Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, January 14, 1909, Image 8
The Old Reliable _ J. J.FRAZIER & SON; - - 86 PHON EB6 o to any parts ot-tfii. Square‘Dealing and Goods of Quality 4 Il ot our goods are fresh, amt ence, tradtj‘lwtthlusilwo are élwa{s to (fieg,jyou. ‘ Are stillinthe Leadon Eatables. Where Qualify Counts . where Q&ali ty c&dn oA . %’W j s WEMandle thing s . FIRST Class Stor Harrison Bottling Works, ' Hazlehurstt, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE - of many different favors. Ginger Ale a Speeialty ALL ORDERS RECEIVE .;_ "'PROMPT: ATTE;N TION. Wé deliver Soda« Water or Ginger Ale at your home or place of business, in the city of ‘Hazlehurst at 30cts, pet dozen, By the people of this town buy ing from us they save freight and drayage. And again, it is 4 home enterprise, and ye éarnestly solicit your patronage. i e | . : You will find our Soda-Watér and Ginger Ale delicious. Let tis bring you a crate: - Henry Harrison, pREY = MANAGER Southern Agriculturist ' NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE! For 40 Years the Most Instructiye And Entertaining Paper for - SOUTHERN FARM FAMILIES, LG U R R L T JOHN H.HUNTER, , Wu.K.PEARCE, FRANKIC.BATTEY Hupter, Pearee 8 Battey, Cotfon Fapfors - * Naval Stores Factors Experienced handlersof Upland Cotton Florodora, Allen Silk and other Extra _Staples, Sea Island, Cotton. and Navar Stores, R F B _ ‘o - Over 80 Years In ~ + «—BUSINESS— oo One ofithellargest factorage cc>licems in the S(i:hth.‘-"' Each com* m odity hafdled in‘a separate department. B Strictest attention to Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers. Upland and Sea'lsland Bagging, Ties and Twine. Liberal advances made on consignménts. ; : Money loaned to cotten and mi;ya] storés shippersf onapprove security. . SHIPMENTS RESPECITFULLY SOLICITY. 7 *~ 126 East Bay: Street s, " Savannah, Ga. The CityFharmacy ——'Telepinonhe 75— Propritory.Medicines and Puré Drugs from standa =~ Pl e . and reépiitable houses. . A : & E S e i — & vi iy l 4 A complete stock of all Drug : Storé Suhdries, : 2k R *'rREA B(D’.l.‘? LE OF o 6:6 ID NUWN CIDCH IR “OUR OWN SHRSAPHRILLA, , 4y . PRICESO CENrTS AND ONE:DOLLAR, . b A 8T gy THE WORLDS GREATEST $ LIGHT RUN s o ‘;{;’} p ok !J? 3 # N A o ‘,q\t é?‘b/"v'-‘f;“(’ :/ g l‘ _, i ) ‘ |- ‘ | il r ) 2N YR 44';,‘,;' \ 4/ T / ‘/Jlj,lfu&, ‘\:‘%4 g \ 'p"’j i .:_t < 3 '-l‘ l -‘-\- ’:—- iy 3 P L 4 flaguwantelthera\flbmtl uttleorsa Slnit(e Threa ! Sewing Machine -.'fll! NEW ll(g‘! SEWING M 5 ranges Many sewing machines are mac quality, but the New HLom l L bg“ nu?ufive v Sol rized : 1 ufl%‘ sALE J. J. FRAZ] . ,D"e"nlér REAL. ES 1 hive some barg ing houses, also in Part cash, balal atidd. | Hazlejh St; ¢ ¢ V 24 .' .__-=fi='l keep npto da and who don’t to dei/h wh”’ So-its ¢l good stor and good