Newspaper Page Text
Yol. 1
Elks 10 Meet Here Next Week
3 ; , ®
Mammoth Street Parade, R. F. Downing,
i @ X ° . [
Principal Speaker, Oratorical Contest
, S ; i :
And Banquet Are Main Features
.~ Weldon Lodge of Elks and. Elite Temple will be the hosts for
the George State Elks Convention beginning Sunday, April 28th
with a momath street parade at 3:30 ‘P. M. Line of march as
follows: starting at West Broad and St. Julian moving south on
West Broad to Park Avenue, east to East Broad, North on East
Broad to Oglethorpe, west to Houston thence to the Second Baptist
Church where the address will be delivered by Hon. R. F. Downing,
Marshall of the City of Savannah
* Delegates from the Lodges and
?@mples throughout the state will
j‘attefid rthis cpnvengion. There will
be sgmfirand Lodge Officers
at the Ceonvertion also.
- The State Annual ‘Elks Oratori
cal Contest will take place at Tab
ernacle Baptist Church. The par
ticipants are coming from the At
lanta, Macon, Augusta, Brunswick,
tiiC}jglfiumbus, Dublin, Metter, Way
';:fi‘ros,s, Jesup, Darien, Statesboro,
éfi%jc,eboro and Vidalia to compete
“for the State honors and a shot
‘at the One Thousand ($1,000.00)
~dollars scholarship. -~ After the
Oratorical Contest -there will be a
‘banquet- at the Elks Home for all
the delegates and their guests.
Exalted Ruler Edwin Burke of
Weldon Lodge and Dt. Ruler Lot
tie Floyd on Elite Temple state
‘that a most cordial welcome
awaits the delegates at this con
yention. :
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: B S s A S R B S L g
. .
, Tour gistering daily.
. 3 i ‘ Court House where hundreds of Negroes are regis g 3
A scene in the Chatham County Court House »
Negroes Register
To Vote .
Washington, D. C.—(NNPA).—
Mrs. Daisy Lampkin, field secre
tary of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, told a luncheon meeting of
the Capital Press Club that col
ored people in the south are reg
istering to vote in ever increasing
numbers and southern members of
Congress are gravely concerned.
Recently returned from a field
trip to Texas, Mrs. Lampkin
said so many colored people have
paid their poll taxes in that state
that Senator Tom Connally is
afraid to speak out in the Senate
against colored people.
In one Texas city, she revealed,
colored people formed a line two
blocks long to pay their poll tax
of $1.75.
Commenting on the recent race
riot in Columbia, Tennessee, she
said the NAACP had anticipated
such an outbreak and was ready
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EDWIN H. BURKE, Exalted Ruler
its resources into the fight.
The implications of the incident,
she said, were more serious than
the riot itself.
Mrs. Greene
Announces Essay
Contest Winners
The Tuberculosis Essay Cona
test ended April 15, 1946 and the
winners were as follows: _
: College Group i
First prize: Margaret Whitfield,
Georgia State College, “Tuberco
losis as a Social Program”; seec-
ond prize—Louis Rivers, Georgia
State College; third prize: Elien
Heidth, Georgia State College.
Honorable mention, Evelyn Wil
liams, Georgia State College. Miss
J. L. Lester was sponsor for this
group. ' .
Senior High School
First prize:. Janette Wilson,
12A-1, Beach High School, “How
My School Can Help in the Fight
A gainst Tuberculosis”; second
prize: Dorothy Meclver, 10A-1,
Beach High School, “The Part of
the Christmas Seals in the Fight
Against Tuberculosis”; third
prize: Zelma Mines, 12A-1, Beach
High School. Miss Dorothy Uty
was sponsor for this group.
Junior High School
First prize: Ruthie Mae Riece,
Haven Home School, “How My
School Can Help in the Fight
Against Tuberculosis,” Mrs, T. K.
Cogswell sponsor; second prize:
Marie Roberson, Woodville Junior
High, Miss Thelma Lee Stevens
sponsor and John -Washington,
Haven Home School, Mrs. T. K.
Cogswell sponsor; third prize:
Elsie Green, Woodsville Junior
High, Mrs. Thelma Lee Stevens,
Sponsor. Honorable mention:
Louise Muse, Woodsville Junior
High. ;
The judges for this contest
were: Mr, E. C. Blackshear, chair
man, Mrs. R. M. Gilbert, Mrs.
Martin Graham and Rev. L. L.
Scott. The winning essays will
be sent to the state contest.
Veterans Afforded
Chance To Renew
Service Insurance
William G. Cann, manager of
the Savannah sub-regional office
of the Veterans Administration
has been informed by the man
ager of the regional office in A%
lanta that the regulations regarc
ing the reinstatement of National
Service Life Insurance carried by
veterans of World War II which
has lapsed have been greatly
broadened. 2 3
Mr. Cann states that veterany
of World War Il may now have
lapsed National Service Life In
surance reinstated regardless of
how long it has been in arrears.
Under the new regulations, vet
erans who have allowed their
term insurance to lapse and desirz
to reinstate their policies, may do
g0 by paying two monthly prem
iums and signing a statement that
their health is as good as it was
when the policies lapsed. '
Likewise, veterans with lapsed
converted National Service Life
Insurance policies may get them
reinstated through the payment of
(Continued on Page T)
No. 1