The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, February 01, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year 7., Bovfl lH the highest grad, powder „ * < tual »<••»'* Sho ’* “ 0» MO "“- U,,rd further than any other bread. O lOV4J [gy &AkiHo POWDER Absolutely Pure OUT OF COORffl , GOES IHE GEORGE HALLET ARSON CASE THE BULGES JURY IS llt'NG A Ycung Bicycle Th'l.F Convictjd. Today Ims been another busy diy 111 the Stipirijr court. At an early hour this forenoon t-ha Jury brought in a verdict cf guiby in de cate of the State V 8 Fquiru M’. 1 riueiher charged with au assault ai d attempt to murder. Squ’re is a young mulatto. Hi had attempted to kill Mr. ■McAlien B. Marsh firwhom he Bras ci ashman. .Judge Henry sent Hum up for fivj years . J I lom Burns, a 16 year old white ■toy from Chattanooga county, convicted of stealing a bi ■yc » from the Roy West Cycle ■O. He was (!••’<■ i,y Mr. C. E . i, r. 1 jury recommended in to m rcy ami his Honor, after a most fatherly ture, sentenced him to nine in the u ty chain gang'w old, a “chunky’’ w;i- tri. (11 1 larceny. It “li' U'd U.nt I. mis ’sisted Rev. V. a kin- in In- suices-ful es- -Mia “.sandy color- 8'•». ui .'Hi tlnre years old”. ms wa- J..;,.; |, v Mr. Bob Mi-, \v. J. Nunnally, J■> < i'?k this afternoon the m? 1 : n uiu 1,. up a verdict. 1 - ' I. the ' I-urge Hallet ' L i'iak"i. up, and after .’I nk l-.ui.aiiks hid read a V'-rs- - ; !IW , Sol’citor Mose li. ■ court to nolle tin- indictment. The de- ■ m d liiat the nature of :lb sullijiently set m h - <H. j ( | u t ]j e would ; W: ‘iT.rt c>u d be swofn * I 1 -*' l / 'li' 1 Bring.-a case is, *' u -" std 1 in it? ■ one of the ‘ " state spent the - v „ w . 11 Mu i . i , jW* 3 '' •. I J^‘ o Wo j: ’ prescribe only $ Ui a , b tters for a weak, $ n»-J ■ Ousted r V <J ; horou ? hI y cx * 1 .^ at tne V cannot be B«£ r ? T”’ activit r- The ;l eJs lTOdl a Wood- I tnuision ! Oil Is all of this, j have a tonic in 'j^Bh^P 0 - ! '"^'hi t cs of lime 4 ■ wiih the food * THE HUST LER OF ROME. Smoke Xtra Good And Rebel Yell ( SISTERS HONOR to be Sacrificed to save A BROTHER MURDERER GAFFORD Has Been Set For Trial For Next Friday. Greenvi le. Al i., Fab. 1. —The eye? of Alabama will be turned on the proceeding! of the circuit court of Butler county this week, at which John Gafford will either conv nee a jury of his peers that he was justifi d in the killing of the Hon. Francis Bartow Lloyd or be adjudged guilty of one o! the feu'est murders which has ever disgraced Alabama. On the side of the law th' re is a deeper seu'itnent than the mere prosecuti >1 of a criminal Bart Lloyd, fam; ILrly known as “Ru fus Sander.-.” was beloved by a wide and influential acquaintance. On the side of h s slayer, there is a dark gulf <_ f a missp°nt life of violen -e to be crossed, before the def use can hope to turn the pop ular t de of resentment which the death of his victim caused to flood. The death of L’ord was accom plished about G o’clock on the evenir gos August 25, 1897, ir a luiely oak grove three miles from Greenville. L oyd had left the town in a buggy t > return to his home, w ich whs five miles out. Though some point of honor, which :s known only to Gaffo d the latter had warned Lloyd to he armed when he sh< u'd meet him What pass'd between the men i is known only to Gifford. He 1 claims than on ma ting Lloyd he i demanded an explanation of Lloyd’s conduct toward his (Gat- < (ord’s sister, and that the deceased at once drew his pistol. Gafford according to his own statement there being not a sin gle eye-wi’ness to the killing, then shot Lloyd with both barre's, of a shotgun. Frank D iniel and Eirle Lewis, two young men who were r ding out on the same road from Greenville were the first to reach the spot. Gafford stepped in front of them and said: “1 have just shot Bart Lloyd, shot him with bo h barrels. You had bet'er see after his con dition at once. ” Proceeding to the place indicat t d by Gafford , the two young men found Lh-yd dead, covered with blood and laterally r dd ed about the head and upper portion of the body with shot. Horrorstrickt n they made their way back to 'own and on their re port a posse was formed with dogs to hunt down the slayer of the man who, it is no exaggeration to say, had been the idol of the con str nency he represented in the Al abama legislature. Gafford rr ■ rnaiti’d in hiding that night bt ( gave himself up to Sheriff Sha*" ; the following day and was im/e --j dia-tely tak-n to M outgo *>7 ' com ty jail, as popular f-Hng > was too high to insure him ilegal ■ trial in Butler county. ' The funeral of tbe nffdered ' legislator slid writer was fitting • and deeply sympathetic t-bnte to \ one who was an | leader ,as the represr i* ,lve of a $ people or as their J teacher.i ’ His terrible ending few forth a ! spontaneous expresd n (,f R rief ! from shree states, w* ch waß ecll ‘ 3 oed and re-echoed’ a - ter the U last of his pestum* writings had been made public/ ;; John A. Gaffoj was arranged U for the murder ißart Lloyd be -I.l.u>P Buller _ ~ ROME GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEB GARY 1 1898. THAT TEMPLE WHICH SOLOMON BUILT IN OLD JERUSALEM IS TO BE REPRODUCED Elect r.c Display Under The Supervision Os Edison Buffalo N. Y.Feb 1 —An exact repoduction of Solomon’s Temp'e —that is what the Bison City will soon boast of. A plan is nowon foot which will bring to Bull do and Cayuga Island 800 000 Al i ons for a brilliant end of the century demons(ration of the string i of the >rJer in the new world I; is suggested that one of tue buildings for the Pan- Amer can Exposition shall be t: reproai ct cn of Solomon’s Temple The si e selectjf ii oj the shore of the is'and. The preliminary drawings of the palace provide for treasure-rooms, in which it is proposed to show the priceless lelicts and rare jewels which Lave been accumulat ed by the order during the cen turies of its existence. ' his section is to be an innermost sb ring, to which only Masons shall be ad mitted . Masons all over the country have written encouragingly of the pro ject and indorsement have been received from every State in the Union. HEARING WAS A.FFE JTE D “I was troubled with catarrh for five years and my hearing was af fected so that T ■— in one ear The first bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla did me good and I continued taking it until I was well . I have no symptoms cf catarrh and my hearing is all right.” E. A. Willoughby, (Mari etta, Ga. Hoods Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Gentle, reliable, sure. Terry Richardson will defend Gaf iford. Gafford pleaded not guilty and exhibited a jovial exterior dur ng the short time he was in ciurt. It is said by the defense that hs sister, Mrs. Miller, has prom isid to sacrifice her honor to save hit life and will ertme into court. Boh sides have subpoenaed her. Cafford’s friends claim that then is n organiz id force of 100 menin Butler county ready to kill him if the verdict is not to ther satisfaction. The accused mrfi was brought from prison and ralirnod there yesterday under a prong guard. JJtfjlPffiGs OTCB ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, jLiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbe only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manyexce u “1 • ualities commend it to all sd- Amadeitthe most SENSIWL AN AGED KENTUCKEY COU PLE MURDERED. GRAVE ROBBERS IN JAIL Bloodii• unds After Nki ro As sailant Os Mns Rcbfrts. Grayson, Kv., Feb. 1— “Vir g’nia L’ih” Fri ey, ard old citizen of Elliott county, aged eighty years, and his wife, about seventy years of age were murdered last night at their home in Elliott county, Kentuckey. and robbed of from SBOO to $1,200. There is no e’ew to the mur derers. A maul was the instru ment used. No one was at home except the o’d ccup e. The crime is shrouded in a mystery. Intense excitement prevail# in the neighborhood. If the perpe trators are discovered a lynching will folic w'. GRAVE ROBBER IN JAIL. Tennessee Physician Unable To Give A $3,000 Bjnd. Nashvile, Teon., F b. I.—Dr. C. B. Heimark who is chargod with complicity in the robbeiy of three graves at Eagleville, was before Judge J. M .Anderson to day ou a writ of habeas corpus It developed that while thiee wa>rents have been issued for Dr Heimark they had not been ser ved and he was voluntarily remain ing in a local detective’s custody r ...eur Dtrng taken back to Rutherford county, where he fears he will be lynchedd. Judge Anders m said if Heimark had not been arrested he should be and he therefore ordered him sent to jail in default of $3,000 bond. The sheriff of Rutherford county arrived tonigh*, but has not yet secured Heimark, as Judge Anderson will not let him go if there is any risk of his being lynched. BLOODHOUNDS AFTER HIM. Assailant Os Miss Roberts May Be Lpnched If Caught. Center, Ala., Feb I—At Blance Ala. near here John Kellog a cop per colored negro attacked Miss Pearl Roberts, of that place. Miss Roberts was on her way to school this morning and the negro stopj < d right m front of her and with a drawn pistol a tt< mpt< dto assail t her. Her screams brought assistance before his designs were accomplished The young lady is badly scratchi <1 The negro escaped bloodhounds have been sent for and every sttort is being made to catch the fiend. The citizens have formed searching purties and the county is Lving thoroughly scouted, When fonud he will prob illy ornament a tree, THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Raised for Cuban Cause in the (ity >f Paris. New York. Fob. I.—Dr, Sanches Agramonte, Surgeon General in the Cuban Patriot Army, arrived from Europe on the Br tannic on Saturday, bringing $40,000, raised in Paris for the patriotic cause. Dr. Agramonte said yesterday that popular sentiment, is strongly in favor of the success of the patri ots. “A part of my mission abroad,” he 3«id, was to place before the Red Crossits ofjhe different Nation F J.KANE 4 I _mwT-_- TT I -A 1 « i THOUSAP * OF \ D N j To® Kk '3 k pl g |i| 'K e S y 11 ■ ■ 1 >1 We anticipated the and .Tiore, we mad? < tions against six c ?nt while our buyer was | bought our entire no- Winter stock on thia \ xu * h took work, it took m time and it took a ms how. That we have succeeded in preparjg the exigencies of the the conditions that no people, we most cordi you to call aa J sja f|j Weknow that we can’, rily convince you. “ We flatter ourselved J have already built an ble reputation for han the very best grades | We are here to grow q city and we propose tc , erysale add to the rep boast - ; As to the more cha fashionable patterns. ' stylish goods, wa pride th it w ehavethe.nost selected stock ever b gjj this market, Gooas, t feast to the artisticeye tuat wear like iron aid py frevar ■ p MJ V . 'cua. *X2I