The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 07, 1894, Image 8
! FO’ GfiWD, Man Ah Jes’ Done Hit, an’ Cats lAIIDere is Bout Hit. “Fo’Gawd Ah (loan ’ want t<-ll Duff n but de truf. Ah doan want, tell nuffin but do truf. All done hit, an’Ah’se gwine tell de truf ’bout hit. Why Ah done hit? Fo' Gawd Ah doan know ; but Ah jes’ done kit an’ dats all den* is ’bout hit, an’Ah’se goin’t’tell de trui ’bout hit. ” So said Charles L. Smoots, the colored man, formerly of Florene*' Ky., who eloped with Lillie Mur ray and married her, leaving a wife and family. Detective Ryan, of the Prosecu tor’s office, brought him from Louisville to answer the change of bigamy. Mr. Ryan asked him if he want ed to see his wife. “No’n deed man ; no’n deed. Ah doan want nomo’ofdat woman. She done gib me trubbel ’nough. Al’ays gib in’ me trubbel in mah head, an’ Ah done fink Ah didn’know wha’ Ah were doin’when Ah run ’way widxlatgal. Ah lied so much trub bel in mah head.” Ryan told him his wife would be put in the next cell to him in jail. “Doan’ yo do hit, man ; doan yo do hit. Ah done go crazy if she cum neah me. Doan do hit. Ah tell de truf es yo’ jes’ keep dat wo man ’way from me.” —Cincinnati Enquirer. A POSTAL WAR Between Uncle Sam and Canada For Australian Mail. New York, 0ct.,6.-A little postal \ar is going on between the United tjes ai d Canad; , regarding th<- \>ortation of the Australi m-Eng S \ t sent the transportation is \ed,but Canada wrote it haid to get it. The Canadian ralroada and A v ashipa is shorter, but the Ameri can rail and water companies beat them over by 24 hours Mails pay better than either pass engers or freight and besides gives the hues Government protection at all times. Once a quarter Uncle Sam pays each mail-carrying steamer $20,000 and that is why steamship Fuerst Bismarck, on leaving Hoboken to-day steamed up the Hudson to a landing at the foot of forty-fourth St,, instead of putting out to sea. Some of the passengers thought they were going to Hamburg byway of Albany. ;A.D.Maze, Superintendent of the Foreign Mail Division of the Post office,had ordered 456 bags of United States mail on the steamer. Then it Was discovered that the Ai s ralian mail had not arrived at the Grand Central Depot. As the detention would not be more than three hours the steamship •was held and Captain Allers headeb her up the North River and anchored oft’ the foot of Forty-fourth street, were she remained until [the mail was placed aboard at noon. PALACE MARKET Os the upper end of town. Chas Weis has opened up a meat mar k?tat 4 Cothran St. where he will be glad to see his many friends i his isthe place to get all kinds of steak roast; chops and c I would be pleased to have you give me acall. JX ■Bfc.iu ■mn i lM—l HI H I ■JUIWiM TaKf Dr. M. A. THEDFORD'S L.VER MEDICINE. /"c.? ■ fl \CoSTIVENESS ?■-■ ■■■ , \ StCKO/t INDICESTIUN I I,\NerVOUS BILIOUSNESs\ \ headache. J K /JAI/.VD/CE Mvmess of Stomach Appetite bNoKEGEHUiNE Wn; 3utThe Likeness ..nd SICNATUKE OFM A.T.HEDFORD OH FRONTOF £ach Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med © K PLUCKY WOMAN. Opens Firs on a pair of Eurelars Working at hsr Door. 1X ! Kf'ti‘ll, K ,() Huber (» —M I S 1. G■ > v le 11 ii bb • (|, wifn of tbn P°p ular United Stnles Bank Exami ner* lormerlv Umcinatti, is the lerom • of t ie h >ur in gt on today, Col. Hub! ell has b< en away on a irin tor »-ome wct-ka, ai.d Mrs Uublxl and h>r little children nave bi-t-u a’ the lug Broadway residejjce ;<lone, Mr Hubbell is a| sn-ter >»f ex-Mayor J Hull David son. audit noted Keuiuckt|beauty.l About 1 o’clock this morning Mis Huboell was awakei ed by a noise at the front door. Sne cauti ously opened her room dnor, and a moment later beard the panel of the door brake in from the burglars j i in my. Sapping buck into the room, I she procured her husbands pisti l and going across the hall to an open window just over tko door. She saw two robbers engaged in forceing in the door. The gleam ot a pistol showed in the moon light from one of the thieves’ jackets. Mrs Hubbell shouted io them to throw up their, hands, and, as they did not obey she opened tire. One grabbed far his pistol with a howl of pain, but seeing Mrs Hubbell’s pistol still on him, botn turned and ran Mrs Hubbell tele phontd to the Phoenix Hotel for her brother. He arrived and search ed the premises, but nothing but the damaged door was found. Mrs. HubbxL received many congratulations today. Mr. Hub bell’s father, the well known busi ness man, it will be remembered wrs drowned i;i Arkansas some mouth ago. Ail of Mr. Hubbell’s r» latives reside in Ciiiciuatri and they will be glad to hear of Mrs. Hubbell’s hero ic condui t. Great Show. Living Pictures. Oneofthebig novelties of the season is M. B. Leavitt’s gorgeous spectacular extravaganza, “Spider and Fly,’’ wnich is due in Rome Oct. the Bth. The text has been entirely rewritten this year and every one of the three score features are new and up to date. It is said to be a great show, and one that will surely meet the demands of the great American pubbc, as it embraces everything that is popu lar nowadays with theatre goers. Comedy, burlesque, pantomime and specialty will be the order of things,3 with magnificent scenic effects, costumes, properties and mechanical and electric effects thrown in, besides a series of Liv ing Pictures, similar to those made famous by the great Kilanyi. The company will comprise fifty odd people, among whom are Flor ence Chase, Annie Suits, Blanch Siegrist, Georgie Putman, Hattie Starr, Ceorgie Lawrence, Boyd Hammond, Mabel Rivers, Minnie Brown, Steve Corey, Kelly and Ashby, James A. Kiernan, William Eunice, Harold Leslie, and a corps of character dancers headed by Mlle Clarice Cardell. Box sheet open at Yeiser’s. Prices SIOO-75- 25. Chicago Ladies Shocked. Chicago, 111., October 6. —The Women’s Christian Temperance Union has entered upon a crusade against objectionable theatrica bill boards, and the exposure be fore the footlights of scantily cloth women . BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FORCA TARRH THATCONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy th sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en ering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Qheney & Co,, Toledo, ()., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and is made in T oledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Cm_ Testimonials free. jfW'Sold by Druggists, price 75c iper THE HUSTLER OF ROME. SUNDAY OCTOBER, 7 1894. WAIT FOR THE BM BARNUM .4 : JKSWfPS ' 1' THE GREATEST LEADEB IN AXUBEMENI A -y /s to Of' M? J g*W \ a — & y IHr ofi h? a Z-H ;». • ■IL V | , 8 fflL UnftlWifa (x Lt I M Greatest Show On Earth ROME, "■ OT UNTIL 9 H - —~~ fl .beginning on that day a Grand Triumphant Tour of the Southern States MSra . ■BE FOOLED BY KO CHEAP SIDE-SHOWS I •'WMaB* 1 \ &£> A’ There is only one great and inimitable show in the world and tint is the big bmmm & BAILEY show. Capital invested $3,500,000. Daily expenses $7,300. Only show • , dorsed by the Cie-gy. No False Pretences. No Exaggeration, pm?’ L i JUST AS ADVERTISED. New Performances” New Peotde ~ Attractions * MEASE!) IS EVERY WAY grand Except In price ot admission. k - ? Jy GREAT EQUESTRIAN TOURNAMENT. FOX HUNTERS’ MFFT EQUESTRIAN MAY-POLE Hance. • “ WB THREE CIRCUS (WANES in three rlvgs greater number of acts, and better ones than ever before. T oo*» , , , . , „ lw# Elevated Stages, Race Track scud Steel-barred Annual Areun “EE”“™ 0E O TRAINED ANIMAL EXPOSITION! Curious Human Beings with queer religions and ceremonies, Acrobatic, Gymnastic and Tumbling Tournaments. Circus, Hinno. Fagans, Idolators. Heathen, Mohammedans, Cannibals. Vishnus, Wffl® drome, RhCiilg, Aerial, Equestrian, Wild Beast and Buddhists, Confucians, Hindoos, Christians and ? mazons, whole yy VglK. Ar.imnl f’vhibitinns vuivsuc familes.f savage people with their huts, weapons, implements, Annum liiiiih iuus. < No, and you never will unless you attend the ' f> Ml & BAILEI GREATEST SHOW ON EOT ' 12^!l ?S2s M J^«LS! L L E^SIJ^ s ’ 12 20-OFTHE FUNNIEST CLOWNS IN THE WORLD-’# JOIIAm, THE WIDOW OF BIG CffiO. OGR PRIDES THE SAME NORTH AND SOUTH The Greatest Curiosity ever exhibited, and of the utmost interest And Everywhere Vfe Take Our Entire Big Show, to the scientific as well as the curious. -ss»i "e-ei -i-r <a rs.m TWO UM O’* TO AND TUISIH APMISSIOw Hl tfeiHHiiifi c iulp mcs. F'etScious, Wild and Domest’ Aniiu./s D'-rformirf" ; t o te tiire < * XYltli OtllfS GUiCl’ Shot I*o GOQT fit Tell Cents. iMrasE. ’S TBEYEYLK® " ' 4 To All Points on the Big Sk«nv’- Tonr. Bowling Green, October 2; NashviJ •. 0.- tl S; Coh-ntbia Oct<-.ber4- Birmingham, October 5; Montgomery. • / .tcl-tt o; M ..c G -i, C ctoher b • Amer 2 | BOt o*l*o.-rNORTH /v, “eserved seats at regu'ar prices, and Admisson tickets at usual advance, at Ye ; ser ! s Drug store, 330 Broad street. BEWARE OF CH FAP 25 CENT SHOWS, PLAYING THE SOUTH AT INCREASED PRICES O „iXZL 6® rS./\ 11 iri X AIiONE GI U ' MB SHOW AND THE Same P ices Northand South. NORTH GEORGIA biota! Collow, W 0 DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY, At Rah'onaga, Georgia. Spring term begins first Monday in February. Fall term begins first Monday In September. FULL LITERARY COURSES TUITION FREE W th ample corps of teachers. THROUGH MILITARY TRAINING ? under a U. S. Army Officer detailed t’ Secretary of war. - ~. I Denartments of Business, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy. Music and Art. Under competent and thorough instructors. YOUNG LADIES have equal advantages. CHEAPEST COLLEGE in the SOtiT For catalogues and full information a dress Secretary or Treasurer of Fo*> Trustees. .lUnii.v are DIOIC 3>wn front overwork or household cares. Hrnwn’u ilroti Bitters Rebuilds urn system, aidr dig-'etiun. removes excess Ol' Illi,, wad cufea witot. Get um gec»ioc. IEXAS! IS THE DIRECT LINE TO TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST IS THE SHORTEST LINE TO "MP SOUTHERN TEXAS. E3 IS THE ONLY LINE TO TEXAS ■8 ALL UNPEG ONE MANAGEMENT. RJ ISTHEONLY LINE GIVING CHOICE ■fl OF ROUTES VIA SHREVEPORT Era or via fiEW Orleans. ISEQUIPPEDWITHSOLIDVESTIBULED TRAINSTONEWORLEANS ANDWITH' H THROUGH SLEEPERS ATLANTAAND M BIRMINGHAM TO SHREVEPORT, fej CLOSE CONNECTION AT EITHER POINT gl WITH THROUGH SERVICE OFTEXASLINES I OUR RATES AS LOW AS ANY? A J.LYTLE DIV.PASSRAGE NT READIHOUSE CHATTANODGATrsn, J.HME GREGOR TRAV.PASSRAGENT 20051 JJAVEBIRMINGHAM ALA WX.RINEARSDN G.P.A. CINCINNATI.Q. AT HALF PRICE. We show h far the largest line of C h i I drei ’s Kn e Pants Su is. We have thorn from -60 c up. | $25 ’ FOR MERCANTILE COURSE IN BCCK-KEEPING Including Books Call at office for particulars J.G. HARMISON > I j . A. GRAND OFFER! ; t£SIEE MME. A. RUPPERT’S ;; ft HEE FACE BLEACH MME. A. RUPPERT J i'-’Tx Bays: "J appreciate the fact . ijAtls. that there are many thou- 1 vi'wA Jr Bandsof IndieslntheUnited O.Sk'jStates that would like t >trv U ™y World-Benov. ;,ed Face u Si <R. Blbach: but have been l kept from doing so on ac- >• counterpri<.whlchi«fi?.oo .’laW-**- Per bottleor 3 bottles taken together, 55.00. jn orde> ’ * uUEff that al lof these may bavt 1 an opportunity, I will give S;' L to every caller, absolute!} . *r frpe, a sample bottle, ant d Z? to supply those .mi '-3- — —of city.or in any partof the * 'orld.lwillsend Itsafely pnekedin plain wrapper 41 charges prepaid, for 25 cents, silver or stamp. ’ In every case »f freckle., pimples,moth, sal iwness, black bends, acne, eczema, ediness, rough ; • ss, or any discoloration or disease of the skin id wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) I.CB Bleach removes absolutely. It does not jver up, as cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address MADAME A. BUPPERT. (IVpt. O.) ■. 9 East 14th St., NEW YCP.K CITY. ROME li. R. OF GA. ANl> W. & A R- R. an <1 n os’ c?<s-iit 1-I’Je lhe l<>' ~n lItBIE ANO iWi Chattanooga, Lashville. No waiting on connections or delayt d tr All trains leave on schedule time from ,K° m Railroad depot, foot of Broad street. |EE i “Oii*y one block from Armstrong B< tL 0“0“'y four blocks from New Centra No chance of Cars. Throng Coaches on all trains Be tween Rome and Atlanta. nt’ Atlahtß Close connections in Union <k 1 ( u ‘ r . n g, and Chatttanooga with all trains, i r Leave Rome, daily at 9:> san - ’ Arrive Atlanta” ” 6:25? returning. a Leave Atlanta, daily at 8:05 an ’ Arrive Rome “ “ 7'” 11: d'lsired informs Eor maps, foldersand any d on, call on oi write. J. A. Hume, Ticket A W.’F.AYERT. M