e;r iifi, W ca-.
11‘ n’ or *'o i . !' i•' >d
oar:i w W • •; time
on r a rm> v, t- <- * p.< < -
p:>rec, ■ f rr? if • i>ns
C m-‘ ’Wi -; u •..j-
Ho 1 K nsrr & ': -rris.
Everybod / //h ‘ ; s
sem'- b -d_. i e . c. h e s
the doc;in/‘ at- nize
h me ‘ Lo
6'S (j > ci. gO‘ < ' f’. 1 f• Gi i
afford ’ r. .c ic •
they preach for V/ Art -
er’s Horn :- ma 'iu , ■ ;ra.’S
are the best or t
rvm -W. LariiiHHf, i <>
rector of Y. M. C A.. I>’ '•< ; >
lowa, says he can c t;-<'i titi<>u<’i
lecotnmeiid Cii'ui b-.-rim , - I' rip B .In
to athletics gyiuDusla, so
bail phiy<tb aud 1.-»■ i<i i.>u i
Jp-De.rul for bIUIFI'H rp: HUH nlxi <ll
loCalK'lia ; a so :<‘l’ si'slns* >U> 1 -ill!
nes« rd lb*- ulv i ip; .i-<i
befoi- f ha par s ’>pco p ,-sw<»i 'i i
wifi «ff-H't a cure iu <>• ’h:- m
iiKiia’!.. Ji'ij i'• F I • '>»' L <wr«
IJ •Uo D-'--. •3' ■’
Terrible Headaches
Relieved by
Ayek’S Pills
“I don't believe o j
there ever was so oj
/ JISo a pill made
/ as Ayer’s Cathar- Oj
tle rUls ’ Tl,ey o:
v ' \ will do all you ree- o :
j ommeuti then) for Oj
W and even more.
F I'l w 1 When I have ao'
r J i \ j cold and ache o]
from head to heels, a dose or two of
these pills is all the medicine needed to o|
set me right again. For headache, they ®:
never fail. I have Leena victim ofter- o =
rible headaches, and have never found oj
anything to relieve them so quickly as ®:
Ayer’s Pills. Since I began taking this o :
; medicine, the attacks have been less and O j
• less frequent, until, at present, months
' have passed since I have had one.”—C. o
i F. Newman, Dug Spur, Va. ®
Prize Medal at World’s Fair g-
£<* A N
Hard times and the scarcity of
mon- y lias forced the price of cot
ton down to 6 cents.
Wages and everything else is
low and we propose to put the
price of Groceries and Dry Goods,
etc, down in proportion.
We are the on y large dealers in
our line in Rome that don’t belong
to an associ *tion or combine of
some sort to keep the prices of
goods up.
In business, in Rome
about 15 years, and
have never joined an
association of any kind
that had tocut prices
f >r us to sell by.
We began with a sing*
le 1 ttle grocery store,
but by selling cheapfor
Cush and n wer trying
to get more for goods
than they are worth.
We have built up a
trade that any body
right ieei proud of.
We now have six
s cres in the Fourth
Ward. 2 with G -ocer
e ’, iwo with ary goods
and shoes, and one
vii'iClo hingandgent’
Furnishing goods and
ore with Crockery,
Glass Ware and stoves
Oar Crockery Store.
And in addition to these we
invi' one at 236 Broad street with
i. Mammoth Stock of Stoves,
Cr< ckery, Glass, Tinwear and
House Furnishing Goods.
W(> buy in 1 rgo lots as cheap
ns any wholesale merchant a id can
• >uy und sell them as cheap as
.ve pie se.
We Wholesale and Retail and if
you have a little money to spend,
iv<- can and will sell you cheaper
than any body in this city.
Look Ata Few Prices.
Good Green C< ffee 6 lbs for $1
lend sound Tobacco 11 inch plug
r 5 cents. Good Red Flannel
Guaranteed all Wool at 10 cents yd
Teavy .bans 10 cents a yd,
C tten Check 3| cents and up
'hewing vard wide 4k cents a vard
Cottou Flannell 5 cents a vo-d
Bleached Cotton yd wid- 5 c > • yd
Dress Gingham 41 ceuts a / <1
R'lour, Meat. Sugar. Etc. LiuUer
the prices pf the Association
I; you ar« a merchant come
tn -‘-'r n-, and we will save you
■i.-'Ufy by giving you our lowest
j , uc*-'.
La iham ASons,
31 3,318, 320,322,:3-
24, 326 Fifth Ave
2 3 P:-oad St.