Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, January 21, 1909, Image 3
e eeteete Aet e e e i Thisis just as true in regard to sew fng Mlohjlnoa as anything else. . R\ ' ) "‘J b ! 'A'A"‘ ‘ [~ St ‘_ — 1 e N EIpG ‘ By using Long Shuttlo Machines, no matter how well made, you are acte ually throwing away 3 hours out of every seven, THE STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Will make 350 stitches in the same time Long Shuttle Machines make only 200. The Standard Rotary Prin ciple is most scientifically ocorrect, which fact has been provenby 25 years of successful uie in all parts of the world and by our competitors continu ously trying to copy it without success. THE STANDARD GRAND ROTARY THE wORLD’S BEST SEWING MA CHINE is ¢wo machines in one--- Lock and Chain Stitch--Ball Bearing stand---Straight Automatic Lift. Do not fail to investigate the mcr ts of the fastest, most silent, easiesy running and the most durable sewing machine made, THE STANDARD ROTARY. ‘‘A demonstration is a revelatioun.” Write for prices and Easy Payment Plan. Guaranteed sewing machines $12.00 ug. The Standard Sewing Machine Co., 58 S. Broad St., Atlan ta, Ga. SPORTING BREVITIES. T.exington. Ky.. will be the soring headgnarters of John Gtanzel’s Roch aster Club. Germanyv Schaefer has been ap pointed captain of the Detroits for the coming season. Thomas H. Williams. the big man in California turf affairs. savs the pronosed anti-betting erusade in that State will not he successful. Out of more than 7000 races run on American tracks during 1908 only thirty-seven winners were quoted at odds of forty to one or hetter. Hneh Jennings is reproved for hisg coaching method beranvse “it tends toward rowdyism and is not hecom ine to a major league manager.” Shrubb for ten miles at least is vn doubtedlv the fastest man in the world. He nossesses remarkable en durance and phenomenal sprinting ability. In the long history of the Epsom Derby. a race that was jinaugurated over 200 vears ago. only three fillies have ever won that turf ‘classic” and the Qaks. | The experts sav that hoth Dorando and Haves have heen overrated, and that neither of them would stand a ghost of a chance in a Marathon race with Shrubb. (Charles Taylor, known throughout the United States as the oldest driver apd trainer of trottinz horses in the world. is dead at White River Junc tion. Vt., aged 107, Frank Gotch. America’s champion wrestler. has practically given np the jdea of meeting Hackenschmidt in a mateh in England and bes decided to make a tour of France, Germany and Sweden. Harry Bethune, the noted profes sjoral sprinter of twenty years ago. . died at Cleveland after an illness of Jess than a week., Although Rethune made large sums of money in his rac ing here and abroad he died a pauper. NEWSY GLICANINGS. Judson Harmnn, of Cinein=ai’ was inangurated as Governor of Ohio. In the State of Minnegonia it s es timated there are 4620 automcbiles. The New York City tax list showed a smaller increas= in assessments than last vear, and the rate was esti ‘mated at 1.75. An extraordinary session of the Jtalian Senate was held to cousider the relief measiures recominended by the Goverzment. . Twrkey iz not satisfied with Aus tria‘s offer of £2,500,000 Turkish as indemnityv for the annexation of Bos nia and Herzegovina, A decrease “of seventy pupils in Harvard University is stown in the official enrollment. The total regis tration this term is 6107, The Public Service Commissioners of New York told the Meiropolitan Sireet Railway receivers that they must obey their orders or quit. ~ Jose de J. Paul, the specizl Vene zuelan envoy, arrived in Paris, whers he said that the Gomez government would settle pending questions with America, Sit¢ million dollars of imports from Panama and $60,000,000 of exports to Panama represent the trade of that republic with the United States dur ~ jng the past five years. Secretary Rooi and Ambassador Bryce signed a treaty at Washington, D. (~ providing for seitlement ot questions in dispute between the Uni ted States and Canada. : Immediately afier the opening of ‘the Delaware Legislature a, bill was presented making the wearing of the emblem of the B. P. O. Elks by non ‘members jllegal. The bill is designed ‘lO prevent negiroes from wearing the LATE NEWS NOTES, General, The exact value of the estate of the late Marshall Fleld was placed at $63,459,032 when the appraisers’ ro port was filed in the county court at Chicago, A score of appraisers bave been working on the report since Mr, Field's death, Professor Alfred Batelll, represent. ing Italy; Adeolph Schueider, repre gonting Germany, and Albert Wilckea of Amecrica, three of the four men who have undeortaken to walk around the world in five years, have reached Chicago., The fourth man, Silvio Or tenas, of Paris, is traveling by the southern route, and will jouin the par ty in San Francisco, The object of the pedestrian tour is to study polit ical, soclal and industrial conditions of the world. The men ieft Now York city October 17th. ‘They are to travel on foot at least 20,200 miles, Impriscned in a forty-foot well for five hours, finally rescucd through the barking of her pet dog, was the experience of Mary - Smilh of Pitts burg, Pa. The giil arose to get the breakfast and going out into the yard she stepped on the rotten covering of the old well, This was at 6 o'clock and at 11 the dog discovering its mis tress at the bottom of the well, set up a furious barking. Investigation revealed Miss Smith’s plight and she was rescued. The inauguration as governor of North Carolina of W. W. Kitchin of Roxboro for twelve years a democrat ic member of congress from North Carolina, took placé at Raleigh in the presence of thousands, the city being crowded with visitors, A parade was the feature of the day, sixteen mili tary companies being in line with many civic organizations, The en tire student body of Wake Forest col lege, of which Governor Kitchin is a graduate, was present. The chamber of commerce of Pen sacola, Florida, has framed a resolu tion protesting against the passage in congress of the Taliaferro bill requir ing a government inspection of naval stores: shipped as intersiate or ex port traffic. No more are the small boys of Chi cago, 111, to be supplied with air guns, tocy pistols and other wedpons with which to kill pigeons, shoo. cats and jeopardize the lives of their play mates. To complete the extinction of any martial spirit that may have been implanted in them they are to be de prived of soldiers’ uniforms. The wom en’s clnbh of Chicago has decided the slaughter of birds is in violation of the conservation of natural resources and the boys are to be dispossessed of everything that tends to breed in them the desire to kill. Prompted by inquiries which eman ated from the war department at Washington, a search made for the graves of those Americans who fell at the battle of New Orleans, has re vealed comparatively few. The rec ords of the war department show that in the fights of December 23 and 28, 1814, and January 1, and 8, 1816, fifty five men were killed, one hundred and eigthy-five wounded and ninety-three missing, of the American forces. It was believed that in the national cem etery in Chalmette there were many graves of unknown victims, but a diligent search has failed to discover any. Twelve of these soldiers are buried on a plantation below New Or leans and six others lie in St. Louis cemeteries. Where the other victims of the famous battle were buried it seems impossible to establish. Washington. Seventeen nations already have ac cepted the invitation extended by the Netherlands to attend the internation a] conference with the object of for mulating general laws on the subject of bills of exchange, their validity, en forcement, etc. The powers that thus far have signified their intention of being represented are the United States, Mexico, Germany, France, It aly, China, Panama, Costa Rica, Peru, the dominican republic, Spain, Belgi um, Switzerland, Norway, Bulgaria, Montenegro &.fld Siam, while accept ances from the others are practically assured. The senate committee on judiciary has decided to report favorably to the committee on appropriations the amendment increasing the salaries of -al] federal judges, from the chief jus tice to associate justices of the su preme court to the district judges. Under the proposed legislation, the chief justice ‘will receive $17,500; as sociate justice, $17,000; circuit judges, $10,000; and district judges, $7,500. Surgeon General of the Army Rob ert M. O’Reilly has been retired by age limitation. He served as a surg eon in the eivil war and was the per sonal physician of President Cleve land in Washington, He will be suc ceeded by Lieutenant Colonel George H. Torney, whose nomination to be surgeon general has been confirmed by the senate. The president’s reply to the charges filed recently against George F. White United States marshal for the south ern district of Georgia, was announc ed in the shape of a re-appointment of Marshal White for another term in office. Friends of the marshal here are wiring him congratulations on the triumphant issue of the affair. They regard it as the most complete and effective exoneration that the presi dent could tender him, 1f congress accepts Secretary New perry’s plans for the new navy, this country will have the four largest bac {leships afloat. Each of them will be four thousand tons larger than the biggestf ship ever authorized for the American navy. They would cost from ' eight to ren millions each. b y x SRR e Shede 515 R 3 B BANK OF HAZLEHURST, HAZLEHURST, GA. INSURES DEPOSITS. Nt -~ - . o .y ] s~ i 4 ' o ‘:s' ¢ i A - el i 15 1 \ b by g ] " | .'G . [ \ v ,'v‘ e ;;t i y NBS ) ¢ - . - 1 Y it } - \ ) : v 'y . ~ “ v N RPN AL N " ; : S ) i TTN o e : ; e RN ) R Aoo o S : RN T—— : = . 4 ""a"{ e - b A ”-"‘ L I R ’ ; rel Fl‘ LT ¥ e T el AR A TV B N B T iy R SMR e So i e k L T bot gt o w MOSRAOE AN 4 P v ’ s )IOAT ABt o e o Te ST 2 ¥ey IR I o ‘ S i . Spars A TR R¢ T AN (U, Y eIR SRR A il % et M T o 3 " . bFL * Wi 8 ot Les Y e A G ¢ e ] : n, , x iy -2% 3 b i B ) It SeLR 22. oE i et R N SRR G T L ‘«!"‘3\, R R of! IR l : 4 L :: 3 28 » 5 o Y & GT o SPN o 3y ; i COREE WAt d . ML o N v > Wet s ' T N PN, PR AR e ! or e R SRR I\_.,’_\‘“, A TR g oM T R N " e R, = R, AR A i iy o v Sttt 04 A R, b o A KOs Re iy o N . o it Lo el et | | ENRREE < MR W 3 LRy | ™ '*fl\ O N ! <L v I o K 4 4 B e RNy Poti SO R &*: R IR RS R e o e o N " o R PSR R, % Y ol Y (AR S ) ' B SR o* \ o 1 By b o WL ?,' 1 3 ) ‘ AN Byidy e ¢ ¥o 1T ot or -A PR R : & CORERE 0 RS KO- N i 9 Ur,‘ BAER. | STN “ 1 ieX L% " % . YN eWy "g& ¢ ) Ty .} Al TN, s l - ! o > h Ras iR 3 s [ FRAOT R . b A o s i s .KA ESURE SRR ? Lwpit 4 bR ;g - i Y i | £ \ L CSpda UATY B 3 kil e- i L B $ % - B o , SR * g 8 ] . ] !Itrlw‘“ s 2 | cndtill e ) W RN AR MR B B EgS ALY § 3 o't ] Ly s ' . 3 i TR A S % o 8 d‘v'-' e |44 > J :‘ 3 { . S 0 N ‘&, k. : '8 DU | oW, (b I e R , g s - B & on e e I R 3 o T ‘ho-._ i LL S et - 5 3 Wi $ SRRy i o BN PG A A ’-{ § 4S S . e - ¥ { Y Y ?.y -: SINE O REREIRI NRS Sele S - '!‘ AR L ....m é{"\"l’ &- 3 304SSeL.5@-”R R 248 . 3 s B " , R Nl SN Pko Al PR . oiovil i o e Al IR g R o ‘n":" A ERNS ‘.‘\-‘ oo 88 o pi, o ee T LRI N e R P P ' PO 1 £ - 3 o . e, 3 ; R R F R ek , el AN 4 3 o F, TR s ok R % » L 1 ) 2 _;‘:," Sty ) .;5.‘.‘ 3 ke PR % & TR & bR L » ¥ . R ’ ) R L oy e KR ¥ 3 o bt & : 3 3 Y " Y s A & i N ! oA W .." Rt 3 P % PR 2 X 3 A L N e R L B W TN g | LY S ) 4 4 ;Sl 3" Paa Ry i Sl UKYR G S MR, );'\T\Q‘&% b ¢ ‘yl{ff ST 0 % ;"‘ * SRR v,’f( L s ‘ " 0 : SR RATRNEI R WD Gy DR R TR Rl S R T ' " % $ J H £ DR et Nt MRGO BS MR '-9;;?3& R m ¢AR o dRe ik { s R N ; 4 3 -" A & ) < 4 S«" - ’:‘Q o~ 4;1 \&\ X 2 o ;‘K w'iC i% e R2} S 0 'v\h A LNS - v ¥ «™ R _— Interest Paid On Time Deposits. | AN A NEW BANK Professional Cards. B LT TP PT o King & Sellers, LAWYERS Will practice in all the courts. Office at the Court House. HAZLEHURST, GA. —__-—-4———————_‘-...___._._.——— J. M. HALL, W. M. GIRTMAN Resid’c’e Phone 49. Resid’c’e Phone 8¢ HALL & GIRTMAN, Physicians and Surgeons HAZLEHURST, GEORGIA, DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL DREN A SPECIALTY. PGB .v IAR T R R Doctor of Dental Surgery. HAZLEHURST, GA. Chapman-Patrick Bullding. DR. J. M. CHRISTIAN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Hazlehurst, - Qeorgia. Office over Citizens’ Bank. Office ’'phone, No. 54; residence 'rhone, No. 9. Calls promptly answered day or ‘night. JULIAN H. PARKER. Lawyer HAZLEHURST, GEORGIA. R. M. MONTGOMERY. Physician and Surgeon. | ‘i HAZLEHURST, GA. ~ Office with Peoples Drug Store ! . ‘ Residence Phone No. 14. oas S eS, A T A Mixture of Extremities. | Little Roy was to be sent to his “erandmother’'s on an errand, and was looking around for his hat, but failed to find it readily. As grandmother ilived just in the next yard, Roy’s 'mother said: “Oh, never mind your hat.” l Whereupon Roy said: “Why, shall T ‘go to grandma’s with my head bare ‘ footed ?”"—The Delineator. f Rivals. Eleanor, aged four, was given pen \ nies for Sunday school, Upon her re «turn from Sunday school mamma dis covered she still had her pennies, “Why did you not give your pen nies to the teacher?” she asked. «Teacher said the money was for Jesus, and I thought I'd keep mine forpggum.”—The Delineator. Obliging. The mother of Anna, aged three, hearing but not seeing her, called: “Anna, what are you decing?” Anna came running into view and respond ed sweetly: “Not anysing (thing). Do you want me to Kit (quit) it?”—The Delineator. ¢ When monev gets light it is time for men *» sober up. : NEW LIMITED TRAIN VIA : .y A HRAE Southern Rflfi? N WY BETWEEN ATLANTA, LOUVISVILLE AND GINGINNATI BEST SERVICE AND FASTEST TIME Leave Atlanta - - 5:10 ¢. M. Arrive Chattanooga . - 9:40 P. M. Arrive Cincinnati - - - 8:00 A. M. Arrive Louisville . - - 9:30 A. M. Solid Train Independent of all other Trains Equipment the Best on the Continent Eirst-Class Day Coaches Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars Southern R. R. Dining Car Service o This Train will be inaugurated Sunday, October 18. J. L. MEEK, G. R. PETTIT, A G P. A, T. P. A, Atlanta, Ga. Macgg._(}_a: OR. KING CURES GHROMIC DISEASE % 4 o Wae treat this disease by painl nods, and 7 ess matnods, &0 o vafloocal. with no det¢ntion from business. The stag -7 74 paut blood 18 driven from dilated veins with the assistance of ) F 7 our [mproved Varlcocele Truss and Electro-Chemic process, the it g parts being restored to their natural condition and circulation e(2 re—establlshed.w i e . ¥ e cure stricture without severe operative - - s'r'ch". procedures. Our treatments act directly on tho | 3 . o parts affected, completely dislodging the stricture by our gal- | ’ Q N vanic eleccric medical treatment; 1t {s painless and in no wise AR {nterferes with your business duytles. gy o i ou may bo lacking fn the \ lOSS °f .anly Vlgor rower of vitality. Ifso, byour povy methods we will rgatorc that vtlglor and strengm‘to l’uut tt!)m: | should be yours ur treatment is nota mere stimulan ut OUR BEST REFERENCE IS. gives satlsfncto;'y and permanent rosuitzs.' bt ite. pibEAEE | may be in its prima UHTH-CURED hereditary or contracted in early days. We cure its com= plications. We stop its progress, eradicate every vestige of WR&ITE--cs:‘ses ngc too %cr)mpll- poison from the system, and by ttt?e usew%: harmless remedies. cated treated at home. you which leave noafter effect uponthe syß . cannot call, write for information KIDNEY, BLADDER AND URINARY pISEASEB regarding Home Treatment. successfully treated and permanently cured. PILES and Advico FREE. RUPTURE cured by painless and bloodless methods. - CHRONIC DISORDERS OF WOMEN, | CATARRHAL CONDITIONS GURED, . We s-ccessfully treat allnervous and chroulo Catarrh of the Nose, Throat and Lungs suc diseases of women, and diseases peculiar to their cessfully treated by my new inhalation method. sex, such as Falling of the Womb, Displacement,(lt removes all irritation, pain in forchead, ‘‘drop- Unnatural Discharges, Nervous Decline, Dizziness,|ping,” hawking and spitting and prevents lung Painin the beck. Women who wish to avoid oper- complications, chronic bronchial and pulmonary ative proceduresshould investigage our methods|diseases Virite regarding our Lome treatment for of treatment. Catarrh. Consultation and Examination FREE, DR. N. K. KlNG,Chiet Consulting Physician. Mo, 7 Karietta, Cor. Marietta and Peachtros Sts. DR. KING MEDICAL CO, ATLANTA, CA. ‘ CHAS. H. PARKER, J. P. HIGHSMITH. PARKER & HIGHSMITH, Attorneys At Law, BAXLEY, GEORGIA Chas. H. Parker and J. P. Mighsmith, lately of Eastman, announce the formation of a co partnership for the practice of law at Baxley, Ga., under the firm name of Parker & High smith, succeeding the firm of Parker & Moore. CHAS. H. PARKER, J. P. HIGHSMITH. QUINCEY & CHASTAIN, Attorneys and Counselors At Law, HAZLEHURST, GEORGIA. AT 7 1-2 PER CENT I secure loans on your farm lands for any amount at 7% per cent interest. Call and see me before you poriow money. All loans made promptly. R. T. WILLIAMS. 9.-6-06. e i WA NTE D INFORMATION REGARDING Farm or Business or sale. Not particular about locaticn, L descrptien w 4 duts e sy L. DARBYSHIRE, Box 9999 Rochest